The Sioux County Journal.; Pul.liJwJ evtry Thurxtluy. i o Subscription Prk-e, L J. Simmons, - - Editor. Entered lit tli Harrison pot office at j ond cisuM matter. Thih-hay, Otober 10, l-9. j Friday's Contention. i Convention called to order by D. I', j Davis, chairman republican -ouit(y ct-u- j tral committee, fi. W. Windsor, seci- j tary. j Oo motion a committee ou jiermanent organization was appointed, to-wit: E. j 0. Hough, Oeo W. Cobb, Jesse Bum, ' D. A. Publow and Tainel Klein. On motion a committee on credentials j was appointed to-wit: F. W. Knott,1 Claus Cliristensen, V. R. Smith, Roliert j Neee, S. W. Hal L j On motion a committee on resolutions ; was appointed, to-wit: F. W. Knott. E. O. Hough, B. B. Smith, J. C. Nor- throp, C. F. Slin-erland. Adjourned to reconvene in an hour and a quarter. AFTERNOON. Convention reconvened at 2 o'clock. On call committee on permanent or ganization reported recommending F. AY. Knott for permanent chairman aud I'an- lel Klein for pernianent secretary, lie-! port adopted. On motion B. B. Smith was elected assistant secretary. Com mi tee on credentials reported the following as duly elected and entitled to seats in the convention: Antelope precinct Geo. "NY. Cobb, Oeo. H. Turner. Bodarc J. O. Morris, C. F. Slin;,'er land, Ashbel Orton, AY. S. Hall. Bo wen W. R. Smith, E. (t. IlmiRli, J. C. Northrop, J. E. Mursteller. Cottonwood T. F. Golden, John AY. Tidd, D. A. Publow, II. F. dough, AYm. J. A. Rauin, Henry Parks. Five Poinst-B. B. Smith, Frank Lout asenhiser, Jesse Beans. Hat Creek F. AV. Knott, C. F. Colfee. Lower Running Water R. F. Neese, Edward Dowuey, Snyder. Montrose George Heikmnn, Claus Christensen. Running AVater A. McGinley, J. AY. Earnest, Jesse Crowley, Jasper Caper, Leslie Crane. AVar Bonnet James Nolan, P. AV. Dunn, John Anderson. White River-J. T. Ma-son, C. H. Rig don, Laniel Klein, John Shay. ' On Motion three tellers were appoint ed, viz: C. F. Slingti laiid, J. E. Mat steller, Claus Lhristeusen. On motion it was voted that a full ' vote should be cast by each precinct by the delegates present. NOMINATIONS. R. AV. AYindsor was nominated for county clerk, There being no other Dominations it was moved, seconded and carried that he be elected by acclama tion. Claus Christensen, D. H. Griswold, John JJ. Richards and i.aniel Klein were nominated for treasurer. John D. Rich ards' name was withdrawn. The ballot showed v.laus Christensen to have re ceived 8 votes, D. H. Griswold 22, Lan iel Klein 9. L). 11. Griswold was de clared the nominee and on motion his nomination was made unanimous, John U. Richards and AYm. J. A. Raum were nominated forcounty commissioner, second district Ballot Richards 10 votes, Raum 29 votes, AYm. J. A. Raum was accordingly declared the nominee. J. W. Earnest and Robert Neese were nominated for county commissioner, third district. Robert Neese declining to be a candidate, J. AV. Earnest was, on motion, elected by acclamation. Nominations for sheriff being called for, J. F. Pfost and J. B. Burke were put before the convention, the ballot result ing in the) nomination of J. F. Pfost by a vote of 23 to 11. Nominations for county judge w ere E. P. Hough and L. O. Hull. The ballot showed 12 votes for Mr. Hull and 26 yotes for Mr. Hough, who was declared Jite nominee. 