The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 03, 1889, Image 2

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.TSS?r;:rJS!!MORMO.isji must go.
American Lou and
Five new convicts took placet in
tLe penitentiary last week.
Gage county prohibitionist Lave
placed a (all ticket in the field.
The aggregate improvements at
Madison this season will reach a total of
The Dawes county fair was held
last week with good attendance and fine
The new Evangelical Lutheran
church in Nebraska City will be dedica
ted October 6.
The display of farm products at the
Holt county fair last week exceeded any
former exhibit
The Omaha emeltins works have
been greatly enlarged and new employ
six hundred men.
The Phelps County Sunday School
union will hold a convention at Hold
rege, October 4 and 5.
It is expected that Hon. 'Will Com
back, of Indiana, will deliver a lecture
in Omaha sometime this folL
Gambling is said to be carried on
in Nebraska City the same as before the
anti-gambling law was passed.
Lincoln is soon to have another
daily evening paper, the subscription
price being six cents per week.
Nemaha county will vote on the
question ef issuing $40,000 in bonds for
the purpose of building a court house.
John 31. Stewart is acting attorney
peneral m the absence of General
Ltese, who has gone to Boston, Mass.
There is said to be a trrowing feel
ing of dissatisfaction over the township
organization system in Seward county.
It is quite certain tliat all of Nebras
ka's delegation in congress" favor Chi
cago as the place for holding the world's
Belvideer is now without a saloon,
the drink shop tliere having been closed
on sTwrit of mandamus issued by Judgo
John Van Housen, of Schuyler,
claims to have raised the champion po
tato crop of the world 760 bushels to
the acre.
: Company E, Nebraska Guards, were
given an enthusiastic welcome on their
return to Fremont from the Beatrice
The maiu liDe of the Missouri Paci
fic is to be ballasted with broken stone
from Omaha to North Platte at a cost of
bout $170,000.
Last week a man was found dead in
a corn field four miles west of Newman's
Grove. He was identified as Joseph
Lahey, a laborer.
The little son of F. E. Kelley. of
Juniata, while playing around a cane
'I i -11-11 . . .
miu nan jus nana ierriuiy crusneu uo
tween the rollers.
Auditor Benton and Attorney Gen
eral Leese went, to Boston to attend a
meeting of all the railway commission
ers in the United States.
Frank Groff, a elerk nt the Ne
braska City postoffice, was held up by
footpads Wi South Nebraska City, but
he struggled and escaped.
Nine head of cattle belonging to E.
F. Steele of Falls City, sot in front of
a Missouri Pacific traiu and were killed.
The animals were valuable.
Bert Sothern, living near Fnllerton,
made an ineffectual attempt at suicide
by drawing a razor across his throat,
but failed to get deep enongh.
Governor Thayer has issued a proc
lamation for an election to fill the place
vacated by Judge Groff, the new com
missioner general of the land office.
. Andres Oleson, nn Omaha Swede
laborer, suicided a few days ago by
hooting himself. He leaves a wife with
whom he had not lived happily for some
Willie Roberts, late of Omaha,
went to sleep on the Central Pacific rail
road, and when the locomotive came
along received injuries that will result
in his death.
Thb committee appointed by t
Falls City board of trado to take step
toward securing the December meeting
of the state dairymen's association, got
what it wanted.
The recent murder trial in Scott's
BlrnT county, by which G. 8. Arnold
was convicted and sentenced to the
penitentiary for forty-nine years, cost
the county 910,000.
There is to be a meeting of the
farmers of Lancaster county to dis
cuss and to take action in regard to
the shipping of dressed beef into Lin
coln from outside points.
Sidney Dillon, of the Union Pacific,
was tn Umaiia last week. The re
porter applied the nsnal pnmp, but the
railroad magnate had nothing of im
portance to communicate.
In the district court at Hebron last
week Charles Lewis, for grand larceny,
wae sentenced to five years in the peni
tentiary. John Lauts, for stabbing,
was given a one year sentence.
