The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 03, 1889, Image 1
The Sioux County Journal, " J ttm 4 of uppd NO. 3 HARRISOH, USTEB., OCT. 3, 1889. THE SIOUX COUNTY , v ,4Psttero, - Proprietor. Tin Tsble. j g, A XL V. By., Passenger. , i..,.o Harrison at 1Q-A5 A. M. wen C4 leave Harrison at 2.51 P. M. IWt forget iliat The Jot-USA!, is prepared to do all kinds of job printing in a neat anil tasty manner, on short notice. Straveo A small bay horse, brand eJ, half-circle 10 on left shoulder, and mark of liaving Wn cut with wire on fore legs. A suitable reward will lie paid for return of same to me at Harri son. E. L Calms. An addition is being built on the rear of the Andrew's Mock to be used as I'COCEEDIMiS OF STRAIGHT BE-Jous precincts. Carried. ITUL1CAN CONVENTION. ' j On motion tlie precincts not having Minutes of republican mass convention j representation on the county central held in the court house in Harrison, Ne-! committee lie filled by the commitee se braska, Octoln-r 1st, lSHy. fleeted. Seconded and carried. Meeting called to onler by Mr. E. J. i 'or tlle purpose of securing a fair and Wilcox of Wuriionnet prw-iro t, ' Iciest election a sum amounting to sev- On motion Mr. E. J. Wilcox was elect- ; ral hundred dollar's was pledged for the ed temoorarv chairman and Si. H. Junes I purpose of prosecuting any attempt at temporary secretary, i fraud or intimidation. .. .. . I , , . 1 1 T . O a ware nxmi lj ir h: n iiv nosst ac Down at Last! The Celebrated It was moved and seconded that the ' Thompson. By the preparation being made by the business men of Harrison the indications lire that they expect a good fall trade, It is a pleasing fact to note tlutt al most every one who comes to Sioux I n fl new residence of S. L. ljii progressing rapidly and the ure is wiring completion. -All persons knowing themselves! in- L.j(tl, firm of Warn & tfrooks i pw w Ijileue call and settle at once. -Aduwe will occur at Andrews' hall ifrnlay evening. Oct. 4 th. Every invited to come km! nave a goou good. native lumber for sale livery stable. j, brown Mid white bread, cakes, ,v,kie at the restaurant. Li,, Foreman Wright has ment- Ct s w In ,M3ar rttHi,,'"n( ' fLt fail to cull on Tim JOTRSAL f . . . . . .:.! I. ... Lnnl a UK'S jolt OI pnr.uiiK u'me. - 3Ul J . .i , , I county seeking a locution becomes satis fy-! foriret to attend the dance at: , , , , iXtiorhei, tied with the outlook and secures land Us hall on rnday evening, Oct 4., ...u.j. , Tl. who come and go away dissatisfied are very few in numlier. An eirort is being made to have a spied contest lietweeii horse owned in the county. Quite a number of pretty j egate I good hU'prs are owned by resident ol Sioux county and a good deal of sort would, no doubt, result should the do- Vented to com. am. . uM of the conte4 Imirranged. W . . . I. K. Mun.l.v has sold his farm r. few miles north of town to Mrs. S. C B. E. J. Wilcox, Chairman, S. II Junks, Secretary. Curried. On motion the secretary read the call published in the Snnx County Journal' setting forth the objects of the meeting, j It was moved bv L. J. Simmons that i the order or business before the conven- , .... . . ... . , , ., , , ,. , , r:r. I' islier went to Wyoming on busi tion lie m airordmice with the published) ... , . ,, . , ' ness on Wednesdav. call. Seconded and carried. , , ,. ., .i.,.' 8. Barker left on Tuesday for a busl ine selection n ' ui jiu toe PEHSOSAL. Z. (i. Duel is in Harrison to-day. Isaac Kendall was in Harrison the first, of the week. R. Smith hn almost completely Ltd bii lots with sla-ds and htor.ige Ui io luch to keep goous. uusiness Lt must 1 good. -ill win have aiienoeu uaura i . , ti 1.... IfcTtlS Hail SI'O" v,1Mi ..... I , I .... t ill U. iii t Is: on h.lllii Ireiaj tveiiing, OctoU-r 4tli. .TtKLiuhes' aid siK iety met vesler- LttUtt home of Mrs. E. . Sattrlw. Vu-it Wednesday the society will Wot at the residence of Mrs. L. J- UI10DS- -Wyi Pollard are plans u office, lb building will be ol Wand Will be furnished with a lire- Li vault in which to keep a set ol a Wt Iwuks. -llie frame for the new residence ol .J.