A i iieir location ndcon- (L about as wt-ll known by to do with them an C .. -ere exnotwd to view tjre diHtance. It ban Wn ptoinTrott.thewril-knowu man, that he knows lb & and valU-js, lanes and f the ocean as well as u Uows the streets ol London. tin, Atlantic on one oc nth bis repair steamer, and that he was in the vicinity L where a stretch of cable ioti by another company'n rWm time previous, thecap Birork, picked up the cable sbotir or two, and delivered Towners on his arrival in jre nre now throughont jjowr llfl.000 miles of sab '!,!, with nearly 125.IMM) ' eonductors. All cables nre -Jon lenvinpr the factory. Bt nn Bhipbonrd, the shii's ,n is in coimlant communi ,ith the shore throuph nil Moa the ship. The slightt wdetected jHt as soon ns it U water, l'a.vinpr out is itn- Grstopjied, ami the cable re- Yoa could not see a jimnoie atsolation, but it can Ik? lo athe tine testing instruments, -.1 ..I .... ,,f n tar, WKIIIU II i)Uiini v,i n a the entire st retell ol .',uijii uide from ciecincai consui- Wit is llievel that armor or futected wires nre necessary taction from chafins on t lie Mid from Hie teem oi me .i . t 1... I . , ana Hie emmr lit m urn- fctbe i " exception, i n- ire been tn ken lip irom a rfamile nnd u halt Willi the Itoverinc inwiy eaum uwa.v, la depth ol over half a mile rnrrents o( the ocenu hnvo the iiniuireil wires on me hnttom. Kxnerience has not Lrmiiwl the full Innting qiiali- rfek'tric cables, hpeeitnens ym taken up which show no Wdeteriorntioii alter Having the wnter for more than fcre venrs. nnter, nnu es- h anlt water, seems to be a fcipr of insuiutinK compounds. Stringc rhenomena. maKiniiiL'K of the romancers krainnndnpiin leen in time Vl by the discoveries of the sci and if the Oriental idea, that Jhte can be liuir il unless it re nt somewhere an existence, be supfxwd to have any foun- b, it is to Ik; expected that in many more of the wonders of OB will !e brought into t ho wofsolicr fact. twin point is afforded by nn rimetit tried at the hospital of Sdpetrew. A subject having thpnotizetl, the physician con- ?z the experimenS trace! hi upon the patient's nria with a pprol', savins' to him: Mftenioon at, 4 o'clock you to sleep and blood will then from your arms to the lines ve now traced." iabject tell asleep at the hour and the letters appeared tip arm in reliel, marked with It red and lure and there with te drop of Wood. The same nt was subsequently heard, in a fctaneous attack of hysteria, to pnnd hia arm to bleed, and the was tiemorrhaire reappeared. etrantre nhendmena recall. also extdain." 'the lilwdinir stiirma which ''n repeatedly observed in the ttof relii'ions pratnrv ulin hnvo w.j ... . . v - io uieumtlves the passion ot it might he ndded that they p. if one could assume that juwt f1 ero liecessnrv. the bold mwgof Hawthorne in having a 'AnntKllr imnn tlio l,rniinl. of Uiinmesdnle irom intense ? over the badire of shame. Pint is not otto which in the M"t the value of the story, oi a certain curious interest. to Uiirier. j Uarnusnatlj Short Same. 1!y fact came to liarht recently ,fp&itration of tho birth ol a "he happy father was aaked aiden name of his wife, to answeriw i I B," ! 