I : . ..... 1 !-irfrft ? that Ton SrS-i. -I Bull'. PjJTuTbeart 1 ao In but r"Cal,- without love '..:sr." iI tbe rim- poetic rapture -I would P unimn irreverentiv. fiTwIiUt we do live, let u. 1 1st la a aupply t fr. f),e pastor lime Rin, o L been munius and tumbled down. Tup .ui book, 6Xtoctin,r her U, Len, to Hi anrpriM". a lier mdeacrii.auiy iron ..ii.ti teil of Ihe previous j is the Jmli;e; b iut- Lisd aeUelU lip oooiuer. Tin. It lie the wnlne Lu lightened woman' lals.r JIM gro-cr ua.c ii. lilataiict i Try It. ..hi II u' Lip. Lsntnmli the wind etmse LvsrkS la U'8 Hls iuai am tenifly iindeBfcht to look Lf nqiis;teiy paiiiim; uy l .; nr much, (jo t( Luxl STct fbcre 110 rem' I tiist It h:i ciinnu oi njoice in in '"i".i WlSf, UW WI1UU JUll nivim kermni. Apply 11 wim mu tft nm a cunu. pleasing Kesiae Uitrcnpth renewed ami of sitituit follows the use of as it nets in linnnony to 'fT'"etiirliy elennso th Lj foln or Pilioiia. ror uJ $1.00 bid tits by ail lend- Cr- Track, PHadilT-CMrul r.. e- . tomnmnd of the Department of and 7 S1' ,ntl"'r af,-rD, " the nark, ... - mo muiea iinirib!' in considerable num- ieir COlnnli.viiMi -...I -L i - Iivion. taking the J " i .527"; offii of Mnjor-Ueneral Terry, resism-1 L"fi 'f deMral'!e. "-' to be th.IM... . ' '-l-"eui. Ol li,e,r earrn;., of th-t;...-: :. 7.7 ",,M"U" endeavored to "iu,. . "uri, ii ig well known has 11 1., .. " ; more enr t',u"'uiei to ttie nis liever ll'IT lla t.nm l.nu I ...U.T .1UUI 1IC Rinl by lite lime thut iTe hiM experience will be of the faces ,T"'se l'"'"tl- The Cem-rul thu8 promoted 1ms '.,0 KO-,over ''ud"u"tobel.re8entei little over five yarn to serve Wfi.ro i ?...'! a"a H' tak. 'icU .tl. re-f bmg the nKe of retirement, and l.M i.cquiieil . maaiSry of ber he was at the head of the list of !r',L !?" wil1' I'ronch women. tirUfnilUT-mniornlu II. I r urn renuLauon arnono; the IndiaiiB is nifrnitird in the name "Gray Fox," whie-h thev have given him. (Jeorge Crook i a native of Ohio, 11 Lf.rk nam- ! I'lr. kftr-TOins: Nw lorker ' hce L.mii nn.l uii.iiv other imui- r' .. . ' . . inilteii iiiviliilioiiB to lie ire- b ,.Kff t i h iifli'i niioii. to CtioTPiiiciit for ii World's Fair kt, ud n't a Roul cnnie. mr, Hint tliiH ji)n to lie Vn.,n event iu tho limtory ki city Whore were you Iiplieil,' blfrpriiii2 New Yorker "I threat llm lliuo iwipoliite.l; ttilml tritmit wero to over- tili.it hour tlmt I could not ksj rtmm; l lureii n enii, Wmnffld in n "rimli on JSrond- likt weatisoniB wiiit I ciive k:tK,k a fitreel car, inn i tint. UK) ofU-a at crow otreeU that wlifil tlie end o my journey isiwl the uieetiu w ua oter." fci Weekly. ! la m. . AKbm? Ail. WaMH aaWSi-W a3lJL flfWt VS. ''V IK) . rir-ri l "J 11 u, I4mnnn L BTTMt L..T J and IMaTURaL lUHlUJrWilCyppiJUOll rHf U3 li Yemenis MMfof reWclne. taatmrr Urirr are clad. k np tot! be'lmpeful, pteip M ttirre uritii to lie nan. nrnl iwabout sixty yearsof ne. After he wan pnulunteil at Went J'omtlie appointed to a I.ienti'iianryintheBHH in the fourth Infantry, linn w:m in the year 1m."2. Hurinp tlu-Civil War he rriHO from the rank of ( olonel to that ol Hriadier-tieniTal in x(V2, and Mnior-fienenil in ln(j4. .