The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 25, 1889, Image 5

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, Famou Iivin Ar
., . CUr fo
r" .. .iir.
,i v.rallel.
Hi. Jaly 20.-Ther. fa
' ' tkn in Lincoln
j , rtrr singular and nu
. Tl.a home of two
r. . i Vxun despoiled
en '-
i l. .iiira In
r.'tl, nuclei of the bin
H,fiilu included a little
I...V L-irl. Both "'ess k11
t . looking
F 1 Ml A- .
. .... ani CHUUiru. vu, -
, of Marshalltown, la.,
L . ami Lie wile WK
-I Iigeiliii " ' if
J ' 1 !. lit!
L u-.ttt we I J"1'" " '"
1 com to blew t!,elr Lorne-
i... ntira cam a ira a vjau,
L,.edmtr-!y began to apply
r i l.rlr i! n ttia
F' , . . ,1 l.r..,ll iinA.lll.
n fool, WJ.I ou ti V
1 word with the viilian,
.i tlie unci iiwiu
.Hi he left town,
, to rur y in the fa
't , .equel howt lhat lna poi
j it work and the happy
L the verge of being
other ny "'u"
; Mime Kansas relatare.
it ieiivmr. came to her lius
rWM.l kiting him fervently,
- careful of himself and
tjrl until In r "tnrn. lue little
j 4vi site wautoa 10 aivuio
Unl 1 said no. As she had
,4 the money sue biiouiu
fcwMitaWmt hi worn, out mo
CsU.1.1 him f their suspicions
bnueuL Urt looKoa ana ait oi
Wer fmie. iwtmwu iu
Uio hi.M Knf hoiiMshold Rood
kitipH-.l hy .1. " lUKin, iuo on-
IH. fonl, J-mcoin, xcd. ho
bed 1 tlia Khum ieople ana
M Li Wft not there. Us
i ,v,!r, l, ni liiut not vot found
E. jir, though they hare been
Clu-r case U exactly parallel, ex-
kt lie Jim m onred the UttIO Kirl
htii her to a famllr. where ane
tell talti-n rare oL ror tier
brew, nitlier hr name nor me
kite Iowa home u piiea.
Mr laiK'd Mia Downfall.
L Crrr. Julr 30. II-nry D.
laiaorer tn Male , tin..., t
into the haiUof Kulln-.n'. 1 Z-lr
a. eerenwuy u -e thron -U
bwu3U tether. -
tory iUU that ihu Clur .l. Cam
wmjiany offered t m- ot
the Cher.k- trii tim Indian for
term of years at a htac rental. It i,
farther atated that it ia proUhle that
the company will eventually bny these
huida of tlio Indian. The commission
recently apin.iuWd by the prewdent to
negotiate ith the Indiana for the pur
chase of tho landa by the KOTernment,
with a iw of their being ultimately
thrown open to public atttlemeiit, are
abont to Wsin their UW. anil it ia tt,
opinion of the interior department
oflji-iaU that these efforg, alleged to
have beeu made hy the cattle emnpany,
are evidently intended to emharraaa the
ciimmiMtimt in ita work. They believe
thiit Ihi1i the rattle coiiipenjr nd many
of th more intelligent Indiann are ier
fet'tlr anre of Hi8 purmuotint ri'ht of
tho t'uite.l Suti-g to these l.iiiila, and
that the Indiana ran neither n-dl or lease
them iitlifint the consent of the ;overii-Uli'lit-
hecietury Noble ttit qnentioned
as to the purHe of the internment in
the eent of an attempted eoimumiua
tion of the pniKisf,l lean or sale. He
said he did not erne to ilnen.vf the mut
ter at prewnl, l.iit woitlil say, Uower,
tho government would recognize no
coii)titorii for tht-Ke or any other lands
in which it had un interest. If the in
terests of private parties conflict with
those of the government, the former, he
aid, must certainly be put to one bide.
Albert Bulow Payj the Penalty
for Having Killed a Fel
low Being.
