The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 26, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
HAIRRISCflSr, IsTEB., SEPT. 26, 1889.
,3STO. 2
J w
Time Tablf.
r r A M. V. Rv., Pangr.
14 kv Harrison at 10:35 A. M.
CM leave Harrison at 2:51 P. M.
Langdon was in Harnson over
! L. O. Hull retnrn.d ihm n,i.. r
- Proprietor. '' business trip.
j It. Fislier was un on WmWu,!
t professional business.
ltt a'ay down at 'f"sa ATliomp-
good, native lumber for sale
llfcrv stable.
lt the best 5 cent cigar in town en
L 4 TIk""!"""
K rt-t the lowest prices in town go
C. Thompson's i-ash store.
Uh brown and white bread, rakes,
ad cookie at the restaurant
fwdown! down!! DOWN!!! at
Lmer hate and trimming, at tost,
iLoutznhiw-r a.
.li pounds of new "88 prunes for fl,
La & Thompson's.
I pnt. Those a rent prints at K
UTIwr1"' cat" store.
Lr. Victoria lawns, 5 cents )r
V north 11, at Rosa 4. TboniMon's.
.jSpoundsof rice for f 1, nt Rosa &
tpSOD S.
't forget to attend the dance at
fcwf hall on Friday evening, Oct 4.
4 dance will occur at Andrews mill
fnday evening. Oct. 4th. Every
jt invited to come and have a pood
IL T. 7rl kA wf,u in i, .1 .
and railed at this office.
Mr. and Mrs. Jolm R. Shepherd arrived
on Thursday to make 8ioux county their
future home.
C. F. Carlton is at home for a few
days, laving met with un accident at
w V tlt ,T T
rived home last Monday, having had
VerV Iileasant Irin
- i
F. F. Gray, White River precinct, was
in Harnson Friday and made an agreea
ble call at this office.
fl...-!.... r?.. j ... .
v imiicn viitive, ui tniuuwoou, was in
Harrison tlie last of the week at called
at Thr Jovrsal headquarters.
C. E, Holmes, cashier of the Bank of
1 . .... . ...m, Yllll-M IVUMIVII1U Oil
Monday liy the illness of friends.
Jti. 1 14H r wnu tin fpiilii A Info Hiuqp
precinct on Friday and (ailed and gave
un lutma -lull r M u. i Km f.4 inn
Robt C, Tally, of Cottonwood pre
cioct, was in Harrison on Friday and
made a pleasant call at our office.
Fred Morrison returned from Newcas
tle a h'W (lavs ago. He is highly pleased
with that place and expects to return iu
a lew davs.
John I'avis has disposed of his mail
Mule ami experts to make a trip to tl
new towns on the B. & M. extension i
the near future.
....... I .
teeirs halt Know ui (,''
M ami willl sure to ! on hand
I'mbr ev-n:nir, (Vtolwr 4th.
Tin familv nf flip iftllv lilncUyniil.h.
Mr. Truax, Mrs. Henry Snyder and Miss
Snyder arrived on last Saturday. Mrs.
I .T Hnvilor shinned on the wav to visit
... . '
I , . it ana win oe nere in a lew uays
Ln.ho have nttend.-d .lances at w.:. Jx
hall know what
i ing of the ntute W. C. T. U. She will
i slon at noints on the route home to
visit relatives ami irienus.
W. E. Patteraun. one of the proprie-
txirs of the HUKX COfKrV JOURNAL, of
Harrison. Neb., and an old time friend
of ye editor, made a short visit with us
Wednesday, lie was attending me en
mmnment of the Nebraska national
guanls at Beatrice. Liberty Jourrtiii
-CsnAidjttt for county offices Are can-
tmr Uie town and county to get solid
khthe pcditicians, and R-sa A Thorn p-
Uire riling 14 Khiia1 of evaponiteu
te for 1.
Man. Sauler welcomed his family
Loo 14 Saturday and also receiv-d
larload of stock, household goods and
VpkmenU ThusisBioux county le-
)KUled op.
