The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 12, 1889, Image 5

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    Ef i a Desperado.
a,l'nitd Btte rvic. I
L ill
fIjotwy living from Unclu
(VatiOD'ng ni7 1'ir to th"
I ges martial for the north-
ILof Florida, it wan gratifi-
tttii once Uftiered into the
oftba I'mteJ Statee judg',
Bf right bani and, with a
Lfortbr of letter cauf.
ttiupport the Constitution of
State, thoujh at the time
.jrf.j b!e to support my own
Vpuon. "
Con and a gupply of station
r . .1.. -.:n
tot baiit io i" ul"c
?2ietoas't order.
pine i smtll town bo nam-
.1 1 laria 1 i t?M null in
itb principal saloon." Dea-1
I, not an impoinii place. At
t-atit had a mi'" uTot o"'
L wme mortgaged farmers
ttloon. li aibo imu a
. i . .!. .int t-- with rtlpntvnf
fi: pwi j --I ;
wa" living in it, a couple of
rirveJ tliurchwi, anJ some
Inn, loaning money at from 2
L jy; cent, monthly to their
2iiPtittor8. it wa aino uie
lumlicr uml turpf-ntine din-
ihere prominent citiwns ateal
isd joverninent timber and call
et jays my trouble b?san. I
vJportatotu document from
jnrtenat J.i-l;Honvil!e. It had
. ..... &i..;utaF ir.iitw
'ltWiWI t' fill' 3IHII..I..
ai.tatnpi on tlie envelojH?, aii'l
H nie to at onre dfize the body
iriis I'eriiinH, HUpposed to bo
L;s(ir!ipwiier in I he country, and
u.l body ticiore uie i niiea
jourt, tni-n in n(:Hion at Jar k
t. Hv a ( archil rta)inz of the
L,,, diffuive warrant, I dwcov
i! TliomaH ha 1 bci-n guilty ol
rrm vioianon oi mo in
juj niadf and provided.
I iour later the (ollowincdispntrh
.in led to iih::
oritu I'viikii .utti: Muciiai,
jA1inVII..K, Kin..
ri!fd ;tt- 1 i-j u t - Marshal, Iieml
jKTanJ Perkins (K-aperale clinrac-
fAiy nec'Marv; taka him ilcmi or
tat d:iriatch made me very indig-
s'. Get bt!p inded! Not I! I km
1 inch in height, weighed 1H."
ail 1! I couldn't lon arret
ism I a unworthy to wear the
b: ml ribbon on the lapel of my
titoed "I'nited States mnntlial."
Wa, U 1 i;ot help, there would
rstwoujli giory to bo around. I
mi it ail for mywlf, and deter
M'.obrms in the prisoner-elect by
n uniiltl i ffortH, or occupy
itbe raisl'.t colfinu ot the village
Tie tiling was to Id ato tho
r.ta, who, miflerina from hoiiih
r'jonolthe inte!le-tiiiil liver, had
Md to perjury. 1 loc;itel him.
'K'W Iroin town, in a veritable
bnm, two mileH from any other
tw-ii'.fl, moved and had hia be
Hr. Thomas 1'erkiiH, in whom
, pat envenitnent of our wan so
fcviy mt-rented.
'4teit thing wa to make necet
'Jparationi. I mado them. In
fsommg by the bright light, of a
til winter' day, a alout wacon.
ttwo Bturdy and reflective
us drawn up in front of the
&ot;, winch was very inap
named "The Dclmonico."
wttOBtat was my negro driver
yw,BM. un the rear scat at
Inder n blanket at my
wu ui.. ...
t,, barrel nhot ctm
'"-N Kith biukdhot. al-
farrotiDg doubt as tn ImM. I
tpUhebUchhot in fimt. In
Wki. .! ' my overcoat was a
e.wn double action aixty.
J-mu in the breaot pocket of
fjww wat a bowl., Emte that
jotMbelonSed to a Texas evango-
"d had gathered to
Jox llicy knew my micsion,
r;o them knew who I wan
l - idpy cheerel mo with novel
iou,and wH mrHnt ft(,vi(.B
K1'60 ''krerlon0 wl'you.