74. ho 7. or how?" t li m .,1 .. Tk It h 1 ' J U. p cannot be. B is only an Mot a name." ll the name my wife ever "iihe married me. Neither oy of her lamilv have ever '7 other i.ame than iuat B. more or Im." ? onld hardly have had less, examination of the records F that they had really never Beyond doubt the B I wan the shortest name in Pwhap in the world. Only nam ol equal brevity is tad tht ia ttva name of a boot fifteen miles from Per- the Hamline, there ie jwared inhabitant. The or- name ofTto unknown, oaldb cariow to Inveeti ,f Oflcin ol the jpatronymlo of ,lly.Paria Letter in Nash- ,--ncan. - iir famine, lr. Felix O ahl, in a recent am do m a medieal journal, ahows that mty-rlve out of a hundre.l white chil dren die befure they comjdete seven year of life, but he asserts that hardly five of that number are born with perms of on early death, and that two-thirds of the remainder perish from want of lire-air. It is too commonly assumed that a child' lunps are too weak to stand ordinary fresh air. to jml-e by the Dreeautions that are taken to'shut up every possible avenue through which pure air cau enter a room in which it is kept. There is perhaps no subject pertaining: to hygiene up on which parents and nurses act so iprnorantly, or so pertinaciously re fuse to tie instructed, as in this vital necessity of fresh air to every human beinjr, youns or old. sick or well. It is all the inure needful to the deli cate child or the ailing adult than to Others, if that is conceivable when it is ho certainly essential to the health of all. The abuse, however, is more iiotieeable in the cane ot young chil dren, nnd infants especially, who are entirely under the controfof others in the matter, and suffer from their lack of judgment orfatally misdirect ed prudence. I ir. Oswald remarks: "l'oysin knee-breeches often man age to reined v the evil bv dial strategy, while th'ir pett icon ted juniors have to stand the brunt of paternal infatuation. Hverv form of I disease is aggravated by the influ ence of impure air." Human beings cau live a long time without food, but without air they cannot live si minutes. Their vitality is propor tionally diminished by the lack of pure air, and the substitution ol air thiiVis vitiated nnd inadequate to supply the sustenance required from it. One cause of mischief in this di rection is the confusion in many minds oi the relations of heat and cold to Hire or impure air. Rooms nre shut up tightly to keep in the heat, nnd Mome economical but ob tuse people cannot possibly see the use of having a warm fire with tho window or door open. It, looks to them like a pine of extra vagance, und "If you want the door open what do you want a fire for?'' seems to them n question incapable of rea sonable answer, llenceair-fatnine is not alone inflicted on babies, but is frequently made to curse the individ ual nnd the family through life. Good Housekeeping. Imliati.Ma r olo, ! 1. ... b-.wiT 11 V011 of ' known n A, at eUar'"-u r. It s well SuK i " ""'.:1""te w"8l"-s of i aL""1 isure to the m0f nunuoam result in a very aa- 'meiW.l f ur.ou:5 "t a more rupid Pearuuce hug h;n het.n a deU-ralnm. j K , u found that thin mar l,e nccom- ioh,. bvf ni""erhi"" '"ticl. ama " , ' " 0f"'? I'l,rt l'crcl.l.ai.ly of iron I ntnopm-ts of water, the tone lcqir- , "iStiwkl8 w it la lenirtli nf or tile muteriulH i,,, v l, i...a...i' :.. .'. roiig M.lutiou of niiruta of copper. It ? found practicnlde to insure tho desired effect by inmierain- tl.t articles in a aolittn.u ot two ounces of nitrate of mm fuel the ,IWe qtity of hvposul I'lnteof soda ia half a pint of water, aiyiiiRand buriiisliiiiL' completiuj; the l'rocet,a.