Senator Henderson sat he receives
from on to three hundred letters in bis
private mail everyday, and that kii pos
tage bill for the six months prior to Lie
trip to the weat was about 00.
Th stable of 8. B. Hastman, of
Nebraska City, wae robbed of harness
and adAles, and the clothing lions of
H.H. Fee wan also robbed. Tom
Ear 4 John Hnpt war arrested for
Um roWjri and the (roods found in
their MMioii.
ram mm tour vr tbk vtau commit.
atrtacai Laws Akr4 Far that la
Krll ml Falygaaer "lar Btaata
Oal-I'laa la Ne (aaalllaa far SUCf
fcaed 1 el A Law la rrcveat Mar
maa laais;railaa lieraBaa la
company to the
Trust comjiany of New York was filed
with the county recorder of Otoe county.
Preparations are going on for the
state W. C. T. U. meeting in Norfolk
October 1st Mrs. Ida Clothier, of
Boston, Mrs. Woodbride, of Ohio, and
prominent workers iu the state are to be
Robert Braden, a farmer living
south of Grant, becoming tired of life
4w.V A tinea it lail.lnnm 1 DTI I 1 1 i H A n V K
puywmu was summoned aim oy u- 'Washington. Sept. 2.-The annual
minmenug proper reuieuies urouyui , rt of the Utuh eommission haa
him out all right been received by Secretary Noble.
M Baningartner, of NebraskaCity, j The commission has, says the reiort,
is in receipt of a lithographed letter j followed in the footsteps of the first
from "Charles White, Hoboken, N. J.," j Utah commission, which recognized the
offering to supply him with counterfeit 1 fact that congress, iu creating it, de
money just us good as though the gov- ' tired it to use its best endeavors to
ernnient had printed it The letter was Tri e out and extinguish pol3-gamy and
turned over to the authorities. as far as possible all polygamous iuflu-
The Central investment company of nice and tendencies. With this pur
Gothenburg has filed articles of incor- pose iu view, the commission, iu ap
portion w ith a capital of S'200,000, half pointing registrars of election, selected,
paid np. The nature of the business is when possible, those belonging to the
to handle real estate, grain, live stock, 'non-Mormon clement and always nv
merchandise and money for ninety-nine pointing the majority of the judges of
years. I election, two out of three, from the gen-
-The old settlers of Merrick county I class. I" places, however,
will hold their annual reunion at the ! cre wero u ffcutiles to fill tho posi
ftttr grounds Thursday, October 3, and:!1 This course, tho report states,
a big time is promised. Several bauds I lms "nd the eu'ect of decreasing the
will be iu attendance, and the orator of Mormon vote
the day will be ex-Uoveruor Kobert W. -loueluug the question of polygamy
Furnas. tU rel'orl ays :
,. , . .. "Polygamy is not, at the present
The Yonns Men s Christian associa- .. , , i ,
, " ,, . s"""."" " time, openly practiced except m r few
tion of Plaltsinouth is widening its field . r,.llll(te lUjli ollt tlf tie ,vay .,,.., l,t
of work for tho benefit of young men, j the nou-Momiou element insists that
and the enterprises now to be under- j plural marriages aro solemnized clau
taken are the siai tingof night classes to ' jlostiuely and practiced secretly in tho
, . ,,i,- 1 larger centers and throughout the ter-
which all active and associate members ; ) nmv or j(ot Um
will bo eutilled to membership. Doubtless many members of the Mor-
Mrs. Jrn Iiukcs, of Nebraska City, inou church never have practiced and
became tired of married liie and left i"'v,"r inlvl u rractice polygamy, and
her husband's roef. Before leaving she H '1 V'S I.Tf ' " V,''
broke all the furniture iu the house, iu- i Mnlu ,,oillt of their faith and creed they
eluding a new sewing machine. It is a accept it as a revelation from God; and
case of good riddance but Mr. E. believe that w hoever desire to do so
mourns tho destruction of his property, j should have the right to comply with
Frank lams returned to St. 1 aul ..AU llins f orl .i.KI inir the practice of
last week from his trip to Europe, polygamy," the report continues," the
bringing with him nineteen head of the Mormons pronounce unconstitutional.