,a' no barroom whar you're
A iriiret 00keJ
approvingly at
! won't look very pretty comin'
With n I...L... i
U " will he?" aid an
Vten'tdo.forir to go out
I nt ,il..l.. : . , .1 . . . I
nil,' . .... ...
j - ". woum hit?"
ren,ark h"rt my vanity,
k M ra'her red, but it come
W. Ulld,'e Partiality for tttewed
.ffcT '!0t ,rom ny other cure.
VoZP- ?re at Cap. watch
hind 1 fa, he'a go"'
'utikirt''? lon' '8ller 0,1
C lrt of the crowd.
i tnfl n. ...
i-. ":" nal something to
whispered to me conn-
""'n'tertheaeat, let Boon's
tto'J,'!? Pop he'agwlneter jump
Si ."Jn Ilk de debih"
,ofth'. "'"'c aitimulating
w' mi Ua . ...
itbil " ""r" mas j nai ever
(,.'"' tangled root, hills, gul
D. rAl .. , ...
lift. . ,,u ,,,e county
w, "-wii mow what else, made
jwi lor the twin evils
)uSl n ,ove' according to
(5tC Hf tn0"ts. Now we
V h!vTUlernM olemn, awful
BU.,?1.on,Jr b7 th trampin?
M creaking of the wag-
)hmZ. "'oMugot of the driver,
OnSrbr..k .ir
no acent of (lower L ,? f bi.
Ur wa, n,.,ti, Z ?' !or-t.
centurvnf ,i "KM
t:y top,, one iuM .A " thlr
that in dav. a oneL
very tree, ,-e;e u?er U),
poor Indian " ba! f"nC' L. the
.hake dice to &m to
the beer OWW!,0S"0u11 P for
and away I Ve. A"i ahuW"tump
ta it we. tired o nn dtmed
alon- also v lA Jln8 a"d came
luxurv ' V'-f "well us a
er JxZ .Z will 'et aloLg
Sie T'Mr Wlt"""-r "ch con"
iu-hiiej V.?ft n4? nt are fully j
; V" tb Jin ud mouev r.nir..l ' ,...:i
et We , 'U0,17 quired, and
ud I,?' ';"'U ,lee'' ' kit--beu rink,
Mb?"" w6ev'nt,1 18 uni'rofided
'Hiere oft,, ; " , 3 lus . tlj?w"t
i was not iM, i., ,
ts KncanlHim and homestead Th.
lower portion of niy throat. I eork!
ed bot h the rifle and the ebot g, n
placing them sideways in the wa
m the wage n
1 lie rftnl.ft. r . - - t
....l .1... i . 4 iuou out
- .bi a nut
n its
niile far-
a Runerflhiinifsn.. ,.i '
Tl . i. t ui tout
tic Kline I rtn.l
.I...11. . ""-"TO
unriiui. ADOli: bait
,i ' n. ' ,raw a!'l"aciiii,g one of
the most Vil!aino!is looking men I K,U
ever Been. n f,i
ookmg men I K,d
fit Tn i rr U
neatly white, o! hen ulean Trame'
II not. M hnrn r.ri ... K I - , '
i, 1 7i i i i " ' ana assassin,
should have had bis face indicted for
malinous libel. He carried a glitter
in at on hm shoulder and eyed me
The driver turned around with &
whisper. -Itat's turn, boss."
-My knee now partook of the
geiifml excitement, my hand trembled
a if my b s', girl was abo'it to refuse
me, and my blood seemed determined
to go into the told storage business.
At the name tm.e an overwiielinin
conviction re.vbed me tliat this was
not the man I as looking for, and
that It. would be imi.olito to risk a
suit for false iiiiprisfniiiitnt.
As he came opposite the wagon, my
driver drew up and assumed the
"Is your namo Perkins?"
".Saw", was the surly reply.
My thermometer immediately Tt
smiled its normal condition of 72 in
the shade.
"My good man," said I, carefully
concealing all weapons, "I am looking
for one I'erkins; ran you inform me
where that most esteemed pentleman ' follow ed in its wake have been
UlLf ,1 .. .. ... .t ...
liwar."t ' "w ",e K1,chen
Off with a. rOOU,.IU'5r 1C li,lif,lled
bers 1 "l'' V'L lt
u k t, i '."i h a r(olu will, a wet
Wd i l "UU''- t"Bt ,s- bruslj. conibs,
MdsC:?iC"n r,M 1,6 Provided
co Mu I 8 lila'e for nttslliu" and
w ill i" rlr 1" ouce e"jved o one
r. ,. ; r1"'!1" .,0,Ie ! Even a'
ki I'" Jf outside of the back
"'l11 found convenient!
heiw V''rt le "se of ""emeu from'
ur work in the fields, or a corner of
KJ','?-1,,0"t,I'-s,:,,,t fro,n the spot'
Zd Zu" 'k"!-,1!"l'li.sbHusbing is car-!
