"-'"V i' t i Cja County Journal. r .y,JJ every Thurxiay. pi IB "FOB M)D m H0SE iStt5AmE Li I. AM)." tailor. r AruiTT 15, la. again been captured. I . I,re.la, Texas. It will 1 world atlarg. . large tvlioulil the , to be W. B. Tacott tprt Lieportof the ""' plague ; ntk-e more trying to make out ,h inoculation theory of Or. Biil- - mrrect iuai "lay i uie f - i - Ka Kiidnnorium tti ttu Vt. box uh- i" i C unN-iatM in eoinff out into flllhr hog anu inoculating . . fctve, certainly is not, in our jtid, U way v) experiment. I5u J,mrnni bids farewell to Gen'l ,r and Mr. A. W. t rite, G official, without tin? semblance of We. It not a sad leave taking, oi I .i must iralultre in a few worse, . ' Cant pyrotechnic, hut there's no ill r i f, t'Ulrait it, bless your souis. mese 1 fcntienien liave had tls-ir L.-. and their work lias proisihiy LiasortlHKlox anil proiir ait wan com- We with detiHK nitic pnni iili-s. Lm.,.irm. must now make way for Unir.)od r-iuhli-an, who will how Ugloriouta land olllc e am lotne a. ..,n inc to in? om time re- rf.Kii i m n Lukan nrecept and niaxinin. " ?'- Sm ll UiutI State iwnttu of 11 L Df.imlslin of NVhnmlca luu increuNet La 4M.4W to alx"t l.OOfl.'KH): ami the of its farrnx from M.DmT to 141, iaC.tlienuiiilxTof its live ntx-k from UM.5IK) to 4.MT.M0, nnl thfir value Vn 133.440,265 to txl.flWt.WI. Hh Euufartories, whi h numlx-ml 4,40:) in m. witli nnidui tst valued at tl2,B27, at,hainx iiK-reaned three fold in mini kibI more tlian four fold in value of to product. JtucropH of the thn r.aipal cerial which ajcn'Kat"'. ' :W) WAV), OH tiUKheU have (time nthed IW.WW.WK) hushel, and the true t!iit of iU real aiul p?rw)nal projierty !infroni t:2,iM.1,12S to at Usust po,ooo,ooo. The wtetary of the inUrior luw taku h pwaution to warn anxioun ;ttlen Sal claim junipinj,' w ill not le counte fcsfisl on tl Hioiix rewn-ation, and !t wttlement -will he denied until tlve f.mment will 1 ready to oen it for rjr. This will probably conMume my month. The new territory will K be thrown ojien to (tettlers before nt spring, or even later. The (reat-eStffii-ulty tliat ttvo government will . ttpwience in the Nile of the land not come from actual nettlt-n, hut !" land speculators who will lie the Nod hand to buy up immetiMe tracts. Sibetlie pulicy of the interior depart t to diKise of the IiukI to hona-lidc "tiler only, care will have to 1 laktti to prtvtnt the fraud and HubterftiK-- lWl forget the editor when vou liave item, jr your w ife wlii you, kt UK W it and we will net you right I miu; U you Iuivr coinoanv tl us-41 you jre not allamed of your Gators. If youngxter arrives at your house and tfeinands food and raiment, wjtqiurter worth of cigar and come Waal, and if you are a cah u Wribcr -il furnifili a name for him or her, an wimntanow warrant. If you have a aJ gathering of a few fristulH, bring JWod biff "ike, nix or seven pics and m-not ne!eKKarily to eat but as a ""tee of good faith. You needn't "w to Invite us, as it may be a little totool for our wardrobe. We mention " 'ittle tliingn because we want the Mod we will have it, Tern Ifwite la tvery town you find some men who "Vi croak and (jrowl; tlwir chief ""usement seems to be to snarl nnd nd howl. Of course they do not Jw well-siu h iieople seldom do- 10 thu u , .i i ...... j iuiii 10 mane uieiiw'n ""all tlieir neighbors blue. If strantf- vuese men take pains to i m off alone, and while thev