The Sioux County Journal on Wl JW. Jfc r Roadster, w, and Wrk p0j) i1 - - - ixni id el selected S ON HANG lie limes. AgJ BINDER! were. AH! !St. ui;u'hino t- ie of tlie ur3 and m D ULT1 keve l 1 and f niaclnii 'HORNT1 UK sioux county i - - um u, Bubwrilje fof Ti)g r .) , JonMAL m,, Li D : I Christen; pittfrvm, ' ProprMor Timf Table. f E. 4 M- V. By., Passenger. rpit leave Hamn at 10:3. A. M. ,,.4 fcav Harrison at 251 P. Jt HarrlHi Market. latter, l'f. fc 10c. fwltrv, per dor. $2.00 to fif. flits per 100 B 1.40 jjrt, JUT II") D' li-K'. Bran, per 100 B fl.10- Fwd. ilK'I'l". Ir 100 n fl.33. pcUtoe, prr bu. BOc. frr.-fcuni, r pal. 50.-. 0nn, per liu. $1.50. gw, fr bu. f 1.00. printing on short special rar containing Supt Ma il ent wert Tuesday. -Hie Harnann House ha bwn rw- hr brightened up by the lihefal us pint. Dr. fo. Staffer Imi opened an the room formerly occupied by Jocrs.U. office. The first Quarterly Mwtinf of the t Church of thi place will be held Sunday, August 2Jith. -J. W. Hunter has takfcn hi herd of Vsfeto hi farm mirth of the ridge, We b can liandle them to better tul- J -ThelumU-r is ling delivered for wn:" phikr, mm it win not lie tes until tliey are laid. Thus improve- Driltl go on. -Armstrong Brn. received their new Tiption a The -Je want a number of In!, of wood -f,oodtownproFrtyforfslleo .fyo..wantani(,jol(r,ririR(.nj?don -Hon t forget that The .Tor., ... r. ,.4 u, Uy an kind of job ... . .....V U ma,,,,,,,. notice. ofn,,.I.,yto(K1(mjnipmvwl f;imis the most reasonable rates of anv flrm . nioux county. I If you pr,K iim a ,yM of C(. I Rcidy 4 rollnnl VOIl run no'. It a- i i".' "u una procure a l.., lliin w , auu:uonai cot -R-memU-r Tiie Joms.u. club,, with almost Hm rui ;,i ii... ir..., , r. . . . ... llR7 i, in mm ntates ani wtien you want anything in th line of xi,en, r,, call an. nee us and we can mve you some money. In the advertising columns of this iue nparH tlie pror.-sion:.I .nnl of Iir. F. I). n.irKe. He arrived l,re on Lmt J Thurwlay and li.-iscome here to stiiy nn.l .woneoius. lie has had a numlier of year of experience a a physician and our people will find him a pleasant gen tleman, and we welcome him to Harris on, tint oiiicetx one door east of the Commercial Hank. -iiu uie iiiim."f or your iriends in the Fist who wish U visit you, or who are neekini; new Im-ation, to J. R. Bu chanan, f'r.n'1 Patsenp-r A pent of the Fremont, Elfchorn & Miwuri Valley R. 22, 1889. NO. 40 PERSONAL present Lillie Jfcjine js sufftrine- f,m attack of diphtheria. v.nanes Llark retni-no,! f.. f,, . . lltIM uuuiron on list Saturday. Jolm Ragland was in Harrison on Sat urday find Callu.1 -( . fn r. . . al uui uime. ne says nomestea.i,n? m Sioux coumy renting a farm in the east. hi! drill tl drst of t lie wx-W n,l n. tenl in nuttilur down a well for fl ' Um'll,!. that he may wnd wthrw, of the Buffalo fJap Liimlier Co. -A oir-l'Ktd of oods arrived for I" Stephen, wlio Yum a piece of land a erf dwumce iiouth of tin place, on TinAf-and liavre leur Ukeo to hi home which will aoon be occupied lr himself and family. in tun twttie appear tlie card of Iftiameii Simmon & Conley, wlo offer iar crvK-et a dremmakeni to the la- l hVriwn and vicinity, and they ID be pleased to take your orders and panujtee wtinfat tion. -Serd luw voted to put in a 30,000 tttm of water work. Now if the y will provide for the erection of pwd court houme it will show tlt lire w a deire to kp the county nuere in Kht 0f tlie r.H C.ion. j -l Uhj meetmir of tlie vilWe board UTuelay evtaing it wa decided "put down tlie rm1 walk as ordered a ""upoNKibie ami to erect a building uw ooner and