The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 08, 1889, Image 4
Is' i r f ' i t"' -.. I-:- r; ' SSETtLaES SirrKESTLT. B My Iot waa a maiden once fair to But now the doctor of hiirh degree: She waeoacetu sweet &a a maid i-otild be, And tlii i the way he talked to me; " Yeft, deamt Charley, i long to see The day when your proud little wife I'll be. Your kjve Is the sunsbine of life to me!" 0, a dear litiie womanly maid was the. Three years 1 waited at ber decree. As happy as mortal on earth could be; Then I caHd at ber "olfii-e" my love to see, And this is the war that ehe talked to me: "Levator labii suiwnorm. Iter a tertio, et anchylosis. Minimi digiti. splenic cirrhosis. Giuteas, hallux, aortic thrombosis. Adinftjndihulum. sphenoid et antrum. Hernia, ealeulus, jryswro-tantrum. Thoracic expansion and forced respiratiuu, Gouty diathesis, likewise amputation!" Ten minutes I sat ere I rose to flee As near insane as a man t'Oild be: 1 breathed one word, it bann with d. And then in plain English; "Good night," satd she. My love was a maiden once fair to see, But now she's a doctor ot hig-h degree; And an old maid doctor she'll always be If she talks to all as she talked to me. New York Sun, OH, TO BE A MAN! London Society. Miss Hannah Steptoe was a prime little old maid, with a flat, round ruddy face and dark brown hair neatly fastened behind in a little knot. She invariably dressed in gray silk orsatin, worea gold brooch containing a lock of white hair, and was very particular about her caps curious compounds of ribbon and muslin and lace, which varied from the severe turban in the morning to the last new fashion from Paris in the evening. These caps wrought a remarkablechange in her appearance; she seemed to grow younger as the day advanced, sothat the question of her age was often debated by the gossiping inhabitants of Dullish, the small and dreary watering-place in which she had made her home. She lived with a confidential old servant in a little cottage facing a triangular green. Roses were care fully trailed over the wooden porch; the path through the tiny garden was bordered with whit pebbles; the flower-beds were cut with mathema ti cal precisionjin short the outside of the cottage clearly indicated the orderly habits that prevailed within. Noth- ing ever went wrong there. Doors opened and shut without creaking; hot mutton punctually at 1 o'clock on Sundays waa followed by cold mutton punctually at 1 o'clock on Mondays; the muffins were done to turn on Thursdays, when a few friends always came to afternoon tea; habit had worn for itself deep grooves, and every thingrah smoothly undeviatingly along them. When any Sunday-school teacher wanted a model of commonplace propriety for the example of her pu pils, she was sure to select Miss Han nah Steptoe. No one would have dreamed of suspecting the slightest tinge of romance in this quiet little lady. And yet, so inconsistent is hu man nature, she had set her affections up on a man much younger than her self, while her life was haunted by the dark desire to see the world as it really is, and not as it was presented to her and her set of highly respect able friends, all of whom stood upon the neat and narrow platform of conventionality and never ventured to look over the edge. She longed t o do what they dared not. The placid smile that sometimes lighted up her face as she sa t in the arm-chair be fore the fire and watched her cat sleeping on the hearth-rug was caused, not by a pleasant retro spect which affords enjoyment to so many old ladies, but by a fanciful picture of her f riends' feelings as they believed her plunging into some wild extravagance. Certain persons of undoubted piety, John Wesley among them, are said to have been beset by a horrible and almost irresistible temptation to do somethingoutrageous. The tempta tion that beset Miss Steptoe was somewhat similar in degree, though different in kind. "Oh, to be a man!" was. the thought that continually rose to her lips, but never escaped them. It was more than feminine cariosity; it was almost a mania with her, cleverly as she concealed it. Perhaps, after all, the veiy stiffness o' manner and habit, which was sup posed to be her leading characteris tic, was but an extreme precaution against her besett ing temptation. "Oh, to lie a innn!" The thought was no sooner driven from her mind than it was lurk again, often burst ing upon her at the most incongru ous times, when she was making a pudding or knitting a stocking. f$ut the day came when, with dazzled eyes, he saw a way to the attainment ot a wish which she hod always regard ed aa unattainable. Late one autumn there arrived in Dullish a mesmerist, who called him self Professor Sobrinski. In spite of his name he spoke English with very good accent. He