The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 17, 1889, Image 6

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    . . .
The Sioux County Journal.
Published every Thursday.
, o
Subscription Price, $2.00
L. J. Simmons, ... Editor.
Hntered at the Harrison post office as see-
on u ciaa uiaiu-r.
Thcespay. October IT, 19.
For Justice of the s-upreine (ourt,
For Eegent-i of the Cniversity,
Kepublb-aH People's County Ticket.
For County Treasurer,
For County HieritT,
ForConnty Judjfe,
For County Cierk,
For County Sucriiiteiideiit of Public Ins,
For County Surveyor,
For County Coroner,
;eoh;e J. SHAIKH.
For County Commissioner, 2nd District.
For County Commissioner, 3rd District,
masses rests the greatest safeiruard of
Republican Represeutatiye Convention, our free institutions, will se that Mr.
. . 1
Notice w hereby pven that a republican Souiiittorth is derted to look after th-
couventioawUlbeheW at tU court hoti wlii(1itimm1 ntrt r tha i
hi i iiauiun, pi-u.t at j o fiocK p. m. on me Lv , ,, ,
astb day of October . for the purpo. of '"u c"ul r maJ n
nominating a candidate for representative that lie will 1 true to his trust and tin
for the 53d District to nil the vacancy s hools of Sioujt count v. like those ol
(caused by the resignation of Hon. I. W. Gil- tnB olli,,r titled ennntie. of Xl.enL-
will be a source of pride to every resi
Anions the important matters con
nected with the settlement of a new
county is the establishment of metew
and bounds, and there is scarcely a
county but w hat has a large number of
that position. No better choice could
liave lieen made for tlie place. Mr. Lin
deiuan was among tiie early settlers of
Sioux county and be 1ms hosts of frieDds
all over tlie county. His selection as a
candidate for the office of county cl"r?
was wise for tlie reason that tliere are
great number of German settlers ir
Sioux county Ik liave business will
tlie county clerk and Mr. Lindeman la-ins
a German and speaking the language
tiuently will lie enabled to do busi
ness with tlie Germans iu a very satis
factory manner. He has tlie full confi
dence of the German settlers and thev
will stand by him almost to A man, and
no one will ever hae occasion to rejrrel
that he cast his vote for Conrad Dude
man for count v clerk.
For county superintendent of public
instruction the man selected is
n all new counties this Mice is an im
portant one, from tlie fact that liew dis
tricts are constantly lieintr formed, avi
and means must be devised 1o establish
and maintain schools; books and record--
must lie kept straight and often a good
deal of executive ability is dtmandtd ol
tiie erson holding the office. Mr. South
worth is a man of liberal education, en
ergetic, active and reliable. The people,
realizing that in the intelligence of tlie
Christ. The several countlei are entitled to
delegates an follows:
Dawes 9 fiox Butte 6
hheriuau 6 sioux g
By order of Committee.
Thos. L. Redi-on, Chairman
Republican Senatorial Ciiuvcn'inn.
Notice is herebv given that a renuhlican
convention will be hold at the conrt house expensive lawsuits on its court calendar
In Kushville Iseb., at 11 o clock a. m. on the
20th day of October, 18d9, to ehoo- a candi
date for senator for the 14th district to rill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of
Hon. C. H. Cornell. Tlie several counties art-
entitled to representation as follows:
ll-awew 9 ' ( "hcrrv i
Sheridan a
Box Ifutte
Sioux 3
Keva l'ahd-.!.
By order of Committee.
A. Bartow Chairman.
The Ticket.
growing out of disputes over dividmi:
lines. It is wise therefore to select a
man for the oflice of county surveyor
who can perform the duties of tlie othVe
so as to avoid litigation among tht
property owners of the county. Foi
this important office
has been chosen, and the choice is un
questionably a good one. Mr. l ew hai
had much experience in work connected
with that office, having held tlie office ot
At the head of our columns appears count y surveyor of Adair countv. Iowa.
the ticket placed in nomination at the and performed the duties devolving upon
peoples' convention on Aug. 6th, and en- him in a satisfactory manner and the
dorsedbythe straight republican mass people of Sioux county could be certain
convention on October 1, 1889, for the that if a line was surveyed by Mr. Dew
various county offices. When people go that it was correct, and he certainly
to the polls to vote they like to know ought to receive a big vote on Nov. 0th.
something of the men they vote for as Then comes an oflice which, although
not often needed, yet of vast importance
under certain circumstances, and that is
county coroner and for tlie place
has been called upon to be a candidate.
