,xn County Journal. 'ftUdy Thursday. gutacription Pri, 2.00 - E4ltor. lbe Harrison pot offlft u rc naiu-r. tj receive a prand Uuinrr . iwrfii fliW? fro"' tlie republi- 4 Ohio, in x" OI lna eif"iy-io jj major1')' ,or Juwrnton last Thi. it nil very well, but a few , If" ; :jgtt juditkiily diiierwed would in aa-ordaiK-e witli the average i'i idea of tlie fltijean of tiling Ijf. pitman, or "Pit asi I w more !y known among iim inctxis, lias new dignity uiai or Unik rat I" connection wiui ., t. .trwdt-K. Holmes, of Harrison, i ii .. r ...1. IT : .. s purrliawu uie iui oi iiiju. . Bilrae ill be tlie cashier of the ....a: if l,u t.rm . ,,..1 ! be will be a prime Kun-m VkkI- Jjn)rlf. jh, new law of nationality in France 10 t)ie effect tlmt a child born of hharvnUie in any country in a . tj . I . Cire likely to ensue in the future if pla 1 ntri tly enforced. The con KjUod of the United Rtuteu provide t ll )ierson.s lorn in the United btlKe parents are resident and itjti-U to Hie juriwliction of the Unitel bleinre Anieri.-nn citizens. lift. S. Louis laoitalwU liave just pur sued i franchise for furninhintf lnver Irth water. The commnv pwiu a lake jETHiilw from Ienver which 1ms an al- zaieof fourteen thousand, four hun- Hind thirty-four feet, while, tlmt of UntywTive thousand, two hundrvd d three feet. Tlie water will lie trjug.it to the city by aiieluct, and rill require but little, if any, pumping jceount of thn immense prt-ssure pvtn by trie ditfereni-e in elevat ion. Thmolicitor of the troa-sury deisirt- Kotnill scratch liis head in dead ear-n et He has leen called upon to deciile S rjilexinx question whether electri dty general! in Canada and introduced tothijnntry would be taxed as be artubiect to dutv. It aniMairn that an " t i tkrtrical plant ha been established on k Canadian side of Niagria Fall for tb purpose of Rupplvinir Buffalo with Ssctricity, and if the solicitor of the Irawry be wise he will refuse to make .ii,, . .. i reply just yet a while, on the ground I.'; . , . twtl treasury dejrtment doe not er hvpothetKal uuentiuna. Lincoln kind. TViounty jailer at Omalia got on a gtynaaod insulted neoole a few davs If'J- A comnlaint wan Hied, the nmn stl, and lie went up to the jungo ZkJ'T .T, UtfandcmtaMquutlythatno or --eoun room, rcely, knew what piing on. The tee makea a kii Ifcut the manner in widen the affa utmslii! on Tl,:.t U Tl tof a man holding an oflicial isisitic "ot give him a license to violate and in case lie does do an aci 'httll lie is li:.l,le , I i .,..1 ... ,.v v-. 4... 4, . ... i wljihouMthe fact I made known ""wmputM,!,;, place. "faylWeekHnrv Villa.il. of we Aortfwn Pacific, HiibmitUkl a pro4 lu uw airectorg of tliat company wnwiwate ita debt by isuing a blan engage of 1 160,000,000. This pro- "wwuwtWok the directors' breatl ,ny Die present fixed hidel.t.liiess ol wroad it about $93,000,000 for the line and Mrne t'ie.OOO.OOO for the broad., and properticn, making in ""WoutH30.OC-0.OOa Villard' jiropo- V"1-'or a lower rate of inter ""W U new loar, ( tifln.0fl0.000. but mk no deflna3 proviKion for the ex- T- w,w,im over the original debt nutDore Uian tibl v:ii..i l.im. uiJ uUorb a portion of the tOlniin .... j .... . r j imu rnav iw AMI titiou .1. I ,wt 4l.4 i-L.,. in ..v Duumiueu rim pian. inc. A Punched OolUr. -., lu-jnunwan is reifiionsioie loim , mU r'"rclr.i-4 a ticket, ! id