A W -oi, ibis ISrit NVPr-ly Caaiti
CitU j;. Malt patina
Hia Vii.
of Dublin, Ireland, whose dis
b nth liishon Masuiro, of tho
Be cbrcli, of 1878 to 1833, gae
wkl-wiik fame, u arrested
triir for stealing a horso and
bit cluinis his innocence. Ha
Imtte secretary to ticncral I hil
lit 8(kr he CHina to Una country,
aitiien tranifi rred to thn Adjtl
kwai's office in NVashinton b ft
fclllic firt cla-sa, coins? there with
hrj of War Lincoln. He re-
iuit!ijt plucfl three yearn, when
mowed hy hccrcUry fcudicott.
MieU an iinHrtant plnco on the
w Stan revenue ntcamcr Chester
Pr. "lheii he came west and was
Pir re,rter in Omaha on cv-
WW. Having worked himself
tust liue, he drifted to Kansas
there be met a notorious hors)-
vb uked him to Uke Oiiinlan's
ed lmt'-v thronicb to Hiawatha,
lib tots good chance, to sell it.
MOTeUm noma to Atchison ana
(omBH for $30, but failed. He
pnmtd his journey toward II ia-
here he wss arreateil. W litaHy
ionstUe tot his downfall. Oregg
everal effurts while in Kansaa
lo secure work u an accountant in
lilrosd ofllce. hut failed. Ha held
first-ciaa recotumendationa.
Th Intra Jabber' Caeaa.
WsriiiK on the joint rate Question
Miniiwl hy the railroad commia-
ftiDciMoineionthelfitli. The
1 witnesses for the eomi.lainante
Ws Mcfntvre. a dealer in bnir-
MJ. J. .Marks, wholesale grocer,
'ti'aveii..,rt. They both testified
j er,i lijsioj lona trade on ac-
.'''mi to iiaveimorT 'I'her men-
lii'tituces in which pnlitoinera
Flilll flOm t.. f.tntrn lil.
ewih couhj i,e rl(;livnd"more
.Ur'nn Chjes.n llu.n fr,,m l)av-
F, lines the hitter h,l tn i.nv two
?' We inaead of one low joint
hrilieMjiil wittiettKf-n tho
' Mr. C. J. Ive. t,rf.i,lent. and
Ilf rillten.h.iil liinn nf the
' hey till explained hor
ys coiiipluineil Of oc-
liny (icatre to tiiscrim
Tb Llqaxr Quoilan In Dakela.
The rohibition question is taking
sotno original runs in the constitutional
convention of North lakota. There aro
now fonraeparnte sud distinct proposi
tions Iwfore the convention for the dis
posal of the question. Cump, of StuU
nian county, submitted a plan whereby
prohibition mid hih license shall bo
voted upon id the same time. He pro
poses that when the constitution is sub
mitted to tho people the question of
prohibition snd high license shall be
submitted separately. If high license
carries, the minimum license is to be
81,000. This is a novel plan for submis
sion, and is (wpiilar with all save the
alolute and uncompromising, prohibi
tionists in the convention. Jt is pre
dicted to-day that it will be adopted,
and if it is tlin chances are in favor of a
high license victory. But the greatest
Iximb was the proposed article of
I'.lettett, of Htutsumn, which provides
that if at any time the people or the leg
i. I. turn nroliihit the sale or manufacture
of intoxicating liquor the state shall
TuirnliHtfl All breweries nnd rtifltillpriea
l,.mnifv those eii'-'aced in the bus
iness for the cost of their plants. This
;!, 'mt inlicnl aiiti-iirohibitiott pro
position yet submitted, and, although
there are many delegates who would
pass it did thoy fear prohibition, un.ler
the circumstances it will hardly be given
serious consideration. ,
The articles submitted by Chairman
Cotton, of the committee on taxation,
niiikiug the governor, secretary of state
end state auditor a loard of assessment
to assess all railroad property for taxa
tion, is also a new departure. Jt pro
vides that the board shall assess rond-
rnllintr stock ami miliums 1
the assessment ot liny
Paid Ilia Penally iha (.allow.
