The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 08, 1889, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal
i - rf OTiVt-mllll'Dt team
' , .u.4, Harnon yefenlay.
k-"" " . ..i...i..n o,W
duplet-- 11 b'uarujl"-
KlV n-'t or,"'r ' B 1 ,
fcw hou nre going up arwiiwl
Ljartof tl')"ntr' at a rHl"
C cannot kwp tm k of litem.
I for corn, but i not exactly
6,1 humanity demands for comfort
,fcr. K. H. f'Kgiii 'iH l'r,ia ll
J-jcy M-hool house, Hat reek val
t jl'aOO a, m. ou Sunday, Augut
A j,me of ball ' 'xx'ked for one day
rt week, between tlie Harrison Unm
ti I-usk flub. A good game is ex-
- ...
'-Conley, Reidy I ollaru itave plenty
BflVy to loau on improved farm at
nost reasonable rates of any Orru in
-We are informed that a bran new
j,nivrti at tlie home of Henry Brun
fcfrwday ago. Mr. Brundidge
Ct look taller tlmn ever now
j . . . ...
.We understand that tee v. sir. i-ig-
lg,ill leave uiftlo"t tli M of Sep.
Ltr for Onargii. III., win-re lie ex-
Lte if attend hool twa year.
-'mac Kendall returned frivntly
Lain iixipei-tinj? tour inui tlie Blfk
Eli country. He w o ' plcnsed
LtihniitlKik flial h will move his
!i mill there as wri a iiossible.
There will I a social at tl mb chun h
Fkr rvrninif. Aufrtlst Will. Under
fee !MJr-wi of tho ladies' organiwition
.iih-.kunh. lie mam. take. et
,llbe-rved. AH are invited to at
-Rfmember tlx camp-moetiMj at
BulkM grove, eight miles cast of Chad
M.coiiitm-n'ing August 20th. ami end
icfAncuxtM, 19. T. C. wVlctcr. eliit'f of ( hadron district, will
ttkuharge f tlie meeting.
-Ust TliurLiy F. 1. Burgf", M. I.,
4,i visit to Harrison and after look
cg the field over coiu lud.l to com to
pvtice his profewiion and lufl with the
BWitioa of teinsf Iwre to stay by tin
k4of Uiili wetk. Ir. Bur'ss in a
pfcaiBJit and inUdligcnt apiKrariiig g:ii
tlnia nd we l(ppak for hiui a gwxl
-&tm Jvnwm, who haH Un in poor
WaSUi for some linxj wiut taki n to Fort
iMtovm a fw days ao and an atU-inpt
a to get him into th hospital for
tnalnwnt, Tlw attempt waj um-( i
tiioi be is now at A. M. (imb-y'i.
tietoung man luw fri-jrolt in dilft-rfnt
prtsof the county w ho fuel an inUrt-st
eb welfare.
-TlH're appearn to be a goxl many
tows allowed ta un at laig around
ka iubI prove a constant wiur' S o)
iTrto tlie i hiidrtm if ltn-j hapM-n to
f oil Uk md walk. Jt would im a
Mlkr u( tnui li rtKr;t should any of tb
kvUoocmU iiijurwJ from m li a sourt.
We rtioukl like to w wi onliliaii. .
I"1 fcUtiV h tiua mallc-r.
We bare uoma II im K)ct im.'ni ol
wlxjat, ats awl tuiiot.hy, in our ollk
luthwe grown by John Hhay in
liittnverprwinct. Tho qutnttioii is
ilWn ajjfed j Uitu imy can raiw-o
kfs. It uamplu wo luiVd wan mow a on
prairie without brBakiiif,' and it m 4.
Wwlujjh, Poople twed liavo no fwu
"at Uiy cannot niimi tamo gras m
Siuuji county.
bori! belonging to lJoBcjck was
fwndwutiiorvrawlordafew days ul-
m tminvetl by iliu owjwr, it bore
"ifcouisol liuving Iwc-n ridduu luird, anu
" "fcuninUnc go to carry out tiw
V)' Uiat uw lion was taken by 4k
' ud to awuMt huu in his u.po.
jt n luruly probubUi ttmt ha will agam
wlurwi, but iw will in all probabili-
V (Si Oly
oux county a widu brth in lic
K. Post lost a hon under pwu
"rcuiiibUiiitKi, iaL TiimkiUv. A bos
"u out will, u, horwj to tlm
and on Ums way Urn annual
,fi'l'l aud ran a way from
.i,,. I.., I
WM4 lttu Hff iroui coo
f arclnnir for nomo time for the
""y tiw boy r-porUKl tlat low. to
Pot who assmUxi in the msirch oni
found it in a canyon dead. It i
H)1 tliat it ran until overcome by
'"ndexliauhtion it full dead. The
severe one to Mr. Post, a it
Ui bt horse lie owned.
