r S r v r SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL HARRISON, 5EB. STATE NEWS. NEBRASKA MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. The Catholics of Palmyra recently dedicated a new church. . The Holt county fair will be held September 25, 26 and 27. Grand Island's street car line is to be extended to the new fair grounds. Fifty persons were converted the first day of the Fremont camp meeting. Geneva has voted in favor of water bonds, there being scarcely any opisi tion. The managers of the Omaha fair propose providing many attractions for visitors. Many farmers in Keya Paha county Lave commeuced plowing for next sea son's crop. The old settlers of Otoe and Cass counties will picnic in Lynn's Grove on the 22d inst ' 4 The recent rains in the vicinity of Cortland were the heavest experienced there for years. : 1 Plans for Omaha's new city hall .have been submitted. The structure is to cost 8350,000. Farragut Post G. A. R., Lincoln, sent a drum corps fifty strong to the Kearney reunion. ' The postoffice at Xystcd, in Howard J county, was robbed last week of about twenty-five dollars. Nebraska City old soldiers have de cided to attend the national encamp ment at Milwaukee. ! The Filley Farmer reports that Josh Thompson, while stacking, killed twenty-six rattlesnakes. The late heavy rains damaged bridges in Cass county from three to five thousand dollars. A laie meteoric stone is reported to have fallen near Greenwood. It was dug up and preserved, j The old settlers of Thayer county will hold their reunion this year at Carleton on August 28th. i About forty mechanics are employed on the Hohlrege opera house w hich is fast nearing completion. Talmage, the eminent divine, will make an address on the Omaha fair grounds in September. A curiosity is on exhibition at Paw- j nee City in the shape of a cornstalk con taining eight ears of corn. Sixty boards of trade, with a mem bership of 3,000, have joined the State Development association. A deer was killed lost week in a corn field near Geneva. It was a buck and about three years old. j 'Battery B, ladies' light artillery of 'Firth, is receiving invitations from vari ous places to attend reunions. John Roberts, an employe of the (Wabash Western, dropped dead at Grand Island from heart disease, j The North Platte National bank lhas commenced the erection of one of the finest bank buildings in the west. '2 It is expected that the Burlington and Union Pacific roads will enter into an agreement for a Union depot at Be-'atrice. . ) r-The Omaha Motor Railway com pany have placed a mortgage on record to secure the issue of (800,000 worth of bonds. j Two men Owen McDonald and ijames Donnelly were run over and (killed by a switch engine in South Omaha. 1 Mr. Valentine has been appointed 'collator for the Third congressional district by the State Development association. j The Eeporter says Madison does not boast of a boom, but is nevertheless ixnaking progress that approaches very near to it, James McFall, of Lincoln, suicided jin a box car by shooting himself with a pistol. He left no word to show why "the deed was done. I A Mrs. Kue was arrested in Fro Kont for being an inmate of a house of prostitution. She has live small chil '3ren in Columbus. i ' There were ninety-nine teachers enrolled at the Washington county in stitute this year. There are fifty-two schools in the county. ' A special election will be held at the village of Hooper on August 24, 1889, for voting on the issue of water bonds to the amount of $5,400, j A law suit for the possession of a 1200 bird dog has been commenced in a Fremont court A 400 bond was given lot the safe keeping of the dog. j 1 Farragut Post No. 25, G. A. R., Lin coin, has decided not to attend the na tL.nal encampment in consequence of Ithe greed of the railroad companies. ' -Rev. N. M. Mann, for thirteen years ' (pastor of the First Unitarian church at .Rochester, N. T., has accepted a call to ' Ithe pastorate of Unity church at Omaha. I Mr. N. Baker, of Willowdale, died auddouly a few days ago from a stroke 1 tof apoplexy. He was working about a (threshing machine when he suddenly idxopped dead, Some ' Fremont gentlemen have ipUoed one hundred dollars in the hands f .the editor of the Tribune for the prosecution of saloon keepers who sell lUgoor to minors, , - FtattMMMth hat been selected as CaptaoKOf meeting