Albert liulow was hanged at Little
Falls, Minn., on the 19th, under the
new Minnesota law requiring executions
to occur between the hours of 1 and 5
a. m. Billow's last day develoed no
fx cial incident. He had retired to rest
at 1 a. m. and slept soundly until 8, but
awoke in rather a shaky condition and
scarcely touched his breakfast. Jailer
Laud gave him a drink of liquor at 9
a. m., another alxiut 11, and the effect
was to restore his Confidence and spirits
and enable him to eat a hearty dinner nt
1 o'clock. During the afternoon he was
less comisised than usual, but exhibited
a great amount of coolness,
lie did not sing his hvmn as was ex
pected, but talked with the watch and
seemed entirely prepared for the ordeal
before him. As the day wore along his
nervousness increased. AVhen evening
came Bulow showed les3 nerve than
ever and sent his supper away un
touched, though he took some milk and
drank w ith avidity the liquor that was
supplied. Several drinks were tend
ered him up toward midnight and he
smoked constantly. He had no thought
of sleep nor had hi prison mates. Later
on he bade the Mitchell boys, his prison
companions, farewell, in a quiet way,
and divided among them and tho death
watch a small sum he had taken in as
proceeds ot tlie sine oi nis poem, w nicu,
liy the way, it was discovered this uftcr
noon, was a plagiarism from the piece
of doggerel written by Charles Oiteau
while in the jail at Washington.
At 11 o clock Ins new clothes wore
taken into his cell and after a bath he
donned them and was ready. From that
time forward his uneasiness increased
yery rapidly and it was only by a great
effort that he could keep still for a mo
ment, pacing his corridor with a fever
ish, irregular tread. At the last mo
ment he said to one of tho .Mitchells ho
was ready and would dio like a man. At
1 o'clock Sheriff Kasciot, accompanied
by his son, went to the cell of tho
doomed man. At the same time tho
door leading from tho jail to tho enclos
ure was thrown open, and the oflicials
and the nine men chosen by law en
tered. Not a newspaper man was among
the fiimber, the sheriff Having rigidly
i t lm law. The croup formed
itself on the ground below the scaffold
and silently waited.
Presently tlie prisoner was brought
forth. Kev. Donovan prayeil with mm
a few moments and precisely at 1:50, tho
dark hour before the dawn, Sheriff Kas
ciot threw the lever. There was a
plnn"ii, the sudden "chuns"of the ropo
as it reached its length, a slight crack of
the "ibbet, then a few spasmodic quivers
of tho struggling form aud Bulow was a
corpse. .
Tlie new lawalao provides that the snann
share of the real estate of the iltaautti
wife dull he set aart to the surviving
hiuilrand. The act in question also
thntlkoAiiduw shall be entitled to he.
distributive share of all the land owned
by her husband in his lifetime unless
she & juiued with him in conveying it,
and the same rule applies to tlie husband.
Kllralai arrlVM In Ralllmora.
Jake Kilmin, who arrived ia Balti
more on the mlk, has entirely recovered
from the effects of hi battle. He does
not show a mark of any kiai. In
sieakiug aliout the great fight Kilrain
said squarely that he wag wliipped, but
thought he was largely the victim of
circumstances. When asked directly if
he thought he had been drugged, he
said "No." Johnny Murphy, when
asded the same question, answered that
there was something wrong, but that
for the present his tongue was tied, but
when tlie time came he expected to
make some important revelations.
In speaking about the light, Kilrain
said: "I knew I had not been trained
properly and was not in fit condition to
light Sullivan, but if I had not gone
into the ring people would have said I
was a coward, and 1 meant to tight if I
was killed. The crowd there was
ngainst me, and the referee. I think,
while a square man, was partial to Sulli
van and knew nothing about the rules.
