The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 01, 1889, Image 1

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Sioux County Journal,
Proprietor-.. 1
Tliw Tittle,
f . & M. V. Kv., P.-npcf. '
la-eot Iave Harrison at iM P. M.
- I
-County warrant bought at the'
of Harrison.
job faHiHoB Tins ksm.;
tab ot ni job of printing !... j
LWhat have you in tlw agricultural :
to (x-'ji 'P leohibi at the ;
H',w "'t'" wH .'' toward
jffrsviw: Uik e. nse of a futility ex-
wut ,t the M.iU fair? j
Aly r-iiMmW that (il..y.;M.k-fbi,.il.r.-tit..r,ll U ilWljn in
Uy A Pollaw si-'.v-t mm to , ,.. ,,.r ;!,.., lir,..H. !.t.l M..- mak
wtyu a bxin on the moM reasonable, j,.s inl-it-sn ,,f Harrison, lb- bus ,1 a
rw. ;
JWt forjret that THE Jfl:NAI. i
. . j .1 i.;.. i.. . t ;..K
mm m . .,. ,o,o, jo IBf
k.nt and tty manner, on short
",nl,nH S'""k-V "na' !
teA and em-ry. Tin y r' jxrt a j.l.r.i-,-
at time.
L-ifn On tin- roail from fiwn ! i Mr.
ln-i. s (iiivi i-.lsl. oj-'0 I ii-ml :iti i
1 - 't ,l.-t.-. I 'vi' it w th Mr, fin-
1 n.! re.civp !ii;t,i! le fward.
f c r'!T I't.M bus rfij:red the tw-
kf Jir" rty Hunter and kc
irbirl the latU r will r tiiov.- to the
'imi ulitaiiM il from the ft nm r, w hidi
iaiwvt-ral iiiil-s north of here.
-TV !' '-of the i btlfi h had ! I
" ' -'al "o 1 . 1 .i"-!'.
.. --'0i2 the m k.
W'RjJ the ibdiheti, Hii tla.' Inent
fedlw. tt was ltstjHiiittl Vi an inJiiiniU'
-J. E Marsteller bai txi-n Imsv for
Ihfarm hint north if I.M-n lb. nw I
iantmal stmj iroinfortahlf buin
j j, j
4U rou. Ii tu llw ajijieai-.inie of bistro.-
-Wiy not re-orpinie thf b;un!?
!Vw are some anx.'iu: thf m'W-t onier
lw are uwi to ia t ins in a lod and j
ife? niuid b Ifi matter, out, Jf Har- i
n..! not e;et up n! ttoon it will
wlaiiily W h-hind tbt? turn.",
-Wt lave liea nl tajk to the elTet t
U&! ii..,rfc i tool room is iieed'il to ai -ottmMxliU.
the rbildivil here. Tliat is
!) tlw raw in NubfaHka to n. It
tlxs hotd IhpU runtliriK to fur
swtSrhool room for tlie i !:;blren.
-ft'e liave hartl iiin talk of county j
$Tsioii during Uwt kiM few days. As
w can U-arn tlte -hcine bus no j
Mwiitf exii-pt anions a few ot!lei
rM""J ",m tlu,lh
ivtiii(!bt get ii county seat, town 1"
l land
-It bdl.siilow.J JIurphy & Wiit -
Jiy attbts ksl mwdnef cf the county
IWfr appealed within the time
Vm by law. The appeal was made by
P' 0uW'ri'-. and tlw imittcr will come up
! f district court Tliert- wm no ae
f rnatl in the cam of M. J. Carroll.
-A- W. Mohr
was hauling the
lumiit'i" for
a hew houst) from the
fUiuto ft
LuiiiImt Cos vard last!.
Ht 1 lt.H i" ,'lui11 iHwmn-ni
1 " l0Hl,ily it ' to coM. A
"'i Uer class of hou; !lr9 Udng
; 1 "www Hum vver Iiyfore on the
over votir emu and nick out
""Wwlleut. ..1. t,.i .......i..u
, u,f iwi ICJ, Ili.A, .U,H'.J, CILII " s- -
Pipkins, or anything els you nwy L.n, or write loJ. It, Buchanan, O. 1.
