The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 08, 1889, Image 3
ipje Sioux County Journal. ; ou AXI 1TI1 K ft,Miw "' . IV .,'cr,It Biff" Mil. " TV- ' the Wo: OIIUIIi rim.;... Union. OF.ORi.f. WALKER. practice I lore hII court and ibe i r( 1 . I Great State Fair. ' L HUH FXPOMTION iou T, r THE V E US I -Mi. ),., w . r, m i.. i . im-v,,,. ih. r. ill) ';.!, .. . ,!.....,, o- ,.M 1 I - s w ul l , Hll-II; : Will ; laui'l (im- I recHve prompt attention eutruntcl to eiition. NEBRASKA. extractor m Kuil'Ier. L O. HULL, 1UKIUSOX, - - KKKKA.SK A. fr.of the Mmw Feature Airmail; laiwnd by thr Maii-sgerwnt. in- V "tr.iiii: kill) out Biffffr i4 IW-Mrr Tlnu F.tfr. Everything"s that Hi- coining i.ka -I"' a"riu"' 'l--v- LtotelK-l'lat UikoIn. S,(.-ni!-r fi Inexl. '"" iu" "i'"' 'M'-nsive, ! .,,(Vf ami . nt. flaming ol anything I t ut-ur lu ll! ill 11 I "mt'-il'.. r,,!, Nebraska slate fairs of lah y. ar- L.hrHi miiv r-;i!ly ' !). obd I.y ;,!! to f Wliq-1. It ltlM'U'1lt of til" III. Ill- jrnt thi- v. it t- .lij.-- 1l -r it, .KHisors m all r. j v I . Ttt- f,i, I i- .irninnl tlmt all mrn.ult unil pnx.Hi. I. yhraka ami ll; new we t g.-i.-ralh Lw.vnnipr.ii"i-!ii' a" Hi" i-"iit TV slut" Ixnlil of agriculture L.ntolrii "II t" tlw front, anil .r.- L to tlx- wmld in f" '"' '" possible advantage, all tli" icsoiir oftle slat". Tl"' l,v'" u K L, s never lielori" iiiorougon iwd. Sl i"'i are l" it. A NtUr lino (.1 nor- iiuiii r r Jvt ill I on n iary r ur- jpnonn.v tlat nii.rv a.nmnii"l.i .onwalnauJy fiipnf" tliiin evi.T U - kn, Hire tu oih-. Hoin- of tli lH Luof tattle iwwl lu.i"H in loa. llli La. Miniifotii ami Wiwoiitm, lire al- nlr Uikl. fr-mi N. w Yurk indijhio. Tli"y t" uml.-rUml ail tliey (nn iJi to a ikying wlvant gt Tin tL'H'xt pri'iiiiiiiu ol!Vr:l for nllalii" on i-ultl" Hr.t in utt. ntion overtln" ciiinlry. Tln liUnli1v. j).')f tlx; Wi-il in olfi rm' a lik; fur riianty coll. tiv -xlnlit. Jl; t.i tltu fiur, -Kt-nl!y all tl k .- in Ncliniska- ninny an- nl i,U b '.! I'.r a-if. IVskIi-ill" VTr iiiluial fai torn, ar.'l j! f.r, Ui" lNirJ lias liiiulu extra- aiiary provision for instriH tivo ami ultra, timit tlii yiMir. At nn IIIMW. St fllM'tc of MV.'ll full frown, full pluimJ Siitli Afriiiin o Vrtia Ij" on fr-e out door rxliil.i- lM!ea.h Jav on tin; fair jfroumls. -ot 4 tl mnwil tin nu'niiL'crie sort, lint UTOtiimii; niic unJ fr..!i from ostrni Wing firms. Mail. tt", will fcfcwfrt anil hiii. -utt lior-" in fesorld, "WoiWlawn," will l on Imml idjy, Al)sh will ilrivi? on lli f tra k tlw faitwt iloulilo t.iiiu in tin Sl,p lew niH.) 1 .;U J. TImt" will are ami instruct! vn nHnvlioiiH wnisrtlie eveniiiL's of tlio fiur tin- it v (dtviln will hlmw tin. tiwM"' ctsimlir ilist.luv ami nvrot.-i liiiH- ex Wi'-'o evi-r proiliKiil in tli west ill k iii onii;mail (y u rn-jir'Klii' I, iwnwI, t-orrti U uml nii rovi il HMalion of tin- Knit: Tarturrax tm ?-aE,, nriMurjiw..-d t-vn l.y tlio f:imi V'hU ., i,... ... m,.i. u i,,.. it i r p at.-il, tlm roiionx fair ; 'Vin nmuv to htiind witli iut a rival v. -111 T, in u I - - i- '""- "inn hav '"'""r"1 :ji" liiil,f,,l i.f.. .... . llir ami IH-.l!l,-- i,rm, ,. ,i... , . l-'i'.v U, Ibvsl,,M , ... f tm inonal rv1v tl,,,,,,,. Hillf rv nn I ... i v. - u.m.n, JlJIV ;.H r l-. r K- U. ll.FV?In..Kuv;aKlr,w. lilt" tl-,1,,,1, l,i ),. r I.f.. :,n.l . tin. tt-.i hv i " " mill i"i'ltlH-r.