for the third r 3JI taMotaU iMNtan of Iowa, V i ' wd KJaowi Od4 Fallows , .... .y While paintiugthesixty-foot smoke stack of a mill at York, a 3oung man named Bosenloff fell from the top, but) caught a wire which hung by the stack and lowered himself to the roof. The eleven-year-old son of John A. Barnes, of Grant, was fonud insensible1 on the prairie a few days ago from the effects of a fractured skull, the work of a vicious pony. He may recover. A modest female drummer possess ing excellent business tat recently in duced a mi in lt-r of Hastings business men to buy large bills of goods. She was representing a fruit farm at Sever3', Kan. Mrs. Mary Aldropp, of Madison township, Filmore county, has received news that her daughter, Mrs. John Friar, of Nez Perces county, Idaho, met her death by being thrown from a horse. Fremont jnstiee now ornaments of fenders with a bull and chain and makes them work out their fines. Already there is a diniiuntiou in the number of THE LATE LANDS OF LO. Information Valuable to Those Who Want a Slice of the .. Reservation. Some Legislation let Accessary Before All Rights and Titles Can lie Made Perfect. Congress Will Look to This and Will Secoosts by an Act ol the Ckl Executive, be Tfce Horn eifrnilon Laals. , Pierre, Dak., Aug. 17. Since the success of the Sioux commission in se curing the signatures of the required siumber of Indians to render operative the provisions of the bill opening the rreat reservation to settlement, there have been many opinions expressed as to when the law would go into effect, . ,, , , ,, . , . ! and what steps were now necessary in arrests, the new order of things working i , . ' , . . , J . ... ', i order to allow tho settlers to go on the like a cuarm. A Sutton man hired a building torn down and had the old nails saved. When he got through and figured up he found they had cost him 30 cents a pound, which made him so mad ha threw them awny. Sand hills along the Platte river, for merly the abiding place of coyotes, are this year producing corn eleven feet high, which shows that the man who spoke ill of any part of Nebraska is a traitor to the cause. The citizens of Jnniata kindly ex pressed their appreciation of the serv ices of a village marshal by presenting to him asuitof blue, bearing the insignia of his official character, as a preserver of the public peace. During a heavy storm George War ner, living about eight miles west of Sa lem, was struck by lightning and in stantly killed. A man standing near was badly shocked and three horses killed at the same time. The new town site of Marslnnd on the Black Hills extension of the B. & M. was reached by the track layers a few da-s since. The new town is located in Leonard precinct, Dawes county, and many substantial buildingsare going up. During a heavy rain and wind storm which prevailed at Dawson, George Warner was struck and instantly killed by lightning. Four horses were also killed and George Richardson was so badly stunned that he may not recover. Hon. Joel Hull, of Minden, has been appointed byliieldevelopmnnt associa tion of Nebraska to make a canvass in his district for financial assistance needed to carry ont the plans of the organization towards advertising the state. At Omaha lost week W. H. Hol- comb, Thomas L. Kimball, E. Dickin son, G. W. Holdredge and J. G. Taylor (president ot the Dinted htates, upon satisfactory proof presented to him that the same has been obtained in the man ner and form required by said twelfth article of said treaty, which proof shall be presented to him within one year from the passage of this act; and uixm failure of such proof and proclamation this act becomes of no effect und null and void." i -mo loriiicoimug proclamation will incorporated what is to be known as 1 1, t ...,, ... ,,, . "The Omaha Union Depot company, "make known the acceptance and con- with a capital of $1,000,000; shares, $100 sent" of the Indians to the disposal of eacu, 1 their lands, and the negotiations for the J. , , n , purchase or disposal of such lands will .ei iSvr, ui w...mm, uiu,,. , not be complete until rutilied by con to rape an eight year old girl, lhe in- gress, as the law plainly states, whicl reservation and select their homes. The Associated pn ss correspondent at Wash ington sent out nn item to the effect that the work of the commissioners must be ratified by congress