pump. Thin build- U) be frame and John Marsteller i k the oaiw. of the old xoldien are he- pnai to talk of t)e Ded of a O. A. R . . "ware a good many in this Watty W artt c)ltflbI(j w.onjej mbnudn would U a good plan! t llmm to take " ;8uon of tt Post -General Manager Burt, of the Elk- r(J down the road on Homlay. hen of here for some time, "" UwindicatjoiM, are that an extension . contemplated. A larjfe of machinery ha pai up tlie i recent i ...... . . "or "f develoDini.' iliM nil urul mm- - "Kwn west t " will be puhed w lV (mute Sioux 1 aooner the are developed the wunty. nmung in better for them information relative to the "One Fare Harvast Excursion," which occur Augunt fith and 20th, Septemlier 10th and 2-1 th, and Oct. 8th. fin last Moraliy a body of United ttUite troop passed through HarrLsmi-on their way to Fort Robinson. Tlie com panies from Fort Bidder and Fort Iiug la mu.le up the rty and numliered about 6W), and included a lattery of liKht artillery of four rilled 10-pounders. Thin Imttery wa under cjimnand Cunt Kinzie. The infrantry was under the command of Col. Andrews. Only a idiort halt wa made here as they were anxious to reach their destination. The noldier expect a hiir time at the en campment but also look for some pretty active work and strict discipline. C. L Tuhlw lias di.-tiosed of hi j blacksmith nnJ carriage business and leased the building. The new proprie tor (ire recently from Knox comity and the hiisine will le conducted under the find name of Truax, Snyder & Co. They have the ap?araiice of being thor ough mechanic and we lielieve they will prove a valuable acquisition to the tnu-n. T ihv exnect noon to nave irieir I families here anil make this their future j home. It is the intention of the firm al ' o open a restaurant in the rooms north of the carriage shop, so that the town will be the gainer of one new business enterprise. We extend test wishes to the new firm for success and prosjierty. tVninlv Treasurerer Lockwood has just made his semi-annual statement of the monies collected and disourseu uv i T..I-. 1 him from January I, 1 io juiv . 1H.S9. Tlie stjite fund has received I6-I2.- 87. County general fund contained on Jan. 1, 11426.83 and tl634.8a ha been collected and after deducting what has ; 10C I 7 f.n nad out tliere remain Robt Parrish returned on last Fri day from Hot Springs, Dak. He reports a good time and thinks the mineral spring a great health renewer. wein "ellswenttoChadronnn Ti.oo. day and exacts to return to-dav. B. Rosa returned Tuesday from Chad- ron, where lie spent Sunday with his family W. 0. Patterson was in Harrison tlie first of the week. Miss Emma Weir has been quite sick loraiewuays, Out is improving, and will soon 1 all right. Ed. Weir has so far recovered as to be able to travel and left yesterday for a visit to relatives at Rushville. Arthur E. Calhlian, assistant cashier of the State Bank of Crawford, is in Har rison on business. 1. 1. fnmbur, t. F. Slingerland and W. H. Davis went to Fort Robinson od Monday and returned Tuesday. Devi Pollard, father of Nelson Pollard and Mrs. H. T. Conley, arrived in Har rison on Wednesday. It was a surprise to his son and daughter as he had sent no won) of his coming. (A. E. Andrews left on last Monday for his home in Binghampton, N. Y., well pleas.! with his visit to Sioux county. L (xerlach was in the county neat the first of the-week.- E. B. Price was in Harrison yesterday. C. H. Weller went to Fort Robinson ast Saturday. Fresh brown anA n.i.if'o i...,.i i - . UlTWJ, WHW,,1 . ; mels, of Hat creek. wn 1 ples- aM "kies at the restaurant , mson last Tliursday and made I -W,ile engaged in a friendly scuffle -rvuu aU at our office. 