-,tal,,f many ,.,wlW, lr-i.l. rat,- ;,. I, ;if tin- IovhIv I "'" '-M-n-ri.-".! l,v 'hinisJlf K-r.iial In. ml-. - i . Ul.rk,,- ,,,lV(. i- ' i. nl to i),.. h.t'ioii. Itl,,,,!"""'1 -vUlrnti,,,,. ,,,. o I -"HtiifactLjn Knaranti-cl. Attorney -at-Law. I All bwj.iii-rtMenlruV.Hj to tiix care wilt re . i-ive loaipt ai.U cal'Wul atti'litiou. Olli. e will. JONXS & VERITY. HAKKIKOS. - - NEBKASKA, HAHRJmiN, NraiiASKA. will. I, l . -ai.,1 , "III- ll I. .1.1 If ami i--li that W. E. POUTER. ( onfraHor and Ituildcr. Ktiiinit.-on all kin n.-. iliiily tfiv.-n. -;!Ma,-tjun Kuai-;,i,!.-.-l l"lau funiish.-l at rca-ional.le rati-s, HAKKlMlN. - - NEBRASKA. The Harrison House. EOOERT ROHWEB, Proprietor, - ilAkRlSO-V, N.br4k. -O- ..1 curiwiili-r wnr The Barber Shop. l-'irst d.Kjr wn1 lj of the court hoitse. E. h. (i.VI.MN. Proprietor. H"tv you 'an K-'t t'Usan shave, a Hist cla-ss hair t.ut or a WAUMorCOLD BATH Specikl Attention to Commercial A .iMul ln.iivtt il (..!).. ill'.- aritl.ii . t,,. l-iil.i.n of ilrn.kui- w.rkiiiL'iiu.n .Irinl.-, .. H hi half ..f f,t. Inn! I .11 . h. n-i oniincti.U tin "miiii to ill.- al- Two L E. HELliEN & SOX, Wagon and Carriage Makers. !' iwlrinn ckini. on short notluc-. oio. mirk nn.l r. annul!,!.. cIiiu ki-j. -Ii'ip 1 1 i i ol livi-ry barn. HAHHISHS, - . . vt-n "1- iii. au a Hinil anil a tv.., !.ri ;l ,llnM,.. f klail, an iyplant or ""i. 'What'li von tak- ' harli.-.' -t.unU f,,i a im-,. ovM.'r ( for th- wh.,.. faimiy Siiml.iv nit. 'N-t .in mi ;il-.uIi ini'aii III" li.-ii-- for a in-ititli." An . .. al.. Dial li 111''.' t!ll;li , il ii' :ii,i.r,,i,.-;. i.--ly i'.mn w;th the Vol.- lo . ol.liltui. the holmr tr.lllir ill I ..!.. h'lf It i, wan lh" laying of llic n.m.T -ton.' (or tin' M.isarli:wtN hi.iiii- in-('mp-rat.' n oiu.'ii. SinllX ( niilit), Tl.'- follow in.; i-an i-yti-.w t from a lft- t"f fi.'in Sioii i oiinlv whirh aiiiK-aiTd hu At tlie tmnr.-iiiivu ..v., .(,,.,, , a WiKni for th Hi.iaintiiH'!it iw nut al U . t : . . . ... " """"'I'H irorn the third (inL'r-HV ioiaf dslrift, T. T. Patt"pon, of Nortl rialt. made tl,e Ht n,i vv, WiniM. All.-n P. Dmw n rame n-xt "iinieali..,!.,. c- Alk-n kin ,iM.(l hU iiitt'irxi ttuimn ,wt,, to . V. ( 'onir i Mia takvn control. Mr. Alh-n ha -''l-'Mi'. .,ri!,e ' ' '' t' i WV wi ,h Mr. i.oiik- i .u ta, i-w (;,. o'al iiaix-r (c.XKpl fat four vars iiihI "Hire in iiatu.;,,. ,.t ,.i.. of I -"'"it t moj'."' fail hv VI! ti...:.i ., J -... r.iiiLll oil il .... ... oftoKn which show good indi:u to0fwv,.th ,...,., ..." . .,, n y-rttK-nrly llvo fwt high nmi hav. 7 uiat iiromiw. "inv in l-o HllllOTll, vmtj it ll ... 1 i , ... : , ... ' i"V iA) uo (foixi litriiiuiK '"""Jner tl, r,-., ... . ,,. .,.!. iu H iti'njU uwilli un.l cuiii I "tlis croon tia ih iloii.i in older farm hOfilU't ttiV Wi L'L-l tll" inv-ll HXWJl . Lb ill- 'Jtodoanythinifina half-wav man Tin, "'an who handk-g the 1hu1 d- "t Of n n(.Mitt,n..r l.