jnfioganold gray mare 1 nnl in A TmiV hlh. faad crafked he offered to UftinUWiii)eVeck. After we C) along for a quarter ot a EJiknlj inquired: C tbis ' thing in the Ciatthe elixir?" C nothing except what I V" ,ntr it sots au o!d man Lack with one dose." they tell wonderful stories." It much (riven to sicli yarns,' LgtA n hisbowback LumjK-d more, and his chin took ... j. t : ' ,. pr "HDL 1 IU UUiu LU iii in it? .,n twine to try it?" i - a i s .... i I D U'llBU HI! BUI KT thki niornmr and told the I was com 10 urive to nn nnnlft imrer. I kIihII it to the doctor s anil gel u itbe elixir." it miiv remvenate you. exnectin' it will, iot in' of it lust nignr, am mia sleet). I'm seventy mrs oI"I, ami 11 i"1" mi"!! it me jnrk to forty It would ' . . I. ..! 1 I rnte 01 oxen to iiuiu inr. i e j planned out. t do when I trot home. Rill him sorter bin ruiiuin tn suit liinm-lf fur tho last ior four years.. Thinks I've pot to even know how to wll a in ton tin iel)ler. If tlmt 1 Ml J IKtl linrtu on II 0 1 II UHl oiiimii J fill . . ... Wore the sun poen down. 1 II Whim into the ImnliM-kH m n hoonenhw e.vea. Whoop: 1 ill Lhpnn Letter already!" Lt'i rood," wuh all I could infto snv in renlv. r: . i ... i .. Bdsav lie eom niiiiii, nn n Whi the old mure with n shnri fsir the hint ten yearn the old Whan hill rnlliu' me crandpn ferin' to imike out that I orter the corner and let her hnndlo Imm. SIio'h m v second, you and only fifty, nnd she feels Kyppart." Lnnils, butyou orter fcrnrhen I walk in on her this W and tell her to step down off Worm! Whool! but I feel like Win a corn field!" Ml hone vou won't Ikj dis- Vst1" fcnt vc I don't lielievc I shall Ewliumy bones that I'm jroin' xk riylit back to 1 8,". Say! mouther thing I'm coin' to Ithiit elixir eiix is on me. neeot a son-in-law named VeU Veraft Puto bent mo out of four last veitr. Alonz about nun tfini'rM I'll uiilL- in nn IVte im !milt:ng the cows, and if I don't the stnflin out of him then inv ain't Alisolom .loslvn! Whooo! mvhuLorv shirt, if I'm u dav HStv VMirn uliI tliU verv niinit il'lllitlcan lift half it ton." Market fur Human Hair. is at present a scarcity of The Sent of Taste. A ph.TioIo!ritT discoursino- en tfc. sense of taste, says: Ktrietly s.eak with the tip of the tomrtieo,,. runt really tasleatall. If von nut a small drop o( honey orof oil of bitter almonds on that part of the mouth ou '"' "odoubt to your great r.i'.se, that it produces no effect of any sort , you only taste it when it be gin slowly to diffuse itself, and reach es the true tastiiig region in thernid die distance. I',ut if you put a little cayenne or mustard onthesame part, juu win nun that it bitcH Vm, in, niediately-the exji-rimcnt should Iw trie., sparingly-wlni,, if vou put it lower dow n ill the trmntr. v,, ...Ml swallow it nlrrwhut niil...,. . .i . . - v twl" '"K if.. ine puiif'encv of the Ktii..l 'ri... wu reason is that the tin of thp in,. k-.u wiui experimental gar- is sui.i.lied oi.li u iJ tongue deus. '1 he resnlu of the work done Tare llvn.- r ' f"'"9 Wl,"'h if tlie fr"tttc,t al,,e the German nre re. lis nenes oftouch, not nerves t f;"'r. ho has learned to make daily P boman hair in the market fy. the scarcest hair is pure .aad Us value is constantly in land if it is unusually long .from four to five foot the 'Can frnt. nlmnith lliu nu-n rtf.ij.a , Jt of ordinary length it is 1 373 francs to 500 francs nn ' The fact that pure while th court coiffure t hroughout owteepn the demand for it very f U )i much prized by Ameri oiwn whose own hair U white o desire to enrich it folds, for pair is held to give certain dis poa to tho wearer. mi no fancy market for pray JJt i to common. It is used to fmtowigaof persons who are Wold. Still, the "cjl through the lienrt tho "'.r uecause her linir was tnrn- "J was a foolish creature. She wily have found, you know, inter wnvs of W-r.inrr Mta I'liiladelphia Times. Time to Kat. 1 mn and benst should have Ptoat. Most, nf I .a linruts fill. 