sneak get in Ml tone, wiUi now and then a groan, w ieii uiem how the town is 1 paiwed away, and hasn't any jPnM tlut lialf begins to pay, how "rtate is very low and taxes awful rr Md vry darned improvement "n is sum tr. A .11. The wok says a dav will come when all rruL'm aWliy arM' w,lP 'or w'nf', unl1 o liarp, this tenament of clay; the "til will hu-. :u , , i.... the "Ko out in gloom, and every living r"U,ln wing shall find a red-hot tomb. t- ui.ng shall llnd a rel-t.ot tonio. Tr u"1 l"ne comes the croaker who Kor t lie , ' . ' W"M less than iwenvy 2ftaKaint this town-and trie, to four thousanc I short 'ooJ men awav and break their ef- ' "lZ for the coTres,nd ng W ln-willb. declared a victim "Pecial do, of flame-ten thousand 5"h.wlUU .till roa-ting just Mlm.t,ie energetic man ij-- uiw it up instead or war u K will no, from to in C. (k'" render which is your lw- TiiKr.lUl t. Vnion. A meeting of w .. .. Temtieran. i .. :n i ... W lit-111 in 1 .. 2. at the Wl liouse. at wl.i.l. :2' tlie wiiii i-annual elec-tion 0f otli, , . - -. , UU1C will occur, A full att-nliin.. ,.t .i. bcni is desired. mem- Can it ltlu.t little Rl,()y-S L-ft Hie prohilrtti,,!, lK,we,V Can it lie tlut sl,e and Pansy v iioo rum bh.ssom for their nowt-r? -.v. r. ;,tum. YCH R RIcillTS AND T1IK OTliKR MAS S. ft "'an may ay, "liave I not r..ri.i to drink what 1 idea.?" rn,l,...i....u.. mil it tie "n ea.ss to.lm.l, ii,.,. .. i : i. . . v.. ...n nwi v llli 11 d.-thrfii-s nason and rwlu him to tlie level of a Wstwlik-h lirvs ll. and tits linn for any dHed 0f crime tl.r. Uk- law lian a right to interpose it strong arm and restrain him frr of violence; and if the law lias a right to puiiisJi a man for crimes committed iiiiui me iiiiiueni e oi sironL' ilnnU .1... . . ... ly it liax a right to prolnhit the common salt; of tlutt which produc es the tvm ary madness. S a man may say, '-Ihive inn i a rigm u m-ii wiBit I pleuse? Irninted, hut if he "pleases to w-ll Hut which rolis another of Ins manhood, which impoverish lanulies, which re duces the affluent to beggary j which sends tirokt-n hearltsl wives ami nUirviiiL' iiiiuren to i-g or uo worse, then tliere imhsI l- no surprise if the law regards the business as an enemy to public peace and wcll-ht;ing, and prolnluLs it altogether. It should lie remcm tiered ttiat others have rights as well as tlie liipior-stfller, and tliat these must lie prutechsl. No man can have a right to do that which interfere with the happiness or well-he-ing of others. And vvlut, after nil, is the nature of this "right" almut which so mui h is said? It is simply a legal right; that is, the law permits a man, uniler certain restrictions, to sell intoxi cating drinks. Hut if the law gives this perrliissif'C it can take it away. If Oov ernitici.i i'as authority to regulate the trallic, ,t ban authority to suppress il al tigether. .v'iWi iL ""'leodore Iloosevelt wild recently: vou know that there is not B that- in a "hogshead of beer; that t:ier c not an idea in a whole brewery: I mean tliat nothing of merit was ever written under the inspiration of lager beer. It stuoedes without invigorating and it effect uHn the brain m to stag nate thought." Tlie woman's prohibition league, of Brooklyn, lias made a commotion. The ladies found out that in many cases in the Hrooklyn public schools the million itiw were negle. ting to have the com pulsory scientific temjieraiice le-Kions