The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 31, 1889, Image 5

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    1 la lb b W,J f "' f-dl-(rrrrl.
H rurea rhru-
I-rTT; r oM a lb human
$ tie first bar '"
-pTTtbe youn lad. bo had
fjlbe boo"" laanionaoie
, alien tier mix blt-Tum
fj lst spoonful of Dr.
C hu invented uin hlne thst
is Hound-
i method and result when
figs i taken; it is pleasant
ingto the taste, and acta
((promptly on the Kidneys,
' .. i i. t. -
i bowels, cicnuw me b va-
will?, dipela colds, heatl-
fevers ami cure namtuai
n. Jy run of rigs m the
lr of ita kind ever pro-
Jming to the taate and ac
it to the stomach, prompt in
and truly beneficial in its
Iprepircd only from the most
Wind agreeable gtihstances,
Ut eicellent qualities cora
Uu all and have made it
popular remedy known,
up of Fi?8 is for sale in 50c
; bottles hv all leailinR drug
Any reliable druggist who
A have it on hand will pro
i promptly for any one who
i try it Do uot accept
I in mucisco, cil.
ui.a. ew roar, n.r.
rMlitrlmrrd by
lru Mill rills,
fliey alao Ii;-
treas from Py aberteia.In
Rating. inrftci rem
W; for l))r.liras.NausaM
MtMtM. Usui. iaUfl
In lb atuntli. Coaler,
TnniiiHi.Pun in lb !.
TOUCH) I.tVKIt. The;
rvgtilnt. ft, llowele
purely Vc.tarili.
Prtec Cents.
1, Small Dote. Small Price.
Th ""IflH afWL.i.
The dating mm ,, BtirU(,
nd amaw mankind by Li.
K'fted endowment, hut tinman who
.nun. 1,0 fret uloup with
,', "Pl - a'h the
""e me .Jazzli
-UflH with a broken wiu.r,
wing m the valley u.i0-.
Wt the dazzling gei,i,IS and the
mar, who knows how to pet abimr
.-.anuinen let them start al.rea.t.
1 It slnU.,. -
P-miw will excite the
I curiosity f the crowd l.y the brill-
; -n) oi iuh pymtions and hisinvolv.
v .. liimrUTA cvm nr ,w, II
, tenpiike an unbroken colt. ,in,l
.ranee like two-yenr-.ld fill v. hut
tne man who knows howtoR-talon
the ho...eretl,, put the juds
tand. with his brilliant but erratie
comjietitor far in the rear.
! The faculty of pettin-r alon- with
Iople w. ijerl.aps. the most foi tun-
"te pilt which nature can endow a
inan. 1 he whle secret consists in
! likinn; people and takina an intertt
I in them. So many men are armed
with dinlikes. like pon-upiiic cpiills
which they shoot in all directions'
h'ttinir them strike
1 K;y are like those j.ivotni guns
which we see in the navv. which turn
on n swivel and shoot toward every
point of the compass. They keep
their batteries loaded, and every
man who approaches them thev re
Kurd as an invader and un enemy.
They scrutinize their acquaintances
as it proof reader examines his proof,
to see what errors he can discover.
! Their lives are a ei-ietiial quest lor
I the vices of their neighbors. Thev
! tievi r (ret alonir with people, for peo
; pie object to havinir a perpetual in
, ventnry taken of their limits and
! weaknesses.
j Opticians tell us there is one little
I spot in the eye that is entirely blind,
i Tim mental eve of the man who
I knows how to net nlnnr with people
i un u inrjre spot that is blind to all
ins neiiioors vices, wlnle ins vision
j is unusually keen in refrard to their
j jiooil (pinlities. Kverybodylikeshim
because he likes everybody. No
wonder he climbs hih in the wcrhl,
I for everybody stands ready to giv
' him a 'boost."
Al .....
me ohi fellow; "there's a nasty book
Of-'ent coming."
th'elt? h bKk, Beut' 8ir"
, J .1 and ?he thru a hand awa v
, " .luroug" a hole in her dress and
brought up a volume.
' Can't I sell you a copy, sir " she
fuly .Unstrap andgQ nee(ful H
no home w complete without one.