Both he and the crowd were all the
time telling mo to go up to Sullivan and
I went, kumviii'' I would onlv bo
knocked down. Of course tho refereo
had no ri''ht to suv a word, and under
the rules 1 could run all around tlie
ring, but there was no ono but little
Murphy here to coach me, and I blind
ly went up aud took my medicine. The
fact that though I was knocked down
reiwatedly, but not knocked out, shows
Sullivan's terrible blows did not have
the power some people supposed they
did. I could have stood up longer, but
Donovan threw up the sponge in the
excitement, being afraid I would get
killed. My blows for some reason or
other did not seem to have any force.
My arms seemed mninb, but what was
Constitution Complete Pre
sented to the Convention of
North Dakota.
Pt-ttisrew, Moody and Kdaerton
undidiiteB lor Senatorial
Dakota ranalllHtlnnal CanvcMllaa
Bismabck, July 22. The constitu
tional convention has been given a sur
prise by the presentation of a complete
constitution which will be considered
during the present week. The consti-
Mrs. John A. Logau baa arrived bom
from her European teip-
At the session of the National Tailora'
convention Mr. Jamea Veale, of Deca
tur, 111., was awarded first prize in Uie
coat cutting contest
Jake Kilrain returned to Baltimore
from New York. He thinka of going
aouth to see if the difficulty with Got
ernor Lowry can be arranged.
John Fitzpatrick, the referee of tha
Sulli-an-Kilrain fight, telegraphed
Stakeholder Credge, at New York, to
pay oer thf money to the Sullivan
Mrs. Lowry, of Salt Ike, attempted
to light a fire with ooal oil An explo
aion occurred, and the burning oil
caused the death of herg and 13 year
old daughter.
Superintendent of Censua Porter Iiaa
appointed Dr. David T. Day expert and
tiihon is ssiil to have been prei
with reat care, and after consultation J special agent to take charge of the snb
' ... ..... i - a : l ;n:nr, f ... ha p l ev-
with some of the ablest constitutional jeoi oi inuic. uu -.m
lawyers in the union, lu many respects
it is identical with articles already in
troduced. It is a compilation of the
best provisions of the constitutions of
the different states and the United
States, fitted to North Dakota. With !
regard to taxation it has no specific pro
visions embodying the Wisconsin con
stitutional provision on this subject,
which provides that the rate of taxa
tion shall be uniform upon all property
made subject to taxation by the legisla
ture, leaving the power of regulating
the mode of taxation with the legis
lature. It also provides that the
property of non-residents shall not
be taxed at a higher rate than
residents; gives the legislature power
to fix passenger and freight lates on
railroads aud transportation companies,
the rates to be reasonable ana tne
nnn via to decide what are reasonabla
rates; prohibits the loaning of the credit
of the state to any association or corpo
mtinii vests tho iudiciul tiower in a
court of impeachment, consisting of the
HP 11 11. te sntireme court, district court,
the matter 1 do not for the life of me i conuty courts and justices of the peace
oail snail
not be less than it.i.uw r im
IT noo per mile. This will bo opposed
by" the railroads, who desiro that the
convention shall adopt tho gross earn
ings system which mis prevai -u "
the territorial government, lhe propo-
Mtbmllted ly . , ! ! , . i
i nes not provuiu mm. ni-
shall be in lien of all other taxes, ....
.hia leaves tho lands subject to taxation
it cannot find favor in the eyes of the
Northern i'scific, which has such an
immense land grant in the stole.
The proK.sit.on to have the esrwU
tnre to'consistofa single Mr
in-progress. It came np in the riu
nlar order to-dav, and. instead A being
delaved by reference to a .tan-linn com
mittee was referred to committee of
l he c'iiii",nw,B w" .
of the
s'iiL loji ixiinu or to give un-
to Chicago.
abiMil l. iri..i.,.-
r fork special : It tank irood eve
recogiiiz.. ;n 11, tnnried. dlist-
M countenance poked out of a
Rf street hnnil alnrr window
!y the (t,.. ,.u.. 'I...,l M.l. li.
