The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 12, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux Cou
Time Table.
pPtM. V. Ry.. PaHn(nr.
W,t Wave Harri.n at ! A. M
. ... tt ;,, I
Weast leave juuiwu v .-.. , ....
Harrison Market,
Butter, 1-V.
fcjr. 10c.
Ptoultrv. -r do. fJ.OOtoW.
Oils. per 1"0 n. 140
Com, ir l 6-v-
Feed. chopped, pr 100 ft. ft. 33
Potatoes, fr hit, We.
gorrfium. per jsral. 50t.
OniDiw. par bu. fl.50.
Ban, per bu. 11-00.
A Jtap Free.
l$l JjhsjlL ha.n mnAu ainmK-n-iit-,
Lr en offer an imiucment to
- . t
rJIiNumfor u four new nuWnU-r
Ujpa.vforay.-ar in advance we
. .
Lvtthem one of Rand, b Naily & C'o's
bvwcllutial maps H ,ei,v,
. t . ..
up it not a small, chenp uifnir, hut i
UM int-he. on fnvy paper,
rr,!kr. It is the liiO'st map iiixl.
L-iDgdat.' of June t, l'.I. ond i cor-
m M to khow all the new ioiutti-s,
lent, and railroad's. Now i tlw time to
wureone of I hew map IT.F.E. The
nHiiif: price of thewt riia I $2.00, ,ml
itsuld any one desire to pun lmm one of
tttm e will order it for them. A wim-
sie of the map tan l Kf ll 1 this offUe.
ferwr n'-ighUim and g'.t them to nit for Tii JolKS At. and awist you to
frtiBp. All subtrnber in clib will
liic rtive our premium jjajr, the
toncaa Farm $cir$, without extra
-Prices away dow n nl Rosa & Thomi
Sww good, native lumlr for .ute
'u,t. l; ...ii.
ew livery utaoin
-rVtlJbtSnttWia tow n go
kBtn& Thorn ,.
-To get the lowest price, in tow go
kBwaAThono.n-scasli slore.
. . . 1
I Kill, Will S i .1-11 M"H-. 1 , 1 ,f
t . . 1 , ,. , . , -,. r. ..k.-. upon by manufactm--Fresli
brown and wut bn-ail, cakes, 1 ' . ., , , . , ..
pies. and rcwikiei. at the restaurant.
Fin Victoria lawns, 5 cents per
yud, worth 15, at IU & Tliompvtn s.
-a Buiiilx-r of mtldiem and J mihtr,
l-Up Uw ro:l on the train liwt Mm-
.. ...
-A Iran new fon arrived at the home
aJ EUrt on vesU-nkv morniic--.
&-otber and son are eafh reort.-d as
ZTi , , . , fi
haa btma but mm ilav off
sonwnawm. u r(... ,, ,.xt
Tnwlay, Sfjil,, nth, and it not prol-
will!- any more inter-
n , . .
me way trams of xtock are
rf4 lin '-r y to
Birb-t nf l. ,. , i . i...
fcv, tL .7 ""W " , .
""Mtlie of stock must be
booming T-:. .... .... .. . i
- By 'V av H lintin "
-TteviUaKe board ku, advertised Ur lf (t ' , ,iv ,r,,h, fm- there
ytn.,e the sm pump. Eur- .'? f""" ;Hi v the
'timetbat it UkJ to K-t the ; "' ' "-0 (,01lV,nie,,t
work to Wp.up th water; 1-" , " ' ivecl noUce
"H-ew. ,1,,i,!''l',,t''l'i"''"' ,'d receiver of
. The prosf, for a heavy immigra- i -'' tA ,, ",Vl. ' ,en re-
ta Sinn, ,.0lmly between now and i adron lan.1 -
"revery .flattering. Uttr am!i,aV V'hive Ukc. p.-
lople nil over the country ; th , This cannot
Hut the chance to MCu gov' of the olll- e by - . m
nl land here, U will not Iw bmgp' f'"1 (frtnin thai
land will be msir-'e in north ; W ',nrt; ' .';,, .,,of notices
"KebmsU .w henuppbeatio,. r tnu ky
lf..,kaid ha, t word to ; are sent UJ a inont
t(' Wntrict Court Jame-on, ad- i -iu,d 1 ' ,fK am, pt.
'"SU-efall term of th stnet then by d'Ja,ng tn - mi, jn.
