The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 10, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal
Oil. 2
L "
Time Table.
f. E & M- Passenger.
. . !....;... .1 mil 4 r
W Pl I' " ' - ----- - - - --
Ceast leave Harrison at 2:51 P. M.
fRirrixia Market,
gutter, 11 to
Poultry. Jr dor- 12.00 to $3.
OHM. 100 6, f 1.10
Com. Ir 100 lb 1.00
Bran, t 100 ff. fl.10.
feed, chopped, per 100 11 11.85.
Potatoes, J bu. SKV,
rchum, per gal. 50v.
Onions, x bu. 11.50.
geana, per bu. ft. 00.
ime good, native lumlier for (tale
:hf livery stable.
4tire boot and shoes, hats and ok jrs
Ijtruceries this week at Ram h Supply
-)it a large sumdy.of fire wood
, W publish elsewhere tbe proceed-!
' mgsof thel'avis republican convention
held in Harrison on last Friday. It was
a straight fusion convention tl'ie demo
Proprlf tors. ; rrats Wng well represented in the d ..
h-iumn. J ne iicnel as li hired in -,,;
nation is composed f five democrats
and four it-publicans, thus giving the
democrats the supremacy in numbers on
the ticket, to compensate them, we pre
sume, for the fa t of their sailing under
republican colors. The whole drift of
the. many resolutions offered and passed
wax: "Anything to beat the jit-opte1
ticket, Htid kn-p within the control of
same old outfit the
count v affairs.
HJJISOiSr, INTSE., OCT. lO, 1889.
assisting the HmM
management of
Candidates were as nu
merous as the delegates themselves and
those w ho did not come up to the stand
as adopted ty the nti
slaughtered without regard to prefer
ence of bicatioii or other good claims for
recognition. Boweu precinct only raked
in five of the nine candidates.
Pace Bi-elow made us a short call
II. it Russel, of White river, tailed
on Monday.
L.O. Hull is
force this week.
S. H. Jones made a trip to White
on last Sunday.
Section foreman Wright is lying very
ill of mountain fever at Whitney.
Henry, of Running Water, was
in Harrison Friday and Saturday.
Mr. Hendrix, of Lower Running AVa
kr precinct, was in Harrison last Satur
.Arthur lsarta was in
Convention ("racks.
How do you like my slate? . D. S.
Wasn't it unanimous? R- W. W.
I want another convention1; I was sold
ouL-S. W. C.
So was I. -I- O. Hull.
were mercilessly iHnd ia,1"d at th,s oKc-
town yesterday
Complete slock of fresh goods. Bot
tom price always, at Ranch Supply
How's business? r.nnn Stiiin-
Qulte a I:irj;e supply. o lire wood; , 7,7.' . , .
.. V .11 . r ti J actum ahium nuarantind at Ranch Suii
mp laid in by the residents of liar- J ' J 1
U awl Vicinity. tir is ntt.lino. (ho
.The threshers have finished ull the i J '
' . i stJile convention which nccoiifits for imr
tin their line about lure and re-! . "
' . .,,, being late a day.
d to their hnrne at Whitney. j
kl persons knowing themselves in-j . ' ,. . , .. ," .
" . writ iiiiF mncliine anil exnect it to tie on
to tn the irni or Warn & isrooics ,
i hand by next week.
The republican state cnnvetition de
ided to divide the two delegations fr-iM
i! Llea- all find set! le nt oni e.
-Tl t r'uhtest of moonlight nights:
Uixiw prevah nt in thin vicinity and
ir.dcn in full, as well us otliei-s.
Vtrea to do al kmd of job prmtinjr ! . . . , , . , .,
I r" 4 1 tlii-oiii' h here vestei-dav enroute to the
unit arol tostv manner, on short! ', , , f ,
' wind hi hi country southeast of here
where they will be held for the winter.
called at these quarters
Thos. Reidv made a trio to Crawford
last Saturday.
B. Price
Frank Nutto and family were in town
Sunday and Monday.
J. H. Warn and family have moved to
their claim in the valley.
Capt. Geo. W. Tool and son fieorge
were in the county's capital yesterday.
A. R. hew, candidate for county sur
veyor, was in Harrison a few hours Tuesday.
Miss Orrilla Merritim, who is teaching
in Crawford, was in Harrison a few
horn's Saturday.
Miss Ida Hester came up on Saturday
from her school on While river to sjiend
this county and give to each one half of i Sunday at. home
the representation.
M. barnels requests us to sny that
some of Treasurer Iwkwood's cattle
accidentaly destroyed some of his crop
and the damage was immediately settled
by the o'vner.