was a tall, thin, sallow-faced man, with an enormous Mas and cold, snake-like eyes. Pos sessed of a rand of grim humor he re garded human nature as a plaything, $m$ wm never to pleased as when tTjriej the s&Kt of a round block in a square hole. It wn doubtless this projiensity that had led him to adopt mesmerism as a meas of livlihood. A successful seance iii the town hall brought Profes-ior Sobrinski into no tice. At first his vocation as a pub lic performer a sort ot play-actor, in lact was decidedly against him, but somebody started the story that he was a Polish Count, whereupon he becamequite the rage in Dullish. He was invited to dinners, tens and sup pers, and all of them was expected to give illustrations of his art gra tuitously. This he did, revenging himself by making foolsofhis host and hostess. Among the Professorh warmest admirers was Miss Hannah Steptoe. In the crowd that used to gather round him she always occupied a prominent place; her prim little figure rigid, her daintly attired head held on one side as she hung upon his every word. She had con ceived a most fantastic idea of the powers of mesmerism. 15y its aid, it seemed to her, the transmigration of souls was brought within the range of possibility, if not of accomplished facts. Glowing with excitement, she hatched a little plot based upon this conclusion. She invited to a cozy afternoon tea a few friends, including the Professor and Captain Henniker, a tall, handsome, indolent man with a big mustache, which had captivat ed all the young ladies in Dullish and Miss Hannah Steptoe. But it was not solely the mustache that had wrought the mischief in her ease. The Captain, in spite of his drawling tones, and eyes which were seldom really cpen, was reputed to have seen more of the world than most people of double the age. Thisalone would be quite enough to explan her secret admiration of him. The preparations for herentertain ment were prodigious. Never was there such a baking of cakes and toasting of muffins and washing of quaint little cups and saucers. The kettle was unusually tedious, and when the tea was made the solemn servant terrified her mistress with the suggestion that the water had never boiled after all. With awed faces they peered into the splendid silver teapot, which waa reserved for state occasions, and when they be held several leaves floating on the surface their expressions were most tragic. "Martha, this is too dreadful," ex claimed Miss Steptoe, with uplifted hands. "Yee, ma'am, it is," replied Martha. "I've never known the like to happen in our house before no, never. It was some time before Miss Step toe recovered from the shock, Her domestic duties imposed such a strain upon her she almost forgot the ex citement of her plot. But when, at tired in her best gray silk and dain tiest cap, she sat down to await the coming of her guests, she was all a tremble. , ... . t . Her manner, when receiving them, was marked by extreme nervousness, but no one, looking at the prim little lady, would haveartributedthecause to anything more extraordinary than a catastrophe in the kitchen. Wlwnshehnd poured out the tea and Martha had handed round the cakes and muffins and retired, she lost no time in coming to the point. "Wouldn't it be very nice and in teresting, you know, Professor So brinski," she said to that distin guished foreigner, whose big nose, hovering over his cup, resembled the beak of a bird, "to carry memserism a littie further than you do?" A breathless silence fell upon all, for the Professor was about to speak. Every eye was eagerly bent upon him as he sat down his cup. The only person who saw any humor in the situation was himself, and he was to clever to show it. "In what way?" he asked. . "Well," replied Miss Steptoe, "your subjects can't resist the power of your will, can they?" "No, Miss Steptoe." , "You can make them do pre cisely what you like You can even seperate soul from body." "Just so," assented the Professor. "Then why not make somebody's spirit enter somebody else's 'body? A sort of temporary exchange, you know, and then each would have the thoughts and feelings of the other. Wouldn't such an experiment tend to more brotherly love? I mean, by enabling us to see things from dif ferent standpoints." "No doubt,"' said the professor, smiling, though the glitter in his eyes was anything but pleasant. "Upon whom, Miss Steptoe, do you wish me to experiment?'' "As she glanced round the silent circle gathered before the fire, there was a very general shrinking. The ladies cowered behind their tea-cups, and several of the gentlemen stand ing in the background were mean enough to hide behind their neigh bors. . "Well," said Miss Steptoe, with recognition, "if it will serve the in terest of science, I don't mind offer