8. AV. Cox, B. B. Smith and J. E. Hol jingsworth were nominated for county superintendent, the ballot giving Cox b votes, Smith 11 and Holhngsworth 24. Accordingly Mr. Hollingswortii was de clared the nominee for superintendent. C. H. Rigdon was nominated for coun ty surveyor, and there being no other nomination he was on motion elected-by Acclamation. C. H. Andrews was nominated for county coroner, and on motion he was elected by acclamation. Nominations of three delegates to II if Republican state convention were next, called, said convention to be called in the city of Hastings, Neb., on October 8, 1889. E. O. Hough, u. P, ..avis, AV. R. Smith and J. G. Moiris were nominated, receiving votes as follows: Hough 28, Davis 84, 8mith 2, Morris 16; the first fblM were therefore declared elected L W. Windsor, C. F. Slingerland and f. 0. Morris were nominated and elected by acclamation delegates to the Repub lican senatorial and representative con ventions. , ntaumcm. The report of the committee on resolu tions was called for and read, as follows. Dm Republicans of Sioux county, kjswiag undiminished faith in the carui Mt prwcipltw of the Republican party, pad beUertng Ita continuance in (tower lissnttsl to curing fur the people oi pa wboes Cation the privileges thev tt?iU7lt0PtT the WeiniufcTi of Je:iiv ;.m) j j .-)-rity, ben .-by renew! our ail- - -it t tin- party ;ml liw prin- iiple Ml o.nt of uili, ll the Ueiul'll- alls n; i:it war led to and j State vii-hm ..; and as the igv of liis-i Ury pi'Ve tlt all inn t tonal tp.os:tion j to the const itutwl authority eittier of govft'iiinent or parties results in disaster anil lit lent, we condemn all seeking ttie desti ud mi of the republican arty by ll.c- gratilicatiun if -niin;il malice, for real or fan. led wrongs, or disapjiointed ambition. l!7.r.. appreciate tle able ser-vi- rendered by I lie Hiim-X (.' Hit (it! in lebalf of the repul laan party in this art lit lh state, and ew iallv in Sioux count-, and realizing that the be stowal af oillcial patronage on any other jmiier n-'w in the county would tend to stienyiheti the nj.iositi.n Wing made against the t puU .ans and tlie ticket this day nominated therefore be it Ilmtilnrl, that we advocate the contin uance of the Htii'iI as the o'lii ial news-i-r of lbe county, arxl recommend to the 11. ;ns Register and Receiver of tlie Cbadron Ijuid OilUe tliat it lie made the oliii iul paper of the land oiiii for this place. 11-X- In 'I, that the whole people of our state are deeply indebted to the Nebras ka delegation in congress for their untir ing zeal ill behalf of the int. rests of the state, and we tenia r them our congratu lations for the success that has attended their lulxirs. .'