... ..j VUM.1..J
"'"it as ho, though after nights
"fiof playing tramp and preacher
-ew York. ,
p"aid Mitchell ""wMn'rany"
f Bear his t,rfect (rm when the
lhat i all I can ear on
Hot T L ...... .InllV
I J. wan jus w
left K b-,,;.,-. i.- l,n
lia. I couldn't ait back in
'.' Sin know and hold him in my
' w to be in front to see that wo
Kt arrested. J fa proof that I
'"ork, or we wouldn't both be
mean I wouldn't be here."
K?l refund to ey anything
f rain' whereabouU, but de
ywt either hia own wife or Mrs.
F Was i 1. .. ..
Kvoniix- This course.
aiil. Iiaa l...n u.l bv the
P0". oi. the ad-U Df hia frionda
rty. who aaauretl him that he
f cotue hera without any fear
11,. Womr.l llirr! Qlieallnn.
The matter of universal suffrago was
sprung upon the Montana . con
stitutional convention by the
introduction of a petition signed
hy the citizens of eight or ton
small towns in various parts of tho ter
ritory. Members ou their return from
Great Falls found a small printed circu
ar, headed "Universal Suffrage-Kea-sons
Why Women Should ote, 'pasted
on everv desk, a proposing.
to tho compulsory education of children
between the ages of 8 and 14 was recom
mended adversely by the eomm t oe.
The committee on labor asked for fur
ther time to consider tho proposition
rehiting to Chinese labor ami kindred
subjects, it. C. Wylie, district secre
tari of the National Reform association
i : . ......itinir n
XM t -ninilt'-e will. recommend
0 he i.ouse shall coiisnt of ;
iV'ht members and the senate of thirty-
Horwlil'l"' br "
tho keeper of a saloou a
,ouse at Fossil, Wyo., is
-I,- frightfully nialtiea
.ir YeslerdaV she
HI 1 I 13.
...uerfl castigalio'l
USUI! II . b. i .
l,.cted in teaching
T l Inst nig
Lewis p ace, aru ; They
: John Lewis,
ml gambling
ft burly brute
ted his delicate
received an
for being
, . l.i- n
,(. Hill" -
1,1 I he women oi
recognition of a
oi,mmn ICIIIU'
..f nll
llml 1 f ,n God. The com-
ernmenv v.,,.,.-- ,:
itnd rii bmittea a propose i. .
metit. ot ft nuienu is
buggy wiiip"' i nve inm a
overpowered we ftH oyer
g,1(l t hrushmg, avin- h ,
his l,o.iy ami v.- - , ull )tU
badly. r,Tl .udly, becoming
i" el ThemViUiresimt
threat oi
,.t i un Witu mo.
essay en 'i-- v j f,.w fnends now
the nsA of r'Ve:J; Bevolvers wro
cn,W I'S iol Bix-shootiu-s
drawn and the ! aiK", wfU)Wu
ns loud and livt 1 , - . wor0 PX-
.Ulianl tables was na , , j,, tI ,
....i.i..-and another noiii. , ,
A bill
a through tho
,.V ,i-.o- itAr.
in town.
'imriutively reported that?
r Chicago for W York 1
V 1,1 that case )e will arrive h
'"".e lid ctvenino-. Thia com
filled with smoke ami ,.0Hlred,
tiugu.she.l. V rom under tho
-, the men to . -imttered
arm. " 4 . ..,Miaii regniami. -
coiffure oi an ""' Cl the woman s
friht?,l,tla,,d ler "condition i. oiv
prostration, ai l ccue 0f a nmr-
critical. r '7ftnln less than a
dor, on account of a w p,t00(
month ago. It notJ leave the cars
aud jiassengors daro no
when trtiunjtoVt .
r..r.BlaJ'- .i
iioni ot '"
, ...t-;nir nom-
nnd i-"eu6"" .
i.. the steamer
lf WJ , run tood that Slaven
Soale. It ta n"f ' rn0M of closing a
v.siU Pan (ot tl'fl ''"T loplo for the
;""',: . . ,. , .d t,A
which it . .,.: i,i..,,,t
ailll BCKIIOwiuiio"'-" "
authority in gov
for tlie
Jewlu ioUa. introduced prou .n for
a state examiner to be iippointed to in
stigate tho accounts of all ofllc.alB, ot
least once oyr' .