1 oays ago Clem Wells got pushed Ur. Stowitts came up from Rushville ' '" pa"e f glass in one of list Tliursday in answer to a 11 I doors- Slass broke and a fragment professional services. j Penetrated his right arm below the et- M Lillie Thomas is unite JT.! t 'tK doctor r v..v. muuiiu ivr jijinicies oi glass out lound none and tlie arm is getting along all right He escaped quite fortu nately. un last Saturday John F. SchulU made a pleasant call at this office. He informed us that a short time ago he re ceived a letter from relatives in Stanton asking if he liad raised any crop which would keep hira and his family from starving. For answer Mr. Schultz gath ered a bundle of wheat and oats from his fields and sent it to the writer that he might see what produce. That was a good plan. The exhibits ot the products of a locality cannot lie contradicted and will go far towards giving the people in eastern places confidence in the crop producing qualities of Sioux county soil. On last Tuesday Commissioner Burke informed us tliat he believed that the people in his vicinity would take hold of the matter of getting a good iuuu up me canyon in oeaa earnest as 80onas they had the matter properly presented to them them. Personally Mr. Burke is very much in favor of get ting the road fixed up and it is to be hoped that all the people will join him in the effort. Now the business men of Harrison should prepare so that when uie ranroao company makes a proposi tion to them they will lie ready to con tribute liberally to the project. Nothing can be done that will be better for the future of Harrison than to get good roads from the north part of the county to this place. A united effort will ac complish a great deal, and now is the time to make the effort. THE New Road Will lead direct to the Ranch Supply house, Harrison, Nebraska, Without Change of Gars, - Where you will find tha - Largest Stock of General Merchandise In the county, i -i Imiiua funri w . Of the Bowen precinct cum w barn from tha 1tnA !, t,l ... .' ...i i out "V ""unit comimiiee i vnlI .,. . There tin llaraid oIIilw in, was Ol me . . . ..,1 h,.n hon uiKinK iuuu OU Ser.L eiHI. W 1... I.n ... . . :,1 ( There i . . . n lt7y i.HU tia weu lliu --"-wu with it republiatn paiier fori. .,,.,i fund 02; in the bridge Man j. .i.i ... .. . . . ., . ti t..,t. .... .. . ... lunu . , Jr , ""W to mt u liiamsoo " '"tr been I, t i ,j ,i "ill f turn f;''ul''lJ,u, Ktbrhig from an llr, th cttturtiutn of the county """" comiuittt alway. furnished u V4I44, ..-.i.f f tto. vanous ncnooi uwuitw throughout the county. Since the laat iue of TUB Joiunal w, Uve learned some more facts in re gard to the conduct of the affairs of tne village. The village clerk receives a ialary of 1150 Ir aununi, and the city i,.- ..f 75 per annum, j Th,. the highest salary we ever heard of being paid for such services and if uch extravagance is kept up we will t.., Urd row to hoe for a good while. With the village in need of better water work., and sidewalks, crossings, etc., . Ail WA U.CA A couitr to Hioixx county w nuxy Vwy imva a ditfnant meUiod "W be plwuj to jvcttive tlie courtesy aUtud to a republican paper. -ount i il i i . mr from Judi. K.i.irul ..iimu- in ru- i tothe advUebtlity of holding a. Of Un, diktn, I ,...ii,4 in R... i-oun- Xf ana yj. i ..iU',,i,,.. if the officials could a numb., r ' ,n M,. down in the matter of salaries. "iudgatoth- f-.i. .1.-.. there wa'fn Edition to the regular salary the city H Mlinir ti ..,.nt,, of tl!.arslWl received for work on me rt iuat -i t I-'-. and i for killing uogs ia .ii wed, rr: : zz: M we are informed, n . out , io the 111. TI-. i..,..