The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 31, 1889, Image 3
L Sioux County Journal. puUiJl evefy Thursday. Sub rijitiou I'ru. ti.00 mow. - Kditor. Hurrlkon PuitolSn ... JtIM iuiw-r. XHI KSDAV, 0HKK 31, l-w-a. A 11. . Il . 11 Wiry' n't1'1 ih iur lu-pumiraa ! . ..t(i f'ii-nt inn hfMif lri- ' - S6th, 1 mention railed to ordir nt 730 p. i... P T.. fVjniiiauiott. of Sheridan CltV. J" . , r.i . J . lii U Wood, OI mienuKn, in in iwi ........ I .,irary rhairnmn and t . L. Jlnlim-, Uoux. t-!iirory . rtary motion the icmowintf i-oniiuuus-s ..i. i... i i.i rwes, lu-iith of Wurman, ami Nm- li of ruwes, Verity oi mous am) l,den of Klwridim. f 0. SimiiiKon, of Iwx Hutte was inatfil ly ai' lamation for tlie -,,m oi n pivseiitati ve for Mrd district. Tjje tfinniitte in resolutions rvKirtcd Vluliowinn "." u. ...... ,1,..,,, fi.;inn of the 5Hnl tvnreM-n- Vjvt ditrii't of Nebraska in convention mmhM Iwreoy rvwiivr. .. we endorse the tdatforn Un-Kilutionnof tlio lal n-pilUicail lia U,! nd state conventions mid riter- Lours1iulfast aillw-n-nce to the same, i-i we conliallv endorse the iiustrsit ion of President IlarriHon as L. ie- ronserviitive. patriotic and ... . t . . . vint0 witll true rvjiuomHii pnnci u Tlitit wp dciirecn'. the action of galled n-puhliians who allihate with juofotiier political vme n.r u ism of sulwrvintr individual inter uattlte ex-nse of ily orpuiiza .,n,l P..1111I) ican MIIC1CKS. nh we nlmliru ourselves to the H,ri of the KtatP. county anil local n tickets at the approachiiiK ,fetin on Novemlier oui. TEMPERANCE COLUMN. oudu(ted bj the W.f. T. V. ...i-v xi fM. Bujr. wa not f.n tt ti. 1.1 , ... H was mil on A ... Hut a fate far w,r than eitlar, Tlit stole him away from me.' TaS Uh- death io the ruby wieup, 1 r"' and seus drown; He drank tl alluring, Ait thus my Ujy went dow n. T'H only tlie same old Hory, That niother-i so often tell With accents of inlnnte sadness Like tlie toue of a funeral liell . u!! Ijn, But I never thought wl,en I heaixl it, I should learn all the meaning myself; I tliougl.t lie'd 1 true to hin.seir lut ala. f,r my kies, all delusion! Alas for lux youthful pride! Alas! who are mfe when danger h oiien on every side? O, can nothing destroy this evil? -m ir in their jxitliway be thrown? To save, from the terrible m;ielstrom The thousands of boys (,'oita; down? "Siitan often aiiits sin witli virtue's dors. He knows that if he should nre- s iit it in its own nature and dress, the soul would rather fly from it, than yield to it, and then-fore he presents it to us not 111 its own proT colors, but painted ami gilded over with the name and show of virtue, that e may the more easily lie overcome by it, and lake the more re in coninuttiii it." The Barber Shop. First door south of the court house. E. L. GALP1X, Proprietor. Here you can get a clean sliave, a first class hair cut or a WARM or COLD BAT II Smith Bros., OK THE ONLY K1KST CLASS LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLE Wish to call the attention of tlie public to the fact tliat they are prepared to furnish at reasonable rates First Class Rigs On short notice. A Dray Line Run in Connection. City Restaurant, HENRY SNYDER, Proprietor. Boarding by the day or week at lowest livinL' rates. WARM HEALS AT ALL HOURS. Call and see us when you are hungry I and we will give you the worth j of your money. J ONE IK)OR NORTH OF BLACKSMITH SllUF. READ THIS? TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL And the AMERICAN FARM SEWS one year for Two Dollars. The Harrison House. EOGEBT ROHWER, Proprietor, HARRISON, Nebraska. -O- Special Attention to Commercial Trade. Best Accommodations in the Northwest. UUn Items. H war clouds are again lie-ginning to ptlier over the reijctahl portion of White River. r P .lewet'n saw mill Ims moved to ikn'oal canyon. ThedemocratH were out in full force it the republican primary in this pre- aurt but then we don't blame them for iii'nt once in a life-time that democrats pU chance to be a delegate to a reputi fcta convention. John Fry la moved on his claim. Henry Kreman lias moved into Ids kw bouse. Four democraU Attended their primary fe!lst, and no repuhliiainB. lb. Fry. of Iowa, is visiting her . dswfttent Mrs. John and Ia Mc!ntisb. l!I.IntOHh sold three hiswl of fat ' ftmsUiC. P- Jewet a few days ago. Dart the voters of White river for gottrt tliat J. W. Earnest was one of ti flection board in Running WaU-r precinct in SCHOfIL RETORT. Bport of school diatrict No. 1, White river, for the month ending OtoU-r 11. 