Ut of gcxxl variety, and give itA Omaha, Neb., fur further mforma-
tlle etrii i-are and get it in shajw to un,
'n''te a line a growth ns possible fori oms.derahlo work has bt-n done
ul"nxmt,f1)uUiruf H , t. Sioux ill(nM.u,,stres-t during the past lew
"'y exlubjt at the state fair. lhv " The dirt, has lwu remove.l
'r,IT Pfosl Hhowt.1 us a Kuople of! the sides of the street U. the "enter am
teTy tbat w Udievo will aver-! the water will in futum h,w c
.",o,pP,.Kicedin any county kales o. the street, l.t ' ; ;
U i,.i. c r ,.. ' , i.iveet wall all over tlte public
Din I vouil'v no"""-
hx n , ' .1...
-- "A.tmuii ut IcfCl tnue, even u i
m duitc ool to that of last
tiotxlfanumgwill do much toh, is a shirt a. work, g the u ecu. u
'I''ve tl, result , vtt .d.Uiined from w ill probably to MM I Kv
Stilling of tba. .nv. i work m the future, and alter a whib an
1. . . . ......
wi Waturdiiv l ie iwl m ukj
, i"iieui tasu against rv. i'- wiuer--county
attorney, wiw filed. It is
SnI by over forty resident taxpayers.
1 u to be hojiwl that tlie county hoard
Mlitiin 0...I., .1.... f.. il. !..,, riinr.
MUUKii-i,.., , a , t. it ti
UJ ,,.,
charges are not Miisbiined the
foud Ii,uld be cleiiifd from the defend-
ttnJ if the charges are miMaimil the
"Wee bn 1,1 1 1 1 t
. --a. lAirtTM H'lUMiw.
o List Tuttwuty it party (Ciisiviiin'
'Thos. liilv. VA UVi... Nelson Pol-
Mrs. J. T. Weir, Miss Maud Slarkee.
' Ii T. 1 u., v........ Wnirand
, Minn -
R- K. Pout want to Van Tassel on ft
'"(f excursion. They bud excellent
wxl brought hom a large numlier
ft nd wlittn the division of the cab h'
nuido xk 'Joi'RNAt, was kindly ro
ow i- t!w t M,h,-r.!.e f, TH,r
-..ift.u..wr!y exhibit at t!,e
; slat.- fa.r;
not f,ii! d) t,.j,
com' - iuaUtm ,i'T.-r
ad van tag,, of our
-Summer hats and trimmings at cost,
at Mrs. Iy.tiwnlii-rV
' 'tears b tlir M. !,- of j;,,,,.
Mill on d.-. k anil ready to
n.ak you the l -t t, -nu, in tl. matter
,w ininunynurfwin,
"slev, Raw & Pmj.Uu.
- E. A. Kigelt.w brought us s;U,,.
of what tiM n bit platv f,,ur miK
northwest i.f town, w hi. , is as nice as
'""M Mi for. The heads are of
good I. !,-(!, ami w.l f,ed with good,
plump k-nn-k
M. Hr... k h . . .,r. his-d the l.-atli. r
trust foiii.l niidli.' i, president, stock-
holder nn.l manager.
v..;lr.i,,forl.,tl,;1t some of the
, ...
lint ! L'l-itsM's un- n.iiv
lllontii illill tin. alll, r4,l
si'i' tliat
buii-l.,, ,! -! ,. U. r ,1 ,1,.. ..11.
. I f llOi h bal l !a!,o!' may lie eonstlllled
; I'V a ('!-! tie lir-.
i Ttf . ,".T r.f a r-.o-l 1 e ( the fany..i.
1 is i..t. 1 1 1 j;,,;, a, the MirVeNor's re
,j .rt has n ,t y.-t J ot 1, round. The ieo
: de, both in the v y and in Hairisoii
should 01-1 tin rn-j-1 v.i in siiaio to take
hold of the math r in earliest wie',1 the
i iro-T tiro.; comes.
Lid wei !; a barrel of fine apples
,, n.c. !i-d l y M-'4. U. T. Conley
' T!,ey Wr oo". a on the firm of let
1 f i'i, r 01 (i seomity, Neh,, and were as
nn e as 1 ,111 1 ii'.xliir' u anywhere, the
slit. a- and his family nru under obliga
tions for a share of the deln ie iej,.
V. K. i'littorsnll, fif TlIK JntK.VAI,
bus I loll a new house on his claim jtist
B,",t '
f town, to replaie thooiie in aitly oy lire, lie win w
the most
and it. is
f bis livinsf tberv for a while
ho In- boid that tins house, will stand
until be has proven up on his land.
