The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 17, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
A Patterson, Proprietor.
Time Tbl.
t P.l M. V. Rv., Passenger.
west leave Harrison t 10. W A. M.
s east leave Harrison at 21 I'. M.
HAHISOIT, NEB., OCT. 17, 1889.
so far
Harrison Market.
Butter, m to 13c.
IS, .
Poultrv, jn;r doz. $2.00 to f l.
OaU. p-r 100 tt. 11.10
Com, it 1W tb f 1.00
Bran, x-r 100 f 1.10.
F-i. dif-i'iH-d, it 100 n, $i.a.".
fruit', ( r bti, 90e.
Sorghum, per jrul. 'iOc.
Onions per I'U. ?1.0.
Beans, per bu. f 1.00.
omnium, ation from ;ott,,w,,,l
is Unavoidably , rolvded out tins e.-k,
, but will appeur in our next issue.
AU.ut tin- lst yield f oats
iv.,l-j irom th vicinitv this year
; comet, from Bi,.ow Bros. From 5 a,-,
! "'".v tut "J threshed 17.-, JU,,,ls of aK
lliii- oats as one could wish to see. The
! P'1"' 'asl' unusually dry, but good
I farming gave satisfa. tory returns.
V Inle in ( rawfrd a lew
.- mil u. . . limy Mho was there t.
meet a number of old acquaintance
from the east who wtre coming l Sioux
county lo live. That is the. way our
fount y l beine settled. One fa mil v-
j comes here and liiids tliat a good farm
j can lie sec ured easier than in the east,
; and they induce other to follow their
j example..
The result
J. H. W
:iro went to ("rawf,.l r, t..L
In prosj.iectiug for natural pis at Has
tings an immense bed of beautiful
of excellent quality was struck.
ness vest
John Shav ivn m fw.m w t?:....
... ..j, ,,, wi,iw nmr
pnciiw t on last Tuesday. '
l rtn...., ii t'i 1 A terrific storm passed over England
i.aiies liiurell. of dreeiiheld. Iowa,' , ,
is vis,tnif relatives and friends I.e.. , am) ''-eland on the .til inst., great
uamage ami causing tlie loss ot many
iJave Uai'tktt has returned from Wy
oming and is now employed at Weir &
( 'o's.
of tin
fie Republican People Ticket
('has. U-rovc
A. Ore -En.
S. Barker.
A. Soti-T-hworth.
Oeo. S-Hafer.
A. K. I-E-w.
Thos. R-eidy.
Con. Lind-E-man.
Sot. 5, m.
5'ine (.""ftl, native lumlmr for wile
'Jx liv-rv stable.
More boot niul sin hats arid c ute
ense of Hunter
having Pollard arrested on the
tealing a
'barge of
I1W ll:l llinl I Li. , .t.l w...l
for a w rit of huhim rorjx was granted
hy Judge. Kinkaid ainl the sljenff onlewl
to brinic Pollard before the court.
Sheriff Pfo-t accompanied by Pollard
went U-fore the court at ( hadron I'ri
day. II. T. ( onley ai3ir.-d for Pollard
and Atty. Jem kes, of I hadron, was em
ployed to represent the prosec ution.
An adjournment was asked for by the
tatter and Monday evening was s.'l for
the hetiriiur. At that time the case was
c died up and as Mr. Jeiickes was out of
town E. I. S.ilterlee ap-ared for the
prosecution. After hearing the evidi'iice
j the court ordered Pollard released and
j the costs will lie (raid by Hioux county.
I We do nut know how line h thev will
jTroceriut this week at Punch Stij.ply j amount to but the tax myers are hunt;-
lU. t ui for the costi. It aiiw.irs to Iw a tie-
-All rvm ktiowinz thein. iv.M in- cuhar ineth.l .f doii bti-im-ss iii.d it it-
;!h! to the lirm of Warn & IWk j not at all sliipnsui that the p.-op.s e,.
tired of liuvmj; to pay taxes to settle
costs in such cases. We are informed
that some good sized damage suits are
likely to l instituted by Mr. Pollard
against some of the ollicials connected
with tie- case, a.s he does not propose to
lie imprisoned without cause.
President Harrison is said to lie en
peii in wiitint; his message to con
irress. Something grand is exected and
we venture to say that the chief execu
tive will not disappoint the people
their expectations.
. o s.
W. F. Pattersf.n, of Tuk JociiXAr., was
at ( hadron Monday ni-ht as a witness in
the Pollard cast;.
M.s Mald Robinson Rnt Sundav with her parents in Harrison. She
is teaching on White River.
i. P. I avis, r. F. Slingei land and W.
R. Smith arrived home last Thursday
irom in" suue convent inn.