19. Number of pupils enrolled, 21. Xuoilier of days all pupils attended, 212. Avery's attendance, 16. Martha C'ahy, Tesu her. Warbosttt Items, Com huskinir is river Jacob DometfthtUHer is spending the 41 taking care of his horses. Hans Lenker (his frau calls him John) lijoing to build a two story brick block Mt spring. F. Podoll is the architect. Be will do an excellent job. Rev, Zimmerman holds Sabbath dlool every Sunday at the school lioux is district No. 22 Crandpa Woody wore his fine clothes wore tlie convention. He evidently tinted the nomination for iudce. You , j " a mistake grandpa, you ought ti kv rua for coroner. , Gilchrist, dear Oilchrist! No, Clare N aot vanished from off the face of the "rtb- All Gilchrist has is a log house itli a new addition on, without door or iiuloH. It vniilH Innlr more like S Vn if you would put in "them" win ". We hope to see Uiem in next time call for tlie mail. l"fr Woody Jr. visits the Clare ""try about twice a week electioneer- in for J V nll: -. 1. Itu nn I r, We're all solid for the "iieopleY' Wwbere. Jump on a mule and visit ""MUngwater. Mary Ash Ki.ynn- EU I'KltKINS TEIJiS A TEMPERANCE STORY. John Jones ls-gan at the age of liftwn to build a monument, and liuished it at fifty, lie worked night ami day, often all night long, and on the S;ililth. He seemed to lie in a great hurry to get it dune. He sin-tit nil tlie money lie earned iikiii it some say $")(). (K)0. Then he W- rowed all he could, and when no one would loan him any more, lie would take his wife's dresses, and sell them to net more money to finish that monu ment. They say be came home one day, and was about to take the blankets that lay over his sleeninir babv to keen him warm, and his wife tried to stop him but he drew luck bis fist and knocked Iwr down, and then went away with the blankets sral never brought them back and the poor Isiby sickened and died from exposure. At last, there was not anything in the bouse. The poor heart-broken wife soon followed the baby to the grave. Yet John Jones kept working all the more at the monument. I saw him when he was about fifty. The monument was nearly done; but he iuid worked so hard at it tliat I hardly knew him, is was so worn: his clothes ... , 1 1 I.. were all in tatters, anu ms nanus ww fire. indrd, his whole body, were cov eatl with scars which he got in laying up some of the stones. And the wretch ed man had tieen so little in society all the while that he was building, that lie u-.u ffiruolten how to use the English language; his tongue had somehow be come very thick, and when ho tried to speak, out would come an oath. That mav appear strange, but 1 nave observed that all who build such monu ments as John's prefer oaths to any oth er woru. Now, come with me and I will show you John's monument. It stands in a beautiful part of the city, wne.e streets meet. Most me" l'" things in a cemetery; but John haa ms own way, and put it in one of the finest bits to lie found. -Does it look like Bunker Hill Monument?-asks little AmyArlott by my : 1,. Not at all. John didn t want to tie remembered that way. He might have token tliat t-W-OOO and built an asylum for poor little .'hiWrcn that have no home, and people wonld have called the asylum bis monument But here we are at the front door. .. .. n,,! It is high and large, It is a gi.i" - - ,.! with great halls and towers, and velvet . m rrors, anu i"" carpew, t'h an This is John Jones' monument! Ami U,e man who sold John nearly a the ...... l- ves here with nis whisBjneu. rM familv: anu uiuj and finest clothes. 