before any one could enter land. This was prompt ly deuied by those who had worked to get tha bill through congress, and the multiplicity of statements has con founded the general reader and left a doubt on the subject. An examination of the law under which theconimission was appointed shows the following facts: Section 12 of the act of March 2, 1889, reads as follows: ' "That at any time after lands have been allotted to all the Indians of any tribe, as herein provided, or sooner, if in the opinion of the president it shall be for the best interests of the tribe, it shall be lawful for the secretary of the interior to negotiate with such Indian tribe for the purchase and release of said tribe, in conformity with the treaty or statute under which such reservation is held, of such portions of its reserva tion not allotted as such tribe shall from time to time consent to sell, on such terms and conditions as shall be consid ered just and equitable between the United States and said tribes of Indians, which purchase shall not be complete until ratified by congress." ' Section 28 reads: "That this act shall take effect, only, upon the acceptance thereof and consent thereto by the dif ferent bands of the Sioux nation of In dians, in manner and form described by the twelfth article of the treaty between the United States aud the said Sioux In dians, concluded April 2!, 1808, which said acceptance and consent shall be made known by proclamation by the furiated father, when told of the out rage, knocked lerger clown witu a weight, and then jumping upon the wretch nearly stamped the life out of him. A heavy bank of clay caved in at John Lanham's brick yard near Crete, while a number of men were working below it Christian Christians, a Ger man, was buried beneath the falling earth and very severely hurt, so that his ife is despaired of. Grant Williams, son of a well known farmer south of Nebraska City, was ar rested at Hamburg, Iowa, and brought ch may ne promptly at tne coming session of congress, or it may drag along and bo finally defeated or rejected. This disposer of the statement, that the lands Vrill be thrown open to settlement similar to Oklahoma. The lands can not be opened for settlement until con gress first ratifies the treaty or action of the Sioux commission, and provides the manner of opening the reservation by further legislation. Again, it is well to call attention to the following extracts from sections 12 and 21. Section 21 provides: "That all lands adapted to agriculture, with or without irrigation, so sold or releused to the United States by any Indian tribe, shall be held by the United States for . .... n ft It ! B.wv,""" in 4u"u-t li-Ei-Oover-Chicago, 111-, Auum r C harles Foster, of Ohio, M.J. nl Warner and John B. E arner, o Kansas aud General George ( rook, of toS, of the Sioux sion, arrived here yesterday. Governor Foster in talking of the work of the j-osier, inu. ..Tlu,re L:.s lcn a commission, said. mire u Apprehension a. to the number of ,ros to 1 opened to J i latest information shows that t . m acres instead of 11. '. b ' ti-im'S U-iii" estimated by the conimis Kit yew." I n answer to a question re" a ding he land, to U- sold, Governor Fi'er asid: wIVre are some good ;r 17 ,1- lands and son.o cood farm ruTlands. Cf the whole fth.n k the best are the grazing 1 ml. t w pood place for raising raw - but the latU-r business would T" be on a large scale. My imprejjflo. tliut me iHims , " agricultural purpose V, J third of the whole cannot be used grazing and sgncmnnv, three-fourths remaining, the pree portion would be good for grazing. climatic conditions woiu.i "-" change before ag.icnl.nrc , could be a . . inn I T n V A CALIF0RMA mAumi. The Man Who Blew Eroderick la Himself Suddenly Summoned Into Eternity. He Pick a qrrel W ith Judge Field aud li Mt 1 J l'Bitf d Slates Marshal. A Brilliant Jurist, but a Becfclew. Quarrel toinr Han at Last Called li an Account h for oue- for the test The to the aud ami not success. Tor instance, during JI thermometer ran up to HO degrees, hot waves scorched everything blasted the crops, i ne nimiuu "" steady enough, and irnguwu - sary. For grazing, though, there can be nothing said against the country. 