-.in n .tiltul llirt npniv .if fwl". ir pinia in the Vnlley of the Shenandoah. When the war ended Crook was : m-rvin n Major in the Third Infan try, and waB a brevet .Major-' .enenu ot the 1'niU'd StaU'K army. He had riHon to lie a full lirisadier-lieneral in the Kejrular Army by the year lM7;i. His promotion innppre'icated by army olliieeri fCf.ncrally. as that of a cupnble find nrtive woldier, who has earned his rank. Ifi tvliila li.o . .. .1 . :. . t - .. ..... . lllcv ,,u meir mces ",u" nine in mivli-lit; ll.eir ronre lie eomea a jmle mnjrentii; the bhuk Hue '"? "Uw 1. una llie.ir eyes give their oibs ft bend lile. exiiressionless air; the r-d Hint they put oi, their lips liKxiinies a brounihh tint inul dnrkens Hieir teeth, nu.1 their Htteiiiiits t.. bet ter their ryehrona peniTiilly end in iinikin- one iliffoicnt from the other. xx.uuou lriun. Jli ll.ll.i..' I'lill.....!.!.). lA-i mm go, my sun, Bind an an ciont fiitlier to his buy, who hud cnlit lahhil. "mill when be eetu l.i. . keleii him nsnin." 'the boy did az he naz told, and huz been looking for that ialii.it ever Kineo. The world oivch all its enerpty and re tnienient tmv lnxitrv. l)i''"in roois for hrekfliKt ...id e..in.r i.nl'i.d f.iv clothes, iz the viituivoua innocence of a lazy s:wa'e. 1 here is lols ov folks who eat well, and drink uell. and vet are Mck all tlie time. Thezu mo the folks who alwns enjoy poor health. If a man Jnls yn. and von hit luni back you are even; but if you don't strike back lie iz vine debtor, and alwua ... . . i. oe n craeii. .Men. if t lev flint loo hizv. liv Bnni- tinieH till thev are HO. and destroy the lime n eood deal as follows: 't in; fust SO veai-s lliev upend thnminir stuns at a luni U, the Heckoiid ISO they upend in ex riiiii.in.lr 1 i.. ii. (it- .- liiiv wi... where t ip stmiH hit, and the remainder is divided )u eiiHsin' the atiin-llirottiiiy UiniiUiC'SS, and uussiu tlie rumatizz. Wuiifli.ivoi'Ri hii.I .iltilHrln Tm ft rr.ne.it iKHlie of tho liuRsiatl lliedi- cid joiirmd. the ledilzinn, a uontribtitor emphatically draws attention to the ...La . .... .-.,...Uo,,t ,,...1 I lU'.lliioii nil it uw i ..i i.-1 L a. v .v.. ...... He j ciieapsiibstitnte forquiniiie iu Ihe treat- A National Family Paper-Two Millions of Readers lnsirucuve arxicicB. lue iuu auhuui"-uw,. Ten Serial Stories ..n .......r .(r.rl nd a.iioni the most attractive ever published. .50 Short Stories-TnriHing Adventure. -Sketche. of T'ave.-HeaUh and Hygiene ... . . . ci rt . m-PoDular science Biographical snetcnes-i.uw ' . Natural History-Outdoor Sports-Anecdotes Etiquette-Wit and Humor-Poetry. niustrated Weekly Supplements Were given with nearly every hsne during the lut year, and wiU ". nearly one-half in the matter and illustrations, without any increase in the price of the pape.. Eminent Contributors. Articles of great value and interest will be given in the volume for 1890 by Rt. Hon. W. E. Ciadstone, Hon. James C. Blaine, Justi n I Jrth; J"' General Lord Wolse.ey, Senator Ceo. Hoar, "T2 Hammoid, Sir Morel. Mackenzie, Prof. JJJ"-'. ?rTd hwTtka, Eugene Schuyler, C. A. stepnens, And One Hundred other well-known and favorite writers. Four Double Holiday Numbers Are in .preparation, and will be exceeding attractive filled with theecW work of our favorite writers, and profusely illustrated. They are published at Thanksgiving - Christmas - New Year's - Easter. Thene Souvenir Number are sent to Each Subscriber. rip. 0 wk one despondent, iiitwK UH' ne liiai iiii . ai etftfim tlmt never wilt tall you. ef pat r-hwr, iTiMinrTr with inv nf the wesk- fakrities'' and "functional do " limiiisr to four sex. by the ue fcc' Ftfurite l"reTiitlon you can ranotol With nnj happtn.iui U (1 tie oiiir medicine for women, IKfJsU. BD.frr s twH.ttive fuaraiitee fee Uxtle wrapjMr. SinsremftitR of Ihe liver, stomach ,ttc Dr. Pierce's PellcU. One a intuit of malarial fevers of all possible forms. 