The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 08, 1889, Image 2

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Genera Las a population of 1,000.
A oew fish hatchery is to be built at
South Bend.
There are 170 lodges of Odd Fellows
in the state. j
The Ansley Banking company Las
been reorganized.
The Bed Cloud cornet band has
been reorganized.
The band boys at Waterloo Lave se
cured new instruments.
West Poiut talks of organizing an
anti-horse thief association.
A city library is a near coming in
stitution for Cbadron.
September 10th will be children's
day at the Nebraska state fair.
Xew)ort is to have a large cheese
factory in oieration in a few mouths.
Work of construction of the new de
pot at Valparaiso progresses very slowly.
Three cases of wife beating were
recorded in (J rami Island in one week.
The Madison couuty fair will be
held at Madison September 18, 19 and
. The contract for the new Y. M. C.
A. building at Lincoln has been let for
tH 537.
The State bank at Graut has been
incorporated with a capital stock of
The Metbodists will hold a camp
meeting at DuWeese, on the Blue river,
on August 5.
Clieyenne couuty contains 1,750,000
acres of laud, as mucti as the territory
of Oklahoma.
The First National bank of Exeter
Las changed bauds and will be reorgan
ized August 1.
The Blaine county Sunday school
convention meets in Brewster Septem
ber 7th and 8th.
Joseph W. Gannett, ex-auditor of
the Union Pacific railway, died iu
Omaha last week.
A petition is being circulated to
open upon a mail route from Clearwater
to Cumminsville.
Police of Grand Island made a raid
on trami and jailed twenty-five of
them iu one night.
Ewing is going to have a fair this
year, an agricultural board Laving been
recently organized.
Weepiug Water will have a sewing
machine factory. The plant will be re
moved from Erie, Pa.
The Lincoln military band will give
an open air concert Thursday evening
in government square.
The new Luthtran church at Batlle
Creek was dedicated Sunday, 700 people
attending the exercises.
Culbertsou and Trenton w ill con
test for the county seat of Hitclicock
county on September 8.
Boyal Buck, an old-time settler of
Bed Willow couuty, is goiug to take up
his resideuce iu Maryland.
Mrs. Medinick, of Lincoln, has ap
plied to have her incorrigible daughter
placed in the reform school.
Little Otto Pultz fell beneath a
reaper at Union and was frightfully
mangled, though not killed.
The citizeus of Niobrara feel very
jubilant over the prostect of the open
ing of the Sioux reservation.
C. K. Crawford and Bill Mooney
fought three rounds on the principal
street corner of Broken Bow.
Until a valid title is acquired to the
site plans for the new Omaha govern
ment building will not be mode.
The Union Pacific has recently
opened a fine new assenger depot at
Ogden. Omaha has yet to get hers.
The teachers institute recently held
in Crete had the largest attendance of
any institute ever held in Saline couuty.
An electrical station, capable of
generating 2,500 horse power and cost
ing 9160,000, is about to be erected at
Nye, Wilson, Morehouse & Co., o
Fremont, are building a large elevator
t Oak, Nuckolls county, with a capac
ity of 16,000 bushels, . "
Hog cholera lias again commenced
ita work on a number of herds of hogs
northeast of Brock. Several farmers
have lost quite heavily.
The remains of mastodon have
been discovered on the Big Bine, seven
miles north of Crete, and steps are being
taken to exhnme them.
General C. H. Van Wyck and wife
Mved home in Nebraska City lost week
Mrs. Van Wyck has about recovered
from her recent illness.
The republican state committee will
Met at the Millard hotel iu Omaha
Anjrnst 7, for the puriHise of fixing the
tim of the state convention.
While Roup Beniuger, living about
fonr miles from Jackson, was scuffling
with fellow he fell on a double bitted
ax, cutting bis band nearly off.
Arrangements have been made for
grand tenuis tournament iu Liucolu
for the first week iu Septemlier. The
tournaoMnt will last seven days.