A C .... 1 .,1 i: i . .
jv. ,ui unui ui, i-ai uii aie lor rniiniv
siiieiintenileiit, was in Harrison o'n i l:Klli'11' at South Bend, Iud
luesil.iv and made a call at this oltie.
(Ico. Walker arrivwl horo. ,m ti.ifiii
day from Ins trip to the state
tiou. lie visited relatives
liefoi'e bis ret urn.
1. E. Mather arrived from Greenfield,
Iowa, last week and will spend some
time, looking over the county. It is to
lie hoped he will locate.
A. R. Kennedy 'il family arrived
from (ireenlicM. Iowa, on last Fiidav
anil he has lieen busy getting his car un
loaded and moved to his farm northwest
of lown.
Down at Last!
The Celebrated
The palatial resilience of Clem Stude-
wasdest roved
by fire on the night, of the 8lh inst. The
structure cost over three hundred thous
and dollars. Mrs. Studebaker was seri
ously injured.
yy in id mmu nuui
i!iiease call ai-d ttle at oiae.
-.out forget that TllE Jut'IiNM. is
jared to do all kinds of job printing
meat and tasty uianner. on short
-Weir & Co. have purchased two ricre
larter sec tioas of land on SiwU llv
xk, liaving secured the farms of S. Ii
jfermiD and Wm. Hawn. They will
Iranio on the farms until npnug, ut
It this issiue at)ifirt the card of R.
M. Uiatiw, at New York. He mami-
bcturetall kind of book rests and staud-
d kifj.jods have a high reputation,
fcoull joa need any thfnj,' in that lin
r le to dim.
-SiHiYEO -A small bay hors-, linind-aU-'m
le 10 on left shoulder, and
wbof having been cut with wire on
fore letrs. A tiii', r.'W'.inl Will !
M for return of nainu t.) me at Han-i
ns. R. 1 (iALI'IN.
0. P, Haines desires to inform the
ROOk tint ha wilt flnmt lU luisiiiess
in the photograph line on Monday,
a. list. ow if you have not got all
ttiiress you want you must get
fcffliiefore that date.
-Alfred Hartow. of ( hadron. w as se-
f1 m menilier of the utate ct-ulral
piraituxs for this senatorial district for
ensuiiif ve?,p Ti.a i,u.ii..n nu !.
stwione and the intcrett of the repubh-
any win be well looked alter lij
Mr. and Mi's. A. R. Oldham, an? visit
ing the family of (i. W. Hester, Mrs.
Oldham and Mrs. Hester being sisters,
f thev like this country they may be
come residents.
C, E, Holmes and L. J. Simmons, ar
rived homo on I-nilay. Besides attend
ing the state convention the former vis
ilcd I.iiii oln and the latter made a short
step at his old home at Seward.
Lawrence Mcfliinnigal and John
O'Uricn, accompanied by their families,
arrived from Knox county, Illinois, last
week, each hr nging a car load of stock,
household goods and farm implements,
and are now residents of Sioux county.
The state hoard of transportation has
passed a resolution urging the railroads
to make a reduction in rales for the ship
ment, of grain, owing to the large
amount to be marketed and the low
price. It is hut right that the railroads
should transport the grain at as low a
rate as possible for at the ruling prices
but a small margain is left for the farm
The great, trotting colt Atell, was
sold at Tern; Haute, Intl., last week for
the enormous sum of one hundred and
live thousand dollars. This is the high
est price ever paid in the world for a
horse of any description. The animal is
but three years old and has a record of
covering a mile at a trotting gait, of two
minutes and twelve seconds, the fastest
over made, and it, will probably be some
time liefore the record is broken.
Ranch Supply House.
-Where von will also lind the-
Largest Stock of General Merchandise
tu tha county.
occasion to
count' re
is safe to
Th.. i....,u, r i, i... 1. 11
i w iniHia I,.. nx.j n , iiouscoum ,
.1 , . . . - I
B'Mwand lurm implements arrived last
at Harrison, ljetiideu a uumlier ol
if'jlt who came by team and ot hers
just to see the country. At the
rule of settlement it will not 1
until L'OVermnellt. I:n,,l n ill lu, ii
Hrof the past in Hioux county.
-The last of the harvest excursions
FWI ill Nebraska on last,
Sfeat many xjople Uok
Netothe stato. Sioux
fevl a fair numlier and it
I11! that next year a lurge numU r of
w et,t,lers will bake advantage of the
Anility of the railroads in muking- ex
Mioo ra's.