C. L Tubbs has old the property
Ircutned by th blacksmith and wagon
Ibop to th parties who occupy it That
Mk that the newcomers have laiin in
te future of Harrison.
trtty wiblicAn who favor the
Woijatimi of the tmrtv on republican
i i
ainn un In attend the Hlruigni
kniliiicao mass convention at Harrison
rt Tuesday, Oct. 1.
-Hirw. the nholographer, Is getting
mud) work to do that he will remain
few days longer. If you have not yet
cured photographs of yourself and
The Journal is a day late this week
on account of some of it force having
heen absent, and a rush of business.
Send the names of your friends in
the East who wish to visit you, or who
are seeking new locations, to J. R. Bu
chanan, Oen'l Passenger Agent of the
Fremont, Elkhorn tc Missouri Valley K.
R. Co., Omaha, Neb., that he may tend
them information relative to the "One
Fare Harvest Excursions," which occur
September 10th and 24th, and Oct 8th.
Report of the Meeting of the County
central Committee.
The following is the report of the
meeting of the county central com
mittee as furnished by the secretary:
The republican electors of Sioux coun
ty, Nebraska, are requested to hold their
nrecinct nrimnrv nlwiinn WoilnamLtT
October 2, 1889, for the purpose of elec
ting delegates to a county convention to
be held in the court house in the village
of Harrison. Neb., on Friilav. thn 4tl
aay ni uctoner, iw, at the hour of 11
a. m.
Said convention will nut in nomination
for county offices, nominees for the coun
ty offices following in the order named;
County Clerk.
County Treasurer.
County commissioner, 2d district.
County Commissioner, 3d district
County Sheriff.
County Judge.
County Superintendent of Public In
County Surveyor.
County Coroner.
And thereafter the election of dele
gates to the state convention, and the
elect ion of a county central committee,
and to transact such other business as
may properly come before said republi
can countv convention of Octoler4, 1889.
The several precincts are instructed to
hold their primaries to select delegates
on the day above mentioned (Wednesday,
Octolier 2). at such hour ol tne uay anu
at such place as may be designated by
the committeeman in the call posted lor
each precinct. All those who have not
taken part in any previous primary or
convention this vear. and can afliliute
with the republicans for the selection
and election of good and efficient officers,
that wholesome government may le as
sured, are invited to attend the prima
ries and assist in the selection of dele
gates to the republican county conven
tion. The several precincts are entitled to
representation as follows, based on the
vote cast for Presidential Elector Hast
ings at the last general election, giving
one delegate-at-large for each precinct
and one for each ten votes anu major
fraction thereof:
A Word to the Wise is efficient. "
We have a laree and comnlete stock
of General Merchandise, and desiring a
share of your patronage we have made a
great reduction in prices in order to
make room for our fall anu winter goods
such s worsted dress goods, flannels,
gloves, mittens, woolen liose. tobosnns.
hats, caps, etc. AVe have made prices
on our summer eroods so that vou can
well afford to buy now and save at least
one-lialf on some things. Now is your
time to buy. Come ana secure a oar
gain. Rosa & Thompson.
i ' - -1
New Road
Boggy Items.
Fine fall weather.
Miss Crane teaches the Boggy school
and the attendance is good.
Bowser and Bud "Watson talk of going
to Newcastle on the B. & M. to kill beef.
The boom of that town is all tle craze
here now. Several are going tliere this
week to get work.
Mr. Price is still improving.
T. Hollv has built a hosr house, he in
tends to keep up with the country.
There is only one way to get to the
divide up Boggy and that is through
gates or go to Crawford. Murphey and
Storey have joined fences and Stopped
the mad so t lat makes a suueal.
The new saw mill for Boggy has not
arrived vet.
We understand that W. Corcoran is
comintr back to Sioux countv in October
and that several new families will ac
company him. His brother is coming
also and will improve his claim by the
addition of a fine frame house.