Omaha brewers have given the Eng
lish syndicate optioas on their proper
ties as follows: Krag 1700,000, Nets
1490,000 and (Mors k Iler fSSO.OOO,
The Rate bank of Potter 1ms
psasis, IV bank was rnnaUe to
. fir wOi the new U aad oioeed np its
" IVTsiMt, after a lag all eialaas against
The f Bnshvillo has com- j llON E
menced a suit against F. K. IV-ltou for
damage sustained by bis not making a
sat ihf ui'tory system of water works
tli ere.
Au old man named Schilling has
mysteriously disapit-ared from his home
near Cambridge, and foul play is feared,
as he had a considerable sum of money
in the house.
The Weckbaeh family, of riatis
mouth, who have been on a three
months tour iu Germany, have returned
home aud were given a hearty reception
by their friends.
Owing tfl the fact that a large num
ber of bauds of the state have been eu
gaged for the couuty aud state fairs the
proposed band carnival at Fremont has
been iostiK)ned.
The merchants week association of
Omaha propose to 8ieud 82,500 iu ad
vertising the carnival and fair in Sep
tember iu order that the country visi
tors may lie attracted.
Articles of incorporation of the Sa
line county nurseries r.ere filed iu the
A Robbery Which for Darin? and
Successful Execution Has But
Few Equals.
. ..'hrnRk IN U
A Bold Thief Makes a Krab or Preiious
Jewels and Succeeds in Mak
inr His Km-a pp.
fiable ana u y , ,., ,
fe ,t;ire. uainclv, in m " -" , i
,1 oleoilUon under eon.l- naiou and
1J I. It IMS I '' """ - - , i
: V....I -al efiVct H probablv
disappear from more was
t nan
Milwaukee Moving in the Malter ol sUkiss
Extensive Preparations lor Ike Con
ing National Reunion.
ottice of the secret i . ol state last week.
The village of Western is desiguated as
the principal pi ice of business.
E. V. Audreys, the tough who held
up a farmer near Wilber some time ago,
aud on being taken to jail in Beatrice
got away from the sheriff at the door of
the jail, was recaptured in Iowa.
Mr. McDonald, living near Deloit,
will be 103 years old in August. He is
hale and hearty and in the last forty
years has has not niissed a dozen meals.
His father lived to be 117 year old.
A Missouri gentleman promises to
start an oat meal factor' with a capacity
of 500 bushels a day at Falls City. The
cost of the plant will reach $15,000 and
will give constant employment to thirty
Stromshurg is going to have a big
hotel. Its lending citizens have takeu
hold of the matter, formed a stock com
pany, subscribed the necessary amount,
$25,000, aud filed articles of incorpora
tion. A man whose identity could not be
established was killed in au unfinished
building in Omaha last week. He is
supposed to have been looking for a
place to sleep and fell down the elevator
Mera, the 14-year-old son of J. O.
Coulter, living three miles south of
Fairfield, while assisting in stacking
hay, was knocked senseless by a large
lole fulling ou him. His recovery is
Blue Hill's business men are sub
scribing a fl 0,000 fund as an inducement
for the location of the Lutheran college
at that place. Next to Omaha, Blue
Hill has the strongest Lutheran society
iu the state.
The filters used in the Beatrice
water works will be removi d, the own
ers admitting that they cannot trans
form the waters of the Blue into pure,
wholesome liquid. Bored wells are ad
vocnted by some.
Peter Grubb, aged seventy-one, and
Ella Jane Bare, aged sixty-one, of White
Cloud, Kansas, were lately joined in
matrimony at Fall City. Peter has just
received a pension and back pay
amounting to $2,500.
A fellow named McCoy and the
keeper of a saloou at Boseland, A. M.
Hengan, became involved in a war of
words, when McCoy whipped out a
knife and stabbed Hengan in the abdo
men, resulting fatally.
Attorney Van Etten of Omaha has
addressed a circuinr letter to the judges
of the Third judicial district, asking
protection against the attempts of other
attorneys to freeze him out of his prac
tice. The judges could give him no relief.