'Stae example of man bolt t heir r'th but little chewinc. We ?wme owners who break un the ?on"ie part of their horse's by rs "moot h stones tho siw ot nn feed boxes, compelling ""c in gathering the feed. ljome farmers mean enough rjj through their menls so fast L ""en, unliwii willing to act ff annot complete their meals r 'ame time; but thee are rare ".nd uaa rule the fault IT0 Wen themselves. ' I con j?J'n nyo minutes to do mo CI '' nKK'"h. and the mnn jphis boaut into execution f' ; Wardion. . IJetter for cm take a few minutes' rest, 'viCfldgo to work again "v -National Htockman. fc A Uft Farewell. S"frirl of Los Angeles, Cal., wily wns about to moyo to nd who had heard that rJ'poken of as a forlorn and C7 God-forsaken place, wns prayers at her mother's (ight before their intended 8he Mid all that had 2 taught bar, and then with mphasis Mid: "And now fv Qod, for to-morrow ws are Arkoaa.,,8an Bernardino Serleitlia.m . Iim .! n "f ,wo experiment at. cultural resesrch iu Germany, the liuJ. ,,f iefrc ? ai"1 ereitatilevelopment ; f wienlilie fanning,, and tbpge eu ,0 i' c,.tjncfeialista. Troia the beot aeesuib e acconut, it n,,,r.. accord tliJti ltoIef?r W. O. Atwster, that control of commercial fertilizer., twen im9i 'eediu;; tua ! thirty of i r8 i. - . "'"H'ation of wares iu tho interest of th purchaser; tliia, however, iu most casen, beiu;; only prt of the work done borne stations follow u liiimbor of lines of inquiry, otlicia eon au theniselvea to one or two. There re fifteen devoted mainly to inven tion. ln vejeUiblo physiology, inclnd 'iS nutrition of plnntM, aeveu to animal l'liyaiolo-y. inrlndiiip; fHcdiug experi luenti,; three to dairy industry; four to sniiar beet and three to fruit and vine cuimre. Jhere nre ninn with l...ii,i;n... experiments with ani- tr.o proper; they belong to a totally .iifTcrcnt main i,rimi., nriJ they go ton difT.-rcnt cent-r in the bruin, together with thp threads which supply the nerves of smell lor mustard and pepMT. That mi) i ii siaeii and taste of Ihese ptiligent siiliHt.HiccM are hh mnr.1. alike, as everv-bodv innut l.,.i.,. ,. ti.'ed; a good miifT at it mustard -pot producing almost tliesnme irritnt iiur effi-cts as anilirautioiiH iiKintl.ful " - Mil Other IVrsoiis' rictuics, from thr iMroit I'r Pr-wi. ".Misfit photographs for sale" is the sign or. ti Michignn Avenue iho togrnph gallery. The man who owns the place says he hit on that plan to get rid of pictures that peo ple order nnd never pay for. "But who buys the picture.!?" linked the sketch nrti.si. '!, many folks. You see, a young man comes in here and sees a nico picture of a girl, and he buys oneiind sends it home to his friends. Then ho takes one for himself per haps two and in that way I get my money back. I know one young fel low w ho took some of my bent work nnd sent it to (lermnny to represent his wife. The picture could easily have pa'scd for hers as far as tho leatureH went, but she was uevor dressed out like that. Mothers who have little children often buy pictures of children with lopg tmir when theirs hnsn't grown out and send them around to friends at n distance. I can sell brides' pic tures without any troubb. I some tiuies think that pictures that ain't taken for people, look just as much like them. Besides, it saves joa ull the trouble of a sitting." A Trnrclinp I'll ilant liropist. There were eight ot us who got off the train nt the junction to wait two hours for the train on the other road. It was a small building in the coun try, without a house in sight, and no platform to walk on. The singlo railroad ofllcial was asleep on some bags of wool in the freight shed, and the clock in the waiting-room had stopped dead still. As we sat down a the hin d benches in the waiting room one of t he men opened his grip and took out an eight-pugo newspa per. Not one of the rest of us had a thing to read. Noticing