- u back u- uuestion for the town to improve a tmtth.h- ...TT. . I..r-Iuld unlets economy is practice,,. ktb.fc,r; " tolhop-xlthattheboard and tax at.UUr d.U. Tbl. la a good expense. and ' the money jf& to n.,, u . wr aavedorputwam" j,,, Uu . mm i, - ----j .(..rt IS Once Iiuiuo "Uf COt J there to K00"..?..? b-m tlie town progressing, T f mpcrtunce'to demand the 1 a fvy U mla J ""nmonin r . V t a,.. U of a a wh for 1889, tbemw be pwn i y a UeaJwr to run afcTiinat. J. U. AVarn has moved his meat mar ket into the building on Second street formerly used for that purpose. This rives him a better room in which to do business. The question has been asked; "Has there been any money refunded to the ounty in the cases where the bills have been allowed by the commissioners and ppealed to the district court and ap- )jeal sustained?" For the information of the readers of The Journal we will state that under the law county war rants cannot lie issued until the expira tion of thirty days after the bill has been iillowed by the county board. A tax-, iiayer is allowed ten days in which to take an apjieal to the district court that if the district court sustain the an neal no money is drawn except tl: amount allowed by the court and tl halunce remains in the treasury. There is nothing to refund for it has never been drawn, unless the warrants have been drawn illegally. At the meeting of the county board i i nr..:. on luesdav tommiH.sioueis tven uuu Burke were present. The resignation of James T. Mason, as justice of the peace for White River precinct, was accepted to take effect as soon as the vacancy legally filled. J. W. Pratt's resignation as road overseer of Andrews road dis trict was treated in tlie same manner. Petitions for a couple of consent roads were granted and a numlier of bonds of minor officials approved and in one case a new bond asked for. In the matter ot the applications for licease to sell liquor in White River precinct, tne ooara ue cided tliat they would grant the licenses for. nrovided that in each an l'V ---7 i case the applicants file a bond as re- ouired by law, said bond to be approved by the county board, and the payment into the county treasury of the sum ot T,00 for each license asked for. In matter of the impeachment proceedings against E. i. Satterlee as county attor ney, the board ordered tliat sumuious is sue, citing the uelenuant to appear v i he court house at 1 o clock, p. m., Sept. 5th to answer the cliarges made against him. The board will meet again on Aug. atll. n is presume tliat the board placed the construction on the law in regard to the granting ol n ,.u.,s so that if a crime was committed in one of the saloons dufing the encamp ment there would lie no grounds for any one to bring action against them to re cover costs because of their granting license illegally- The law lias never been passed on, to our knowledge, by the supreme court, so that the boara wa obliged to use their own judgment in the matter. It Is reported tliat some of the applicants will attempt to run without a ,cene and Uike the risk of being pros ecuted. Should this be done it is to be hoped that the oHlcers will do their duty. Boggy Item. Still warm weather. A. Orton has his oats in the slack. - John Coffee visi ted C. F. Coffee last Sunday. Mr. Bow ser was visiting at T. Holley's last Sabbath. O. Greger is hauling iumber to Har rison for side walks. Miss Jlbinhart is staying at C. F. Cof fee's at present. A sprinkle of rain on Sabbath. A. Sou th worth