&aimonsisup and being rapidl) k!oL The contra tor, W. fc. I oi- VuiMids to have it ready for occu- W-j' by Sovemljer 1st. Wt do not believe that any locality jnciijovmgttny finer iall weather than is jmaaiqs in b.oux county now-a-Uays. Nebraska las as much sunshiny w tathui amy Mate in the union. W an informed ttiut T. O. W illiams kt pu(tb)fcd ihu residence iirojierty oc tamlbvJ. W. Hunter, Mr. lluntei fetotl)' sold it to J. F. l'fost and he, u ton, lias bunramtd it to Mr. illiams. -'in Joi ks'ai. force en loved a, lint BuJof ducks for dinner on luesday loi fcli they are under obligitioiis to Mrs. fai. Walker. IX there is any one who enjoy good things to eat it l !' -Amos & Armstrong Bros, have re i their new drill and are out in Wy- S nutting down well. They have i4dhI In flik' dot, 'Ait- drill which tfol Wned in Ui" well at U. Guthrie's and fltt they w-iu have two of them. E. Blunt attended the I awes county fair und had his horse in some ol W races. As the animal has been in training but a few weeks ha did not ex- ifeetto make a record, but Mr. Blunt is ell aatislied with the result of his trip. A couple ol men w ho wera here a k weeks ago looking at the country kte sent .word that they will bo liorv iut the first of next week, lia-v wmefrom Knox .county, HI., and will mg several carloads of sto:k and goods tt;ntion fith Uiem. turintr Hie nasi wra-k a (hresbinc fai'tiiiie has been running in the vicinity,! 9" Harrison. Judging from the ai 91 tireakintr winch lias l;n done .neai on during tlie past senson there will k a good deal of work for a threshing paciime next year. -'On last Hllmbiv (wvnrrwl thfi lliirtV- ioth birtlKluy of Jotm F. 8chuU aud a JBiber or his friends assembled at his 'to to aiHiKL' him in celebrating tin: ent. The day was jisswl very pleasant 'j Wld tho imi tv dism THed wishing Mr. Jkiiula many ivturns of tiiu anniversary w birth. Basset t, HeeXs tsto go to Newcas tle to work at Ins trade. The pron;rt v cannot but become valuable for on it is lis-ated one of tlie. finest water powers -sm m f.iuml in the state of Ne- I bniska. II 11. KusMlcame iiji from White Itiver precinct on Wednesday and think ing the printer might I hungry he brought a couple of turnips along. The larger one measured lit) inches in circiiiii- lereiice and weighs 11 J pounds. This iks not look as if people need lie afraid if starving in Sioux county. Tlie seed from which the turnip was grown was put in the ground on June 15th. Mr. Kusse) promises, that when he gainers his turnips he will bring us some big ones, but he did not have time to seieci large ones before train time yesterday. I'rUe Contest. Th second Lernorest prize medal con- !... under the auspices of the Womans hristiai) Temwrence Union, -win oe jriven at the M. E. Church on the -even ing of Oct. 11, at 7:u siiarp, io all are invited. Admission lrie. MiiJr. - - Bringing In The hunaves. lU-clt-itlon, Tl Itaisoii VV liy. - Mr. Al. Murstelle.r. . . Never Ceasn The tonfllel. iteclUtion, - - - " MIMHyT.l. Made - - Onward t hrlstlun KoKllres. 'ueeiUtion.Tho Merits of High Mcenso. Mr. Kd. Weir. m.nli. Miss Kllen Satterlee. Ili-clUU-m, Two rirem - W- MusUi,Sl. - ' - i-"-J KeeiLtUm. Who Is to Blame, Mr. Will Jam Mmic, ------ Recitation, Tne Cry of To-day - ' Mr. Sllngerlaiul, Mu-iio. ----- Psrtlng Hymn. Judges. Mrs. 'larissa Oriswold, Mr. S W. Cox and Mr. S. H. Jones. county ollices lieing first in order the following resolution was offered by S. R. Story, of Anteloie ;recinct: U7rw. on the day of August, lSft. the oeoitle of Sioux count v in lel- ate convcnliou, a jo ini-led in rive Points precim t. Sioux county, placed in iiominiiticu a full county ticket com posed of f lie following persons to-wit : Conrad Liudemnn, for county clerk, Martin (lav-hart, for counly treasurer, S Tinrlier. for count v J ud ire. Thomas Keidy, for stierili' Alanson Hiiuthworth, for eilt of public instrustiun, AlU-rt It l ew, lor surveyor, i harles drove, for commissionei 'ml district, John A. Green, commissioner ;lrd district, .T Siinfer. for coroner. in.o-vi. the principles enunciated at said peoples convention are