ing myself." By this time the ladies were thor oughly frightened, and several be gan to remonstrate. Hut Professor Sobrinski took no notice of them. "Who else?" he asked. "Captain Henniker, won't yon?" timidly said Miss Steptoe, after a pause. "A soldier oughtn't to be afraid, you know. Won't you join me in the sacred cause of science?" "With pleasure," he drawled, bow ing from a chair opposite. "Only too happy to oblige a lady. But no larks, Professor! You must let me get back to myself, or it might be awkward for Miss Steptoe. I wouldn't inconvenience her for the world." . "My ex pert menti never tail," said 1 the Professor, "please let us b?dn at once. j He proceeded in the usual way, making each of his subjects gaze fixedly at a coin held in such a posi tion as to throw a strain upon the eyes. The spectators watched the the operation with some curiosity and no little trepidation, not a word being spoken by any of them. It was the Professor, and not his sub jects, who riveted their attention. There was a strange fascination about his glittering eyes, and as the flickering firelight fell upon his tall figure and sallow, bird-like face and hovering bands he reminded many vulture. Captain Henniker, though at the first a trifle restive, eventually fell under the magician's spell. Miss Steptoe succumbed at once. When Professor Sobrinski examined their eyes he found that both his subjects were thoroughly under the mesmeric influence. Then he smiled grimly, just as he had smiled before. 'So far, so good ," he said "now for the next stage." He fluttered his fingers in front of Captain Henniker. "Kemember yon are Miss Steptoe." He turned and repeated the gesture before her "And you are Captain Henniker. With a singulary sly expression she looked up at him and said: "No larks, Professor." The gentlemen fairly shrieked with laughter, the speech was so unex pected. Their merriment was in creased by the ridiculous appear ance of Captain Henniker. With his hands folded over his knees, ho wore nn air of mild reproval, iust such nn nir as Miss Steptoe would ordinarily have worn under the same circum stances. All this time she had been fidget ing in her chair. As nobody spoke, all waiting for what was coining next, she rose impatiently, saying: "You people are so uncommonly dull that I, really can't stand this any longer I'm off. "Whore to?" asked Proffessor So brinski, the only one who was able to speak. "For a spree. Bother these old maids. They are enough to drive one crazy." Her words threw a sudden stiffness into the attitudes of the Indies pres ent. They positively glared after her, as, with her little nose high in the air, she walked to the door. Captain Henuiker almost dropped from his seat, he was so dismayed. Like her, he was only obeying an ir risistiable power, for he had full pos session of his own identity. He knew what an ass he was making of him self, but he could not act otherwise, hard though he tried to do so. And now that Miss Steptoe was going out he was filled with horror, for how in her absence could he regain control over himself? Yet her wom anly bashfulness and other charac- teristicts having been impressed up on him, he could not utter one word to stop her. "There sh goes with my spirit," he said to himself, shud dering. And when the door closed upon her, this careless soldier with the big mustache actually began to weep. Miss Steptoe went up-stairs to her room and, with the speed and in attention of a man, put on her man tle and bonnet. There was no lin gering at the glass, no searching for stray ribbons, no final plumniing of feathers. In a wonderfully short space of time she was out" of the house and on her way to the Parade. Mr. Macnish. a pompous little man, who would have been startled to learn that he was a butt for every joker in Dullish, happened to be swaggering along in front of her. She stepped up to him and slapped him on the back. "Well, old chappie, where are you off to?" demanded this astonish ing little lady. When Mr. Macnish recognized Miss Steptoe he nearly had an apoplectic fit. "Oh, you wag!" she exclaimed, pointing nt him. "Good gracious!" gasped Mr. Mac nish, falling back in alarm, "Ta-ta," laughed Miss Steptoe; "I'm bound for the Parade. You are not going my way, I suppose?" Mr. Macnish, with very slink v knees, stood staring after her. "The woman's mad," he said at last. "There can he no doubt about it." Then he turned and made for her cottage as last as his legs could carry him. " , Here another surprise awaited him. Martha, who did not know that her mistreis had gone out, told him there were a number of visitor in the drawing-room; should she show him in? "Yes," he replied in bewilder ment, and entered, peering about like a traveler arrived at the dead of night in astrangeland. He found Professor Sobrinski speaking to an entranced audience, but his arrival caused a general flutter. His ex traordinary story created much amusement, and while the mystery was being explained to him there was a good deal of laughter. "Poor thing," exclaimed Mr. Macnish, "she shouldn't have been allowed out; I call it an abominable practical joke." "My good sir." said Professor Sobrinski, "you speak too fast. It was Miss Steptoe herself who pro posed the experiment. She has sacrificed herself in the cause of scienec." 