1 am thoroughly convinced, said the gov ernor, "that the Indians are capable of rapid advancement, and that the licit generation will show that the old cus toms of the Indians have passed away. Failure of lh orn EililMI- New Yoiik, August U Charles J. Murphy, who prooscd to erect a corn palace at the Paris exposition, to be devoted to a display of the various uses of Indian corn as a food article, writes from l'aris explaining why the exhibi tion failed. Murphy says: "Ever since the Paris exposition of 1878, when tho United States made a very poor agri cultural showing, I have waited for an opportune time to exemplify to the world what could bp done with our In dian corn human food. 1 concluded the time had come for this displny at the Paris exposition. I laid my plans be fore the New York produce exchange, the president of which apiwiinted a com mittee. I then went to work and made a strong optical to the produce ex changes of the corn states to help the movement with subscriptions. The principal produce exchanges and boards of trade in the west appointed commit tees to solicit subscriptions, and the only money raised was 8W0 at Buf falo, which was after" aids returned. New York subscribed 81, 0W. Congress man Towushend, of Illinois, introduced a bill in congress proposing to grant a special appropriation, but congress ad journed without actum. Similar bills were introduced in tho legislatures of -Ohie-and Illinois, but thev too-fnik-d to Nebraska City on the charge of horse i tlie n,10 purpose of securing homes to stealing. He disappeared at the same Z Jv fid 8ettle"' in " , .". , , , ,. , , tracts not exceeding 100 acres to any one time one ol a neighbor s worses aid, nerlU) ar gI1(.i. which led to the arrest. I prescribe, subject to grants which coii- Ti. loi uV in AIV on1 grefs may make in aid of education. HlZieri 'r DS thrtU 1 iSt the SSI of O'Neill, four healthy babies-three tkig tho same as a homestead, or his girls and one boy, weighing five pounds lieirs, and after the expiration of five This is Ozier s seventh wife and years occupancy thereof as such home- each. this makes eleven children by this wife. The babies are doing finely. A. D. Hicks of York fell under the car wheels at that place while trying to jump on a moving' train. His left arm fcteod; and any conveyance of said lands (to takeu as a homestead, or any con tract touching the same, or lien thereon creoted prior to the dnte of such patent shall be null and void." Congress must prescribe the terms on crushed so badly that it had to bo 'K Wi1 Md ftf: amputated between wrist and elbow. ' jitter. . Not a great while ago Mr. Hicks tookp Section 21 provides: "That each set- out an accident policy for 85,000. " lcr, under and in accordance with the A tmrnn landed in Nebraska Citv f ,rovl81on oi said nomcstcad acts, shall -A Jjamp landed in Nebraska tity j to the Uuited states, for the land the other day and after enjoying a tnken by him, in addition to the fees square meal demanded hot coffeee to provided by law, the sum of $1.25 per finish up on. His request not being fare for all lands disposed of within t ho complied with he proceeded to heave r'J three years after the taking effect large rocks through the windows of the l Z house. Neighbors gave chase but tho ext two years following thereafter, and fellow escaped. 50 cents per acre for the residue of the -NelsYerger.adeliverymanof South ,tt'.1 'e nndisiosel of , and shall be' ,vi . . . entitled to a patent therefor, according Omaha, wajcanght attempting to com- to llid hoJHtetul )awg Bni Xr the nut a nameless crime upon a littio eight flln ,mymei,t of said sums; but the year old girL The father of the girl rights of honorably discharged nnion being informed of the fact knocked Yer-1 soldiers and sailors in tho later civil per down with a weight and then jump-' ' descrilied in sections 2804 and r ,.i. .,..i ' i 2805 of the revised statutes of tho Uu ted mg upon the wretch nearly stamped the Bt)ltes kUM ot b(, ttbri(1 d t J life out of him. . to said sums." Charles Theirs, aged thirteen, left The settler who goes onto the roscrvn- his home at Friend two weeks ago and t'on after it is oeiiod by further act of has not been heard from since. He is ingress must live on his land full five ... . T, years, and then before he can secure an v of medium siw and has gray eyes. He f,!J?a, 'title hut4)ver to ui() )lomo wore a dark striped coat, brown overalls this period of five years not an aero of the laud oun be taxed, and there is absolutely