The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 22, 1889, Image 5

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...... f.m wt r . i a.
1 fvuvBF " lB,on
top ol Outdoor
coot.miBg corn,, let.
Tn Croquet k
. . t.,ini6utilul than
TTTITw. and If, T'T-
01 V- ,
it ioa
" i ...r mat wnU to U.
YZBt low ttb-ir agent.
"fT.ilh' and any
u to t reapected, a
P5- . lr.ll
LfiB for Agitation OW Uu
Crf the fau - loTting
usiiiUi rroiuioeuU'eoiile.
Coal Oil S,m hi. ,
Totk Hun.
IWore lun Mitchell .
, uire ui nil? ner
heo, ,oUIr.v. Whi!..
furpHr.,!,,,,,,!,,,,! the iirrW(1
uf I'f". n.J L.hi.sM
manyrLHrnlls inthe pa,, twenty
-? J "'lVPiitiiri' with n rattle-
niikin eimU!:nk-,i him to Kmm
kj, i ire i ,(.. nri..,.. ..
...v ii., n-uiiiuoDrt
Fne county tl.ut a rattW was tiv,
-v.i i.u me HKijw IU-nlhi-hMiegt
elevation on.l the lake. All the' i-.t.
tlMtiakw (.r-on the ..mthern bi
of thfl U;it..i-u)...l '
Mr. Iit4li, ll
ihJ to
io -ro on loot
iiinm-rn a vm part ol Wiiarvn
. h r Itemrnt within tb
yra " - - , ,,.,.
VI tie M" in. -reiof f uto-
...... ...H. UC two
'"Timiltup. a thoqur.iK.n, will b
r5.. . . Antorlitrt Hank
CLinJnlrbt. n tb.t faij.lo
KtVifl tod'"- M " tt"'
r j.t.. r.!mi wrv W 1'prnrInvU'
f;u rrrJ uur nn.i.rt. It b
l'PiirnM"1K "v 1 t
'. ,, s,-nt f-t tbo Collreo of
ittflnnTini,'. Mi'l: "1 bVfMu.ll.-U
,,sd h.vf Uavrll.-l .Jlru.iv.-ly In
Uii Alri. '' AnxTML I bve
atfrtunJ !' b hot tbfr
. lbb. lint I hmrr Ucvvt IiHina
t ... i i m icriii I . M. K. M.
. i. i.:in t ll It tftfl
puilf.irllif niii on liij, wi t'M"l- mm inr um
tattntf A t mrt m't mm
b for rlrfiiiWMi.NiliMw
In tat Man tit. 0trt
fiiKl IIi I.IVKI1. Th-
jrft'(iit th BowaU
rrlce 2& tenu
Small Dose Small Price
iFs Bile Beairs
Cure for Bitlousness.
piUwM KiJwti, ttirebT Urifln
"rucl.nii I TolittH leb
P.ltll CO., I'rflp., l., Mo.
i. ...
'i inn
I , ,. . " "llll
U'torp. 1 ii if iio i;m.. i. ..
tu.t.'l from w hi. S. h- xtartwl waimd
him to look out for Knakw, and he
took thf jir.i aution to en. aM- his
in thi. k Ifuth.T hoot a that wore
niliios..i to I falitr roof. It was
fxtifiu.'ly hot, uii.J Mr. MitchiU
clolhiiifr wan wt-t with H-rs.imtion
after on luiur's rrow.linp tlironh
tliofaliKh- of hushes am cliiabiuc
ott rn-kn. hnn he cam to a
Htony road lrndinjr arouml the hill
lie found a nprins hoilin from umli-r
a h'df of .tone. It. was mirroiinilwl
liy a fringe of Imslips, through whrh
there was an oieain just larjri;
eiioiijf ii lor tiie a.iiaission of a man h
hea.l, Mr. Mitchell was ho tired an.
heated that he had no thought, of
nnaki-s, and he thrust his head into
the hole. When he had eoolcd his
fai-e and .pleached his thirst at the
(priii;r la- resumed his walk with ii
hiltIi of sat intact ion.
ll"hndhardlv turned the corner
of a liroieetiiiLr lioalder as lnriro as a
rahin when In- heanl a frightened
ticreatn. ioin;r hack he saw a hor-
rihlesiht. A 'd(l'-r had Ktojiped
for :i drink as had Mr. Mitchell.