The York county agricultural so
ciety has voted to make a county ex
hibit at the state fair and will give $50
premium to the township making the
best- exhibit at the county fair, these
towuship displays to be used at the slate
The shooting contest at Atchison
recently was decided iu favor of Doc
Matthews, of Fremont. The stakes
were fluu a sule. iweiity live binls
were shot at, Matthews killing seven
teen and Houston, his opponent, fourteen.
A lady at Beatrice attempted to fill
a gasoline stove while the bnrners were
aflame with the result that an explosion
followed, causing quite afire. The lady
had the presence of mind to smother
the flames with a cloth and thereby pre
vented much dauiage.
An elephant witli Andrees circus
became unruly at Wood Biver aud walk
ing through the teut, wandered about
town going through board and barb
wire fences until late at night. The
manager of the circus remained over to
defend a suit for flOO damages.
Sheriff Little reached Valentine from
Vermillion, Dak., with Henry Belmer,
charged with stealing a number of
horses in Cherry county. Belmer is
also charged with being a member of
the notorious gang of outlaws who cursed
Cherry county by stealing so many
horses aud cattle a few years ago,
Griffin Jaroleinon came into Cha
dron aud surrendered himself into the
hands of Officer C. J. Davis. He was
bailed at $500 and trial fixed for August
15. Warrant was issued Jnne 18 charg
ing Jarolemou with the crime of rape,
but he escaped arrest at that time.
On August 80 a camp for one
Month's AU instrootaou of the troops
ia the dey&rtnient of the Platte will be
establish iu the military reservation
at Fort Robinson. It will be styled
Camp GsaawsCwok, aod will be nudsr
HraM Ika Dfsnr Rank Sfakaarr.
Kansas City, Mo., August 3. A dia
mond robbery which for daring aud
successful execution has had few equals,
was peretrated ut 2:15 yesterday ou the
principal business street of the city.
At that hour a young niau entered the
jewelry store of F. G. Altman, at 725
Maiu street, aud asked to see some dia
mond ear rings. He was waited Us.n
by Miss Lou Altman. Her brother, the
proprietor of the store, was showing
some watches to another custc.ner.
The young man was nervous, uud his
manner aroused .Miss Altman s suspi
cions. At the first opportunity she shot
a signihcant glance at her brother, wiio
immediately left his customer and
started towards his sister. Before he
had reached the case at which she stood
the young man grabbed a hand full of
jewels and bolted for the door. He had
secured live pairs of ear rings valued at
$2,000. The thief had not reached the
front door of the store before Mr.
Altman was iu hot pursuit. Once
on the street ho turned south
aud running to a horso that
stood hitched to a ost around the
corner, about twenty yards distant,
broke his fastenings and vaulted upon
his back. Hardly had he landed iu the
saddle, however, before Mr. Altman
clutched him by the collar and dragged
hirii to the ground. Springing to his
feet, the thief jerked a revolver irom i
his pocket and struck the jeweler over
the head. Then breaking from Altman's
grasp he ran across Eighth street aud
juniied into an open area way. Others
here joined in the chose, but only one,
M. 11. Hurt, a young restaurateur, had
nerve enough to approach him. Find
ing no egress from his temporary hiding
place, the thief climbed out aud running
to the alley between Main aud Walnut
streets, dashed north to Seventh, then
nest a block aud a half to Delaware,
then south two or three doors to a beer
saloon. This place was crowded with
men, but pistol in baud, the desperate
man, with Messrs. Hurt and Altman in
pursuit, rushed through to the rear and
into a water closet. His pursuers .were
not twenty feet behind, and slamming
the door of the closet shut, they at
tempted to hold him in the box. The
thief had evidently hoed for a means
of esca)e, but finding none braced his
feet against the wall and foroed the door
open. Altman immediately grappled
with him, and a desperate struggle, in
which the thief proved the better man,
ensued. Placing his revolver against
the jeweler's breast he threw him off
and began bucking toward a rear door.
One hundred- men were closing around
him by this time, but with a face that
looked more like a wild animal's than
that of a human being he hissed:
"I'll kill the first man w ho comes a
step nearer."
