The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 03, 1889, Image 3
,. C2 .. 17 ,. 2S , &0 .. 17 .. VI .. 10 .. 3 00 .. G ' .. 4 60 .. 2!-"' ,. 1 75 .. 15 .. 30 1 00 .. i 50 .. l-r ,. 3 SO .. H 75 ,. II S(5 .. 21 i ..12 25 (4 -iVi'i !i so f 19 1 lOf.O n 6 77'j" . 3 HO H L 1 no . 78 (4 -".I i - is 4 - 8 70 1 ITV. ... 2i l IhO 15 Wt IV. irt.1 00 M H75 W CuxCounty Journal. .j.j-d every Thursday. fUW uIoT Pr. 2.00 Edltor .litl4-ll" I " 1 r . fumicr wliot lundsart rule, look u,i CtlBllJM tlK'' havw "f , lU vmrid ik there u large iu whole or in part. k'uft (KTOIIE 8, !. rOL OODASD HOME AD NATIVE Tt-mnne Uikou. '"MMW luring to 'shove the in niMkitig up our usual ouota " "'"lUr fnr ten,,,- column. -idriiKl,u, rumr Uial akota h is m, orporated j rolnbition in hr on.til.4ii..u. Ho isttad f our usual mixture f mutter rUtiiif; to our worn, we oiler our reillWrs Uie fo, deal of labor aud it will not cost much for freight to get it to market for tlie proportion to 1 sliipjjed out will be much less than it would be of grain, while tlie value would be much greater.' The Barber Shop. r irst uoor boutti or the court ig apropos to lowing stirr up .,u l-io t u. .......I .... . .1 . . 'ouuiug 111 iiw w;lV Ol .,( . 1 -J-"'" 'J ... least. Ia-1 Us hone it luav tn.n l. ... f national affairs, as well as of one ni ter stale. Willi will U vl Hrt ,ate to tr3 lk r . system oi vu, known. 1M Uin individual, without the acsit- j :inl worker i " "" .pit !r tin jurpoi. Ka. h L .k lie d l"0.t voU' an" ll-aves. '-- I Little, tioll MiMer hum ia im and the result win prove oi Litst to politicians all over the coun- Bet. house. E. L. GALPiN, Proprietor. Here you tun get a clean lirst class lmir cut or a WAUM or COLD 11 AT II shave, H33A.13 THIS? TWO PAPEItS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 I'mliiM'inn Now and Aye W !,., - u. ry ur--.l th'. niiti.m, w l.en freedom'.- i w.i, liilly uiih-J, v hfii In ttip i, ill. t liiM.aion. Ihf crui-l Uvc iMier u-a,y giimd, hrn nu.rt. kvtv nnl h ith hutum tliattl, ui'l t-rv, n h'uru (U'l hiH.-!y ,-opri Th.'n, !raveljr. fmMour mjii, k,ivc IratUe. Mid lirokf the IxilU t)iii.riHur' lower. a.ivi- tiiiir rfu- lontut tue.turv? r' e uimorthy ol thnr name? Alii 'lo live to tlii-ir Klory. Korevcr in ili--pi-t !i.oui-:' W r i"'A no 1 ni'; nre not buvin. or M'liiui; ,i- iii ddynof oM. ot from the nut t.iin lilurk, ve'reeryini;. Hut ,onri'Ui lire lu-lv wild. THE HARRISON MEAT MARKET, WARN 4 BROOKS, props FRESH MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. I Fresh Fish, Game and Poultry in Sea son. West Side Main Street, Harrison, Nebraska. SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL The Harrison House. EOOERT BOHWEB, Proprietor, . HABBISOX. Nebraska. Special Attention to Trade. Commercial City Restaurant, HENRY SNYDER, And the AMEBICAS FA KM SEWii one vear for Two Dollars. ... ft. mwrouiMit it takiw? a great ni-ai w hen Ju.i Mliii hi. i,r.i ami Mnter, I, t (n (lie redemption 'f nwimii l " "old hi- riKl.t of birth. r .. .. t- . .i f.... Lf l land-i all over me l,mui niaie- Lwuilly in the western htates and i hey iu-tly met ;th -,.nl disaster liut kept their lndi nlii.i! worth. v f m'W otiMelU'. nnr lio'iie.. our llrerti'lex kfnlones. illl a l l'' c n... i m uur riuiuren ini nol I uit; I . . ...II 1. lulll' 11I1II1 11 VilSl 1 sil l nn ii.