Sie imens of wheat, oats und Iwli )
' can How lie m in various places of bus
i ... ,1. 1 1 . ,...1
iiwhh III tumsoii w ii.cii are me ;i
dence of the fertility of Sioux county
soil thai can lf found. If a collection
of such products Was exhibited at, the
state fair 1! would lie the best advertise
ment that could possibly In; made.
No denude tracs f the. escaped pris
oner has I me 11 found. The lirst of last
week t.Mto Tiett? missed a supply of
provisions from bis house each day, the
j edibles being taken during his absence.
After this had gone on for a couple t1
lays the foraging cea.-d and the next
live horse
Itetouging to a man by Uie
!,,..,,. of IcBockwas missing
and it is
j that Jb Nab hrui lwn secitned
in tin. tm,lr near Mr. Tier's ho..- and
j hiilt, h)rbt. ,lW.iy !,(;,, he. changed
j , ;.. ' , s.u,,.' ('arils have been
his stopping
-nt out, hut 110 wo;
uril of his capture has
lieen i-t-i 1 i vitl.
-The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley H. K. and the Sioux City &
Pacific II K. "TIh: North-western
. ,.,11 s,.ll ti. kets from all stations
, t, i)M at (,m: fair for the roum
on their Imt-i at one fair for
trui for the National C A
11 I'i " "
, ,1... v ,i;,i;.l C. A. K. Ketimoii
Ml..lllliw, Wis.
1 , .nniaes and others desiring to char.
. . K,ollld make their arrangc
ter sks'jwrs si
Through coaches will
ments at once.
rtant stations to Milwau-
run from im
i b.... rii Chn;airo witlioill cliau.L,'..
! .... I it" N'orthron, agent,
1 farri-
in u , ,,..,-,,,1. in
S 1 ., Wliilu Dm d"' mi 10
u.gonf.r , , n..,H))r
I I- ,f,e U-st way tci dispose of the natt r
' it.urr.imeMtillHii
, "o . i,.,!
It is to he
1 ti i uurt !
dm errors c
1 ,t...t .... rti will lie
used 1,0 us to
as that is something no one likes to do,
"r it is making a double expense for the
taxpayer to n.eet
; bereaved parents lvelhoHJi'HM
it.o. II. 0 Kane was in llanison Tut
B. B. Kmith. of B.J ail-, ik in ttu-
cotinty wat.
Attorney C. E Holmes went to Chad
roti Tues.lay.
B-rt t'arri.-r U among the list of slight
ly inl sx wl to-ti.iy.
A. Jlrtiinb-v arrived on Wt-diieiay's
train from the eu.-t.
H. T. Zerlje was in Harrison yesterday
anil callfcil at these .juarter.
J. F. (aH)k was in Harrison on Tuea-
ikty and call-d at this ollicc.
('. H Andrews whs in Crawford on
Tuesday and returned Wednesday.
County Treasurer Ijxkwood was in
'ow n as usual on Friday and Saturday
W. 11. Zimmerman, of Antelox, was! a
.1 business caller at these quarters yes-1
terday. " (here.
P. B. liigelow was at Chadron the
lirst of the week making tiling on a
A. E. Andrews, of Hinghamton, X. V.,
s visiting his sons, ('. II. and Ned. An
Irews of Harrison.
T. B. Snyder, of Sheep Creek precinct,
i- as in Harrison the lirst of the week on
ii-iiies-, and made a short call at tbisj
Ijewis (ierlach was in Harrison JI9
day. He t. porls that it is rather dry i 111
his -action of the country.
ti. VV. (iould, of Kearney, was in Har
rison for sotiHi days during the past
week lok-ing after the business of the
loan company he represents.
lb rman Ijppoldt who resides near the
south hue of the county, was in Harris
on Saturday. Ib; was returning from
file Hiif. creek basin where he had se
cured some stray horses at Mr. Holliugs
Worlh's. I.r. (I. A. Mei-ideth, of Crawford, was
summoned by telegraph last evening
attend a sick child of Judge Hunter's, j
The doctor arrived at two o clock this
morning and after sending several
nours with the littlu sufferer returned
to Crawford.
Prof. Brtmer and Prof. "Weber, of Lin
coln, are at work in the county in the
interest of botany and entomology. They
remarked that Sioux county ought cer
tainly make an exhibit at the state fair
for there are natural productions hero
of which no other county in the state
can "boast.
;r,:e-Ajd this?
And the
one year for
Two Dollars.
To every one who pays for a year's
subscription to The Jocks .vi. in advance
we will send them in addition, postage
paid, for ouoyeur the eel,ebuM.ed farm
,,aper, "American Farm News." Farm
News is one of the leading farm month
lies published and will prove of
Immense Value
TothewtUorsofSioux county.