Tl..-Kebr..h Mh.u. C "ccr..l O.e
,r pill el I'roperl).
,i-:n.:,. hi'stnrv of tho state promt-
et members of tho bar say that no leg
islation has been so radical, Bweep.ngor
reaching in its consequences as
tho act changin
The Hlaiuarck onveiitlnn.
In the Dakota constitutional conven
tion Chairman Cotton of the committee i
on taxation submitted a proposition that
the governor, secretary of state and
state auditor shall constitute the board
of assessors, whose duty it shall be to
assess each year the railroads. Mr. Lin
well introduced a proposition giving the
wife full power to control property be
longing to her at her marriage or ac
quired by gift thereafter. The conven
tion appears unanimous in favor of the
protection of the immense grants of
lamls for school purposes, but are a lit
tle divided as to the plan, ami sevetm
propositions have been introduced on
that subject. The proposition to have
the legislature consist of . a single .body
ia gnming ground with the convention
and has been made a special order for
H.nonmmlHefi of tllO whole tO-m01TOW.
The committee on judiciary has not yet i
reported on the question of establishing
,,t,. iivti and abolishing the office
of justice of the peace. Much interest ,
is felt in this question. Tho joint com- ;
mission for tho division of the property
and debts of the territory between
North and South Dakota held its first
meeting this evening. Only prepara- (
tury normal business was transacted. j
An Ofllce for Hie Prealdmt. j
Colonel Wilson, commissioner of pub- ,
lie buildings and grounds, in his annual
report to the chief engineer, recom-
that an office building be erected
for the use of the president just west of
the white house, and where the green
liouse and conservatory now stands;
the latter, he says, might be built on
the grounds east ot tne wime uuune
between it and the treasury building.
It is believed the time has come when
the chief magistrate of this country
mould no longer be obliged to have Ins
private residence antt omce uimer
Mime roof. The suggestion is made that
the conservatory to be erected might
be connected with the white house
ly a picture gallery opening out of the
east room, and containing lrtw" l
ill the presidents of the United States
and of the ladies who have assisted
Ihem in the social duties devolving upon
the presidents. These ideas are sub-
:n.l nith t m nine tunc congress m
the order ot ciesceni
passed by IheNebrsska legislature a, o
Tt session. The law does not mee
1 . , i:..f...,r and t IS tllOUght
with general "
i. n enod one. it was in
troduecd into tho I
. -i..i.,,,.
mill n. J '""
ishitui'O by Beujiv-
,iv - here the husband
thus providing for the establishment
of the county courts; limits tne numoer
of judges of the supreme court to three,
which may be increased after five years.
It provides against female suffrage.
The house of representatives shall con
sist of not loss than saventy-five nor
more than 125 members, and the senate
not less than one-third nor more than one
half of the size of the house. Each or
ganized county shall be entitled to at
least one member of the house. The
senators shall be divided into two
classes, one to be elected two years and
the other four. It provides for biennial
sessions of the legislature of not exceed-
inrr ninetv dav'9. Two-tllilds of the
members-elect may override the veto
Tt in iiiniiiist minoritx represen
tation, providing for elections by a plu
rality vote. It gives the legislature full
power to regulate 'liquor licenses.
