The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 31, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal
o '
Li k rattfix)B, - Proprietors
is U IT, ' u,,",,Urt ''"
' 1 by rtmt ,,nmilssi,,1(,.
" t din..!
31, 1889.
1STO. 7
Time Table,
f. E. 4 M. V. Ry., Passenger.
Lst leave Harrisoh at 10:;;r A. M.
Harrison Market.
Batter, llitol.
poultry, -r dot flOO to J
Oats per 100 lb ft. 10
oro, per 100 th f 1.00
Bran, per 1 Mb 10.
FiJ, chopped, per 100 S
Potatoes, per bu. 90-,
yrhuni, r fal. oOo.
Onions, (x r bu. f l.fd).
Bestn. per bu. 11.00.
Every ii i
the iv
'rything imli-
iv report come, in t,,... ,.n
" "'"'nhty m r.gard to
"l, ' HUl;itl,,l), a,
,.l.. . .
V'didateonthe r, put, r--pl- tk,-t will I t-ti i,v a
greater ,Hj,r.ty than bus 1,.,. ti. any ,. The .l,.rs ar
thoroughly aro.wiiintl,,. ni.l)1(,r
lo.imnii d.-;irs I,,r v.ork
riev.-riii'i 1- ma,,. ;i j.
'll'MI.'ll llli.n,
ll, nil l.h.l -
"ii a n
d rn.'iil
1 it to
fkf Republican People's Ticket
Chat. (J-rove
J. A. Ore-En.
M. Gayliar-T.
H. Barker.
A. Sou-T-hworth.
Geo. S-ll-jifer.
A. R. i -E-w.
Thos. R-ei'lv.
(.'on. I.ind-E-mau.
tor. 5. lkw9.
ime-siir.) not tin, in-!, t. ......
Highly i.J ,y w
: the tivs. T 1- suit?
things Will I (Inn.
I ire, n t,r
to ll tint ;l
-! on't tnule vote on election dav
tote tltc republican a-npies ticket.
hjtep to hi ttotn.
..111 alio (ire tir d of the affairs of
V count v Iwin, run by a ring should
pt i repul.limn people's ticket on ' thee
Lot Tuesday.
io have to pay
tb:it no such
f..r (".nivc ami
mmis-ion. rs. They will s.
r.ul is i,nt,f ,,i,l.l l-.r......
tlcy hi: res to ins,.,! any of the publii
'"""' 1 he development of that mad.
At the tii-. ling (1f ti,e counjy ,.,.
M'iwWr "n Thursday, OiWier 21,
tlw following ii.ui-.-s were made
in !!. ik.IIiiii; pbiees iii the preeinelM
n.uii-.!: In Five Point prwinc t, fnnii
thcM ho,. house, win, h is not in thiit
pni im t. t-i the lioue of J unes I. pro
eimier. In Wiirlniiitiet pr.a:inet, from
the rc-M,-n, e jf A. E. Andrews to the
si hrii.l Imiise in diMrirt No, In r,,f.
t"inv(MH.I t to s, IiooI house in th-,-tnt
No. 4. in She, 1 1 Creek pre, in. t
from the house of T. Ii. Snyder to tlmt
of Cenrre T.kW, In 8n:ike cr,., p,-,.
emit to Ilemhiel's store. Voters in
prwiri'-t should rernenii-r thi-
;uid not o to tlif wrotit; plai'e.
ipu nni M. Ree,.,,."ir wr,u.. , ,f) , k , .;
Lrinmt tbn- Mw and do not "t ;l ,,,,,,r,;e f 8ny kitnl I .,tain-d
fcfcublic nicnv wiuamlftvd, vote for I j. i.. i ... . ..i ...
WuUinineo pie's ti. ket. ' i,.,,l's t'k.-t,. It is reported that re-
-Vote for the utreht repuhhrrn ; ,H Kre u ,, , . n4 som,
L e'.l l. 1 1 & I . L. .. . ,
ERc 5 UTKcl Him Villi nreu fioi teiir null ,,r .1 l. ;.,(.. . A .
' 'i' lip: inrii imi in nri in i
ftjjw.ll r allowed whii h
will not l e
kidkl by the district court.
-Tbe nng claims that ittf cnndidaU s
W! tl trd, hut the gitiK of the tune-.
iitte ttiat every rnun on the republi
Ujwple'i tu ket will be el by a
-5.',r tha I'liunge in the voting
Wan Five PoiuU, Warbonnet, (t-
ktrooi Sheep i reek and Hnnke Creek
fKum. to not forget th
their personal character. Tiiat. is prettv
thin artjimii lit to turn voters against n
man iind ns a rule will turn more vote
in bis favor ami aainat th man nial;
injr the eburjn'H than any other way.