What w-ith conventions and an un
usually large niimU-r of iersoiis mak
ing final proof, added to the usual num
ber of people that visit Harrison weekly,
last week was a busy week indeed.
L'ist Saturday evening while assist
ing to unload coal at Andrews station,
Jacobs Jeuson, foreman of section No.
85, was seriously, if not fatally injured
by being' cnught between a cur roof and
the roof of the coal shed. He was
climbing to the top of the car in order to
set the brake when caught, and was times in a
space only a!otit seven inches wide.
The water .supply was very short Sat
urday and Sunday caused by the fact
I that there was no wood with which to
run the engine, and worse still, no mon-
-Mrs. Jerry Will iind a part of the fam-
lir are now living in the city. Jlr. w ill
wnd to join them as wxin as the fall
wk on tlie farm in done.
-The ccntrat t for hauling from one
itbwe car loads daily of copper ore
fag the Miikkrat mine to Lusk has Ix en
Sttnd the work is to e commenced at
Tt dance at the hall on last Friday
Ireeaiti? wan a verv rdensant and enjoya-
ktfe affair, about forty persons partici-
. Supper was nerved at ttie llar-
sson hm at midnight.
C L Ttilili him lieen ne;iired at
work at the Agate Springs stock farm
for mow limn a month nasi and has iust
jsmpleted tbe building o( a stne spring J
Mseanda 100 ft eattlo HtieU lor wnicn
ieiind tl contract
There will lie a pe ial meeting of
notnnns ( hnitlmn Tenioerant e Ln-
Mkld at the school house on Tuesday,
H 15, at 4 o'clock p. m., sharp, for the :
of important bUHinww.! . .... .,.,,... wi.i, i,ich to
u , , ,i ey in inci.nj i'"""".'
SHCliers are urtrentlv renuesto to be i - ... (, tL-o
" "i t purchase any, imas iiptoui
fwt. ' ... -V,ieh to r,ur-
t c ei t -,i ,i 11) a suiiscripuon i
-"w F, E. & M. V. w up with tl ' , ()f ,()U, and W,en that 18
r-'m m Uliiidron in the night so that
Nl be hip)ed west tlie next morning
ritithy avoiding tlie
iwrtotoie endured.
vn Uist iiiursday a
2-1 bourn delay
couple of tur-
another volunUry dona-
t necessiirv. We suggest that
It . , ,, , . ..i... l.,.,l f-,., tho tilll
a few dollars oe piut-neu n" -
end of the city clerk's salary and applied
to the purchase of fuel for the engine.
Several hundred tons of Jiay are re
Mr. Steamier is hauling; enough office to go round Machine.
I don't see how they made so many
mistakes, Cox.
The Cottonwood delegation was not
very unanimous for Raum.
Didn't we fix MoCann nicely. 0. F. S.
I would not have cared so much if hey
had not rubbed it in so hard. Chorus,
i A Hull lot of candidates got left.
Governor Thayer has revoked the
(jijiiratiti ne against the counties of Wreld
and Logan, Col., as the need for the pre
cautions have disappeared.
Sheriff Flock, Judge Monell and a
number of others have been placed un
der bonds in New York city charged
with conspiracy and perjury,
A slight earthquake shock is reported
from Wyoming on Tuesday night of last
week. One is also reported from North
Dakota caused by the returns on the pro
hibition vote.
I SpmS stock farm of J. II. Cook, I Pra" " " ' " , n in,.
U south rsirt of the county. The I of lm'-.
jr turnip measured 83 inched I in cir- " ITl Z
Wrenc. and weighed, with the hJt.ttl..t .
l.ovtr 13 pound Who will beat guard i plowed or - "
hxl stacks. Judging from the shortness
-Whiles of the paper, down the the hay crop, the
1 a blowing about 2 "number of ' c"8 f TMthe V-Z
taU of wheat thi. or that man raised j b,'"f t,if Have Z n
facre.wentoythat Mr. W. R number or ton. of hay t a he x
Mtb wcentW h.L .ui ,i ! destroyed by fire in the sta k, we p
! Bttle Je tha TacandThVtoU. ! that bay will be bo d at g, k
tuntti. l o . J nriceo before the new pasuoo v
M m bunheld of a. firm r,rinr wheat ' PrlLea , ho v.
dry seson here and that yield was!,n8n,vw . vnUnn
PNWy curtailed many boriiel. by It. j -Last Saturday evening Mr. MIson
p. . .. . ' . ti i, mtv be onging to J.