no provisions for putting in motion the local or county government There will he n money for this pur liose, because no tnxea can he levied, and will not the man. who has a home and had on au old pair of shoes. Any one knowing of his whereabout will confer a favor by addressing Mrs. E. B. Phelps, Friend, Neb. 1 A painful accident occurred south of Bloomington. A ton of Mr. Harold, Lmis before accepting these provisions, aged 1 yean, fell from a hone aud ' ,tU' ,utf t," a.,fr )7 OM track on a wire fence. H i head w w of ortllWMtl cot open from the point of the chin but the facta are these and it ia right backward under the ear and to the back that the settlers should know them. A part of the bead, aaakin annglygap- nwut k already on foot to have tac wound aad dlacloainf the blood Tea- T&ZZEZTZIZ'L i .ST passage. 1 then came to 1 aris, in nopes that General Franklin, United States commissioner, would at least erect a building at a cost of 82,500 out of the S-iiO.OOO atipropriuted by congress, bnt he refused to give one dollar for this ex hibit, w hich w ould have been of more practical value to the farming interests of the United Slates than all other American exhibits isuch as they are combined. The French authorities gen erously gave a sito without charge, which they valued at 812,000. It is to be regretted that the movement should fail, for, if successful, to use the wr.rds of the United States commissioner of agriculture, 'it would enhance tho value of every acre of land iu the com belt.' " tVuniHii hnfl'rngfi Itrfralcd. Oi.TMriA. W. T.. An"ust 14. Afueli time has been spent in a fight on woman Suffra,'C. which has been tent out of (l.n constitution, and will not be submitted to tne people until next year, hldndge tiinvel kt ,..if il.rt t ,v ...i.nv. will din MlllA IllUfU from the first section of tho nrticlo on elective rights, prescribing who shall have tho right of suffrage. lljg motion was lost. Tho convention being in committee 'of tho whole an effort made by Dunbar to have the question of ivomiiii aii(li.,rfl twn in 1 ... ........... u,,,,.u lyJ irniBnuurc, but this was strongly opposed, on the uroiuiu iiiai it, wonid contiuuo to be a disturbing element in politics. Stiles said it would be ns sensible to leave tho whole question of elective right to the legislature as this one branch ., iL, This idea seemed to strike (irifliths favorably, and he moved that the legfraature should Settle Hip vt'1iritiwiu.u.i...n i. : so broad at might let iu both Indians nna unncse. llie motion was badly snowed under. Dunbar's motion a finally lost. An effort was then made to . ,,, uSli, wi vote fit scIkk.1 elections, but it was defeated lhe question whether woman suffrage shall be submitted at tho same time as me constitution or at the October elec tion of next year, was distinctly a party light, the democrats trvimr i. n.' - - ----- " ti uiu Question submittil t nu i..... i ... t1 1.HI nuu ino re- publicunsto p'8t)ono it. Tho demo crats were beaten by twenty-nine ayes to tlurty-one noes, and tho whole nat ter goes over till November, 18U0. An effort was also made to incorporate a section giving woman the right to vol, in convention, but the motion was badlv beaten. A ThrlllliiK Kiprrlrnt. Helena, Mont., August 15. John Bloom and Louis Siff who have returned from a tiin to the rvr ,i n ... ii-Uc, give the details of a thrilling experience. On ...... o u.-y lun inurriiy, i. i,, for Mis soula, Mont., with two wagons and four horses T hey had Wn wa.ed at Mur ray that the journey would be danger ous on account of the forest fires ra "ing alng the lino from there and Thomson. A few hours after they started the roar of flame, w.re beard, and then thv. rge.1 their teams rapidly as possible, lhe SK)ed of the horses was l ,w com ffi wit h the. rapidity with whfchihe --j "ciiiiKcn and b.ii. log their teams in a deep ravin " ra . f. Aelter in a deserted tu. ' XuicU han pened to be in tho dense Mn lw. ife Place of refuge was entirely surrounde 1 aii.1 it was five day. More Uy wS able to get out. Wor((t feBr fw! imprisoned men w..s that they wire 1 . Welyahut ,ff fro,,, their wt m. r " tsiuimr provisions, and it hie for them to obld, L t "l151- A milfomW iudge lnln. Lathkop, Cal.. August 15.