When his lips touched the water a
jrrent rattlfiiake hurie.1 its fans in
the man s neck. As lie i.-rked lmii-
hi-font ut the j-eiitileu lurkinu' place
!i!Mlraired t he snako with hirn. In
ah ii.italit h" r.'ali.'d that he was
d''Kiied. as the lmisoii was hein;:
rarrie.l throilirh his bodv the mon
Muiftlv liecause the venom had en
t red near the iu'Mihir vein. As Mr.
f it. hell l ame in wirht the iieddli:
wan Hhriekiiiir and iirnvin". The
:iake remained at the e.l''e of tlx
stirin.r. as thoii'di determined to
f .'lit against url ier intrusion, aim
i rntelillig fUCht ol It, tlio ptfU'lier
trnd Par.d... ii. .
-"ii.lum. t Br... Band 1 be
M l.o ., lob, Vmlulr4
v" u'r uou mercuanta oi
Umalja Lava raided a krge Enm of
ni'mey, and itroose to euteriain their
KiiesU cm the owawon of Merclmnta
Vt eek. Kf nlnmU. a t.. ,.,.. . .
trifles display, consisting of business
"mis, representing; the prorehs of
Umha from its earliest davs, hioux In
J'aus Metropolitan Police Force nud
u'. '.aM '' JJcimrtments, escorted by
nahUry traveling and city salesmen,
civic a,id other koi'ieU-H will be the t.riu
eipal cutnre oa WedaesJnv
-lt. 4, while on the smue evenins
uere wil be a ,mnule of the h.rgest and
best drilled Hainbenti t:iul,8 ju the
camtry, with brilliant fireworks.
Aniou other attractive features will bo
a brass l,mid contest for a purse of m0,
open to all bands of twelve or move
Pieces ouWde of Omaha. liunda dcsii-
lliZ to Ccjlin,l..t .),,. i. 1.1 .1 .l
. kT . ' """Hill III I.U
i l i.l-o 11. I. 1 i .
- ..... , ,lrt.
iruce (Jo
r.i.ndrure HeI of Sure Ma.
So confideut are tbe maDutacturera o!
tlt world-lamed remedy, Dr. Pierce a
Gulden Medical Discovery, that it will do
ll that they repreaent, in the cure ol liver,
. 11..1.
Ti -ii . . .... .
ly lilaiinnatod durin- the week, and
special features are arranged for each
" aim evening tlmt cerv one visitia"
Omaha will l,e hi-hlv enteitaiued. Ke
llllCcd ratca rin nil .-..a 1.. Tl.
, "111 "H 11. xiio
Omaha buMiiess men invite and hope to
...... ..11 i ....
idl their Clistolncru find fi'if.iulu
the week.
uiliat they repreaent, in the cure oJ liver, .....I .11 II... ,
iineiiig it thousanda o! cures for many
?ars past, they now feel warranted in Bell
i"t it (ai they are doing, through drug
lists) under a positive guarantee of its
0--...Q .aiiaiaiuuil 111 vicij u ir, v muu.j
ptid lor it will be refunded. No medicine
oi ordinary merit could be sold under such
"tiere conumons wiLn pront to its proprie
tor nnl nr. r..Ui;..lns tr,r tliA H ia.
ai8 for which it is recommended was ever
" jiit. in an uioou la.nis n.ui iuijjui -ties
ol whatever name or nature, it is most
positive in its curative effects. Pimples,
i . . . - . .i i -. . t-
"luiriies, eruptions ana an sain anu bcuip
diseases are radically cured by thia won
derful medicine. Kcrofolous diseases may
affect the glands, causing awellings or tu
mors; the bones, causing "fever-sores,"
"uliite-ewellings" or "hip-joint disease;"
or the tissues of the lnngs, causing pulmon
ary consumption. No matter in which
one of its myriad forms it crops out, or
manifests itself, "Golden Medical Discov
ery" will cure it if used perseveringly and in
l( .!,.,,,, j ,.t -m-. Dm tlm liesf, ml-
vertisemeuls for Dr. Cage's Catarrh Remedy.
MiiBsachusetts now has a Btate law
against clipping tames.
A porVet niatcli-sofe free to bmukert of 'Tanani'i
i uui.ii v., i:ifiai.