-i'ir.. im i - " . ,k. , ..,....,.. Irm..r V nil 1 it S II I ' IBOUDIOI U.-IHWJ J - II r t worthies w ill lie niaiio to iy lino ,.LIn tribute of LTlill into tilt Wt"- jcat storehouse of the nation. GtrmanV has U'fcun the manufacture iiHOokeleswliUn powder for the use Yhtf armies. Tliat Kovenimeiit will DnhaveanadvnntaKB over all other .mum in the fact that her soldiers can L.,k,,J. mid lire on the enemy and X .IH'U.k- tanoke ill rise to indi. ute where tin .-i.m fun es are loc ated. t "onnonail- as only nii.e ft Uif;lit nm.1 of Miioke s. A.. I i.H. r l au ii .vi ilo n rr.- g UKnvu ... amecutioti Ix fore discovered. Th strict and registration m r.w! bv the n i ublii i" Icisla- i - - SDrbf Molilalia are a r,x k of o.ieie e t' iA.n.n. r..U rind theV (ire IILrtk illlT tllv Kiunlainahowl with their complaints. IWtiunk the renubhculil liuve taken ntiwailvsntnirp of them duririe their N access to power in that territory. lotting displease the democratic rarty mnhiiii nirict election law that n V s n nt ill-s-til votes and bogtl! u,. i . an int. rdn ne e w ith tin -lh.-ii.ui ..( i ,1." von see. .IK- Hierw military bill to lx introtim ed to the German reichstaR is calh-d a dan of rwirL'aniz;ition rather than an iwij Notwithstanding the ttnie, it adds large nunibers to the in-Ifitn-and cavalry, and r.Uires au n ffration of sixty million marks. The ,;n is tluit. the reii hsta' will bailie the burden without ft murmur. Caelum of the government i deemtl ternary in view of Die increased arnia atof both France and Russia. If the "st of Euro nre at present on ? footing, it is wimethiiig' awful to fwteniplate what proportions thej iuld asiume should war lx- de lared. -Bee. TWquestionof farni mortgages will ,HWt erten so lontr u there are no sUl- intM gathered, and every school oratoi lilerty to "estimato" the turn. mcrtjjige! of any wentern state at a" wm!rof hundred millions, his imaK'i Ution seen fit to write it down. 'ihigan is keeping some statistics 'ih are interestiny. Ac rinhliL' to liel - rr c, k'lstics, the ratio of foreclosures mad' jw to the morthiige rex ord was : r Mnb Ho lonif as nitiot v-seven out of Hundred fanners who huv their land Wia-iht, or liorrow money to improv. F''i bUn icil in i iiv.ntr' morl Ww. tlie country is tolerable safe, uml r lanners fail iu busiuess tlian ol ) otlier class of capitalists. Of nhtariCO in 4I.A u.ur.iumiir hlisl - 1 ... VffV 11 " - aitwiHiki r...,.i .1... i r.n cer II.U.HJ MH.W Hi...... I of the mortgages given proceed uiuaiiy to foro usiirn. At allV rale ' more than half the new-spaiiem in the U'M Stales succeed. Suppose tlwt M tru. of Uw farmer. Would there W be a ciwalor I...I tnm mtr I'mnuer k.1 . xuiern aim... i. ...,,.n.,.i.i,,.w.u o -. Lira uiiiii uii w. Hnculturt? Tni l.u man ldown ailentlv. und makes no injun ftWgeitauainst the trovernment ol I UDl Verii lw I. ; .....