1 he tables and chairs were overturned
by the mob in au efl'ort to get out of
harm's way. In the rear of the saloou
is a little court, probably ten feet wide.
Aside from the saloon this court has an
outlet leading through an iron door
into the cellar of H. H. Shepard's wull
paper and book store. Backing out of
the saloon the thief sprang across this
court, jerked open the iron doors and
disapeared. The crowd following
thought him now securely caged and
hauged the doors together and twenty
meu threw their weight against them.
The thief was not caged, however.
Mounting the cellar steps he emerged
iu the rear of bhepard s store, and re
volver in hand, passed within two
feet of the bookkeeper, George 1. Run-
von, and George Olney, a travel
ing man, and walked to the front of
the store. There he pnt his pis
tol in his pocket aud steped out on the
street. Walking rapidlv north a half
block he then hailed a hack driven bv
one John Hoggs, and remarking that he
was iu a burn', entered it, and was
drive on a gallop west ou Missouri
avenue. At J-ourtli and iiroadway lie
alighted irom the hack and disappeared.
ills whcreaiionts is a mystery that is
puzzling the entire police and detective
force of Kansas Citv.
The affair, occurrinff as it did. in
broad daylight and at a spot where a
thousand eople pass every hour, created
intense excitement, and that the man
should have escaped is regarded us little
Jess than a miracle. He is described as
a man aged probably twenty-five years.
of medium height, with light hair and a
snort light mustache, of respectable ap
pearaitce and wearing dark clothes.
Tn Thousand for the Shame Haul.
Milwaukee, Wis., August 8. Not
withstanding the action taken by the
department commander of Illinois and
other heads of G. A. B. departments.
extensive preparations are being made
lor the U. A. li. national encampment.
The committee has assurances from all
the states aud territories of very large
delegations, now that it is definitely set
tied that no lower rate can iossibly lie
given. . Over $10,000 will be expended
lor a grand naval battle.
X ranaalaa Threat.
Ottawa, Out, Ang. 8. The Citizen
the organ of the government here,
which has hitherto been silent on the
Behring sea question, says in its edito
rial column: "If the present govern
nient at Washington fails to brin
about serious complications lietween
the imperial government and the
United States it will not lie because
no effort has been put forth to pro
duce so undesirable result. Tho
truth in that statesmen of the calibre
of Welmter mid Clay do not reach
matarity in the southern tiortioii of
tins continent any mere. I'ed
tiling politicians, seekers ' after
notoriety, professors of brag snd
daplicity epjiear to have moooixilizcd all
the places of inauwssjitMJS). and r no
intent nnn f omu TtMttM with a conn
try whose people are rapidly training to
despise asju not fear thesa. The resent
sbamtfsl aet of pi? rosntultted npon
K...I01I'. Mmsst Arrraia"-
New Yoke, Angnst l.-"t'.ood even-in-,
iusi-ctor," said Johu I Sull.van,
asle held out his hand to Chief Iusik c
tor nvrnrs at the door of his room in
the Yan.lerbilt house last night 1
heard I was wanted aud intended to
come and ee you. I did not know I
had violated any law."
"Well John," socially remarked the
chief, "We will go down to the head
quarters together." M
"Come in a minute and sit down,
gaid Sullivan, as he ojued the door a
little wider. , , .
I'lM.n his return from his vacation
yesterday morning Inspector ljies
'was visited by State Agent ( hilds, of
Mississippi, win. handed him a requisi
tion signed bv iov. Lowry. and aski-.
for the arrest of Sullivan. 1 he inspector
looked for Snllivauall day, but he was
off spending the time with friends and
did not return to the hotel t";'"
evening. Alout 10 o'clock to-lilbt,
with Detective Sergeant Adams, he
called at the hotel and was immediately
shown upstairs. Sullivan himself Diall
ed the door. Accepting his friendly
invitation, the detectives fcok chuirs
and talked socially with Muldooualid
Charlie Johnson, while Sulhvun pre
pared himself for a night in a cell.