Kuy a copy please, and Iglmufor,rpt
that you called me nasty "
"I didn't," puffed the old gentle
man, excitedly. -I swear iVver
book""3 s of tbe kini1- u'ave ' he
Then the old man veiled: "John
Rive this young lady
W hen the old gentleman pickek up
Ills lllXiL- in ......... : 1 .. I
...... ..uiijr lt nome ne discov
ered that it was u collection ot love
Bongs New y0rk Sun.
Tit NIc Wi44U.
llie hass viol is the most expensive of
all ninsieal instruments to its owners.
Its first cost it not the greatest expense.
At is so large and invkword to carry
around that it is continnnlly getting iu
jnred by accidents which would uot
happen to sronller instruments. Sonie
hodjr may kick a hole iu it by dancing
as-'iunst it iu a room, or it muy be
Knocked ajjniust something while carry
'.US it around. Jt is most frequently in
jured on slreet cars while the musician
is carrying it to the rilnce where he has
to I'lav. After a uinu has had au iustrn
uieut (er a long time he comes to look
J't'Oii it us steliuilly north all the money
Jl'st it has cost Iiiiii, and in this way a
''" viol sometimes is valued at $1,KX)
or so by iu owner, iu fact, 1 really
knew a miisiei:nl who sued a railroiul
eoiupany for $.j,000 for a viol smashed
iu nil iiceideuf. nnd he actually pot
$.'i.80(). Interview iu St. Louis Globe-Ueuiocrat.
to experiment with unceiialu remedies, when
afflicted with nv of the ailmenu for which
Dr. Pierce's Goldeo Medicul Discovery is
recommended, as it is to positively certain in
IU curative effect as to warrant its manufac
turers in puaranteeinif it to lienerit or cure, or
nionev paid for it is returned. It is war
ranted to cure ail Wood, skin and scalp dis
eases, salt rheum, tetter, and all scrofulous
sores and swellings, as well as consumption
(nhich is scrofula of the lungs), if taken in
time and given a fair trial.
Don-t hawk, hawk, blow, spit and disgust
everybody with vour offensive breath, but
use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and end it.
A man with a bee in his bonnet ebould be
sure of a liveli hood.
At a fair in au Ohio town a youug lady in
vested ten cents in a ticket anil drew a pig.
The Rhinoceros.
The idea forbrinirinarouttheihir,,!.
ceros was to get something that no
other country could Wat for ugli
ness. While there are several brands
of the lwast, all put in different pack
ages with different luliels, all amount
to the same thing when you cut the
string and iinitethe bundle. While
thedirufTe is two stories high with
hip root, the rhinoceros Htopjiod
short at the basement and has
IW.I'i.H 1....... ti. I . m
iiiusueu up. lo reward
him for not being quite K0 homely
us the hippopotamus, he was given
u nine ho muni that a graoe shot
would only ticklehim, and an offset
for not havinir u mouth ns In nr..
as an alliirutor he was given a tem
per a s hot as wildcats and hornets
boiM down together.
The rhinoceros was not exoect.-d
to cut. anything ot a dash in this
world, lie was riven to nndei-stnrnl
that if he took good care of his ap
petite and made it uiinlpasant tor
every living thing which came within
mile of him, nothing further would
1 exacted of him. So far as man
has ls?cn able to discover, the beast
never cracks a smile or makes a joke,
and nothing ever steps on his coat
tails ami getsaway alive. The legend
in regard to him is that he puts in
the hours between daylight and sun
rise grieving because he wasn't made
a turtle dove, but legends are not to
lie deiiended unon. Detroit 1- ree
Why nib. and toil, and wear out yourself
and clothes on washday, when, ever since
14, Dobbins' Klcctric soap has been offered
on iur;)e to lighten oiir lalior and save
vour clothes. Now try H. Vour grocer has it.
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
W and prmrrlbed bf leading
"utwcauM b.ith tit thd Mm Oil
phtnphiits are Oia rnoof nlM I
f'Umcurof CvnmiindUm. U
!ii u tntia. j
ff '"r C0W5CMPTI0N,
r Bronchi tii, Wastuif Dia
ftronie Coafhi and Colda.
li"r and bile : clear t he complexion !
""a, lek headaehe, cosnvenes.
Mall liver and iKmiach dlaorrtera.
wxw making amall alxo ilils llcana,
V aupted torohlldn-n and women
l JMeiuy to laao. Prion of either
"". Kiaaina at ', l',-'l. Dialled on
fl,p. Aililreai tlio maknraof tho
BileKi nieiy-o lican."