best Percherou. Clyde and Shire stal- There are grounds for the belief, it is
i- 4 i r i v.., l .,,,'.1 stated, that .polygamy is still taught bv
lions, to be found in i.uglauu anil , .. : i JB J- r . "i
France. He also brought some Shet- 1 1 t tl g0 ,)mL.tice H are assured of
laud ponies. The horses all canio higher exaltation in the church than
through iu good shape. j those who content themselves with one
Judge Braady last week rendered I " ifxtracts are civen from Mormon vn-
his decision in the Chicago, Burlington pert showing I hut they still openly ad-
& Quincy and Kansas City & Beatrice
railway crossing case iu favor of tho
Kansas City k Beatrice company. The
decision gives the latter road the right
to make a grade crossing at tho dis
puted point and to make the connec
tions it had planned to make.
T. D. Crook, of Talmage, had a
misunderstanding with his wife about
vocate polygamy.
That thn teachings and practice of
polygamy have not been discontinued,
as claimed by some, is proven, the re
port says, by the fact that since Sep
tember 1, there have been in the
territory 3S7 convictions for bigamy,
adultery, fornication and unlawful co
habitationonly two for bigamy. "If
plural marriages are now celebrated,"
soys the report, "it is done iu thesecret
financial matters. in the melee Crook ! chambers of t lie temple. If polygamy
hit the woman in the face with an iron j
skillet, badly disfiguring her. She had
hiiu arrested for assault and ho was !
brought to Nebraska City and fined $25. I
He refused to pay and went to jail. j
Willow Springs distillery at Omaha,
which has consumed 1,000 bushels of j
corn a day during the summer, rcceutly i
increased the capacity to 1,700 bushels, j
oud w ill after next week use 2,000 bush
els daily. The distillery hr.s contracted
to feed 2,000 head of cattle this winter
from the slop.
t A Lincoln dispatch says that Gov
ernor Thayer will name Judge Groff's
successor on his return from a trip
through tho western part of the state.
His formal resignation was received at
the executive oflice last week. In a re
cent talk the governor declined to indi
cate whom he would appoint to succeed
The Omaha club has amended its
by-laws in relation to annual dues.
These have been increased from $48 to
$60 per year for resident members and
from $24 per year to $30 for' non
resident members. The change has
been made necessary in order to meet
running expenses and provide a fund
for repairs.
According to the Democrat, C. 8.
Fasselman left Beatrice Sunday for tho
far west, leaving a note informing his
wife that ho was tired of married life
and desired the freedom of single bless
edness. Before going ho made arrange
ments whereby his wife will receive half
of w hat he possessed.
Hon. Joseph C. S. Blackburn, Uni
ted States senator for Kentucky, was in
Beatrice the other day, a guest -of the
Paddock hotel. His visit was of a pri
vate business nature, and had no politi
cal signification. Senators Paddock
and Blackburn made a tour of the city
iu company with leading citizens.
As a matter of economy the mayor
of York advocates the old-fashioned way
of voting instead of complying with the
law passed by the late legislature mak
ing it the duty of the mayor of cities of
2,600 and over to prepare books aud
place for the registration of voters.
The question is, will the vote be invali
dated? The class of '92, university, of Ne
braska, has chosen tn following a offi
cers dnriug the fall term: President, F.
D. Hyde; vie president, Charles Chan
dler; recording secretary, MissL. Stock
ton; treasurer, Mis Louise Pound; his
torian, L. E. Troyer; sergaut-t-ariaa,
Minnie De Pne; corresponding secreta
ry, Mr. Sheldon.