',, ll'ai: el'"ll'. I'erhaps there
re , l'bCtHl""" 0nt- Riving the
rci'red room.-Lewiston Journal.
.lrl. Kept In feu
t"ilcd States ConsiiKiiiflin, stationed
.Sydney, Y s. W., tells f a remnrka-Mecu-tomof
the iubsbituuls of New
bntam as follows: "The inhabitants,
is said by Wallace, have a peculiar
custom of conlim,, tl.eir girls in eases
until they are old enough to be mar
ieu. this custom is said lo be peculiar
to the .-o.eof New bntain. 'J'be cages
are mad., of the plm tn e and the -iris
are put into them when two or three
y'?V.' "" '1'he Itev. (ieore IJrowii
estal,ihe, a Ve,iey:iii mis-,imi in New
luituiu m 1H:, and J learn from him
that these eng. sure built inside of the
ioiik-8. and that the girls are never al
liiwed to leave the house under any
eiicumstanees. 'J he bouses are closel v
fenced iu with a sort of wicker work
made of reeds. Ventilation under the
eirciiiiistaiic. s is rendered difficult. The,
j-'.rls are said to ii-uvr up strong and
healthful in spite of these cireiiiu
i s'ucis."- New V..rk Tcle.-iain.
Japanre Horllrulmre.
Japanese horticnlture shows a wonder
ful patience and a w.rt of ill directed
kill. Ibe object of the Japanese nye
kiya, like that c.f bis t-'hiuese brother,
ijut iu a ;reater degree, is to deform,
maim and cripple nature, as wj see es-l-ecially
iu the dwarfing of trees sud
sbrubs iiauizutiou, as IJr. Reiu some
wliat pedantically terms the process,
which eousists mainly in starving; the
plant and crippling the circulation of
i's juices. Kaempfer is quoted as de
scribing; a trio he ouce saw iu a small
box one and a half inches broad, four
inches long ami six inches deep, for
which the price of 10u was asked. The
three denizens of the box were a bam
boo, a blossoming plum tree mid a pine
tree, perfectly formed, but iu a piccolo.
New York News.
bo you ki!i to know how lo have no
Bt,-nm, ami not, half tin- annul work on
wanlwlay? Ask your grocer lor a bar ol
I'ulihins Klectrir Knai. ami the direct ioue
till toll you huw. l'.e sure to get no imita
tion. 1 here are lots ol them.
Fend two cents in stamps to E. L. Lo
mat, General Passenger Agent Union Pa
cific railway, Omaha, Neb., and secure a
handsomely bound copy of Outdoor
Sports and Pastimes, containing complete
rules lor Lawn Tennis, Croquet and Base
Ball, Iree. Just issued.
Representatives or 270,000 miners de
niand 8 hours in u day's work.
'I lia Brat Vet.
In addition to tha unequaled Dining Car
Service between Council lilulfs and Deuver.
the I'uion Pacitic, "The Overland Itoute,"
will on Funday. August 18th, and daily
tliereatter, run liming Cars between Coun
cil ninth) and Portland. Ore., on "The
Overland, Flyer," leaving Council Bluffs at
7:o.", p. ru., Omaha 8:15 p. m.
These cars are models of excellence, and
the best meals th market aflords will be
furnished at 75 cents.
May the ribbon of the 'ticker" be termed
red tape?
Sionx Ml) , Is , Corn Palace.
Tickets to the Third Annual Festival of
the Sioux City Corn Palace will be sold
beptember lilld to October 5th, 1 8Si, in
clusive, from all points on main line and
branches ol the Chicago, Kock Island &
Pacitic railway, in Iowa, at the rate ot one
hire for tiie round trip. These tickets will
he limited to continuous passage, in both
directions, good to return to and including
October loth. 18SU. l-'or further informa
tion apply to nny ticket agent of the Rock
Island route, iu Iowa, or address John Se
bastian, (ieneral Ticket and Passenger
Agent, at Chicago.
The Garden Patch On tha Knees of
far Fare U'ae Her Fortune.