JflTM 14 CO., at. Louts. Mo
l at Wholesale 1'i icos.
la2.2u' "i pi !, for we can
JlK' u nai"r t friends who
Wirf11'"'1 10 purchase a Piano or
001) FOK 50 CTS.
aP. will par f'lrK)
at, tm " Tata o(ar (uud on If
Bt. Joseph, Miaaonrl.
JP knowli,. of tba nataral laws
It k. . ralliis t 4KaUon and na
CX .."r',,, appllraOon of !
w wHr''"' rco. Mr. rpea X"
tiZZ!?'?"' ! "lib a dilea'lr
ii "ay aava a many bar
iHtk.'. hf JaSMSoas of seh
l Hu, nUlHUMi aaay bo ra1ual
"mart iwtat ery ten
HaadrMaor aabila aaalalin ara
JJ 'any la auaak whanitartbara
rtaVL"' "a aaay a faul abaft
QTlIl 'oruiwt wftb fmt bU
' "naba liwaaa. '-"Ohil HmHu
7.'V boimw wawr or aal. "W
2JJiMia, ay (iroaara. labalM ibaai
f'lCO-. MWMa).aUl CkMlltS,
llomley Philosnplij.
r retting cures no evil, it is true,
but it sometimes relieves the monot
ony ol too much hnppiuess.
It is advisable to put our heart in
lo whatever work we may have to
js rforni, but it is wise to think well
bclore we put our money in.
When a jwrson Itecomes to good to
overlook t he faults of the unfortu
jiate, then it is he that makes the
error which loses to him the glory
of his goodness.
Delusions are the natural const
nnonci-s of iirnorance. A lack of
knowledge of a thing necessitates the
invention of a theory to'nccount for
its U-iiiir.
The chronically unhappy man
who oersists in trying to sour hu
mnnit wshoiild get him to his closet
with his woes, and give the sunslui:
a chance to warm his neighbors.
A man with it red nose is nlwnv
suspected of men. He may also lie
wronged of men. for it may be that
he is instead of n. heavy drinker, a
sufferer from some iiainlul malady
i When you see ft person trying to
t.lavthe fool. and voti hear it remark
...1 of him that he is a tool, you may
t.,L,. n ns un evidence that he was
His', iv ... - -- --
.i...n iiwl fur the nart.
One strong, well directed blow
sends the nail truer to its home tlmn
J. ,l ii i .ui.n conximr talis, em '
and earnest word carries more weigut
t lmn does n whole yard ol high flown
Tii tmiible with iieople nowaday
is thPVffivo much attention to theex
,n 1 ho detriment of tho lllte
ti... ihiiik more o the sacK
nor. i !
ii..... ,1,. of the LTitin. 1 lie con
Lllllll III J
Ke(iience is there is much pool
lino- in fine sacks.
1 h i ,m the nncrrv waves
-r . ,.rie,iil,h. a L'ood motto is
..v ..;.... the siiiD." Hut when
' ... i. Hwini out anu
II IS l Wise lin-i.'
uot go down with the wrc k
"NVver n rose without it thorn
., .'.vwim riDssessin much t rut h.
, that the thorns were
" ,:,"', life that bctuti
., .i f niishaticlv tioilies
:L",, , u,, or lack of wealth.-
Arkansaw Traveler.
M car Biaap Pa4ai wbara
,t2T '"etSarr falla-Ova tm far
turk the iiiiren wt llapplnea.
If thou workest at that which is be
fora thee, following rijrht reason sc
rionslv. vurorniisli'. calm It', without al
lowing anything to distract thee, but
keeping thy divine part pure, ns if thou
slionldst be bound to give it book im
mediately, if thou boldest to this, ex
pecting nothing, fearing nothing, but i
siuiMieil with thy present activity accord
ing to nature and with heroic truth in
every word thou ulteiest, thou wilt live
haupy. And there is no man who is
ablu to prevent this. M. Autouius.
Oregon, the I'urMilla ol I'Mrmeca.
M :fl fijiiatilc cllmnle. rerlain mcl iiNitntlfinr iti-opi.
Cr.t lint, grain, grass null tinck (Miillitrv In till
W'ir.l. I u, lutorna loll !rm. AilUrciii llie OrefiOll
Imm riuiu li'iaril. I'nrll:unl. Oregon.