Then the pugilist was escorted to the
street and drove away in a closed car
riage which was in waiting. Half an
hour later he sat in police headquarters,
lie wore a dark sack coat, dark trousers
and a derby hat. lie puffed carelessly
nt a cigar aud wa not at all disconcerted
bv his urrest. Ho sat quietly by while
the inspector told the ieiorters about
his arrest, mid said he had nothing to
urn- T ntj.r he was taken to a cell.
There he was visited by Muhloon and
.TiJmKon. who had followed him down
town. They remained until after mid-
Tha Piiidrr Murder.
Pender, Neb., Aug. 2. Special to
the Omaha Bepublicau. i here was:
much excitement in tow n occasioned by
the preliminary hearing of the four In
dians arrested for shooting tho little
Benjamins boy last Saturday. Long
before the hour set for hearing, the
court house was literally jammed to its
utmost standing capacity with both men
and women, young and old, all anxious
to get a glimpse of the fonl fiends, pre
sumably guilty of one of the most dam
nable deeds that has stained the annals
of this commonwealth for many years.
When the time for hearing had arrived,
the sheriff wis compelled to request
many of the visitors to lenvo tho court
room in order to make room for those
trictly interested in the proceedings.
After the usual preliminary, the state
swore some fifteen of the witnesses and
called its first, Walter Benjamin, father
of the murdered boy, to the stand. His
testimony was merely offered as evidence
that a murder had been committed, as
he knew nothing relating to the party
or parties who had committed it any
more than his little sons Freddie and
Noel had told him, that Jinuuie, the
C-year-old boy, hod been shot by
the V innehago Indians. Mr. Benjamin
is a very strong, cool minded appearing
man who, during the war, and prior
thereto served years in the navy and
elsewhere calculated to harden the heart
of man. Uig round tears w ere noticed
to trickle down his brawny cheeks be
fore he left the stand. Noel Benjamin,
an 11 -year-old brother of the murdered
child, was next called, and the follow-
lg is the substance of his testimony:
i'a had gone to town and ma had iroiin
over to Mr. Campbell's, and left me and
Jimmie and Freddie at homo. About 5
o clock we nil (meauing the three boys)
went out to get cows, which were tied a
little ways from the house. When near
the edge of the corn 1 heard a shot, and
looking down the hollow from where the
report seemed to come, I saw a wacon
with four Indians iu it. We shu tod tn
run, and two shots were fired pretty close
together. Jimmie fell when the sfeonl
shot was fired. The Indians' team was
headed south when they did the shout
ing, and they turned arnniwl n.,,1
started the other WaV IIS filllf na
the horses could go. They wore all
dressed in black clothes. When they
got away several yards I went nad picked
Jimmie up and carried him to Mm imnu
and washed tire blood off his forehead
and then ran for ma." When cross
examined by the defense his story was
precisely the same notwithstanding the
ibcv iuav an. audoii s cross examinatios
was so severe as to create not a little mi-
f J Wl TO 1 il .1 ' I' I
. - wiimi:ni. xuere are over
eignty wiuiessesou the resective sides
ana as a majority of those for tho de
fense ar Indians, whose testimony will
.....o TO tnroii"li an inriul.
it is impossible U estimate the time that
will be necessary to complete the exam-
motion. Jt w believed, however, that
tint lialf ilm . A -. ii ' .
...... . hib witnesses win take the box
nice s wnc ami h,ssc8 arrived from
the agency this morning. Tlmre ar
several other Indians with tl... ;..
town, who are snpiKjsed to le friends of
the prisoner, hut this is only a supposi
tion based upon the fact that . 1
lying around on the ground outside of
the court house, evidently awaiting to
MM what turn .ITn: . , W
. ., wui take.
Labors of tho Committee to In
vestigate Alleged WejaJ
Pension Rnllnps.
eBrthingAlM.i .he I..f.-rl-r ...lity
fla HeiMS I .ot ifd UlBit
( uiiutrj.
Th. Work Ol the Frill Cn."iiio-Th 0-
Ihc Public DW 'Or i-a
ertlM is
Hants d Julf.
Tha Pru.U" I Uiailon.