-.i wim liet- liUC III. HGI 1 ' f,tohuijudirment. TV a - Journal ventures the assertion that ! (WrcentaiTB of of investors ol PW IB anv branch of industrV ill the ViUd 8tat outside of agriculture will three times as much as tlio ian pontile farm. . without doubt tlie business w orld ?WU aware of this state of things. Upon for indus nterprisea will Uie money lender ""Wee on a mortgage a sum so nearly to the nominal value of the prop 'J' U OH a farm lbatt..ii. .i... ...i...i .irv Lincoh , - " vi iv wiioiw 'rime, igiior.iiu e am! ileihition, tre fo-t'-red h ,th cun-.tiumi.tL., i-:vre; to shield them I nun mile iiiule.i it ion. ,ur lawn nre friiueil with -kill mo. I ram. hen ronic Kiew uii.our f.itlieri-imrneil it I .in. I ut It, root, the kI" null:'.: :u ; hile we, their 41111-t, to iw Ium- turned it. And iiiuke It pay a hintd-oine t.ix. How lonir, o J ord! -.hiill il Ik- longer The rum tt'-!id htirn. tii. hn!or.iu-t? let hiill tlre jrn hot mid fl one. (.row ..trouir Till hll w h tve jmd are are lint? ih Kiiirit. of tlie dfi.u! immiirtiil, Who hr.ively died at Hunker Hill. 1 ye redeemed lit HenVell'H IMirt.ll, A'ho-i- liodie. Moulhern trenelie, till, Ye r iimot icwi.e the wi-hKl fruition : i li ive not vainly lived and died; Ition Your dee.N hnvr v. rmiirht the land's redemp Voiir blooil the earth ha wmetitled. A e. !'si. are ealhl to deeds of valor; Mint lorth for home and freedom fliht; .,t d. to -trike th tie.irt with pallor, r aw out. to t iin in erlinoii bright. ;y cii-t'iiii and by law protei led. In cbureh and i-Utu snd roth-Re hall mr foe hl pH h si-lM-ti-d, .nil hnld U-hlnd the mo.s Krown walla, r roin Ihenee hn pour-., with public sanction, v eeawle.-i tide of crime and death. ob-trortliiK every irenerou action, Vint tJlntliiR every virtuoun breath. iut now there come-i .tern retribution 1 V nation that has nutlered long. ih !llCht the tin; of revolution, vnd .wearHtJOVrthrow the. ancimu wiohk- Nn further tl ne for comiiromislng. in ut r lor the demon nun: (, ,.iiiiii' mem uevisnm, r .,r -. we d..y of Judgment H come. -w ilt us an arrow to it-, murk, K.-sl.llew an the UirhtniiiK'-i flasU. Tnith hai-tes In do It- saered work, ...,i ,,lies the eonvinriiiK lusn. So longer o'er I his nun-cnrseil nation, bull dread king alcohol have sway , lieenne. t.ix or com pi-naatloii. Iut prohibition, now and aye. a uvmnn at Warsaw. Ind., has com menced a peculiar, warfare against the saloons of the plaoe. homtume .he served notice upon the proprietors ,t to sell liuuor to her lmsl-and. ontii evvasdisrepinlisl and the woman , ..,- to raid the saloons and .lemolish costly mirrors and glass fronts. So altempU have len made W anesi her as public s.-ntnnent is in ner .aw,. ONE DOOR NORTH OK BLACKSMITH SHOP. Boarding by the day or week at lowest living rates. WARM MEALS AT ALL HOURS. .'all atid see us when you are hungry and we will give you the worth of your money. n . To every one who pays for a year s PmnriP.Tnr. - 1 Slllj.SCripl.10n 10 till! JOUIOAI. .11 OU va.u we will sejid them in addition, postage paid, for one year the celebrated farm paper, "American Farm News." Farm the leadintr farm month lies published and will prove of Main Street, Harrison, Nebraska. Immense Value Best Accommodaions in the Northwest, R. E. MA.SSEY, HOUSE, SIGN To the settlers of Sioux county. is the lime for AM- Now Carriage Painter. Having litted tip the large building just back of the Harrison House, is now prepared to take care of all work in his line. Can do any and all kind of carriage and wagon work. tg-SAT.SFACTiON GUARANTEED. HAMILSGS, - - NEBRASKA. 