-ew York Telegram. tint Their Money. 6Tinuih .Ca.) Sen. Ai.uu.l SO. Tli In. kj liulder in this citj o! the two one-twentieth tickets which hit the Louie ina State Lottfrj at the August drawint lor J15.000 enh have received their mon and are $:iO,0U0 better oil than they were two weeks aso. Ileputy Jailor Joe Kin. hlev held (.ii-twentielh ot the lucky ticket No. 87,b:i5, and Mis. Florence M. Kitche, win, in now at Clark's Mills, nn the Savannah, Florida and Western railway, held the other one-twentieth. This is not the first lime that fractions ol the i-npital prize have been drawn in pairs in Kavan wuli. Three years ago $:i(l,i(l()weredrawn at one drawing on two Iinctional tickets. In the lust lew years close to $1110,000 have been drawn in Haviininih thr uili the Louieimia rilate Lottery in larije prizes, to eaj nothing iibout the smaller prizes which have been drawn. Mr. Kinchlcy s ticket wns collected throiih ll.e Merchant's Na tionul I'.ank, and Mrs. Roche received lier money through the Koiithern Kxpreds Company. This is the nmnid lottery prize tint Jailor Kimhley has drawn Mtisyear. About six niontl hl'o he dr'-w 5 5 000. A colored mini a t AHmny. It,i., bus served nn less than twenty-one terms in jail lor tigh' inj. How widow. Tli llenalaaaaro f ua yum, After a lou interval, a long period of "Klect, lh, year 18-."J saw a revival iu U' taste for IiuiB. , Jt chanced that a rfuit ball was prepariu" at the Tuiler which several "eostuuie quad nilea were to be danced. Mine, la Lhiehesse do Bern had undertaken t., Si t up a I.ouis XV quadrille, and was ekiup: ererywhete lind sought everv wl'ere iu vain for fans of that period, "iiddenly some one remembered bavins seen some old fans in the shop window "t a lerfiinier named Vanier, who lived m the line Cauinaitin. Vauier bad col- ctea old funs for sinoe t.imp ioa teur. His fans were taL-Mi to !. i,l. w-e; in the- quadrile they created a! furor and were all purchased. The inicliesso de Berri 8 ball beeau the ren- niKSnnce of the fan. T Harpci's Magazine. It not above being taught by a man, take his good advice. Try Dobbin's Electric !ap next Monday. It won't cost much, and you will then know for yourself just how good it is. Be sure to get no imita tion. There are lots ol them. Thechrysnlis is like a hired man; they hoth make the butter fly. with a .ui: r FLommi of trumpets it is announced by Eastern papers that an "Elixir ot Lite" has at last been discovered by Dr. Brown Sequarrt, a French physicinn, and wonder nre claimed to have been achieved by its use. Be that as it may, Tnos. Kennedy, more than fwenty years ago distilled trom certain Knots and Herbs, alter a recipe inherited from Capt. Kennedy of tlieEnst India Co.'g service, a Tonic, ever since known ns Ken nedy's East IndU Hitters, whichhave done more Rood to miuerinchumanity than pro bably the new French discovery ever will. They are made from the finest Hpirits and guaranteed absolutely pure bv Messrs. Her it Co , who nre now sole mauutucturera of those Bitters. Atlantic City saloons are called ets'1 because ot the spiritB therein. 