Piiarisbitrg. O., May W.
MMn. .T. N. HARKift k Co. fintitnkrn: Permit
tne Uj My that for e?erul wepan 1 nuflred witb a
Tert'uuirh. 1 first ufed lMnlie'R Cougb Balsam,
and aTter that aeveral other preparations, each of
winch 1 Bve a lair trial, which availed me nothing,
j-'fir the suweedinp six Amwr I used no medicine. By
that tine 1 whs thought In the tlrnt lair'" of Con
fruiuptioii. My couKh behiK more teere than ever,
J then onmrnrttuinu AU.BS'H iA'SG Balcam,
which h:m effectually cured roe. I eonwicntiouhly
heliete it to be an excellent medicine, and run
aure Ton ttml it will afftrd me the btirhest puMlie
araliilcnlion to commend it ty any perwin yon may
refer tome. Vourslmiy, MCWTON MUKI'UY.
There will lx-a lurge Anu'riian colony at
("jinui's this vcar.
Th faith euro is bad, but the bogus mftlu-fll
diploma is Horse.
A miser is known by the niouey be keeps.
Ketailed at Wholesale Price.
8. R. Huyett, a wholesale music dealer of
St. Jopi'ph, Mo., announeog la this paper that
be will sell I'iatios nnd O.'ans to any one at
wholesale prices thus euviug retail purchasers
to $1j0 on each ln1 runient. This house is
the oldest and largest on tbe Missouri Kiver in
tho music business, and have a tine reputation
for selling reliable goods at lowest possible
prices. Send to Mr. Iluyett for catalogues and
otb'.T iufornjution.
Is Sold bj All Medicine Dealers.
Mothers will find it a aafe anil sure remedy
It i harmless to the most delicate child.
It contaius no opium in any form.
It cures when other remedies fail to give relief.
BALSAM, and shun the uae ofall
remedies without, merit and an
established reputation.
v DraggltU ui Owbn.
THE CHaUt a. VOCtLH CO.. tmUmttmL
cuarasweil ! eur la
Tovlbf di.cMfl. AU
I-KanimaUe Camplaiata.
l.'LoBkaca, Oenaral JfmM.
Stieaes, lidaey
-I V. n...n.u Tramklua'.
' Sexual lihauatiej.'Waat-
ina at Boay.
Iadiimtionain Tc-Jth. Are. ar
rletifa lf"lal1 P"l"I,?
. . ... i in mate 01
' sTjJ' T jr
ranl by
As an Expectorant it has many rivals,
but no equal !
Mure people than ever married in haste are
now repcutim;.
Kennedy's East India Bitter.
An Ohio youth of sixteen has developed a
luni; -Mil luxuriant mustache.
ri ice2.'ctsMo0its.,Rii(l1 per Ilottla.
Ely's Cream Balm
W ILL ( I llli
r;T"fo roailL rVaiirs o aj wj. ui
pv r."A"' Fl CP.TRIf! HSn FS .m.
S!U1or Jii" Xai PP". "i".
To i.lIn ale nvl.. Beolloi. tki. wr."
K?f Se V"t"Ce 'or m illu.trawd pmaphlet. i
aoeitorth Broadway. BT LOUIB. MO.
Jvsfi niTvavrn nimi i. i th Br.
SorBiilhMie ii1 romfurt. f he eur. 5fT ' J'" If
..!, milt or .iron.. Thi. I. ISe ouir if,.,,
IMrle trim. .uJ belt ever made. It '"
Mara U fr. aa aa - Per full 4eeripllel .
o'V.TltleMro -Galvauie Hell.. Rpln.l Ap nee , TrnaJ
liiK.lei ni-lio He lor IHoMraled paaiplilel olea lU kf
tut JO 10 P'ala lealed eovelope. 80U oalfl if taj
3(HiiiU(l aos North llioailnny, St, Louis. MJ
Apply Balm into each nostril.
KI-Y BHOS-, 66 Wonvri St.. N. V.
Killed a lleer at Thirty I'aces with a
One of tlie most curious deer stories
ofenrly times occiired nbout Is.") 4
at Wliite Sulphur Springs, Napa
county. A liire party of people
were there, some ol them tlie best
known citizens ot Sun Franciseo.
