The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 26, 1889, Image 6

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Tte Sioux County Journal.
PuUiahed every Thursday.
Subscription Price, $2.00
L. J. SImi, - - EHar.
Enteral at the Harrison post ofllre u c
oad claas matter.
K. B. Raines
John R. Shepherd
W. F. Shepherd
W. O. Patterson
E- B. Price
W. P. SouUiworth
Aloozo Hovey
Chas. E. Verity
C. H. Bedd
Bepaalleaa State Coaveatiaa.
The republican electors of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates from
the several counties to meet in convention
at the opera house in the city of Hastings,
on Tuesday, October 8, 1889. at 8 o'clock p. m,
for the purpose of placing in nomination
candidates for one associate justice of the
supreme court, and two members of the
board of regents of the state university, and
to transact such other business as may be
presented to the convention.
The several counties are entitled to repre
sentation 'as follows, being based upon the
vote cast for Hon. Geo. H. Hastings, presi
dential elector, in im, giving one delegate
at large for each county, and one for each
1M votes or major fraction thereof. This
paper gives only those counties in north Ne
braska from Madison west.
Antelope - 10 1 Keya Paha -
Box Butte - 6 1 Knox -
Brown - - S I Pierce - i
Cherry - I Sheridan - 8
Dawes I Sioux
Holt - It
It'is recommended that no proxies be al
lowed to the convention except such as are
held by persons residing in the counties
from which proxies are given
Walt M. Ssslt, L. d. Richabm.
Secretary. Chairman.
Call For a Straight Republican Mass
Whereat, on the 20th day of Septem
ber, 1889, the republican county central
committee and the democratic county
central committee met in the village of
Harrison, in Sioux county, to arrange
for the calling of conventions of their
respective parties, and
Whereas, the democratic county cen
tral committee decided not to call a con
vention of said party but instead thereof
appointed a committee to confer with a
like committee from the republican
county central committee relative to
calling a joint convention of both par
ties, but to be known as a republican
convention, in which convention a demo
crat would have all the rights and im
munities of a republican, and
Whereat, said joint county committee
issued a call for a republican county
convention containing the following
clause to-wit:
"All those who have not taken part in
any previous primary or convention this
year, and can affiliate with the republi
cans for the selection and election of
good and efficient officers, that whole
some government mav be assured, are
invited to attend the primaries and as
sist in the selection of delegates to the
republican county convention." And
Whereat, said republican county com
mittee was not the committee selected
at the last republican county conven
tion but was composed largely of per
sons appointed by a minority of said
original committee after having arbi
trarily and without semblance of au
thority deposed members duly elected.
number of said persons illegally ap
pointed being democrats, and
Whereat, said republican county een
tral committee, because of the deposals
and appointments heretofore mentioned,
is not a republican organization but
merely a pretended one Tjontrolled by
democrats, and it has been used for the
purpose of furthering the political
schemes of democratic bosses to the al
most absolute destruction of the repupli-
can party in Sioux county. Therefore,
We, the undersigned republican elect
ors of Sioux county, denying the right
of said committee to turn our party
over to democratic dictation, and desir
ing to so organize our party that we
will have an honest and honorable recog
nition at home and abroad, do hereby re
pudiate the action of said committee as
being unrepublican in the extreme and
do hereby call a republiean mass con
vention to meet at Harrison on October
1st, 1889, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of placing in nomination a full
county ticket, to elect delegates to the
state, senatorial and representative con
ventions; to select a county central com
mittee for the ensuing year and to trans
act such other businene as may properly
come before said convention.
All straight republicans who desire to
see a republican county organization,
conducted on republican principles, are
earnestly requested to attend this convention.
Jag. Farnam '
Geo. E. Lunsford
a L. R. Maine
Eugene Powell
B. & Bixby
Harrison Beans
W. J. Beans
The action of the central committees
of Sioux count v on last Friday certain
ly was something of an innovation in
politics. The democratic and republican
committees met at the same day and
hour and a conference committee ap
pointed from each body and the result
was that the republican committee is
sued a call for primaries and a county
convention was called in which the fol
lowing clause appears:
"All those who have not taken port in
any previous primary or convention this
year, and can am Hate with trie Republi
cans for tlie selection and election of
good and efficient officers, that whole
some government may be assured, are
invited to attend the primaries and assist
in the selection of delegates to the Re
publican County Convention."