is cutting grass for hay on Price's farm. M. Hill has his house up and will soon have it finished. Mr. Hovey will go to the divide this week to make hay for Smith Bros. Tlie People' Convention went off all right and every body is well pleased ex cept some few that were left out in the cold. lne people ol these parts are very much in need of a few cross roads. It is necessary to go several miles in order to get a few. At Prices as Low as the Lowest. No shoddy goods Every thing first class. ... No old stock New goods continually atrlvinfc.- Call oxt us when in town and We will give you aSQUARE DEAL Jones ; Verity. We have recently strengthened the firm by the admission to part nership of Chas. E. Holmes, one of north west Nebraska's ablest law yers, who will pay special attention to law and land practice. We shall continue to make the very best terms on farm loans and invite all to confer with us before signing ap- parties. If your build-- ings, want to start a contest, or make entry of government land, come and see Us at the old corner. FARM LOANS. plications with other you need insurance on 1 "T ,-a. I Ii the oldnt and moot popular Klentlfle and machftnlcai paper pnbllihed nd ha tha larnat circulation of an? paper of It elm In tha world. Fully llloKratad. Beat olaa of Wood KaeraT. In. Pobliahed weeklr. Bend for apeclmaa eopr. Price 18 a rear. Four month' trial, (L MulfN CO., publishers, Kl Broadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS & IUILDERC Edition of Solentflto Anerlmn. V A mat tuoeae. Kaeh Ian contain eolorad llthoiraphlo plat of ooantrr and cut raelden oee or puhllo baildlna. Nnmeroa aaaTavlnga and fall plan and apaolfleatlona for the nee of oon m contemplate nuiiaiof. muiuutnir, mucin a w., roauaaua. ota. a opr. II nil A wirwG If IIUII aTl ft aeMI ft tJ by ftppjr , inf io muhzt unudoTir n zpiino aod hT made OTr DnllQfttloDi for Amarloui tod Fnr KlaTti imXtmntM. HmnA tnr HaVBdhAok. fTniT TRADE MARKS. in mm mnr nark la not reaiatand In tha Pa. ant omce, avpij ui aun m co., ana launedlau protaetlon. Band lor COPYRIGHTS for booto, eaarta, axe., quioair pnnwai. Aaium MDHN U CO., Patau SalMters. (jonnui. omcai K) BatMDWAT. M, Iproaare WHIR; &c OO. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. ee Here! New Store, WE HAVE A New Goods, AND WIS WANT YOU TO COME AND New Prices, SEE US. Will sell you goods for cash and save you money as the Following Prices Will show, Pacific robe prints. 5 to 6, worth 7 and 8 Charter Oak " 5 to 6, worth 7 and 8 - - 8, worth 10 Old Time " Simpson satin finish prints 8, Simpson linen finish prints 7, Extra wide German prints 124 Turkey red Damask - 60 Turkey red Damask 40 Summer dress goods, 12 J Imported sateens 16 Fine Victoria lawn 10 Fine lace curtains . 1.25 Fine Turkish bath towles, - 48 ' 10 1 10 15 1 75 50 80 ' 20 15 2.00 75 15 pounds best Turkish prunes, ft 00 15 " full-grain rice - " 15 " full-ring evaporated apples the best - " 6 " evaporated peeledCal- fornia peaches - " 0 " evaporatedjjelly-cured apricots ' 8i pounds granulated sugar - 4. " C sugar . 24 bars of Union soap - S one-gallon cans apples - 44 12 pounds gloss starch - 8 cant of corn for - -3 cans of tomatoes for M0 2S per pair, Summer veiling 15 to 20 worth 25 and 85 9J sheeting 27 worth 85 AND OTHER THINGS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. We have a large and complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceriea, Boote, Sboet, mad, In fact, Every thing usually kept in a gen eral store. Rosa Hi Thompson. P. 0. BUILDING, HARRISON NEBRASKA, s 1 it iU 1 111 III n m -4. 1 ' ft : S 'l 1 1 3 5 r 4v i 1. .