IS the lime ....
.. j : f, .
totokeatlvantagoofthis offec U two
papers for
A.TJGK 1, 1889.
Smoky days. i
Cut your wheat.
John D-abnke lias a fine crop of oats.
A. W. Molu- is building an $xOO franie
bouse. This looks a little suspicious?
A. J. Adam.s is building a $100 log
house. Does it look a little suspicious'
Warbonnet, July 2f, '89.
F.D. Jovbnal: Allow me to congratu
late you tijKin the success you are
making of The Journal in the line of a
good, clean newspaper, although I bear
considerable complaint on account of the
non-appearance ol "tacts 01 record as
they appeared CKx-asionally under the
old management.
The )ditical pot has not commenced
to boil in this section yet, but a slight
vapor arising from the same indicates
that ere long it will reach the boiling
point; and that fact causes me to write
few lines to inform the readers of The
Jot'KSAL how the straws are leaning
The rino- must lie at a loss for an
sue this fall to obsecure the nil import
ant and coming issue of "a free ballot
and a fair count." From ull indications
there must have been a council held by
the Grand Mogul on the divide and his
co-workers, and the conclusion arrived
at that nothing would do so well to at
tract attention from other matters as
the war cry of county division: hence,
the Sage of Clare is abroad in the land
on his usual petition route and the cure
all offered is "County division, boys,
county division." But, if I mistake not,
county division is not what the fax pay
ers are after, but an economical adminis
tration of county affairs, a just and hon
orable set of couuty officials, and fail
play with one county, until such time
as there shall be population and fa-uihle
property enough to justify two counties.
Tu ken up hy me at my resilience on vec
lion 10, Tp. M, K. 5C,, in Sioux county, Neli.,
on .July Mi. 1 Hsf.i, one brown horse, s years old
ami brandeil s on left side of heiiu, ho (con
nected) 011 lertslioulderand 3 on Jen. nip.
Jones 5 Verity.
"We have recently strengthened
the firm by the admission to part
nership of Chas. E. Holmes, one of
north west Nebraska's ablest law
yers, who will pay special attention
to law and land practice. We shall
continue to make the very best
terms on farm loans, and invite all
to confer with us before signing ap
plications with other parties. If
you need insurance on your build
ings, want to start a contest, or
make entry of government land,
come and see us at the old corner.
B. E, Brewster,
C, F, Coffee,
Vice Pres.
CHAS, C. JAMESON, Cashier,
Commercial Bank
General Banking Business
Will lead direct to the Ranch
Without Change of Cars,
-Where vou
Largest Stock of General Merchandise
In the
At Prices as Low as the Lowest,
No shoddy goods Every thing first class.
No old
Call on us when in town and we
New Store,
New Goods,
New Prices,
Will sell you goods for cash and save you money as the
Following Prices Will show.
PaciOe robe prints, 5 to 6, worth 7 and 8
Charter Oak " 5 to 6, worth 7 and 8
Old Time '
t - - 8, worth 10
Simpson satin finish prints 8,
Simpson linen finish prints 7,
Extra wide German prints 12A
Turkey red Damask - 60
Turkey red Damask 40
Summer dress goods 1'2
Imported sateens - - 16
Fine Victoria lawn - 10
Fine lace curtains - 1,25
Fine Turkish bath towles,
per pair, - - 45 " 75
Summer veiling 15 to 20 worth 25 and 3.5
9i sheeting
- - 27 worth
We have a large and complete stock of . ,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boobs, Shoes, and.
In fact,
Every thing usually kept in a gen
eral store.
Rosa & Thompson.
isto. 46
Supply house, Harrison, Nebraska,
will find 1lw-
-New goods continually arriving.
will give you aJSQUARE DEAL
15 pounds best Turkish prunes,"-?' ft 00
15 " full-graiu rice - "
15 ' full-ring evaporated
apples the best - "
6 " evaporated peeled Cal-
fornia peaches - "
6 " evapot-atedjelly-cured,
apricots - - "
8 pounds granulated sugar - "
94 " C sugar - -.
24 bars of Union soap t - '
3 one-gallon cans apples - "
12 pounds gloss starch - ''
3 cans of corn for - - 25c
35 1 3 cans of tomatoes for - 25c
"'1 fjr whid ,,,,,
llrmi... "' ' .1 ' 1 1
,rty hu our