Some of tlie guests went on limiting
exjieditions, and nmong thesr- was
I)r. Josselyn, now of Madrono, Santn
Clara eoniity. His gun was "loaded
for quail" and saw a fine buck within
thirty paces. I (edropped his pocket
knife down Ins triin biiiTel, aimed at
theshoulderand fired. Tlie deer leap
ed high in the nir nnd dissnppeared
over a bush and the sportsman re
turned to the hotel, thinking hissiiot
a falure. He told the story at the
hotel, nnd, he says, ''hud to set up
the campnfrne all the eveniiifr," be
sides I'liduriiifr universal skepticism.
The next day, however, the deer was
brought in and it was found that the
pocket-knife had penetrated to the
the larire advertisement of Tun Youth's
Companion which we iiuhlished last week?
This remarkable paper has the phenomenal
circulation of 4:tO,OU) copies weekly. No
other journal is more welcomed by old and
vimm; In the families throughout the land.
The publishers make a special offer once a
year, and to all who subscribe now will send
the paper free to January 1, 1MK1, and for a
full year from that date. The subscription
price Is 11.75. Address,
The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass.
Were it uot for vulvar parents, no baby
beauty show could he a success.
Hrn-lnnorlem tor Banil lnlruiiien(. Drum ;)orpOut
nt Acconteoiu. Violins. IlnnJOK. M.mlolillii. OuiUmi,
y.lthem llarmonli-aii. Slriiiifs for fvi ry Inm niment mmle.
i nil tork of Sheet Munii!. Muni.) Hooks. Hand ami Or
chestra Mimic Bond Kolloi.. Inatruction Hooks for all
Instruments. Anvone aendinir in an oilier ill receive
a copy of Music FilEE. Write Ui us for prices and cat
alogues. !. kino oi .ri.,,,,
.tl AX .Uli Kit A; MHO.,
tlmnlisi Ni-u.
. Big Pickaga ol Photos
is( risldtniwi) of rr.peelab't ladies
ao wool lo correspond for nia or
atatrlraony. Scot Id plain asaled eoTet.
apefofoalr lOeto. Haay of oarlady
Bankers are beauUful aoi vaaltBT.
Olvs full description of yoorseifaad a
elsar Idea of the ladles vita an
fou wtih to eorreipoad. Address,
The one thing you'll always ud in every cow
boy's outfit when he goes on the sprint: round-up.
ii a " Fish Brand " Pommel Slicker. They make .
the only perfect saddle coat, and come either blackr.
or yellow. They protect the whole front ol the
rider's body, being made to fit round tbe outside of
the saddle entire, w nen uaea as a waiaing mi,
Kennedy's Hast India Bitters.
The man who has traveled abroad never
Hinmbles at American hotels.
The dry irooils clerk can "o on a tear every
time he sells a van! of mu l.
TWO I Oil I I N.ilK :HKN.
-San Francisco Chronicle.
Only Half Married.
The Hev. (1. V Featherston tells
this: I was puzzled by a Teiim'Hsee
ladv about her niarriare. Sitting
bv her in a parlor ami wishing to in
troduce conversation I asked her'
' r voil a tnarrieil or a sinc-le lady'.':
She replied, 'I am only half married,'
and remained silent as before. This
stumped me, as 1 had never heard of
such n case before. She saw she had
excited inv curiosity and no doubt
enioved 'it. At length I ventured
to a'sk' 'Will vou pleaseexphuti tlmt
lialfnmrrii'd'.' I don't understand it.
Slip replied: 'If you must know the
truth about it, I have fiained my
own consent to ninrry, nJ I'"' 1
couple to make the other half of the
match .riveshisconsentwe win nine
Ilr. A. Ilurttliitfliiini (Kpniroa n
frlza Iu the LiMilalauai Niato ll-
tr .'
I'hattanooKa 'Tenn.) Timed, Oct. 1.
C. A. lluckiii!;ham is nifrht clerk of the
l uiteil States Express Company in this city,
and a sober, industrious young fellow at that.
Last month tlie clerks In the same oflice made
up a purse for the purpose of buying some
tickets In the Louisiana State Lottery and
asked voune Buckingham to go into the coni-iiinuili'in-
but he refused, saving, that he
needed his earnings to care for his family, u
nifc anil child, the wife having been sick for
some time, .lust, before the drawing of tlie
pub of September, however, Buckingham
concluded that he would try his luck, and on
the quiet sent ti and received In return two
i.ue.lwentleth tickets. OllC Of UlCSC WUS OllC-
tivenlieth of ticket .No. liH.lo'l, which drew
tlie third capital prize cf Ti0,(KK). The fortu
nate man forwarded his ticket to the Louisi
ana State Lottery company and received in
return 12,51 W in hard cash. This is another
ease of where the. prize fell into excellent
hands and where it will serve the excellent
purpose of making easy for the time being, at
least, the path of a most deserving young
man and his excellent family.
