The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 31, 1889, Image 6
!l The Sioux County Journal. Published every Thursday. Subscription Price, $2.00 I I filiriir. Editor Entered at the H&rruou poat office as ec Ma vIwm matter. THfBSDAT, OcTOBBE 31, 1883. RE?l ULICA-N STATE TICKET. For Jlutioe of the Supreme Court, T. L. NOBVAL. For Regents of the I'niversity, CHAKLES H. MOKKILL. J. L. U. KMOHT. Benablkui LefUlative Ticket. Far SUte Seuuton, 14 DUtric, to ail vacancy. ALFRED BARTOW. Far Representative, 58rd district, to All va canty, W. G. SIMONSON. Republican People' County Ticket. For County Treasurer, MARTIN OAYHABT, For County Sheriff, THOMAS UE1DV. Far County Judge, SLE1GHTHOLME BARKER. For County Clerk, CONKAD UNDEMAN. For County Superintendent of Public Int., ALANSOS SOUTUWOKTH. For County Surveyor, ALBERT R. DEW. For County Coroner, GEOKGE J. SHAFEB. For County Commissioner, 2nd District. CHARLES GROVE. For County Cmniiaaio:ier, 3rd District, JOHN A. GREEN. Have you heard from the senatorial and representative conventions? If you are tiled of bossism in county matters, vote the republican people's ticket. Vote for Alfred Bartow for state sena tor. He is the right kind of a man for the place. Vote for W. G. Sirnonson for represen tative. He is worthy of your support and will look to your interests. Hie result of the republican senatorial and representative conventions last Sat urday indicates that the jarty does not want any mixtures in their organization. Vote for 8. Barker for county judge if you want fa judicial administratian where justice is correctly meted out to all parties who may come before him. Vote for Charles Grove for commiss ioner from the second district and no bills against the county will be allowed unless they are correct and just. Vote for Thos. Reidy for sheriff and your interests will be looked after and no bills will be presented to the county for payment unless he is justly entitled to them. Vote for Martin Gayhart for county treasurer. His long business experience has fitted him for the office. The finan ces of the county can be learned at a glance from his records and all his acts will be according to law. Vote for A. R. iJew for county survey or. He has made a record as a survey or in his former home in Iowa and if he tells you where the boundaries of your land are you can rest assured that no law suit will grow out of it. Vote for John A. Green for commiss ioner from the third district and you can rest assured that the taxes will be kept as low as is consistent with the interests of the county. Lower taxes attracts people and secures them to a locality. Vote for Alanson Southworth for County superintendent of public instruc tions. He knows what the wants of the school population of Sioux county are and will do all in his power to give the rising generation good educational ad vantages. Vote for Conrad Lindeman for county clerk and when business is done in the pffice of county clerk it will be done in good shape, and in addition to that the German, can do business with him in their own language, which will be a jfreat convenience in matters connected .With their land. Vote for T. L Norval for supreme judge and the result will be that you . will find that all cases carried to that Court will have careful consideration and a fair and impartial decision will be rendered. No one is better fitted for (hat position than Judge Norval and his election to the supreme bench will do credit to the party and to the state of Pebnuka. In speaking of the candidates of that pity the Omaha Bee says: 'Some of the candidates foisted oq the public for jus tice of the peace are not on speaking terms with the rudiment 0f law. Pick them out sod keep them in private life." When it is necessary to name men for justices of the peace who have knowledge pf the law, it is certainly vastly more important that a county judge be possessed of a good knowledge of the law, 8. Barker, the republican people's oaadidat for county judge of Sioux county is a regularly read and admitted attorney, and to better fitted for toe poaitioatfaM