-On liist Tuesday a change occurred
,f U luanagement of tlie Northwestern
rw,i f. Lavis ret r iie-
'Mry assumine; control.
rv in u
I-iuring our absence last week we made
a trip over the P. M. from Crawford
to Hastings. Of course the line from
Alliance east has been in oiieration for
some years and is not new to the travel
ing public, but from Alliance to Craw
ford it is certainly new to people who
till VH traveh-d all over Nebraska. There
are a few miles of this road which cost a
lortune lo build. The grade is so steep
that it was necessary to make a curve
inui h resembling a mule shoe and this is
followed by a reverse curve making a
sort of letter S, after which the tunnel is
reac hed. The tunnel is something over
TOO feet long and is approached by deep
cuts and represents a vast amount of la
vor, but the road is completed to Craw
ford and regular passenger service was
put on Oct. fith, and it is the intention of
the management to put ou sleepers in
the near future. C K. Huntington is
agent for the company at Crawford and
he is one of the most pleasant and ac
commodating railroad men it has lieen
our fort une to meet for a long' time.
The track has crossed the Wyoming line
j and is being pushed rapidly toward New-
astle where tlie great c;u neais am
......,i ..,,,1 Jll Creek station iust across
ilKtl, 11," ..
and James
Mr. Hlat-
Vouni'' I'eiitl.titinn who has
L " n
mat frianl. ... n.:. I 1. i.
i. -viiua in nils couuiy Uliu ic in
fcr to presume that ho will hold his
" of the hotel trade. Ilin advertise-
l appears in onotht'r column.
On liui CVii.... i. Uf.iri,l
b. . . j, . O.UIJIIII HiV " '
t fora Lemorest prize medal oc-
r-'w ai Uie church. Uiit four of tlie
the 1 akota line has ln opnel only
const ruction tniins are run there yet.
!t is claimed that the coal of the New
castle mm. ex. els that of any mines
yet oencd in the west. Sioux county
comes in for a share of Icnefil from this
new road. A number of miles of track
are in this county, and the great coal
fields will employ a great many men
who must have something to eat and
thu will a new market for the products
f c;,. count v lie ooeued. The open-
i... ..III. nun nil il SO IT Vet Blioiii'.i
lllg Ol lc? i'1- " "
avenue of ingress for the numerous new
set tleM who are daily coming lo
county. Now let all unite in the 01T0H
audit will not be long t,"'re witl
he u house on almost every quarter sec
tion of land in Hioux and thousands of
happy families will rejoice in the fad
that the homestead laws were enacted.
--.. num jiruMeut, uui u. jii;ns.u,
rtf was sjieiit and at the close the
Nl wax awarded to Ed. A. Weir,
r xt conUfst was announced for Fri
fV vening, Nov. 1st. The names ol
rcontiiUinU will be given later, and
'"to be hoped that the entire class
'lU be prevent and partieiKite.
-R- K. Pout hag sold bin residence
"Hy to J. C, Northrop, agent of the
4 M. V. at this place. This is a
r Property un4 will doubtless prove a
J' iiivtstuieiit for the .urchu.Hor. Mr.
r "ill probttlily Jiv op In claim dur
r" winUr, an we are iiiformeil that
r Ul Dot build niuithnr residence be-
"Pring. Mr. Post will move hei
''"'ttery u:k kiW the room ou Main
t.forMturJy'VMp If TK JWR
are still making the
Cull and see us liefore applying else-where.
Cottonwood Items.
Hay making is nearly over.
J. B. Pequette is making a number
one quality of sorghum.
I n. Publow had the misfortune to
loose a cow last week.
The Union Labor organization in Cot
tonwood precinct have pledged them
selves to support the People s ticket.
Our Sunday Schools are on the de
cline. This is due to the fact that some
of our Sunday school scholars cannot
attend dances on Saturday night and
Sunday school the next day.
Messrs Elsbury ami Hall, of Marshal
.;oioitv, Iowa, who are old acquaint
ing of R. C. Tally, are looking for lo
cutions on Cottonwood. We hope they
will conclude to locate here for they are
gentlemen of the highest respectability
and would make good citizens and
Those Cottonwood resolutions which
were published in the Ihrald two -jveeksl
ago were written by a would be ''Mud
Ringer," but who now becomes a uirt,
dinger because he failed to gel the nom
ination for treasurer at the people's con
vention. This man is no other than L.
,i .Harmon, who was the secretary of
the primary held in Cottonwood precinct
which chose the delegates to the peoples
convention, and who took an active part
in tlie said primary; though he positive
ly denied this in the demo-republican pri
mary when the question came up as to
whether he had taken part in any previ
ous primary.