There are only three men in this country
who can make a circu pay.
vTT -I !-Tn-km.l nrPild
(ItBhiJgcists NtiEisEiwywHE
w in T3 m M m
... i. M A ;..lliiail Cuainl.
Siptimbtr 2, 3, 4, 8 and 6,1889.
in BroTiiinniQ I
Veirelnllnii I arvrd Kuck.
In New I'roviilnnni. Im.l ,.1n.1n
of the. liniiaiiia "roup are niiiiierous so-
called "haiuina holes." raiiniir in size
from that of a pint cup to that of a lare
cistern. Prof. ('. S. Oolley, who bus
lat.-l v studied these holes, finds that they
cannot have had the. same origin as pot
holes, and do not appear tn have been
cut out by thu waves, and he can only
no-count- for them as an effect of the ac
tion of decavint: vegetation.!ro
piautilicH of leaves ami other vc'ctabje
matter ai.! found in the holes, and it is
probable that the soft calcareous rock
has been dissolved by the feinieiitaliou
products, iiml washed nwav.
I..O-KI reimtll.iii Mtttl.llf-
Af the clie of .lime then; weru twen
ty-three crematories in Italy, ten in
America, one in Oenunnv, one in Kii":-
lul. one in ! ranee, one ill S llzcilaud.
one in llenmaicl;, and one in Sweden
a total of thirtv-uiae. In Italy two
corp-es were biii":cd in 170, fifleen in
I-", spleen in lsTS.iind 'J'.'l! in
Since lslli, 1,177 coroses have been
burned in Italy, mid 1, '.W.I in the oi her
countries. Tint whole number burned
in June was fifty.
I'll kill voti k'lore I
i -
V7 ihMU will bill ai miarl fit HtfHI.
II I. fi,,' rnun4 ear.
uiTinf ni vie, iicBuitB j'iui
tmmtt hie aim la a rA awirrla M ntl tHfr
v. it;i Hfcih, nit. AiUiiJ), vt.
. ',n w BIIHH JM lU'C,
ii i(rftint Aur ne iti4
"Curse ton!
lln the snake, as l snokn
nnd received a wi ond bite on the
1,,. ,l It. Lis fivnzv hetoretlieHtinKe
I ..umwli.p .Tfiini.l the head beneatu
hiM feet, and fell to llie ltoihki
Tin. u....ii iIi-hi nls'il na.l not oecu
. ..,;,iti.s Mr. . itchell wi
I , . a.i
. . u .1.. i.s iiiui-k V IS liosniiii
nml held tot hn mouth
. r.i.. ..f.i.i no. ii wnose io.iv
III I HO I I ""i""- .
. i..t rtir. lilt
u-(id ii rii ti r ii" i' ... - .--
i;.,,i,.r ,ll in. ir.Hid. In live minutes
.1.. l.ii.. u us ileiid. so ouicklv hm
L. I ...1 Tliere wnsnoth
me n, - ,,.,.
nrr on tlio ne.l.iier i " "
i t ' :.i..;ii..,l fn his nack was a ici
IJI! lO'-fll 11" " . , . -
ter signed "Nellie, evnlenuy aa , ,,K
ls. written by the little daughter
f the d.'...l num. The body was
,mri...I denr the place, which mnc
.. has lieen known ,vciihi.ko
Ocol.Ie a.s-'I'ea.l.MlinH.-pni.K.
A lien.arUtily "uwt Verdict
S.H.ukinir of the nornetimt-8 q.--i
r,., bv It jury, rwallH a
nine I wiiB engaged in once at Loum-
i..n Mn. Two men, employer uu
' . . .. i ..,,,,1-pi.Ii.iI n lontaniiti'-
employe, nau , u. -; - - ,
tcrcd waires. naoi u.j
,er 1 , nriiro.rm m conver-
nl v 80 e up li"' oniP .v''r
mostcutunKi.o- ' , th, ....
,1(ry tlirtist. i : r fH(.t
doneHo.p.-N.ap, ; - -
that oneoiiiioi. " - - The
wuMeonversinKw.-" ' ',,.,..,
physician at oneetooK -,.