Washisotov, Anglic 1 The commit
tee recently api-oint-d by
oble to investigate the alleged illegal
I ruling, of i-uMoii. bv
i bureau has cmph b d the first week of
, its hd-ors. ihe original or.ier
itarr Noble 'hreeted that the mv.-sl ga
li.,n should eou r all the operations of
' the bureau during the hit twelve
, ,ths, but a s.ipc.nV'al examination
roinince.l the c udt. e that a search-
jg,.tuii.iHtiii of all the riws
cafed in that time " ould oeenpy the.,1 at
h avt six months so ui-'i tacit under
standing, if not the expre-direction of
the secretary, the committee ha thus
- far confincd'their work to the months of
December in h.-t year uud May iu the
j present year. A u examination covering
six months will probably 1 completed
bv next Saturday or early m the coining
week, when n ivm.i.
S.rretarv Noble, it is h omed from
pnrtiei believed to have kie.w led of
the work of the a..niliiltlec that during
the month of !.- iber laM, under
Coininis-doner Black's administration,
there were found to have been modo
shout fifteen hundred reiasiies of pen
sion,, and during the mouth of Mav. un
der ('oininisMon.-r Tanner's administra
tion, eighteen hundred reissues. '1 hese
reissues cover all clas-es known to the
pension Inns, and include nil the cas s
of lending, which, it is said, average
from 8 to 5 T cent, of the whole num
ber of reissues. Therefore the reralings
found in these two months wid probably
regale less than 1MM. It is stale.i
further that the reratmgs prohahly ilo
not average more than S'i to $4 per
month, but the arrears in many coses
are carried back to the date of the orig
inal R .plica! ion, some of them as far us
The investigation, so far as it has
gone, is lielieveil to have coimnre.i hip
committee that there has been a gradual
increase iu the number of pensions re
lated since late in the summer or iu the
early fall of last year. It is confidently
ase'rted that the committee has discov
ered nothing whatever of a sensational
character, either iu the nnmlier of re
ratlngs or the amount of money involved.
Dlrr Amnj Oolong.
Washington, August 1. The secre
tary of the treasury has received a let
ter from the secretary of state enclosing
a copy of the disimtch received from the
United States consul at Amoy, calling
attention to the inferior quality of much
of the Amov Oolong tea exiorted to the
V nitcd , States. Assistant Secretary
Tiehenor has issued s circular letter to
the customs oflicers ou the subject, iu
ueh he says: "The statement of the
consul ami the documents enclosed in
his communication indicate that it is a
well recognized fact among sellers in
China that Amoy Oolongs are generally
dirty, adulterated, carelessly jmcked or
poorly enred, nnd Hint their reputation
is so vile that all markets savc that of
thu United States arc now closed to
them. Tho circular letter issued bv
Kussell k Co., of Amoy, siwaks of these
tens as the decayed vegetable matter of
China and states it is difficult to sen
how under existing insm-etion regula
tions they can be dealt in. The
consnl strongly recommends that no
invoices of Amoy Oolongs should bn
admitted to entry iu the United
States without first lieing rigi'lly in
spected, stating that it is only by such
insiectioii that tho American public eau
le protected. He further stutes that the
strictures of his letter do not apply to
Tansui or Formosa Oolouz teas grown
on tho adjoining island of Formosa ami
mostly Shi pi .l via Amoy, for the reason
that Formosa tea justly enjoys an excel
lent reputation, though frauds are not
an unheard of occurrence even in For
mosa. Your attention is called to this
mutter in order that strict scrutiny may
be made at your ort of all imxrtiitions
of this grade of tea, with tho view to
prevent the entrance of any which may
be found to Ik) in violation of the act to
prevent the imortatiou of adulterated
aud spurious teas.
Batf MiniUn.
Dnxvn, August 8. -A prominent cat
tleman arrived hero from Gunnison
bringing the information that the Utes
are again off their reservation and creat
ing havoc it. the western part of the
stato ihey travel in small bunds in
tiiuidatiiig the ranchers for the tmr.-ose
of securing provisions and a.