'cabin to remove weeds marry the K 4S AS II V A I l;x AS SHOUT 1.1 Ml! The days of miracles nre past." That may he, and yet some of the most wonde ful things ever witnessed by the human lamily have occurred within t:.e last de csde. Not the ica.t of these wonders is the success which the ngenls ol 11. F. John son ,t (V)., Itichoiond, Va., are meeting. Write them for particulars. They will show you how to work wonders. No rare Jfa Par It i a pretty severe teat of any doetor' skill when the payment of hi tee is mada conditional upon bia curing bis patient. Yet afUr having for many years. olervd the tbouaands of marvelous cures effect ed in liver, blood and lung diaeaaes, by Dr. Pierce' Golden Med'tal Discovery, lU manufacturers feel warranted in aelling it, as they are now doing, through all drug-' gists, the world over, under a certibcate of positive guarantee that it will either bene fit ur cure in every case of disease for which they recommend it, if taken in time and given a fair trial, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. Torpid liver, or 'biliousness," impure blood, akin erup tions, scrofulous sore and awellings, con sumption (which ia scrof da of the lung), all yield to tin wonderlul meoicine. jh both tonic or strength -retorio, ana alter ative or blood-cleansing. Chronic Naaal Catarrh poaitively cured by Dr. 8age' Kennedy. 50 ceuta, by druggist. New Jerrey's annual crop of oyster i valued at $2,000,000. For two two-cent stamps we will send you one ol the handsomest almanacs iu the country. "Homestead," Omaha, Neb. Speaking of detective, isn't the sun a great ehadower? Queen Victoria bn been appointed to the command ol the First Dragoon Guard ot Berlin. SURE ,..J?'i CURE. CURES PERMANENTLY NEURALGIA. Intense Tain in Face. Little Rapids, Wis., March 2, 18SD. My wife suffered with fuch Intense neural pic pains in the face; she thought she would die. hhe bathed her face and head with bt. Jacobs Oil, and it cured her in four hours CAKL SClltlBE. At rmrooi-TS and Dbaixh?. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER CO.. Baltimore. UC. EVERY FARKEfl livmo- at a distance from a phyaicU 6bou"d at all times be prepared to treat such common but by no means simpl complaints aa Uiarrliaea, bus and Cramps. Tho Best Remedy for such disorders is Perry Dri Pain-Killer, which never fails to afford relief. A single dose will do more to drive away pain and promote the natural action of tho stomach than uj remedy you ever tried. The virtues ol PAIN-KILLER Hyins on Hoard Otoan Steamer, Every atmimur wliirh eutors or lenves Now York altouM tie provided with the niTi-HPiiry ici boxes nud oth er accommodation; lor keeping tbo rernninfl of jMinsengers vvll ,iie en route, and the letter hIiouM be f-""-veyed to port nnd delivered to those who have tho right to dinpose of them. Even if the pitHxmigertnea on the tii;t iliiy out, Imh rem. linn Hlionhl he kept. The running tiine of tin? limjofily Ol Rteiitnerspiyuig uei.v,i.-.-ii New York nml Kngluud or Fniiice.is Heven or eight days. Some of tint (iei-nmn lines require from twelve to fi!tin dnvrt, but their obligations to land their pnaHetiger, I""1 or n,ive nre jimt it8 great as thow of the coin pnn"ien which make quicker time. I c ould cite n number of harrowing ca-M which hhow the inhumanity ot the diatom of tmriiil tit nea, but every reader can form a notion of how he would feel if informed that his mother, brother or sister, whom he awaited on the pier, hud died cn the vewl and had been wrapped in a winding nWt and dropped into the engulfing waters. Coupled with the horror ol such news is the ag gravated consciousness thatthecup tuin and his ollicers have owr-Http-ped the bounds of duty m thus dis posing of the remains of one whom the Irf-rcft person would rather see denl than not nt all. There is nn intenselv gloomy sentiment in me fact that our friends-those whmn we most love and cherish-are HHmg nameless graves. And it ; is hejond recom'iliation to think of them an chored to the nouom o. ... . the bait of marinescaveiigers.