Schemes have frequently been used to
further the interests of certain persons
in political matters, but this is the first
time in the political history of Nebraska
that a county central committee has as
sumed the authority to open the gates
and say to all, regardless of political be
lief or previous political affiliations, to
come in, assist in the selection of dele
gates to a republican county convention,
and enjoy all the rights and privileges
to which life-long republicans are enti
tled. Where any county central com
mittee gets such authority is a mystery.
How such a plan is received by the re
publican voters of Sioux county js pret
ty welt evidenced by the call for a
straight republican mass convention
which appears in the columns of this is
sue, signed by 77 straight republican
voters. This is a pretty strong denial of
the authority of the county central com
mittee to say who may or who may not
participate in the primaries. The ques
tion of sustaining the purity of party
primaries has attracted a good deal of
attention from the lawmakers of not on
ly Nebraska but numerous states, and
the result is that in this state some leg
islation has been made on the subject.
It has arranged so that in cities a fine
and election disqualification is the penal
ty attached for any one participating in
the primary of any party with which he
did not affiliate at the last general elec
tion, and we see 'no reason why the same
penalty does not apply to the primaries
of the rural districts. It is quite certain
that the county central committee has
no right to override the statutes and
say that any person tnay participate in
the primaries who has not previously
been identified with the party.
Snow to the depth of several inches
fell in portions of New Hampshire last
A man by the name of Mathers, a
wealthy railroad contractor of St Paul,
died in an opium joint in Butte. Mont
The deceased had smoked ten pipes of
opium the day he died.
One of Forepaugh'8 circus trains met
with an accident near Marshalltown,
Iowa, last Thursday. Two cars were
telescoped and two men injured. The
damage is estimated at 120.000.
Joseph Big Bear, one of the Indians in
jail at Pender, charged with murdering
young Benjamin, died of convulsions
last week. He lived only about ten min
utes after the convulsions seized him.
A single ship left New York last week
loaded with 1,022 live steers averaging
1,500 pounds and 1,700 quarter of
dressed beef. The cargo, alive and dead,
equalled 1,425 cattle and was valued at
1 10,000.
The celebrated White Bread flour
only 18.70. Sold only at Ranch Supply
-White Bread flour f2.70. I'm fS-70.
Best goods and bottom prices. Satisfac
tion always guaranteed at Ranch Sup
ply House.
Strayed A small bay horse, brand
ed, half-circle 10 on left shoulder, and
marks of having been cut with wire on
fore legs. A suitable reward will be
paid for return of same to me at Harri
son. E- I OiUW.
Remember TtTK Jotbnal clubs with
almost any paper in the United States
and wlien you want anything in the line
of papers or periodicals call and see us
and we can save you some money.
ro not fail to take advantage of our
combination offer.
L. 0, HULL,
Gov. Thayer has Issued an election
proclamation fixing Tuesday, November
5th as the time for the general election.
A call is made for the election of a sena
tor and representative in this district to
fill vacancies.
l ant Office
care will receive proinpi bueuw.
Fred Douglas will sail for Hayti in a
few days on the man-of-war Ossipee.
The Haytiati troubles appear to be in a
condition now that will allow tlie Amer
ican minister to present his credentials
to the proper official.
Alt business entrusted to bis care will re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
Office with JONES & V ERITY.
A prominent settler of Banner county
by the name of G. W. Catlin, lias been
arrested, charged with criminally as
saulting a fourteen-year-old girl who
had been adopted into his family. He
waived examination and was placed un
der $1,000 bonds to appear for trial.
Much excitement prevails.
Special attention given to
LAND PRACTICE. Office at the
old stand with Reidy 4 Follard.
Harrison, - - - Nebraska.
By ad earnest and united effort the
friends of John Hopkins university have
placed it once more upon a sound finan
cial fo6ting and the result is that a feel
ing of satisfaction passes over the entire
country. The American people would
regret to see any of the noted institu
tions of learning meet with reverses.
