ie ram LM "u "I bet,,. ""nlieru eitirua Pkr , n 'J "men "S to reJ ' for pl,J I'OcaJ secretary -'lltloiu ill j tune. 1J " from 'li it Iron, tJ """'iH-rii ,J t in their 1 ie secret,! I'.itmiia,. IP Other l'i lull olhre Jl ' were i ' nliM-n. 'in cm i itnry iiiit-j ''i n lio t for.) the " raiianvi iru rdijl, ' l-iirs, ii 1 have isi uinu will i'l-d for I I.inr,ii I W) J.lllil ill find mm, er ll hij. 'K'Tlt lit II ti- from I I Iid ami 'UMII II ;f t ht-y j. lll.'llillll fill Hill; '(i;ihl vl that! rii"il. ,'imu nt i lullil, iff hi nf fi at t..r:i ln nrlif "ill t J ! he (yrl r mint .i (.'Hi ! i part o! 1 1 the c- rJr, CI ol;n wen are to A he mm .ulan, am hart i while i (oaml 1 imnc it off tutcD cath e ol SllOlTD 1 11 I'M 50 a ;i 4 Mi 'Vi i If tl 14 0 9 ii) it 0 14 5 5 it i'i (ti S 1 ( ,w 1 n ; if i '4 ) a vj , (4 1 (a,: (' i I 19 Chf.TIW eond.i "e'H ire I 'uditioo. V erl ill rf ' fall j an, h"t-l,, M met I, ""'"in S.,1 ".? """ri t tthil SSoux County Journal. !"'" .. VTn7j, I'tiroi-"-" - - - . ,Sit- fpti"" '"''. Hpnin, ... Kill t,r pyt&A l 'I'1"" J.'' itmir a WH. fVjr Watchlag Hi. LdAt Trttw""- vrrai te'ii.i. ut.-Wnjfl WtKiut lb ilrn "-'ru l who are Cr pretty i atoh upon V.n- CLnaD Poi-sey noting Inn resi, L, ptrspiration and the sUte of Ljp, They are wonoenng to tlwni Wft al sometime hlyly making on the Mle, if ho will he a Cjjiaie for re-election. Wlicn the CfODtt licit he snys lie will nt Lull a (,'rl rd of lusty trjpper Imp into Uie ring and strip Ij, the fray. Meikeljohn, Darnel, Vk.GeO. Brooks, Judge Kinkaid, Me- fib J'-'' Barnes, Connor, Wall, taattanda few more of tin- boys sucM into a political grab bag would ssirfinore fun Hum a bo of monkeys. Daff Tb' w Bankiair ih K-pulili'-iii. Attorney r-nerul im in iid iifion W ilec-KW H-vpral iniixirtant tjonji Uiat have ariwn under tl ftSUW banking law. One f the j lut exU'fit can a Ntat bunk Ixirro lSd kan money? It in the opinion of tl Litorwy frneral Uiat hih li u bunk Vrahibtt! from loiinuiK to one jn-rson Iwior rorfiorution a mim to exfd :fity fr ivnt of its capital, and ttia i saokinK corporation, (inn or individn ii.lirUier doing a lianking biiHinesH tA, a pruhilxtml from incurring lialii j to any one bunk in an amount px ding twenty permit, cf tliat lnk 3fiiuU. Tins prohibition it would irt loth again-st Uie lunk and Uie hor tr holding e;i ti in check. Tbe attorney genera alui holds tlm the new law prohiliitx tininrh tmnks, ima wouiu eiuicr fioNe Ka-lil up or am ttierii to Un omi! imleiendent nixti tetiom. j' oiiiri'.iiii,.,,,. j ., . At ,.,? " u U h , h"""1 rwk rive,, w sMIl (,n nil ti.- . ' " ' thi .,r I , , . .uiw.,.;:... M,,:'',,'H,f'",u,h,w """"""".tl.liKht.n .trunks, i,,,,,,,,,,,, .t.fc-...r,..(,th1,.killiM,utlit)li '. ki iin.l,inn ... Their ...... .. ... .. . ' -"" mir-t I. y.,ii.i n ALKKR. Attorirej-at-Law. Prtl,vlIon.a)ioourtj,all(1 ih)i 'K'rti.-. Jiusi,,., . .. . L . IIUIJ Will Ijiii. 'ire will r. H.UUUSHX, 'eiir.jmpt atleiition. XIM.1SK1. H.UISOX, - - XKISIUSKA. e. nouns. Mtraetoraiid Builder. an'1 l-ieutm,is ,,,-uie ou ""j Attorney-at-Law. i uiiiiesaeinrut.-Hl lo JiU rnre 111 fe j wive prunijit siid caret ul attention. Hp-piiu- Ollht with JONES & VERITY. tit:u tiiu ruur:inU',vj. HAKKiSOX, HAJtKISClN. XEHa.lKA. Help thein I ""O Thy ..r. rtiviiie. Anil w. - ..",., ,e erinwin n ine-T'.teHriOKlD.