. KiJenl. that as citizens of the state of Nebraska we take a just pride in the able administration of John M. Thayer as governor of the state, and we appreci ate his lalrs in belli; If of every good cause that has t ailed lor las valued ser vices at home and abroad. The following resolution had been read and adopted a1 the Five Points and Bodan leciin t pi linaries, and was also submitted to the convention. Rtv(t. tlint we, the republican electors of l ive Points precinct, assem bled this Cud day of OotuU-r, condemn tlie t!on of the so-called "people." con vention laimed to have U-tn held in this precuv t on the t'th day of August. lsi-0, tor the reason that a call for said con vensicn was not made public and every-th-ng in connei tion with it indicated se crecy and fraud, lie it further ? Hxlvd, that we condemn the action of the muss convention held (hi the first! day of October, 1--MI. at Harrison, Neb., I realizing the f;i 1 that it was controlled by the so-called "People party"' anil by the republicans of Sioux county. Tlie following resolution had been read aud adopted at the Cottonwood pri mary and was also submitted to the con vention: Iiixnlcfd, t! nit we, the citizens of Cot tonwood precinct, in irecinct caucus as sembbtl, undiT tali of the republican county central committee of Sioux county. Nebraska, do hereby condemn the actio;, of the no-culled People lKirty. for the following reasons: Ye have received injustice at their ham) by lieing di-prived of representa tion which we were justly entitled to. Ye condemn that party because they retain men as party leaders who have tried in vain to become recognized by loth tliu republican aud democratic par ties. AYe condemn them for having made freijiietit pledges to the people by which they might be lnelited, while they liad no intention to keep the pledge thus given, their only motive being to secure the sull'erage of the people. AYe disapprove of that party on the ground that they liave heretofore and are at present using every effort in their powerto delude and mislead the voters in order that they may be reeogniztd under another uame. AVe condemn vhem for calling secret primaries throughout the county so as to enable them to nominate such men as belong to their ring', and since suvh pri maries and "convention" were assembled they try to make it appear tliat the same were represented by the people. AYe condemn them for circulation pe titions calling for a "mass convention" to enable them to send delegates to the republican Btate convention, w hile they auiiere to no party but area combination of all parties. They have grossley misrepresented the people, first, by calling it a "People's'' party when tiie masses of the people of ciioux county knew to well that it was brought into existence by a lew men who could not become recognized by any oilier party in the county, arid second by a.-uming to call, without authority, a republican convention in order to in dorse as republicans, the ticket they had previously nominated. Be it further Ivid, that we, advocating trust worthy men for ollice, are bitteilv op posed to the so-called People party, con trolled by a few individual men. We heartilv concour that there should lie improvement in the administration of our county affairs, but should this "Peo ple" party attain power we should ex pect a degradation aud not a relorm. be it f under Ri.mAv.d, that we will use all legiti mate means in our power to deleat this so-called "People party, and lurther- more itowuirt, that we will unite in sup porting good and cllicient men, nomi nated in the republican county conven tion, to