.,on 1 n
Kver since there have been women
fuiore each vear) who rlaim that ther-. is
110 nap half as good, or as economical as
lliilihias r.leelnc. J Here imist us some
li-iilh in their claim. Try it, seo liow
inii(-h. Your prnt-er has it.
FIIMI"S ol'lH.'et Mini:'.
The slow flapping of the butterfly's
war's is perfectly noiseless, nut more
mi. ill movements of illSeCt W illL'S 1 II O-
.liieo sounds iiioreasiin; m shrillness
...III I lu. number of vibni ions. Sir
Omaha Nb.
Bin ParttBAA al PhalM
if Naur XmAt
aamba laxxuii wl wwy
Jm 1h In r4Hffv4. .irw.
IM HiWtl Ml. (MUM. HL
,t.onwl 1 ,1 the flow
.tnnifin rielmrire, siwi'i"" -
II l-U ft" --
nired- .liu,.iitirelvre-
"W motltliH later o. -1 ...
, xi... ,.; o ilHilssaiio'o.
covrreii," " " ''I-,, fll,.ts were
bcpin. ' i ii There did not
prou i. -;. ' - iii..tiiitr '"!
u,M..nto lie J i".'' . .' .t;,.,
stances whatever - ,
nndhhortiyreui.a ,..irinu8
.....iinrizinrr a i"": ' r-
I'"1 ' i . ...iikMS O ITU"'"
to know by wna, " " , & v,r.
in2theyreacae .
diet. 1 "-.,,:, to the
. I ...i- ri " u.iui ic. a"'- ., ,
rT1rnaT. V"' I v en, ...f ..null Ilia"
ui.r. ma u a. m. onir . . i.,rv t III! con in j .
pciiic(,rih.trtcttra pcnitenuitrv and if we sent
o.u.iX.7KriAM,M bo the Hiune,
nun ioj" , , ...vrinverswoinu,her of whirh the tnxi .
alrrn tli. ba.1 of aaiia-
n'.. ( .hi. inon Fly
I ll . ,
o invs more tnnu
Tim common t.
f,n, lnvh.fX toumui" i " tU(lje(i
vr-i-i - , l..ur Ol lis ' - .
I t...,.ii'.M.KS. .'.'""" .
I V " i'
I .trie
Irrcoiii'-i -
lt illuHtmt-xl
rhicun. in.
11.00. ftoidbx Unclttt.
neitner oi ' -. i.Bt thmir to
lilo so WO tlioar!"" Cf I nn s
Has to fine him
! .1 .MM V.I1.V.
In K.iUtbffat.rn .w
.Vir??n "' P watari a lna-
,lolm Lubbock has shown by soma of
his later observation" that the, wind's
of the housefly f-'ive the sound F, and
vibrate S0,KW times a minute, or 3tJ5
times a second, and those of the bee
yield the sound A. vibmliiii.' us many as
;li 4i)fl times a minute, or 4-10 times a
second, though tired bee may hum on
inaliin only :"ld vibrations it second.
Marcy has coiitiruif'il .these tlieoreti-
oal nmnbers by placing a tly so that
at each vibration the Hp ol ins win
waiie a mark on a moving cylinder, the
. i i : . . -i-iii ..i . ii a uiini mil
in-tnai r.-tora ociu ,iuuiu.i.i"
m.a I' licla Her jtlonry.
pi'lrill iMh'l.-i ti.imlay Sun. July
ll.. ,un,lii ' S ier. ol aill t.immpiH.a
street, lias fticM.-nly stepped from compar
ative poverty to allhience.
S'he is tho fore-la.iy in one ot the flats ol
(iray, Toyuton it Fox's andy factory in
this city. ., , .... h.
,.. the Din oi .liny,
rr tmuL'ht a 'one-twentielh part of racket
Vo 42 75S n the.iuiy ii unvw.i.K ...
, :,", .. State Lottery. On Tuesday
last she receive.! a telegram in sho
notilied that ner uci."
515.000. ,.,.-,.,, , mvann,
tl! couree, I am .iei..i. "',",
fmtune," said -Miss risuer w j
Sun '"a"- . aimcltT in
-Did VOU experience m.j
''UnsV'',!'".'VLt in the hands of one
.Mk. ter., and they got my money
lor me. . . i .