-etheK,.,.,,,, lhj A--"r'"'"''Wte,or.l.,vMln ' iKlmk. ,.,, l,,.,jnK And -,- -.,, , ..ry '"" irink ..,y, , A Y'K'S'l M ',X S HlsT'lRY. iiri siw turn in I W. K. PORTER, Cuntractdrind Builder Ktjiimteon nil kimt ebu-rflllly glv l earneiiter unit ven. Satintavtion kihiiI-J. l-'an-liiniKheilatreawn IIAIfKWix, nalile nitj. N'KBKASKA. The Barber Shop. I'ii'st door wiutll of the court house. E. L. (JALI'IN. Proprietor. Here you can get a clean sliava, first class liair cut or a WAR or COLD BATH I H KEUiEN & SON. Wagon and Carriage Makers. i liei'iilrinifilun,.,,,, H)rt xic0 .".l work ami reawntulile ehitre. simp wiiith of Hvcry burn. HAKKlWtX, . NFH llakota'd (irain Crop. KlU Bee. George ("orringUm, traveling passcn- ferntntof Uie Missouri Patnflc, luw re- tsraed from an extemled trip through t Uikotas, Speaking of the grain croj outlook in tliat territory, ho said: "Jn the KittUiwetfteni rtion of both states tftecropw an absolute failure. The train alout eight incite in height. i WiW out, iumI Iuui no ts-rrv to srsik of. htl Red River valley, the principal pan belt, tlie yield will not aggn-gute i(wint of a full crop. North of Al rV the croj are better, ami Uie yield ttere will tie alxiut 75 per -ent. In the uUiest portion Uie farmers will not tarvst tlie crop, which is fairly burned rain having fallen in tliat sin lion l months. Yes, tlie people up there B had slmpe and will require aid in r to survive. The entire crops of tola, including U sections not visits Hi) drought, will not be over a vie Id per rent. In Nebraska the i mps 1ffar"l nin encouraging and in the uthem portion of Uie state the yield Jlbt heavier than it ban twen for h"'k but one Kass of wine, and ... me earnest , ., (lfil lowiiom he liml W nMrr.l,,,,.! I next sim hi,,, when he suptKised slight desltv. He ,, 1 .,,,Mlt ol Hanger, I next m,w him late in the evening in J. H. BARTELL. tne street, unable to walk home. I slsted him thitlier, and we parted i next saw mm reeling out of a low l'ni!'rurr. n ,.y...r 1 . . . - . i.. . , , ..njiuK-ii Mare was oti Jus countenance and wonls of blasphemy were on Ins tongue, and shame wit gone. t . i i saw nun mice more; he was cold and moti'.tdcs, and was carried by his EEWIH If. MYERS, fliffltU til (ilM lli.f n.t,n.e .1. Jl I -"- " 'io r. in uie DI....I ...... small pns ession that followed, everv ' ' ' " lieiul was cast down. His father's ltiv Allkll"1'",f I"'ln aim ornumental plaster ,-i J t order. L'tidersttuiils pUUrn cc- .v h.j,H u, Lllr K,K , sorrow. m,.ninir T,. ,,,v! f ,,r.k . His mother wept, that she had given ally. Will rIvc alisolute suMsfaetion or no birth to sin h a child. re'iuircd t ... i i. . . . . ... . rneii inline musing. l uis-ned HAKHISON. tlKf bible and rejul: "Be not deceived; ,i i i. . t... ii . - .1. .. -. . . in nim.ini Mian noi inneni itie Kingdom j,' l MOKR1KON Ol Irfsl Contracfor and Bnltdef. I'lunstlniwii unit HperlHentinn ,imiie I HJ) tcutioti. Kxlllnuli'H caret tllly imile. IIABKISON, - . NKBKASKA. I MRS. It K. POST, MILMNEKV AND DRESS MAklMJ. Keejis a nice line of millinery which slie sells at prices tliat defy competition, (JCrfJD OOODS, OOOU AVOUK And fair prices. Second street. HAIUUSflN, - - NKBKASKA. ('. L. TUI1BH. Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Hliop. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. ratjHf action )?UKriintced in every partlcu iar. shop on Main street, Hakrison, flEBHARKA. R E. MASSEY, HOUSE, SIGN NKBIiASKA. Rev. Win. N. Page, U. U, of I-aven- worth, gives strotii; testimony in sun- ort of the assertion that prohibition is a success in Kansas. He does not deny hat liipior can lie procured in kindred ilaces by the initiated, but, he addi The (ien grog-shop, the gilded saloon the noisy, drunken crowd, are all things of the ist, tliauk Ood! No greater vic tory, physical or moral, has lieen gained in this country." M ATCHES, CLOCKS AS I) JEWELRY. A well selected stock always on hand at lowest prices. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING A s)ieciaity. "Satisfaction guaranteed. IIAkltlSON, - - NEBRASKA. Carriage Painter. Having fitted up the large building just back of the Harrison House, is now prepared to take care of all work in his line. i an no any and an kind ol carriage and wagon work. tarSATISFAOTION GUARANTEED. HAHIUSON. - NEBRASKA. -Fon- Ahohnl is king of alka- thcr Im-s." and all Sensational Journalism, Cli lihlblU at the Mate fair. Th management of the Nebraska state board of agriculture- desires to call attention to t ju.ra premiums oil ere.1 for county collective exhibits at the ""Xftate fair toehold at LiiKwln, lemuw U, to i:ith next We pledg,, ev!ry effort () muk(j M W of thi, ctiuriu-ter of Itenelit to all med. I trust you will see the im J"rtof this medium of presenting phlic ttte product of your lo- Prerit indicatiorot are Uiat tlie com Hltir will Uu. .1 ,IIIUCU II Kill tll'J fnetofore' Nebraidca atAt fairs have rT downed aa exposition of Uie Woct, of th, New West. fme to " tront with ntl,:. ..i,.i.; (, "ill aid jour county. Please dignify to "arlv um i. rvnniiii vour ueieniuim- 7" 10 l,w matter and the approximate 7ou wh. that provision may be jT' ln W'i we muat be odvised at ttwo week before the fair opens, in Uon0 pTOVide ntitactory accommo- ft county agricultural ao iety exhi "8 in the name of Uie aociety Uie ""tdupluy of agricultural producla of V wl U kmdt,. - - - 800. "r01 premium PUrd premium I"th premium 'irth - 250, - - 200, . - - 150, premium 100 A" exhibit- t in. nwo.! ( ii.- .t.t Nebraska and raised in Uie county wl"liting. , Jodividoula contributing to make up a ttty exhibit can uae their contribu- "7 ,n ny otlier clam or lot where tbey Priately belong, in competition minor premiums. Where there are .organized county agricultural aaao- n or more individuals may """it ami COmiwU In tha mmt of the iy. in which Uiey may be rewideate, "ooer tha ..rl.. " j u....i..inna v. , rules ami r"K""""'" jerninir regularly organiwsJ aanocia rJ ,Whlle all cWnu1er of exhibit. 1 nil. H m Mieee county coiiecuo". m Ooani Uni,i. i i. n nan k , -i iruiv anal I not count as m W4Jnakuig awards. . Atchison (ilolsv An old gentleman living' in Atchison, sjient the first years of his life as an edi tor and publisher, and it is his opinion at there are many mistaken notions oneernmg the liusiness. uunng me first live years of his control of a news- tmper. he was or the opinion itiat a paper should cut and slash in order to main tain a circulation; accordingly he printed all sorts of rumors and was constantly in trouble. He "pitched into" a great many jieople, and was so generally feared j that he finally became ashamed of him self, being a man of good instincts. He promptly reformed, expecting to lose some business for decency s sake, but: much to his surprise, the business im prove. He niade an effort to tie fair and j considerate in all respects, and the peo ple seemed to appreciate this as much as I thev hnd ever appreciated sensationalism; indeed, Uiey appreciated it more, for his circulation steadily increased, and bis jKiper increased