The Chicago bar association has got a
good streak on and is going after the
disreputable divorce lawyers. That city
has long been noted for the ease and rap
idity with' which divorces could be ob
tained and has had the reputation of be
ing a place of resort for those who
wished no have bonds broken which had
become unpleasant The association
asks that C. J. Beattie be disbarred on
the ground that he secured a fraudulent
divorce bv the production of witnesses
who voluntarily perjured themselves,
and for which Judge Jamieson gave him
a prison sentence. This is a good move
on the part of the self-respecting attor
neys of Chicago. It seems that nation
al legislation relating to marriage
and divorce ought to be enacted. Un
der existing laws when a man or woman
gets tired of the one they have promised
to love, honor and obey it is little troub
le to fret free. A law prohibiting a di
vorced person from again marrying
should be enacted and providing tliat
in case of violation of the law a severe
penalty should he inflicted. A good
heavy penalty ought to be fixed for ei
ther man or woman "A'ho deserts a fam
ily to become the illegal consort of an
other individual. The reports of fam
ilies being deserted by one parent or the
other are becoming more numerous each
E. J. Wilcox
Oscar W, Story
Otto Munaon
Jas. Pierce
F. L. McOraa
Qo. Walker
O. W. Gregwr
W. B. Zimmerman
O. W. Tool
, E. A. Bigalow
O. Guthrie
W. K. Pattareoa
Am. H. Cook
& A. Wr .
J. H. Bnrtoll
H. A. Priddy I
C. E. Holme
John Plunkvtt
F. K. Procuniar
A. F. Tall
B. C Tally
C. 0.
fyiin A. JSWat
- 23 atQC9feB
John A. Pratt
U. B. Cherrington
Eban Cowlishaw
Warren W. Hall
J. H. Warn
A. M. Taylor
Jas. M. Laniels
O. W. Hotter
P. & Bigelow
I J. Simmons
E 1 fJalpin
T. B. Sqydar
W. Jt Porter
E M. Carrier
N. U Pollard
H. T. Conlajr
M. J. D'ConnsU
Geo. Brown
M. D, Banford
Orm a Tail
John gpaara
Hanry A. Bixaoas
WWF. Fsirt
A proposition was submitted to the
Wyoming constitutional convention to
create the office of state examiner. The
duty of the officer would be to guard the
treasury by examining the books of all
state and county officers and reporting
annually or oftener if required by the
legislature. That would not be a bad
officer to nave for his work could be
made to cover the .examination of
county officer's books and many counties
would be relieved of a great expense for
the examination of county records by
experts. The number of counties who
employ experts to go over the books to
sea bow much the officials have defraud
ad the tax-payer out of is increasing in
Nebraska every year and if the work
could ba done in a manner similar to the
examination of banks under the new
banking law it could not but prove bene
ficial. It is far easier to keep the books
straight than to straighten them out af
ter tnay have got in bad shape.
The Arnold murder trial In Scott
Bluffs count naulted in a verdict of
murder if tha aaoom) dagraa. Tba trial
ocopied four weak and one day, tba
Jojfaat murder trial artr bald in tba
ajaiav Tba prisoaar waa sentenced to
tarty-nine years in ba psnltentiary at
Dress Maker.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Prof. Riley is out in a report to the
effect that the American exhibit at the
Paris exposition was a creditable one,
ranking fourth in the list for excellence.
The professor says a great deal of tlie
criticism of the show made by the Unit
ed States is uncalled for and unwarrant
ed. It would have been proper for tlie
United states to have had an exhibit ho
far excelling all others that tliete would
have been no question.
Contractor and Builder.
Estimates on all kinds of carpenter work
Cheerfully given, satisfaction guaranteed.
Plana furnished at reasonable ratos,
A decree was rendered in tlie supreme
court last week forfeiting all rights and
privileges of the Chicago, Milwaukee A
St. Paul railroad to that part of its line
in Holt county between Atkinson and
Niobrara that is not yet graded. The
action was brought by Attorney General
Leeae and others are to follow. (Jen.