She was as pretty as a picture and so
animated and lively that it did one good
to look at her. Khe was all this but she
is not now. Poor soul, the roses linger no
more io her cheeks, the former luster of
her eye is gone. She is a woebejone look
ing piece of humanity now. She has one of
those troubles so common to women and
needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It recuperates the wasted strength, puts
the whole system right, restores the roses
and the luster and makes the woman what
she once was, bright, well and happy.
"Favorite Prescription" is the only medi
cine for women, sold by druggists, under a
positive guarantee, from the manufactur
ers, that it will give satisfaction in every
case, or money will be refunded. This
guarantee has been printed on the bottle
wrapper, and faithfully carried out for
many years.
For all derangements of the liver, stom
ach and bowels, take Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
One a dose.
Courtship isn't a ship at all merely a
All's fair in love, but flirtation is only
I'm niNiioiil He ii . I of Irrigation.
Persons who have watched the pro
gress of irrigation in the west and ob-M-rveil
how civilization mid wealth have
"In that houe over yonder," he
said, pointing about a quarter of a
mile distant, where a thin spire of
tunoke emphasized a tumble down log
house. j
When about 100 yards from the
house I halted the team and cave a,
few brief directions to the driver.
With the rille nt full cock I cautious
ly approached the house. It was of
rouch loiis very rickety, with the usu
al stick and mud chimney, Outside ol
the atiioke from that there was no
siejn of lite about the place. Sjlwitly
I came up to the buck dcor, with a
vigorous Lick sent it of! the leather
binges, and covered with the rille a
figure dimly seen in the eemi-darknesa
of the room.
"Throw up your bands'." I com
manded. "If you stir I'll "hoot."
From the liurc, in shrill, frightened i
accents, came. )
"l-'or de Law'd'Ksa'io, watcher moan
white man. I ain't dun iiutlin."
Tne gun dropped from my nervous
Thomas I'erkins, nlhod desperado, I
was an old crippled n;ro, about 178
years old, half paralyzed and wholly
Three hours afterward I drove into
Dead Pine with mv prisoner, to bs
greeted with ironical comment and up
roarious laughter.
"Uid he kick much, t up.' said cm
bic fellow, while another, after eyeins ;
Perkins a moment in silence, said, as j
he moved oil:
"Yes the thing is alive, Jt Baw ue
tongue wi&jle." .
Four hours later I was in Jackson
ville, and delivered my prisoner to the
f,,ifa,t Ktatns marshal. As the ma
jor audited my accounts and drew a
. . . . ... Un wu chn kino
pressed by the uniform permanency and
steady growth o! these oases dotting tlm
wilderness of snnd coniprisiii"; what is
known ns the arid region. The iinvary
in', albeit Miinclimcs slow, progress of
these agricultural communities has been
in marked contrast with the erratic
coui'e of milling towns, which as a rule
have experienced alternate periods of
excitement ami depression. These facts
have impressed themselves upon the re
fleeliye mind, mid many, doubtless, have
indulged in the ilreuin of the ultimate
subjugation of the arid region to the
purposes of agriculture and have pic
tured to themselves the wondrous beau
ty of the yrcitt west when prairie, mesa
mid valley have been clothed iu amaran
thine pu'b. (ilohe (Ariz. I silver licit.
Ai'i'i.n i to nil': iiiio.m: ri.m;
Th following letter is sk'nilicunt us to
the result of the prohibitory laws: Iloiiglns Co., Neb.
Willow Springs Instilling Co., (Iinulia,
Neli.: Ynu will please send imp a rntaln;;ue
of your "temperance drinks. " llaveyoii
iiny'"l'enrh ( idei" and "lieeliec?" II not,
please recommend us tn some one ulio
does sell it. Yours tiuly.
W. A. l!ooi:i:s.
Query: What lias the distillery to do
with tempeianre drinks?
Moral: Buy ' Kennedy's Knst India
Bitters" from your grocer or druggist.
An Old lie.liinl llevlvort.
An old preacher after service one
Sunday announced his reading for tiie
followint; (Sunday. Purine; the week
some niischievious boys obtained lus
Bible and pasled two of the leaves to
gether, rif;Iit where lie was to rend.