It lias tieen demonstrated in other coun-
well as the principle involved. In view
of this fact we' shall endeavor to enlight
en our readers as much as possible.
At the head of the ticket appears the
name of
me canoioaie ior county treasurer. Air. ties that it was good policy to have
Gayhart came here from Wisconsin regular and legally qualified physician
wnere tie naa uvea tor many years, hav- to fill this office and as Lr. Shafer is the
ing been postmaster at his town for only one in the county so qualified tliere
many years and also baring been a is no question but what the placing of
member of the county board. He is a his name on the ticket was for the best
German and has been engaged in active interests of the county, and the result on
business most of his life and is in every the 5th of November will, undoubtedly,
way competent to take charge of the be a strong endorsement of the wisdom
business of the office of county treasurer, of his nomination.
lie was engaged m the mercantile busi- Tlie next on the list is a man to fill the
ness in Sioux county before he became a vacancy caused by the resignation of J.
resident, being the head of tlie firm of G. Morris, as county commissioner from
,, M..XJayhart & Son, the popular Mont- the second commissioner district, and
rose merchants, and all who have had the man selected is
veaiiuRs wun mm nave me mgnest re- CHARLES GROVE.
spect ror nis ability and honesty. All For the office in which so much business
can rest a,ssured that the public money of tlie utmost importance to the entire
will be safe in his care. county has to be transacted it is impera-
ine next) name on tne ticlcet is that of tive that a good selection be made and
THOMAS reidy, when Mr. Grove was picked out for that
as a candidate for sheriff of Sioux coun- place it certainly demonstrated that the
ty. It is hardly necessary for us to say people were alive to the best interests of
anything of him for "Tom" Reidy has the county. Mr. Grove is well educated
been a resident here so long and is so and in every way qualified to fill the of-
weil and favorably known to the people Bee to which he has been nominated and
that all that is needed is to let 'the peo- we predict that under his work as com
nle Irnnw thct ho i i fh.. fll,l !;: x , ,. , .
. lu a van- uunniouer irom trie second aistrict no
didate and they will rally to his support bills will be endorsed until he has care-
in a manner that will astonish bis most fully considered them and is satisfied
sanguine supporters. that tljere is to error and that the wel-
Hext on the list is the name of fare of the county does not suffer by the
. bakkek. I payment of the same.
the nominee for county judge. This is For the commissionership from the
an office of particular importance, as the third commissioner district the eandi-
county judge has a great deal of author- date chosen is
ity and in some cases his decision stands
without appeal, as, for instance, the
ending of a youth to the reform school,
and in probate matters it is necessary
that the records of his office be kept in a
wanner that will stand a test in the
higher courts. Then, again, the class of
caws which he is authorized fr consider
are Mich that he should have a knowl
edge of law. For all these Mr. Barker
is eminently well fitted. His experience
in a business which demanded the ut
most accuracy has prepared him to keep
. the records of all transactions in a clear
and precise manner; bis natural ability
and good judgment insures equity to all
who will have matters before him for
settlement, and as he is a regularly read
and admitted attorney at law, he is
competent to pass upon legal questions
from a legal standpoint and give his
reasons therefor, and if the people of
flioax county want the office of county
jaoge filled ably and well they should
M to it that Mr. Barker is elected.
Oa down th Hat cornea toe name of
ttM candidate for county olark, and here
and that .
Abu tfrio6&t4 tut mpiinW saOttB Cof
This candidate has been a resident of the
county for a long time and knows the
needs of the people as well as any one
who could be selected. He is a man of
mature judgment and careful business
habits and when he takes a hand in the
administration of the affairs of the
county he will be found true to his trust
and doing all in his power to further the
prosperity of those who have come here
to build up homes for themselves and
That completes the list, and the ticket
as a whole is one that every man who
has the future good of Sioux county at
heart can go to the polls and vote with
out a scratch. Every man on the ticket
is a man of character and standing,
against whom no word can be said, and
we believe that every man on the ticket
will be elected by good big majorities.
The tst (VnventioH.
Tlie republican state convention met at
Hastings on Oct. ?th, and was a more ex
citing one than is usually noted on "off"
years ia Nebraska politics. This was
due to tlie c-ontest for the supreme judg
ship. Up to within a very- short tirre it
was conceded that Judge Reese would 1
his own successor. A good deal of feel
ing was known to exist against that gen
tleman but there seemed to be no orga
ized effort to put another in his pla
As the time for the convention dre
near tlie many friends of Judge T.