lill the various county ollices, that wholesome government may be as sured. Good government of county, state and nation is left entirely to the people, and if we thus nominate and J.;i t good and elfii ii nt men lor ollice we can real assured that we will receive just aud honest administration from the precinct organization to the head of the ledtral government. Ou motion all of the above resolutions were concourrtd in and adopted by tlie convention. On motion C. F. Slingerland was elect ed chairman of the republican county central committee. On motion R. W. Windsor was re elected secretary of the -republican county central committee. On motion it was decided to increase the representation from the various- pre cincts to three members each,. On motion the convention adjourned. Aftirx Ki.bin, F. W. Knott, Secretary, Chairman. New York is the winner in the Nation al Base Ball League. A touil of 136 games was played during tlie season by that club of which tJ were won. JONES L VERITY are still making tlie VERY BEST TERMS ON FARM LOANS. Call and see us before applying else w here. t You can depend on getting money from us. Our company will not shut dou during the winter. Jones & Verity. L. 0. HULL, Attorn7-at-Lw. HARRISOX, - - NEBRASKA, GEORGE AVALKER, Attorney-at-Law. Will nractice before all courts and the C 8. Land Oltlce. Husinesn entrusted to uiy care will receive prompt attention. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. Smith Bros., OF THE ONLY FIKST CLASS LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE AVish to call the attention of the public to the fact that they am prepared to furnish at reasonable rates First Class Rigs On short notice. A Dray Line Run in Connection. Wm. Christensen, AYbolesale and Retail Hardware. A large and well selected stock ALWAYS ON HAND. ACORN STOVES. BARBEJ WIRE at prices to suit the times. Agents (or CHAMPION BINDERS AND Mowers. Chsdroa, Neb, C. F H.'LMr, Attorney-at-Law. KM l,u.!ii.-ei,lni-t -I t ' ti- n ceiv prompt aii'l cirelul aU-iitnn. Ollice with JoNEN & YKUITY. HiJiKt-HlN', H. T. CON LEY, Attorncy-at-Law. Sjiecial attention given to LAND PRACTICE. i!i,e at the old stand with Rcidy it 1'idlarX HACK1S.IN. - - " NUJ'.AA- MRS. L. J. SIMMONS, Dress Maker. Sulielactioii uitrai.leel. UA1UUMDN, - " XUIKASKA. AV. E. ROUTER. Colli rai lor and llnlldt r. v . o... t... ii nil kind-of ciiriK iiler ork cheerfully kivcu. sulitjintiuii uar;uUfl. I'laufurnl-bid ut reaMimlii rules, HvItKWi.v. - - MUIHA-KA T. B. SNA'. ER. Watch and Clock Repairing. Will lie I" lliirri-oiu'v. ry iilti-neilr- Mn (Liv li. in., t Kin i-iif -ept. li . , il will iovi. iiiv iitli-ntioii l.i uiivtlliHK t'l the !" line Willi lie.,iiili.iiu ! i t l.l:lOl.l 4 M.Mi-l Ll.l-Hi i. L E. liEL EN' & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Kepiil Ins ll.lllf Oil h(il-l liotire. tioo.1 orV mi. I re KonHlilP i lmi (;. Mmp Houtn nl livery li.irn. HAH!UN. - - - M-B- J. H. IiAUTEU.. ( oiitractur ami HiiiMcr, rimm 0r;: n anil Kpiciilciitiiiiin nuiile on niiilti-;.t'Oi'. Ki.l.illinle cure! lll!v liMfle, IlAltltliV, - - NKUI'.ASKA. I.EVT.S II. MYERS, I'lastrrcr and Ilrlck Lajcr, All kind- of iil-.iin Hii.l oriiiinieiil il plustcr lag .lone to onter. t leler-.! uhN riMern ce meiithif?. '1 h' l.iyimr of brSek llue h i..