man who baa not had I Vn't let anybody monkey with the ballots or UJlot boxes. A free ballot and a fair, count and honesl returns is what is wanted by the people of Sioux county, and it is the duty of every boo- est voter to do all in his power to see that that is secured. Vote for Dr. Stiafer for coroner. He Is a regularly registered physician, and it has been demonstrated tliat it is a good plan to have that kind of a man for cor oner. Should lie be called on to perform any official acts, his findings would have weight in the courts. In making the Dominations for com missioner in tlie 2nd and 3d commissioner districts tlie fusionists attempted to make a point by nominating candidates from the same precincts in which the nominees on tlie republican people's ticket resided. Tliis will not avail them anything for tlie people are on to all such rackets. Vote for Cliarles 1L Morrill for regent of the state university and also for J. L. H. Kniglit for the other member of tlie board of regents. These men are both well fitted for the positions for which they have been nominated and will do all in their power to make the universi of Nebraska one of the leading education al institutions of the country. It is reported that over 20,000 jieople in Dakota are in destitute circumstances, being without food, fuel or clothing. Active elforts are being made to pro cure tlie necessaries of life for the poor settlers, and as a consequence tlie free hearted people will contribute so prompt ly and liberal I v that there will lie little or no suffering among the vast number who are now without means of subsis tence. If you do not like the way the affairs of the county have been managed in the past, vote the republican jieople's ticket entire. Do not put a name on there tliat is in any manner connected in with ring management of public matters. It may be some of the candidates are good per sonal friends of yours, but in this case it is the principle and not the man you are voting for. judge a man by the company he keeps. Judge a candidate bv his omcial record or tlie record of those in strumental in placing his name on the tickat. Vote for the interest and welfare of yourself and your neighbor and to in sure good government and good adminis tration of the laws by voting the repub lican people s ticket. Farmers if you want the roads laid out and bridges built so that they will accommodate the greatest number of people and the work done at figures which will give value received for every dollar of the public money invested, vote for the candidates on the republican people s ticket. You can depend on it that those men will have no pets. That if a road is asked for it will be located in the best place to accommodate the peo ple, even if it does cut through the farm of one of their best friends, and the dif ferent road districts will be treated in a fair and equitable manner. The ques tion of roads and bridges is an impor tant one to the farmers in Sioux countv and they ought to see to it that the re publican people's ticket is elected so that these matters will be looked after nron- erly and no favoritism shown to any one. When the republican senatorial con vention at Rushville decided by a unani mous vote that Alfred Bartow should tie the republican candidate for state sena tor, the delegates certainly did a wise thing. Mr. Bartow is one of the leading attorneys of the northwest. He isnely educated, being a graduate of Yale college, and during his residence in hadron he has built up an excellent law practice and won the respect and esteem of all by his strict integrity and sterling worth. He is in every way worthy of the honor conferred upon him, and should he be called upon to perform the duties devolving upon a member of the state senate, he will carry to tliat body the same excellent traits of character that be displays in his business life at home. Mr. Bartow is not a stranger in Sioux county but is known to be a friend of the granger element and they cannot do better than to see to it that he re ceives a rousing endorsement at the polls on next