I hey are lulling off all tl,0 gttm h, h.i
section, and during one week , "
slaughtered 400 deer for their Z
At 1 Ut"il'!n le fining 'nro sad
and threateu to go mon a war of
uponfceu reservation and keep Zm
MTie Boston Transcript aayi the
port tlt negotletWar! 1
for the lmr.Ua, af the aTSaf
Imncli of the Union fmMJStt
Tha Plah rnnltn'a Work.
Wakhisotos, August l.-Thi. l'm!,.,l
States Hah commission distributed
ing the past fiscal year 100,000 yearling
fish of the indiVenoin! u. ..i n ...
.uississippi valley, consisting of catfish
buffalo, croppie, white n,,d black lias,
smifish, pickerel, white perch, wall-eyed
.-, - lu n uve carp. Of these, 4fl 000
w.rM tblatt.,l In:.. : . . ' . '
, ,,, .iiuucus nvers, PLoW n
Missouri waters, hum i (ie,,eva lake
..isconsi.i, an, 9,(XKJ i H,0 waters of
Nebraska. Of brook if..t a..., ti. "'
were aoT.OOO sent f, different 7uU iZh
cmvimissioners l -nring the seas L !
000 rainbow trout eggs were shinned
the commission, nnd lie. one. f... " '
Wytheville, Ya. station uVvsrio sU ;
BO msi 7.. V T T' "umber ol
90 000 were distributed. Anion,, ih.
r L ; ' el,rska, 5,400. '
audLomn' f. '"""n.ssious
near buhitl7 Yi!.. V ? ""V,
Leven tro, T. u'"lr"" 1 V" ' I-ocli
orassa, 80,000;
lylyunia, 50,000,
'e uu
the public waters of M;n!,J
Uhio, ew jors nni
lluring the on lni,7r,.
were deposited ou the At.
Tw vtra.rrr. J
. IoriKviu.E. hy , Atign..
lhlgerand Harry Sumrt
here yo-terduy m the
o'clock Father Br.idy j
las gave way to l'eputv
Bell, who read the de;
each of the men. Thev
Cell doors, Ixith haiidenlf. ,.J
alU'titively to the ri-adu,.. 1
march to the sesn..!,!
o'clock. Both l'llger.'in 1 '
firmly np the ste, ,).,.
way unassisisi. rather
the service of the Cathoh,
crowd mnintaiiiing s bi. ,i
1 1...... . wl.....r I... .i i
Ari'o.j t.iirou 'kUian.l tie
his place near the trap ru..
were very l.aln dnrm - 1
the conclusion of the serw.l
linger liable goo! bve t
aeys. i ney men t.M.k til
on the trails. Smart 1.
steped upon the
Deputy Sheiiff III,
them with leather 1
and the roe Was cut at
exaeuy, anil Iw.tli men
throngh the traps, hinait !
and probably died lm-tuni:
... I.. . . .
siipixHi iiirougii the ii
cwiuug nun over me eliin
U-eth. He was seeiniugU
was drawn ui by the i.
shoulders came through tii.l
ileimties took him by t ,
pulled him up on the mm,'
roj was nioiigui into ser:1
the noose was adju-te.l ll
What s tin' matter'' Wh.
the rope had slipMd its tn i
11ns shows 1 Mionl.l a,,
jilaced himself nf, ,,tl tH. J
time by making two
sistanee. i n itrop m. ag .
8:00 and lie strangled to ,1,-,
night of Augii'-t .1. 1 ". Ii
I'olicemen 1'osenburg ai,.
l.ouisvnie. While they were
10 arrest nun tor tuwauitiJ
known as linggv" linn
Smart was hanred for tli
JWeisner treeu ami Mart
while living on a fiat but "o
river, in July, le-s.