'or S,ux county from S-ptem, l" n0""f X m all
10 "mber lltfl. Tliis will bring convenience. , husinesi.
trm.. ...i 1 r.robahiiity, be comim tw
t . aewKin oi Hie year
Z1" "ho will bfi calleil to m-tvc
"jr Kenl .pare tho time.
th.n.-imoryf,ur friends in
wtki,.r.., i ,. r t to,.'
-o UKatioiiK, UJ w ti - . i ,,iu net" "'"
t.(w ii ........ ,i.:r.vedmlb.rnon auu u
JWot, Elkliorn & Mimouri Valley R.
"U'.0ma)m,N(jbthHtha may -nd
J information relative to thn - One -
'WH.,.. ... r.
--uHt Mcurwons" WHICH onw
"lUr 10th ami Sith ami Oct. Hli.
' H. Cook wm in HarriNon on Tue-
inform us that tho Smux City ,
"SWn mrveyom were biiny making' ,
"Wrvey through the aouth part of,
treaty and that he hl been '
Wed . . i.-...
,w.:rilu-,ni 0 0l,r;kethei.iff-y':, r w ui-ys
, iur Mima aiRtAIKSC
It !.....
. - -
. wn u II IMOUX laiui.'v
CTP'taootharlor lip ojf railrcd
al Mr-. Iy.ut.i.i.l,,.,'
H Of J,.B.
'prunes for 1,
at A T:...
- Kl.-r ,t t, , .
i & Tliii,st,ii'4 , ,.,,)IV
- I at h ,- Aantwl Ho. li
; ,, ... . " '""win
M-t M-rh-t. Pay ,, ,a,,, )iril
! -". C. Ja,,,..,,, ,as jut re,iv a
.'new tM..-wnVr. H h .f tl... Ca 1 1 -rs. 1 1
' Urn and w.ill.- v.-ry iwful to Mr.
J.iio.n in Ins liti-iii,,
1 an.liilali-s lorconntvo
Ihr- to.iu and (,,,,,
i Willi tin- po!i!i,-i;,ns. and U
are ci n-t-
t solid
i ii Tiemi,
son arv -.11 n,' M Oom.ds f i-v ,,., ,..1
; alt":S I County Clerk Jameson awl wife went
-A ! in'ciin.-.! 1:, v.. . jn ,. t. rhadron on Moudav to attend the the
! lirm o( fn! -y, K-My & r olla.d, It. T. jatr.!.
............ in.. ..r,,j ,,nl loatl has-
mess iinKr..,.!;m.H,v K.idv A Pol.;..,
lanl ,
Will I
1 Mr. ('.a
-y will,!, vote J,;,,ts..r ;
H-to 1,1
Inv imo'ti.c. 1!.. i
,,,, , ' , , "I
ami & Pollard for the 'i.
pl'-s. 1,1. at I
T ,u
-Nun J-H-n Iwni-ht to Harrison I
Tu-d -y .. a ., ard of ,.,,,y, ,,,,!
.,f C , rL ,,f ,1,. I " . , i . V
i, t,,i, .i! ,.m -j iu- I).. I Hill WiW i
was ot;,niZ' d and ti. t,., ti. nl .-., 1
, , , T, . .
ex.o.iin.d to Ins The iv-li I
.ii:,at t;,e ex.Mi..n,.n..n proved th it !
tie' loan "as inso.e end Sin-riff Pf.H .
took b in to N,;fo!k on th'- artcniooTi ' his trip to Omaha. 11" reports a pl'as
traai and ill I'-ave i,in at the h. , :ant time.
f.,r the in-ane. Ills to h li-il th" ( ,t,i Wells went to ( 'hadron on Mon-
tn atiin nt h" w ill n-, , iv III, le will re- 1
t ir'- In-In, n,i. I !.- i' a Mill.' man i: ,1
y-t . .n oi l, and ,1 sad that
h" should !,.. h, tiu.t he cnnol ear.;
f"r 1"'r'- !f'
Tl.- !. nil"! Sfat-s lioopshav !-
(nl. i,..l out for li'dd "rk with w-mi
i'.avs mtien- ;.!id ai" having iv".nlar
army life Th. V X.-l after h "Hit
and have sl,.,,i, -,!!;",. f t, W.-,ln. -d.iy
I'j'.nttna tji" liani' I n.lil halt 1" far
v..n f,.ii.'lit a few miles north,.,,! ol
1 !,is (.;, ' in Sovvliiy ( anyoii. 'Jn-.