-Supt. Malumna, of this diviaioD ol
' lay ago tlm tlie company felt fa
uniblH i.. , i .,...),.,.,
wmmaliii 1 1 Hi Miopia h"51' "
'(owl road I rom Uie north part of tin
(filir... ... ....
w uarrisoo. and it w to be nope"
t tlie businen men of Ilarriwn and
u friiir intnurfMl In the matter
UI U r,.. 1 . . . u, I I ..( ii, ut.
r Ul a buHintiw-liko munnar OJt KOOD ah
Hit COflllakn.t . 1 . . . t, ., rt
",, proxmitlon. The coavenience ol
lople and Um future of thin pn
"""d Uiat ba dorw U
Uittr i .t.. A . luj from tlM
"toj-auoltiw county.
1 Summer lU a trin,,,.,,, ... .. .
at Mi. Ijouty-iihir's.
-iofKl to-n pM,-rty 1 Sl or
If you pr ure a ( r,nry,
Roidy & pollard you (an pav it off ami
pr-K-ure a Urr l,w U(,xt ear witlm(U
additional wt.
- Ln-T- On II m frcini U.wn f0 Mr.
IltMi-r's. a Milver kw. ,. r...i .. . ,
. i,v w,iW II.
findrr will pl.a l,.ai). wit, 51r Gris.
wow ami nHv- smUUf ivwanl.
A L.r numlvr or UU- hive io
dii jd from vit ..f lre during U
ist wv.k. It if saiii (Ut the sbippinK
1-K;in earlinr this m-a than ever l
A d.irinfr nilroad rd,U-ry wascoin-mitf.-d
in Miwmuri tlie flight of Au'iit
;inl. Two ini-n weril tliroujrh a simper
and KM-un-d almut fl75 and two gold
wab hi-s. As th-y Went out of the door
tlw condu' tor i-ainc alonir arid !l sonn a
he niilii) the tii.'itin h attarked tlx
wilh his lant rn as a we-ioon. A num.
it oi mion were nimj at Imu b it be e-
mpl uninjured. The robbers dropped
oif tl car anu escikped in the diirknew.
Hie inductions are that tlie woi k of
tevelnping tli ooul, mining and oil re
gions ekt of us will be pushed with a
trn at t.eal of vigor in tlie near future.
A large amount of machinery lta passed
up the road within the jast few week
and the rt-jirts are that the work of de
velopment will move steadily along.
!t. will he a grand thing for Sioux county
wlien this territory is called ii'mn to
yield up Its rii h de)sjtj, for it will fur
nish n market for the products of Sioux
county so i lose at lund that tlie cost of
tninMKirtation will not tike away so
iiK-h of the profits.
A will I seen bv mfen-we to our
advertising columns a new name bead
the livery business, and it is now under
the eonlrol of Smith Urotliers, who re-
enlly pur-diased tlie livery stock, (rood
.!! .,-.. of TurdiTliornton. These
ntl'-ineti caiii have a business inde
pendent of the livery business so that
Harrison makes a gain of the new firm
without the loss of the old one from the
,.ir,.e of Imsmess men. The new firm is
ompowd of two young, energetic husi
ness men whi have had .several years
exiK-riem e ut the liverv business and all
tMiittcrs coiims-twl with their trade will
be w ell (-:irl for by them.
- -For a long tune the residents of Sioux
oiintv, and esp-s ially the land and
loan men, haw; felt the need of a map of
the county to aid them in their work.
B. R. Smith has taken the matter in
hand and now lias maps for sale. Those
who arc umipetent to judge say that the
hues, creed's, hills, etc, are correct ami
reliable s, that a r.n will Hn t,R',n
,.f great convenience and utility. B's
pri. Ksworwhle, twin f 1.50 apiece
and no one should be without one. Sioux
eomitv is so large and lues a number of
,....,j,niM in its borders so that
those who have been used to a small
xmt.ty with straight bouralaries mai "
.Uniost out of the question to l.gure o n
just where a given
out a map. Those desiring should
aildiess U. B- Smith, Harrison, Nob., and
their orders will receive vn
tmn. . .
i fdavs airo J. U- ."onm .
s,nc-d as commissioner of Sioux county.
ins large ttl interests r. r
in Wyommg demanding m -
ure attention so that He was
aTend to the duties of the office of com
missioner. OnWfiiturday he conn y
, t rea.sur..'r and juuge met r
is.mtingboanlto fill the vacancy on , tne
iy .ar.1 until the coining el- ion.
