jig Sioux County Journal. Punlisli"! evry I uurxi.iy. Subscription Pn.v, f.'.OO ,1, jiiMMono, ... F.dilor. r,'vr& lbe Harrison pot oltlr u, s Uut of an? n.un lu tK a like portion, and vilu J11Ui;e Xurval be.-i.iues one ..f tl judges of tl hitf tr.bs.ral in t! state all may rwst as turn! tUt In d.rtisior.s will "be intelli KW't, just ana icnjiartial. Thitsi'AT. October 17. - . . fit tliat Nebraska is not a new pit is becoming more rppaa-ut every! tod in fait every wk. We not itattbe Xdnuka IU-port.tr, publisbed at jj.anl. hai entered upon it Hnli yur. fx over liftwn years we nave a -tier of tb pa--r a"'' 'or '"ore tlun yeur we assist! in it publication so efwl more wan a patsm interest ,,U birt Inlay. Ever nine it wa est il it lia labored 1r tlwadrani-ement jfllie county und town in which it is lo- . i I ; liuu (ifirlfl its full hIiuiv in tlw. iea - irtlo.ineiit of the Ixtiutiful litt! eify Seward. We Iki to we tli Irp,,r- v live lontf and prosper, knowing that il! ever continue in the th that has ad it to success for the j-t eighteen An Important Kullnir. The General Ijind Offic e has dwiikd that the County Judge is not reconizM) frt tlie IT. S. Ktatutes an a proper oII'k ial to bear ami certify to certain classes of jnal proof in thin state. The following ojcular from Acting ( niiiiis.iioin'r guioe explain tlte dec ision in full as f ol io : Your attention is called to the fart tlat tlie county court of your state as toostituted by law have no clerks and lhat tlie duties usually devolving iM.n the clerks of a court, are by the. statutes of Nebraska, iiiiol ujion the jinlges of tlie county court. There is nothing in the statutes which provides that they hall administer oaths or certify allida- tiU, in the character of clerks of their respective courts ex-ollicio in certiiin de ceptions or classed of proofs and uflida rits called for by the statutes of the Tnitwl States or otlicial regulations issued thereunder; us for example, pre emption and commuted homeste-ad proofs to) pre-emption allMaviU it is required that the oaths sliall be administered by the clerks of certain courts, and proofs of Uiis character should not be made In fore the judges of courts which by la w ire not provided with clerks. It is not considered necessary or expedient to call in question the regularity of allidavits or proofs of such character already received or that may hereafter be received pur suant to notices for making final proofs already published. But in all other ewes hereafter arisinR you will see that ti required oaths shall be administered tsfiwrt' 'led by the clerks of the proper . t..rt. . tf this is don by the judgi.a in ajdus that the judg.-s so doinjf are authorized by the terms of the statutes, toart as their own clerks, or as clerks of their courts ex-o!llcio. Resjiectfiilly, W. M. Stone, Ai ling Ooiiiiui-Monwr. "FOB UUU 4SD HOME ANU NATIVE USD." Contnb.it.ons by tl Woman Christian Trinjierance Union. Wake up: Every Oi"-(Tune-Hold the Kort.j Tetnperji.ee workers I,,, urouni yuu. H; the ruin, wrought Jly the flr.'jr rimming liquor, Witti (jtttuautiou fraught. ( not- Rouse) ye IovkI m ami .iiai,. .... - - -n " . up every one; Let there be unit.-n nfort. Vic tory will i-onie. th-lr iiniiy us in urg9; 1 ouiik uni! old nre there. Kvery y.-ar, a Imielrea tiiou-and, Sink (Ins n to illi-pair. O! tliia frenzle.1, iiia'!i-nel unny, or.''1 by p:i-.i(u Mronif. fed by burning, lin y m.ini,; frued U (loeilsi of riK. liitiK tills l),lt'lily runflli-t rKe. Hut, we re ure to In. l.il kiel Inith anil Heaven are w ith us, We fetml eonipiiT in! Ilai k, the buxiil no i, xouiiiIIiik, .viiilel.n leiel uiel lon. liiu kie on your arnior tiglilly : March ;itf.ou-t tin wroiiK. J. I.. liHWxon, Valentine, Seb The Barber Shop. First door south of the court houne. E. L. GALPDf. Proprietor. Here you can get a clean sliave, first class hair cut or a WARS or (OLD BATH Smith Bros., Or THK ONLY FIRST CLASS LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE it ibii to call the attention of Uie public to tlie fact tlmt they are prejiared to funiiiJi at reasonable rates First Class Rigs On short notice. Dray Line Run in Connection, The Harrison House. JIDOE OKYAL. A Sketch of the Republican Nominee for the Hnprenie Bench. linn. T. L. Norval, judge of the sixth judicial district, was born in Fulton cnunty, Illinois, on August Ufi. He attended tlie public schools, ami Worked on his father's farm until he was seventeen years old, when he com menced