Leese is determined to either make the
railroad companies either build or loose
their rights, and not allow them to liokl
territory simply to keep other lines out
Watch and Clock Repairing,
Will be in Harrison every alternate Mon
day a. m., begiulng Sept. Oth, 1(5, and will
give my attention to anything In the above
line With headquarters at
The discovery has been made in Lou
isiana that a good deal of crookedness
has been going on relative to tlie state
finances. A larjre amount of bonds
which should have been cancelled have
turned up for payment and in addition it
is found that a large amount of bonds
are outstanding to which the signature
of the governor and state treasurer have
been forged. One ex-treasurer is in Lon
don and lias wired that lie will start for
home at once to make any showing as to
his official acts. The loss to tlie state
will amount to about $1,000,000.
Gov. Buckner, of Kentucky, has dis
patched two companies of state troops
to Harlem county in response to a com
plaint of the presiding judge in regard to
the luke-warm manner in which civil
officers prosecute cases. In his procla
mation the governor says, "civil officers,
sworn to uphold the laws not only refuse
to do so, but. give covert assistance to
the criminal classes," and calls upon the
citizens to assist in bringing offenders to
speedy justice, and if resistance is of
fered to shoot down the offenders. When
Gov. Buckner gets started he never does
things by halves. '
A boy of nineteen met a horrible death
at St. Louis a few days ago. Some
sports got this lad and another to fight
for a purse of $80.' They ineitod the
boys to fight until the floor was slippery
with their blood and the dead boy's face
was cut and pounded into a jelly. After
Jackson had fallen, fainting in his cor
ner, the brutes who were managing the
affair forced him on his feet and pushed
him forward to be hit again. His oppo
nent fell upon him and he never recov
ered consciousness. A large number
of arrests, including some of tba
wealthiest sporting brutes, in St
Louis, hava been made. It is to be
hoped that severe justice will be meted
out to them. It seems as if tba time
bad come to put a stop to all such per
formances. Tba aga when a man1
greatness waa gauged by his physical
strength baa gone by and the ancouraga
tnent of brutal con test ought to ba
practice oeiore an com w "
1 OlBce. Business eniruu
to my
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing done on short notice.
Good work and reasonable charges.
Shop south of livery barn.
Contractor and Builder.
Plans drawn and specifications made on
Estimates carefully made.
The Carter Shop.
First door south of the court house.
E. L GALPIN, Proprietor.
Here you can get a clean shave,
first class hair cut or a
All perxrns having nnai prow ..u
hu tnr will receive a marked cop
notices la
eopyoi i tie
. '' rii.nil to examine
Pr.m .h if nv urniri exist report tue
aame to tuis oflice at O'lce.
Land Ofllee strhndron, Nebraska,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler ha. Bled notice of bis inten
tion to mnk flnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will I mad. be
fore M. Y. Klnknid, judge of the dbdrirt
eourt. or In his absence C. . Jameson, clerk
of the district court, at Harrl-m, Neb., on
October 19, la, vis:
Solomon 11. Story, of Grsmmercy, Neb.,
who made II E entry No. 117 for the e H ne V
se M ne qr sec S, and sw qr nw qr sec 9 tp U
TM. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous reldene upon and
cultivation of said land, vli : John M. Warn,
John a I.. Ragland. ors:e W. ( obb, John
W I.angdon, all of (iram mercy. Neb.
(81-sJ M. MQfTOOMEST, Register.
Land Ottlce at Cltadron, Nebraska.
Anguxt, SI, 1SH. I
Notice is hereby srtved that the following
named settler has Bled notice of his Inten
tlon to make flnal proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made he
fore C. C. Jameson, clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, Neb., on October K, lsw,
Edward Remsburg, of narrison, Neb.,
who made II E No. !IKT for the s X w nr s H
seqr sec , tp SI, r 86. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon snd cultivation of tald Isnd, vl:
Iav1d ville, Joseph H. Earnest, Robert O.
Parrish, Theodore Trimbur, all of Harrison,
Neb. M. Montgomery, Register.
CONSOLIDATED NOTICE 'or ri ki,h iiub.