-.' on Mead in tho Epoch. The FIhi1 Curo Tor ltal(lr.es. In a letter received yesterday r.y Dr. M. Marbury, residing at the cor ner of Independence avenue nnd Lo cuat street, this city, is related nn incident which is indeed marvelous, and, coming directly us it does, is beyond nil doubt true. The letter is from Mr. Frank Marbury, a cous in o Dr. Marbury, who is just recov ering from a frightful experience in a. Ti.r..fn flood. For seven lomr hours he battled with the wa for his life. Every hour seemed lr. lie was rescued Vtn .llUftourf, KuiiM A' Toxiim llnll W;i), nnd lroiiM I'nlliiiwii IlitftVIt &lrln: I'll - Dully llclween liiiiiNita Ur nnd Hie I'i Iim lnl ( lllen 'l The MisHouri, K nnnid (t TexHH rnilwny via the KansiiH City A' I'm-ilic diviHinn toid 1'nrKone, is absolutely tho Hhr.rt linn to leiueniid llexico. Kveninu train from KannHnCitv Inn Pulliiinn Pnhice Burf-tt Sleeping C'n.8 to Pamonp. llenison. Fort Worth, Whco, Taylor, Aimtin nnd Sun Antonio without change. t'onnecte nt. Purnoiiii with Pullman IiutlL-tt Sleeping tar lur Bliernian, UhIIbh, ('oi-nicna, llountou and (jnlveetnn; connectn at Kort Worth with pleeper for Pacific coaat point, nnd at Han Antonio with uleepini; car (or point in the Hf public of Meiico. Morninj truin trnm Kiiiirhs City runsaolid to Pareon and t'otfey ville, com. ectx fit. Paraona with enlid truin car rying Iiullett sleeper tor DenieouJ't. Worth, Waco Tayorand Austin; hIho cHrrying P.illiniin BuIIrtt Sleeper lor Shernmn, Dul- lna, Coraicanu end (iiilveKton vie. l.lenison. See thut your ticketHread via 1'iimon and the Mieaouri Ktinan it TexftH railway. I'or ticket nnd furl her iiitorinntion apply ni-ereet ticket gnt ir c-orreepond with ,1. L. IJaiigherly, Traveliua PiieHenger Agent, 402 Court street, lie lloinee, Ia. One of the Hic,n olautumn: "Tiikelloniu a Fry iu a Ilox. 'I lie I!' -I Vet. In adililii.il to I lie nriciiild Pining Cur Service bciwceii Ciium-il lluff-i and ih-nver. the Union Pucilic, "'J'he Overlmid Route." will on Sundi.y, August lSth. and duily tliereiillT, run Dining Car between Coun cil llliiifn ami Perth. nil. Ore., on "The Overland Flyer," leaving Council Iilulla at 7:55 p. tn., Omaha b:lo p. in. These car are models ol excellence, and the beat meal the market affords will be furnished at 75 centa. Time is money. Some cur conductors beat time. Alxuwliirl nuicliei frceionrookcnof 'TanalU'i! Fundi" 5c. Clg.. Tha orisinaT"nlckle in-the-slot machine" wa the bob-tail CHr. The eluir ol lile did not live much longer than ''The Quick or the Dead." Fend two cents in stamps to E. L. I.o mux, fieneral PnHnengr Agent Union Pu cilic rnilwny, Oniiiha, Neb,, and eeritrc n liiiiidKomely bound copy of Outdoor Spoiis nnd PiiHtimes, cotit n ining complete rules lor Lnwu Tennis. Croipiet and Base Itnil, Iree. .lust isHiied. 9re not confined to the human it Is used with equal success either ex ternally or internally for HORSES CATTLE. It cures Lameness. Sores, and Cute, while for Colic it is tho best remedy ia the market. Sold by all Druggists at 95c. 50c rrf jl.00 BOTTLE DR. OWEN'S ELECTRIC BELT AND SUSPENSORY. PATEHIIOAUC. 