I t'le,t'on(lu'torfr.ie around irtilwi i i cawi after wiucn ne . "w back in hU seat and bom rwid newsimpcr, PreHntly the eon- fturfu J e,urnt "UKik here," Naid tlie e7n . . Bitlman, "y you pave "le tri-ml.,.. ,: , i Tlie i coniinueo w rvai, "condui r HKike with more excite r"t. ..Ti,i ,i..i, .i u.i,i . " nm dollar vou mive me. nu 'Laliolein it.'' H-.ff"tl-,man looked ui) varelewtly. ou j " Jou uon i wain n tJ ,""f't turn it over to the compa- bruka NUte Fair, JWn tickeU on aal. Sept. 5, to .8 y.., "luniiui u.ii... ii- - 'ive: t tj..i i. .aiiKH Lrrwui m..... : t:t u.,1 u i WR. VMtha p.i, ..j r.iiin.. Eroo tick.1. mu Senteniter - to S. . , ...:i . -M-MniiYi, rootl reluming u' il U." Vntribution by tlie Womun. , ... nriiimi ""It.uk Luion. Tlie U nioo tlte lol !. WJTv,"!' : 4 p. m., when f..ll .... . 6' at dew red d a - Biienaance is """""'tiunofof will Uien take pla,e. ern KKija-noNs. generous f-l,r, 'One th IOU ."s oue irreat htone deed f,f .i ... ... wo . , , . f""" ere nil; it dd make l .... .u.,Kcr seem tlan if ear "'lr a tliouud I'lL eat day "Time i,a.th a wulU i.:.. , , lrein lie put alms for oblivion" If luu the laivtrf lir. i- ""u uves in the liven of the ynatest (lumber of ro- much Kr.in.ler tlian never to lave astriv- uiK (,'o.xi enoUK'ti to lie called a failure." "He not simply l'.xkI. lie L'nort f.,r sotnethiiiK'."-Henry Tlion an. "WiaUdona we partly can compute, Hut know not what's resisted." it A few drink of bud whiskey can do more deviltry than any decoction invent ed by man. It only t.K.k a moderate amount of this sitiuiulaiit anil a few mo ments for a drunken teamster la mount a Northwestern locomotive on a recent evening and start it wildly spinning through the city, only to stop when it went to pieces against an ojiKisin,' en trine and resulted in a damage bill of tl.l.Oou. Two drinks for lifteen cents can accomplish (;rat lliitifrs in the way of damages. h.t-Ockiii. ft TlinIJNII WITH IMSIIEK. 1 a suttitiK at the table of an Irish men luuit in S a few years aj:o. He had ei:lit beautiful children. He li;ul his wines and bramlv on the table. and, of course, asked me to drink, and I hadtojrive my reasons for declining:. Tins mive me an onportunitv to nut m a little tciiierance, and while I was niak inr; my little sieei h byway of apology I iiiiuio this Miiark: ''I would, like to we the man who could truthfully say 'No relative or friend of mine ever fell IhroiiL'h int'iiiieran e.' " I iw that this had struck him; his knife and fork fell from his grasp, and be remained si-' lent for some seconds. "Well," said ho at length, "I am not that man. My . , . , pennt!ndWit a , ,, My first Biiiiday-school su- man a man of genial spirit and noble mein. He went into the wi trade, and died a drunkard before he fortv. My find class-leader, I belie v wan a good, intelliRent, useful man; but he, too, yielded to the habits ot intern pren e, and died a drunkard. My owi futber siiffered tlirouifh intemiieieiioe." "Yet," I exclaimed, "and you yoursell are ,ra,linK U-f.-re your friends and ,.',,,," Uie jllstnimenU of death ' ... . . v()Ur wt 8unibyhool su perintendent, your first clasn-leader, and your father, Tlie very roie with wliich they were Imnjf you are adjusting to tjiti'h your children. I c-anuot afford to put my head in such a halter as that."