this, he carefully cut the pages apart, then cut. ea: h page in halt, and, passing around, he said: "tientlemen, I nev er did like a hog. Each of us will take nn eight h, and as fast as read wo will exchange with each other." Kach one took his part and made it his business to read it. and the last mnn had just got down to a mortgage sale and t ho death notice of a pair of twins when the two hours expired and the train drew up. New York Sun. use of the information furnished. Ilia W'njr vf ExpreMlng (. A RiisMan gentleman who has nn American wife met some friends of tho latter who were tiavelin in Kuropo re cently, and Hinonii other things which he told- tin m concerning her was the fact that fch h;ul been bitten by one of his bleydhoiiuds that hud started out nnd ran iiinnck, so to any, otio day upon Lis i slale. The Americana were filled with horror mid were eager in their impm-ies in regard to ulmtwas 'lone nml if there were any cwl results from the wound. The. liiiKsian, who is of high rank, hastened to reassure them. '') hero wi re no bad consequences at nil," he assured them, ''1 teoli it hot iron and buine 1 out the wound. Jtsincllcd alitllelikn mutton chops cooking, but I didn't mind that." A -Man of Itesoiirces. l-'rnm tl.e Chirnire Trilmw. "Mr. Clugston." exclaimed the fore man, coming into the sanctum hast, ilv, "I'm sorry for the accident, but thehnlf-coluinnpiecnof reprint about the Bchring Sea troubles was skew jawed in taking the sidestick out of the galley, and it will take longer to straighten it up than to set the wfiolo nrti -le up again." "Haven't you anything to take its place''" inquired the editor of tho iloodlevillo Yelpcr, passing his hand wearily over his pale brow. "No, sir, and I ought to have gone to press an hour ago." "Slide the nrtielo into the forms just as it is," said Mr. Clugston in a firm, ringing tone. "But tho head 'Choice Keligious Miscellany over it, and none of my readers willeverlook at it." Sullivan as Mayor of Boston. From th Omaha. World. It would indeed U a hugo joke on cultured Boston if tho invincible John h. Sullivan, should, as has been suggested, ls'como a candidate for mayor and securo nn election. Stall an event is by no means impossible. Sullivnn is an Irishman, and in Bos ton tho Irish element nlmost domi nates politics. Then Sullivnn would secure an immense strength from the sporting element, nnd young voters in particular. If John L. should i,i ..n it I. the idea and expend a portloir4.i-wo.nt big winnings he Lin.i.e. mnte auite a formidable rival for any cuJididate. WilkirColmn never married, and the lady supposed to bo his daughter was an adopted chlild. Sho married his solicitor, Mr. Bartley. Th Inwu. . The number of recognized sttei ..f inserts, according to Prof. Angelo Ileil lnn U geuerully conceded to he up wards of PW.OOO, and br some authors is l'laced as high M 150,000, bat it is very questionable whether these represent wore than one-teuth of the number ae ,nJy inhabiiiua the earths surface. 1 robably not k-ss than one-half of the indicated forms belong to the order eolsoptera, or leetles, which is by far l he most numerously represented of all me orders. The lepidoptera, or butter men, hare thus far yielded some 15.000 R'emes-or about one thirteenth of the i;nai nimiher (2'JO.llOU) estimated bv fwyer for the world at large-and a'u equal number 111115-, perhaps, with a cer tain amount of accuracy, be credited to t leheiueuopterafbtes. wasps, and ants!, tlia hemptcra (pugs), nnd diptcra (flies), the orthoptera, or straight-winged in sects, which include the locusts, grass hoppers, etc., are considerably less iiuraeroiis, while the secies of netted- veined forms (neuroptera) probably do not much exceed 2,000, or perhaps do not eveu reach this figure. Any article that has outlived 24 years ot competition and imitation, and sella more and more each year, must have merit. Dohhins' Klectric