(-rsim jp.t liurt anil was i.roiint neie
lV th" hospital ainhiilainr
' lie tl.Cll l',.r I I- U-tto-TOHr
i r-j. nl t'oat wild
j of h:u-d wor k ,
there is a j'ood deal.
h it. 'he pnn tice is
To" ,-ni anmnient will I
: vcrv iiif.-r;sl,iiri
i t'Toli-.UV ('Jos'-
sh ittiv after the return
. '. . ,.
j "r t!''1 '"'
i ' . T!l" state C
amp ' rooK.
in full blast and v-e
'' fh" r' i"irU, tUdJ. ,""""r "
,1 I: itnter of
! ' " klV , "
I l;li!-.'1 JiaV I'XJlltllU. I ins H
Of h - t methods to advertise a locality
t!,..i '-in !, di sml. The state fair ol
i " Mri" ' , f ,,.
v.i I. ., I;.-, ui,n hv inanufactur-
. . . . .o.. If,,,.... t. one o lue test.
1,atwi,l,.r,hiltwha bey
fr sale and II.- - 1" oul.t to t
,., - 1 a to
Svelte U.e oa , y in
t is to I ht'l'cil thai Hie pei pit
' . ,.,o,i,- u -.t k.-cn a: mailer in numi aim
, Sioux I
"Km",u , '. ,, .. . ,,,.,.
'un ' .' , aV(. tslMU
-Con. I.indemau has a fine spring on j
,u . . . ..
r I
W;t'i t.-ep Iia.iks. .Mr. i.mueuia" '- ,
t ,','.,;. U,, water convenient for use !
and . n order to have it so he has pur- !
nun and will have it
' . icon H, is he
; ,,l m a few U-'tVU. "' i
, . fon.(. 0f the str-iam from
- "" - 1 ' h,,aterto the
. the spruie; lift a .an oi u..
: t, ,, of th" lnk and depos.t it ... a resor-
t '1 1 contrivance
voir. Tins will tw - "' , ,
"" ... ....... vli(
.- . , ti , n(.w udininisii," ,
j I"'""!1' ,.ul (iU1 lK. said of the
! . o t olliniaK
niethls of the init " ,ll0
i, oner photograph'-1
;jt Ui o I b e , j(( u,e
main for a ,hort t - 3 ()f
; t.m U,t oar f" ' 'Kr. Haines
ih..,t,.lves and btli' ,m, ... .,,.
-.. . .rsevnerieli'O ill I'""
!ad eleven J'-'r - I )ia.
togn.pby .m wtisfactioii in
bie iri f"' . oV fe(dtiug a
ail r-" " vk.,)j,0 vou have
picture of yo-r-' (,fln t)., how
" "Pl-rlun ltJ-, ' ; them and
.les.-iLse may la ..,. ,i not
h ive a ii""m'N
I. !........ Ill HUH"
iin- i" . . ...... Fi. i. .....
"' , 10 .'"" - .,
! l. a lOlllier o. f ... ,,P ft snoi i.
j ter, lie '";;:v limHyoid Uw ru.
JKAIisoifcT, IsTEE., SEPT. 12, 1889.
C. E. Verity Went to Cliadron yester
day. C. II. Weller fame up from Canip
''w yesterday.
E. 15. Pi i. e was in town yesterday and
ma'le a call at tliis offi.-e.
J. II. Cook went to 'i-aw ford Tuesday
and i-tiirned Wislneslay.
K. J. Wil.-ox was in Harrison Sutur
lay and mad.- us a pleasant call. -
A. K, I)ew was in Harrison yesterday
and made a pleasant call at this otlice. '
Jli-s. J. T. -
ir was sic k the first of
the Wi
k, but is now aide to lie around.
1',1,-r H.-mo ,,r V...H. ...I!. 1.
I...I...I;'. i'... ' L..Y.
- .o .in; isi I', reauei?, uus
WM.t -
., ... .
J i'iuiK Mittu was m 1lie county seat
,.i Tt i , ,,
j..,-. inMi.,u aii't maue a pieasaiH run
i iii.s on,,-.;.
- - -
J,"W' VV" Hl1"1!P his
1 i reasurer i.oi KwikhI was in
"imwni on rsiturtiay, aiienuinjr to r,is
Harrison on Saturday
I'- P. ! avis arrived on Saturday fmm
dav'o attend the theatre and
ee ins
ma.iy friends.
j ,,,,,..(.. V. Tool was in Harrison
v,.,,,,,.,;,.. iin(l hmv ,,1,-asint ..all at
Iti,; -olhYe.
(', I'.. Holmes, cashier of the Hank of
Harrison, went down the road on Satur
day and returned Tuesday.
Ed. A Weir is expected home to-day
In. in his trip to tiie Omaha fair and the
slat-- fair at Lincoln.