- H. Taylor, -Tlie Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Vallev R. R. and the Sioux City & Pucill.: K. R- "Tl'e North-western Line," will sell tickets from all stations on their lines at one fair for the round trip for the National (i. A. B. Uui'"n at Milwaukee, Wis. Comrades and others desiring to char-terKl-ejiers should make their arrange ments at owe. Tl.rougn cow run from imiortant stations w ke8 via Chuago wiinoui fall on J.C. Northrop, agent, Ham wo, or write to J. Buchanan, G. A., Omaha, Neb., for further mforma tion. Mwrkof Electricity, . .vm use in the United mere me - , . .. States more th.-. 5,650 central Nations for Utfltt and power. .u. U arc. ihOiand 2,600,000 mean es- Lit lamps, ai-rewere.iftyn.ue e e - trical railways in operauoa . last, and eighty.ixroaus o construction. increa-,. -e ,i-trical investments uurmt; was. nearly 170,000,000. These are very waitntariy t wmfr signilkani - takaWjtothecoiirHe of to tu tionsand discoveries.-" can. . ..-.ii ii.. , i.f Nebraska. Now SertiowH .. kesalesn-nisadviHetlto , jp to examine anu island b;stect,onu,:7 eH ad lateraitroau " indicated. Nice lit -eT - . i,,.v rceiveo me """ Lntion V J- Pill icn iw - towns anu reference vu.tioiiiLioii. rf .,u ir .i,i,.li now accomi'""'" tl, ndex wnidi no k1. map. ' M" i . Vare the eciiml" ' rhicatro, are the 1 154 Monroe street. CI publishers, and we l-t ,..il.lilierH, wwwel"c" r....t pr(IUble.n.ployn.e - t ",., . who obtain v W" . ""T.; i... excellent map f yj- excellent IIAWARE, FURUITURE, STOVES, TINWARE. BARBED-WIRE And a Big Stock and Lowest Prices, 00 TO Griswold Tins it the time to buy barbed wire CHEAP. We have just received a CAR LOAD and it will w you .0 buy it I10w Y(Jur3 for business Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. "The Northwestern Line" -And- Omaha, Sioux City, -And All East, North, South and West, THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINT& IWMomWonTnppli H. 0. Bl'HT, General Manager, J. Pt. Bt't'HAKAN, General Pasneiiger Your Eye KEEP FOR Conley, Reidy Next W & Marsteller's Between Harrison, Neb., Chicago, St. Paul Points J Agent. ) Ontkhn .NelirajUa, & Pollard's K! The Harrison House. v . EOGERT ROHWEB, Propnetor, . - HAKRISON, Nebmslt. -O- Special Attention to Commercial Trade, Best Accommodaions in the Northwest. J, Q. ARMSTRONG, President. S. BARKER, Cashier. THE IB? AS. OF HARRISON. Harrison, - - - Nebraska. Transacts a general banking business, AND Loans Money on Chattel Security. J, B. Finnky, President. General office F. C. SlLKEtsaw, Secretary, BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO, -Dealers in- Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles, Sash , Blinds, Hair, COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS Harrison. Neb Are ftrictly flnt-elati ! eveiy detail, poneai an absolutely perfect repeating action and handsome cases. Fnlly warranted. EM Are th best in the world, and have led all others for yean. Over 210,000 in nse. The people are bo aid to have the best, and will have none hnt the ESTEY. Tim payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call aid see ns, or send far Catalogues aid fnll infsrmatiin. HOT 233 State Louts House Doors, Plaster, Lime, ON HAND. G. GUTHRIE, Manager. life JSILa & CAEfiR Street, Chicago. 16 & 915 QU.Y II ff , rl n -4 7 t I., SSI M 2nur t to Omalia and tleni. A copy - n at thi oBiCf... I, i