Vou can d-pend upon it tliat every man
on the republican peoplu'h tit ket is ai
hoin -t man and if any man tells you to
the contrary you may nt assured that
an attempt is U-im; maile to init, a lilot
changes ,i , . harn t. r of u man who does not
d go to the wrong place on clei lion i ,((w.rve j(
-Tie republican people candidates' "ihe lestive com poomer
fekvemnilea ,,n4iv thoromh ,,,. i taking in the farmers of S-war
.,. n. !... .i ... ' a-'ain, and has fashed his
virc i:Miintv , (Ullie lino Hie i.-wiiiii . - ... 1 1 f. f 11
l aiiKS at a Oltf nisi amo aim in i I"' '
lias been
I county
notes at the
ti first of the week. They are all
wMrtit that every man on the tn kot ,
til 1 elected by a ood majority. i
-8u far tins fall the weather has len
Hfkasant as any one could desire.
s all Nebraska can justly In; proud
large proportion of lirns weather
insidentsare permitu-d to eniov. wo
t believe any portion of the state I
j more favored m thus respect than ,
mix county, ,
-lhe newiftll ractntlv ordered by tb
bouni for t)i school ,onn, ha nr-
nwwd in future the children will be
aw to school by the rirurimr of tth; I ?r'
k Thus if, uiw more tp taken for-
M in school fllJl f turn '(,tl,iiiir stiutt
; to attract pt, to a rdace than ! I
H:hooI and churchfeg. , I Jack the Rpp-r is nil the talk in riv.
The arr,uieemeniu nM hin ,n,u finU mvcHH't lit present. A seurcn
,.,t was sworn out -ami 1"""
fields. It is singular how many peo,l
will be taken in on this old chesnuttv
swillille, me very iai i nun -taken
for these ouU are sold at an
' enormous discount is conclusive evi
dence that the gocds are K.ld at a ven
liich price."
I The above is taken from the Sewnn.'
' I And . and it is well for the people ol
! H:oux county to be on the lookout foi
ell such w heni.-S of this kind. It ahvay
,k,s b."st to deal with people who ha v.
i a business establislinient where you cat,
v ileal. Beware of baruns oil ereC
by utnillh'ers.
"sranu tun on thanksffi ving night. gotten up by C. E. Blunt, and
he want to get a big crowd out
"daw in tbirriwJn and will oiler an
:uteint'nt by giving each person who
fses a ticket a chaniM to win a
bor in a rallle. TIkj price of tn.k-
'dlb a dollar.
nd. the latter hav-
anu a siuivin, , .,1
ing the ollicers name on. Some tattl
were evil on and one horse takei
which the Kir) refused to Biv up f'
,, time but Hlie got tired at last nnu
Wt the onicerUike the horse. Then la
wnt forJa- kthe Ripper, a. lie i called.
not let any of th ndikt out 1 at Buck Hunter's. VV hen uie
tht fudon convention ,W,V vuu told him be hail a warrant for his a res
Fe them by proniising you he hid not stop to hear it read but
K a certain candidate on L re- i to the brush. He was ordered to U ,
rple'a tick The republican but didn't and w hang went u
'Htu ketia a winner all the way ! The old lady grabbed one gun
"""Kb and you do not need to trade. oj ollicer wren- bird it out
angleon of the
f her hand am.
. . i i (t..p the leeinK im""'"
seni a iohii (.-
In the gulch and the darkne,, the gam.
W8, 1(t. There was more than on.
Wa' . , i. th (leoredatiom
man connecwo win,
Vm . . . . . . . . , T c... .oinii on and and the othei
unooi ih aiivnrain or tne i tniH im" - n , ... n.
. ' I .1.- ...miner ami bill'
t. matin the uwrtion that MM , nan ma"
""tra.jjiafyp Uw whole ticket
' m tkver liavi. ru-,, ),
nangttlwrcnultof the election
""xt Tuday ( and tlmt money would
co.v votin S.oux county. Such
r - ..,Uu u. lint ,ntill,seiic Hod
Is under good headway
I The mill
Lnd will he set in a short time.
wJ over to Montr- the other a.
andpohUcreverywt- 1.
du'a ticket II loo .n...T ,
4... .. " !' ' ... There will ne a
l " rew-utnient of audi statement , aions uus m.(,I0' ticket.