16, 1887. IMM0VE0JULY30, 1889. no nwrwa ST-ECTSO- MliAU, GALVANIC BODY KIT rfiSttsjJKJH AND SUSPENSORY Euurftnte-d to eurff tb W lowiue diseawi. Damcl;: All i-MRheumatio Complawta. iLumbaeo. General u( Nervous Debility, Ooa tivpnA.s. KidncvDiaeaae a?",.,- Ncrvousn' an, TremtiliBf, ' ' Beiual Eihaution..'Wt--( lur of Body. .Diaeaaa lf InJiscretioTis in Yov.th, Ate. .VT cleLif. ln factall disease, pcruunin. nfl or Fin .v.- nr arc til La! orculS Ot Biaiu ' ic'"' C7 liT TO KKSTOSSIBI. P4R IOS ON SO B1JS TKUU BIG f ITOl DAT. W I E3 ardonlybytb. I D ;w lUTuiCttDlaaOa. X JA Ol TKa mWiJ mmmm& ism, m HE MONEY FOR G':HTS! MISS 'HtM i: W II.I.AHU W laU'Bt anJ bent book "(;ilmiie of Firiy "ara, lu'lni! her autolilonraiihy nnd (ilnUir ot theW. I . U. Oreale.t Heller lnee 'liraiita M molr.." lt author in the mint remarkable and best known wnmnn "t the present rtav. .... AA aiacw TIIREK MOTIIN. i.vi; jiiiknt REi'ours n rinsT hat, anutheii W Fl iist wi:i!K. Any WOMAN can make fill I'KB Ml . No experience, neceasury. No amull iiubllnliera or cer.eral aKcntu can get this book. or KXCLL'UVB ti-nitorv nn-l lihernl TcrmH wrilo AT once to II. J. iMITIIAL'O., awoearborn St., Cbleago. Tiiv a pair ok ci cpTDin iue.ni fc""1s,.- no OWEN'S LLUUI IHU BUVI.I.M.I End . T" ."or FI lllu.tr.wl p.m,l,let, .lilcH will. rai jou Id rlaln .enlcd envelops. Mcou,n till. pa,r. .ddr. 0WN ELECTEIC BELT ft APPLIANCE CO. 306 Worth Broadway. BT IOUia. KO. RUPTURE ! ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSS COMBINED. I nreBrribP and fully en don Bit? ii as the only Rpeolf1; lur the certain cure df thiH dlspatie. . O, Il.lJSUKAIfAM.M. Amsterdam, IN, V. We have sold Tiig G for many years, and It lias a"ivpn tlio best oi Batit " faction, D. R. DYCHK4CO., (.'htcaiTo, 111. 1 81.00. Bold by Druggists. MATRIMONIAL. Big Package of Photos km rail written rtcicrlptioui" (inolml ing rcsideucei) of rcipulilo ldiei wlio want U correipoinl for fun or matrimony, wnt in plain sealed envel ope fi-roiily II) U. Mfiy of our lady Diemljerii are beautiful and wealtbj. Give full detcrlplion of yoursclfaad ft clear il'a of (lie Indies with wbom jou wlh t rorreiond. Address, UCI DUWH 697. CHICAN. IU. i i i . ' i" ; s ma m vhw m J, f Ith Dr. Thi trass ll f rout can b n mblnec will CUM. fP ISRAEL'S tt rrimnrtT.VATaTn TRTJS8. Owen'i Electrio Belt Attachment. V wvurn it Ki tiuae nun coiuini i. " niRde mild or siroiiit. Thin I theonly ... an oi .1... Knr full disKrtnlloB of Dr. Owcb s Electro-Galvanic HeUs, Splniil AppHai TniwswJ lnscles send tec for vhkk Hlustrated immphlct which. 1411 M cat jou In p'atn sealed envelope. Sold only by tba 0WM ELECTRIC BELT ft APPLIANCE 00. . ncn nnii :ius North Itroadway. fit. LonU, Mo lur til I III-. Kmi"". This town ia one ol Ilia iiifRl promiainj in Kauaoa, located on the Union Pacific llailwny. It ia a diviBin station (it that road anil hai iliviaion ahop. round hoime nnrieatiriK atalion. Mill hihI lactoricsiire priuging ii nml it ia becoming ft thriving place, in tlie initial, ol a proaperoua furmini! region. Jt ia a liralthy place and llie soil and cliniato nre excellent. AlhertWrtod roolc General Land Cnininiaaioner 11. I . Bv.,' Oinnlia. Neb., or I.emy S. Winters, land and Kiriig. At. U. f. Uj- A veaael fiH been built at Bcllnat, Ire land, GSJ leetlong. ters for his life ttdnv. but at Miaaisrti Old Ticket will S. HAIIVICNT Kxn i:olONi. 