Sunday mornine; coining, Ibe njred di
vine opened his book and read as fol
lows: "And Noah took unto himself a
wife who was" and here he turned the
leaf-"fort cubits broad, one hundred
and forty cubits lon." With a look of
astonishment he wiped his glasses, re
read and verified the passage, and then
check for my expense he was shaking "JSly friends, although I have
read the Jiioie many iime.
first time I have ever seen this passage,
but 1 take it as another evidence of the
fact that man is most fearfu ly and
wonderfully made. "-New York Mer
cury. TICKKT 4i,ir,S.
. . 1 l.,,w,l,fr
Willi HI SUPprcnacu in,..
"What do you pee so funny about
I inquired, rather taruy.
I was wondering wnat mc. j"-
I une when ho w:c-a him," wa the
i.'.V .i. iho indue strolled in.
gave a loo (if. the prisoner, then at
me, and inquired mildly but with a
merry twinkle in his handsome ei es.
?d you have much trouble In .e
ctiriiig this desperado, Mr Oihcer.
The major fairly roared.
,,'oeokmycl,eckyand.i-ft the room
i i u,.,.n urisonur, l niieu
that eventful
, .1 i . no more
snail anuw T , , i' i.i
iiu.;iton Jav in Detroit tree 1 rce.
Poor Security.
A certain KHitlemnn, who keepn n
Hon of actors not fur "'..In"
souurc, has resolved that ho w
"1 ' . ... mMiuiscrint
never uRam ' ,
Known I I'eoplc.
Cliovcnne (WV.) Leader. AiiPMUH.
The drawing ol 1.".,(JUU from the Louisi
ana Klate Lottery in the July draw ing hy
three well known Cheyenne puoplo has cre
ated a decided sensation. The children of
fortune are all employed at If. II. Klhs'
bakerv. Thev are Louis Saluda and we,
and Kd ward P. Gaylor an old-timer and a
nromment Odd Fellow. ,
1 Vortv-eight hours after the drawing Sa
i i ,,d his wile and Mr. Gaylor were
,ft"d ,o 'le,rrn from a list that ticket
Sn V 7.-.X had drawn th. capital pr. of
S iOO.UOUand that they were ent, led to
onVti-entieth of that sum, or l o.00"'
Advices from New Orleans confirmed the
v i nd I he money was collected through
: it tulmaf Bank of this city, beinS
nnid over to the winners August 1.
,adaandwife-re t" '
' hfl HV. niiw nno
ready to depart l.
" a l,.llir
WHS llllllie IU.-V
of.p1.yn. security ol an , ( IZ
board bill- An am 'n' tti;;nl ((pecillli.u.
t ..,, IM l VUi Will -
"T ."' i " lived ntt his bonru-
to Qvyttvv j
Jo,,. stuU'd his case tol-j:
and left with mn rontnillcl
two - 0O(i naturcu
PK. IO""" LTotidit the pla,
one l
,,ll...' lrceli '
iRcent shrewd in dealing "" ' ""
I'll '. ' e,.
f: . "' ""m thoueht the play " " c-asi rol.ous .e m
ond icnicuv. tlie nuthOt "' n f7llu,i(,d that false swearing .. .....j
ws viiltmbln nnd that in wb an cir(.n,st,incefl, won d
I in fllTin ll rr.1 1 i: I ,ni III L Ifl M'Al. U
for a year. 'J .on t prejm iceuie.. .
pucKllRe '" ""- . . thcntricni to Ibe 'ink to lesave (lod, sir. bill
the In.idlon ' ., j tll(,y ..yol, mav -1 hi nk to rt. ya Truu
Ioim iieH liL'CHt ll0. cou" wi-n von wonttlcsave
broko the sc..!. ' hfl plny, script. rjJwishw. d,
Llist of tFP;;t,, .prictOl ,Ml,-M?ta Del.wsr.wa.
rebuking him,
KANSAS (IIYA i i xasmiiiiitlim:
Via MiMnnrl, Kaiiui A: Tin Hull
way, mid I'lirnolmi flilllUHll KlllTVU
Meepliii. ('urn Ilnlly Kelvecil KiilimaN
II r and Hie I'rlnclpnl ( Idea ol
The Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway
via the Kansas City & Pacilic division and
Parsons, is absolutely the short line to
Texas and Mexico. Evening train from
Kansas City has Pullman Palace Buffetl
Sleeping Ca.s to Parsons, Denison, Fort
Worth, Waco, Taylor, Austin and San
Antonio without change. Connects at
Parsons with Pullman Buffett Sleeping
Car for Sherman, Dallas, Corsicana,
Houston nnd (lalveston; connects at Fort
Worth with Heeper for Pacific coast
points, and at San Antonio with sleeping
car for points in the Republic
of Mexico. Morning train from Kansas
City runs solid to Parsons and Coffeyville,
connects at ParsonB with solid train car
rying Buffet t Sleeper for Denison, Ft. Worth,
Waco Tayorand Austin; also carrying
Pullman Buffet t Sleeper tor Sherman, Dal
his, Corsicana and Galveston via Denison.