'lhu remedy ling been from lime i.i.irieiiiiirlal used for the purpose iu the KiiKsinn, as well ns l'eraiim mid Turkish popular medicine, and that mostly after the following plan: A Husk is tilled loosely with finely cut dry or recent ilowers and sleni, and then with vodka wpni vitai. The hermeti cally corked vessel is left to Htand under sun raVH, or at some warm place, for two or three (lavs, the tincture is then ready for use and should bo given its n small wiiiet'lassful three times a day. Ja recetit cases, complete and perma nent euro ensues in from olio to three days; in most obstinate and inveterate, not later than a weok. The remedy proved successful even m snen cases where quinine mid other ftuli-malarial means failed. iiej,ir tt.eeni;er, aud life a wsuam ui rrciuion. WMi srtt.'Ie rijirt ti eertotn er- 1 sdvemwnie.it tmi.vpr. t. NM. If It has anv merit it will iWlf Vvi.rv ,.r f.,,,,.,.. li HI Iters " sold, creates a de ll oflpl. find 111" u a v tn fixtret drawer. Wmcld:, we fare her Cnistorla, F-ct.aiw,tJo cried fcK'Mtoria, Ptaamc liha, sbo clung to Castoria, WCi.iUto,sh garettwtuCutorla, Wdoud often contains the most lfIlf.nu' 1 .1 - . . .. l -.- iiii eiii.ui i n JLI , by Wm. h. Tbomks: ISmo, a HI .nil ....... . .... tii inu.riiu.i.iB. n .l.i- a4v..iiiurr Amons hnshrartfeers a Uremi aoil best llo..k. evr i(l j Why Hamilton Foogbt Uurr. Hamilton'H boh, l'hilip. a lew years j Wore, while delenditur hi father; from political attacks, hud lieeonte embroiled in a duel. He hud met, his antagonist at Weelmwken, opposite New York, and been killed. Hamil ton at this time was bo impressed with the noxious influence of the code that ho published apamphet against it. Hut there were many rensonR why it wartdilih-ult for him to decline to ti t Burr. He hud formerly Banc- I tinned the practice he now condemn bv servinj' hh nceond to (ol. LtiureiiH in a duel with Uen. l-ee. m own son had (alien three years be frein limit was considered at tic time, a vindication of his father - h honor. He w Prul aspirant for tlte first offtce.n the p ft of the people. Today a duel would doubtless decide thefiHPHtionnfrairwt him. Then he regarded a refusa o fijrht m fatal to bm chances. II. 1 he pLessedfl certain mora HtrengJ iltendeficie.it in some of the Han i ions, he would have actd upon bm convictions. He w.m too e k to do thin and ncceptea iae c...-- r i.-nui. rierirvilif'ri. . . ...: K ;,a-iniHi than the hat, hl,v',. success.. A.nonjr the rare ,,- clotbcnJliootswornbythe nt- Ores' " ''hII" "I Friiie. ( fid rliiaMr cllinle. cim-ihIii ! slnin.lnt ernr.". It,;; pi, li Krln. enm nu'l iwcS c.ill.irv to lie! In J . i li.runir.tio,. free. A.Wrs. tl. Oregon In, miarni iuu liuuru. ruritnuu. urBgoa. lie Itll.sed III" Mluillllllll. Said ft New Haven business man last, evening: "On my way lo my olliee this morning 1 felt niiscrable ami wheal took my seal at my desk I hadn't energy eniiir'h to hold a pen. 1 had slept well and had not been out. of health in any way mid could not account for the con dition in which I found myself. After .loinj; the little work that was impera tively necessary 1 started for a walk, hoping