J. H fOOK t i the Sioux County Journal. Published every Tliurxday. o Subscription Pru, 12.00 L.J. Simmoas. - Editor. Entered at the Ilamaon pott office iu sec ond elaaa matter. Thtrkdat, Aciicst 29, 19. Republican Si At Convention. The republican electors of the state of Ne braska are requested to send delegate from the several counties to meet iu convention at the opera uou.-e in the city of Hastings, on Tuesday, October 8, IrtxP, at 8 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for one atociate justice of the supreme court, and two member of the board of regeuta of the atate university, and to transact auch other busiueaa as may be presented to the convention. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. tieo. H. Hastings presi deutial elector, in lfw, giving one delegato-at-large for each county, and one for each 160 votes or major fraction thereof. (This paper gives only those counties in north Ne braska from Madison west. 10 Keva Paha - 5 11 I huos 8 5 i'ierce Antelope Box liutte Brown Cherry iMweg Holt 6 sheridan 9 ,-ioux 14 It is recommended that no proxies fie al lowed to the convention except such as arc held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are given M alt M. Fkely, L. I). Uicharix, Secretary. ('huirumn. It is jirobable that congress will lie called to meet in special session alxut October 20th. Gen. Mahone has been nominated for governor of Virginia and will lead the republicans to victory this fall. Kearney is to have free postal deliv ery. Thus one by one the bright towns of Nebraska grow into cities and the inarch of improvement goes steadily on. The Cronin murder trial has begun. All the prisoners demand separate trials, and all claim to fear contamination from Woodruff. The arguments for sep arate trials were commenced yesterday, but the result is not yet known. The authorities at Washington have issued orders that the United States flag shall be hoisted on all government buildings every day. That is right. It will give the people an opportunity to see what buildings belong to the govern ment in the various cities and towns. Mexico is confronted by-a. number of gigantic trusts. It seems the govern ments of the nations of the earth will have to form a combine to crush the trusts, or organize a trust of such gigan tic proportions that those now existing will get ashamed of themselves and disband. The O. A. R.- veterans are flocking to Milwaukee by the thousands and the in dications are that a grand time will be had. It is evident that Gen. Alger, of Michigan, will be the next commander-in-chief. Many of the most noted men of the nation are among the crowds ar riving daily. Weeping Water tried to get up a boom by sending out the report that Tascott had been arrested there1. It would be a great relief to the world if Tascott was in custody and if that individual had much regard for the general welfare of the people he would surrender himself and put an end to the suspense. Major J. B. Davis, of Wahoo, depart ment commander of the Nebraska de partment of the Grand Army of the Re public, died a few days ago. His death brings sorrow to many a heart for he was highly esteemed in all Grand Army circles and bad hosts of friends among those who were not in the army. This office received a few days ago a copy of the new railroad map of Ne braska, issued by the state board of transportation, through the courtesy of our friend, Atty. Gen. Leese. The va rious railroads are marked by different colored lines which makes it very con venient for reference and is duly appre ciated by us. A large number of counterfeit silver dollars are reported in circulation in Lakota and it is supposed that a gang of counterfeiters are working the northwest. The coins are said to be very good imita tions of the genuine, with the exception of being of lighter weight Is is well to be on the lookout for these coins. Hon C. H. Cornell has sent his resig nation aa senator from the 14th district to Gov. Thayer. The reason for this action is his