flSioux County Journal. Stil i 'I1'"1 l. -''' i j, tiauw". ... Editor. . .u- IJ.rriiEl ltd t ,.r.O - . J k A pi" ' " r " " 4 J "THne-e-iT. ArmT IS, 19. Th-r re T l'"""1 rwanstui hose '. ... i... t-r und tlw. result irfi... low u - - ff o ctisfactory frm tic iii-rva. rf,ontha luiv ucVpt.-d it. tWn '" nxt "-n" i taken the nl c-oort -ssioiial district of Nebraska n Jki' 'nilatiin of (Ive hundns! ,u(anJ imI will lw entitled to x-t repfetf-ntative iu congress instead iooe. That will put i tint liin- Tholr of tho iM.",tari? Mamiit arc pjo to be flum'wl tlio f..lloiii U-.i)- la. i! f.ir futme uf : ma -iil. liliic: - bo fnt. nirt.illio ml; thr -iit. vr Eiliion: four rnl, (rm-n; live ctil. rolat: "i" "' . !; k ml; t-n i.-nt, iitfX lir.iwn: lifl'-t-n o-nt, or.uif; lift v it. bU. k; iiiii'-1y 'iit, unniim. On t-iiiit 'f l:u k if fiitr.it it 1m :iuh- jpirv to ' ut il"" " Uv nunilw-r nf rtil(lV 111 tl' I IIMi.ll liCISll-tllK lit . . ... tAuntni; H"- llr-t to l- a-K.il to fcwn anJ wilt tin! il!iulit-r of ( oin- BiisiomT T;inn-r. Mi Tatim-r luul iMtan'xntni i'iti in tlie N.-w T.torticeiluriiw (-ri.-r.il IM.kVk ail - Biqistnition. Tlmt iW not lHk a jf wa nun li fuvoritini in tluil il psrtnwnt. lirtt Stitrar. The niatl'-r of tlw prixim tion of I t wpr in Nebraska is m'vivintf a (,'oml 4al of atl-ntion nnl w U-lirve tliat tin Uro i not far distant wh-u lliin Ma! till tie one of lb- p-ciit niljpir .r.lui-iiif istn.tsof tbe worlil. In nil v ftal- tlifre is not a county U'tt'-r kuiI.kI for rwinj.' cupir Ut-ts than Kioux coiinty ind we hopM to w ll matter invfsli tatl tiy tin? w (tier. Tin? following Iraai tltf Fniorit Trihuh? will ti- our nailer an iili-a of the iHshk1h in sii;ai bwt culture: Tiie Trili'"'?' interview 'w ith John Ji-okins l onmiissioiiiir of labor an-) in- it n fur y. lir.ii-ka lis bws bofK-fiil HKlii-ationi in the hni of tlk'Vi'oiiii)iit ofst)i supir tn-t-t in k'lry in NYIruk.i mid with it the U.-l Kat in -lii-try. Mr. Jenkins va i ili; iii-triii I'd by the last l.-'islat mi- to i .'k- iao In iii'i 1 1 1 r V ii'lo lh" siiliiect. lias (funn iu bin fi s an h be bee ! (Mill IlliillV llllimH Wllll ll Mli(lt Ei.1.iial Iv to tfie fai t that li--! with i uiH-uaHv l.ir'e jier rent of mi-ar i an I fxiiii id in this stat..' abundantly. nkil a L-raiid Held this is for s-i illa- U. ant development cat) only ho p - al - iff alone on Miir brought into this!' ' ' ..!i-.i. f.. i- i , Kile, -id-eveu, tie '"."II 1 IIUIII tlOII'.l'l Itlllllllll I - . 7-1 A I j w-reY,tv million dollars annually. ' i E".n- ianiii r in Nelvrask.l i interest, d i itti,,M,l,j,,t The ue.vf,, clt.vaJ i'H:uiii n.aiiuhn lure of the ins.-ts woiihl i ,l..i ... ir I '. liia. bv a total of inanv nidln'tis. 0 tin Mil j.-, t lommission.-t- Jenkins y. '! inn not only hot-fii! tint I am I .UMastic." ' i ieopy of Gately's Universal Cdm a- fer tins just come into our )s.-ssion i jKtV stI.. ,y v,,iir side. Th-iv is. 4tlork is Well worthy cf mention, j . (jj .' ,n wall;, the o!soii Ili&Urhn t,k, three voluiiie m on . j ( ,,!,. ,.. ,. Kad in your boy while nukiW(if, vi.(l from tim- t i tun" ; V(J1', , , ..:,veii cratil thai he brinu fxl tl m-vctuli e-htion is now out. To f ', y",-eray luirs ilh v.rrovv to 11k gin m kba f j H,j,(,larity we may !.,,.,,,. . K,y. Al'i! us (i. Hazard. 1. I).. tal nearly eighty-live thousjind ! u d. , f (;, mtria. eopiai have been W,M HiMi tlw onlv way! " " ' " Mt in Hold is by sulwi-iption. H ainrj,,,,,,.).. . - ......eoc.-o and .illll 1 tMn,,.l:.. ! in K'liu, wim ii ni.-ikex it a vi-ry !yj book. Vol. J treats of -Am natuml hihlory, nw.I.yy. ns- iroiioniy. l, imnc-ruliiirv. metalliii-L'V. i.bv- H.(Cni,,y, history and legal nmt-lf- "1. 