Norval. of Seward, decided to suj'pr;
him. In this his friends were alone
Judge Norval was kept closely at home
by the illness of his little daughter,
Merle, who died on Saturday, Oct 5, and
was laid to rest on Monday preceedin
the convention. But Judge Norval had
hosts of frieuM from all ov?r the state
and as soon as it was known that he wa
to be lief ore the convention as a cam'
Jale, they rallied to his support with
zeal that early demonstrated that
was the coming man.
There were two contests before tlie
oiniiiittee, one from Chase countv and
the one from Sioux county. In the for
mer the delegates backed on by the
central committee were seated, while
the contest from this county the vof
was divided, each delegation being al
lowed to cast one and one-iialf votes.
The 1 avis' delegation secured Judge
Aaron Wall, of Sherman county, to pre
sent their side of the case and the othe
iciegaiion was presented ny the dele
gates elected at the mass convention
One of the funny things which occurred
was lieu Mr. Lavis stated that Ik be
lieved E. D. Satterlee to lie a republican
At the apjxmited hour the ojiera house
was crowded and the work of organiza
tion commenced. J. W. Rixler, of Lin
coln county and C. C. McNish, of Cum
ruing, were nominated forchairman. On
a ballot the former received six hundred,
eight and one-half to two hundred, six
and one-half.
A little tilt occurred by Pat O'llavves
trying to get a seat in 'the convention
but he was decided not a. delegate, and
the regular order was taken up.
&. M. Ijamliertson, of Lancaster, ad
dressed the convention, placing in nomi
nation Jucge M. B. Reese for the su
preme bench. He was followed by F.
G. Simmons, of Seward, who presented
the name of Judge T. L. Norval for the
same place. A spirited oratorical con
test followed in the seconding of the dif
ferent nominations by the delegates
from various counties, but it was plain
that Norval was the favorite and when
the liallot was taken it stood Norval W5,
Reese 269. This was a surprise to Nor
val s most sanguine friends. Luring the
afternoon they claimed a clear majority
of eighty on the first ballot but no such
splendid vote was looked for as tlw vote
C. IL Morrill, of Polk, and J. I H.
Knight, of Custer, were nominated for
regents, which closed the nominations.
Hon. L. D. Richords was re-elected
hairman of the state central commitw
by acclamation and the convention ad
journed after passing a set of resolutions.
There is no question but the nominations
made were good ones and we believe the
record of those placed npon the repubii
cm ticket will be such as will reflect
credit upon themselves and the republi
can party.
Tlie Omaha R-puUican has been oold
to tiie proprietors of the DirjrM of tliat
city and the two papers are to lie con
solidated. It is to 1 hold tliat U.ere
will lie no hyphen in the t X'.e of the pa
per w hich w ill be issued. It is refxirt'd
that a morning and evening edition will
I published and tlie IHrjfttck w ill be
come tlie evening R,paUicm. We hope
the cliange will not take Fred Nye out of
Nebraska journalism, for he has not vet
been called upon to display all of his
splendid abil ty in thwt hue.
Harrison, - - nebba-ska.
Will praotiM before all courts and the U.
s. Land i dice. Ini-miins mutinied to luy
care will receive prompt attention.
All biiineentru-ted to his care will
ceive prompt and careful attention.
Oflice with JONES & VERITY.
Xotir of ( bi.
I". S. Laud Oflicf. h idron Xek,
au. i.
Complaint No. 1918 h vu.j been enter! , i
thiB omcfi by Henry Hu-it r .ini H iliin, ;
M. W ade for f diurr toomp:y wilti law i
to timber-culture entry No tTT d Jane
lii, Ikxs, upon IbceSs lie!.ii H -M mr S5. tr t", j
I iS. in skmi county, .Si-iAm. , with a vit ,
to the cancellation of wH entry; rotii..t mf
alll-KMiK th t the said clainmnt ha f illed U 1
bre.-k orcau- to lie broken 9 aerea of ani
tri.ct during the drat ye .r niter entry, and
baa failed to cure aid defect it lijUt of inj
tiatitif? tiiis content. Ibe w ild parties are
hereby .unilnoried to apH-ar at tbli blhi-; ou
tlie Hh d..y ol Noveuila-r, t 10 oVl.ti-k
a. in., to r-pood and furnish G-.tiuiony con
cernlugMaid -ille(frd failure. Testimony of
a ltuti- w:u tifceu la-tfire i. w. ,i
man. not rv pnblle, il liia oltie? in lleini
ford. Neb., on the I3ih day of November, liil
at 10 o clock a. in.