Ijind Office at hartron, Nebraska, I
AngUHtll, 189. I
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of bis Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore C. C. Jameson, clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, Neb., on October 14, 19,
via: .
John A. Green, of Harrison, Nob.,
who made D S flllng No. 4M for the ne qr see
4, tp'7, rlD. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles
E. (iowcy, Arthur llarta, Andrew Jacob, Al
va Shrlcvcs, all of Harrison, Neb. Also:
Jaaac 11. Ilemlrtx, of Harrison, Neb.,
Who made D S flllng No. r for the sw qr sec
5, tp S7, r M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, via: Charles
E. Ciowey, Arthur llarta, Andrew Jacolw, Al
va Shreves, all of Harrison, Nebraska.
41-4 M. Montgomery, Register.
Land Office at Chadnm, Nebraska. I
August 31, I '-. I
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named settlor has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In snpimrt of his
claim, and that said proof will Im made be
fore Chas. C. Jameson i dork or the district
court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on October 23,
Lurt, viz:
James al. Daniels, oi Montrose, son.,
who made H E No. 2M6 for the se cjr see II, tp
S3 r to. He names tlie following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and
nltivstlou of said land, viz.' 1 an Knoll,
Edward Holllngsworlh, Clarence Holllngs
worth, all of Rodarc, Neb., and Charles II.
Redd, or Montrose, cu. Also
(Jardner B. Cherrington, of Harrison, Neb.,
who marie D filing No. liar; for the sw qr
sec SI, tp.13, r SH. He names the following
witnesses U) prove nis continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz.
Frank Himons, Krank Demasig, Jacob les
per, Ionard Oout, all of Harrison, Neb.
0l-4J m. Montgomery, iwtKWMjr.
Plasterer and Brirk Layer,
All kinds of Plain and ornamental nlaster-
ing done to order. Understands cistern c'
mentlng. The laying of brick flues a sped
any. in give aosoiute satisfaction or no
pay required.
Land Office at Chadron, Nebraska, j .
Aiurust si, imd. i
Notice is hereby given thai the folloa'lng
named settler has filed notice or his inten
tlon to mukc Anal proof in mipiiort of his
claim, and that said nroof will Is- made lie
foreC. C. Jameson, clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, Neb., on Oct. SI, 19, viz:
Wlnfrei! T. Monro, of Harrison, Neb.,
ho made D. S. No. 1704 for the sw or sec It,
toll, tW. He names the following witness
es to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation or said land, viz: c.ilwnril
Li t,ainini r.iimri sii carrier, Armur binary.
W. W. Hall, all of Harrison, Neb., Also
Bernard Haas, of Montrose, Neb.,
who made 1) S flllng No. (MS for the so qr sec
19, tp34, r54. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, vU: John
Koanoii, Jacob n assen ou rger, John serrcs.
Stephen Serres, all of Montrose, Neb. Also
Charles Clark, of Harrison, Neb.,
who made 11 K No. 3MA for the s X se qr sec
14, n X ne nr sec 1, tp ss, r rsj. lie name the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
resiaence upon ana cultivation oi siuu land,
viz; John Herman, Samuel Brumbaugh,
lx vi A. BrumbauKh. John L. Kav. all of Har
rison, Nebraska. M. MoxtoOMKKT, Register.
Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Shop.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed In every particu
lar. Shop on Main street,
A well selected stock always on
hand at lowest prices.
A speciaity.
tW Satisfaction guaranteed.
Keeps a nice line of millinery whicl
she sells at prices that defy competition.
And fair prices. Second strerL
Ihe undersigned have a fine, new drill
and are prepared to put down well on
and at living rates.
It will pay yoti
If You Want a Well
to call on or addi
Amot & Armstrong Bros,
Consolidated Notice For Poll i J
Laud OOlee at Chadron, Ni i
rwpusujuer 11, issy.