Hoap first made in I fc65 is just that article. Ank your f ro crorit. He has it, or will get it. A liny or ICpkC. Sundry school superintendent. "Can nnv if vou tell me why Sunday is called a day of rest?" ( Little Dick (holding up his hand) "I kin. Jt's 'cause we get up early and hurry through brtakfas' bo's lo dress in time for Sunday school, and then hurry t'i Sunday school, so we wont be late, and then skip inter church 'fore the bell stops ringin' and then go home to din ner nnd get fixed up for afternoon ser vice, and then get supper an' go to bed so pa and niaeau get. ready for evening service. I hat's all we do. New York Weekly. is but ttie itepping-atoii to those dirine institutions, the family and the home, which constitute the very foundation ou which our nation resU; and upon the health and streneth ot thewita and mother depends th sunshine and enjoy went ot the home and the prosperity ot the laiuily. Thousands of wives and thousands ot iir i;le ladies drj out a weary existence in n. sequence ot perplexing "lemale dieor in total ignorance of the tact that 1''. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a pos itive cure for the most complicated and ohstinate caee ot leucorrhea, prolapsus, weak back, "female weakness," antever ioo, retroversion, bearingdown sensa tions, chronic congestion, inflammation, ulceration, mid kindred uilineuta. Guar anteed to give satisfaction or money re funded. All dru-:iata. Dr. P.erce's Pellets cleanse and reg"1" the stomach, bowels and system generally Une aduse; purely vegetable. Mr. William Ernest Healer, the author and poet, began life as a laborer. liny a In F.lll, Kansas. This town is one ot the most promising Kansas, located on the Union Pacific Kaihvay. It is a division station ot that road and has division shops, round house and eating station. Mills and factories are springing up nnil it is becoming a thriving olsce. in the midst of a urosneroiis farm in region. It is a healthy place anu the sou and climate are excellent. Alhert ood cock, General Land Commissioner U. P Ky., Omaha. ,eh., or lroy !S. taters Land and Eniig. Agt. L'. P. Ky., Kllis, tun The dude is like an engine in that be ear ns a head light. If ffTrtpd wlih Pore Kve. it.- Or. Tliomp Etjli 8 tie Vvater. Drugyisu nell a. Of I'RW I'lOI'Li:, IMll.l l), i have any idea of the value of stimulnnts, if properly used . There are in Kurope sev- I end estiihliriliiiiPiits owned and conducted I by Monk; under the direct control of the 1'upe. which have for hundreds of j'ears iievitleu their 1'iit're ener-'ifs to the manu i fuel lire of cordials or tonics. Their busi- i ne has been so extensive, that a short . time ago twenty millions trancs WPre of- fereil for one ot those plant.H hy au English syndicate, nnn refused. It only demon strates tho value of tonics, because their tuiBincHH could not have flourished so unlc I their uiaiiufactures contained considerahle meilicinnl value. A good tonic, as for in stance Kennedv' Kaat India Hitters, which , are 'iuaranteed to be distilled with the tin ' est of Spirits and from choice roots and herbs, is better than adulterated Whisky i or wine. Sirvility is to devotion it to virtue. I'lnii i: in inif. In the August repoit of the secretary of the Slale IVud of Agriculture of Mi-souri, Paul raquin. slate veteri narian, says regarding! lie above disease, liieh has canned lnueh trouble ninoiig enttie, le t only ill that but in other western Males: 'there is an inflainnia-j tion of the eye ball, with formation of matter and nhitislt opacity of the lens, j etc. l or these reasons I suggested, the name "Specific Ophthalmia" lo distin guish it from the ordinary inflammation or ophthalmia. Since, a scientilic veter- i inarian, In. liillings, lias termeil it ''Keratitis." Treatment consists in bathing the eye frequently in cool water. I A good way to do that is to place wet clothes beforo nnd to wet them