J. U. Jcti-kes, of Cliadron. was hern
lasl Thursday to defend E. I). Satterlee
and pill on ! in the impeachment suit.
T4i41Uiy-ii.T. T wiibur went to C-hadron on ,Mnn-
day to see Iww much it had tcrown
since he saw it two years iii,").
:.. i ,.,.!, thi-ouL'h Ibu'rison
j i. . Thursday on his way to the wi! 'is of
i.' . . .. ' :
i Wyouiiii'.: tor a liuiilni", exiieuiunu.
I!artow. of Cliadron, was ill illtrri-
son last Thursday assisting in the prose-
dition of the counly attorney inipeac!,-
n.ent "use.
Roaduiasfer Sullivan was in Harrison
. . , , ....... ,i.
I the last, of the WeeK ujokihh anei i.i
1 1.,. tl.o or-drie (ire a few
; . , fr, Mlml, Wv.
niiei'lii iuil'.-iii "" . '
jj. ,lis w.,y to after some pris
E. Patterson, of 1 UK .KUKNa...
,,aves to-day foe Heamce to uue p,u .
j ,)l8 encampment of the Nebraska Nati
0,al Guards,
, j
He will be absent aliout
,. r .. 1. r. Hf ..,.,1.,-it for his I.OIIJfc
T. t, nee ibii, "" '"""""J
;,, jwil. He will gather his crop and
,., .,, ,,,, his business and return to
jsioiix comity with his family in a few
I .i
;drs. A. H Dew arrived in Harrison on
last Saturday ami is here to remain.
Sh" has been visiting friends in Kansas
for some months while Mr. Itew has
s.e.u pivparing a home for ber here.
-ir, pounds of rice for $t, at Rosa &
Thorn pson's.
Prices down! W.wn!! DOWN!!! at
Itosa. & Tbompsotrs.
...A daughter arrived at the boma of
Countv Treasurer Lookwooil tne nrst ui
the wc k.
Jtnggy Items.
Still baying is the go.
Farmers are cutting up corn for loa
der. .. . , , ..
The troops from tort itonmson
in tlio willey Monday and Tuesday. The
first .ampins ground was on he IHgy,
-Hiere was a heavy sha... battle on Wed
nesday and ll.eycaml.ed at the head of
Sowbelly on Wednesday u.ghl.
A IVord to tlic Wise Is Sullieleiit.
Wehivealargeaml complete stock
of General Merchandise, and desiring a
,,rt,tt reduction in pnees in or- -akerooti.
for our fall ami winter goocls
.has worsted dress goods, flannels,
thaves, mittens, woolen hose, tobogms,
ttts caps, etc We have made prices
Im'.'uiiimergoodsiKi that you jn
well aironUo buy now anil-vo at
oro,,MVf on some things. Now is your
to buy. CuroottM U,B
Blacksmitb, Carriage and Wagon Shop.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed in every particu
bnop on Mam street,
Sinith Bros.,
Wish to ill the attention of the public
to the fact that they are prepared to
furnish at reasonable rites
First Class Rigs
On short notice.
A Dray Line Run in Connection.
Carriage Painter,
Having lifted up the large building
just hack of the Harrison House, is now
prepared to take care of all work in his
Can do any and all kind of carriage
and wnjron work.
l.UUtIS'")N, - - NEBKASKA.
J. 11- COOK.
Ai. ate Si'kings Ranch.
Brand c on left iaw. Makes uspeeially
of breediii"' Roadsters, Draft and Saddle
Horses; alho red and black Polled cattle
Range on Running Water.
Post or-
6 IIa rmson, - - Nebraska
We have recently strengthened
the firm by the admission to part
nership of Chas. E. Holmes, one of
north west Nebraska's ablest law
yers, who will pay special attention
to law and land practice. We shall
continue, to make the very best
terms on farm loans, and invite all
to confer with us before signing ap
plications with other parties. If
you need insurance on your build
ings, want to start a, contest, or
make entry of government land,
come and see us at the old corner.
Wm. Christensen,
Wholesale and Retail
A large and well selected stock
at prices to suit the times. Agents for
Will lead direct toHhe- F
Without Change of Gars,
-Where you
Largest Stock of General Merchandise
At Prices as Low as the Lowest,
No shoddy goods Every thing first class.
No old stock New goods continually arriving,
Call on us when in town and we will give you a SQUARE DEAL "
$50,000. !$
Sioux Co. Farms,
IsTO. 52
"house, Harrison, Nebraska,
will find the-
the county.
& Pollard,
I 4
! t'mt,
' Hi or.
V. -