When they overtake a horse thief in Texas
they call a halt, and then they call a halter.
Kennedy's East India Bitters.
Ked Cross Diamond Brand.
Tbs oaly reliable pill for ssle. ttef .1 and
sore. l.alee. aaa vreuraiai
asaad Hrmad, isr rra e.uMiicie..-...
alia biumbooa. Takeaaatker.
(.lamiia) for partUvlara aad 'lteller m
1 ldlea." s l.or. by saalL A" "fer.
Calekester Ckaaileai Co, Madls ., thlla4a. Pa.
1 nniCQ
Kniabt'slKnoboW Steel and
Pennyroyal f'llls for irretiii
lar monthly perloils,are safe.
leffeetnal anil the only uenu-
line.Sentanywhercon rece.iplorll.0tny Ai.khko
1. KNIUUT, Urugalst, iiWO State St., Chlcanu, UL
the catenaion pieces neatly ovtrlap each other..
nuking a regular orercoat with a douoie sioran-
Col front. When riding, the saddle is dry as a.
e, from pommel to cantle, and the rider is en
tirely protected in eyery part of his body. These
"Slickers," being of eitra width, make fin -blankets
for camp. Beware oi worthless imitations,
every garment stamped with " Fish Brand " Trade
Mark. Don't accept anv inferior coat when you
can have the '' Fish Brand Slicker" delivered with
out extra cost. Particulars and illustrated catalogne
A. J. TOWER, Boston. Mass.
aav The oldest madlciue in tlie world Is probably 1
: Dr. uaac Tnompion 1
Uelgbrated eve WATKl
This article Is a catetully prepsrea rnysician s pre
seriptinn.anu has been in eonsututuse nearly arentnry.
CAI'TION. The only genuine Taoiapaon'a Kye
vfler has upon the white wrapper of each bottle an.
enars veil pnrlrait of the inventor. Da. laAAO TllOMMOH.
with a aciimilrul his signature; also a note of haatf
DalVIa HRI I lln.xAln. lOPKcea. aiene.l John I,. Tlmmpson. Avoid all others Theeen-
a on apiui anon y,uo,,.'s
SENT FREE 2CI siiunp, by addicsiini!.
THEO. HOLLAND, P. 0. Box 120, Phila., Pa.
llliiinliiHteirt Cover. uine Kye Witer can he obulned from all Druggists.
should and may know how child bearlnff
can be effected without, I'ftin or Dang-cr.
Information sentsMleil. A WoKPiarni
OR. J. H. DYK Bunaio. w. v.
-Louisville Western Ke
Flectlnir Fame.
What does the world care for dead
folks? Oortfo Eliot's grave is slnime
fullv netrlected-over frronn wit.
llllir - r"t'a trilllll
".tCII. Vllilliv. n w...-
disjjrane a
.lunm rrrilSS.
:.. V.., Y,iekeit,V WOlllll
. i Biirroiini ed. tiieai
nM ke their wills in
peopte h"" ;; ml -void the
He Took It Hack.
An extr-emelj stout, choleric old
pentK-manHHtin hi office one day
Uuuw over lot of papers and
earh to him He
lastly tniper, for thinKH
Hronn ever aince inonunir, nnd no,
then he cast his eyes about...
ZZ tor bin tempestu.. -tt. of
a clerk, thrusting hw
A minute Utter a prj .v
dinroflyinKiniioKlt-cted graves
' b !..:. iu.,.n i iKCovercd that
It, lias junu f
Ill.l V. v.."
, M.mufiH under
Jliraueii" 'c """" "V l.nil.linir
foundation ston.-s of a new "S
n lCiSihutthe city did not think it
rtUileto pull "P.t ;
lions now nenrly completed, to am
Jo".' beneath which stone the
mHityonitor'scoftlnollead wptow
Tho (iroHlng Fig.