-On the arrival of the southern overland train SUtcs Supreme Judge Stephen J. Iield and Deputy United States Marshal a-do walked into the dci.t dining room for breakfast and sat down side by Jtul"A L'aVKl O. lOlf Tht-y proceeded Irs. Terrr. evidently side. Soon after on.l wife came iu also. .1.,.. to suuun-i - - . : reco-niring Justice Field, did not sit d nn ecognizin- lown, but retired to the train for tome mknown purpose. Before reaching it, mivevor. and ns soon as she had left tho however, and ns soon as she had left tie dining room. Judge Terry approachc. t..i;,., i--;M nn.l cenllv slnpied hi .1 l.OlllU ..... " - - I ...I face. At this juncture I'cpuiy .uamimi Nogle srose from his scat aud shot Judge Terry apparently through the heart As he was falling Xagle fired again, mis-ins were litcii in vei v rushed Irom tuo others rushed in. time .Justice Held Marshal Naglo re sleeping car, where t.. i . .1, i ... li.. tJiey were securely loeni-u u mi time Mrs. Tcrrv called upon tuu crond . .i . ' t-f .. il... ........ ....M...1 to arrest uieui him. Both shots quick succession. Judge Terry never uttered a sound after being shot. He had hardly fallen when Mrs. Terry rushed to the side of his body mid thlew herself lliu it. Then ensued a scene of the wildest ex citement. Icople dining room aul During this and Deputy treated to tho they were Before the tram pulled out Conslablo alKtr entered tlx) sleeper and was carried an ay on board the train. He informed lh spectators that ho knew his duty and would per form it. During the time the train was stand ing at tho demt Mrs. Terry was run ning wildly alternately from lhe body of her husband to the slee-r, demand ing admittance. Unit she might slap Jus tice Field's f.ice. She at the same titno demanded that they be detained, and their examination be made here. 1'revi ous to the entrance of the constable into the sleeper the sheriff and deputy of Stanislaus county had already taken charge of Moshal Naglo. After tho slexiting the deputy nmr Tliarbucked against lho null of tlio ttffT7" ing-room and warned everyone not to arrest him, saying that he was a United States officer ill tho discharge of his duty. There was no semblance of an attempt to molest him at any tune. A constable took Deputy Xagle from tha train at Tracy and proceeded with him to Stockton, hrrn ho is now in jail. District Attorney White ordered the ar rest of Justice Iield tim his arrival in Han Francisco and telegraphed tho order to the sheriff of Sun Francisco. (David S. Terry was born iu Todd county. Kentucky, in 1H'.':I. Jl served in the Texas army under Sam Houston. He came to California in 1M! and set tled in Calaveras county. In JW5 ho was elected justice of the supreme court of California on tha native American ticket, and uikjii the death of Chief Jus tice Murray iu IH-jT Judge Terrv bvcamo chief justice. Ho was op!"osed to tho vigilance committee of 1850, aud stabbed one of tho members of tho eommittoo who bad attempted to arrest Mahney, a friend of Terry. Terry was held bv'tho vigilantes, but released later. Terry was looked upon as a man of desperate courage, who hesitated nt nothing that would further his plans. On the Bttl, of September, lt59, he fought a duel yith Senator David C. Brodcrick, near San Frauciseo, and killed him. Brodcr ick opposed the extension of slavery, and ceased to act with the democratic party, of which Terry was a lending member iu California. The duel was the result. At tho meeting Broderiek shot in the ground, but Terrv, with tho natural vindictiveuosa of his disposition, fired to kill. Brodcrick fell, and after lingering about thirty-six hours, ex pired. The killing was looked upon with horror-as one of the most cold blooded affairs that had hapiwned wlif n nines were aesjieraw and aflairs of the kind frequent. Terry was never brought to justice. In later years Judge lerr.v has been a somewhat noted practitioner iu tho courts lie was employed by Sarah Althea Hill as counsel in tho celebrated case of Hill T. Sharon wherein Miss Mill i,,ed Senator Sharon for divorce and alimony. Dur ing tho progress of this case Te'mr mar ned Shss Hill and continued as her counsel throughout it. TJ,o marriage created much comment in San Francisco and no ..tie ridicule At the hmeTf tho final hearing of the case before J,u iceFiehl, Judge Jerry and Mis, Mill WL i threatened tokill the justice, creat ing the wildest excitement iu the ,rt room, 'lhey were both locked in t o rest. Hi,a the conclusion of tho trial there