Uriah Johnson, living near Nebras
ka City, bought a second hand barrel
supioed to have formerly contained
Kanaaa whisky and used it as a temor
arjr cistern. After washing hi fae in
water from the barrel a sever case of
poisoning oecnred. The inflammation
aeanmed such proportions that hi eye
war wollen shntasd his feature oould
Urdljr In distinguished.
is practiced, it is with tho secrecy that a
bitrshir guards his house-breaking aud
a thief his larcenies. Those, who are
convicted of polygamy regard them
selves and are regarded by their friends
as martyrs, and think it no disgrace to
be sent to the penitentiary.
Tho commission, in view of the pres-.
cut condition of tho territory as regards
polygamy, does not think Utah should
lie admitted ns a state. Should it be,
the commission says, "jt &uld nut be
long before the gentile element wkh its
advanced civilization, its trade and traf
fic would be driven from the territory,
and the Mormon theocracy be made su
preme." Tho commission makes a number of
recommendations, among them that tho
jurisdiction of all polygamous and sex
ual offenses, without regard to the place
where they are committed, within the
territory, lie conferred on 'the district
courts; that the terms for unlawful co
hubition be extended to at least two
years for the first and three years for
the second offense; that it be made a
penal offense for any woman to enter
into the marriage relation with any
man, knowing him to have a wife living,
midivorced: that any person who refuses
to take oath that he or she is not cohab
itatingwith more than one husband or
wife in the marriage relation, as the
cose may be, shall be excluded from
making location and settlement upon
public lauds; that the laws with refer
ence to the immigration of Chinese and
the importation of contract labor, pau
pers and criminals be so amended us to
prevent the immigration of persons
claiming that their religion justifies the
crime of polygamy; that tho constitu
tion should be amended so as to further
prohibit polygamy: that a law be en
acted creating a board to consist of the
governor, the Utah commission aud the
secretary of the territory to apportion
Salt Lake City into alderuiauio and
councilmitnic districts.
In regard to the prohibition of immi
p ration the report says: "While we for
bid the immigration of the non-proso-lyting,
peace-loving, docile- Chinaman,
because we fear a future danger from
his coming; while we forbid the lauding
on our shores of contract laborers, be
cause they cheapen the wages of American-born
citizens; and paupers because
they become a burden; there is a far
greater reason for closing our doors as a
nation and refusing citizenship to the
hordes who are brought here to swell
the ranks of an organized body which
teaches them, in advance, to hate our
government, denominates its executive,
lawmakers, judges and prosecutors as
pernecutors, and instills iuto each mind
Che constant teaching that their pre
tended revelations are more binding
than the highest and best laws of the
land and that resistance to such laws is
a virtue and rendering of obedience to
God. How far short of treason these
teachings are we leave to those who can
In concluding, the report say con
gress should take no backward or even
no wavering step in the enforcement of
the laws against polygamy.
the rejection of Bonlaafist at some of
the tKilliug stations was illegal.
The Boulangist vote iu Paris was 193,
000, against 244,070 last Jnuusry. the
Temps state that voting 11 rs for
Boulauger and Iioohefort were burned,
t he matter a ill be referred to in the
chamber. Counting the pers alleged
to have been destroyed the lSoubjngists
polled 300,000 votes in the Seine deirt
uieut, against 226.0U0 for their oppo
nents, but the republican vote i-hows au
increase of 57,000 compared with hist
January. The revising committee sits
on Monday to decide whether Bou
lauger shall be declared elected for
Montmartre or a re-ballot ordered.
The Temps save that the iolitical com
plexion of the new cliomlxr will le
much the samo as that of the old one.
Many new men are returned, however,
aud a fresh element is added to parlia
mentary life. The republic ought to use
iu victory to give to its iolitieal action
a consistency heretofore lacking.
The Liberie mi vs that there aid be no
such change in tiie balance of power in
tlm chamber as would have any serious
influence uim the future of the repub
lic. The results of the elections pro
duced a favoiable impression on the
bourse. ,
'I he National Zutmig, Benin, regards
the lesnlt. of the French elections as
favorable to the republic. The article
Ik apparently couched in t'ns w Inch
indicate some doubt as to the result of
the reballots.