?.!'v'n6 rouain majority for the re- round majonly I J ((),
PUuar, ........... ... Ti, neimlii VV man I" r-
1,.. UcKet. ; - enurlI1011H
l oi of Hioux county
Uitt Ki.i.,1 ,.f .... V,a.,nir ILllt IO PaJ ... , ,!,
-.onu ZZ : Z " 7. ... Z , r ! oo'seil utKn them by the..-
S '-V Ull 4 T 111. II - I
T ri -s
" Mn ii; w;ls in H
i1'mi.,y. II,. is
! itr,.s. s. h iil
Arthur .'. !.os i
'iM.yanl ,H,,i llt tl)
ys the r. put Lean p- ,i,e'
rrison a short
t-ai hmg tie
Hai r'son
S e!!e e.
ticket is a
"as in If.iiTon
J .llll 1 . S. hlllt.'.
Kb Simth was up fr, p.l:iic or
''."day. He savs the r. i ul !,-.... ,.
eiuiniig ground all tin
tit kit
AlWt c,
vei;k Pi kin
'turned to
ai visit injr here last
: over the country and luu
own with the intention o!
oruin- here in tbu spring to loeate.
Mr. and Mrs. frank Nutto came to
bii'i-isoii on Sunday to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. R. Simler.
John Slaile has U-en i;neae;ej f,,r .ine
mie biiilduig a house on bis place. Hi
v.ll move hi-rt: in the spring.
Jas. H. Cook left on Wednesday for a
'nisiness trip to Chicago, aceumpanicd
by his friend, Mr. LoVelarui, who has
'n-en visiting him for .some weeks. Mr.
ook will he absent nlwnit ten days.
L. (lerlach was ill Harrison yesterday
ind reported that the repuhlicau people's
ticket is gaining stivngth every day.
J. W. Hunter was at the county seat
I r. Oliver Fisher was up from Craw-
tord veslerdav to look after his 1
Attorney ( 'onley made a business trip
'o Chadron on and returned
Tuesday .
C E. Holmes, E. A. Weir and C. E.
Verily went to Rusliville and Children
to attend the repuhlicau senatorial anil
representative conventions on Saturday
mil t'etiirnid on Monday.
Marion Pfost, was in Harrison the first
if the week and called at this ollice on
S. W. Carey, of Cottonwood precinct,
vas in Harrison on Saturday anil made a
all at our otlice.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oldham, who have
lieen visiting Mr. and Mrs. (. W. Hester
i or a few weeks, left on Tuesday '''"
their home at Greculield, Iowa. Before
leaving Mr. Oldham called and ordered
THE Jounx.U. sent to his address.
Mrs. L. A. Post has been on the sick
list for the past week, but is now much
A. Jacobs, of Running Water pre
cinct, was in Harrison the lirst ot the
week and called at this ollice. He says
ihe settlers are all for the republican
isjople's ticket in his neighborhood.
J. W. Langdon was in Harrison the
.ir.stofthe week. He says that Ante
lope precinct is going to give a good big
najority for the republican people's
ticket on next Tuesday.
Lejal Ballots,
As some question has been raised in
regard to bow ballots should be printed
in order to have them conform with the
statutes, a letter was written to Attor
ney General, asking his advice in
the matter. The following is what be
says in reply:
" u answer to yours relating to the
t'eket 1 will say that Section 113, relat
;ng to fraudulent votes or ballots pro
vide, a liallot with a designated beading
curtaining printed thereon, in place of
another, a name not found on the regu
lar liallot having such heading, etc.
"Thus you will see that to have a lial
lot counted for the people's ticket it
n Hist lie on the head "People's Ticket."
My judgment would be that to have the
heading thus'BucAN State Tic-let
Pj-xilk's Coi:nty Ticket,
and then set out the offices for state and
county as you have them on your copy.
Yours, &:, Wm. Lkeke."
The ballots on which the "People's
Ticket" is printed are printed in accord
ance with the above opinion, and the
voters should see that no one is allowed
to throw any of them out, but should be
certain that every vote is properly
counted and a straight return made.
Look Refors Yon Leap.
It is a well settled fact that the re
turns from Running Water precinct in
were not just as they should have
lieen. Do you want a man to have
charge of the affairs of the county who
had a hand in that election matter, not
simply as an outsider, but one of the j
judges, sworn to protect the purity of
the ballot box? It is out of the ques
tion for this to be denied. Jt is a matter
of record and that is the best possible
evidence. In order that there be no mis-
Iu pursuance to Ice publiihecl call, dele
gates to the republican senatorial conven
tion for the 14th district, aaaeinbled at the
court bouue hall, and the meeting was called
to order at 11 o'clock a. m. by the chairman
of the central committee. All red Bartow, of
Dawes county, and after, a few remarks
called upon the committee's secretary, who
read the call for the convention.