1 4-7 j T. F. Powers Receiver.
rmi pROfir
.1) piTOiai bating Hii.i" ,
lii it p-r will ri-,-.-,v, Hn'
p per t.ii re n ipt, ted t and il ,.y rtrr
au,e to tlil oflice at one,-
1-HHd vm
i at i
B, E. Brewster,
C. F. Coffee,
Vice Pres.
Special attention given to
LAND PRACTICE. Office at the
old stand with Reidy & Pollard.
Harrison, - Nebraska,
Dress Maker.
Satisfaction ipiaranteed.
w, e. porter,
((infractor and ItuiluVr.
E-dinifltea On all
hecrf ully given.
kind a of carpenter work
hatisi action jfuaranteed.
Plans furnished at reiiMinable rnten, '
Watch and Clock Repairing,
Will lie In Ilarrlion every alternate Mon
ay a. m , iK-trinliijr sept, nth, Ihki, and will
irive my allemiou to anything in the above
ne wun ncaifuartcr at
e bel: en & SON,
Wagon and Carriage Makers,
Repairing done on short notice..
Good work and reasonable charges.
.viop Bouin or n very bam.
Plasterer and Brick Layer.
All klnd of plain and ornamental planter
K done to order. I iider-d ind cistern
entilig. Tlie lavinc of brii-k fliw T.,.i.
Ity. vv" ill (five absolute ailf.ivtlou or no
i y required.
0, D. Caspar, of Butler county, has
been nominated by the democrats of the
second district for congress. There may
be loU of glory in being offered as a
martyr on the democratic altar, but
Judge McKeigon did not want a second
The meeting of the republican state
league at Hastings on the evening of
Oct. 7th, was well attended, and indi
cated that the organization is recognized
as a power in Nebraska politics. The re
port of the secretary, Hon. Brad. O.
Slaughter, showed that a vast amount
of business had been done by him and his
associates, more than one hundred and
fifty thousand mail parcels having been
issued from the office during the cam
paign of 1888. A letter was read from
the president, Hon. John M. Thurston,
regretting that he could not be present.
yet showing that his interest in the
league was as great as ever. When the
election of officers came up Hon. L L.
Lansing, of Lincoln, was chosen presi
dent for the ensuintr vear. ami
Brad. Slaughter was re-elected secretary
by acclamation, that being a fittinir en
dorsement of the splendid servi,.,,
rendered by him during the past
year. When the e.ection of delegates to
the meeting of the national league came
up a number of stirring speeches were
made, but of them all the most notable
speech was delivered by hr. II O. Rick
etts, a colored member of the L-ouglass
county delegation. This gentlemen has
been in the deliberations of the republi
cans of Nebraska before, but in his en
dorsement of Fred Nye as one of the
delegates i,r. Ricketta surpassed himself,
and no one received a more eloquent
tribute than did he at the hands of the
dark skinned delegate from Omaha, Lr.
Ricketts is an earnest worker for the ad
vancement of his race, and his zeal in
that hoe cannot but accomplish much
good. In the selection of vice-presidents
from the various counties, C. E. Verity,
of Harrison, was selected to represent
Sioux county.
The great tabernacle at Brooklyn, of
which Rev. T. i,eWit Talmage is pastor,
was destroyed by fire on last Sunday
morning. It is supposed that the fire
originated from a defective flue. ! The
Iom, including the organ which was one
of the finest an the country, k estimated
Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Shop.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed in every particu
lar. .Shop ou Main street.
( HAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
air a
Notice ia herebv Kw,.D
leg u.ined w-itler'bo, li
(ei,i:on to make Bum i,r,,,
cl dlii and til t. aid pr, v
lore l u , a. t Jau.Mu,( Ip, J
tlU rt H T ,r,
iron ni .de II. s. fliina v
sec 14 tp Si r Stf w. "
I e it. mm tin- follow).,
1 ! i, ,,fl I; li li, ..i . ..I
.... i i-,i,i, , ie : i. i
aolltl I orlini. Ana I . l,v, ',
all of iiurriMMi- ebra.."