a course of study at Heading col lege, Abingdon. At twenty be commenc W teaching, spending all leisure nio- iwnts studying Blackstone and Kent, lie nsited Nebraska in lKISO. and teini; so ell pleased with the country determin ed to make it his future home. In the fall of lHfi he entered the law depart ment of the uneversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, tvliere graduated with honors in &r.1871, receiving the degree of Bach elor of Laws, and was ad m i ted to prac tie in tlie supreme court of Michigan a few day afterwards. Ho returned to bis old home and taught a year to earn money to get a library, and in the Sring of 1872 he lo-ated at Seward and . ngaged in the practice of his profession with hi younger brother, Richard S. Norval. February S, 1873, be married Ella Godfrey, and two little girls have een born to them. Judge Norval ha always been a re publican in politic and has been honored Wth many offices, viz: city clerk, coun oilman, mayor, and was state senator in W9. He wa apinted in the spring of IW8 by Governor Dawes to succeed Judge Pout aa judge of the sixth judicial trictof Nebraska. In the following 'all he wag nominated by acclamation 'or the name office, and wa elected by a lrge majority over Hon. M. A. Mills, ving in Seward county nlone over one thouRand maioritv. He was elected ffin In 1887 by increased majorities, getting every vote in Keward county, Md all but three in Polk county. Mr. Norval ha proved a success wherever Wed. as ticlu,r- lawver. senator or Judge, ami enjoy in a marked degree the confidence and esteem of tlie people. In addition to this we liave known Judge Norval for over fifteen year, having lived in the ame town with him greater portion of the time. During ur acquaintance with him a a citlacn, M attorney, and as ft judge we have found him the peer of any mnn in the te in point of natural ability and legal knowledge, and hi integrity I of the Hfheettype. The record he has made Jui on Uw djutnct bench rank with Ht'M'HtS (If THK CONVKNTION. Mrs. Woodhridge, of Ohio, gave some interesting bits of her exeneiice in Maine, going to show the fallacy of the assertion oft reieated, that prohibition does not prohibit, which she admitted, in a laughing way, by telling of a lady's china closet which she saw examined by an ins) lector, disclosing a barrel of li- ipior i'l.iriil uie parlition. with a ie leading therefrom down into the base ment, under ground for a considerable distance, and then up into the second story of the next house w here liquor was sold liehiml the lied. Again, Neal Dow took her and some friends to an upier w indow in a house in one of the Maine cities, and they saw very ordinary looking man standing in an enclosure lietween buildings, leaning against a house. Presently into the in- osure or kick yard walked another man who, apparently without, a word approached the other and bowed himself to the ground. Thinking he might lie at his devotions in some strange fashion, the nartv gazed with interest, hut soon saw him lift the pocket of the man lean ing Against the building, draw a cork from a bottle contained therein, and without removing the liollle from the nocket . take a drink. Then replacing the 1 " irk and dropping a coin into the pocket he went ln way. "Now," said Mrs. W, in comment, amid great laughter from Hie centlemen. "The law was thus bro- r ' ken iii Maine, but when it becomes so hard to obtain drinks in Nebraska, you will lie ready to admit that practically prohibition does prohibit." Miss Townsley, the national evangel ist, begged that in selecting a local evan gelist for teiiierence work, a consistent and nious woman should lie chosen; not raw like the woman whom she cited who though loudly praying and profe; ing the clean religion that cleanseth lw.rts und lives: ncL'lected cleaning her own home and her children' c lothing, and was moreover such a scold, and (lis- turls-r of the peace, that it seemed amusingly inconsistent at last, when she died, to sing over her remain as they ,i:,i -Kkter thou wast mild and lovely gentle as the summer breeze." Referring to the alisorbt ion of women in this subject of the protection of their home from the liquor jsiwer, Mrs. Walker, superintendent of the press, told the old but amusing story' of the minis ter who was so much addicted to the l.l.it. of riding his hobby of infant bap tism in season and out of season, t give rise to a wager that he would intro duce that subject in connection