Tuesday. When you go to cast your bfllot be sure the name of Alfred Bartow, for state senator is on your ticket When the republican representative convention met at Cbadron on last Sat urday evening as will be seen by the pro ceedings published elsewhere in this issue, it was to nominate a man to nil the va cancy caused by the resignation of Hon. L.W. Gilchrist. The republicans of Box Butte county believing that it was right that that county should have the repre sentative for tlie full term, bad instruct ed theif delegation to support W. G. Sirnonson, of Alliance, for the unexpired term. To the claim of Box Butte county Van convention agreed and Mr. Simonsou was duly nominated. Judging from the record of Hon. L. W. Gilchrist, whom the republicans of Box Butte county selected last year for a standard bearer in the contest for representative honors, it is safe to presume that in selecting a man for pis successor they exercised equally good judgment Gilchrist has a warm place in the heart of the fanners of Sioux countv and it will be an en dorsement of his acts in the last session of the legislature to give a big vote to we canuiaate to nil rus place. Mr. Sirnonson is a vounir attorney who stands well at home both in his profession and as a man, and no one need hesitate to cast his vote for him next Tuesday, and there is no question but what he will stand by the settlers of the nortb- weat counties of which bis district h i firmly as did bis Ttie contest at the polls on next Tues day will be one of vast iiiixrtiuv to the people of Sioux countv. It is a coo text of principle, of equal rights, of citi- zen&hip against bossLsni, of tlie people against a ring. In short it will be a bat tie of right against wrong. On that day will be decided whether the public money will be used legally and none but lawful bills allowed, or whether tlie public finances sliall be allowed to get into a shaie that means bankruptcy to tle county and a heavy tax for years to come to keep ieople from coming here to build up homes and make tlie land valu able. The county is in a shape now tliat it ought to improve rapidly and it will J'' so if good men are put into office to look after tlie business. If tlie men are al lowed in office who have no use for pub lic affairs except for personal gain, tliere is no use in tlie eople coming iiere to at tempt to make a living, for the taxes would eat up all the profits. It lias been the tactics of a certain class to do all they could to keep ieople from settling in Sioux county for tliey know it would end their career as bosses and cut off their source of revenue at tlie public crib. It is a well established fact that unless a person "stood in" w ith tlie ganf: that it was useless to attempt to get any recognition or justice from public olli- cials. It is a matter of record that county officials have put bills in against the county and the same have been al lowed and on apieal the judge of tlie district court said they should not paid. It is also a matter of record tliat men who did not "stand in" with tlie gang luive heeii arrested and put to a great deal of trouble and expense (and a good sized expense bill also made for t he tax-pavers to pay) simply to haress them. for the records of the district court do not show a single conviction. Is that the way to run a county? Is Hint the way to run public affairs '! Is that tlie way to cause our county to prosier mid our rich prairies to lie claimed by home seekers and caused to yield tribute to tlie tiller of the soil? When it was found that tlie settlers who desired an honest and economical administration of the public affairs had became so strong that tliey would out vote in the republican primaries, the rin.r manpgers of the two parties conceived the idea of fusing so as to keep their friends in power. This idea was carried out, and so carried out that it has dis gusted the honest party men of all par ties. No straight democrat wants to go into a republican primary or convention any more than a true republican wants to go into the deliberative meetings of the democratic party, and