often, , daily, with a sponge or large syringe, j In bad cases apply a few drops of tho following to the eyes twice a day with a medicine dropper: Sulphate of zinc and iodide of potassium, of each 1 drachm, soft, or rain water, H ounces. Won III: iiloiiejr. St, Leuli (Mo.) star Saying. Auruh !. At the recent drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, $00,000 of the first prize was won by three St. Louisans, and $3,000 ol the third capitid priie of $.10,000, also came to two lucky St. Louisans. August Kaltmeyer, who is the proprietor of a saloon at the aouthwost corner of Sixth and Franklin avenue, held a one twentieth part of the $.'.0,000 priie. A Ktar-Saylngs reporter called upon Mr. Kaltmeyer at his naloon this morning and found liim in excellent humor. Mr. Kalt meyer said: "I never played the lottery iu my" life belore, biat just a few days prior to the last drawing a friend of mine, whose name I cannot mention, came to me nnd he said: 'Henry, poor people are getting rich In t his lot tery game.' I said 1 knew that, and he said: 'Let ns go in a half dol lar each on a ticket this mouth.' The next dav we purchased the ticket the number of it. was T."i,;)5:i and 1 was never so astonished in all mj life ns when I heard that it drew $2,500. I got the money a week axo. and gave my friend his hall. I inlend to keep the money in my business, but shall play the lottery right along, though. My friend, 1 guess he is having a good time, for 1 haven't seen him since." Mrs. Amelia Partenheimer, who resides nt 012 Monroe street, was also a winner to Hie xtent of $2,500, she having held an other twsntietb ticket of the $50,000 prize. Mrs. Partenheimer, in a conversa tion with a reporter lo-ony, " - , Worth; Wuco, Taylor, Austin H great eurpune : an.,,in i.... I v..llo, (hat .nn nn hound ' Antonio nionrj, ieii j to win at it some time, sooner or later. 1 not. nlsved the lottery much: but I what hypocrisy THI8I0 GOOD ADVIEL Women are ever dupes or victims their extreme sensitiveness. America's finest 'TanalU'a Punch" The crockery trust is broken. against the servant girl trust. Cigar. It ran up JACOBS OH For Swellings, Bruises, Cuts and Wounds. Yriii wn.ni. a. food Liniment for Bursa, Sprains and Bruises. No family should pretend to keep house without a Lini ment Let us name a remedy, RECOniYJEIMDED by thousands, who bear willinp testi mony to its virtues and action when applied externally. Persona of erery degree of intelligence and. every raalf , in life use Pem Davis' Paln-ICillsr. If any of our readers doubt the mario of this old standard remedy, weadrisa them to buy one twenty-five ccntbottla and pive it a trial. Persons Traveling should -Jways have a bottle of Pain Killer with tbem, as accidents are liable to occur. Sol. itrnliBi t Sb. n. 8 ij " DR. OWEN'S ELECTRIC BELT AND SUSPENSORY. PstcntcdAuc. 16. 1887. lMPiovtoJuiY30, 1889. A. II . GALVANIC BODY BELT . AND SUSPENSORY". j. Biiamou-eU to cure Hie Ii- !Rheumatic Complsinti, ."Lumbaco. General and Nfrweu Debility. Co- 3t tiveneis, XidncyDiseascs Ncnoufnpts. Trembliaf, 8cxul E.-ihaustion.Wt- ,1- ing of Body. lliltUM W Indlscretior.s in Touth, Ae, IUr- irie Lire, Uia.a.-.r or ppiiiul orgHUH of m.le or fem.i "Daily Sight! Piim and Curid V At DRtJoaisTs and Dealers. THE CHARlES . VOGELER CO.. lltlmor. MS. SIGKIIEADACIIE! .-.,-..-iiy.Yjjs .... s ' .r- . .M .T ine of Body riedorMn- 1 (Tj-SSM TO liKSPOXSHH.K l-tllllKSOX SO TIIUJ. Pr,owek's ELECTRIC INSULtSatriu.' . MUtvou lu i ininsQlM envelope. McntioQ tliii paier. oor OWES ELECTRIC BELT & APPLIANCE CO. S06 North Broadway. 