-c! ally. S ill uie ub.ulute n.itlwl aeiioii or Ml uy ri-ijiiiretl. HAlll'JSO.S, NFJ1KAKKA. TRUAX, SNYcER & CO. Illucksuiitli, Ciirrliige and Wagou Shop. Horse Sh'ieing a Sjieciulty. Satisfaction guitrunteerl in every particu- lur. hhop on Main Htreet, UAliiasoN, MiBKASKA. F. L. MORRISON, WATCHES, ( LOCKS AMI JEWELRY. A well helected stock always on hand at lowest prices. REPAIRING AXcJ ENGRAVING A hpeciaily. ("Satisfaction guaninteod. HAlUtLSON, - - KEUI1A.SKA. MRS. L. A. POST, Millinery, Keeps a nice line of millinery which hhe sells at prices tliat defy competition. G00JG00i.S, GOOJ WORK And fair prices. Second street. HAKIUSON, - - MilltUFKA. Wells! Wells! The undersigned Lave a line. nt !i.;il and are prepared to put down wells on SHORT NOTICE, and at living rates. . It will pay you II You Want a Well to call on or addresas, Amos & Armstrong Bros. HARR.SON, NEB. WEBSTER THC CCST iNurcTiirnr Pgr the Fimily, School, or Professional library, .. i Has been for years Stanlarl Aiitliority in the (ioveriiiiH at rniitliiffOfllce and U. S. Su preme Court. oiM14 liMJ recommended Ly 1. , a" f ,uul tli lead.npr Collc-;o Presldtmts. pearly nil tho hchool Itooks publihlied in this country aro basi-dnpon W-bstr, nsa.teht d by the lcadiug bchool liook 1'ublinbcrs. o u,ore Words nnd nearly 2000 more Eiitrrathigs than any otherAmerltaii Iictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Wer Torlt Vorld uy. : wuur u in.iUi,ivc,;fthP''eoicded to b U,c bat. The BlCtonCl(.tie oy ; WeUtr In the to-k'mwli-w! ntnniltiM In loxioorrp!,y. TheAtlaBUCanglltBllM WeUt,, t,, loiijr, .n' hitn nu i. Author I !y In r.ur omen, nm h'r-1- CCC5B '.: W.-l,..,.,', Uni.rW,r.-.riiiu!"alwTi a b.7n iho Xandar.l 11 1 0rlM1" T'ge P"WCrBt i.C,; Wtlwuir l. .unulrj utui.ViiTuTwTiTnici.. P-yyT TribWiii It m moogniwd th Engllah UnMrgtiii n.P ih, Wur(() 1 I IMI, I IMMll" WI M I n li'iwif liol'ee., 1h tit! -.1 :t ' " " l.l e ioel II ! -June lo tUl eh . ..I lo ! ! tlie 1 t llallil'M' llleir en-l iejir Hie Hi oee. IjiikI Iti. nl I I. il roll. Nca., f x-i.l t"i- I Not re i li-lil v irin-n ll"t tlie lotion- ii.c iiM-i- ir.i n..r,.el ii'iim- "l bi i" t. . 1..II bl ll.llWe I)" O 1'M.I l'l IJXrt ol III. I.umi. al.'t V., .1 -o ! . I.K.I Wl I I-. IliH.le l- Ioivili.i J -n. I'lt-ik of tlw 1'istrli-t ( olll t, ttl lliiriiii.. . !, , oil Niv. l.i, If, VI : Al' i it M. Ti!r. of Hmtivrn. lin ma.te I . Hill g Nu. I'r t!r u H ee II li.ll r . II. icon.- liie l..!'o line.--. U. lroe I.U eo'iluoiiie. r-i'. 'H iljum Cllilivrt I oh of -!'! I 'nl, i' ' Hl- lt M. HITl. r, Join, i mi. .a. r. I.V!. li i.l iul.lM. U ol lUrii-t-ii' S' Lr.i.-ki, i.1m: (.ntv So'i ImIi. nl I n rl-xii. li m'l ! . nil" v"- '"r ' i4 j-.- '., iici, w : " 4 '' tiii-iri". ile lion. - llifl I..M.. till! il:il--" to pniv hi e.liiliiol'i'l' levi'Miel liel tlll'l eultim t'.ni ol .- ml . : Join. V. - lull, li iit.iv i:i. l,-t. !n.t .rl ti Vi-iIm iiii, liuile. K. hill, nil ul lliiiri-oii. .k. I.. W. 11. Slil'MS, lt.-KiUr. (i.utuli:uti'd N'.'l. f K'.r I lit. i '' Uili.J I 'ftiee at clei.1 roil, Seh., I .l., 3... I""--. i .t'i-- i h.