true republi can principles, and Deiieviog it unwise lo place another ticket in the Held, there fore lie it Rt-HKhtd, that we, as republicans in mass convention assembled, do hereby eiidol'se Hie said nominees m m. , eonveiition and pledge ourselves to do all "1 'iaf-rs in our power to secure the election ol jj Wiza ne. trip to Rushville. A. M. Carrier adds his name to our list of readers this week. E. E. Livermore ordered The JovKN'AL sent to his address on Tuesday. S. W. Carev. of Cottonwood, sends us the cash for a year's subscription. C. E. Blunt called on Tuesday and gave us some cash on subscription. Kli Smith was in Harrison on Satur- , .!. ..rl , ,,,!, !i ulinH. mil nt. this ollice. su!i'inteml-i1"v - Mrs. J. H. Warn arrived yesterday from an extehded to her parents in lovva. Dr. Meridith, of Crawford, was In Har ririon on AVexlncsday on professional bus iness. Harvey dates was up from White 11 rut' in TiihwIjiV and made a cell at our office. H. T. Merriam called at our office on ud sulded his name to our Hat ' j White Bread Flour PER SACK. .A.T TUB Ranch Supply House. -Where you will also find the- from from And Price came down from tho said persons nominated at the peoples' , Wy nlin on Saturday to spend Sunday ,-onveiition. and that they be declared, , - i hoice of the straight republicans of New Sedlonal Wall Map of Nebraska, lued June 1st, So'e wie .. ...,, is advised to give tin aUHB WillJ"" . r,.,.',U of this vicinity an opportum y to examine and secure a copy o . ... West and Is-st Sc tional Map of our great state. The .von new counties and late railed extensions are plainh imli(,itwl. Nice little gcogniphica Uru-racie8hav'erelive.Hhe..M)slearcru!a- . Tl, Inration ff tOWIIS ttlld .iuiion, is readily found by re Lthe index which now 8Pn ittn running m uio vicumj) niap. -' ie Judging from the amount; ami 134 Monroe stm-t, Chicago, are . . . . 1 i;,t- r.Uyi.sant and riublishei-s, ana we pie.4., i pU ' ument for the fortunate i:;;r;;n-,ie rig,, u r:t them. A copy of this exceue... ;aii l sec" at lllis n"X- the Sioux countv. It was moved by II. T. Coulcy that the resolution be udopted. Seconded and carried. On motion the following were elected delegates to tlie state convention: L. J. j Simmons, Geo. Walker and C. E. j Holmes. On motion tho following were elected delegates to the senatorial convention. (ieorgo dinger, Thomas Cevenport, J. II. Cook. M,oin made, bv Chas. E. Verity that W""1'" i , the delegates elected to the senatorial .e..ntinn be empowered to represent Sioux county at the representative con vention. Seconded and carried. Under the head of the selection of the county central committee a motion was ,.! ,! seconded that the chairman and secretary be elected at large from the county, Carried. 1 It was moved by II. T. Conley and seconded by C. E. Verity that L. J. Sim mons be elected chairman of the county central committee. Carried. On motion S. H. Jones was elected secretary of the county central com mittee. On motion it was decided that the representatives from tlie various pre ,i,,,ls select from their precinct one niemlier or the county central com mittee, and hand the name to the sec retary. , The following names were selected as members of the county central commit 1..,. r.,i- ensninir year. orecinct. Chas. fce Holmes. - with her parents. Mrs. Z. T. Weir left for Norfolk on Monday to attend tlie state convention of the W. C, T. U, Geo. dinger arrived on Tuesday from his visit to friends in Iowa. He says he is satisfied to live in Sioux county Michael Bannon has just returned from a trio to Newcastle. He says Sioux county is good enough for him, Onuiilv Clerk Jameson has moved out on his homestead and will have an invig orating drive each morning and evening M.rtin finvhart. of Montrose, candi f ,,nn ireiKiiirer. was in Har- uave iui i-uuiii; ' rison Tuesday and made a pleasant call at. this office, Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Marsteller arrived w TVidnv from Marshall county Penna., and will spend a few weeks with their sons in Harrison, Senator Manderson passed through u..,.in h,st. Friday night in General The senator had iTiailUgei- a .' teen spending a few days in wyom...B Charles Snyder, son of our carriage ...oi,,,.. ennie ud Wednesday evening. 