in influence. VVithin two years after changing his policy, the editor's circulation had doublet; in four years it had trebled. The old editor be lieve that his disposition to be fair and considerate in all things, instead of sen sational and quarrelsome, trebled the .t,n, of his oaner. He therefore advises young men starting out in tlie business of printing a newspaper to adopt the right course and stick to it; it will nav tetter than any other, the old editor believes also that the people care less for scandle than is generally imag ined. Tliere is a low class of readers who can appreciate nothing else, but in securing these, you lose a more respecui- ble and numerous class. There never -, man who took an Interest in scan dal, in the opinion of the old editor, who ....,, a chean man. Ihe uik oi uie people care very little for the scandal of I1 . . :-. ..Malawi in .i. .tropi! thev are more incc."" decent things, and the patronage of a decent thing is always more liberal and lasting than tlie patronage of an in. e- cent thing. The om eo.tor says -bnew a man to become honorably prominent who luul the cheap habits of a gossip, therefore he concluded (hat it " " ' il.. Ilumniltil l p did not pay W CUlHvmi- few, and offend tne re,. , nn.r men doing newswper work have the same mistaken notion of sensa- ,iit aditor says he never tionaiisnt, HARDWARE, FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, BARBED-WIRE And a Big Stock and Lowest Prices, GO TO Griswold & Marsteller's This it the time to buy barbed wire CHEAP. We have just received a CAR LOAD and it will pay you to buy it now, Yours for business, The Harrison House. EGGERT ROUWER. Proprietor. - HARRISON, N'eLiaaka. -O- Special Attention to Commercial Trade. Best Accommodations in the Northwest. J. G. ARMSTRONG, President. . BARKER, Caahiar. THE IE? OF HARRISON. Harrison, Nebraska. Transacts a general banking bUtineta, AND Loans Money on Chattel Security. THE HARRISON Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. Tubbs & Thornton Prop. GOOD TEAMS AND RIGS FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE AND AT RE A 8- Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R. 'The Northwestern Line" Between Harrison, Neb., -And- Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. Paul -And All Points- East, North, South and West. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS. Full Information on Application to J. C. NORTHROP, Agent, Harrison, Neb, H, G. BtKT, General Manager-, J. R. BucnAAN, General Passenger Agent, J OnuthajNebraskaii IT ia itt tnt-fliM ii srerT MaU poiwu tooiafly perfect -rtfug tctiOl m OI0e UN, ran; ruti. . . nn his nnner who am had a young - in every comnrunity Old Van WyS,TvlnK '''1ked n. .2 1. , Sflrt out of Nebraska tha the M An th. Wet ! tt warid, ul m W 11 tbn lor lean. w ieit, &IQ will lave aoao m in Time lafaienti er cub, u coitoBen Pr- j .. ...J fur fatalanM Lai I BBV WW urn, .1 mvmm - a n M Jtkw AF II H I XlA&r o H EE? H M III! I ON ABLE RATES. tail BBS K urn, wi m Ml tafenutiei. B5IB7 & 233 State Strsst, Chicago. OC. Xoula House, OlO & OX8 OUvw Ct J. B. FWhBYi President, General office V. CJi WtLKENsBN, SccreUryi BUFFAIX3 GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., '-Dealers in Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Plaster, Hair, Lime, - AND CEMENT. - COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. llantcn. Keb a GUTIiriE Ken. K. W, FlRXAS. ut'4 f i fn "V.