See Ihiityour tickets read via Parsons and
the Missouri Kansas & Texas railway.
For tickets and further information apply
nearest, ticket, agent or correspond with
,1. L. D-mgherty, Traveling Passenger
Agent, 4012 Court street, les Moines, la.
New Jersey's annual crop of oysters is
valued at S'-'.Ot 0, (1110.
It fflirteil wllh Sere Kves, inn Dr. Isiuic Thomil
poirn Kye Winer. Drn'lols well it.
Rain has almost ruined the Hudson
river valley grape crop.
Iluy a Home in l:ill, Knnano.
This town is one of the most promising
la Kansas, located on the Union Pacific
Hailway. It is a division station of that
road and has division shops, round house
and eating station. Mills and factories are
springing up and it is becoming a thriving
place, in the midst of a prosperous farming
region. It is a healthy place and the soil
and climate are excellent. Albert Wood
cock, General Land Commissioner U. P.
By., Omaha. Neb., or Leroy S. Winters,
Land and Einig. Agt. U. P. Ry., Ellis, Kan.
America has 181,000 miles of railroad of
the 342,0110 mileB in the world.
Via the WABASH LINE to Missouri,
Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi
and Louisiana at iiai.k kaiiu. Tickets will
be sold August 6th and 20th, September
Kith and 21th, and October (Sth, good for
30 days. Remember (he Wabash is the
quickest route south with elegant reclining
chair and Pullman Buffet sleeping cars on
all trains. For tiekcls and further infor
mation call on or write
0. N. Clayton, N. W. P. Agent, 1502 Far-
nani street, Omiilia, Neb.
English capitalists are trying to buy
breweries in Germany.
Knria i-lnipi, Idaho.
The splendid, new Idanha Hotel erected
last year at Soda Springs, Idaho, is now
open for Ibe seuenn under the direct man
agement of the Union Pacific Ity, This
hotel is first-class in every respect with all
the modern conveniences and will accom
modate comfortably several hundred
The medicinal springs which abound
about Soda. Springs tire noted for their cur
ative properties and many remarkable,
cures have been recorded. Splendid hunt
ing and excellent lishing is to be found a
few miles Irom Soda Spring. Good livery
and guides always to ho had. For further
information address, E. h. LOMAX, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nel).
Rochester, X. Y., fines milk dealers $2
or 25 duys in priBon, for adulteration,
When Baby ni sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was c Child, cao cried for Castoria,
When she bocamo Hiss, sho clung to Castoria,
When elm had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Natural gas has been struck in Buffalo,
N. Y.
Wc recommend -TumUI'i Punch'1 Cigar.
The biggest waterfall is but a drop of
Buy Union Soap and make a guess. A1t
your grocer about it to-day.
The new postal cards are to be made in
three sixes.
W H. Grflln, Jackson, Michigan, writes:
"Suffered with Catarrh for fillcen years,
Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me." Sold by
druggisls, 75c.
Believes and cores
Sciatica, Lumbago.
Tootiacio, Sprains,.
Burst and Scalds.
At Dccgoists ano Dealers,
one asks themselves after a night made
unpleasant by a barbarous toothache,
is: What shall I get to cure it? Were
that. niieHtinn addressed to a Dru?ist
would be: Trocure a bottle of Perry
Davis' Pain-Killer, and use it according
to directions. It cures like maffic. In
such cases what a happiness to have at
hand an instant relief such as
has proved itself to be. Physicians say
it is one of those Remedies which is
calculated to relicvean immense amotftit
of suffering.
show that almost every other descrip
tion of pain is relieved by its applica
tion, external and internal
All Druggists sell Pain-Killer.
25c. 50c. and $100 a bottle-
PatestidAoc. 16, 1887. Impsoved JutfM, l9.