5. Via ll,. WAliA.SK LINK to MiHKOiiri, ArkaniKS, Texn. TiMineee, T ..nluiunn. IT MALI-' I'AIIH. I,a aold Aiicuat Otli i.n.1 'Julh, .heplember lOlh nnd 2 tlli, and October HUi. Ror.il lor ISO dnva. Jlcn.eniber Hie Uttbi.sii i the diiiikeal route aonth with eleannt reclniin ,hnir.ind fulliiinn Uullet ale,-plii! cur on all train, i'or ticket and further tutor- niation rail on or writn U. N. t.LAVToN, N. W. P. Agent. Io02 lar- liain atrcet, Oinnlia, Neb, The old bachelor ho would alter hi way should begin at the altar. When Baby we rick, we rre her CastorU, When die was a Child, cao cried torCutorta, Whe he bocamo Mto, tie clung to Ciwtorla, When cb had Children, ahe gve tnem Castor!, CARTER'S PS ITTLE I PILLS. ro-.liivry'iir'l h) liai'jwc IJUir TIipv alwo relievo Dip-I trfst (rum DyHpppMa,.!! feAtinir, A tiorffn-t rem I oily for nizxinf1HH,NaMKe;i lJi'0WKine-is, Bad TaKt-l In the Mouth, Coated! ToTigue.Pam in Hie Skte.l TUHIHD IJVKH." They rejjulato the BowelB, rurwlv Vccetable. Price 25 Cents; gliJJIfeU PllPf? WHFRF ill HSt hAltS. HefitOouKh Syrun. Tastes good. TJae in time. Hold l.y driusirixta. a CHADWICK'S MftNUAL in. I n ill. 70 li'iiros. Iltiiiiiiiateil t;over. SENT FREE ao iami. I.v iiililnwalug, TIIEu. HOLLAND, P. 0. Box 120, Phila., Pa. iSE BALL'" CARTES JITTICI1IE CO., NEW YOiK. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. A MOXTII and more la earned ty Krailuulea wlio HfCnl li months or lesa at the ColleKC. Mend address ol il friends and set circular and beiiti lul apeclniens of penmanship rllKK. ti,,in aex.'S attenn. rsnoiumnu u,uf UVStHKi fOI.I.F.r, Slerlln. 111. The I.nrp?eat niirt Host Unnlpped Scliool In to West. Thorough Practical DepartinmL - Send for College Journal. 9 GaRMCNTS CURNTCtO TO WIT PERFECT WITHOUT TVinCON. FREE bv return mail full descriptive ci'rcularsof MOODY'S KEWIAIL- 0R SYSTEM OF DRESS C0TTIKO. Any lady of ordinary inteni peace can easily and quickly learn to cut anil make any gar ment, in Riiy slyle to any meas ure lor ludv or child. Address MOODY & CO CINCINNATI, 0. BIDDER'S PASTILLES. refleff ASTHMA Price sri'W. by maiL STUWKLI. VU. Charleftonn, limm VOII WII.I.SAVB.HOMiV Time, Pain, Ti ouSIc, anil wilt ( i: I H QATARRH liy us In; Ely's Cream Balm Apply nalm Into encli nostril. Kl.l IIHOS., Ml Wnrren St., N. 1 ir. nld PflulleniKii with Lent form niifl i creii auouv in tlie vi- ItjUIITi .. ...1. . .... ..,li, Mveml mile from tne pmm,c,a , r, j . ; the l.otel httd Stood. i , Ji ,is 1 ami wiaresse.1 to 'Marie The Strang- P? of the . rtory i- o $uihlMvuin, l-a " M in yt)e to come. Mr. ikirbury Ih J8 , ,ie' w01lId B,oP i-e etr.nn. nml vears ol ag, and for twelve yem - 1 k f tn 0 cenU t lmy n tom n I ;t, yeuriiuihi . .. nn.l Urn ton 1 t. ,,.1 .1 eml Ins lettflf to has been enuvmy a ... - . rillld,lpllin, atll.o Inr with the nice a """',:, :. He had used the wonderlul hair res torativJ. people read otoou , in tho k- nf .tnrtinff the hair, but nM to ' ' - it refused to crow. I o - ' , Tliere Wfts no paper d... After tha Hood he noticed a ;X WlcB the old luwi pot hw en ffi AulLtance all over tho hit her- ,epe back from this n.sn ho slmfflea dowdy suostance ihi " :.LA , tli. Broadway side of tho tst iiiLin iioiiu. ' " .r- vi- down became He fre- , 11... . ,,-..l,..,A limn a ixhviii hid oiiwvi not either money or ft stamp very fre r' - W l,..t boll! mniH'y midHUmps (Jno 111 cm a,Kou to n.nllv. but liotli 1 : . 