A Californinn paper menritoiis some
of tho tieciiliaritios of the flf?. It has
ireathinc places, for from the little
uttonat tl.een.1 there are minute
S ol nir npawB which run through
Z ruit and 'clear into the -tern.. U.
Sdriinff.tlw K not placed as it
L-revi on 'the tree- the fruit sourH and
molds Tho fruit does not bang
th,. free but inclines upwards,
K bJ tlS-m and this button, or
i.,rh orvens toward the sun. Ifnot
SS&d whl . M.R dHetUbe but
The more a man heeomcs wrapped up iu
himself the chillier he gets.
liny t'nion .Soap nnd iniike a guess. .Ask
tour grocer about it to-day.
The i-imrrels of the doctors do not nlTect
the sail- of pills.
I,alies-Ve tak pleasure In drawing your
,,Uction to Alfred V. Knight's dVertinient
and rn assure you that you may feel safe in
C oding him money for what he advertises.
Your orders will receive prompt attention.
The time to test friendship Is In time of
personal disgrace.
Kennedy's Knst India Hitters.
Maa. maj a jTUOt. TSook-Veeplrit. Penmanship,
J Plf C Arithmetic. Shorthand, etc.. thor
oughly muehthymail Low rates. (Circulars free.
11 II V AST'S C01J.KUIS.tal Main St., Jlunalu. . Ii .
a nn-if-rii aid noARn iAin.
I or liiKhest connuislon and SO DAYS'
rHKHITln Ao kxth on our New Book.
, . SIK4JL,EBawCO.,lUAdamsSt.,i:hlcago,lll.
en re i
HHjjBaHsiBlal.s.l.sBBBi CliarlcKto wii. Mav
I prescribe and folly b
dors Bl(f ii m the only-,
specific for the certain cur -(
this dtsejuie. !
Amsterdam. N. Y.;
We bave sold Big G for
many years, and ft haft:
r;iven me uesi ui aa.ia -action.
Clilcajro. Jl?..
$1.00. Sold by Druggists.
Ilabli. The onlywt4al.
aad aatiy cure. lr. J. Ia
fiMpheBS, Lebaaoa, Okitw
W .asaslari
I -taasisaiMi iTfii
11 ard.air sytha
! 'jvauCaaaloiIOs,
to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is
certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal.
It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied
to the nostrils. Price, 50c. Sold by drtieRists or sent
E, VVi
by mail. Address, E. T. Hazeltine,
barren, F&.
It is the small limn who Is fearful he will
mt get all the credit he deserves.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria,
When she waa c Child, cio cried for Caatoria,
When sho bocame Uisa, sho clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria,
The liquor question Is an nhsorhlng themo.
M.nT imltaie. none equal, "Tanslll'l Tunch."
AiiiBi'li-a-s lliicst ic. agar.
The Paris exposition will close Novcmber6'
Kcnncdy'sKast India Bitters.
A Nrrlbblliia Hook.
I tnl-c. ordinary -vrnpi'ii'K rai'C'S cream
colored, fold it into al.oc , ii
l,v 14 inches in Hize, mid new the sheet
to-cthcr in a book for sci-ibbing pooiiih,
abort stories nnd random thoughts.
Thus Ihey are kept together for I.ilnio
reference, ninl mere i Nirins . r.. ...,
whiohh q-ite nn item of eximii-e to
even tho '-littitninkiiowu'-writei.
.1 C- Slrapon,-Marqnea,"W.fV., ay:
'Hall's Catarrh Cm cured mc of a very bad
ease of catarrh." UrnggHati aell It, .Re
JA ' ' ml'S --
A -v " Delicious Biscuit
The Great Raiser
of spots and dirt is PEARL
IN E. Try it on the spot it
is as cheap as dirt. It makes,
house-work easy and your
washing light. You could do
no harm with it if you tried..
It refines the finest things;,
makes them like new and
cleans quickly the coarcost. It
is ready to help you if you
are ready to have it.
, tricksters these ped
dlers selling powders.
of which they say
"same as Pearline " good, as l-earline.
Keep a kmi edgt on your wjt ajjnst iucl..
tit AVI 1 VP liaa tin meal.
JAMES rYl.a, are
. r
St t )
'. Si ML T
Ii, ,1
f. i',
i ! - -i daaaka, aa. wrna.
fW-Jadj . St-44.
4 j.',aia)att " " ajaarrTJJ" ' ,,i