Small I'ubllr l. I.l It.l
Washington, Augn-t t.-
muted at the treasury . 1 . j .;
the decrease in the public
month of July is h-m tii;,n
1 his is sal. I to he tin.- to ti i
heavy disbursements .hiring
gregatmg i:':!.ion,hou, th
on account oi penniou ul. iie I
to over Sl.V-J.lo.oo",
braska an nnri. u"- . " """ws:
orassa, 30 000; Iscons n, 30 000- I1
sylvnnia. 5 n,si ""JWi'
JllIJJT;,"!" lMo.ited in tho mil
n of whini i?'!! " ,y 'M'm ic"''
,,r,?J, "U'li".''f ' con ,is-
fish eg;rnd AIim M i W,it
try 1-r.HlneeJ T.t tt . i 'L",lr,,Mou of
MjZLJi Al end
uua Mar.... a , ,
. I a.WW.lMl aul R fwiA M.
Till i aaa uf llnsar
WAsniNOTON, July 31. -H
John JJ. JUussev, chief of til
division of the third
who is charged with having tj
ulent use of tho lihst of thst
been referred to the soliritJ
treasury lor sueli action ail
leemeil necessary. It ! Mini
learn the precise diameter nl
dence against Bussey, but it
sUkmi that rceent iiivi-tigntil
office discloseil the fact that'
formation concerning pen"
iHMidmg has bi-eu imiiroN-rlr
to outside parties. Solicitor
reluses point Plank to tliscnsvl
ter. and will not even nduul
knows anything whatever of
Hussev still retain his otlieo I
partmetit lie hat been u:
iienlth for many weeks ami is
lined to his bed.
Tll '! I'hi IIIi'. Itrtd
Chicaoo. July :;u. -it i m
that one of the matters laid I
executivo cotnmittee of t lie T:
nental association to-day wn i
by the Union Pacific that it Ix'il
to share l uget Souml ini-ni"s
Northern Pacific. 1 lus r.airu i
bvthn Union I'aeille soine tini
-j --- -- . ...
it was ilecnleil agaiUM It. .1
said, it threatens to wilh.lran
association unless a!ioed pari
The controvcr-y over the 1 iu
bttsiuess was nfterwnuls tcfer;
eastern officials of the Nora
Cninn Pacific roads, who 1.
New York this week to see if
bio adjustment can be rendu
mniiuierof the daV bus WCHHI
discussion of the 'Sniitherii
Canadian Pacific dispute. I-'1'
discussion General Manager Nt
the Southern Pacific left the !
disgust and refused ' return a
day. .
At Deer Park President Ham
., .. if,..,nl .liuni'T bv ei
p:..i.u uu 1 1. - .
Davis. Among the gn'';' ,m"
(iiWions, Secretary Wih.hmi m
F.lkina It ivas the first t''c1.
deut aud Uie cardinal have met.
Itrm HTOtK AMI !"' K "
...i .v.... ,Ve.r r.,i7;."ef.5'l
mill l Urtrhrit.
ViiKT Kb. 2
Cons No. 3 mixed
Ht'TTKii 'renuierf
ItUTTKii "liiics ni l
Kaus Freal
Ciiicsknh Live, a'r.lo
('mickk Kprinil
Lkhons ( hoiie. pel h"'-
Oiianoks Per !"
Onions Per h"
Hkass Navies
Wool ! ins, r lb
1'oTATOVJt New
Arri.fc. ier bid
Hoos Xlixe.1 pm-l. ig
Hoos Heavy neiflil...
liKErKS Choir stems
Sukkp Choica Wwwrii..
Whbat Ko. 2 rsl
Cons No. 2 -
Oats Mixe.1 wealein
i ii ii Aiii;.
tv IIKAT I rril'in...-.
Cons IVr bushel
Oats Par bualitl
I.l n u
Hons I'acklii Asliip"'K'
t'Atri.K Hlocktrs
basse Natives
8T. l.tUI
Wnkat No. 2 rl -li
Cohn Parbiiahal
Oats Par bushel
Hoos JiliatJ packing
L'inu- VaadMS
.1 .VI
1 .VI
1 7."
, 11
:i n."i
:i so
3 75
a o
. ... " .
2 1(1
Wwwat Pat bualial
- ' 4 - J - ' '. .
vassal la a hnug is uajasu-
6ia. Wall Jj . j ?7 ed Ore-
WIM Wllllll sajn ; M a