I sannose your friends are ue..g""
j.()r good fortune?' ti
m;r,rn- U. course lain
.lel.chted for 1 shall not, ' -
b"rd-" 1,1 tn Miss Fisher at
The money was paid to .Miss i
Mi, Commercial National PauK, in,. v,
The pure worship "f a pure heart is an
inspiration as.l a "B-
"t ho !. .
t ,l,lition to the une.piale.l Dining Car
vice e ee, round bluffs and Denver
Service I"-'"" . Tll0 Overland Iloute.'
I, August INtli. and daily
7..i., p. m., ""oiuiv . . , n e ftn,i
.IK m-UU.rS
furnished jjLZ-----
iti.i.-p'e"vr;M.nor andl,fea
wakeful hanjbdja
,li.oi. Central Kailroad
KJCtirsions SouO..
. ,rceco'yor"S.-n""ra"omc-s,'k'"
;:omb d., MUSI.1PP.," address the
Ocu'll'ans. Ap rit,
An I -'
t contlnuou. .un
M Hu"""',n " malana. 'p
ta7..WMatiMMM UIh.. .
itu Pmm I r rig all-. A MMrM ll..l;ilWt.ll'
ii PUTlallt.
Tnlvfr.lf v Nulra llnme.
Among the educational institutions of
the United States there are but few that
hava ml ira m-pil .in rflni.llv as the Flli-
versity of Notre Dame established over
forty-sir years. It rapidly passed to the
front rank and has each succeeding year riiieH with the demands of the times.
n lioltnp at 1 iif u 1 IfltlH 1 institution can be
found anywhere, which the large and in-
i-ruiiuinir ,iu I rim ii e it. eniovs from all sec
tions of the country testifies. Parents
i ..I..,.;..,, IUIk.ihb nr wnrilf.
i.iiiiii.-iiiii.ii.iiib ii.. ii, 6
at school will obtain full information and
ratiLlnune bv ad. ressimr Kev. 1. r.. aisn
Free. Lnivcrsity ftotre Uanie, ma.
The parasols carried in the L'nfted States
cost 514,UUU,l" O annually.
i i iv, i. cent Ktii.inn we will send
you ono of the handsomest almanac in
the country. "HonioHtead," Omaha, eb
A sealskin saone does not always keep
the heart warno
Du-my or Doi.-.a.AS, )6S
Stale of Nebraska. ( '
ciiinon (joetz, being duly sworn, accord
ing to law, deposes and says that he has
heen for about six years superintendent
of the compounding department of Her &
Co having charge of the manufacture of
Kenaedv's East India Hitters; that he
knows then, 'o be made purely lrom a
choice selection of roots nnd herbs (all o
acknowledged medicinal value) by an inlu
siH with the best refined spirits; that
knowing their eflicacy and purity he is us
ing tbem extensively in his family as a
tonic and household remedy, with most
desirable results. Bimon Goicri,
Now Special Agent Mutual Life Insurance
Co. of New York.
i- t unViQcrihed before me. c-
0. Hoeiner, this hth day of August, 188'J.
CO. KoBMicii, Notary Public.
When men are lonely they Btoop to any
5. n tltUM KXC I KMONS. 5.
Via tho WAUASlt LINE to Missouri,
Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi
and Louisiana at half faiik. tickets will
he sold August 6th nnd 20th. September
10th and 2-1 th, and October Nth. good for
;!ii davs. Remember the Wabash is the
. .,ut,li with elegant reclining
cin.irand I'uHiiian llnfiet sleeping cars on
all trains. Eor tickets and further mfor-
i . ..-11 . ii-i-'M a
."vt.n. X. W. P. Agent. 1502 Far
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
Tbe Celebrated Divine,
Rev. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmaoe
gpeaVs on the Fair Grounds Tuesday, Bept.
f at 10 o'clock a. m. So extra charge for ad
mission. .Tnulm
Thelirana iiercnaui . !
display Wednesday, Bept 4th
liiana uauuou 3.V kWr
chute drop from the eloudi every day. ever
betore attempted la Nebraska.
SOMElUIStt NEW AU Allllltit"
Send to the Secretary for premium Hsti
and programmes. J- H. McSHANr..