a democrat would "kick'' as liara against republicans lie ing allowed to participate in tlie dem ocratic primaries as did straight republi cans at democrats being permitted to help run the primaries and conventions uf their party. The ring, which lias been running things in this county does rid, belong to any political party. It is a mixture for the purrxxseof firettinirotlU-e. and no one can attilliate with the aggre gation without becoming infected. The people have become aroused to the necessity of a change, and they propose to show by their ballots on next Tuesday that they have become tired of the way the affairs of the county have been run. It has come to such a pass that it is an actual necessity for them to take a lively part in ine political matters oi the county to save themselves, and it is a well es tablished fact tliat when the fanners do take public matters into their own hands they carry all before them. Tliey know their rights and they will, by their bal lots on next Tuesday, demand them in tones which no one can mistake. It is a noted fact that Sioux countv is known all over the state as a county that lias been run by a ring, and it lias became so obnoxious to the settlers that they have determined to break up the ring at all hazards. The method selected is to do all in their power to elect every man on trie republican peoples ticket by a good round majority. The settlers have de termined to lay aside all personal fueling in the matter and vote the ticket straight, in onler that the objects sought mav be accomplished, and every man who lias the tuture prosperity of the countv at heart hopes to see the republican people's ticket elected. Notice of Contest. V, 8, Land Office, Chadron, Xcb., I October s, IssW. 1 Complaint No. 1D44 havluir been entered at tblHOliiceby Joseph W. Uobinaon against Robert smith for failure to comply with law an to tiniber-cuilure entrv No. dated October 7, IMS, upon the uX sec 12, tp JO, rW, iu mou county, jseuraautt, with a view to Uie cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging thai the aaid Hubert Smith has wuoiiy noaimoned (aid tract, In that he lias failed to plow or cultivate any portion of aald tract aince flUnK on amne un to date'. October 7, Iwsi. 'ihe, aald parties are hereby uuiuiuucu ui appear at una omce on the ntn dHy of december, iwi, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Testimony of witnesses will be liken be fore o. II. Jones, notary Public, at his office in Harrison, Nebraska, on the t&ta day of i-swiuw:t, joov, an iu a. ill. 17-I1J T. r. FOWERS, Receiver. Notice of Contest. V. 8. Land Office, Chadron, Neb. t October 1, isw. I Complaint No. 1734 having been entered at thin ollice by Uiaa. IS. oowey, agaluat Jasen lxiwenn for failure to couipy with law aa to timber culture eutry o. 6,o, dated Oeueiu ber4, ISoo, upon the aeM ne,', ii self und it self, aec 6, tp CI. r .A, in sioux county, Ne braska, wun a view to the cancellation of aid entry; contestant alleging thut said Claimant tailed to break or ciums to be bro aeu ten acres of laid tract during the Hrat and second years, and failed to plant five acrea during tlie third year after ntry waa made and baa failed to cure said defects at date of initiating this contest. 'Ihe aald parties are hereby summoned to appearat tins office on Ine aotb day of Novem ber, issH, at 10 o'ciock, a, in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. I'estliuo.iy of witnesses will be tak en before John A. oreen, a notary l-ublle, at his othce in Kunnlng Water precinct, nioux county, Nebraska, on the aard day of Novem ber, i&, ut iu o'clock a. in. I'-I'J X. . fowKBs, Receiver. Notice of touteat U. 8. Lead Office, Chadron, Neb., ( October h, ISM. Complaint No. IM7 having been entered at (bis office by Arthur f. i.owe, ..gainst Chris topher t labor lor abaiidouiiiKhu iu....e.t1. ui eutry Ko. iv7,datd tuoruaiy 7, las, upon re ji "w a aw anu Ju, ip iu, r w, lu sioox oounty. Aabraaaa. with a view to limi Cauuaiutlou of said eutry; un aald parties mvuf nuiuiuun w iVVST SI IOIS Of Ooa on tlw tith day of