8T LOUIS, BO. RUPTURE ELECTRIC BELT .fSm AND TRUSS r; COMBIHtU. DR. ISRAEL'S rrEcnto-OALVANlO TRUSS. Owen's Electrio Belt Attschment worn wlih e.ae ana eoiuftirl. Tlie dir. mnrf ml lil r.r clronil. Till, III til. OUlr eluelrle triiKH auil licit ever nidc. It fj,. l9 ritb Or. r tilt Irani. .in 1 1; k a 'I lie Heal Yet. In sililitiun to tlie unrqunled Dining Car Servico between Council liluffs Slid Denver, the Union Pacific, "Tli Oerlunu Route will on Kundiiy, August ISth, and daily tlieresller, run Duiing Cars between I oiin it lilulfs and Porlliiiid, Ore., on "The Overland Flyer," leaving Council Bluffs At 7:Ti5 p. in., Omaha 8:15 p. m. '1 liese cars are models of excellence, and tlie best meals the market affords will be furnished at 73 rents. .I. Il.tllVEST l?X I HMONS. 5. Via the WAIiASH LINE to Missouri, Arknnsns, Texus. Tennessee, Mississippi ami I.i.uisi.iim at iiAi.ir fikk. Tickets will be sold Ausiist. Otli nnd 20th. September 1 III h ami li t t.li, and October 8th. good for :i(l diiys. Remember the Wnbash is the iiiirkest route south with elemint reclining rluiir and I'liHuum Puffct sleeping cars on nil trains. J''r tickols anil further infor nnition cn II on or write 0. N. Ci.avtox. X. W. 1'. Agent, 3 502 Far- lisin street, Onialia. Xeb. lliiffiilo, X. V., claims a population ot 2.10,000. K4ISV4S tl'I'V A; 'I'aCXAS MIOIIT LINE Via ni.sourl, Khii.o. & Texas Rail war, ami Viir.oiis I'lillmnii llulTutt CARTERS ITTLE 1VER PILLS. III. r m I'l.xtllirl) cured by ineoe i.iiiir rum. They lino relieve Dil' trea. from DyeuepiU.In. rlisMtioasndTooHeartv 1 jLtinc. A nerfaet f.in-1 ledv Cor DIztinew.Hansedl urowsisem, uad iau in Hi. Month. Co.tedll Toni(ii.Plii In tlie Side. TOKPIU L.IVKB. rney regulate th. Bowels. Purely Vcavtabla. Pries IS Cents, CASTES VZ2ICIHS CO., HSWTOjK. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Sleolni: C!ar Dally Be. wccii Hauni litr mid Hie rrlnclpsl Cillci of Texas. The Missouri, Kansns t Texas railway via the Kansaw City cS Pacific division and Parsons, is absolutely the short line to Texas and Mexico. Kvening train from Kansns City has Pullman Palace Buffett Kleanino I'm to Parsons. Penison, Fort III Him nan without chaniio. Connects at Pnrsons with Pullman liuUelt Sleeping Car for Fherman, Dallas, Corsicana, Houston and Oalveston; connects at i'orn Thniiplit I won Id Plsr it last month, at all , u" ".u V,' "VC; "Voi hazards. My husband was very glad when I A , th B, , I.. l,..rH llmt I had made the winning. 1 poww, aim " ,, iji.h,. uuess 1 will use a food deal ol the money on more lottery tickets "lllac'lc Henri.." A correspondent troubled with "black licads" asks for a lotion. Tliey should lie pressed out cither with the thumb imils or a watch key. 'I'lio operation is likely to cause sonio congestion of the skin, hence tho face should lie bathed with water as hot ns it can hn born. As n rule, those who have blackheads are (.paring of I he use of soap, which oujrht to be used quite freely by them. La dies who object to it might use instead, borax water, or water to which bran is added. Twico daily tho following lo tion tuny be applied: Ktlier, one ounce; carbonate of ammonia, 0110 drachm; boiucic acid one scruple; wntersufileieut to make two ounces. 'J his should be applied after tho "blnck heads" have been pressed out and the fnce hns been bathed iu hot water. lioslou Jlernld. It is better a man should be abused tlisn forgotten. Rmomlrance is the only paradise outot which we cannot be driven. The oldest man in tin world lives in Hun gary and is 121 years old. The Texas cotton crop this year is esti mated to b worth $84,000,000. Southern California eitlmates her honey crop at 2,000,000 poundi this season. Kalamsrio, Mich., expects to realiin $1,000,000 from its celery crop this year. Cslilornbv lent 3,500,000 pounds of honey to Europe last year. Utah has a colony composed of natives ol tin Hawaiian Islands. Buenos Ayres Is to have a world's fair. Bismarck hns Intimated to the pope that lie must not liave Koine. A new novel by Dumas ieexpected about Christmas. Mr. Marlon Crawford is described ae n man ol really profound echolarihip. The chrysalis i like a hired man; they both make the butter fly. The old bachelor who would alter his ways should begin