''' Xo'elw-J,. f l
wno Ilinoi! II. H. Illlli i,
ti.Vl-'vf7' '" M "
lie n ime the following
hi contmuoin r-siil.-uei" u.
tion of. mild land, vir- j0(,
dure Kich-teln, ( url leveri,!'
wtillt. all of ilnrri-on, ,.
('( noti.:a'el NVjre ,r
ijuid Office at ci,
Notice i hereby gje(. t,'''.
nam.-l w-ttler ha tiled noui .i
iwti tAj uiaae nnai nnjf i..
cl.ilui, and that add proof
(ore ( baa ('. Jami-viu, rlerk
court, at Harrison, Net,.,,,,,
Jubn Tiiotn. of Vlo
who made ). s. 0w ajj. for J
ne naiiiea me lo o-f,..
1,1, - . W'H
... . .,... r-i(ieiiee ii,w,i
tion of nit 1 1 1 Uin). vii- p., ..J
rrederli k knott, of hialarc :
W ill!, l.u Guhlke. of H
"IIU 'IIB'ir II. rt. SO. 1411 tt.r ,1 ,
VI .... .... i,,,
He names the following wit
hi continuous maidem .,
tion of ld land, via: a,
Andrew li.ililumn .i,,,, ,7
lofl Uubaupt, all ol llarri-ain
"I W.ll.Hu,
C. H. Andrews & Co.,
-Dealers in-
f. l morr:son,
A well selected stock always on
hand at lowest prices.
A speciait y,
ElPSatiKfaction guaranteed.
Keeps a nice line of millinery which
she sells at prices that defy competition.
And fair prices. Second street
Fine Toilet Goods,
t oniMilKlati d Notice fr j J
i-anu utile at ( hp
w , NTd
i- Ili-l.-lV lllf'tl III.,
named w-ttler ha Hied iioiu-j.
lion to make final proof m u
l.ilni. and il,t i, ,,,..( ... ;,
fore t haa. c:. Jami UII ft i. L.
ciurt, at Harriaon, Nebraska
wno made I). H. rllltiir No. ISns
. II, to. XI. r. 1W wet.
f-ne iiaiuea me In iiw in, (,.
nt-1 1.0111.111111111H renl'li-lua. uivij
tion ol Hald bind, vlt: t laicii
worth, .lainei M. llalili l. V,.
hetiT, Kdward H.illing, ,;rth
Nebntka, also '
r'lfKlll.lih K M.
who made II. K. KHinir xn i
tvi, sec ,1 iiikI if aw mt 1, li
, , " "iaiini( w Ur
Ilia miitinuoua rmidi-mw unoi
lion of, said bind, vlt: JoIimii!
joim i-rice, i..-our.- Drown (
all ol ( raw ford, Ni bra.k t, uu
who made, I). , i;i(i, forlh,
. iiw n aec v, tp ;;, r i) w.
lie names the followind a ft o
hU coiitmnoiin loi.lence Ojniii
turn of waid limit, i: t.eorif
I'ayaoti HiKidow, Homer I n,
ii. siiuin, all ol Jlurrixin, i ,r
1 J '1
The undersigned have a fine, new drill
and are prepared to put down wells on
and at living rates.
It will pay you
If You Want a Well
to call on or address,
Amos & Armstrong Bros,
J. H. COOK. .
Aoate Springs Ranch.
Brand C on left jaw. Makes aar-a ial.,
of breeding Roadsters, 1 raft and Saddle
norses; also red and black Polled cattle.
Ruga on Running Water.
Wm. Christensen,
Wholesala and Retail
A large and well selected stoc k
at prices to suit the times. AgenU for
tnnvoIulNM Vnlice For I'u
Laud Offlw ut ( had run
M ptemla r 11, w.
Notice Is hereby (riven that I
mimed ct!ler ha lllcd notice .
lion to make flnul prool in n
claim, and that wild proof
Ion-1 has. . JiuiH.on, i ,.ji. tf
i ourt, at Harrison, .Neln.i( a. -7,
li!i, vlx:
John A. I'lattof Montm
who mad- li V. No. ISIS for tlw
I p. 14 r.Viw He name the folli,
i to prove bin continuum, re-
and cilltivntimi ol. a dd land, vi
uny, wun m ii. iiniii.-rtiian,
I li. i-olomoii ii, ftnrv all ul .Mu
And fetti A. ,. i;ih. !,om,i
IliK ii. S4ii Ul the i I five ile--rit,.