ueeemiwr, mm, at is oVIoek a. in., to respond and t urn lab UaU- uioujr ouoernluf saut alleged, abandonment. lealluionyof wifaieaeaawill be taken be fore u. H. Jonea, Notary inbllc. at bis office in namsou, eo.,oa u sod day of Ueeewi "iJJ' . T. r, rows, Kwetver. The Board of Church Kitenawm. a eorpor atioa onraniaed by the bmalatur " fenn svlvania and ii. w . HHder, non resident de IniduiU, aill take notice that u ttoa Ub day ol orloher. A. U. I. Tlie Buffalo .ap I umber loip"V, plaintiff herein. Bled iu petilwu in the di-triel court uf skmi eouulv, Nebraaka. aaaln-t said defendaliU, turobiM-t and praver of wfck-ii are to lore rlose a certain mechanic hen upon lot num ber, iu block notnla-rs. iu the villKe oi Harrison, -lou i roiitity. Nel.ra-ka. lor the sum ol tao hundred and Mlleen dollar and srveutv-aeven rents, ii t for m hl h aum, .... ... . s ... ... f..nrtuufh ri.V (if lull imriwi iiwn .............. j April, A. I. I- Plaintiff pray lor a de eree that defendants lie required to pay the ,.r t i,ut il tir-uit-M mav be sold to aaliaf y tlie amount found due. iou are reuuirea to aner sum i-ui on or la-lore Monday, the second day uf Ue- 'ima-r, iw. !,'!..,, It'UMiralVivpAlfT. IMalntin. By oeokuk Vt tLal a their attorney. L. O. HULL, lttoruer-at-Lw. Harrison. - - nkhrassa. GEORGE WALKER, Attornejr-st-Law. Will practice l-lore alt courts and the 1". s. ijind (irtlie. liusiiiea entrusted to hiy can- will receive prompt atlculiou. HAkKlSo.V, NEBRASKA. C. E. HULMES, Attoney-at-Law, All businesaeiitni'-ted to hia care will re ceive prompt and careful atumtton. Oiiice with JONES & VERITY. HAHIUStiN, NEBRASKA. IL T. COXLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Ss.i ial attention given to LAND PRACTICE. Olfi.e at tht old stand with Reidy & Pollaexl. Harrison, . Nebraska. MRS. L, J. SIMMONS, Dress Maker. Satist action guaranteed. UARRISON, - MJiUASKA. W. E. PORTER, Contractor and Ituildcr. Kstimil-s on all kind of carpenter work clieerf ully given. Nitlslactlon gnariinUied. I'hins furnished at reasonable rates, HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. T. B. SNYtER, Watch and Clock Repairing. Will be In Hiirrisoii every alternate Mon- dny a. in., Is-Kinlng Sept. t'th, and will frivc my Htli'iillon to anything in the aboe Hue with headquarter lit OKIsWOI.Ilt MARTKI.1.E',S. L. E BEL-EN i SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers, Repuiriug done on short notice. Oood work and reasonable charge. Miop south ol livery burn. HARRISON, - . - 'EB. LEWIS H. MYERS, Plasterer and Brick Layer. All kinds of plain mid ornamental Master ing dene to order. Understand cistern ce menting. The laying of brick flui-a u HiM-ri ally. Will give absolute satisfaction or no pay required. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. TRUAX, SNYLER & CO. BUcksmith, Carriage and Wagon.Shop. Horse Shoeing a Specialty, satisfaction guaranteed in every purticu lar. Shop on Main street, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. F. L. MORRISON, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A well selected stock alwuys on hand at lowest prices. REPAIRING ANu ENGRAVLNG A specialty. C3Tatisfaction guaranteed. HARIUSON, - . NEBRASKA. MRS. L, A. POST, Millinery. lfee8 a nice line of millinery which she sells at prices tliat defy competition. GOOuGOOlS, GOOJ work And fair prices. HARRISON, Second street. NEBRASKA. Wells! Wells! The undersigned have a fine, new drill and are prepared to put down wells on SHORT NOTICE, and at living rates. It will pay you If You Want a Well to call on or addresss, Amos & Armstrong Bros. HARRISON, NEB. 1. H. COOK. Aoate Sprinuh Ranch. Brand c on left jaw. Makes Bapecialty of breeding Roadsters, i raft ami KadiUe Horses; also red and black Polled cattle. Range or, Running Wattr. Ptxt Of. Sulirf ef Costent. I'. S. Lead Office, ttiadron eb, I srut . lass. i (on. plaint No. Itl having bee entered this office by Henry Hunter against wiiuaui U. Wade for failure to comply with law as l.. llnibrr-cultura entry No. 577 dated June is. lass, uooa tneek ueW.nls as are SS, tp r M iii muui couulv. Nebraska, Willi a view to the cancellation of aald entry: contestant allegiug that the aald claimant baa failed to break or cause to tm uroaen 9 01 am nut dunnf the Brat year alter ntry. and has failed to cura aaid defect at daU of iui listing tills contest. 