at the altar. How to remove weeda-marry 1hc h,0', ... v A veeaal has been built at Belfast, Ire land, 68 feet long. car lor nouns in i'". of Mexico. Morning train from Kansas Citv runs solid to Parsons and Cofteyville, connects at Parsons with solid train car rying liuffett Sleeper for Denison, Ft. Worth, Waco Tayornnd Austin; also carrying Pullman liuffeLt Sleeper for Sherman, Dal las Coreicana and (ialveston via Denison. Beo Hint your tickets rend via Parsons and tho Missouri Kansns .t Texas railway. For tickets nnd further information apply nearest ticket agent, or correspond with .1. L. I "liberty, 'J raveling raesenger Agent, 402 Court street, Des Moines, la. The latest fad in bicycle breeches is in Jersey made goods. Send two cents in stamps to K. L. Lo mnx General Passenger Agent Union Pa cific railwnv, Omaha, Neb., and secure a handsomely bound copy of Outdoor Sports and I'ustiines, containing complete rules tor Lawn Tennis, Croquet and Case flail, free. Just, issued. Tho packers want tho senate to pull down its vest. Ask the catarrh BEST REMEDY FOB CHILDREN BCFFEBING FROM COLD in HEAD SNI FFI.ES or CATARRH. A psrttcle U sppllea Into seell nnltrll a d l a,jree 1,1,.. j'. cn ro cen at IiniRsn. n; by mall, rcRliicred, .uu.l. K ,V iltU tir.UO.IWl "mini a... ..." teas? aA iAY-FEVER KMttIur In rrom AO I 1H Hit.. For full desrrlpi ion ''r. Ovfo i Klcrtrii-O(ilvnlo Itvlls. Splnul AppUnnces. TruMMtuC losciet seurl 8c- fr rutti llliisirrsiccl psuiplill wlilcll M M MBt jou In piiB sele'lcnve)o. Sold only by tb anA wte-m a. inrtivftr fln 3Uti uud aos Norlh liroadway, St. ,otii.i, iiu THIS f OHIO THE GREAT TUBULAR WELL AND PROSPECTING MACHINE famouF for Bnooeedintir where other hare failed. SELF CLEAKIXQ. UriU 4 raps 00 1 M tiaiei CATALOGUE FREE. LOOMIS & HYMAH, TIFFIN. OHIO. tVWHte M iwbat wrkl . to. wtak to dswItkairaU aaaeliliic ALL ORDBB8 ril.LIEU PJlOMlTLr, Ms mm. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS 4(1 BCD CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. Bare ftul aiwayn n lishle. Lmalea. ask Drutfirlit for Diamond Brand, in , rrm, raeuiiuo Doxrt, scaled with 6i A ribbon. TstLeR no nthcr. AH niilsN io pastoboisrd boxc-t, pink wrappers. nr aunccrouMCouiiTcrri'lts. Kenn (Rtanitm) lor particulars, tesiimonttli aa4 "Relief fop rudlea," tn Utter, by retsm nail. Nam J'uner. ilebMtcr t hs'l t., BadlMB 8- PaUa., tfe rtnv ITnion Soaoand liiako a guess. our grocer about it to-day Hydrophobia itself is a sort ol dog daie. When Baby was nick, we jare her Castorla, When she was c. Child, tao cried for Castorla, When she bocamo Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she ge them Castorla, MOTHERS 1 .i CAC 'iiBKFi .rtTM lrtary s.irra n .nRTENs UHlLu sr LABOR LESSENS PAJN GtR TO LIFE or 1 DIMINISHES MOTHER"," .nanrinnnrcillATDR Cu. ATL brtfturiu-u iiff aiueaiSts. mn" l'ntalred Land. Abontft fifth of tho plobe's land snr faw, according to Professor Loomis, hits an animal rainfall of less than ten inches nnil a considerably law nrt ih too little water for agricultural pnr-i-oses except iu tho limited district hore irrigation ia practicable. In North America nn almost rainless re--ion exists in southern California and Arizona, and a large area about Slate luko has only ten inches of rain yearly. JIALiVS CATAURU CURE is a liquid i,l ie taken internally, and aete directly ,,,on Ihe blood and raucous surfaces ol tlie ,j stem. Send lor testimonial, tree. Bold S,F'7cHKNKY4CO,Proprs, Tell., 0 r Cnraitn f flTODATS.S SaaraalMS a tV I I aM SlrUun. " I I sre Mi; bribe I 'inuCaeBlNlfe. V oataVJ IMia I prescribe and fully en rloree Blr ; aa the only specific rorttiecertaiQCure nl tuis aisease. O.il.INURAHAM.M. D., Amaterdam, N. Y. W have sold Bl( G lor many yean, and II has Ktven me uni ui m.m- faetlon. B. R. DYCHK k CO., Cbleaco. HI. tl.00. Sold by Drugrlats. I pteo's Betnedy tor Catarrh I the Beat, Easiest to use, ana cd-i- n I Isold by druKslsts