tuught, and that lieer dinners of mnrty , hild-vn at home render them Unlit for the afternoon hool work. The ladies called the mayor's attention to the mat ter, for whidi they are being loudly le nouil.ed by the whisky paiers. Ilrlvcn From the Slate. New Vnrk W orld ;l('iii.) J,lge Cunningham, who charged the grand jury of Conway county, Arkansis, t investigate tlie assassination of John M Clayton, has sent his resignation to Governor Engles and has taken up bis alKKle in Oklahoma. His usefulness as a judge no doubt terminated when lie tin dertook to bring ll slayer of Clayton to justice. Nebraska Ahead. . ,,.-t of the chief of the rnilwftV Tl... reiwirt of the cinei oi u . . ii... n.il vear shows mail servii e ioi l"v tmt Nebraska in a long way ahead of Z other state in the union n tl Blount of mileage of new railway ser Z during the y-r. The toUd num.,r of miles u,Km which this service waj. es- hl.she.1 in the state ',9 ' ,t lheare...li'tionof..rthe establishment of railway m era. other r,u.s, and that the proU, ...arethatattheendo the pre eI,tll alyear Nebraska will again be near the UV In thw resect. immignoii decreased rate of 2 mon -tr Elation . mcreased ny d U)e u. If the eastern powerH w'" . . ( (hose A their own colonies and let those pers to their o do of -ofth-ountrywinhave perccpfbly MtootTlto jnont,s, convrarj , u,a nunlber arnv- pear. oZ "made by va- ,B tracd to the immigration to rjou wuntne. to gland oHers extra 8- nctimiiy r ssessions n ffi tftJW aw decreaw all around. FOR HARDWARE, STOVES. TINWARE And a Big Stock and -(KTO- Griswold Ibis it the time to buy barbed wire CHEAP. We have just received a CAR LOAD and it will pay you to buy it now. Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri "The Northwestern Line" -And- Omaha, Sioux City, -And All East, North, South and West. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS. Full Information on Application to J. C. II. (. Burt, General Manager, S. R. niXIIASAS, General Passenger tar Conley, Reidy NEW -KEEP Eye -Next- W FURNITURE, BARBED-WIRE Lowest Prices, & Marsteller's Yours for business, Valley R. R. Between Harrison, Neb,, Chicago, St, Paul Points - NORTHROP, Agent, Harrison, Neb. Agent. J Oimlia, Nebraska. & Pollard's "AD" Peeled The Harrison House. EGGERT ROUWER, Proprietor, Special Attention to Commercial Trade. Best Accommodaions in the Northwest. J. 0. ARMSTRONG, President. S. BARKER, Caabier. THE OF HARRISON. Harrison, - . - - Nebraska, Transacts a general banking business; AND Loans Money on Chattel Security. J: B. FlHKY, President. General office f. 0. Samm, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO, -Dsalers in Lumber, Coal, Brain, Lath And Shingles, Sash, Blinds, Hair , COilPLETE STOCK ALWAYS Harrison. Neb so to Are itrietly flnt-elui ii every detail, noiuu an aksolntely perfect repeating Iw BCUVa MU SMIIBMIW ITI. K Hit J ranted. tvrn i vt Are Ue hert ii all other, for 3 a. The Maul bert, and will hare tmm payaenu EM the world, and have led II. rean. Orer 210.000 iillK i in kAnnd ta hnv thallUVi none bnt the ESTEY. Jll er cain, as cmtomen vMSu preier. Call and tee u, or tend for Catalopet aid fill inforaatioa. 233 StstoStrest, Chicago. CrOt LrOUl House, 016 & Q18 Olive Ct. lUMin yu ftp. - HARRISON, Nebraakaj Doors, Plaster, Lime, ON HAND. G. GUTHRIE, Manager, If ml- 1TW. n PPikw a. I n ' 3e : f !1 i s! i J i ; T SI , J "f IV l! Hi I I - .is.