1 be aaid parties are hereby summoned W) appear at this offlc on the th day ol November, isw, at 10 o'clock a. ui., to respond ana lunnsa testimony con cerning said alleged failure. Teiiuiouy of witiituaes will be lakes before t . . on man, notary public, at hi office In Iteming ford. Neb., on the iltii day of November, Isev, at 10 o cluck a. ui. l-7j T. r. J'owik Receiver. B. E. Brewster, C. F. Dtee, President. Vite Pres. CHA& C, JAJiESO.V, Cashier. Commercial Bank INCXIRPORATW). A. General Banking Business -TRANSACTEI).- Hariuson, Nabraska. C. H. Andrews S Co., -Dealers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, an Li- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CITY. Wm. Christensen, Wholesale and Retail Hardware. A large and well selected stock ALWAYS ON HAND. ACORN STOVES. BARBED WIRE at prices to suit the times. Agents for CHAMPIOil BIDDERS AND Mowers. rmL roop nU All perauna karlnc flnal pruol U1 pPr will reortv. m narked J at uuw bum -" rrivn CClat wait to thla ufiw at ouc. Land Odor at (-faadr Notloe la Imreby gtrru that 'J turn riamM.1 Milllr hud mi . n m -- - . m.w iiuuct Umtion to make Hiial pruol (n ,u rial in. wid tht aald proof win ,. for 1 baa. t". Jauieaon, I lerk of it iwu. h ii. i iwu, iiru., on hov. M Albrrt Jl. Taylor, of HarriJ vtio niaui it. pi. Dinig jio. lfA f(J lis uamea tlif following wltnexJ uim wmuiuuu. i iu.-iiij upon tiou of wiiid laud, I'U: LilM-rt John I orli.o. Aaa '. Oavia, ( hark t.untar Norriarh. of llari "'1 c un ne imk: 34, u w B Jle oaniMi tlie following witi,-. I11M LIII&IHHOUfl rf.-41U.lCe hlMjIl tlfkll l.f w.till.n.1 vlv- dore KiHi-t-iii,l nrl trviTlicnji ...... . I U. , . U, I WJI, , 1 'U l-i W. II. Hot ixs Conaolldatrd Viitlr For I'ulilH Uind Ofttce aU hadron -1,1 4. , Notice la hi-rby (rivi-n thut ti nniiim tii. r na num nutlet- f tloil to mak Biial orool in claim, uid that Hld proot win j. fori' Chaa. '. Jamtaoii. rh.rli ,.l n , court, at llarrlaou, Ni li.,on uv. IV John Thiiiiia. uf Muntruke.l who made l. s. No. !llli for tli I Hi nainca the folloa tnif a ili,,. l)l foiillnuoua rc-lili iic! iix(ii ,, lion ol Mild land, viz : IVu-r n... rrwiorii k Knott, ol isJdiirc, S l,rai Willi, hu liulilkf. nf Hurriv i who made l. ,s. No. 141! ror Hit ui XI. r U, He liaiiic- till' folloa hiK witin Iii con till non, r.-.iiui... hk,,i a non oi mini luiid, iz: Auirut U i AiMirrw ii.oiiiiiHIl. VI..I..4 iixi.Miii:aiii, an oi Harri-on. s,.i J ll H.II.M'ljJ.I riiliiil'l,itid Nnllre fur I'lililji;, I and ()(lic at riiadron. 'l. l-l Notice I lien liy iftven thut tin- .1 nainil llli r li.w tiled notice of il non to iiiiikc iiin.i prmrf in .upi-,., el.iiui, and Unit n il. I proof aill u- : tori I hiiH. ('. JiimcMon. eletkol ih. i-ourt, ul Hun t un, Nelira-kii, on Si. lt : MAUV STAlIl..nni..Iir,. ho made l. H. tllni( No. lilH i,, . II, tp. il, r. W aet. Mm numc - ihe following a iinc I ner )Illllllloll- n -lili'licc II)HI1 iilMll . . ..... . . i iiou oi mini mini, viz : ( larcnce 15. l wiinil, jnnie- m, llnnleU, Valenl lieuT, r.owaro lllilllllKaWurtll, .ill .il .eoraaait, aiMi rKr.Hr.llll K M. I'lilMl ..( ( , , a ho made II. K. Ulinit No. i. in wh' 3 and w V, w !, hit a. In : He llaim a the IoIIowiiik it n.-. niw (HilillnilfMlM n'-lilenee iiiniii unit Hon of, wild land, viz: .lohiiiiihim i:l jonn rrice, (,1-oiic llron ii, ( Imrh an oi ( rnwioni, euruxk!i, nM (.KOKUKS. OMM.Klt. i, Hum., who made H. S. No. for the r '4 rl c, w jt iiwjd hit v. ip si, r i w. He nHinex the folloHing wilneHx t ilia coniinuona rixldunce upon and lion of wild land, vu: Oirge W. rayson mneiow, Homer A ITiddy, K. hinltb, all of Harrtnon, Nebruka. I- w. ii. un, h. ii (oiiwillilnted Sotlr 'or Putiltcati Laud Office at Chadron. Nebri bepteinbcr 11, lm.. Notice Ik hereby irlven thai the (nil nameu aettier limi riled notlto o( Iii lion to make rtnal proof iu minport claim, and