Zy Lie. . ed Julms Burke, a neighbor
U commissioner Morns, for the ,
., ..(...nirentlie pohucai cu...,
ek.anl.raMr.Mornswas a repuoi,
K ' . , maionty of the ap-
, ..n i, in keeping with
nareij . , ,Kirnl
from the
ings iui
... r... ihm tO UO Ulkioi"-" -
Weliave never met
e,nrsj tiursueii.
- -....iustriner
but we are in-
. man. and the apoiou-
'"er"! in the bank-
" . : . .!... Mil.
i " 'ToP Z Plao. occured last
ing business of tins P
iUnShn-management the
ands. nderl"e ,( ,nd iUj flnan-
adingwiuoe- v " - e.
. ... HwunueiBwv
MU . . nd it is safe to
"""" tri rmanagementtbe bus-
y U ' ..-i in a manner that
iM-willWcorv in all the
1b. entirely r" T!ie ohject
. ., . .... t.lntioil
patrons ol tne. -
was Uiat
nr. a ; " nnmae in the sa"'"
tUketitytoJ hUbu
business and did not like to
,neHs interests , d ex.
. umedw liatJlr. iwrKcr
.I remain
cept tliat . orjor to wt
1inf,,ra whi 'n 70 un,ished
ftn(l also close up !ii;ewnt
Lot tho former ,tt0
te hoH tliat ne - ,n of 8iouX
t,;rst to still r""41" w
-HAgRvISOIsr, InTEB., A.TJC3-. 8, 1889.
People'g Conrenfion.
A people's convention was held in Five
Points precinct, on Tuesday, Aug. 6.1
Meetinir adled In i... r.,.i.
Thomas Devenport elected chairman and
J. .il. llubmson, secretary.
On motion the cliair apjiointed the fol
lowing committee on credentials: L
'jerlaeh. Tlios. Rt-idv and F. F. Cniv.
and they reported the followitiK dele-
IT.ltes ent it l-d to in Iho'mi;..n.
White Kiver: Thos. I)evensirt, F. F.
flray. Pvimning Water: Henry Breese,
I. B. Hendricks, Chas. R. Oowev. War
Bonnet:-J. Will, A. W. Mohr. Ante
lo: L Geilach, J. W. Langilon, S. B.
Story. HatCreek:-J. R. Uradlev. H
Zimmerman, W. Southworth. Bodarc:
II. T. Zerl. S. B. Sherman, W. tt
Hawo. Coftonwood: John Adimis
Mont rose :-M. Oayhart, H. Konrath, 1L
Waswrls-rger. Buwen: J. M. Robia
son, Thos. Reidy, M. Bruck, and on mo
tion the report was adopted.
On motion those delegates present
were emowered to cast the full vote of
the precinct.
L. Gerlach, M. Oayhart and Thos.
Reidy were appointed tellers.
On motion it was decided to vote by
hallot, anu that ail ballots be formal.
On motion the following central com
mittee was selected: Antelope, J. W.
Lmgdon; Montrose, M. Oayhart; P.u-
ilarc, 8. B. Sherman; While River, Thos.
tteveniiort; Bo Wen, Thos. Reidv; Cotton
wood, Charles Grove; Running Water,
las. Gowey; Hat Creek, W. Soutli-
worth; War Bonnet, Chas. Bielile.
A recess of ten minutes was then
On re-assembling the nomination of was next in order. J. B.
firadlev Tiresented the name of H. T.
Zerlie of Bodarc, John Adams presented
the name of Charles Grove of Cotton
wood as candidates for commissioner
from the 2d district. Zerlie stated Uiat
he had not thought of being a candidate,
and only allowed his name to be used at
the solicitation of friends. A ballot lieing
taken Zerl received 6 vote and Grove
21, and on motion of Zerbe Grove was
declared the unanimous choice of tlie
Next in order was a commissioner for
the 3d district. Henry Breese presented
(he name of John A. Green mid J.
lach presented that of J. II. Cook, both
of Running Water, un its uemg suueu
that Cook would not accept, tne luies
were suspended and Green declared the
unanimous choice of the convention, by
H. Barker being the only name pre-
enied for the position of county judge,
the rules were suspended and his nomin
ation declared unanimous by acclama
tion. .