E. F. Companion, of Hay Springs, was
elected temporary chairman, and El. L.
Heath, secretary.
On motion, the following committee on
credentials was appointed :
Reynolds, of Dawes: Kimonson, of Box
take about the matter we publish the j Butte; Tucker, of Cherry ; Sanders, of Kock,
following certificate from the county , and Heath, of Sheridan.
I tnre. of county funds.
vote in
( I"" tliat mm i -1, ii 1 rw n ill H.UUX
,Mitv. -,i '.. ........ I,.. ! forgotten the
i i- ,i ub irrow n ov uiuui tii.', .."
Ufcir.l . .. ..
w aa one
Ti.e have no
Running Water
lorKi , ... ,t,it J. V.
uri.l, . . . . i- . inct lor iOOO, ui
s u icw nines norm oi w""- i . ., Kttni.
tl i . .. waa one ol me "
t .uv inio me gruiiiiu bw"
H iolh, and the corn waa fully ma-
More froat atrut k It The ears
i "wta Wgo, perhaps, ah they would
en Uul a ,tt more rain fallen
r in growing season, but the larni
i '! U pre Uy will pleased to know
r ,hey im ruiHo Hi good torn n this
edal core
.i.ti . emorest prize ni
ChrlHtian - o n thB HV(
givn at t ne w,jch
mu'of Nov. i,n " -
riUmviWd, Admrnioalree.
In looking over the republican people's
ticket it, is a noticahle (act that it is dis-
ii..,.tr n fnrmers ticket, for all but
Ml, l, ,j
P ., .1.1. ...... Ueiter nil
two 01 Hie cauiuuaie.s .no
farms. Thus. Reidy, the candidate for
.heriir. l'ing engaged in business in liar
'. r. ...!.. II ,,,l;.l,t.e
nson. aiarun ciaioiuL, mo
lor treasurer, lives on his farm a short
Jistance from Montrose, where his sons
arry on the mercantile establishment
if M. Gayhart and son. Conrad Linde
uaii, the candidate for county clerk,
lives in Bodarc precinct where tie is es
tablishing a home for himself and family.
harles Grove, the candidate tor count
ommissioner from the 2nd district, is a
resident of Cottonwood precinct,
,e has a farm. John A. Green, the can-
lidate for county commissioner lrom tin
ird district is a resident of Running
A'atcr precinct, where he is engaged it,
arming. 8. Barker, the candidate for
ountv '.udge, is the second one who is
Hit a farmer, hut he is the owner of a
,,)()d quarter section of land close to
"larrison. so that his interests are the as other land owners. Alanson
.South worth, the candidate for Biipenn-
. . ,i ..4 f .si, Mie nslruction, is one ui
l;noi:ut in i,"'
..he prosix-rous farmers
arecin'd. A. R-
.amnot precinct, where he has resided
ver since be has been in the county.
,r Geo. J. Shaffer is living on his farm
, few miles from Harrison. If that does
nt come pretty near being a grayr
eket we do not know how you would go
work to better it. Every man on
,,....; ..lean, straight man who will
onduct the affairs of the public with
re and honesty, and the election of that
.ntire ticket will lie a credit to ine peu
,,lo of Sioux county.
Closing Out SaK
i,r v,eH some rock salt on hand that
. i-ant. to close out to make room for
,iu. Will not order any more
U-rlhiata gone,, now H -the chance
o lay in a supply. In lots of IM pound
of Hat Creek
the candidate lor
is a farmer in War-
150 pounds are
w.ld at one tinierijc, per
Ranch Swtly Hocse,
When you go to the polls lie sure that
you vote the ticket that will give Rood
public ollicers to the county for the next
t wo years. No one denies that the af
fairs of the county have been mismun
iigcil, even the lusion convention wmcn
met on October 4, 1889, put in its reso
lutions the following clause: "We heart
ily concur that there should be improv
meiit in the administration of our county
affairs." By the adoption of such a
plank they acknowledge that the public
matters have not been conducted in the
past as they should have been, and then
the same clique go to work and put up
men of their own ilk, some of whom
have been ollicers during the time, ac
cording to their own resolution, that the
affairs of the county have been misman
aged. That is a very nice dodge, but it
will not deceive the voters or induce
tlif-ui to again entrust the public affairs
to their keeping. Thu men on the repub
lican people's ticket are men against
whom not a word can lie said nor a
charge of any kind be made against the
character, honor or ability of any one
of them. They are men who came here
to build up homes and they have been
identified with the interests of the peo
ple ever since they have been in Sioux
county, and if they receive the support
at the polls on next lnosday to
winch they are entitled every one of
them will be elected and the settlers of
Sioux county w ill have cause to rejoice
over the result.