appointment to the Valen tine land office. This will make it ne cessary for a new senator to be elected at the coming election. Unless there is a special session of the legislature called the ptrson will have no official acts to perform during bis term of office. But that should make no difference to the republicans and they should select a man in every way worthy ho that when the bum arr. a for trie atlecbon of a sena tor to represent this district in the sen ate in iH the man who makes the run this fell can be re-elected so that he will kavs.aa opportunity to do some work. Ho straw men should be put op by the ygBUirani, The sentence of Mrs. Mavbrirk lias been commuted j that slie w ill not suf fer tlie death enalty. There is a great deal of feeling, not only in Liverpool, but throughout England in the case. Many believe the woman not guilty of poisoning her hushad, and an application for a ardon will doubtless be strongly urged in lier favor. Judge Cooley, of tlie interstate rail road commission, has given tlie compan ies to understand tliat the laws were not made to lie violated. There has been a great deal of law breaking all over the country for the past few years, not on ly by railroads but by air classes, and the people liave c-ome to tile conclusion that it must stop, and when the people of the United States, or any part there of, decide tliat lawlessness lias gone far enough they soon find a way to put a stop to it. The indications are that M. B. Reese will receive the nomination for another term on the supreme bench of Nebraska, almost unanimously. A number of can didates have beeii mentioned but none of them appear to have made any effort to secure the nomination. If there is any objection to Judge Reese it is scattered and unorganized. It is a gid plan to retain men on the supreme bench who have had experience and the republican convention will do well to give Judge Reese a hearty endorsement for another term. The prohibitionists of Nebraska met at Lincoln a few days ago and assed reso lutions on almost everything and agaiust the republican party in articu lar. The greatest discussion was called out over the point of wishing the non- partizan temperance movement success. Some of the leaders of the third party movement are so crank)' that they can see nothing of good except in their own circle, and others do not want prohibi tion to earn' for they would be out of a job. There were about ISO delegates at the convention. Gov. Waterman, of California, has in structed the attorney general to dismiss the proceedings against Justice Field for complicity in the shooting of Terry. That was the right course and the sooner Deputy Nagle is vindicated the lielter it will he for the country. It is necessary for those who do not like to obey the laws to learn that they dare not attempt to intimidate the courts by threats of per sonal violence. If a judge does a party to a suit a wilful injustice there is a way to make him legally account for his ac tion. Personal attacks like that of Terry upon Field are very poor arguments and generally revert upon the person making the attack. The republican state convention will meet at Hastings on Tuesday, Octolier 8, 1889. at 8 o'clock p. m., to place in nom ination candidates for one associate jus tice of the supreme court and two re gents of the state university. The rep resentation is based on the vote cast for George H. Hastings for presidential elector and there will be one delegate at large for each county and one delegate for each 150 votes or major fraction thereof. It will lie the largest conven tion ever held in the state, and will have 816 delegates. Sioux county will be entitled to three delegates. Oood re publicans should be selected from this county so that in future the party here will have a standing in state politics, The last issue of the Chadron Demo crat contains a long article relative to the conduct of the democratic land offi cials at that place and re-produces some correspondence which paased between