Ln4 t-na nrnilnscd 1)V S. K.
M. KfllMUU l "" 1" "T " t'l o II cMcti un ouvjum.j,
Story, and no others being 'spoken of.H0 ,oot, the county will have a big
the rules were suspended and
nomination made unanimous
bv aecla-
mation for county treasurer.
For county clerk, Henry Breese pre
. . ,. ,.r Pnnrtnl l.indmiiun.
t luii rrifl nit t: v
of Bodarc precinct, and no other names
beins presented the ruies
nended and Linderman was declared me
I . , i il kntrntl ltV
unanimous choice oi me
Next in order was the selection oi a
candidate for sheriff. Chas. Gowey pra-
..nied the name of J. n. cook, anu
(ierlack that of Thos. Reidy. A hallo
being taken, Cook received 11
Reidy 18, and on motion the nomination
of Reidy was made unanimous.
A Southworth was then nominated
for;ul,r,ntendentof public instruction
hv acclamation, anu a. -
chosen in the same manner as uintUdate
tor surveyor, and then ur. ueo
was nominated lor coroner in the wine
Wn?L Hidv was elected chairman of
the county cental comuuttee.
The following resomuoua
Uduuopiw. t,.vnvfirS
it mia. The larmeis w ""J.
ZSZT the people
1 ,i i r the people. AnU
aji . .uti t,iih Bunoo
tt-'ic-roW, " ,...,, ui.nronnated
o has been iubb'V ci--k
money lias uc , ltl
and expended. i "1" a., Ul our pow-
.muUHM, " d economical
er to obtain "'" ntv ..Halr3i and
nums. ration o w. ,
that we opp- lllouev.
nditure oi ii'',n,l r,, George
Wowi, Vwiks for his un
Walkerour s'''re"", ,, lierr,e-
'rScounuciahsTandwe at
tratecl by .,ate ilim on be-
the"okined in the powUon Uken by
T oi the tiTople, by the hon
orable districiw"".'. ot a
tand, n(V" Jr euntl and of jus
tol."Jt.ano,'u or aU nariies. And be
tice ana eiu..v
it further d u jn oul. power
He, .?httt...l""V ifam of the
w promote the g-'
Amotion the convention adjourned.
Sec. People's Convention.
T)o not fail to toke advantage of our
combination offer,
Lew Pfost was in Harrison Monday.
P. L. McCrea is now a regular reader
The Jotknal
Attorney Holmes returned last Friday
from his trip east.
Oscar Carton srave us some Cash on
subsc ription last week.
Henry Krueger added his name to our
list of readers last week.
H. H. Russell, of Glen, paid Visit to
the coui.ty seat last Monday.
B. F. Pitman, of Chadron, was in Har
rison Monday.
Al Dorringtoii was up from Chadron
last Thursday.
John Shay was in tlie county seat the
first of the week.
Kdward Sierar, of Denison, Iowa, is
here looking after his land interests.
n Tr Tln.iniwAii ii, ll-.i-i-icfii-i lint-inp'
after the interests of the firm of which
he is a memlier
Aiif.Mim- ft.llawns mm from Chadron
the first of the week on legal business.
T. O. Williams was at Chadron the
first of the week to file on a homestead.
Mrs. C. S. Bassett left for the east on
Tuesday and will lie gone some weeKs.
Miss Maud Markee returned to her
home in Gordon on Tuesday.
Paul Brewster.of Cheyenne, is spending
a few days in Sioux county.
Geo. Whitney was down from Van
Tassel Tuesday.
1? Af t'lvu-i I nier was no from White
River on Tuesday and added Ins name to
our list of readers.
Arthur Barta, J. A. Green, C. E. Gow
ey and Henry Breese were up from Run
nine Water the first of the week.
H. B. Story, of Bodarc, called at THE
Journal oftice luesday.
Geo. Cobb was in the county seat last
r V. Vpritv made a business trip to
Chadron Thursday returning Friday.
James Slattery made a substantial
contribution to The Journal last week.
Robert Parrish left on Friday for
visit to Hot Springs, Dak., to be gone
few days.
Otto Tietze snent Sunday in Chadron
and while there made a.homestead filing
on a nuarter section oi lanu
At t1 unil Mrs. J. G. Armstrong, of
Rushville. were in Harrison last Friday
Mi. a i-mslvony-was un on business con
noi'ti.,1 with ih Rank of Harrison of
which he is president.