'Science be hanged," said Mr. Mac nish, "I'm going after her." Captain Henniker rose eagerly. "Allow me," he snid. "I ought to have kept near her. I feel dreadfully ill apart, from her. If you will be good enough to excuse me, I will go after her." He looked doubtfully at Professor Sobrinski. "You may go," said the Professor. yourself." 'Bilous, h?" said Hnughton with a smile "Well, perhaps it is not to be wondered nt. Thank goodness my appetite will make amends for yours." He helped himscir largely, and for a time breakfast proceeded in silence but presently Captain Henniker threw down his knife and fork; und said: ' "Look here, I.eonard, I'm in a most tnghtful mess. It makes my hair stand on end when I think of it How I can have been such a fool I can t conceive. I allowed that viper hobrinski to mesmerize me, and then I became Miss Steptoe and she be came me. Do you follow me'"' J' a ,e?acty-'' answered Haugh ton dryly' but go on." K J!, b ' MisS ptoe-tlmt was me, you know-walked eff to the Parade and left me-thatwns MissHteJX behind, and alter a while I-or.rather Miss Steptoe. But, you understand t was really Miss Steptoe who pX posed to herself." p 0 - Buintwnisky oririnT T7n '.my word Benniker. von ST . ' " Who are proposed not to on sober yet. whom?" ak. out Captain Henniker the room. lie felt obliged to proceed slowly ami lately, eager -he to ran the society ol Miss Steptoe. lWud his anxiety to re. over W F himself with which he believed she j .,.!,. ..A i.wranirit wa W'ork- : .:-i,.- .;.., n l wlii e he shrank from the contemplated act. he was irresistibly impelled to make a Uec Lationof love. "What a dolt I am." he kept saving to himself as lie went towards the Parade; "I don t tare a straw for the old frump and vetr-I love you to distraction, my 'darling. There, was thnre ever such a horrible position? The words will come out but they nrenot my words. Grassv banks, thinly planted with shrubssloped down to the Parade, a converted park by the side of the sea A few lamps twinkled along theedo-e of th.- lieach: they had just Irfvn lighted when Captain Henniker arrived. 1 lie ureeze ut-uis ."v i was surprised to see a good many , iieoplo walking about, while a W ! occupied seats near the little circular j erection where the band played in the evening. In the distance was a prim little figure sauntering along-, us if the whole nlace Monqred to her. ) She stopped and spoke to nearly everv body she met, and as she passed on again they gazed at her in speechless amazement. Miss Han nah Steptoe they knew; but who was this eccentric person who assumed her guise and then startled them with the most extraordinary speci li es and gestures? They gathered in groups and pointed after her. There was quite a commotion upon the Parade. If there was one thing more than another that Captain Henniker ab horred it was being mixed up in a scene. He shuddered at the very idea of making himself ridiculous, and yet he went after Miss Steptoe, and, though strnyglingagainst what he was compelled to do. entered into conversation with her and walked I y her side. The curious spectators ob served that she dropped her flip pant manner nt once, but they did not know what had caused the change. They could not help, how ever, being struck with Captain Hen niker'8 respectful attitude. "I very much wanted to see you alone," he snid. "so I have taken the liberty of following you. You can guess what I am going to sav, can't you?" "How should I?" "Oh, my darling, how I love you! You know it, don't you? You have known it all along. Do vou love me?" "I do,' she answered softly. "Then," cried this miserable pup pet, "I am the happiest man in the world." He stretched out his arms towards her. As he did so a peal oi laughter reached his ears, and proved strong er than the spell. He started back shivering. "This place is frightfully public," he sajd; let us go away from it." A pompous little man came tear ing along the Parade. He waved his stick and wasevidently in a tremend ous passion. It was Mr. Macnish. "Captain Henniker." he cried, "you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You are making Miss Steptoe the talk of the whole town." "Not me," stammered Captain Henniker." "But yon are, sir. Pray," said Mr. Macnish, turning