Tho Yossichi Zoitnng congratulates
the republic uoii its limited though un
doubted victory. ,
The Tagblalt says that the results do
not clear the situation. Tho position
of the republic, despite tho republican
advantages, is still precarious.
M. Jules Ferry was defeated by a
eloRevote. His brother was elected in
an adjacent di trict M. Clovis Hnghcs
is defeated.
M. Blonitz, correspondent of the
Iyindon Times, savs that the chamber
will annul the lection of Boulauger by
a sweeping majority.
Frmin) lvnl Repiibllraim Iu Ctiu-
riTTsnrim, Pa., Sept. 2.7. The con
vention of the stale republican league
clubs assembled in the historic Lafay
ette hall in this city yesterday.
The convention hall was a bower of
beauty iu its decoiation. Tliere is a
large attendance, mid many conspicuous
republicans from various parts of the
state are present
The first business of the afternoon
session of the convention was the elec
tion by acclamation of William T. Leeds
of Philadelphia and Harry S. Paul of
Pittsburg as dolegates-at-large to rep
resent the stato league nt tho national
convention, to be held at Nashville next
Business was suspended to listen to
the report of the cmnmilteo on resolu
tions. The report reallirms and ratifies
the platforms adopted by the Inst state
and national conventions of the republi
can party; indorses tho administration
of President Harrison; that it is the duty
of the republican party to use every en
deavor to protect tho southern negroes
in tho enjoyment of civil and political
rights, and calls upon the president and
congress of the United Slates to take tho
necessary action to secure their consti
tutional rights; denounces the action of
the democratic authorities in tho state
of West Virginia as necessarily subver
sive of free government; indorses Hon.
II. K. lioyer, republican candidate for
i-tatc treasurer, and indorses the admin
istration of Governor Heaver.
ltf picseiit'itives of the slate clulx, two
from each congressional district, to tho
national convention iu Nashville, were
then chosen:
The election of officers of the league
for the ensuing year resulted in the re
election of Edward W. Stewart of Phila
delphia, president; A. J. Jxigan, Pitts
burg, first vice president; J. B. Iihem,
Lancaster, second vice president; Hon.
J. F. Downing, Erie, IV, third vice
president; William Thornton was re
elected treasurer, and B. II. Liudsey,
recording secretary.
Philadelphia was selected as tho place
for the next meeting. General Hast
ings was Called upon for a speech.
The general responded iu a happy
vein, and was received w ith enthusiasm.
Hon. John Dalsell was called upon
and spoke at some length on party prin
ciples, civil service reform, pensions
aud tho tariff, closing with a charge to
his hearers for faith.
iXTK-naJTio or rirrsfTVUKn
Binlltr to rai4.
Pnis, Sept. 24. Iletnrns from 600 di
visions show the election of 224 republi
can and ICS opposition memliers. In
177 divisions supplementary ballot will
l necessary. Th chamber will prob
ably comprise 808 republicans and 300
members of Hi opposition.
Th Boulasgis claim th gnrl la
lMt4 from Moutiaartr. They say
Waal ibtr.aalii mi Gradual
ly MS Nr.-xl I. Usal-Ta.
rrlvsu alH - "" '"'
sel( aa.
GoihamllM Getilua carrd.
New Yoiik, September 29. New York
proporty owurrs are greatly exercised
over the results of taking Chinese as
tenants. They find that the Mongolians,
like a plague radiating from a single
place of business, spread through a
street in defiance of law and persuasion
and the street is as effectually ruined as
though infected with small' pox. The
district attorney is now investigating a
charge of boycott mode by John P.
White, the owner of a building on Molt
streot, againt the Wing We Hing com
pany. iinKrlrs of Chinese merchandise.
They were former teuants of the build
ing but refused to renew tho lease ex
cept on such terms as they dictated.