1 ki von Main Street, I trial of tlie men charged with the ""tor of Dr. Oonin was formally on last Thui-wlay, and tlio indi- "are that it will prove one or u n wited trials tliat lias ever umen tlie history of the world. The r was so deep laid and tlie men with being tlie authors thereof well known and of audi recog ability that their conviction will "'great victory for those in charge of prosecution and will have a tendency "Prevent the formation of conspiracies 71 View to shed blood and avoid pun "t. The progrew of tlx trial will atcW .in. .i. iwifh in this mui 111 j ...... "try and in Europe, -Don't fonret tliat TltK JoVBSAL is Harrison, Nebraska. R. E. MASSEY, : HOUSE, SIGN -AM)-?. Carriage Painter. Having fitted up the large building just back of the Harrison House, is now prepared to take care of all work in his ine. Can do any and all kind of carriage and wagon work. fjfS ATI SF ACTION GUARANTEED. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. To every one who pays for a year's subscription to The Journal in advance we will send them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm naner. '-American Farm News." Farm News is one of the leading farm month lies published and will prove of Immense Value To the settlers of Sioux county. Now is the time for or w YOU. to take advantage of this offer of two papers for BOOK HOLDERS. TMt MOST PcSrCCT Dictionary HOkDCS. Folding and Adjustable Tables. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, SO E. 1 9th St-.N.V. A Large Line of Stoves BANK OF HARRISON, Harrison, Nebraska. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,' $25,000. A General Banking Business Transacted- Every Accommodation Compatible With a Conservative Business Freely Ex. tended. B. F PITMAN, f resident. CHAS. E. HOLMES, Cashier. aniets, e egunt mirrors, Id 1 know not what all-so rich and UllringfScptemberpast ,M4 mn fira.iU came to this country, against 39 - . . .. L E-..l,.n. and Wales H,'li ; u ,,d Norway 3,810, KUSHIU ","'"1 - and France 7GH. 1 Ml ftf W 11. Webster, mo " w . ..nvn fd of cm Merrick county, . . . .... . few days oezzienK""' - . .. ... ia re amount urines . The norted to lie I It awa" vm" 11 :el 33.0Ua Jt pf- f lhe 0i. over the shite are gelt ng ft t i Salfnotallstniigbtthey 1 rtVlU LltO. - Viixinia.ulventistscre.dago.eal V"r. u.. into cau.pand pro of excitmem u, " worlj claiming that be d o ,.,.,Ucome on themgbtof Otfc Many f-mBr " , ' al.,inir ,hat the Now on hand at GRISWOLD i MARSTELLER'Sj Including Heaters, Coal and Wood, Cook Stoves, Ranges, etc. WE SELL FURNITURE As usual. A full line of BUILDERS HARDWARE Always on hand. Our STOCK OF TINWARE IS COMPLETE J, B. Finney, President, General office F. C. Stldmuw, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, -Dealers in-" Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lath And Shingles, Sash, ' Doors, Blinds, Plaster, Hair, Lime, - A.2ST3D OEMIEIsTT. - COMPLETE STOCK ' ALWAYS ON HAND. Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. The Northwestern Line" Between Harrison, Neb., Harrison. Neb G. GUTHRIE, Manager. possess an absnlotely perfect repeating action ana oanasonic cases, ruu nw ranted. -Ami- Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. Paul -Anti All Points East, North, South and West, THWOTTOU TICKETS TO ALL POINTS. a nxlicution to J. C, NORTIIUOP, Agent, Harrison, Neb. Full Information on Application io a. II. O. Burt, Omvl Manager, r'cWw4. Are the belt in the world, and have led Ml etnen ror yean, urcr si,uuv ia sse. The people are bound to have the nest, and will have none bat the ESTEY. Time payments or cash, aa customers Call and see as, or send for Catalogues and full information. W & (TJAMFn 233 State Streat, Chicago. Ott LiQUIb Howe, 010 & QUv CV k,ia,Oass. . . y ' w ?' 4 r1. .5 n I a V r m If In fld to do all kinds of job printing 'UlU,:.rr:an,ndthis Lord isvrVu,,,J - - ' - a