cited lo,r at the saiia- tllnr
and hIiow c.ui-c whv the nlmve ,
not la- uitnw-d and lib. tllliiK caii
Klbert M. Carrier of Ilarrlw
who made i. H. tinner No Win for
h and w V w. in tp .11 r f; n
or naiiiea t he lo iiwniir itia-
hla contillliotis rewlilenei- nain
tiiin of, said land, Hit: VV Ini'm
Arthur VV. Km. rv, Ilwnid I- ir
ren W . Hail all ot HarriMiit, t
Kriwlrtcb Tialldiiliauplnf If wrrl
who iiii:di' 11. H. No. o for the
'f 4 and n ,V n U w-c 3 tp ri
le iianics the foiioft'tnir witafl-
Ida continnoiM n-Menee npon
lion or, aid bnni, vi.: Hinmml
1-sidnr Kbdixtelit, VV lllielm i;aWl
schllt, all ot li:'.i rlou, N,-l I
l lj M. Vtiisliiiiiur,
. n! Uv nf Iiinii iia.-atWiiI
Notice la hi-n-by in-n of tli
Hon of tlie iliuik' ol llarri-Mi s'
The imdcriM'ne'l, ftoriatl:g
for trie Iran- icttn t ot a fc-e.tenit'
I ne Ill the si ite of Ni'lirj-kl, il
lowing nrticlea of iiicorpor.itiM.
AK1ICI.K I. Hi- liliine of tills
ahalj la1 "B oik ol Harrison."
Airr ii-I.K ii. "I he nriiieinal 1)1'
ne of thlN conairutiofi aliali
.slonx county .Nebraak.1. ,
AkTII I.K lil. The nerill 1!
bllsineaaof tllU corpur-itio.i I'll il.
luff of money on depodt, Invctl
tunda In loans, tiuyinK and i'
chanKc. mid makhig
for otber. the buy Ink and eiHn;
I w or inakli-ii loan on saiiie ai!
ing a scieral b.iuktiiK bu-iii"-Aktk:1.k
IV. J he capital aux-k
poration shall ! tae ly live tl'
ara, divided Into uliarea of one li
ars each., at least tweuly 1
which shall la1 Paid In In-fore the
tnenl of bui ne, and tile rcinaui
timea a the Hoard of Dirci-Uirn
W ben anv new atock la taauwl,
hinder slial! tie entitled to wit""1
aaii.e proiiortioii of the who!1 i
lloM-ln the exl.tinu atock, and i
UK-k remal-..a niiMiiliMTila-il lor
of twent v d.tva fro n the dab' a
atock wan voted by tlie llu.ii'l
the Itoant ot lllrectors ma) an
snlwerila-d atoi k to the iitlnT '
and If not ceepui by tliem, tlie
be alloled to other applicaiita.
AKln l.K V. Mliia corporation
mence on the Sill day of AUK11
bal con ti tine twenty five y
AkTicLKVI. Ihu lilirhift I01
debutdneaa or liability to titch
ratio,, ii. (,v ut. unv li.t.f, hlltiiact
be not to exceed llfty p r cei l oj
at that aiilwcrlla'd except v
and audi ncKotulile paper a in
ana w,u by the conairation in "
traiiMaitio.i nf IiiimI nfMK.
AKT1CI.KVII. 'I lie affairs or an
tion shall b conducted by a hour;
on, constating of not lima l"" 1
ber. who aball bnelecU-dby t'"
era of the corKiiatio.i at tha r
t)lHrif .ml Mm tli rt,.l VlnadaV
of each year and aald Hoard "1
shall choose fro n thalr ouotlaT
a Vine i reatdn it and a (J"''ler.
a nf i. - v v 1 1 1 'i iii..ii ,.ri r en
iimeniliKi at any time by a vobt
itjr of tti ua-k.
In w,ti,eaa whernof, the nndcr!
hneiiuUi et Ihulr hand" tbl 'dli '
iraat, ihhii.
lu pr. aence or
n. U. Jonwi. CnHl-:;
I'iltleTTV rta- Ai.atitr ( am
- ' j,s.1i.J
ry i-iibiic flu v emnmbmionci
aalil county, do hereby certify
inln '. l-li ...,i i-h.ri.. (:. flo
t'harlea K. Verity, perao.ially )"'"
nm in la-raona w noan iiatn'a n"
fore me thla day In iwraou and acn
uai iiiey anjuiMi tne ion-aii"'s
Incorporation an their free and
art, for tlw u mm and purpo!"
Bb u.u till' Mb d yof A
a ll Josia