to Miss Steptoe, "let me see you home. The air is keen here." To Captain Henniker's surprise, she went quite meekly; she did not utter a word of remonstrance; she did not even look back. He had yet much to learn of Professor Sobrinski's power over his subjects. When Captain Henniker awoke next morning he was painfully con scious of what hud happened "on the previous day. There could he no doubt he was in a verv awkward predicament, and he could see no way out ol it. In despair he sent his ser vant to ask his friend and confidant, Leonard Hnughton, to come to breakfast. Haughton accepted the invitation, but was rather lute in ar riving. "I say. old boy," he began, "vou look precious s"ejy. Did Miss Step. toe s tea disagree with you?" "I hate a fool,'" snid Captain Hen niker teutiltr ! ,l i i , . v, ,,,,, uuwu Hna ne-, . . . 1 . . . ... t.r it wn she wno iimj"- bowed and left to ,? Ttmt ..verwasgoodatmdles. -Ho beseriKibleforu moment. Am I bound by the prolyl. . . . ...i.i..rrnn were. lien a Weh-shHUwecain ttell?over night he must exp. to answer for it in the morning. Then" said Captain Henniker desperately, "the P-ojHsal must be respected by .eT Say goodly to voiir old friend Ionard; 1 feel u " i should cut my throat That afternoon i v... "', I d.,,. ,.ttare. in order to ratify ! what had occurred between them. It waS h considered, the only honora l.leurseontohim.andthcref. had resolved to take it. though the !!! itself had ceased to operate. ItsUdasifitHhatefuIefre.tswere to last a lifetime, compiling hi in to do what he detested, and h-aying him no more control over his own (h-stiny. than is possessed by ciiaii driven by the wind. Martha opened the door to Inm. With a faw brimful of iinportHm-e she stid. before he had titnetotpeak: -Have you heard the news, Cap tain Henniker?" News!" he gapsed, fearing that he knew it (Mil v to well. Miss Steptoe is engaged to Mr. .Macnish." . He scarcely knew how he made his escape, he wits at once so astonished and so delighted. It was not until afterwards, when he was able to think more clearly, that it slight feel- ofsoreiiess entered Ins mml. It nn Iht humiliating to iM-n-jected i in favor of Mr. Macnish. He could not conceive how it hiiritwiied. Any j woman could have told him. But i Car-tain Henniker thought it pru- lent not to ask, nip was i (.cttliiT tip Karly. Mciilrlil CIlin-K'S. All this talk about early rising is moonshine. The habit ot turning out of bed in the middle of the night suits some people; let them enjoy it. Put it is only folly to lay down a general rule on the subject. Some men are fit for nothing all day after they have risen early in the morning. Their energies are deadened, their imaginations are heavy, their spirits are depressed. It is said you can work so well in the morning. Some people can, but others can work best at night; others again, in the nfternoon. Long t rial and ex fieri ment form the only con clusive tests upon these points. As for getting up early because Prof. All-Cammon haswrilten letters to the papers providing the necessity of it, let no one lie goose enough to do it. We nil know the model man aged SO: "1 invariably rise at five; I work three hours, take a light breakfast namely, a cracker and a pinch of salt: work five hours more, never smoke, never drink anything but barely water, eat no dinner, and go to tied at six in the evening." If anyone finds that donkeyfied sort of life suits him, by all means let him continue it. Hut few people will care to live to M) on these terms. If a man cannot get all withered and crumpled up on easier conditions than those, it is almost as well that he should depart before he is a nuisance to himself and a bore to everybody else. School-boys, and young people generally, ought to get up earlv, for it is found that nine-tenths of' them enn stand it. and it does them good. Hut let no one torture himself with the thought that ho could have been twi-e as good a man as he if he had risen every morning at daylight. The habit would kill half of us in less than five vears. lrheii Crazy hj a Dream, One of the officials in the Broad Street station was startled one day by a handsome young lady, who tapped him on his should'er and finked: ''Is this the sa'est road to heaven?" The young woman tier sisted that she was in search ofihe safest road to heaven, and had been told that the Pennsylvania railroad was one of them. She began n ram bling sort of a storv about her win' find other celestial topics, but wii interrupted by an elderly ladvand young man, who led her away "They said she was Miss Mollie Robbing, a young (hic.