Will load direct toltiie ianco Supply house, Harrison, Nebraska,
Without Change of Cars,
-Where you will And the -
Largest Stock of General Merchandise
In tb county,
n,n Wrtmiin'a Christian Temperance
tu jiiiuLUntjim ui
kmii. ; ;- t. :ninM.t A nt TWtn mcl, at the usual hour.
mamj iv IJ IAJ VUUI lillffl CV W " ' V
lt He will not remain long. Mrs. Unsworn neing cun.,u
. . i... i..4 ,Iiiiiwict of our local
-ne are in receiptor a neat price oni sign uik nuj.... j
o H carried by the enterprising j Jjemorest prize medal contest Durel"
ii 4 i i i r,fii ,.ii.r .- was e ecteu w mi "
'aChristensen, of Cluulron, The list
Hod arc
Hvo rolnts
Hut Crock 2
ljwcr UunniUKwatcr
Montnwc I
Wliitii lilvcr i
lPtten un in a neat book form and a
Vmtoot iMgcn left blank for memor
One dav last w-k four families
ram n on the same train, bringing cne !
Mrs. Jennie T. Weir was appointed a
delegate to the fstnl convention which
mw!ts at Norfolk on the 1st of October.
The following resolutions of condol
etH were tendered to Mrs. M. I. and Ida
P amount of household gocsls by to-! HTmwi. It has pleased " '
N fmght At that rate it will not be! Ruler of Hen ancl eart I I call very
m until Sioux county will be pretty I Tx,7 ,nd Mii 0. W. Hester, thereby
... .. il. Lrf. nf our S1S-
I great v aiiucung v
! bZ ,iCn a,ui Ida Hester, be it
IK! O ,
j ,Uf ,.ralmon UO liertr
Hi I Kttlw) nn
ftncral rustling around among the
rplanda good deal of preparation
tli country has over most parts of
Mmola and that is tliat the settlers
go and get fuel without having to
up good, hard cash for It
-When in need of dental work the
f'ple of this vii-initv Will a sure to
Wgood work by calling on t.r. J. 8.
", at Cliadron. He uses all the
kt imnrnvxl nwil,J mntfrial and
trumenU and g-uarantees satisfaction.
A fwiiber of Thk Journal firm gave him
trwl recently and knows whereof he
bSeTV urdSSrsour tender
es and most sincere sympathies in h
loss of their son anu nruu.. , -h7n
to the great Comforter of the
wVknoiigUmt only God can help
them bear their sorrow,
toomi, that this expression of our
tiers for publication.
1 C. P. Oris wold, ) committee.
J. T. Wki, i
ontral Commltlm Meet.
As per call the central committees of
A8 I- . .. ! H.minn on
both political parties me. -
. Tha dfimocratic committee
n M Friday eveninjf the Drst of a! . n..rt v.nuse and the repubh-
of coiiWUg for the emo"1'8 1 one at the HeraiJ) office.
r- loeuais occurred at the cnurcn, un
auspices of the W. C. T. U.
laJ"ma ' hold a conven
The lauer . .
tion and the number of delegates decided
ul as will be seen by the call publish
elsewhere in The JOURNAL.
. (im a delegation from
At aooui' mi , ,
.. , .tin mmittee came in and
L .. , .,ncl to the bcsly as-
"em: ...... ventlon and wislied a
not to uoiu v..-
"mmittee appointed to confer with a
like committee of democrat - --
a. iu. riiimueu. vii
w I
'"K wen di oAniiiantu in the class
laatt iiiKIlM fit THK
The efforU of all were good
t the clone tha raault of the j udges'
"twd eav tha iiitriWt cumber of
Nt to Minn Fil.n iuMrle and the
was awarded to Iter. The next
Wwt will take place at tlie church on
Friday evening Cktober 4th. A
deal of intermit is being manifested
k Um. , . i . i A ..lil and
' .w iwunm. mn vriiinir hihj uiu, 1 .
I -ii ciuiuov oui db ubiiih- 1 committee 01 u mu" "i i .