-v.,, . 0. onyuer, oi nneep v.,reK, : " ., iiim
Wnthatalmit the entire aoulh ! W. Hunter, that had teen annoy ng hm
M of the count v KW ..h nf the ; for sevenil days by eating at a ttt.v-K o
fcuuuur h' " i...... Uta. The next morning as Pollard ws
i. SuDDo.d to have len .Urted leading the animal to water the juut
"iWuVimnto who were eroding the ! attempted to take the
"ry. Eatra precaution abould be fore, even going ao tar as o bi
K P-ent - prairie. Wng hard and one. n -; fnta himwit.
-nwi ver as the rau t ia very injun- a pocKuv k..,.c.
Sto tha land, not to mention the great that line fruitless he went be fo Ju ,lue
Nofuuturu.. o tiihn.r ellectlJonesandBWoreouta complaint charg
1 the root.. In Pollard with Htealmg the co . ,
A ORaTrJ. ,K. thirtv. I nriiKiner waa brought into court but the
'o thoud public M 0f the Unit-' county attorney ref used to pro.-e
-ftate. have c.h been .upplied with . the grounds that the court .had no n,
PPJofWeUter'a Unabridged Lie to examine the case on Sunday
W Thi-fc-k. Iffnri.wnerwaMhKmisse.l.the court or.
Kian ivarun of 50 to I W the If to make out h re
-chooLit mean, that constantly th. warmnt . re.. d
lon and a half of American youth ; kept Pollard unde r jure J y
the pnviJege of cnsu.ting rJTt
l"ilVltli tl.l. 1. 1. ll.o eolll-se L CB OCllut-"i ,. , . .
. .--..... Hmv ttuik . , ,he aiHvriui,
wir euuuition. Who can esumai
(-power for intellectual .Umulation court. - . j( f
Kvelopmant which I. thu. actively , bly try to -.,r. In raltaae on
irk all tba time? The preeminence habau corpus. t he
?,h Amarin people for general than one o he rounty oO C.
Krocy and facility in the e of the grac. to da '3"2 authority and
Wi lanir.. ! nnt. likely to be lost, evidently overstepped I. s aul . J
ttVell ...I t i.. v . u UulitOe r
John A. Green, candidate for commiss
ioner from the thii-d district, was in Har
rison Friday.
Winfred T. Moore visited the various
departments of the home of this sheet
the first of the week.
Fred Stemmer and wife were in Har
rison Monday.
lumlier to complete bis new house,
Mrs. W. A. Snyder, arrived on Monday
and will take up her abode in the city
with the other memliers of the family.
Miss Emma Weir returned Tuesday
from a several weeks visit with friends
and relatives in Sheridan county.
Mr. and Mrs. E, Edwards, who have
w., visit imr relatives in the vallev, re
turned to their home at Gordon last Fri
day. Jacob Marking, who has not visited
Harrison before for over three months,
was is in town luesciay ana uw ii u
to stop a few minutes with the Jovrsai..
The mother and a brother of Face and
Gene Bigelow arrived here yesterday
from Newton, Iowa. Mrs. Bigelow will
probably remain here for some time and
also if the country
lllC l'l"'ll'-L
suits his taste.
The Rev. Lusk has been appointed by
the M. E- Conference to the Harrison
charge. Mr. Lusk was formerly a resi
dent of Indiana, He is expected here in
time to hold the usual services next Sale
Mrs. J. T. Weir returned yesterday
from attending the loth annual state
convention of the W. C. T, V., hem ai
Norfolk, from Oct. 1, to 4. Nio reports
a splendid and very enthusiastic meet
ing. Mrs. Weir was appointed county
chairmam of the committee on organiza
tion. The recent convention "concurred"
with us, as may be seen by reference to
their resolutions published in another
column, that the county officials have
,i;fe,1 from the straight and narrow
their administration of
county affairs the past two years. In
. . ., ... :.j.,,t. in vp riointed lan-
taci niey uisi""." " - j i
ii,(. thu nresent outfit has al-
, ,i. .....,( ti-ensiirv to be de-
loweo ioe cuuuv
v.,. rteisinnn who were simiily
feathering their own oreecues put.n
the tax payers expense.
Notice of Dissolution.
xti;d i hevehv civen that the part
nership heretofore existing between J.
H. Warn and C. L. jji-ooks i -v
mutually dissolved. The hooks ami ac
counts of the firm are with U U uiooks.