W. H. Ketchum, of the Crawford Clip per, the acting commissioner of the land office and Messers Montgomery and Crites. Ketchum made a kick because he did not get his share of the land no tices, and acting Commissioner Stone wrote to the officials at Chadron relative to the matter. In answer to this Messrs. Montgomery and Crites say: "Further in relation to this matter, we have long since established a rule permitting the settlers to have their notice published in the newspaper of their choice, provided that it was a well established paper and one that had a bona fide circulation." The gentlemen who attached their names to the epistle are about to be re lieved by the republicans appointed to take the positions and it is hoped tliat no grounds for kicking will be given. We believe Bro. Ketchum made a mis take when he appealed to the depart ment on political grounds, for when democrats are in power republican pa pers have no right to expect patronage and the same rule obtains when the offi ces are held by republicans. But the democratic- officials of the Uhadron land office did not keep faith with the people. After Harrison was elected and it was evident that their official career would be cut short, Messrs Montgomery and Crites, probably with a view to hold the offices a little longer, issued the rule above referred to. But how did they establish that rule? if it suited their no tion liiey sent tiie notices to the paper designated and if it did not suit they sent tiieiu elsewhere. They claim that no other adminwtratation permitted the set tler to have a word to say in the matter. We fail to see what satisfaction it was to the settler to say in what paper he de sired lus notice published and then hv it seat somewhere else. As to letting the ieople say a word, U democratic re ceiver goes so far as to arrogate to him self the right to designate tlte paper in which Ute initial notice in a contest case should be publislied, but where lie got tlie authority for that is a mystery. But they liave had their day and ere many suns shall rise and set tlie republican officials will take control and Mr. Mont gomery .an retire" to his farm in Boone county, and Mr. Crites can rustle with the rest on tlie outside. Let tiiem go. Jones i Verity. We liave recently strengthened the firm by the admission to part nership of Chas. E. Holatew, one of north west Nebraska's ablest lawyers-, who wrfl pay special attention to law and land practice. We shall continue to- make the . very best terms on farm loans, and invite all to confer with us before signing ap plications with other parties. If you need insurance on you build ings, want to start a contest, or make entry of government land, come and see us at the old corner. FARM LOANS. B. E. Bkkwstkr C. F. Com, President. Vice Pres. CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. A. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. - Haiuuso, - - Nebraska. C. H. Andrews & Go., Dealers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, -AND- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES; BEST CIGARS C TBS CITY. L 0. HLTL, Attorarfst-Lsw- HARRCVM. NEBKASSA. OEOBGE WALKER, Attoraejr-at-Uw. Will DmeUr before all eonrts and fce f . nW..' BU-IO enured " care 111 receive prompt attention. HARM. - " SEWU.SK C. E. HOLMES, Attorney-at-Law. . ,. trtiut tii his r art wilt r- All OUiiiir" ' reive prompt suit careful attention. Ollice with JONES & t-Kl i . uecWl.W"00"' M tiuutttk. F. I). BURGESS, M. U. Pyhsician and Surgeon. omen on Slid street, flr-t door ea-t of Co. UlcrCUil bail. HARRM1N, NEBRASKA. MRS DAMES SIMMONS 4 CON LEY, Dress Makers. Satisfaction guaranteed. HARHKON, - M3KASKA. W. E. PORTER, Contractor and Builder. Etlnmteoii nil kind of riirpeuter ork eheertiilly Riven, ftatisl action fftiiiniiiteed. I'lann furnijihe1 at rca-ioiialile raten, HARRISON, - - MOIIIASKA. vn t.f 0"Tt-T. V S iJnd.Ifl.