has bee., the deepest a, n0R ity ""'"K tho parti,,, bu tit w w I fry wasdefeau.,! . lUncock elected. ScpUiinbcr 8, he was sent o jail for six months hy Ke hi for contempt of court. JCHTHB PIKI.D INTER VIE WErj. fndnrn r''1 h' F snc cothlT rr'm -t H,,., for K " tl ,fl;r'"'l'- , lie said that as no waa n.akii, to strike again uepnty cried, "htop! rtop!" un M lug Ijis arm a second tin him, the bullet entering is all I know of the m justice in conclusion. lJrol.elim a A . - - r . . . w 'M .'1)1 Field, it is claimed, by tl Attorney nenerul .Miliar tliA mftrsliftl r.f ftl.n.l .' fl UIMI the persons of Judge FiJ .ludgo nawver were Terry, it will bo remei eroiil assa.nlt ni just year. 'J'he order f,, based iion these fuels declared to have be, Terry against Justie I '4 has not been rr...ti which it was said usn'i, by tne district attorney 1 iu that form, was not c HClii Nebraak. LmcoLK, Xeb., Au-11. was visited yesterduv a! most disastrous flood tvcJ vicinity. Salt creek be its bank, shortly nftt.r although the water kept 110 serious result, wrr about noon. Then the to with great rapidity m.ijl evening, w hen it had roue All of that part of the cit "bottoms" wosnnders.-v, and a great lake extemV north to a couple of mil, city limits on tho south, :, street on the east, several flats. The country hetu tracks, and West l.inr completely suliniergcil. ( and acres of laud, most side tho city limit" wJ 1 ft' I r, J wawr. iue Hooded ,M jei haps 0110 thoiikand d all inhabited by poor 1 eral largo inaniifncliii luciils. Tho flood ciiiue nariiiog and cauht 1 . w ... I wares. ,uaiiv 01 the Ian, uiiuier wuen suddenly gan pouring in at tim doors, and in a few miun were completely Mil roun thus cutting oll'cverv svi Women anil children v placed on improvised 1 roofs of the houses, whil to the khoro fur assist cases of drowning wi re owing to tho great esc; ports could not be coidir lorc of lucu and tc; tho scene as soon and tha work of resciiiii by Mayor indium ami o: cuds. Hundred of heiph invalids were lccued sm idaceof safety. Suppliet clothing were early on tie tho refugees were cured f.ir possible. The wider van from one to twelve hit, furniture floated around 0 and "me of tho smaller. -twisted from iheir f ,!;;iih.'.:i ricd nsvay. Tho railroad woslied out in many places, consin riiruiiuro coinpanv brick yard ami many oti were losers. At 7 the thw subside, and ot midnight t considerably lower, l'nliv were left without a home Lil bad to be cared for bv friends. The very heavy. aggregate li A Jlumifrt rliul Newauk, X. J., Align! : Collins, aged was arrc: au attempt to outrage Anuie flgcl I'i, the daughter of A. Collins boatdod wilh the He got tip at 1 thii mor through the room in "Ino., and his wife were sleeping, the room occupied by the : faulted her. lulling litirpose, 111! Used B klllfi", liorriblo wound. The girl iii! to her father's room n Ftorv. O'Domiell seiirclied and found him hiding he Ho picked lip a eaitheii smashed it ovi r Collins' ht scvenil deep and ugly g'j iiifula bis au'h r o and sought? outhouse, where ha mode "4 cut his throat but only 111M wimml. Ha aftcrnlH bu- into the street, where lie custody. hen conimiueu ii.i, I bu wns a somnainhtlh' not remember going into At Tha old river laud trouble revived by the arrest of thi- charged with malicious trcM tcnnill, Alfred Welsh ami were lodged 111 an ! farms from which they were' securing the hay crop. .I K B1WU asi i-ihiim (.fo((i'-i 1 '.-, H OMAHA Wiikat-No. 2 l oan No. 2 mixed );n:- P.111l.tif U OTi till tea inery Jicnicu Chouo roil Kons l-icsh ( llllkKSH hi, iCTlllt... ( nn lifcss Spriti J.I.HOSS (,'lioin-, p"l h"s- Oiiui-ji I'er lx Onions I'er l Hkx Navie Vooi-l in, pr " 1'otaiomi N Aci'l.i-s. per bll JloNtr - Hons Mixed pacl-oe; Hoos-Hwiry wigli"- 1 1 1 . K v -.s I ' o i cr s I em SuiikP tlioica VHtrn... KtiW V0ili. Wiikt-So. 3 ie-1 ( OIIK No. Oil Ud rter I'OIIK.. Lal'M... ' ', illlCA'J'J. Wiii'.T-rTtHii't ( ous I'rr liiiKhel "' Uats 1 run" ,n 1 1 oufc c ;; I,iii j Jloiis-I'iickiitg Asa'l'l I xiTI.K Stockrrs fciikft Satires bl 1.1 lb is. t iirT Ko.5 red Cons ferlMflisI OxTSl'T bushel - 4 Hoax ilistd piickins " ,, 1 .ni.fc 1'eedtr MKiT I'er inisimi. ton l'er Imeliel ..I" tit Be wCl Ncorcr . luiercuw. U411 I er IIMSIIV...M 1 .. i i.l.irit. I v :, UTT1 OtVCKr . Hoot ttvud tu sliuice ij-, , -, , n, , if ' ' 4& J 1 : V Vi, wt ' 13 J)f 1 ' I, I .1 ft - J, 1