'U imulttU the young to make an ef- j . t dero0cratic committee and
cfcfttfih-. S, . tK. rt of el-1 'rw,M a ci was issued
km and will furol-h the people an tin. following remarkable
"nifof entertainment of a flned
ui,. ,. . i....rd i . u.,-nnt taken nart in
in reciiauon r hii-.t those wnu " . .hi
2 - -r-SSLT afflTSS
(j very pieaaing '"" ii utlection and election
.uirounuing country win un - m KOvernineni uj .,iHt
k..-:.L "......ndUieDriiiianesandasssi
- - I 111. II .V . . 1 . U I 1 . . 1
Tntsil number of delcRatcs
The following was passed:
The republican county central com
mittee of Sioux county, Neb., at a meet
ing held in the office of the Sioux Conn ty
lUrald. at Harrison, Neb., on the 20th
day of September, 1889, tike the oppor
tunity to extend its hearty congratula
ions to Hon. W. H. McUxnn, recently
appointed register of the U. S. land of
(Ice for this northwest (Chadron) land
The hour and place of holding till pri
maries will be specified in the call posted
Anteloiie precinct, at the house of
Geo. W. Cobb, at 2 o'clock, p. m.
. nt ivincb of J. (.
liouarc preciin l,
Morris, at 7 p. m.
Bowen precinct, at the court room, t
7 p. m, ...
White River precinct, at school house
in school district No. 1, at 4 p.m.
Cottonwood precinct, at Umonville
school house, school district No. at
2 p. m.
Hat Creek precinct, at ranch of C. F.
fVCToa at 7 11. HI.
T-.:.. T..:4a nrAfinc t. at school house
rive lumw
in school district No. 5, at 2 p. m. I
Warbonnet precinct, at ranch ol a. d.
Andrews, at 7 p. m.
Running Water precinct, at rancu m
A. McOinley, at 7 p. m.
It is further ordered that the cna.r-
man of the county central committee
act as temporary chairman, and tne sec
retary of tlie county central com... i
act as temporary secretary u. u
ty convention. ,
It was also ordered inai i""-" - t, the convention except such
.... ...
Uare held by persons residing in the
precincts from which proxies are
Chairman Rep. Co. Central Com.
R. W. Windsor,
Secretary Rep. Co. Central Com.
Carriage Painter.
Having fitted up tlie large building
just back of the Hai-rison, is now
prepared to take care of all work in his
Can do any and all kind of carriage
and wagon work.
At Prices as Low as the Lowest.
No shoddy goods Every thing first class.
i . .
No old stock New goods continually arriving.
Call on us when in town and we will give you a.SQUARE DEAL ,
Jones Verity.
We have recently strengthened
the firm by the admission to part
nership of Chas. E. Holmes, one of
north west Nebraska's ablest law
yers, who will pay special attention
to law and land practice. We shall
continue to make the very best
terms on farm loans, and invite all
to confer with us before signing ap
plications with other parties. H
you need insurance on your build
ings, want to start a contest, or
make entry of government land,
come and see us at the old corner.
Wm. Christensen,
Wholesale and Retail
To Loan
Reidy & Pollard,
part in Uw xn iMi. aa tlwy
tl iu nn thine Harrison needs and
i it ivwl and that is a harness shop.
mu i- nn oirellent opening for an hai-
ness-maker and a place where harness
could could be repaired or new nu..
could be purchased would be greatly ap
preciated by the people. ".u - -our
readers get some friend who is a
harness-maker to come here ana go
About 6,500 sheep were loaded at
rr......i tho first of the week. They
Van liinnci v.. - --
belonged to parties living in Fremont
i,n n.irchasea in vmuuu
a.H. HUM i. i .
driven most of the distance from there
here. There is one place on tne u. .
railroad where no water can be got for a
long distance and the sheep were shipped
across that They go from here to Chicago.
A large and well selected stock
at prices to suit the times. Agcnte for
Cliadron, - Neb.
i a;
i if
jjw to all and not can attend without
jn tlie selection o. "'"W"-"
" . .l..l..,nltMB TO LI1U w