-arna llft"r M m.t i,. ....... l.rlff. t ' ' v i ii.r i ui l rveii i Irt(i thank for a column ol "iins but ho knoweth m ure- ... iims w iiti..r lout nn io thtbt-re i tl tiintrlu iirii ntj'nltOlUll -!-" 'I'fWTll 1. 1 i. ... ...Ill , ... tin ---nJ from ah r.rm nn it hnwm top. nmy add tiwt wbm lie nut-it '-lit lllin(t..n (w.ft i: - rLf ....y.js rr . '.iii oirn iiiiiVM ui miuw " r-Ha or tliiiiK, lut on the l.OOOtl. "urn to do m, In. iiiunt noi w be forjcivca. Thu omiHHion tuny ln f i "7 f n Wl " r niorn- Mirar in J. H. HARTEI.L, ( niiti fti tnr and Iluildcr. I'l:in'lra-n ami -i-it1catli)in malic on iijijilifulion. K-tiuiut.'., fiir-ii!ly ina-lf. MRS. It K. POST, MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. Keeps a nice line of millinery, which she sells at prices that defy !-onietition. fiOOU (iOOI)S, (iOOD WORK And fair prices. Ser-rmd street. HAIUIISDX, - - NKBKAHKA. NKItllASKA. jr. L. TUFiUS. ! ISI:ii k.milli, ( ui rini,'" ami WaironShop. Horse Shrieing a Sjiecialty. SiitistacttDii fruarimterrl in every partiru 1 nr. Simp on Main street, LEWJS II. MYERS, Plasterer and llrick Layer. All liitol-. nt pl.tiii uiel orimiiif tital pla-.tiT ililC Mel:,' to or-l.-l'. I ililiTt iiiiIh .-l-leni (; inrnliii. 'nn-liiyinv el liri.-k fliifs a sirci- .131;.'. Win irive lUi-ehiti-Hiititai'tioii or no pay rf-iulrt -I. IlAItllLSON, NU'.RAHK A. IIAIIUISriN, NKWIASKA. in the .lulv ix, i;.. of the Atmrii'dii Farm .Vir-.i. i.iil..,h..l ai Akron. Ohin.-TlIK JofBNAl.'d I'leiiii'im .atr: Th" t.d- f iiiiini;;r.:ti,n is Mill w "st ar.!, ami l.-ts i ' l1 1 1". I tins, the m.rth , -,t . . m i v N.-'-t i- .a. tor y.-ars I S s .. . t ion as i w .1 .Mil v a-, a rane for (i i. ),. ( f .:i'.i! i attle men, hut il-nit I ,o .-fi ii-or the m-oi.1" who re --chin-.' i i . e In nil' s l tl 1. 1 lake tip lan.l ni Hie tefiiloiy "lie ii now foruiH Sioux ( ouiity . ami now I!. '-re are n.-at-lv four th .uv.tti'1 .ope Iivuik with in the limits, and there to l: as bright a future for tins country as for aliv of tin- okk-r w-:;led loiinties in tlx- astern portion of th- state. Tin iv has ldi nn boom for this sec tion of country and it has thus far re- eiv. . I it-, sett!, nieiil from the naliiral lid" of imiiiiirratiou. in sonie h-sjHS'ls it has iidraiilap'i by but .mall i-.rtioiis of Nebraska. When we lirst sett . si ill soiitlieaslein .ein.iska. ft.i years ntr. th" ' 'iit up thai the foiuitrv there would never anioiml to mii.h forth.- lack ol fuel, mid tiinU-r for i,sl. audio-day Ih" hi'h price "f fll.-l IS a heri.'US .llestioll for til" pO(T man to m.s-t. H-i" it " dill. rent. in Sioux ton nl V th" pine n.L'e crosses the o.itifv from east to west nlnt four miles north of Harrison, the comity seat, ,d that not only furnishes th" 'i.ple .villi fuel, ft"" of . ha re. except the la .,! of (retting in to th-ir homes. iiuL al-soemabb-s (he setlU-r to p;t "st fur fenuiiJ and lo;rs for l,ous..-s without Ih" 1,utl...V(.fa.entof'ash,andin ailihtion to that, all the small streams have a otiaiililv of timl.