Notice Is bereby glveu that tin,
named settler has Hied notice ol
tlon to wake anal prool lu t.uppa
Claim, anu lust saiu sin oe
fore I bas. C. Jaiueaun, Clerk of tus
1 ourt. at Harrison, jteuraska, on
t, MM, viz :
Jonn A. mil of Montrose, H
ho made 11 E No. ISIS for the i
tp4r9w He names the fulloa inf
es to prove bis continuous r,-i,i,3
ftu cuirivaiiou ri, saiu isnu, tlx
Bt ry, William II. Zimmerman, Li
lacti. Solomon K. Ptory all of MontJ
Aoa retus A. i koi n, who mad
ing No. 4j to the above describe.)
citea to appear at toe same time si
and show cause why tbe abote jini
not ba allowed and bis flllng oncl
Elbert M. Carrier of Harrison
bo made D. R. flllng No M lor tl
X sou wj se n sec. u tp ai r on w
He name tlie following wltuogj
his continuous residence un and
tlon of, said land, viz: H inlonl
Arthur W. Emery, Edward L. I. si
reu W. Hall all of Harrison, Neb.,
rriedrlob Todtenbaupt of ilarri J
who made D. . No. 9S0 for the ni
nc 4 and nX nw . sec S tp r 56 wi
Ha names tbe following witnesstJ
nls continuous resilience uiM,n au
tion of, said land, viz: William 1
Isidor Klchslein, Wllbelin Noretsc
Nchlll, all of Hafrrlwtaj Neb.
B. E. Bmwhtkr,
Prei dent.
C. F. Corj
Commercial Bi
General Banking Bu si
C. H. Andrews &
-Dealer, iu
Co!soUbAtED Notice trig IMthucatioh.
Land Ofllee at chadnm, Neb., (
Ang 14, IKHd. (
Notice is hereby fflven that the following
named settler has Alcd notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof wlU be made be
fore Chas. C. Jameson, clerk of tlie district
court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on Oct. i, 1H.
via I
JOHN TRISCII, of Montrose, Neb.
who made 11. E. tiling No. IMS for tha sww
sec. 8, tp. 34, r. K west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion oi, saiu lanu, v,i ix Is tjeriach, rrlli
Stemiucr, John A. I'ratt, William II. Zim
merman, all of Montrose, Nebraska, Also
JOHN F. COOK, of Harrison, Neb.
who made f). 8. Killng No. 198 for the nX
we sec d ana swm. sw sec 9, new nek sec 7
tp i r 66 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, via: Octave Harris, Isaac
Hendrti, Henry A. Werta, Cbaa. L, iubba,
all of Harrison, Neb. Also
wno made H. E. entry No. m for these sec
10, tp M r H w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vU: Lewistierlacn, John
o'ul'G0"' If1!'1 w,rai". John I'rlscn.aH
I4"! ' Moktuomkkt, Register,
ConouDiTCD Notice roa Publication,
Land Offlce at Cbadron, Neb., j
Notice Is hereby given tbat the following
named settler has 'flled notice "of b Is inteS
t on to make flnal proof in support of hU
?i"?f ??d, ln"1 "iu Drno "JT made be
lore C. o. Jameson, Clerk District Lourt. at
Harrison, Neb. , on Oct. 4, ISA, vii;
THOMAS A. LYONS, of Harrison, Beb.,
I.:tpr.,m''0' toT tbe "
ne names the following wltneaana to nrove
FERDINAND PODOLL. of Harrison, Neb.
ai t t.'s? "00-'' heit)ri of
i. ,ZA it louowing witness to
SSsIS1 fcSf - -Tfi . Uwi. OerlaciV of
"eager, John Ludert, of Harrison, Nb. Also
mr, ui narnaon, neDraaka,
who mad I), s. flung No. M0 for tha aav t
Fine Toilet God
sf. H- COOK-
Aoats Sriusfifi Kascii
Brand c on left iaw. Miikes a.H
of breeding Roadsters, Liraft aw
Horse; also r-d and hi k Poiw"
Ranga on Running Water.
Smith Bros
nr Tiir nwi.V riRT CI.A!"
Wish to call tha attention of tl
.to tha fact that they are preH
furnish at reasonable rate
First Class Ri
On abort notice.
w jaoor.
made a crima. .
A Drty Line Run in Conn
' awirraoHur, atoataWr
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