-e. I hmlroli. Seb- l ..n,l.li..t N. IWJ li.li"' 7 "'? ,i . .a -.r Imri Ml IU O" ,orr i llrn-on. Set... on 7w ' AI.H1.KT . SITU., l-ecelrer IirunJ c on Wft jaw. Mai J ol breeding Roadsters, Draft Bbreee; alto red and black pj tie I lie at STrrjif.of coNTrxr. r juil ntiii ii iilm", eli. Aim .a". . .... -.. i v ..... lai-ii nitcrra ('Mnpiaii.i ' "'. inn. .or (,.i..re i.. ..;i ' I J i in lier t'U -ture entry iH f1 ' Airn ; v" . . .th a . .. t.. the raiii- l .no, ,1 ,,V ntrv; c.i.t.-l ."I all- KlK tlt t ",i mtl.t.(lr.l.l.e - " ,r-k iloa oreulliv at.-more limn live an. one . ra.-n-...'l tra.-t. ! and one rv K-'.,. t..l lie III- lail.-i 1" 1'1 ; r.i i,r,.i.. ii ami Die iime I trrijwn up run- aalrt il. l" t- lip t 'lt Auutlat 1. 1HKV. tin- kii.1 imrtie l n I"' Mi.iiiii.iii.Mj t ap , Hr al t!ii...tli,i on the l:Uhly f x-ta-r. k-. at liio'.-lia It a. in., to re.Krtiil hwI fur nlJh telimuny cini-ernln .am amni-i inn lire Ti-tiiiinny in in'' " " V.. . J.. i. n rlerk ol the .ll-trWt n.uil, alihii-ortleelii llHrrl-on, Sell., on the (SU-II AI.BI.MT W HIT1. IIW'I'W. T. B. SNYDER, Watch and Clock Repairing. will he in HarriHOn every alternate Mon day a. m., IjeKinliiK Sept. Mill, ami 'H (five my attention to anything In tin- swe line with headquarter nt OHHWOI.I) 4 MARSTKI.I.LU'S. L E. BELIJEX & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on Hlmrt nutlen. (iood work and ntainaWe charK'nt. Shop south of livery barn. HARRISON, - - - NKB. J. D. BARTEIJ., ( ontrsetor and Builder. 'laim drawn and aierlflrationa made on application. EatimateH earefuily made. HARRISON, KERKAtqfA. LEWLS U. MYERS, PUstercr and Briek Layer. All kinds of plain and ornamental Planter ing; dotin to order. rudei-M-iuiil extern ee- iH'iilliiK- The laying of brlek fluea a upeel alty. Will lvi) a'oMMuir mtiKfaetlon or no pay required. HARRISON, HKBRASKA. F. L MORRISON. WATCHES, CLOCKS AXD JEWELKT. A well wlecttid stock always on hand nt lowest prioeo. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING A s(ie-iaity. Of'SatisfiU'tion guaranteej. HAliRLSON, - - NEBRASKA. MRS. L. A. POST, Millineay. Keeiw a nice line of millinery which she sells at prices that defy competition. GOODGOOL8, GOOD WORK And fair prions. Second street. HARRISON', - NKBRASKA. TRUAX, SNYDER & CO. Blacksmith, Carritfe and YTi&OTSnoa. Horse Shoeing a Sjiecialty. Satisfaction guaranteed In evory particu lar. Shop on Main atreet, HARRISON, NKBRAfKA. Smith Bros., OF THE ONLY FIRST CI-ASS LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Wish to call the attention of tlie public to the met that they are prepared to furnish at reasonable rates First Class Rigs On short notice. A Dray Line Run in Connection. R. E. MA88EY, HOUSE, SIGN AND Carriage Painter. Having fitted up the large building just back of the Harrison House, is prepared u, take care of all work in bis line. Can do any and all kind of carriage and wagon work. WATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SOTH K IK CliSTKsT. f S iJind Olflre. (Iiadron Nel.., Am 5, 1 I omplaliit No. W havliiR la- n t-nteml at till olhee liy .w !. li)l KKint U Uliain J I i -i lT 1 or nlmnmilUliK ni" noniei-n run j S ItU diitiil Jun. , lis". u)ii tlie n m-v 2i and ei f-e tp :fl, r.'u. in Mom county, Neliraxka. altli a view to the cancel hitimi ol -aid enirv. tlie Kald partlei are herei.v uiinnoiiil to iipiiear at tlil odlce on the atli day of ih IT. lJ. at 10 n 'cluck a. ni.. Ui r.-iind and lurin-.li te.tlnionv con eernhiK i--.nl alli-Red ahndoniuent. Tea tinionv ol witnctw will ! t .ken Iw-foTe ('. J,iu,eiin.i li.rkol Ilieill-tricl eolirt at lit, olliee iu Iturrl-Min, N'-o . on the f II. day of M iiti-mla r, I"-.!, at Kin'i lin k a. in ;- .'.! I AI.HKKT Vl i BlTI i". It-.dver. FINAL I'KOOr' NOTICES. All pcrn Imvlnic final priK.f iiollc-a In tllli. m)ier a 111 rweln- a marked eopv of the pitju-r and are reuiteil to .