1 KeeretarV.
D. T. MOUNT, President
Leisure Hour Music
' .,j a.. of tbe
THRoroH "Lr , lVvuJorlinr "M
I Antuma. " d!iri!'r..' w- ia KING aa,.
llie Vone-cvenliis;" OI wiiim:.. -
an emertalaer. u i
jaau ituw '- I-' " 4
O.B. K..y.lif at u"t' j
Cl.Ti.lrc...- Kch'i'r.'ii-LhaS.w.Ste.
" , -w-
M. v. WHITE'S ALBUM, $2 00.
CHOICE SACRED SOLOS, fl.25. Tor BvcM l.!il of tl bet qMUir
Cal'wer. Soncs. 50c The same for Gult.r er
fHi'lrS". IVnraTourATbum
n'odo'lTson1 to .M-J fM.
Old Folk-" Tunes, 40c ; J ubllee an 1 "
tation Soagiii 30e.
Aoy boot lua'.led for retail price.
I m ii
laaoallant for Cuta. mrt
jpurra r noraa.
The New Baxter Eng-ine, Rope and
Twine Machinery, ana manuim--turer
of Binder Twine, etc.
Tlits eniiine 1s iiuule wnn rii
the latest Improvements Iron.
1 to la 11. P. and ha a record
uiiHiirjiasKeil ia tbe history ol
steam motor)., livery eaulne
is provided Willi all economic
and salel.v- appliance, known,
and are warranted In every re
spect. Kver.v description ot
Hope nail Conlaite, Twine and
liueKitae Jlacliiaery. And also
manufacturer ol a very super
ior quality ol -late Hinder
Twine at reduced price. Ad
dress, .KIKHI'H !. , TOIIH.
tltl l)e.y St., s lora.
riease mention this paper
(Main Builrtlnj.l . M
! y'? '"f".r "rT.,T., .rset.3.
llu&V " very fsciilty I. afforded tor acquiring a,
thorouifh tnowledne of
i, Mallieniallr.. Law, Science, mmm
n !.
A thormnrh commercial coarse ii i jlso feature off
ttielntitatk,n. Special advanwues wllloe placcU'.
within Llie reach ol those de-trlng to tudy
THE MlN-IM Department, for boys under thirteen.,
la separate. ert''""J,U
be seal tree on applicail-.n to Kev. 1 . K. w uia.
V. . t'., I'residfiil. Kotrr Ifume P.O., laa-
Patented Auc. 16, 1887. Improved July 30, 1889-
w dci 4W&'a. waw-jU-"
' ' vV VJ -IJRheumatio ComplainU.
"., ' , f Jt,s4-iiJ"I-unE0, eenral
ii --.lh-f-?-iSffli;Nf rvou. Debility. 0o-
canted by ;
The T.arRe.t and Ite-t Enn.pd l-oj l tb.
Wilt, Tlioroua 1 1' ' r
Sand for College JournaU
inna in XU1..11, .i -
riedor'in- IVVj. m., rtaiale-
M a pair ok ri CflTnip UCft FS. EEapirt.
E5r 8TffiSvtS . i s.a? ssk r-iub .n.
Jityouff ."".enledcnvclcie. ilcalion
w inawrnrfh KrnndwaT. ST LOUIS, KO.
A MOM'H and more is enrned by
irniduatei will) aiJfiiv. w mmhv"'
a!).? College. .Send
friends and aet circular and bMntl
rul ...ecimens of penmansliip, mi;-
IIUMinrif-n '"'"'-" '
The darkest cloud often contains the
must fruitful showers.
It..) n Home In Kill., Kanana.
This town is one of the most promising
,. . ,,! .1.1 the 1 ,nion Pacilic
,. .. ... i 1. ,1 v . in station of that
rod and has division shops round house
, .. ..; MilluHnd factories are
an e" - . .",T Ik becomim- a thriving
place, in'the midst of aprosperous farming
ree on. It is a neaouy p, - - -
nd climate are excellent. Albert Wood
cock. General Laud,,. .
Kv., Omaha. Neb., or l.eroy b.
Land and Emig. Agt. U. P. Ry.. Mh-, Kan
Ths fiist maps of Africa published gave
that continent seventeen rivers where not
one single stream existed.
When Baby was rich, wo gave her Castoria,
When chc woe c Child, cue cried tor Castoria,
When she became Iltes, die clung to Castoria,
When che had Children, she gave tnem Castoria,
n 1- TJ-U Jkrfirhmfint.
uwen piTvi-i 1 r t h." 011 r.
wad tuHd or elroDB. Tlii j 1 theouty
electric trtiw una , "r "" "V,,, . f dV..