-reliv iriveii Hi .1 Hi following n:Olie. lt;. r II i- lliell Iml I' of l" lnt' II t.o i to (ii .. piool in uiirt ..I lil l urn. n. I tli .1 l'l li'.f ill !' lim Me !' lore l b '. .I on. -o ... '! lt f III.' llKtriet court, at Itarriwu, eli.,n ov. li, Iwv, viz: .Ii.lni 1 imiii-. nl' liiii!riwr. 1. 1 hi uii'.iii I. . No. "Jlli fur tli .-. mio 4, pill I .Vl. lie nan. e- tin' (oliewinu !tneM- to prove It's eit mil. el- I" -.'I. mi- llivm l.ll'l eu.tiv.t- tion ol I'.K. l-eo-r lo urs. Join" t. 1..T, ol Mi.lilliw . Sell ; .Uil.el hl.olt, Ire.l. rii'ii Kuoll.ol li.lrti.', el.r. .-14. ul-: Wille I. ii l.i ic!:. !' I!ir-i- n. u lei innilc 1). No. MM lur Die lie , w-e 311, tji .'U. i "', jle n.i:ne- tin- follow ii.y jt;i-.' to iroe low eo il iiui.u re :-l ..-. iijwi.i i.iel en. 1, va rolii.! LI I hi. I. .' .liliM-t W e-.i liil ill, ll.!tcW II. Illie ll. illi.ll-1 . V.ohr, I llatlea 'l.wi I e lill .llj.i, .ol ol It. i li" el, N l'l i A . ;j i, t . ii. ia.'..'.. i;.-.-t.'r. (' o.tll-i- Cr I'll' lirntlll.l. l.ui.el 1 I t 1 Ii "I-. l.i. .Sell., I j.t. , i .'.i. t ,.(!.. i-hi'ri'l.v t'-veu id lii.- j . uli w in tr nii'i.. ! -.1 ' i.'i' in-ni. il ;i. '1. i. o in-. inl"u l.oiitoiii i . lln.,1 .HH.f In i.i tiit i f lil . lill. I'lel 111.. I .''i I.I.H.f M ,i ! lilil'l.. Im' lor. tli..-. . .... ii. .'-..', i-liik ol liie ili-lriet .-..nil. ul linrii-'iii, N.-iii .iniv.t, on, 1'., U' M4i!i M !!;,. i.l iloili'ir, w Im inli'le 1). s. Inoiijf So. lor Hie h .-. ii, I... :.'. r. .v, i'.i, iie n.HiH the f'.l'.'T. invc ilne..-.'-. lo I!-ue il.T ei.liHli.HHI-. r. . 'iein . IJ wl, lil.ll ClliliVll I .oi ol i-.i 'I ; 1 1 el, i i i i i.o -ii. lli.Un.i;-.' miltli. .i.oi.iV ,i, lii lii.-l-. V.ileiuine oil! In ! r. i. I'.v,,: I il,ill,uj;-.niriji. ml ol IVI.ue, SeliLi -k i, i.).o n:r;'K: irK n;n i irt:. .t mv.ird. l.o im:..?.- 1.'. K. t'iii; Si.i:.''l lor l'i. -e.iv . , J ...ill '. -w i- 'i. !i r '4 . lie I l.i lur- I he ...l.'-tt inrr n ll lle-.v to iril e lit- CO'llilHMIll- I e. l'l.' lice IIJmiIi tl TH I eilltlrt ti.u (.1 , - ii'l I iii.l, vi. ; Kotiini'l t, JhIhi I'rii e, i.e.ue I.rown, h irli oruw, nil ol r.iu loi.i, .M'dr,o.l,,i, u!-o: (;Ki!i:i;i. i'i.r;! i. nt' i! who mail.- ll. f. yi. ).:0 l..r I In. e i.. ucj( wc , w X' iw 4 '''' i.".', l;i r w. lie il h ii' t he loilow lnr it 'len to prnve li! eiiiiliitiiniH re-l.eiiee iijioh jui-l cti,tf- I'.rtll ol -lOii l.ili'l, Vi: I,. ..;,.. Vt . lle-ter, l'a .-.i i;'ie!,,vi', lio'ji.r A liiil'ly, Wiliiain li. mii I Hi, nil ol llui i i-.Hi, S'-br i-ii i. W. II. li I a s n, Iteirter. I niiMili'iiil ii Nnliie Fur I'tiliiii'Htt.iii. l.anij i.ltli'e nt ( liinlron. Seliruka, i -eptelnliei H, Ivl'. j S'olioe 1-In ri'bv Kiven t!l it the foilowiriil; rillllie.l -elller 1. i llie-t liolice ol ll Inlell- lion to lii.iki-llt.ul i.rCMf in itimifii l ol hU I'ltiiln, iiml -itti'l prool will l,e ninde In lore 1 h;o. i . .l.iiiie-iiii. i 1 rk ol tlie IiNtriet I oiirt, nt NiirrUuu, .Sebraka, on ivoveuiber 7, ln-Vi, vl?. : John A. I'rutt of Montrop, eb., lid msile I! K So. IMS for Hie ne . 