Ho you want Sioux county to settle
up rapidly so that your farm will become
valuable? If so. vote the republican
people's ticket from top to hot torn. It
is a business proposition. It is the set
tlement of a country that gives a value
to real estate. It was only a few years
ago the land in the eastern part of the
state was as cheap as it is in Sioux
county. It was nothing but the settle
ment of the country and the cultivation
of the soil which has made the land
worth from $25 to $60 per acre. The
land there was not considered to be ol
the best quality, but the development
has lieen wonderful, and there is no
reason why Sioux county cannot experi
ence the same results if proper care is
taken of public matters so that the taxes
are kept as low as possible, and the
proper encouragement given to people to
come here to live. In order to get these
matters into proper shape vote the re
publican people's ticket all through next
Ho you want a man on the county
board who was a member of the election
board of Runnning Water precinct in
18HH. The returns which came in from
that nrecinct last year are well-known
to all the people of Sioux county and
they should make it known that they
have no use for such men in the conuuci
of the public business. If you want the
business in charge of men whom you
know for certain will transact the busi
ness in an honest and honorhble manner,
vole for John A. Green for county com
missioner from the 3d district.
Remember there are no chronic office
seekers on the republican people s ucnei,,
and no liien who in former years have
htcn making a living out of public office
or posing before the public as candidates
for honors and ollice. J ne caniuo.ues on
that ticket were placed there for the pur
ndse of breaking up a ring and putting
of affairs in the hands of
men who will administer their offices in
thu interests of the entire pwiple and not
for the benefit of a favored few.
With the amount of moistnre fall
ing this fall and the excellent prospects
for the election of the entire republican
.,,1.,'p ticdet there is no doubt that
within the next year Sioux county will
enjoy unprecedented prosperity and the
population ought to bo almost doubled
by January 1, IStJ.
lerk :
State of Nebraska
County of bioux. j i
1, Chas. C. Jameson, County Clerk in
and for said county do hereby certify
that the commissioners record ol bioux
county, book A on page 98, is entered
I'ecember 1st, 1888. Claim No. 471 al
lowed to J. W. Earnest for judge of
election and ret urns the sum of $7.00
from Running Water precinct.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and the seal of said county
this 22d day of Octoljer, 189.
Cuas. C. Jameson,
seal County Clerk.
Now, farmers, if a man will be a party
to such a transaction, do you want to
have him in a position where he will
have an opportunity to run the affairs of
the county? Do you want to put it in
the power of men of that kind to say
how much tax you shall pay and what
shall be done with the money. It is
right and proper that when a man has
held an office the way in which he con
ducted himself as an official should be
taken into account, when be asks for the
votes of the people to give him authority
to transact their business. Vote for no
man on whose official record there is a
until one o'clock
A bran new boy arrived at the home
of Carlton kuott on Saturday, Oct. 20th.
All old soldiers and sailors are re
quested to meet at the court house on
Saturday, Nov. 91 h, at 1 o'clock, sharp,
for the purpose of organizing a G. A. R.
On last Tuesday C. F. Slingerland
returned from his trip down the road
and people were not a little surprised to
see him accompanied by a lady and still
more surprised when they learned that
he had been married at Chadron on the
day previous. We wish the newly mar
ried couple much matrimonial happiness.
Straight republicanism was recog
nized at the recent senatorial convention
at Rusliville, called to nominate a can
didate to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation Of Hon. C. II. Cornell. C.
E. Holmes, E. A. Weir and C. E. Verity
went dowu as delegates from the straight
republican mass convention and C. F.
Slingerland went down as a representa
tive of the fusion convention. The dele
gates sent by the lmiss convention were
seated by the unanamous vote of the
convention and that settled the matter
so far as the senatorial district was con
cerned and the selection of" Hon. Alfred
Bartow as the candidate completed the
work of the convention.
On the evening of the same day a con
vention was held at Chadron to place in
nomination a candidate to fill the vacan
cy caused by the resignation of Hon. L.