that exercise would help me J ,lni""cd mvself along until I had walked Ihieo miles mid Iheii again tried to at t, nd lo business; but it. was no use, and t, noon I went homo doubting whether I should be able to con e iowii i u e-aiti On the dinner table I. found the cup of coffee I had forgotten in the 1,,,'rniii" Uown it went the first, thing, and from then until now I have been feeling Hk 11 bird." New Haven Palladium. A Y"" IIelH'OICl' S.1ICH. GleunrTM.)Ne''.ort.. I'erUlulv there Is no more propitious time for fortune to knock at a young man's door, as the li i-hman asaerU It docs once, in the life of everv man, than just as he Las taken unto . ,rt.ier to share his weal aud woe . .hi. life. A windfall of a few thousand of $5,000 Prize Stories. . .... . ... k. ..minerl. The titles and authors of those which will Nearlv Six Tnousnnci isiories .m.o - ..: nnmin. vcar. receive PriL cannot yet be announced, hut the successful Stories will be pubhshed during the com.n ycr. The Girl That's Wanted. I The Backward Boy, 1 . .a A .pries i...i,.i n.np. full of guneeitlons to irirls, as to new occupations, and what is best to do In life, by Marion llarland and other well-known writers. And How to Develop his Powers. A series of arti cles by the Presidents of three leading Universi- ties which will interest boys and their parents. j The F.dltorlals give comprehensive views of important current events at home and abroad The Children's rage contains charming Stories, Pictures, Anecdotes, Rhymes and Puzzles, adapted to the yonngest readers. Household Articles will be published frequently, giving useful information in Art Work, Fancy Work, Embroidery, Decoration of Rooms, Cooking, and Hints on Housekeeping. THIS SLIP FREE TO JAN. 1, 1890. Companion" FRKE to Jan. 1, 1S90. mnd for . full ''TrATEI) WEKKI.-V elude, the FOUR "imiaon WITH $1.75 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. SICKIIEADACIII Is- ii'osliivelvenred Kyi CARTERS ITTLE IVFR PILLS. n U ii n INwiiivrlyviirfd Uy ... . m I I A mil. inrnr ijiiiiv I t'MA f mm Dvpmensia.In (hgeaijonaiic ioonearvj irntiiirr k TiArfiv-l', rem- Lrlv fnr lii. iiiftna. Nausea ..,T . DrowsiDftsa. uoa hwm hi. fhA Mnnth. Coated Tongnfl.Pain in the Side, TOKFIU AjIVILH.. iuu; ll'urely Vegetable, Price teins. CAHTEE MSICIHE CO., NEW YOS. Small Pill. Small Dose, Small Price m 91 1 Jl riod Vm Phvsicians. - Cures where aU else fails. Pleasant and agreeable i to the 4af Children take it witnout oDieenou. oy JOSEPH H. HUNTER, DB. OWEN S ELECTRIC BELT A rro v k y. Vn.l.l n itnns 1). c. WlbC OUT YOU TENSION' witlioiitilcl;.?. rlf 25 r. tn. pmiualit. Adilrms p'Cobakeslde bldg., Chicago, lit. fan Uie bigKcut are factory. It per day. . "TMii'i euni-h" its Clgsr. we lonely they stoop to any m AM )MME PTUo olsfQistd that ths most dsUeata stomach caa taks It. if"Wi.mm pruuuckr. . '-Irtisi nla r:ltlf while MklNg II. 7m BTAws Biinr turn ' UUU H U DHUUUIVH .S' kP fajsleUii . to b lbs Wt EVVniUm lor Us rallef ol V Annuo mJkak or OH4 C..KOW1C COVOBt. tBott4 Bwiie,IewIoi. to Lon Mi clerjrymeu i,...