,,,, DR. 0WTJT8 rtECTRO-
. -. ,-..- iV-Wlf il , . OALVAKIC iodt Bixr -
, Rheumatic Complaiata,
,'.T a fl.n.r.l n A
b;5"Tv.i..i.. r..
w , a crvvus ikwh; , "
t'tiveBeai,IidiieyDiM .
Kerroiuneu, Trembliar.
' Sexual EfiiiuUion Wast
ing f BotlT. Disease.
ft Indiicretioni in Touth. Age. mar-.
cleLifa. lnrmctuaie.pri..-
h. wpmb ' or Kultal orttM oi ni.c .
IfiMAtaSviw "or rai. illu.trmtl p.mpkl. wbicli will bav
mZijCI V flln cnveloi. HcDlioo Ihl, tpr. addraia,.
3O0 North BroadwaT. ST. IX)tJI8. m.
essssa br ;-Su
ned orsin- 1
to 1
I II ( ! IJtUf 1-lllN.
They alfo relieve Pis
trpsH from Ivpepnift, In
digestion t-iidTooHeari
Eatinir. A irfect rem
edy for Dizzinefia, Nan neal
in the Mouth, Coated
Tonirne.Pain in the Side,
vf g u late the Bowels.
Purely Veen table.
Price 2& CenU.
Small Pill: Small Dose. Small Price.1
Ely's Cream Balm
HILL i hi:
Apply llnlin into each nostril.
ELV DUOS., 56 Warren St., N. Y.
a- a a
It frm
l otn Prlnolnnl K.xamlllt'E
U.. I'easion Bureau, auj
at T nur WaahincrlAn.
m as f.. 1 1 DvaanlMltH I'lnimS
original, increase, rc-rniuiKt
dependent relatives'. Experience : 8 yrs. in last
War, 10 JfTH. Ill rriiniwu uuicou .waw
tlti 00A tOCfl 00 AMONTHcanbemftilc
if I9i-IU ftOUtworklnit for us. Ajrenn
preferred who ran furnili a liorse and Rive thrlr whole
time to tlie busiiies). Space moments may tte prolltubly
fmpitij t'u nifo, a lew iirani)ies til iuwiih m-iiu elites.
ii. . ,IOM CO., i WW Main fSt,, lUuhii.onu, va,
V. H, I'lease slate atri anil buiinv exiterience- Nef
enniiul about send in t: Ktamj) for reply. Ii. 1 J, & Co.
TV mired in every county. Shrewd men to net muter
instruction in otir Secret Service. Kxpeience not
iicreeKary. enrt 2e. bijiiiip. Cirnitnan 1 t.eotive
jtureHii vo., 4-i ;rea(i, uinrniimii, u.
i in. X li 111. 7U )Hirf i
CPUT rare on flPI,llH,to" encloHin one
VI aaa. I V ta ( .'C- I SUiml. 11V RU(I Tl'SBl Ilg.
THtO. HOLLAND, P. 0. Box 120, Phila., Pa
ip VAII are out nt emplovment write to ns TV'e
IT IUU mnke the tlne.nt enlarged oil Fortrnltfi In
existence. Nu capital requiicd. Sample and terms
tree. iM. m. rneainan & Co., MnrnnKburK, Mo,
mi in sb wu v iiia, iuu iirr.M,
Jlinjf. 1 Ffln, samples, &c.
UU., Mount uarinei, conn.
10c. GKM CAliD
I'VQnf -TblttroiBla
rt 1" rcui
AirC eombiuti
Wu ( I B.I
IWon'c TAftrii Belt Attachment. 1
worn mi n etmc ana commrL. i iiccur
made mild or iii oiir. This ft theouly
U.lrla li-i,.. I. ..It iltr timJl It
Basiar In frw ( lo W rt3. For full dPFerlpiion of Dr.
Owro ElMtro-Gulvaiiifi lifltn. Splual Appllaiiceii, rruMi- mm.
Incle etui ric. Tor fkkk i lltitralel j.auiflili't which will be.
eat you In plain Healed envelope. 8old ouly by tb
300 and ;iit Nurtli lirondway, iSt, Ltouis, Mo
The New Baxter Engine, Rope and
Twine Machinery, and Manufac-;
turer of Binder Twine, etc.