that nid irofd will lie in lore I Ufta. I . JiinieiOh. ( lerk of the ( onrt, at llarrlaon, Ncbranku, on Nov law, viz: John A. Traitor Montrose, Neh , who made II K No. IHI8 for the ni !i tp 34 r M w He names the folloa ine e to prove nm continuous realdrnn and cultlvutloii of, wild land, viz: 01 Htory, lllliim II. .InuncrinHn. I.wi laeb, holoinon U. Story all of Montrow And i'ettla A. I.. Hot 11 . who made 11. ine No. H4H to the aliove described tra clUid to appnur at the name time ami ann anow rauw why tlie above nrool not be allowed and hl tiling cunrcled KlUertM. Carrier of Ilnrr .son,N bo niiide I). K. filing No 'iXO for tiio i M and vr)i or !i 13 tp 31 r Hi w He nameH the tollowing wltnesi'' tr nia coiitiiiuoim rcftincnce nion ana lion ol, mild land, vizi Vt Inlord T Arthur W. Emery, Kdward L. Oalpln. ren W. Hall all of llarrlmin, Neb., Al r rledrlcb Todlenhaupt of Harrison, : who made II. 8. No. Had for the no V mt 4 and ii m nw ; aee il tp 3'; r w. He uamea the following witneises to hla coullnuous residence iitiou and i'i non oi, aald land, viz: iiuuni l. il iNldor KlehnUdu. Wllhelm Ouhlke. (i.1 Hchilt, ull of ilariiaun. Neb. I-J M. lIuNTutiMERT, K ?li Notice of Inrnrporalini. Notice la hereby given of the nwifl Hon of the ISank ol iiarriw win, al iiwi NehriiHka. The iniderM irned. na-wliltmc inmii for the transaction of a generul bankii ne. In the State of Ncbr.ikti, a'lopi lowing articles of lucorpora! Ion. AltTiCl.K I. Tho inline ol tlili) coriw: nhiill be "Uanlc of lliirriMm. nesa of this corporation iihall b Hfi AwTiri u II. The nrinctnill D ace ni sloux county, Netiruka. AHTICI.E 111. lue general iiaoio, bualneaa of this corfioi atlon kIihII bi n ,.f i i.rioslt. llivirsl n i'iii ' t uiida In loans, buying and selling 1 hauve. reelvhiB and milking cone for others, the buying and sDlllntf "I luU: or making loans on same and trj tug a general banking business. A Ml ll'l.e. V . 1 1C Call 111 SMS K Ol poratlon shall he twenty fivu inou-an'i .ira, divided Into shares ol one miiaui ars each., ul least twenty i' which shall be paid in lad on- tl' '''"!'' luentof business, and the remainder t times as the Hoard of 111 rectors iuV ' W hen any new stock I Issin d, eaen holder shall la' entitled to siib-crlls' I" same proportion of the whole isne holds in Hie existing stock, and It an stis'k reinaiiia unsnbsi lilau lor un i ul tMrentv il.ivs from Llieflat'' she'll stia k was voted by tlie Board of IHrcf the Itoarr of IMrecUirs in:iv ullot Hi' siitiM-rllal aUak to the other sum s"" and If not accepted by them, 111' m. on alloled to oilier appiicaun. AHTu-i.r v. This iMiriairaiiou i" nmieeon tbe.'ith day ol Aim"-". ' shall continue twenty live yean. AHTIl LKVl. Ihe hlt'heil ',.''" di buslness or liability to which Hit' ration may at any limn sti ijeci i - lu. ,.,. Uflv 1ST ee it Ol at that tiiiie nubscribifd i-xc nil tor u1 1 mill utii'h neffntlfitile Halter .1st ItlHV l and sold by the roriaiiutiiin In tin old: I rn ituuel Imi ul Iiilslness. luiii l r VII 1 he nltalrs of t!li r"r; lion shall la eondiiuti-d liy a lioai-i ' .... ...l.lln. .J nl I.SI Thi ll I ir. ' l..rL hn shull he nlectisl hv tlie slO k ti.A ,.,.r.u.p..ti,.M ui inn ori.M'i u.,.1 r... IK AmI M.illllllV III .I'"' of i-hcIi vear mid said lloiud ol ' 1 ' r" shall choose rroiu meir nuiniri a a Vice I'resulent and a C'ahir. AHTK I.K V III. T lieae nrtii l" " . aniendivl al uny time by a vole ol " ity of the stock. In ' Itnrsa whereof, thfl undersla hereunto set their huiida tliia.'dh d . . .. ... u II 1111111..11"' CTIilll.1.1 I-VK" 8TATK OY KEIIKAHh A I nniirrv im .miit l ha , fc. II. .lon' tar Public duly coin missioned 111 , Hiln iwiliutv. do herchv certltV tU'1' inn r. Iiarlea an the to the f..M. l.Ul 41,1- .lav I,. Ii lli.l ftl...t. MI....H i iu r..ri.ii,lllu ion tu t. lor the uses and uhitkmi)' IU1'"1 rissth -sts Wltnesa my lianu an" K.L seal this tudiy of August I'll, nan, Churios r.. n.ii.... K. Verity, pernuiiHlly knu"'1 1 iM'raons wliosi! iniuies Hi' (""( t forea-oliiu liistriiii'iiil. ul'l"'1"' U.1...J1II iii.ll' KU"n I'll Sov. Chadron, - Neb, " Vi.lnrv 1' K VV