1I1U.IW1) - -r - He returns to-day, but expectcs to be , ... j i, ikia hi home in a w nere to n.ivnc i.-. ---- weeks. t w Wnbinson and Rufus Roberts, of Oneida, Kas., the former a brother-in- hwof G. Guthrie, arrived Here last week- to see the country. They are well pleased and contemplate becoming resi dents of Sioux county. Largest Stock of General Merchandise In the county, At Prices as Low as the Lowest No shoddy goods Every thing first class. No old stock New goods continually arriving. Call on us when in town and we will give you a SQUARE DEAL WEIR Ssc CO. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. $50,000. $50,000. map Antelope Iktdarc Montrose White River Cottonwood 1 Hat Creek T r &me of our people have lieon troub- With slock KetUng at their crops and Mn thick u K A UVir. tonk on a lll of horseis on Hatunbiy, one be 'Sfintf to E. U. Batterlee and one to J. Hunter. Tho horses were replevined Uie tunes will be nettled in the urU Wm. Brooks has been placed in '"TCe of a section of tho railroad near ('r and aasuniod the dutie on Oc t. It is quite a responsible position ""l the iiiunagers are more careful -"y kive hUih l os.tioim than they were lururiy and ine promotion of Mr. Brl M a recognition of his worth, -Tn Fxiin.v Et)CATOB. Welter UlUlul.-l . - 1. i,n,f. falllilV flMjfm vkuuiwij if, , rt - - U)r ami tm fitnnly of children ought tetwbrouKht'up without Imvinj; ready VWi to this (jroml volume. It will a.- iiv,.-i . , . ..-... ..r.,,,-k wide ' iiunarcus oi ijiacstciinv u k child, it is an ever present and new map i "ot a 8111 a jflnn Tree. Tiik JotTRNAb has mado arrangements it ran offer an inducement i. of clubs. Any person mo wiHscKaireforus four new subs. nl., who pay for a year in advance we will ' . v,.11 A n s. give them one of Kawi, v-v - tional maps of r-enrass. mil. cheap a Haircut is i ...1 l,nvv naper, liiouni. o roller It is the latest map 1, bearing date of June 1.1, .U-diKiastoshowairthe.vcunlics, tnsaodrailroiuU NowtaU-t,m.U, ,. n minw rREK O"- 8cure oim v. . hngpneoof U-mnp.1. 13-00. ! . . l, .Hi tti fit should any one topi them we will order it for tliem. ,Ui0f the mapen b. m at this olhcc, I , i i Ulllt- your neighbor ft..u S"1' rtL for Thk JoOH.At.and assist you to g,itamHp. AIIriU-riu:h.lHW.I nU receive our vmm ,por,. U Aau Funn M m (ibarjps. H. R. Story. Eli Smith, IL Jurgetis. A. Gates. N. B. Raines. A. Southworth. initv-reen. , Lower Running Water pre. J. H. t ook Sheep Creek- T. B. onydfcr. viva Points '-' Harrison Been. Warbonnet " G. W, Tool. i The following resolutions were offered by I J. Simmons and unanimously adopted. " We, the republicans of Sioux county, Wbraska, in mass convention assembled, .. . i...-,i.u our allegience to the .:....:..iuu f the republican party as set I,,,.,!, in the national und slate platforms of IW. , i Believing that the purity of the bat ,ol is the great safeguard of our nation i,, ii acts of fraud or wtimi , ...., the. voters in the exercise uat on (iu v . , ,, . . , i t hum bv the of the rights vouens. - - i UI, niir linit, Ull law 10.4 nv ... ,. ,,f entand sub.tauce for tho prosecution ol . i.,.i,,il .liiemnt, to Ititeiwe any one i. with a free ballot and a fair count ,,-ct-o kwu-tilv indorse the appointment ofJudgoI.ewisA.GroraH commission er of the general lanu ouice, 10. ... onng Judge Groir, President llamson L honored Nebraska and thereby hon c!red himself. We indorse the promp action Uken by the adn " "J all times where the right of the IJn.tad - A.m noAlnrilOn States or her ciiuwns .-. i"", - t was moved and seoonueu t,..- .cnv.mliouconlirioUie selection of the ,'ouuty antral committee as banned in .bj Uw dBioguUa jmw'1 Iww JONES & VERITY Reidy & Pollard, ON are stjll nuiking the VERY BEST TERMS , ON FARM LOANS. .Call and see us before applying else- wh'jre. You can depend on getting money ...Ill lui froms. Our eumpany !u down during the winter. ML Co. Jones Verity, X '-''. ..- :.'-'''.'' x "ltm '" -''