Tit it ciifrfne ifi made with alt
tlielnte8t, iiiiproveinentn fron
1 to 15 II. V, nnd lias a record
unsurpiiKHpd in lite history ot
steam motor. Kvery enjcmft
in provided with all economic
ami safety nppliaiieen kuowu,
and are warniiited In every r
Kpeet. Kvery deHeription ot
Hope and Cordage, Twine ivndl
JlRKKaKB Machinery. And also
manufacturer f a very snper
lor quality of .lute Hinder
Twine at reduced price. Ad
dress. .lONKril C TODD.
3ti Dey St., New York..
Please mention this paper.
famous for succeedinir where
others have failed.
Drill drops io OOUmci
a minute
, MTWrlte na
iwnit worlc.
yn wish to, .
duwlth i. welt ,
Tlie I.argeit and Best Equipped Scliool In tha
Went. Thorough Practical Department.
Send for College Journal.
Jleadquftrterfl for Band Instruments, Drum Corpov
Outflti, Accordeonii. Violins, Jiiinjoi. Mnndotln-a,
(in Hurt. ZItheri. Harmonicas, Hiring for ercry
inBtrument made. Full stock of Sheet Music, Mtisio
llnukt, Band and Orchestra Music, Burnt Folio,.
Instruction Books for all lnairnnienls. Any one sendr--Inir
In nn order will receive a copy of
Write to us for prices and catalogues, stating, what;
kind of goods wnnted. m nn
O in ii Ii h Web.
The bent for all purposes nnd can lie iiicd In nny
cltnmte and for nny kind of building. "Will not snlit
rust or rot. 111 last a) years a easy as one. Wire
mpe and fixtures. Hydraulic Tube wells. Steam aud
M uter Pumpp. anrtRflilway Supplies. Correspondence -solicited.
Itirki'ihino Kii(fineerinjr and Sup--ply
Co., Room 5i First Natiunal (i.nk, (Hitaba, Xtl
I prescribe and fully en.
dorse Bik ii as the only
specific fortheceriain curat,
of this disease.
Amsterdam, N. Y.
We liave sold Btg G for
many years. And it hast
f tven me oesi oi saua
D. 11. DYCTTTI ft CO.,
81.00. Bold by Druggifua; '
M f TO ft DATS. Aj
m yVwnnt4 not tV
m M taMs BtrteMis.
wSM vrdooiybyttw
V OiafltniiatLpbl
aHaVaBaOaaaSaSaaaaaaaaaal Cuu-lestown, Idaa
ipa. Habit. The only erla
UI I I IaI and .air cure. Dr. J. U
S0m I W III ataph.n., Ibaaon. Oaia.
lo artur Sample, worth . I S FUCK
Line, not under hur.e,' leel. WriloBretw
ntar Safety Rein Holder Co.. Holly. Mieu.
W. N. U., Omaha,
A M OX Til nnd more it earrd hr
graduates who spent 6 months or less .
at the College. Send address of 30
friends and net circular and beauti
lul specimens of uenmanshlD VRRR:
Botb sexes attend. Shorthand taupht bf, mail.
Rtirhts, Wrongs and Itemed f of the
laboring men fully discussed. Complete history of th&
Parmers' Alliance. One agent sold IV first day. a Bother SO-,
n 8 days. Now Is the time. Write quick for liberal ttrw.
and territory M H. J. Smith d CO., Chloasolllv
Attorvrt. Washltxrtoo.
PENSION without delay.
The man who lias iiinnted irom three
to Arc dollars in a Rubber Coat, and
at his first half hour's experience in
a Htorm finds to his sorrow that It It
hardly a better protection than a mos
quito netting, not only feels chagrined
at being so badly taken In, but alto
feels if heus not look exactly tike
Mk tor the KIMIl" HICANb 8l.lTn
dons not have the rtsH brand, send for desert pttrecatali
We otter the mMii who wants service
(not style) a garment tlmt will keep
liim dry In the hnnlest slorm. It I.
called TOWKK'S 1'IHII 11RANI)
' HLICRKIt," a name familiar tn cverv
Cow-boy all orer the land. With then.,
the only perfect Wind and Waterproof '
Coat Is '"l ower's Flh Brand Slicker.
and lake no other, lfyoiirstorekecner'
wne. a.m. imm, i Nimmons St., HoMnn. Mass.
m ZCfJl vZ rcm ,ALC.'LALI-.a,"jaQI,l,F C
5,jvu.nir drunk when we
I 11 Din wildernM. and th