VV. Gilchrist and the same delegates
went there to represent tne republican
mass convention, and C. F. Slingerland
also went to Chadron, but at the last
moment his gall must have failed him
tor he did not appear at all to ask for a
seat in the convention. Both conven
tions passed resolutions condemning the
mixing of parties in primary work and the
true party spirit of the northwest coun
ties is thus displayed in a manner which
cannot be mistaken.
Remember The Journal clubs with
almost any paper in the United States
and when you Want anything in the line
of papers or periodicals call and see us
and we can save you some money.
On motion, the chair appointed the follow
ing committee on permanent organization
and resolutions:
Alfred Bartow, C. M. Wood and Geo. W.
Convention adjourned
p. in.
Convention culled to order by the chair
man, at 1 :f p. in.
The committee on credentials submitted
the following report, and the same was
adopted'),' the unanimous vote, of the con
vention :
"The committee on credentials, after a full
and impartial hearing of the reports and
claims of the several counties in the 14th
senatorial district for Nebraska, hogs, to sub
mit this report, recommending the follow
ing as delegates to said senatorial conven
tion :
Dawes county 9 votes, to be cast by W. H.
KeynoklM, A. Bartow and W. F. Hayward.
Cherry county 6 votes, to be cast hy J.W;
Keya l'aha county 6 votes, to bo cast by A.
J. Burnhuni.
Sheridan county 8 votes. E. F. Companion,
(2 votes) G. S. lluydcn, I,. II. Pierce, Kl. I..
Heuth, C. M. Wood, Geo. W. Seeley and A.
Kock county 4 votes, to be cast by S. A.
Box Butte county 6 votes, to be cast by W.
G. Sinionson.
Brown county 5 voles, to be cast by M. B.
Sioux county 3 votes, to bo cast by Chas.E.
Verity, Chas. E. Holmes and Kd. A. Weir.
This committee hereby censnres the old
republican organization of Sioux county for
affiliating and combining with the demo
cratic party in said county, and does not ap
prove of the bolting republicans recognizing
a people's ticket in said county, but on the
evidence before us wc are compelled to en
dorse the delegation heroin recommended,
believing it, more fully represents true re
publicanism in Sioux county,
Respectfully submitted,
W. II. Reynolds, Chairman.
W. G. Simohsos, Secretary.
The committee on permanent organization
and resolutions presented the following re
ports :
We, the republican representatives of the
14th senatorial district of Nebraska, in con
vention assembled, hereby resolve,
First, That we heartily endorse the plat
forms and resolutions of the republican
part vas set forth and declared by the. last
national republican and statu conventions,
and reiterate our adherence to the same.
second, That we also endorse the ad minis
tration of President Harrison as being wise,
conservative, patriotic, and in accord with
the principles of true republicanism.
Third, That we deprecate the action of so
called republicans who atliliate with other
political parties for the purpose, of subserv
ing individual interests, at the expense of
party organization and complete republican
Fourth, That we pledge ourselves and our
best endeavors to the election of the state,
county and local tickets, at the ensuing
election, on November 6th next.
Ai.FKKii Bartow,
Your committee on permanent organiza
tion respectfully report that the temporary
organization ot this convention be made the
permanent one. Alfred Baytow,
Both the above reports were unanimously
iMiinination of a candidate for a senator,
to till vacancy caused by the resignation of
Senator Cornell, being in order, the names of
Judge Tucker, of Cherry county, Mr. John
son, of the same county, and A. II. Tingle, of
Kock county, were presented to the convem
Judge Tucker urged the nomination of Sir.
Johnson, but on motion, the convention sus
pended the rifles and nominated the Judge
by acclimation. He thereupon declined to
accept, and presented shu name of Alfred
Kirtow as a candidate. On a call ef the
counties the vote stood as follows: (Brown
and Keya 1 aha not, answering to roll call.)
Dawes, Alfred Bartow, 9
tiheridan, " 8
Box butte, " 6
Sioux, " 3
cherry, " S
Kock, A. H. Tingle, 1
Beiore the vote could be announced, Mr.
Sunders, of Kock county, changed the vote
of his county from Mr. Tingle to Mr. Bartow,
and he was declared the unanimous choice of
the convention for St.. to senator.
Mr. liitrtow accepted the noiniuaf ion and
thanked the convention for flic same.
cm motion. Judge Tucker was elected
chairman of the central committee in place
of Mr. Bartow.
Convention adjourned.
EL. L. HEATH. Scc'y.
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