-igo lady of a wealthy family. She had lost her reason be cause of a dream of the bursting of thefonneuinueji Hke dam, imagin ing that her betrothed was swept away by the flood. Curiously her dream occurred during the flight prweclmg the flood. The gentleman hom she beheyed to bo lost is olive and now in Johnstown, whither she was being taken by advice oTa phy sician, who suggested that the scenes LiitMr1, t(7nan,i the meet tPUlrotW might tor. Cen. Cnnfer'i Lor.blc WUow, Mrs Custer is another of the notn, We widows, and her pure, swat Kit Hhecom in contt- hart on w VM.quie,ljr ,m,J work over her n book! over and over ner pnirea w tli . She i i ..." , ' "-" cart' which serve -usorueu in these h.l. to keep her so clearly in presence of hr m' " A every T " " that ramLK . h. meet" her sue Z :-arm- 8he nlo takes some Int-r. uecorative art livsiih .-T.T.V: Mtt means of ronn- UM "wtmcted many younj tome inter many Aabara Hair Glrlsj All young women posft.-es.-J hair can remember that in t til tbeirchildhood their hirsutf tnent was a source of niockid ment to their friends, and t "sorrel top" or "strawberry w a one oietm tempi, i ny perhaps, why it was that tlJ ilways called "red headed their playmates were des J being bUi' k, brown or guldeiJ Put the "red headed" mind now that it is everv oman's ambition to be haired, and she bojw-s by ar hair dyes to attain i). which belonged to the Lucretia. If she gets the right shade she why a -single thread of iJ might not te preserved ,v th tatu government ami e.,; is the one bo proudly s Florepee as having IhOoiii-, wicked Lucretiu. It iH. mnnv famous woim-n , Titian red hair, t'nt tn-rino 4, eloruHj in it.nnd Anne ,f Au browa hair just on thevere red. Ninon de L'Km loe wa proud of ber warm colored iinl Mary Stuart seemed a nf the sun. Jane Hading Potter both have warm aub, but it does not reach the ri; which is that which crowne her glory' the head of the J Htigenie, she who has known treme of happiness und of M Atlanta Constitution. Marriage hf urii Hi-. London Tim- An extraordinary oc. urn taker, place in tine ,fih,. p churches of Madrid, in the p Santa Cruz. A priest hin! finished hU mass, and m of pronouncing the r; words "he, missa est,'' n young man ng 'l.aiel .'i 1, girl nge 20, suddenly approa. nltar-raiiing with three mid. men. and the young coup! aloud, "Wo wish to li. hiMlm wife. Here are our three witiJ Now. it seems that underthe ml laws regulating nmrrii Spain, llotunn Catholics caJ claim to be considered nnirn mrprise if they are skillful en J do so just after the priest li tered the oenedtction at then moss. Formerly this'i (is in the present cax-, resoi uy young people whose pareui posed their tfiiion. When this red in the chiinlint Santa ( scene of confusion ensued. The retired to the sacristy, und m the police, w ho conducted the its and witnesses into thepreij themunicipal judge. IiediH-lnrl marriage valid, much to the of the voting couple, and tn t. tense disgust of tic parents oij sides who bad resisted the uiii'J A Doctor' Mili,ii. A somewhat nmusing inci.M ly hnpjietied to a person who to bring a man out of an ') paroxysm by pouring cold wai to his rnouth and upon hwnecld n a slight struggle, ncrorilin? Recount, the epileptic sank ! pnrently dead, whereupon the pulator of the water Ish nine in ly anxious, and placed his ear J mouth of the patient, who strl wn v cancht t he ear w ttvecn inl and nroreeded to chew it unit beauty had vanished." An a charge of mayhem folh ?niletitic s return to cohki-io but U Dolice justicedisciilgedti oner, on the ground that he 4 resnonsible for what he ima while in a flt.-Halls Jourc Health. Trying for a MmhM Man It is awfully trying, for 11 1,1 sensitive man to attempt toH or pull down n car window window is certain to stick lik? to a deeeiiseil African ;.'. .f the man is a sensitive plniif wise i will come down h Crockett's coon or go up Me rov'n L-itn nnd he has til'' felicity of knowing.-a H tion flows from every poie rich blood mantles his la- lD,i that everybody in the cur i 'ng him: that everybody " joint of suggesting how W :an done, and that ex-r. would speak right out il it w .,....1...K- iu mi t he broil' ind an attempt to spenk won nilt in a snicker which "' through the car like bellow J;' the tropics.-Poston Tiuu.ri HUmmerlng and Heafne- Stammering has hitherto H posed to be purely a ncrv"'" Some experiences recently rw hythe surgeons connected ' ii :T..i u,.i. Kutiare iar iiospiuu, - i- t.A ,.it tl.iu more or less!!' w .an ..v.. ....... fion. In carrying outcertnin 'l tions to euro children m was found that in several "f lasestheoperators had nl tnneously cured the patient"' a .. f fi i-l ell menng. inwiuci. .'' ,i i Uni .in, Iv and i"1 tome has lieen the Arm com 1 that stammering, in the nmj' lna nnt, nroceell lim vous' malady, but from fH PIXUIMUII VI MULT-.. v-- j th nnuu nf liMirintr. In 8 H public schools this fact has, it 'J ,..,cu u. ii ! was propeing are eel been abundant - st, Jamess