1 contains information rela y,to arithmetic, drawing und pnint i)ijMcs and mechunicK, i lH-mi.-trv. uiture and a imsli.-nl triti.s. Vol. WtiwiUof (frammei, xtry. rhetoric-. ""''"'ntion, phoiiorapby, yno-"i- proniinciiition of foreign hin 'ei. peniimiiship, .piotations, music. wriljnjj, Uxik-keepins, di-jKirt-. houseliold, pum-H, tailor's meas tin? whole ni:ilinK nr. a look Jte with know leKe f t,e ,nfmt use- ""anvterhMiU The sul r"ar treated of in a iuterly man ""'Ma Kreut ck-al of infonimtion is y'mxi '"to a small utnount of bjw. of Ik."' i"U' f"r,'i", n f'"i"'b'te review , work but we cannot refrain from 2S cinl r.ienlion of Konra of the mK points. For instun.-e, ono """WH to show nt a dunce all the Bvrs of tiM i.i .i..,;.. . uilil llieir n-iuii. Stlmand also tlM, in,V)(-tant moun ", laks ami ...! i .i... b.. . "nilinm iim . ' i" H1 heiidi ,,f ...i. ......... ..-i "f'nof water. Another sik "bow . . i,i iiir: nUW ,... m.".- lle.iiirerent countries of the world y &lmoi,t Ut a Kunce a person can toll """eren,.,, in ,, rteiiish tin- l Bdliuni, und so on all through book. All we can any Is that every whi.4, .i i i, , ., luuuuus ono oi wieMj isnm" Vnlliubln tvorb il.,,. u lm'b.ive Jet wwured on should E. H. n' and tot one. Tl.o onlv wav one " ' )iirclius.s U Uii-oukIi a roKiilurly ""nwl nifent, titnt It will lie u l'iUlMUu.1TI;1., t:ly litilc h',.-, 1,., -m,;,;X0,,,;"u,,w? r iiiiiiea,j n;(,7 i,,!':!r" iM,r.,,,,,,,;'il"i,h l,;::1 ' 1. r Wliil-II..-mm ,.i( r's , ,... ' "" ,bu'"" '' ...-:.. ) incIll I Hi" -li.nl il IV tor n i-iH ui ,... wi..... .,,., ,,,,.,.. ,hllr,B(1Wliri,iand "" " l;;"""'- "r""-" ". ... ,,, 'I 'll, -li.ill it Ik I'.r mini- ah. I,,,.- w.n ,,, ,t,, .,,,.. ,.,.,!.. ,y. ,,,,, 11. iii. I. v !..frw-R, t- rum ,-n,.r-, Mi I ... I ill, I i .. , . i , ' " '"' t'i i-lioo-c. W If. ;, .., ... ... . r hi loose. Hum- in. (I i .... I'.r ii.ii,- nij.i in, . .V Wi. In!.,, K.iv, (III! "'-1 UTfiaii; mi. it a Ill-ln of IT y.-los M1 ,,risl, a li li i if -"..- for vwlm.iiwi.f law t .." I... I. :. i i i j i.tim. i n . , .,t lu,j,;i.;t. !'. t Ibu-i... ,,., f ( ., j( j " r"' ' "' -'"ii'-it: "On.- k.ii in . a '"'A " "f Hhmkii..! js Mi,n to ! .Iiv.nl.,1 tban all t, iii.-v. uii1 1 -'" I -i III 1 1 li- .',iii'. In live vi-ars it will l.ii-.il; iu. liM-nl;,- f.iiniJi.w, ,;Uiy. at ! :-.sl till-,.,. .,, ;,1 ., j,, a ,..)s, i.i. iiiii.v. mm., in mi' ;uv, ii tears 1 nun..! ! il.-i ii.,r ,. i,,...,.!.,,, .i. IllllllU'lvi!. (mkI almie l!,,HS till-Ill." Thi IH-i . ; ;i U ali-i's Jiiuriial for May v ive t.y.. reason "Why we r.i,(.i, vt,. auauist i.i.i,il,il il. l'ro- hilnt inn iloi s ik,i ,robiliit," was nut one of tin-in. Iliuv sirane that oversi'lit? WHAT Iml'.s TIIK IKUIK'saY? What biirts here hurts everywhere. Put husbands and wives, fathers and mother, nnd li bln ii on the stand: what will thev ny to u? There is nutli in; iu the hnine that it'n-s.tint ' ii-utest apunst. the 1 ii inr business. Wifehood, mot In rliisnl. falh-rii-Hnl crv to li-avi u iiL.i.nt il. i hiliiliood; all Siiue of ynu are Jv'Hk' of broken he;nt. to-day for lovid ones slain by its petilenre anil if not aln-.uly jilajriie-niitteit in your homes, ttlio kio-i v.nai ine niiure may brinu of sbaiu-and ;if,'nny? lliij; your diii-lini; jriW-Uihy to your hivasf, fond hiotli-r: hold l r lovingly while y .ii can. What iiiinK e have you that ! tt-,.ty yem-. will not make ln-r a drunk- . i ... u. I .. . .ueeil slirll Women, liuii-.'i-y children I piillm- at the r tatb-r.si pirments and , rvll , f,. ),r, ,I, .Vav. moie: we have - ,.,,,,,,,,' ,ldy--tnunpled . . . .,. , -, oii.l.-r -I i rlltil'i-M hllsbalnl s iei-1. ullpll- 1 """ ' 1 iful (i -d: help Hn-e women who are helple.