- - don in May? A no,.de npt seedy )iat, generally of the B.denwake d Hn.tion.alo-igconteuthkoaHack, apairofbag,y trousers, very mu . i l n huennir of square toed T0 ' o s and atrin-ham umbrella f.u try boots niw "b1"'-. . . p ake up a costume nine . utonM nrrayh.inselfl'; ' lucafe brf,ken lo n u y hen in nr. terOMt OfWOIK, London Truth. Eecclrlc Funeral IMrectloM. From the U-uisvi c ourier. Tim funeral of lr. n. nn .mnent ItaplW d.vmo w nch took Place at AHanti a lew .lays v8ini.Uoi"'nany respects. Dr. el that pravers oe con. bo.ly ronmiMW Svffor any- HonKUinity ww. - flvor or hod v who '""T. " ... r.,.n;v for Everybody " "be no nd .. , l nn ELY'S CREAM CATARRH C.ranften t lie A Hhvr pain unit J all ii mmatioii. mill ftClU'V'' Mli--!a. ! ,1 of this kind of recent occurr.-i.ccs we ... mention t he case ot .vir. r. r.. i u, TZ: v B rncrchaut, of Harland, Fort enii ,1 " who purchased onc-twciitleth of ulalrizc of' 1(K).IKX) in the drawine; of the S ii u m. H ate Lottery on Tiics.li.y Sq.tem- pi ls.Sil,and as a eoi.K-oucnce is to-day r, iux better ft In this world's goods. Mr. PrtJr n ts the son nf Colonrl P. fc. Pearcson, fSnloud,o.icof the most jmimmentat " f this section, and Is a younK man X vfslecuicd by all his acq.mm anecs As liiEli i eu- v pcai-psiin l1u-.i only re S A g-d fortune Is A liank.-rsof Klchu.und. The fine! feeling velvety paws of a kitten often cover the aharpc.rt.claws. fl,ed w.u"VsK.-s u nr. faa Tl.oinp KiSwawr. Pn.fUl-w ssll It. . Heals the Sores. Itestoie. t'ie Semes r 'Ciwle and Smell. BALM rTLY'sv 1 -xFHKPVT I W?Ji jvm ii Mi r- ' -KTTk OTTeTJT-RrSrbWV. voumk. 16, im.nSmiim. OALVANIO BODf BELT i1. giinronteetl to cure the roe K, ....i...... n.mlv: ail Rheumatio ComplsinU, :.T.i.miu.nL General and g; Nervous Debility, Cos- tiveness, Kidney Diseases Hervousness, Trembling, ......I E'.h.ii.fiAn.W.Bt- ina of Body. Diseases .i i dtli; Tndiseretions in Touth, Age. j mV 'ffK il.Tlf. lnrct.llill..ciperllBlii8 nedorKin- ls,;r l"'fl, , of mule or female. EtKio misroN8ift.il V0,Vo "prick ifr HaiVSELECTR C HS0LE8 ESf SKIS.? iPJ-SsHt." pbiTti.iei. wm 0WMiShTOv;Bra 4. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. DDC5 n v j rvi r u i ( i iiiu. COCOA PRPAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledgo of the "t,-?J"Iws;. whicn Kovern the operations ot fliiiestlor. ra rrltionf and by a earotal nppiicat.on of the fine properties of Well-electcd Cocoa. Mr. Bpps i naa profited our breakfast table! . with a JebcateJy Bavonrcd beverage which may save ns many lit avy doctors' bills. It is by the Ju?'C10us J ' articles of diet that a constitution "aT.06"" lybnllt up until strong enough t" , resist every Win oency to disease. Hnndredsot subtle ' a'artie nre Boating around ns ready to attack wjererwin is a weak point. We ay escape many a ratal snait by keeping ourselvrs welt Jort.tlcd with pure i mood and a properly nourished trame. - Ctt-tt Semite GMade'"simply with boiling wat,.hr.mJd-b0.1'1 only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled JAMES EPPSSCO., HOmtBOpatnili unmiiwr LOnaon, cngianu. TRYTHECUREHAY-FEVERi RUPTURE 1 . . . , .j ...in i,nn ll and Is agree, sW se s ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSS COMBINED. A particle I applied Into each nnstrtl and Is agreej, rL m KI.Y llUOTllKltS, M Wanen St., New York. Tempering copper, couiptc-nc... a lost art, Is again ac- Ak Stv. l ;j7s - ?rr n- SMITH'S BILE BEANS V Pl w , ,Bn0mnle.vlon ; Acton the liver am. . cosuvencss, cur WZSi disorders. ISlulTU. of either VSWf WUQ r, vKuF ' Thla trusB la t rcut run b lomblnca til UK SMOTHERS I 1 .l c&cv f(WES Owen's Kleetrio Belt Attachment. orn Tl t e.ae Mill eomtort. The eur ide mild or itrons. Thi In lh oolr electrio iriiin .nil belt ever maaa. " ' ".rf," r lie if.'". feS se. f.r ..... Ill.,;tr.d Swt JOJ III pbln .enled envelope. Bold only "J'"" OWEM ELECTRIC BELT ft APPLUNCEOO. 