Any coal lands which the state may
acqnire in congressional grant shall
never be sold, but may be leased. The
school fund shall be invested in United
States bonds, bonds of the state or first
mortgage securities of the state at not
more than one-halt tne value ot iuo
land; tho school fund shall be considered
a trust fund, the interest to be nsod for
schools, and in case of loss of any part
of the principal the state must make it
good; it prohibits the passage of special
laws. The property of the wife before
marriage, and what she may acquire dur
ing marriage shall be exempt from exe
cution or claims against her husband. It
directs the legislature to pass liberal
homestead laws; prohibits foreign cor
porations from transacting business in
. the state until they appoint an agent in
shall be subiect to process
1 by law; provides that no foreigner shall
vote until two yenrs after he has de-
clared his intention to Decome a citizen,
and that reading tne neciaraiion oi in
dependence with facility shall be oon-
D:,i,.ro,l a test of the Qualification ot a
voter; no act of the legislature shall Uke
effect within sixty days after adjourn
ment unless specially provided in the
preamble or body of the act. This con
oiiinii'nn will furnish abundance of ma
terial for discussion, and those who have
read it predict that it will be adopted
with very few changes.
Hubon, N. D., July 22. As stated
heretofore, only three names are now
. t i.l T"ll,
mAiitionnd lor the senaiorsmp i em
tako tho initiative. It is also recom-! ew, Moody aud Edgerton. Mr. Loncks
"'r ' , ' t 7. n one-half of
dies liuesiiiie iv ii...".- ,
descends absolutely
remaining nan to
..sinte m minis
if,. .i,l tho
'! ... ,,,ther in tho same man-
Under ti
,old law the widow took
'VtTe 1. baml leaves one child it i aha 1
dower bau nee... r n jf hft
, leaves iw . ot ".- ....Ridue in equal
ti, take ono inin ' .-,- If tll0 hllR.
. . ..ihona l i i;.iii"" . ., r
Land leaves no ih" e ot M u
receives one half an d the ' .
in case oi no '
w Tl. Slaven, presu
can Contracting
the l'""""'" "'it 'aliu 8200,000 000
Tlved U said o be V f , iraot
The successlul nego tm vox .fc ,di
-rt MllllWIItHi nrtnini7AllUH
Moure for ', Tir " the confl
ow Ui.B W "? 'V American pnh
dlcetlm trnchXdurt the .uc
l,o and ample
wife' takes one half
ml tho father tho
- lm leaves no wito
Ids lands descend to Ins
W1"" u ' i :. nsn of the dean
parents; a m V ;..,,,i i
mended that the stables be removou
further away from tho white house.
Murdered In Their lied.
Dubuque (Ia.) special: John Elkins,
a tenant on the farm of Allen Torter in
Clayton county, abont seven miles
northeast of Edgewood, and his wife
were brutally murdored in their Bleep
in" room about 3 o'clock this morning.
Elkins was killed with ft ritle which ho
had in the house, and which ailer being
used had been hung back in its place on
the wall. Mrs. Elkins' bend was bat ter
ed to pieces with ft heavy stick, ami her
body horribly broken and mutilated
Suspicion rests strongly on two sons ot
v , ns bv ft former wife, with whom
n.i i, l.nd frennent, ouarrels. lho
ildest of thn boys, about 23 years old, I
,b been living away irom uu.i b . P
leal, and the other, aged about 11, sleiit
.,' . nnnlrnrv to lllS
in tne oaiu n ui-i", j . ,
usual custom. Wains was y
have had about $:l,000 m tne nouse,
which has not yet uoen iouuu.
, .... .. . alAir 'I'mflle
A snrri-inier " '
The western roads at me"'"s '
Chicago agreed to modify their tanus
on live stock from the Missouri river,
confining the reduced rates to Kansas
City. The Chicago and Alton s w conv
rate will be met only at KanaM City.
and 25 cents, win io o. -
Joseph, Omaha, ami ' ' """" """i
nrr ... ffAtri Ml Oil X " VJ' "
basis on hogs will be maintained at all
1 ... .f t. in
.. (inn in uitnii w
either to tne V ' ;u w,a gitors
death o both to I" ., jllt0Ktate
in cnnai snai' .n- , . . 1llluls ,. ,
case ho
'great change regarding the
Veontained in the act, It
lit tl.o jmlKe of "'rY,
to the state,
i.lna th
L,.rt shall dedust
appraisement the nu ; not
hraiioes; and if the ""' , , du.