-ralonK their hanks, so that maaivofthefiiniiers havo all tlie and ,-.sts they ritfil " iwn land. .VU,tthr.'e years hko the frenmnt Klkhorn ami Missouri Valley railroad ,..:u ,,.,ed, this county, (that inad l- tension of the frreat '"' ! N,-!h.w:,!ei,. railroad,) in order lo the cal and imuin lields of y. , This road has lare "oal mt"r Msal..utlW.n des from In-ru ami ..IU.uht here for one-half of wUU ,t costs in the eas."rn part of the s ale. This settles the fa") q-stion , that no one ...d h"tate to come here on that The climate is fine here, n.uel. U,an noinnea.-t anJ south of here. There fil,es.-ver blasts from the are none of the-''-"5 northwest that Ir. one almost to t it r f we are shelteml from the U tll kHdls which h l- ';;:,,n,ePeaksarea.K.utthe U hours. TI-.dK.wen. are fnt freshini; keep the . ropH K-w- .ni( nly. u.en T1,epr,,u,pa lcr T',lll t - r ln that we will not ;;;lm-ZMter,.,ti..Soi...deUl,. ,n our future -,,,ttr d llK)ira,h-a..tJ.Ket"",v,,s,,'aUt"e ' for tli locality. . h..t the Lincoln Journal rmor and nan f,toW.0n''" The Journal F.L MORRISON. WATCHES, CLOCKS AMI JEW EERY. A well selerlisl slock always on hand at lowest prices. REPAJ R!N(J AND ENHRAVlNC A si"ciaily. if? -Saticfaction liuai-anleed. IIM'.IIISiiN. - - NRIIHASKA. R. E. MASSEY. HOUSE, SIGN AND Carriage Painter. HaviiiK fitted up the large building just back of the Harrison House, is now prepared to take care of all work in his line. Can do any and all kind of carriaK and wagon work. inTSATISKAl 'TU )NT GUARANTEED HAimtSON. - - NKBRAHKA, Trade. Best Accommodations in the Northwest. J. G. ARMSTRONG, President. S. BARKER, Cwhier. THE OF HARRISON. Harrison, Nebraska, TranniK'U a general banking business, ANH Loans Money on Chattel Security. -FOR- HARDWARE, FURNITURE, THE HARRISON STOVES, TINWARE, BARBED-WIRE And a Big Stock and Lowest Prices, -00 TO Griswold & Marsteller's This it the time lo buy lmrlied wire CHEAP. We have just received a CAR LOAD and it will pay you to buy it now. Yours for business, Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. Tubbs & Thornton Prop. GOOD TEAMS AND RIGS FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE AND AT RKA8- Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. "The Northwestern Line" Between Harrison, Neb., Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. Paul -And All Points East North, South and West. ' THROUGH Th 'KETS TO ALL POINTS. . r t0 J C. NORTHROP, Agent, Harrison, Neb. Full Information on Application to j. ... - H. G. BirKT. "l Milnl,R,,,'' oMiha,Nehra.ska. J. R. BUCHANAN-, General Passenger Agent. ) ON ABLE RATES. piAisros ft J rib M fehA mm a itrirtlf first-class in wry detail. KsaSS Ez war- ranted. Are the Mt in the world and h ave led ait nther for years. ''".""".i" 5 I. TheVP' re boUnil' ZihSTsTEY !!rj .mi will have none but the b.ilti. b1ime payiienu or cash, as customers rff Sl'and see us, or send for Catalogue. sod fall iniormaiiua Ef J. B. Finery, President. General oflice F. C. Sii.kskn, Secretary, BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO, I aler.s in Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash, Doors. Blinds, Plaster, Hair, Lime, - CZEZMZE-lSrT. - COMPLETE STOtK ALWAYS ON HAND. 233 State Street, Chicago. f-TSt Louis House, 016 & 018 OJiV Gt Harrison. Neb G. GUTHRIE, Mana. 7t not. The MUil'le fa t reinaiU' ' U jl in .thut ,n.:t-a. -wwiwift.