Mr. White soon found himself nuableto
lease the building either to Chi
nese or any one else. The former
because a notice had been posted
warning all Chineso against it and
the latter because they would not oc
UPV a building after thn fililur l,onn......
hod been in it. The Chinese have se
cured a foothold in New York. If it
becomes firmer, if the increase of Chi
nese population increases at the rate of
15 per cent as it has iu the last vear
despite the icstrioting act, what will be
the effect on property valnes? Tlint is
the question that is troubling the land
lords. Should the Chinese greatly iu.
crease ami should tlisv luinn. ;il.
gard to other property tactics similar tor
those adopted in Mr. White case, the
iuuuimius wouui ne entirely at their
mercy. They misht drive the Chinese
out by a concerted effort, but in order
to secure Cancusian tenant in the va
cant place they would be obliged to
renovate thoroughly, even should thev
not bo complied to tear down and re
build the entire district.
Th "VmsIom Ivm"S".
Washington-. V. C, Sept. 27. Tho
Evening Capital snys: The ieiort of
Messrs. Ea itig. Campbell and Bruce, the
commission that investigated the pen
sion office, though closely guarded by
the interior officials, is gradually becom
ing known. It is known that the report
lakes up each relating case separately
aud each is exhibit in itself. Stress is
laid Ukiii the fact that Deputy Commis
sioner Hiram Smith, jr., received over
S0,W0 as a leraliiig. This action of his
comes for severe criticism iu the reoit.
Whether or not Smith has returned this
S),000 tho report does not state. Smith
receives his pension at tho Topeka
Secretary Noble, iu view of ih report
of the commission, has himself ques
tioned Mr. Smith lo the facts attend
ing the rerating. Tho rejiort also con
demns Squirts, especially for his notion
iu making cases special. It states that
Squires possesed the stamp of Tanner
as commissioner and aflued it to papers
without tho commissioner's knowledge.
Tho number of such can'fs a very largo
number, is given, and Commissioner
Tanner is criticised for his carelessness
in thus entrusting his official prerogative
to a mere private secretary who violated
the confidence reposed in him. The
name of pension ollico officials who
caused themselves to be rerated f"rm a
conspicuous part of the repot t. Several
veredisclmrged lit thctime by Seci'etai
Noble and they now point to thn fact
that tho olio who received the largest
amount of nil. Deputy Commissioner
Smith, is still in oflice.
A member of tho board who made tho
investigation intimated to a reporter
that the chief culprits were still in lwi
tion, but would soon follow Mr. Tanner
iuto privato life.
Corporal Tanner was today seen by a
representative of tho press at his resi
dence and questioned as to the genuine
ness of the letter pnrKiiting to have
been written by him to Private DulzelJ,
oud telegraphed this morning from
Caldwell, O. He stated that the letter
was genuine, and had been written in
confidence to a man whom he consid
ered a friend. He said tho letter was
evidently stolen.
Commissioner Tanner is indignant
about tho publication of his letter to
Private Dalr.cll. Ho is not prepared to
state whether the letter had been made
public by Privato Dalzell intentionally
or whether Dalzell had allowed it to
slip out through some one who had
access to his correspondence, aud says
that inasmuch as the letter was a confi
dential one and not intended for pnl
hcatiou he will not discuss anything iu
connection with it.
With reference to the rerating of De
puty Commissioner Smith Mr. Tanner
says: "The relating cases that came be
fore mo were iu a batch. Among them
was that of Deputy Commissioner
Smith. His cast) was not made special.
There were nine other cases where tho
disability was about of the same charac
ter, namely the loss of an arm or a leg.