with any possible text of scripture, and he was "Arinni. wliere art thou?" just a he was entering the pul :, u. .,u of it in this wise "This subject can lie divided as follow First Adam, or the man and his nature, t. ...! .,r nnd into what condition iTeiAMln, " b e-oinir. Third, infant baptism. And now, os the time is rather short, we will omit the iirst two divisions and proceed ( insider the third proposition. After Miss Townsley had vigorously advocated several reforms in the manner a.. i.:.r i.,..ri.nff as well a church Ol Ullti"h r "offerings" as they t rml among the women of the W. C T. U.,Mrs. Woodward arose and said that from the "ungodly sinner pomi oi v.b n . I b ministerial, there was an "" , . much to lie said, as for instance, she thought the merchants of the place in which a temperance meeting or lecture wa held should protest against the town being drained of all the small change-nickles, pennies and dimes-und remarked that for her par .. ashamed to offer such compensation to the local agent for in payment for her ticket, and usually carried a bill from her home for that purpose, while she se creted what she termed the "chicken fee,!" about her person until she got to a safe distance from the town. We will have some graver theme as "convention echo" next week. Typhoid fever i raging in Johnstown. True it i tliat trouble never comes singly. City Restaurant, HENRY SNYDER, Proorietor. i Boarding by the day or week at lowest living rates. WARM MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Call and see us when you are hungrv and we will give you tlie worth of your money. ONE DOOR NORTH OF BLACKSMITH SHOP. Main Street, Harrison, Nebraska. ttEAJD THIS? TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL And the AMERICAN FARM SEWS one year for Two Dollars. io every one who pays for a year s subscription to The Journal in advance we will send them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm paiier, "American Farm News." Farm News is one of the leading farm month' lies published and will prove of Immense Value EOOERT ROHWER, Proprietor, HARRIKN, Nebraska. -O- E. MASSEY, HOUSE, SIGN AND Carriage Painter. Having fitted up the large building just kick of the Harrison House, is now prepared to take care of all work in his line. Can'do any and all kind of earring and wagon work. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. HAHItlfiON, - - NEBRASKA. To the settlers of Sioux county, is the time for Now YOU. Special Attention to Commercial Trade. Best Accommodaions in the Northwest. BANK OF HARRISON, Harrison, Nebraska. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 125,000. A General Banking Business Transacted. Every Accommodation Compatible With a Conservative Business Freely Extended. B. F PITMAN, President. CHAS. E, HOLMES, Cashier. to take advantage of this offer of two papers for BOOK HOLDERS. THE IWOST PtRFtCT Dictionary Holocr. Folding and Adjustable Tables. SUN 13 FDR CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. 19th St.,N.Y. J. B. Finney, President. General office F. 0. Silkksses, Secretary t BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, A Large Line of Stoves Novt on hand at GRISWOLD MARSTELLERS, Including Heaters, Coal and Wood, Cook Stoves, Ranges, etc. WE SELL FURNITURE As usual. A full line of BUILDERS HARDWARE Alwavs on hand. Our STOCK OF TINWARE IS COMPLETE Dealers in- Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash, Blinds, Hair - A.3STO Doors Plaster, Lime, CEMENT. - COMPLETE STOCK Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. "The Northwestern Line" Between Harrison, Neb. -And- ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison, Neb G. GUTHRIE, Manager. Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. Paul And All Points- East, North, South and West. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS. Full Information on Application to J. C. NORTHROP, Agent, Harrim, Neb. IL O.BURT, General Manaper, ) 0nwhaNebwtoi J. R. Buciiawas, General TftMeoger Agent. Are rtrietlv Urst-class in etery detail, nonets an bsolutely perfect repeating ft action and handsome eases. Faty; war- IW ranted. TJ W ran wbf Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in se. The people are bound to have the best, aid wnThaye none bnt the ESTEY. Time pamenti or cash, as enstomen piCan and see ns, or send for Catalogiei and lull information. J3h 233 State siresi. umcaga. r Tiiita House, G18 & 018 OllV JtHUlea tbll Fpr,