In the second clause of his resolutions
he says: "We have received injustice at
their hands (the people's party) by being
deprived of representation which we
were justly entitled to." (refering to
.'ottonwood precinct.) Why don't you
speak the truth How as it comes from
.i. i. c ,,,, ! lie:irt and Rav: "1 do
uie oi-jiiii j'"
hereby condemn the action of the peo
ple's convention because they did uot
give me the nomination lor uea.sto.,
which I was justly eiilitleu to, 101 j
have been nu energetic, untiring oliice
seckcr ever since the county was organ-
,zed." In the fifth article of his resolu
tions he says; "Wecomlemutiiem (ine
K-'ople's party) for calling secret pnma-
tbroutihout the coumy. cuo..,
:ru oiiiuarv held in Cotloll-
u lie" j.-"j'i- " i ...
ood precinct was a secrecr, anan ...
which but certain individuals were ai-
lowed to participate, you must lulnni
that you were one of the chosen few,
and that you took part in the said pri
imry. Why did you turn traitor?
Again we appeal to your sacred honor
and truthfulness and ask, wa if U
cause you thought in to he a bad causer
Please answer.
The Albion Anns has entered upon its
ehventh year with as bright prospects
as a paper could. When it was estab
lished, A. W. Ladd, a mere boy with a
very light outfit, had to rustle as hard
as any western publisher. Ho has
stayed close to his business and has built
upon a foundation that is solid. He lias
a reputation of being a thoroughly relia
ble man and is a straight republican and
his many friends cannot but be pleased
i n,,te the sieiulv advance he and his
paper have made in the ranks of journal
At Prices as Low as the Lowest.
No shoddy goods Every Uiiug first class.
No old stock New goods continually arriving.
Call on us when in town and we will give you a'SQUAEE DEAL
Rnvlo. the Driest accused of rape at
"V I
Raleigh, N. C, has been found guilty
and sentence of death passed upon him
A stay of execution has been granted
that the case may be appealed to the
higher courts, leath is the penalty for
rice in the old north state as it should
lie. in everv state in the nation. In Ne
braska the general rule has been to deal
out punishment on short notice, but
should the penalty be made death, and
conviction morally certain, the proba
bilities are that the law would he al
lowed to take its course.
To Loan
You can d. jH'ii'l on getting money
from us. Our company will not h.ut
down during the winter.
Jones & Verity.
peoples' Precinct Caucus.
The voters of Bowen precinct are le-
sted to meet at the court house in
Harrison, on Monday evening, Oct. 21,
iho ot 7-;i() o'clock, for the purpose oi
. i nnniinn'l.inn candidates for the
r..ii.....;.f niwhiet. ofllceH-. One assessoi
.Ol""" '"Is
:..,i,11 ,,f the neace. two constables
,! (wo indues and three clerks of ejec
Lion, and to transact, such other business
as nmv properly tome before the rpcev
in TnoMAS Kmi,
Jimiber Ptopltts' t-'ei. Cpw,
The re-election of Hon. L. D. Richards
as chairman of the republican stato cen
tral committee was a happy tribute to
the excellent executive ability displayed
by that gentleman during the campaign
of 1SS8. Iu that fierce political contest
Mr. Richards proved himself master of
the situation and marshaled his forces
in a manner that proved irresistable to
democratic, narlv. Mr. Richards not
only has the confidence of the republi
cans as a party lender, but he has the
highest respect of all for the high traits
of character possessed by him, and it is
to be hoped that when he shall have
closed the second year's labor as chair
man of the stale central committee, lie
will hear the call of his friends to accept
a position more honorable than the one
ho is now so ably filling,
- - i
It is often said to be a good plan to
trade, hut the exception to the rule
comes in about the time of an election.
It does not, pay to trade on candidates.
For instance, Hike the ticket put up by
the people's convention and endorsed ny
tl, sti'iiieiit, republican mass convention.
It is composed of men against whom not,
one word can be said, lliey are cieau,
straight, honest men who will commci
the business of the olhces ot the coumy
in a manner that will be to tlie best
interests of the tax payers of Sioux
county. H is a question oi vasi, urn.....
ance to the welfare of the county that
;..,ri..v.,i;il ,-ent as low as
uie laia oi - - . - I
consistent with good management Not.
one dollar snould be expended unless the
best of returns are to show for the in
vestment, Monuments to official 1001
ishness are to be avoided as it keeps peo
ple from coming here to locate for they
do not like to help pay old debts, and if
you want the country settled up so that
i.m1 will become valuable, vole
for tha candidates oi the people's rep ill
liwin ticket. Lo pot trade; oo noi
scratch, but voto it 4ra'Kht mm iop io
bottom and ypu mH no to
rrsvet it.
& Pollard,
Northwestern Hotel.
This place has recently changed hands and nothing is loft-undone for the
Entertainment of Guests. .
Come and See Us,
S' i
i i
: - .
I iv.'
: i
, r