J. H. WAKK. C bko.
Harrison, Neb., Oct. H, 1K9.
i All my lalwr with the influential poli-
ri ver 1 1 nt; 1 1. ...f ..t,.,- i.i.q lu.,, in voin.
15. B. S.
I would h ive Vieat him bad he been an
open candidate. L. O. H.
Too much law in Sioux county for me.
J. F. P.
I want to resign. O. E. S.
They stood by their promises to me.
F. W. K.
it all anyhow! ! ! ! Clans C
This is my crowd. C. F. C.
We are fine people. A- Me.
Those people have a life lease on the
I offices. Delegate from Montrose.
Why don't they give Bowen some
thing. O. W. H.
The boys at Harrison need all the of
fices anyhow. I). K.
Some of the folks want me to run for
commissioner. D. A. P.
I thought they were giving me a stiff.
-J. B. B.
I wish I hadn't flopped. Bennie,
Those sttil wart republicans, Pat Dunn
and John Nolan were delegates from
Four democrats represented Gleii,
We tried our darndesf to elect three
republicans from our precinct, but the
democrats outvoted us 22 to 8. Frank S.
That's the way we do back in Iowa.
I want to see their faces to know if
they are honest men. Smith. Notice
able hesitation to rise and then a general
break for the door.
No Germans need anti'v we hnveh't
Down at Last!
The Celebrated
White Bread Flour
3s 851.30
Ranch Supply House.
-Where you will also tind the-
Largest Stock of General Merchandise
Jo the county.
At Prices as Low as the Lowest.
No shoddy goads Every thing first class,
No old stock New goods continually arriving.
Call on us when in town and we will give you a SQUARE DEAL
A girl at Kansas City shot her lover
a few days ago, and less than an hour
after a minister pronounced her the law
ful wife of the man sue siioc. nne iuusi
have experienced a change of heart.
Ex-Governor John A. Martin, of Kan-
i i ..t.:, lot.4
sas, died at las Home in aia-uuu .u..-
week. He had long been identified with
the republican party of Kansas and was
editor and proprietor ot ttie Aicnisou
Champion. He was buried by his com
rades of the (i. A. K.
To Loan
i'rirte Contest.
The second temorest prize medal con
test, under the auspices of the Womana
Christian Temperenee Union, will be
given at the M. E. Church on the even
ing of Oct. 11, at 7:30 sharp, to which
all are invited. Admission free.
M,tHl(, . . HrlnKinK In The Sheaves.,;tton, The It.,. Why. A,;Ml4t.1Inr.
.un - - Never Umse The (onlUi't.
M l , . - - - - MlHH.Muy tool.
.... .t - - tlnw tru i iiii""1"' '
ZZ M in jail but will proba- KeciUtton, The Merits of
A nrohibitory liquor amendment was
added to the constitution of both North
and South Dakota by a majority vote of
the people at the recent election, wis
it u,i iuon conceded to South Da-
resiiiL ntin ,.. ..v.... -----
koto but was an astonishing surprise to
the people of North Dakota.
From recent estimates Iowa is placed
first in the production of corn this sea
son. Missouri ranks second, Kansas
third, and Illinois fourth. The aggre
gate yield of the four states is put at
1, 141,000, IHW nusneis more "
half of the total product of the United
Cass county has gone into the investi
gating business and already a shortage
of several hundred dollars has been
found in the accounts of two of the offi
cials. The records are thought to be
badly out of kelter clear back to the
county's organization.
Reidy & Pollard,
rU and truly ha. Noah Webster
rfullwl Tmr schoolmaster op tub
the indications are that he will anon have
a large damage suit on hand with winch
to occupy his spare nioiutjuts.
instrumental mnsto
Keel tutlon, Two Fires
Mix Ellen StitterlfC.
- - Mrs. f'onley.
uec lUllon. The y ' To-d.y oerland.
JhiHlc, ----- 1'artli.K ny'"
JutlgOH. Mm. Clarissa Griswold, Mr. 8.
W. Cox and Mr. H.H. Jones.
Manv of the largo manufacturing es
... iu i Wheeling have been
UUHlSlnuuiiV'T " r
obliged to return to the use of coal for
heating purposes on account of tho fail
in tlie snonlv of natural gas. It is
very evident that the supposed "unlimit
ed supply" is fast giving out in Pennsyl
vania ami in order to try and make up
another and most
thorough test is contemplated -in both
old and new localities. Should the
Pennsylvania supply continue to de
creiuwand the Wyoming supply be de
veloped and increased, what would be
the result to Sioux county. Reader you
may easily surmise.
Sioux Co. Farms,