10 tjiM r ri w He Hume- tin; foiiowhiK wilin-n e l.i prm'i hi, riiiiliioiotii. re-i'leiici- iijmiii mi'l en 1 li vn l ion nl, .it'l l.iii.l, v 1 : linear W . try, Vv Illinifi il. iimiiei itiiiii, lei lier llli'lt. -oiiilimli II. Mm V Kli ol' MiHitrine, Sell. Ami l'i It's A. I.. Iloi'h. win) in.i.l.. 1. .. fll li'K So. Hit, to Hie i I ove ilewrllieil tniet, in l-lleil to l' Ml tlie -ulliC tune ull'l .1h.h., nli'l k1io' i-nuf. hy Hie nU.ic J.riKil nholii.1 nut be ullime'l iimi l.i- (lilnn CHiieelcl. Alio Kllu rt M. Hirier of ll;irrl-on, who in i'k- li. . mini: So 'im for the cty w J4 "ml c 'i ). i:f tp si r M w He until. 'h tiie lollowiiiir -en to (irovp bi coniiiiDouH resilience iiK,n nnl eultivn tiim of. ii liiml, viz: W liifoul T. Mourn, Arthur W. Cinerv, K.lwiird L. i.uijiin, Hur rcn W. Hull nil nt lluiriton, .Sib., AIo r rle.lrich To.lti iilniii.t of lliirrl-on, Nrh., who nmtle I). H. So. (im; lor liie tie v ne i im'c mi'l ti.' iiw H we :j t ji r .v. w. lie inline Hie following itiiee to provp lli r iilitlnil.ilK re-nlenee ti)rtiii unit eultlva. lion 1,1, ,j.J lm,.f viz: Wlllli.ln.L. 1'lirHh, Ui.lor Ki.'li-ii-in, w lihvim i.nliikfe, ( hn. K. ehilt, all of H..rri"..i, Seh. !'-il M., 1 leg 1 le r. Mil il l-; n.i ft IT Ul.ll A110.N'. I.miiil ( ftli-p tit ( h: "Iron, NphmrkM, Antrn-t 111, l."i. S'dttee N heieliy iriveii Hi ,1 Uic following llilll. e.) .tl.,er lm Illeil notice, ol hi, Intel! tion to iimke liiml pioof lii .ii)ip nit of hi,, eliiiin, iii. . li, ,t s:il. 1 j,n,f HI he uiaile In to re . VI. I', kliilntd, Jinitte of Hie iHnlrlet eo irt. or In hi nb.-nf-e c. c. Janieo'i, clerk ol Hie .Ji-trii't eoiirt, ht tlarrtitun. Neb., on licloiH r ll1, l--ii, viis: olnmon 1. t-tory, of (irainaiery, S'cb., who lrli.rte II K I'litrv No. 117 for Hie r X ". " H vt' ir , "lid fw rjr nw qr we i X4 r"'i. Hi- ii.vini' Hie loliowlnjr wIIiickm'4 to prove Ion cotitimioiM i'eiileui ii uixm ftnil i-iiiliv.,t,oii of mtlil limit, vix: John ll. W'nrn, Jollll C. I lil.KliilHl, I.eolKB VV, (.1,, jonil V ,(.inij.loii, nil of i,r..ii.itii'rry, Neb. I5-i M. Mos Ti.oMKiiv. Kcirimcr. M.iTll'K Kill ATION. J.aiK.1 (jttii-v nt (1, iftn.ri, s oi-jnija. I Allien I, Hi, lh. ( Not'i-c Mirn-by kivmI tint t:jc foliowluir liiiiiie.l wl tier ti,.- lile.l noii ie of l,u inti-n-I on to n,i,ke ll.iul nroof in Hiiiitort of his eliiiin, find I!) it ni 1 in-oof w til i,.- um.le bt fore ('. .Ihiimujii, clerk ul tiie rli "'.rt' n! iiurri .on, .Sell., oa i.cloisi-r ti, , lidw.inl I'eir.a.urrr, f Hnj rloii, S'rb , who mi ile II K So. -i -.l 0r ,v ,w ,.r , w- iC ! 17, tp .1,, r .'.',. Jen im.-, ii. 1)W. Inn w,,e, to h,n ruulliiuoiu le-.l-li''.(-' Uioii . n.j , u;t v. t on ol .i!U i ,lnl,v:z: iiivkI t o.ville, .o-,h .K..rii..,.i, lio'i. Ti, i. 1 nrrioh, llieoiioii) 1 riieliiir, tol ul l.nrri.uu, M "'oiitK"."' ry, .jtr. ll ATM) J.OVH K for .1 lli.KATlON. (.II,,c lit ( ll el '!, Ntblil-iirt, I Vncu t 3', Itn'.t. Siilice 1,. rihy k.m. li, .!. ,. foilnwhiB lliiil,e. !t,,er I, Ilie.J noli. .. of 1,1, IntMe t on Ulll, .ke n,l,, ,,.,M.I hi .,l,,-,,t of 111. flitni, diiil tin tin nl ti,,M,t will . ,,,., i,... '. ... j.iii.i-TOn, i-ierk of till' ill tiel eo.UL, .,l lli.iri.Mju, rteb lj;l I cloucr 'it, lTV, vu: joun a. n, of IL.rriion, l.'.