1 n nnnllAt ale the envelope, ami on pottit.K it liel.l Pi V, e tuanuiactu. e to direct to private par tie, and deliver free of e within TOO miles of Chiro. Bend for Ctoi(fue. Baby Carriages -hnree within TOO miles or , amaim t'llAU. RAIKEK. Mf.. -'. MUSIC IN THE AIR Hendqunners for limi'l Insirmncnis, Drum Gorpt OuHUp. Accm'flconfi. V tut Ins, ttuiijim. Mnndollns. (itiltnra, ZlUiera, lianinnnciw. Siring for every Instrument made. Full stock of Shoot Music, Mint Books, Band nnd OrclifBtra Music, Bund polio, Instruct ton Bootes for all liisirinnonis. Any one Bn4 inp In an ordor wilt receivo it copy of Music fmcb Write to us for prices and cuialogues, sutine wliat k,udolKua. wan.(fEYEK & HK(t OinxltH, Neb. READ fl f Ul C STUDY, liook-kccpins, Penmanship, Arithmetic. Shorthand, etcthor- iichlT taiiht by inll. J.owratcs. I'ireulars f rco. ll-tVAST'S COIJ.EGJS.tll Mui" St.. ilunaio. a. l. 483-38. nniut ennciur " Tlie bert for all purposes anil can he uied In nf cllmalc anil (or any kind of building. Will not pill, rust, or rot. 111 laat ao years as easy as one. wire r,,np n,,H fivtii,M8. ll vili'nultr. Tiil,o Vells. Steam an4 Water Pumps, and Rnllway Supplies. Corrcspoiideue ollclli'd. iflrfcl-inine r.ntrineermsr hiiii W. N. 0., Omaha, ply Co., Room SuS First National Bank. Omaha, Me. ""loSBaKlnr- Samples worth . I Fltl USl.iiie not under horses' Jeet. Write Bri 9Wtar Safety Rein Holder Co..Hollv. Mi mm TUG Best i Waterproof' Coat. m,.nTctT nn 1 vnRi.irtKB ( warrkntjtd wt-rrroof. Mid will kpp you dry la th hurdest tnn. Tlio new ruaini-.i, rtsni.u.n ..A.Z.ri PtflO's Komefly for Catarrh Is the Best, rkistfst to Use, ana v nwipt'su - Sold hy drimstlsis or sent by mall. 50a li. J. JJazemne, warren, ra. MAGIC REMEDY inJn-u'r"rnnn,'(Uvi'if d nnrl t ,r salt) ..11 y tiy Cook Ileim-dy Ui.. Oml. , Neb. Wrlie. Ilablt. The only erll kii.t aasy cure. JJr. J. J btaoueui, J.baOB, , Okl. Avar vji -MfiMi ufn.'--. - o .- mot nrt n j-m' ---. Bright eyes and dull; nearsighted; far sighted; anybody cept those who won t, and they are worse than blind) can see at a glance the advantages gained by using rHAKLliNli. We do not expect everyone will see it, but millions do, and the i number increases every day. Ks, Delicate women and strong, vonder at s the amount of work they can do with the aid of PEARLINE the time saved ; the satisfactory results, and when they have used it for years they realize that every- i thing that is washed or cleaned with Pearline lasts longer. 1 nis is very simple rearune awav with most of the rubbing the greatest . . 1.-4. ii eiiKrt-prl to is the reneated rubbincrs wear ana tear inai ciuuucs -- - -- -r-- - - hair, which prew re- i...iiiling.rNcw York Hnn. markably fast; s.id now reached tlie length of oos men an over m. .... Kansas City Times. n If V r.rantl. HlOtllind, Jill., Iy" "wo'boitle. ol Hsll's Catarrh pl.Uly eured my Utile girl." Sold by draifliU, 75c. .. wear anu tcm mai. y.---- - - j , . " . 1 1. j: oon- Vmtr mvn interests should lead vou to use nrpc:carv to keep them ciean wuii uiumai oua. . it H7dc Sown work and value your fine linens and flannels ; the latter reason should surelj convince any bright woman that it is to her interest to see that her servants use ,t PEARUNb a offeiingimiutions M theycui. 10b. ror BeWtire ,,wUne" IT'SFALSE-lheyarenot. 'the JAMBS PYLE, Ntw York. i H 1 Kt7 a--''" 1,