Hiii1ur In rmiti io wi i,7, ' t.,,,..,.. .
OivcD's Elect rn-Onl van I c ikmis, pipinai i,tVh , iih.,,
Idhc:m feud bo. for fr iUratc.l i.umP liM , w hlch will h
lent TO" i T'l-'fn F-ated envelope. Sold only by t lie
l.t.i, :uih Xuiih llidJbtlwM.v, tit. Loiii.-, Mu
fh Tl
Thl. IP,,.. 1.
I f rent .n W
enmt Bl..
.Ill CliR.E-
W. N. U., Omaha,
1 SM'"" "
nc branch... Sl.orlli.nn- and trpe wrlr ;j?f,V,"V,rEpve arl for S l.onr. work d.;
VX;cT"aV," mi 'rt SiTf.'.'plS'Vrlf. lor circa,.,-. .peolmen of P.m.
PHIP W rviin am a-.
In Frnnre they have applied electricity
to the playing pilots""- t
Kiarlllfrti. IdnllO.
rr-l ..!.. nnlll Til M 1) ha Hotel erected od,i
pen for llie seas; ..... . -
hotel is (irst-class in every respeel with i all
the modern conveniences ,
modate comlortaoiy ee.e..i
8uJl"ts- ...,.!! a which abound
Hie me.ii.iii.ii .-I . .
about Soda Springs are noted for their
fltive properties and - " -
cures have been recorue... i-- -
ng and excellent, fishing is to e found
ew miles from (?oda Spring., (ood livery
Lml tiide. always to be had For further
information address, K L bOMAX, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
AsFt.Gcn'lI'nss- Agt.,
.Manchester, low.
.. "iitel'lr.
i n ItTUHl
I'riw . bT mail.
r hit." r.t...
J UrfciiJI a
worni'triml l"r,c:a OI10 fly
VS5-5ff" SriTOh" about .Itnio -
B!W I,i- Crr: toin f hie'are fcmnle, wo
iBSi,..- 'might tawK
, , if f thn manV Hlitl-f on imK
About bait "f .Li fr vessels
Ooinpoti"! 110" r'' , . , 1-rof. V. -lb
I .C C CM1..1CIU CMd.
IU". . ,'f atc.l. will be de
nes Bto I','". ,,1 rc.ll m 1'1'Pia
! 1 V? f k OOW BRAND I 1
i 1 '
New WayJg )0n't
Old Way
". .'V'0.' , iron aial roHul!
mirrosion. K'Vlia '
are m
;:y-n let,vecn 11,0
- . , ...,io Ian: "Hull
K. A. Bond, J "..trrh 111-
fatarrl. Cure urjd n J wne
"ur.' Sold b, drug- di C
of it , 1 1 "
gists, 75c-
rub the dirt out of
vnnr clothes because
your ancestors did. Keep up with the
. T 1 awm ls$rrr fM PITTiniT
limes, i ry inuuciu mens iwi aaviM
labor. James Pyle's PEARLINK
leads all of those which pertain to
cleanliness. Labor-saving directions
on every package.
What is it that frays your collars,
cuffs and shirts, and pulls off the
buttons and strings ? What is it that
ruins your paint? It's the old-
r i i f -..U
" lasnioneci way ui run, iuu, iuu, m
i 1 an PEARLINE does away with most of the rubbing, so it saves the worst of the
.r nr .the clothes, the paint, and the woman herself. Millions now use PEARLINE.
wear, on tne ciomcs, i f . , , f .
Ik ' tK mrirlprn SOaP ana a lull nidi win Loin.."... ...v. ...v.- w..... . .
It IS tne niuut. dicrs and some unscrupulous grocers are offering imitations which they claim to be Pearliney
, ...), .,mi.aPear ine." IT S FALSh they are noi, anu oesiues are uangerous. ixam-iiil II
r 1 m
1 .. . ,.. nn,l Kel.le nr. rlonfT.rnnc W A P T TMIT la
never peddled, but sold by all good grocers. ,i Manufactorad only bv JAMES PYLE, Kew Yortu f
New orK
car. i: ,
pa, w-