-b.. Who iniil.! ll H ti liltjf S. U'R lor tho l,V 0C 4.ij).,r.. In. n,i, (he foliowintf wit """". v l""'1' l'l eolitianojH re4il.n.. . on a, ul cu.liv t, on ol ,i,l 1 ,tl, nt; i i, ,rii', h. i,ii..y, Arthur !., ,, Andrew J..,,,!,., At vassbrmven, jiii.f nrrlon, eb. Al-o: Umc l. II, ndtlx, of lI.irr:,o, .Srib., Vu, 'K'-i111'1' r"r th- q- ,;, 9. t, iu. Ik- ii .,, till- follow,,!), w.t-I.,-,,-., 10 ) ove hi, ,-o .li.iuou. n ,.,.,".,. u o.l ...,d .'Ilit.V .1 , , ,,,,, , ,,, v ft ' V.. downy, Al t,,,,, H o t ,, A,l.' ,i, M I ; lUf V,,,,, ..j, (jf ,.,rrUm ,S,.,r ..j,;,, ' ' . ' M 4 "K'i.,-iy, Ucifii.ier. CHJiHOMHATj. i, .Siri lin. for I'f BUI AfiO.V. Laodl.tHun, ti. ilirm, Nfl(raki. .... , , Aim ii 3 . 1-v.y I n ,'i'1'"'"l,y,!'1 t:i "" follow, liK b.ill.eil tl,er I, lk (m:i , , UUn- on a! l".i ,;"'"-'. ' f tlH- t 1, vi'x: i-'"' o'i ..iH.H-r at, Jttifi'W DunielK, of Montr...,, ,,eb., hom,Kftf 11 K :.. r u, , rjr wc H, tp u. 'nii ' Hie foi.owuiu witni.;,,. "un i t ti"'u""ja: '" "iwn w.d worn, , ' 1 ","w"t". Cl-run i,ol)u,; l.ui-diier B. berriniftoi,, J lio niiiili' 11 fllirlj? So .:i7 i -e 11. I M. r .!. He i,,,",.. ilu.'M to irove lur eii.lii,,J .,.,. . mi ,i i r. ,, I I rank million, Irank li. n. per. l-oimi.l loiil.i ((an j i'-j uoniir,,!,,, i UNMI.IIAn'.l Sirui K tt lJUiit l.ttlif. at : . auhui (i, iw. I -i.ii.-e ii. nereuy given lht ; liitlaed M'ttier bai. rjlel Holler i lion ut inline diimI i el, .in. ui.l tl.Ht .. . 1 lore I . . jHtii-4ii, clerk court, t llHniMn, Neb., on (a vVlnford T. tl.jore, of Han bo made 1 S. So. no. f,,r in. tp SI. r !.. Ile Hume, t r. I'Mtnun ui. cull; nuouii f nnd t tittiv ulion of m.1.1 lnd I.. .i. i i 11. KIIktI M. I in ner ' W'. W. Hall, all of Harrinou.'.s Kernani lluu, ol UodUoi who until," I is tlllnx So. H35 for In, tp .14, r M. hi- n.1111.4 i, , necw to piove bl contliin,,,!. ou Hiid cuitivittion of Mnid 1hi,. Kokboit, Jacob W ai-.-tibtii-r..r M. plieu Njrw, lill ol MoiitroJ- t burle lark, of Hivrri who imule II K So. 4 fr 14. ii t, lie or t -a, , si, , 5 toilol lllr itilrneM to fiiriVf, h irwilir UJUll HI1IJ CUUiVill,,,!, viz: jonii liermitll, iiiitue 1 evl A. liiuinbjUKb. John l h rlwoti, NebtAnkti. M. Mot,,i.m iil-4j .Niilire of ( eii'i-t. 1 V. S. IjllKl Oftlee. ( llH.ll l'i a. i . oitiiiiHiiifc iii, nuvinif i., tin otbei' by Heni v Hunter hi , M. VV uiie lor f tilllre to cotiifny to tiniln'r-i'Ultiiie enu v ?oi 1", Irwi. lifMiu tliei'H 111-,11. r .wi, in ,-Miiuv colony, ehr-k i, to 111" CHIII'ell itioii of mid entiy iilli-triiilf Hi t liie niiid cl . I iit.tiii i I, re . k or rjue Ui In- broken 1 tract .III I lni( the Hi ,1 year nfl- i ' li i , .oe.i lo cure hum ,!i le l ul i I ...linir fi.-,init.--t. i i,h lielei.V' .ilililliolll'tl fo l'ii,-,,r ill t in.. jUllSi il y ol .voveinlM r, lv, , n.., l.i rv-iioii.l itii.l fnriiNh t'.-.-l rci'i.iiiK ,. ..lU'ife I 1 iiiin... , Hiliie.-... w 1,1 IX- I. Ren f,,. ill. hi, nol ,ty piililie, i,t hi olti.e lord. .Neb., o.i tin: mm d.iy ul .s.i ill I" O I'llH'K H. III. i 1) T. K. I'm i.i! 5. E. litiKWdTKR, I'njMilt'nt. C. F. Ci ( HAS. C. JAMESOX, ChJ Commercial B LS-0IRrjHA1XD. General Banking Bus -TRANSACTED. - IIariusos, C. H. Andrews & -Dealers iu- Drugs, Paints, Brusliec -AKD- Fine Toilet Goo STATIONERY & PERiniB BEST CIGAa IN TUB CITY. J. II- COOK. Aoate Biftrxus Ranch. Dranrl 0 on luft iaw. Makes ol l.runl.ii ,r IU,K1UT, I raft and & Horses ; n! M and Uaik Polk-d Runge on Running Water. iiw Pui N-nV