12?" YOU. BANK OF HARRISON, Harrison, Nebraska. INCORPORATED UNLER THE LAWS OF THE ST ATE OF NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, S2y,000. A General Banking Business Transacted. Every Accommodation Compatible With a Conservative Business Freely tended. t, i.iWp Hilvantau-e of this offer of two pajiers for 0 2 A Large Line of Stoves Now on hand at B. F PITMAN, President,. CHAS. E, HOLMES. Cashier. J. Bu Finney, President. General office F. U. SuJUiSSBN, Secretory. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, -Dealers iu GRISWOLD : MARSTELLERS, Including Heaters, Coal and Wood, Cook Stoves, Ranges, etc. WE SELL FURNITURE Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. W are in receipt of a letter from John Jenkens, deputy com.mss.oner o tabor and industrial, relative w the sugar lieet in nstry. IHiif, in " , . ii,,- .land, H per cent of sa.-na ,ne - cent pure was o.,. - ii. . . .ivnn'' anu uie -i- .111 eXceiltllL n , . , .1.,. i.,j mm rnaJe nau uun on which in . , -1 at that time. If any of the farmers in this locality have beeui i the sugar variety and a ics .ii ,.,1 il,.-ni to the coin""-" , .,,..t the bureau We are also inionue.. - -- . . .1 wtnu siau-sin-" " of labor anu " ,, have seed to .end out next . , - wo shall get a re 01 " . wo siian b , wp,,ntiient U,e farniers of Siot x comity I with them- Tl.etn.ieu - o-v..r-undo UtthUb thestaUiof eol - - V!- . !. J u p market the i::--i!::rc .n,t I. Willi 11 - l-r )n" i rood margin- As usual. A full line of BUILDERS HARDWARE Always on hand. Our STOCK OF TINWARE IS COMPLETE Sash, Blinds, Hair, Doors Plaster, Lime, COMPLETE STOCK nI1e from the U'ets grown m is very large. want a number of loads of wooc ftSi'rintion at TliE JoynsU, oflice. n'l vicld of Had. 1 nun " i K-ets grown in Nosm In Germany, the home of the beet wigar ( Kit.! J--'- while iron, -v.- - : u ,. ,rowninNe.u priKducedinUermany a a theyieldofnar.,. -- tlle cu.tivaUon o t ughttog.veee..... f b-U. grower an c ihan ,vturniSimoret-fo V ta and the uoumj ,(lllion to that. national governm f Webe,evetnattheolad gioux county are n,. n thepro.luct.o.1. greut nwt UJ.. m -Tl... wiH Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley H RJ "The Northwestern Line" Between Harrison, Neb., I ALWAYS Harrison. Neb O N HAND. G. GUTHRIE, Manager. i PLAKTOS Am strictly Urst class in every detail, acilun anu uauusuuie mm. muj " ranted. -rAnd- Omaha, Sipux City, Chicago, St. Paul , -And All Points j ' East, North; South and West, THROUGH TCKETS TO ALL POINTS.. Fn information on Application J. C NORTHROP, Agent, H, H.G. BWHT, General Maiager, ) OnieJia,Nebta1,. I ESTBT1G Apa the beat in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in one. inc peonic are oou. m iu best, and will have none but the LSTEY. Time payments or cash, as castomers prCaU and see ns, or send for Catalogues and fall information. WW'.l'.flllAI il f, f w wjFfwi lla . 233 State Street, $yS. Iouls House, 913 & OlS QUx St