1 Nn,..l. llfniiUwitV. St. LOUIS. MO am. iiuu m " iVI.IS1TUsumo.K I drcM ornnj """'.,. h reading t,raaiii iMTTi ricK no music, oniy,,' VdGri wero cur rB'rtofrferipture. HI-order. w .. ,,ond make a guess. nuv uioo11 i , your grocer alxiut It to-day. Hour lie Worked ! Oland, Mil. rejoto JZ T'Vi mt'a does not prevent w, ' over the mnvsimper to record his mono, when the lolluwiu colloquy ensued: 'What is your name.' , '(SeorRO Newton Hamloni.re, sab. "HOW do yoll Hcll ll ,. , , .. ;i..:i... It rh.ht down, sab. 1 "ts- ' ' ... . :..I...Tidoiri-illih. i.iircf enroll" '" Maga.lncTUnoTuiTe In Kngland for 24 cents. N EnKl.nT.hoit firms are having most of thdrwok'u.nclnjL'' ,r it t -s rVrATrniTljUKE is a llqliia and HAlX S tAi Aitivi aircctly on the I. ukcu lnten,al,y:.1,r(!ce of tbc system, blood and mucou .ur atea oi slzo Z6c ler bottle. .VURE of th0 A panel size rnu i w ,1 o," mailed on alve l''0'!1,;8!1,?, the niakersof the "f. "nnr.ncdvmio lleans." mo. BASE BALL - rENNTKUTAl riLto. Kml Cross Dluraond llraud. .., . ..In Hnf.. .nd ...d Brand, 1 red "WsvlJ Cfcleheswr CbHh:JU, Madlwa a-. r"a 1 CHADWICK'SWANUAL 1 1n. x 5 In. "o ixges. a . ....... I Mil 111. 1.1. on ,imii iiiiuii s CPMT FREE s amp. 1" ad'lrnsslng. the" IIOLLANO P.xJII. "11.11 l"..s knna nhif'll K.'flrtf SHREWD McH rOT l' tSTHMl 1?- " ckaitsatewa. Ha MUSIC INTHE AIR "hers Hannonleas. Strings for every instrument made, f ull stock of Sheet Music, Musi. Book,, Band and Or chestra Mnsio Hand Folios, instruction Hooks for all l,trun,cnt. Anyone sending in an order will receive a copy of Music KKKK. W.H to us for prices and cat alogues, .lating l.7 v'l.-it A- illlO.. i' OlIUlllH lNvb I prescribe and fully en down Big as to only piperific for the certain euro of thin ri.APHSi. U.U.INORAHAM.M. O.. Amsterdam, IN. Y. V bavo sold Hi G for manv years, nnd It haa f lven uio best oi eaiifl- D, It. jDYCHK & t 'O.. f'hlnnirn 111. TnrfrBaaVllrl.l9l.00. Row by Druggists. -w xtlni la LS AT f 1 TO 6 UATa. f Q.sraat4a not .1 l mom Strtotar., w III rlsnlytylt I ItmicCatmlealOs. V Olnolnnatl.srTsI f YT Tl Thl Trade Ci Waterproof MmfJffllln','""n''W ,J Teww, BoWonJ LESSENS PAINfrTQUFE DIMINISHES MOTHER 1 'frwwERsy child? Tnis ( 18 tub OHIO GREAT TUBULAR WELL AND PROSPECTING MACHINE famous for nueceefiln-r where nLhers havo failed. SELF CLEANIK8. Drill dros. note au Ul CATAIOBUE FREE. LOOMS & NYMMi, TIFFIN, OHIO 1 htt Pjaa.-- i VWrIM n iwhstt w or it you wtah to tlo wits, ss well machine. ALL ORDERS KIl.I.KI. PROMPTLT. .aass HMTfllLff ilVfc ANP IUM, UflTRIUaHUu Big Package ol Pholot 1 Alo lull written liMcrlptloup (InctDi luit rfuMfneci) vf repwt-,'1 I-mH- who wut lo o'rrreKnil fun BiMrlmony, ivpnt in envel tw foronl.v lct Msiiiy of our aAf Bienilifm ar tariitlfil sand wenlthy. Olvsi lull dsnorlption cf yoorlft.d a eltrsr tile ot tli Udtr with who you wlah w corrf!TKHi4. rldrw, iAiibould and may know how child boarinc 111 H V call W ftTtWWH wiuitniw rmn ur inopvi UUCOTKltT! DR. J. H. DVC. Buffalo, N. Y. (IMA arVacnV will ears tllood Polnm wl.ers Nf'XGlW KtmtUl mercury falls. Umnti ana lor sis only by Cook lisn.vdy Co., Omshs, Nsb. Writ. ! 1 I j j i si i- t'. 'i i, J.1 ' 1 1? . r7 ll f . B ' W ' 1 s1' -i if Ss. ! ! . i 15 Bl'w'sSF sWwPw j ssoisisir sj I., " a e to IW