-. mid -hn-ld thi s.' little one jn ,. s,.,.j sunlight of tMl:.y! I tjii!; father. !! nm? I clasp I ,,,,. re.-ht aim about that brow IH'.Ved t nti:i: tick fx ,., . v. ka Stale Fair at Lincoln. KM MP i-i .. , i,.. .1... ;, will nresi'iit u com- pli,,.. ..J-.i v ticket of ndmission to the Nebraska Slate Fair at, Lincoln to every !-.,-.,. inline; a yearly subscription to J.,,,,,., V-kly- with 1.33. or the ,l ,v;ic witli -- Orders must, lie in,vS.p,.mUrlst,soa.sto give lime to mad I the ti.kcts. as tli- ' Sept. 6th und cluses S'l't- b'ith. Jliese the regular es an; no advance prii ml .Sunday di- . r.... il. Week V L.it ti.op.iidi' of ti. -i'-- tore to pve their midei-s a chance to e tlM. exhibition at Lincoln free of adnnss iinf,. ( ad. must airompany each or ,,.r Address your onlers to TiiKHEEPt."I"JS,Ii:s"oCa' Omaha, Neb. ZucslJuno 1,1. Jaka salesman is adviscsl to p - residents c of this vicinity n vr a copy of the . :.,e und secure) XO VAI.ini" , ( - , ...l l,.t Sec-ticmal Map ol our The seven new counties StdnH elusions are p.ain.y aii.ll.nc n ..irmob cal accu- iudicated. M iiu -.- . . o.,. reful llt- have recinveu in..-." l' "- " Tl,e locidion of towns and .w..,..l.ition. i reaoiiv to the index wbh -1. now ..i. ,. Rand, McNally iiecompanie & Co., M iKO, nro the and 1S4 Monroe street Chicago, nroe ni-i - , , oloiLsaul ami publisbers,amiwep..s. them. A copy f 1,1 . .1 ' . ,.tll-rt cun Is? s.'n nt SpbrsUSUloflr. 1 .... . .. ui. e Sellt. It, tO " F.ciirs cill ticK.-is" . , ,, 14 .1 ..(iirniin: urn o i" i .1.1 W..t il "H,N":I ,, and return uttlH FOR- HARDWARE, FURNITURE. STOVES, TINWARE, BARBED-WIRE And a Big Stock and Lowest Prices, COTO- Griswold & Marsteller's n.is it the time (o buy barlw) wire CHEAP. We have jiwt received a CAR IIAD and it will pay y0u to buy it now. Yours for business, Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R, "The Northwestern Line" -And- Omaha, Sioux City, -And All EaSt, North, South and West. THROUGH TICKETS Full Information on Application to J. 0. II. (1. Bi'RT, General MiuiHffer, ,1. R. BlTHAXAN, General Pa-sener 850,000. :BY: Conley, Reidy ON Sioux Co. $50,000 Between Harrison, Neb., Chicago, St. Paul Points - TO ALL POINTS. NORTHROP, Agent, Harrison, Neb. Atfent. OiiHiha.Nebraslia. & Pollard, j3 5 0 g 0 0 0 Farms The Harrison House. EGG ERT ROHWER, Proprietor, - - - HARRISON. Nebraska. O Special Attention to Commercial Trade. Best Accommodaions in the Northwest. BANK OF HARRISON, Harrison, Nebraska. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, :S25,000. A General Banking Business Transacted- Every Accommodation Compatible With a Conservative Business Freely Extended. B. F PITMAN, President. J. B. Finney, President.. General otlice F. C. Siuckssks, Secretary, BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, -Dealers in- Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles, Sash, Blinds, Hair, COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS Harrison. Neb Are strictly first-class in ?cry detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action and handsome cases. Fully war ranted Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 ii nse. The people are bound to have the best, and will have none bnt the ESTEV. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Gall and see ns, or send for Catalogues and full information. SKY 233 State 08t. Louis House, 016 & 018 Ollw C Ksmiva this 'pcr. CHAS. E. HOLMES. Cashier. Doors Plaster, Lime, OIEIIVHIEIN'T. - ON HAND G. GUTHRIE, Manager. Street, Chicaga. n INB JlQc, Ji IS-vA , 1 V ii 1 s : r 1 j lj ' t - ' . ! ( ' r' t P Ml m .-0 for 3'u'l l') )oo f,,f una in a lx,,, jllc llHlve; i" for rouii'l til)'. , t -X, 5. v i .1