-vanniie tln-ir notice and II any errora exist rejiort tiw auie to thH oflh-e at OIICI-. I iBWUBltfli NllTII-f. HiK ITHMCATIOK. Land iifllcc al rhadn.n. S-b., Ai.K 14. ia. i Notice i lien-hv nice" "i"1 H" loHoinit Iiailllil lttler hii tiled liotiie id ht llili'li ion to iimke fin ill pnail In niM.rt ol lil ll'l lllill ".III llll win i-: inmi.1 ( . Jiiliie-oil, l-Jt-rk ol llii- illi.inel V-hm-k.i, on .H l.ii, hi. tl fliiiln. Inn1 ( ha ci ill ft, at Han viz: JUItN HtM II, ul Montre, Ni l., vrho niade II. K. tiiniK o . IM for tile V ee. S, I p. M, r. ,V. e-t. lie haimi. the lollimlnir a !lneei to prove hm 10111111111111- r'-ii'l'-ii'-e iihhi and cniti.a tion of, .tl'l land, r'.it: l- U ..erlm h. I. rlti. steiniiii-r. Jnlin A. I'rntl, V iilium II. .ini merman, all id Molitroie, Nelirnwn. .io JITTTST. (DriK, iT lliiiii-.n. M-li. who made I). S. Kllinir No. 1. lor the H -ieV mc i and -v .n n'-n n'V 'C , iji 2 r w. He llalneM Hie following wltm to prove tion ol, said Inmi, ir.: latioe 1 1 nrt U, Uaiu- , n-ii. 1 1 1 , i n-iii y .. iirii.. iioi-. i,. j uuon. all ol llarriaon, .Seh. Alw) WH.I.lAM II. ZIM.MKUMAN.of Montr.--..- Sell who made H K entry No. Tif for the t V( act 10, tp M r M w. lie nailie-i tin- fo!!owln-; a itne-i-rf-i. to prove hU contlnnoiiH n-t-idi-iii-i. u-on and t uiliva tion of wild land, viz : Lew in lii-rlaeli. John VY. 1 Jlllir'toll. l-'rltl SUMiniii.r John l rl-1. ult of Molitroie, Nell. !' M. SliilwmrKt, lii-KikUr. (iNoLiii.vTr.ii Nonce nm I'i hi.icathin. Land Office Ht Irtdrou, Nell., I Auk 14. If.'. Notice hen-hy Rlvrn thut the lullow lug--naim-il -y-ttler ha- llli-l notk-.-ol hi Inten tion Ui make filial proof In Minport t,t hi elnim, and Hut Kald proof III la- made be lon C. c. Janie-on. I h-rk IH-t-ict ( ourt, at llarrlwin. Neb. , on iK-t. , ikwi, vt: THOMAS A. I. YON.-, of llarrloii, Neb., who made I). . tiling No. ITiH lor the w1 k-c Hi,1p!K r "W. He nniiiea the following witnM-e to prove Imk conliiiiioiia r.-td'-nce upon and cnltiva tion of, wtldland, via: 1'avn-li It. Ititjelow, KiiKene A. IliK.-low. John iliorntoii, i.oorn afer, all ol llurriMin, Nebnu-ka. Alwi KK HI UNAS ll VODOLl.iOl llarri-n, Neb. who made II. K. entr)' No. for the nek of I, tpSJ, r S. lie niiniea the following witnewa to prove lil continuum, reieiice umhi and eulilva tion of ald land, y.; j.jH (.erlaeh. of Montrow Net,, M1 j, jh-r,,,.!,, Hann 1 li nker, John l.uder-i,o( llarrlwn, Neb. Alo HKNHY IIHl-.KsK,of fnrrixtn, .N'-braka, who made I). . fllinir No. I,4fl for the w-w l tlie iiwK nnd tU, of the m ' ol w e a and aw w of the nw ' o tp , r m. " He mini-, the followinn witness.-. Ki prove iicontli.iioiir.M,Ienee iik,ii and cultlva tiou of.aaid land.vi,.. John K. I'wifc, John A. l.reen, Jamea H, i ,,k drlcks, all of llai-rlm.ii, Nei,ra.-ikH '4i ! M. MiiarooahRr, Ji.-ttiatj-r. Ruae cm Kunniug WaUr. fli Wm, Christel Wholesale and Ru Hardwa A larg and well suleuted ALWAYS ON HAP. ACORN' 8TOVKS. BARBH lit prifOH to suit the (Jinea A. CHAMPION BINDERS Mowers. Chadron, XOTll'KKoltl'l llU('ATliS IJind Ofllce at Chadron. Neb. , ( v i . July I. Notice la hereby iriven that t. following namw aettler ha. flie.1 nolle of I u hVten" tion u, make final proof .pmiri ",J!, torei baa. ( .Jamewm, erk of the di.inV.t court, at Harrison, Neb., Vpt ,, 1' v lr. 'rw Ml'MHiM, of Montrose, Nebraska, bo made II. K. No. f,)r lhe ,.., mv 15 ,p M. MllMOOHkHV II. CosaoLiuATSD NirricK rtis 1't m.icATios. " l-sndOOImiatcimdron, Keb ; elala,,aTljatapr forUia. C Jamei,, Vl, ,v" r,""ln he- Court, .TlUmn kJi r" "' ih "tr1ct -i i namaon, Nh h,.., j7 hh.. . . JOH, Koc.of MontroJ, NebrUV hi"c:rotu;fr.&, Ion nr auld land r I," i1 ?, M-Ja.-ob llenrv "" 'u"7liln' " Ittner. hl?eo"n uZ, gSXrySI proe ion of iaTn?vU-nZ'n ",Ul l,1'tlv rre., irank T likh'.m U. Hr"' ht"Jbn Ul of Ikalarc.Net" "' J,M'k"' KruUler, M- MtOQHKST, Brlatr. The Barber Shop. First door south oMhs court nouaa. E- L OALPn Proprietor. nrst class hair cut or a WiBI r COLD BATE Be Af a mi k i li i r i i m The best. HARNTST W COMING. and you need s good miwliiM your grain. J have a complete line of tin brated BUCKEYE self-biiler, a table-rake combined reaeni and and tlw UNEXCELLED Bl' BAKES. Repairs for all the Buoke w on hand, (live me a call and i prices liefore purchasing a ruachin JOHN THORN" The best MACHINE Buckey 5 y.