It was iii May when these cases wcie be
fore we.. There were photographs of
each subject, including some very bad
cases. While tho question of relating
these pensioners was under discussion
thero were present in my oflice General
Lew Wallaco, General Barunin of New
York and more than a dozen newspaper
men. 1 hero was not the slightest criti
cism as to the justice of tho reinting of
these peiisijuicrs. It was generally in
dorsed by tho press, including papers
which liavo generally been opposed to
me. As I Raul bofore tho cose of the
deputy commissioner went along with
tho others. I do not recall whether I
signed tho certificate subsequently or
not. If I did it was douo with a rubber
stamp, the way in which the signature
of tho commissioner and secretary ol
tho interior is usually attsched to the
certificates. If I did situ it, it was in
that manner. If Mr. Smith signed it
his own siguaturo will appear on the
A detective from Milwaukee passed
through PilUbnrg having in custody a
man named James Quale, who abscond
ed from Burton, a small town in the
Wisconsin lumber regions, about a vr
ago with $85,000 belonging to Ids m
loycr and fled to Europe. Qnal was
located in Saxony a few week ago. sud
eosBUd to return without xtradUion
pa par.
In the cose of the Northern Pacifio
railroad company vs. Randolph, Secre
tary Noblo today decided that by fail
ing to appear to oppose final proof of
proceedings on tho part of pre-emption
or other claimants, a railroad company
does not forfeit any rights which tho
whole ciiso mad slums it to poises.
It simply cannot insist on any further
opportunity to coutradict tho proofs
submiited as it has had its "day in
court," but if, on those roofs them
selves, it appears on the face of the
whole record that tho company has
prior light, judgment must go accord
ingly. This decision corrects tho n idely
prevalent misnppiehe nsion ss to the
effect of tho ' Forester" and other cases
which were supposed to inflict a for
feiture of rights upon the railroad com
panies who failed to appear at the hear
ing. onorp ofts to won.
Judge Groff of Nebraska, recently ap
pointed commissioner general of tho
land office, took the oath of offieo this
morning snd entered ufon the discharge
of his dntics, "
Land Commissioner Groff has recom
mended to the secretary of the interior
t he appointment of George Eedway of
the District of Columbia, a chief olerk
in the geuersi land office. Office now
The N.w CammUetaaer.
WAHiOTOif, Sept. 26-Jndg Groff,
the new commissioner of the general
land office, arrived last night from
Omaha, with hi daughter, Mis Fran
oes Groff.
,Xo a correspondent he said that he in
tended to re,Krt to Secretary Noble,
bnt would not qualify m.!il Friday -leash
was especially requested to do
o earlier. The judge stated that he
had thought of no policy which h in
tended to. inangnral and that he did
, .m1? himself on land
jwy id entered upon hi. ecul
auiJV " in chief-
reorganization of the
particular. it la nn4
Jnihre Or off will son
friend to be chief clerk
be his private aecreUr
probably a doren old
ions in th city who are
an early reinstatement, asj
were nearly all remove
Cleveland administration j
tueir pontics ana neve si
in congress it is expect J
them will be provided fod
not been any intimation J
as to sny of Judge Groft i
mncu curiosity anu unxl
tamed by those who aro
interested. He will hav
large nam or r oi omce see
sedulous individuals of xi
as soon as he gets settled
Ilrrlaroa 1 nrunailij
St. Pm-i,, Sept 25. 1 1
States circuit court Judgi
livered uu exhaustive opinl
the Minnesota meat in sped
constitutional and void.
II . I I, .1
lie neia inat n was in p
of the commercial clause
luiion, which provides tl
suaii nave control oi iiio cf
tween the states and Willi
ne aiso neiu mai n was ml
the clause of the coiistitutid
vides that the Citizens of
be entitled to nil the privill
miinilies of the citizen
states. This decision oieiil
Minnesota throughout to
(iresseu ueei ironi i.incago
City aud practically settle
Hie law compelling inspect
hoof, because there is no
the supreme com t of the 11
linn mis auuiotny to revel
rule this decision and it
Jaw of the land until it is r
appeal could not be hear I
pre use court m less than f rJ
fivo years. It is not at all p
tho decision of two such al
Judges lilodgett aud NeUoul
be Tevel sed.
jii.iiisino .Minnesota cnl
turn law.