or sent by malL H. 1. liaxeiline, warnw, n. n fjfOLLKSaC. OMAHA BUSIJIE8J Tha Largest" and Beat liqulnped School la tfce Weat. Thorough Practical Department Send for College Journal. MUSIC IN THE AIR Hendnuartern for Hand Instrument. Drum Corm Outfit p, Accordeon. Violins, linn jo, MAndolInn, Gultnra. Zither, Iln.rmm.lcM. Strlnjsf for evtrf Instrument made. Full itock of Sheet Music, Mutlc Bookn. Hand nmi Urcliemra Munlc, Jtwna irutios. Instruction Hooks tor all Instruments. Any one send Iwr In nn order will reuetvo a copy of Music tries Write to in for prices nnd cnitilojcues. statlnff what kind of tjoods wimted. OiiimIih, Nell. DCMn OADCCIIM VI nL(iu unntruLLii The bent for &I1 mi r noses snd can he used In anr climate and for any kind of building. Will not lptt( rust or mt, win iaty() years as easy one. wirt rope and ftxtui'es. Hydraulic Tuhe Wella, Steam and Water Puinns. and Knit way Supplies. Correspondence solicited. Klrklohlno Knjcin erring and Sup ply Co., Room 509 First National Bank, Oman a, Neb. 7K 0ftC0Kn 0 A MONTH cunbe made i 1 3i'IU (fiUUiMsioridug for ut. Agents preferred who ran furnish a lioi-se and tfive their wliot time to the business. Spare moment may be prodtablr emploved 1jo. A few vacan;Le iu towns and olties. h. V. JOHNSON & JO., lUOVMatn St., KU'liiHond, Va. N. II. rienae Htate afft and business expurimius. N'sr eriuind about Bunding bUnnp tor reply. B- J)'- J. &Ou. JOHN W.HOHniS. Lute Principal Examinee; U.S. .Tension uureau, auj at Lnw, WatahiiiviOB. I. Cs Socreanlully rrofecnteii..iJ0F,nsT original, Incrpane, re-ratlnK, widows', cnlJdren 8 na deicndent relatives. Experience: 3 yrs. in la war, 15 yrs. In Pension Bureau aud attorney slnoe- PENSION l. (J., guceesalnlly. BASE BALL' CHADWICK'S MANUAL 7 In. x 5 In. 70 nniros. llliimiuiitnd ;over. CITaiT roCC on eppll ailin enclinlng one SCni f nCC ('.'c.) alamp. br HddlTnllllg. ' THEU. HOLLAND. P. U. Box 120. Phila.. Pi. Mfwanagwe CURES WHERE AU ELsTfAlLSL B0t!ougb Syrup, In time. 8ol Tastes vood. Sold by druevtate. fuittiiairtigm' A MONTH and more It earned by graduates who spent 6 months or I est, at the Col It re. Send address ot M friends and get circular and beauti ful s Dec t mens of nenmannhlD VUB. Boib wiea attend. Shorthand taught by nail. BClftEa COM.I!.R, Stcrllssg?, 1IL. !il . . . reiici i KICXER'S PISTIL LFS.rrk,.M,f.lrrnU. " W W . ' W UW.U'LM. Jt, f. A mra ItTUtti riirf for seinaw rta.l KM. CharlcMovn.lUa. IF YOU aa s BUB STtllT. Book-awplw. Penmanalilp, HOME AriUimeilc Slirlbaiil, e;e..tht.r. miahly taiwhttirnmll. Ixiw rales, nrciilarafrae. U lfvXWT'8 COIXBUS, til Main Bt.. ItulTalu, M. V, ia SS a Say. Samples worth S)t. IS I'R K K Lines not airier horse.' !. Wr'tebjew star Safety Rein Holder Co..Hollv. tw are oiii.'of ciniiiovnicm wrlto to us We niako Die flnn.t oularsed Oil Portralia la existence. Noeapital requlicd. Sample anil icrma free. N. XI. Friedman uo., ilartlniburg, Mo, lllfilf PCUCnV "'111 cure lVlooa" Folaon where IHAHIW litWtUI men ury falls. Owned and tor sale ony Ivy cKk Ueiuedy Co.. Oinnlia. Neb. Write. OPIUM W. N. U., Omalia,, aud easy cure. Dr. J. I Stephens, Lehaaea. Oale. 481--30. ATTosver, Waihlnftea n. c. will oet rou l'KNSION wlUMUldalar. $5 JOSEPHH.JH.UNTER, m We otter Uw mtt who mt WTka (not style! a garment that win a tea m m m m bbIbbB Itim dry in .. .... 1.T....I...I irm Lhree to nva dollars In a lubber Coat, and at his ant half hoar's eipcrlenes In a storm Units to his soimw that It li hardly a betwr eruteetlon than a moa- aullo nattlni, not oniy ie." "''"r B seas, aa It eetni so badly taken In, hut also fclilfVe does not look esaetlyjlke M im 111 called TOWKh's K1SI1 IIRAN1I " SLICK KR,' a nana familiar to enty Cow-eoy an orar in. wno. wiuiiHm the only perfect Wind sua Waterproof , Coat Is "Tower's fish Brand Slicker." tmka nn nllwr. If VOHf eilNelll SSSV ' iiilorthe-riSH IIKAND 'j"" ..""T" . 1 Tn.iL mi Simmon. St.. IVwIea. Meee.