On last Monday John Shay came up
from White river ana swore uui a win
nlaintaeainst Jas. T. Mason, charging
.;- ,.-ii li ui.nntiwr with intent to kill
fthny-clRH"" t hat Mason shot at his wife
on last Sunday morniiig, the ball pass
; !! bee head. Sheriff Pfost went
it. .urn rind irnt, MuSOU II nd on Tuesday he
I i .iw.i roil he (ire .inscice Jones auu uaiveu
.1..., u.o...,uii bo enntinned until next
Monday in order to allow him to secure
tlie attorney tie desirau. lius was
granted by the court and the case will
come up for examination on Monday. It
seems too bad that this matter cannot be
arranged so as to stop the continual ex
pense to the county in this quarrel be
tween neighbors. It makes no differ
ence who is in the right or wrong, so
i.,.,,. i,uv enntinim to have each oth-
lllll IM M'M 'V... - - ,
er arrested for shooting or threatening
he county will have a nig oiu
U, N.'... IJ
miles and arrest men and serve papers
and bring a lot of Witnesses here for
.,..i.:.,.r nnrl from the nresent indica
i.. ,.t ( HI mm eunnn , CO au or
tions the county will yet be hung up for
ii... ,.n..t f a .murder trial rrowiwr out,.,' l. Tt. would be a trood
plan if the matter could be settled in
would occur.
,V Bav in theGroyc.
n,o Mtrm-merfinir held in Mr. Plimp-
j... nn A nir'nst. 4t.h was in every
way a grand success. A large, enthusi
astic and respectable congregation, esti
mated at 200, from Harrison and Hat
creek, nssetiibled at.tlie place aiuj ap
pointed tune.
1 rri ,lr.DO were eoildlicted DV K6V
R. II. Figgins of this place, who selected
as his subiect "unnsi, kuockios
i.'. t" Xrier dinner Mr. Fiirins gave
..;AfihpS. S. lessons for the
rem others, after which Mr. Figgms
miule a few remarks and themeeting
closed with the benediction.
,.,..iU,l "This is a 'red letter
day for us." Others said, "this is, the
heard in Nebraska.
We hope this may lie but the begining
of good tilings in this line. .1.
Tt.'1'lJ IV
Taken upbynieat tny nvstdence on see
on July Wl, 1HSI., one' brown Horse, 8 years old
on juiy ' I . , h..lui u- (con-
nerteJ) ou elt slioViHlor and 3 on lei t hip.
"t'lK"' VV.II iilKHKKMAN.
Jones Verity.
We have recently strengthened
the firm by the admission to part
nership of Chas. E. Holmes, one of
northwest Nebraska's ablest law
yers, who will pay special attention
to law and land practice. We shall
continue to make the very best
terms on farm loans, and invite all
to confer with us before signing ap
plications with other parties. If
you need insurance on your build
ings, want to start a contest, or
make entry of government land,
come and see us at the old corner.
Will lead direct to the Ranch
Without Change of Gars,
-Where you
Largest Stock of General Merchandise
In the county;
At Prices as Low as the Lowest,
No slioddy goods Every thing first class.
No old stock New goods continually arriving.-
Call on us when in town and we will give you alSQtjARE; DEAL
New Store,
Will sell you goods for cash and save you money as the
Pacific tobe prints, 5 to 6, worth 7 end
Charter Oak " 5 to 6, worth 7 and
Old Time "
Simpson satin finish prints
Simpson linen finish prints
Extra wide German prints
Turkey red Damask
Turkey red Damask
Summer dress goods
' . " 8, worth
Imported sateens
Fine Victoria lawn
Fine lace curtains
Fine Turkish bath towles,
per pair, -
Summer veiling 15 to 20 worth 25 and
to sheeting - - - 27 worth
We have a large and complete stock of ..
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots,
In fact,
Every thing usually kept in a gen
eral store.
Rosa & Thompson.
IsTO. 47
Supply house, Harrison, Nebraska,
will And the-
New Prices,
Prices Will show,
15 pounds best Turkish prunes,
full-grain rice
full-ring evaporated
apples the best
6 " eVaporated'peeled'Cal-
fornia peaches
6 " evaporatedjjelly -cured
8 pounds granulated sugar , ,
9 " C sugar
' 20
; 15
24 bars of Union soap
3 one-gallon cans apples
12 pounds gloss starch
3 cans of corn for
3 cans of tomatoes for
1 75
$1 00
Shoes, and,
,(i i,
w 1 1 i
. etui ii
i. Lt-