A l.lddf Ol.l .111111,
San PiiANrnsi-o, Cal., S
Millionaire Cogswell, who I
tho city several temperance
adorned with iron statues
hoiding out n glass to thirst
is (leieuiiaui iu a peculiar si
Cogswell's personal friend,
faring man, for several mon
Cogswell to occupy a room p
in oiler that he might have
pared for his proposed
Cogswell, who is 00 years ol.
ho wanted tho room, as it de
wifo to havo such work dom
llo astonished Mrs. Ilulsu 1
a pretty feurnle typewriter t
ami setting her to work on
nieut specifications. fin ri
time every lny with the fnirq
aud Mis. Hulse discovered tl
it was not devoted to the eo
ness. mie miormcu her Ini
both claim to have seen the ol
aire in a compromising
When Cogswell was reinonslrl
he t'dd Mrs. 1 1 ill ho Hint he
spunk of tlm mutter. This
wrath and hence a suit for $i
insulting tho plaintiff aud vio
sanctity of her house.
4 ON L,AVl: KMC. II Is l :
The Trlfuutnl Kriil l
t aOilugton, II. I ., Oi l
1 I III, 1SHU, In. In. Ii
Tickets for this occasion via
Cago, Bock Island and 1 aeiti
w ill bo sold at One Pahr th
Thip, conditions ami dates
follows: At sll stations on rmq
the Missouri river, Oct. iJd to !
sive, good for going p:.s age
than trains arriving in Wushin
8th, and for return paswigo b
ltoint ou or before Nov. 2d, 1M
tions iu Kansas and Nebraska
to 6th, gooil for going passage
than trains arriving in W:
Oct 8th, and for retnr
3d. 1S!: at Olotsilo pop
1st lo 4tu inclusive, limited J
Oct 8th, and for return, to No
Stop over allowed nuiy on ret
ous at junction points cast ot
and Pittsburgh. Persousdebinl
or return via New York cud tl'
pavinif 810 additional. To ei
ing accommodations via C, !'
KV amplications should ht
once. No effort will bo spare!
Hock Island to make the tup
Imrinn nuMntli" over its ll 110 till til
sion satisfactory and plrasanl
tickets or further information
nnv of our representatives, or
John Sebastian. General Ticket
seuger Agent, at Chicago,
(iWIii frrnm Krtr YniU, VilcK
utnl IClnmirlt! s
Wheat-No. I c;
Cons No. U mixed 17
Hie 2i
IUri.kv &'
BtTTEK Creamery "
BciTKit Country fancy 12
Eoos Friwli lj
Chickens Hprinf ' "
Lkmons Choice, per uox" ; "
OiMNcs l'rr box i 6
Osionh Per bu Jf-J
Hkins Naviti 1
Wool-Kins. nr lb J
A relitcs, pr bbl 1 00
Ihr-per ton
lions Uliieil packing
lloui liar weight
Bkkks CliuireeUeis..,..
3 so
H 75
;i -i'.
IV.Mn ml St
N - - 40','d
n,n-Ui.l Urn 21 'i
lK 12 2'' 'i
Luu " 37
VTiii Perlweliel 60 1
Cobn Per buaiiel - f
Oms Perbueiiel - 1" i4
po.. -'IS?, 2
L- - 6 77'' '
Hose Peck in Asiuppiiif. 2 HO H
Cm.-3tockere 1 "0
bRKKP-Kativee 6 '
el. J.uUU.
Cobs Perbueiiel -''.I '
0ts Per bushel Is "'
Hous Mised paeaias -. 8
CartUl-Veeaer J 10 $
)i AhU AH UTV.
WaEiT-Per buehel. - 7R
CoBH-Perlrahl.. "l '
Oars Fer bushel....... eeeea ' 4 1
CaTTLB-BtoekarsAloauer. t 0 m
Hun-daad ta tkole.- IS
CsrrLa-8Uf ken Feeder. 100 M
Uoes-alliea... 7 V
'''.' ,i , t - 1 1 i ' ' '
'?.;""" ji
.... ,HI iui piee iu uia