exceed , il.QOO J ' to t , widW'
.oeml in alwolute tit J" .....brancea.
iubject, however, w
t.liti umoiint oi
. . a 1 i tilltt
nlitnlllli Ui i"v""'
S ' Sll City, against tho
Alton's rate of 18 cents. , Bythi. ac hoi.
they voluntarily siirronuer uie m.
trafllo from sontliwostern Missouri river
S to, to tho Alton. The object of con
?, 'the cut rates to the southwestern
territory is to keep them out oi lowa so
that rates on live stock in that state can
be hold firm. ,
A nrut'a HaaWMMloM Tailed For.
The county board of commissioners
of Cook county, 111., passed a rcoluhon
calling for the resignation of Dr. Kier
1, Dr. Kienmii is superintendent of
he insane asylum, and it waa under his
management that Kobert Burnt was
" nded to death by the attendanta,
Cre-ghwi and Biche.leou, who are now
on trial for hi murder.
and his friends desired that he should
go; but the constitution ot the united
Kfutna declares that Mr. Loucks can't.
in these words: "No person shall be a
senator who shall not have attained the
age of thirty years, and been nine years
n citizen of tho united orates. urn
gentlemen is a nativo of Canada and
! only took out his first papers in 1882 or
i 188'iJ. '
Judge Moody made two very fine
speeches on Thursday and Friday at
: Tester's m-ove. near Redfield, and on
' Armadale island, in Spink county.
I Eeports are coming from the conven
1 tions. Hamlin county's five delegates
are instructed for Mellette for governor;
two of them are for Matthews for con
gress and tnree win ojniusc umi.
Brown county McCoy has the entire
delegation of twenty-fonr for congress,
who will also vote for Mellette for gov
ernor. Therois no organized opposi
tion to Mellette, and it is impossible to
foresee how ho can be defeated for the
Judge Gifford for the first time an
nounces himself in the race for nomina-
i tion as congressman. Major .. a.
I Fickler, special agent of the interior de
partment, would also ue a congressman.
A Laltor From the Pope.
Pope Leo XIII has sont an autograph
letter to the authorities of Lavel uni
versity thanking them and the citizens
rtv.l.nn fnr thn resolutions adopted
by them at a demonstration on April 28
last in favor of tho restoration of the
temporal power of tho pope. His holi
ness congratulates them, not only upon
i.i. ninniA. but unon the sagacity
of their action, and says it is evident
!. -ill nndnratnnd how the immunity
enjoyed by the enemies of the ohnrcli is
a souroe of improprieties in society and
of the troubles of atato.
In the Sharon divorce case, appealed
from the superior court, the supreme
court of California rendered a decision
--,0,lin,r the case for a new trial, lhe
supreme court finds that the late ex-
Senator Sharon and Sarah Althea lerry
kept thoir marriage, if there waa one,
for the elev
enth census.
Wilson H. Sherman, the absent mem
ber of the firm of Shearman Brothers
Co., Buffalo, involved in the grain short-
. . ti n- I. TT
age case, has returned to xmuaiu. "
expresses a desire to do all iu his power
to straighten matters out.
A stranger named Gaston committed
snicide at Brewton, Ala., by tlirowing
himself upon a circular saw in a sawmill.
He was killed instantly, t rom papers
found upon his person it was learned
that ids home waa in lowa.
Major Warner, commander-in-chief
of the G. A. B., has issued general
order No. 10, in which he urges all O.
A. B. posts in the country to send aa
large delegations as possible to the na
tional encampment at Milwaukee.
WahlBros., Chicago, the brick man
ufacturers whose employes are on a
Btrike, have about completed a deal
whereby the entire plant, except the
machinery, will be transferred to an
English syndicate.
Major Quiun, of the engineer corps,
in charge of the improvement of Lake
Snporior, estimates -that 810,000,000
cau be profitably expended during the
next fiscal year.; for Ashland harbor,
Wisconsin, $100,000.
An agent of the English syndicate
that is negotiating for tho purchase of
the Minneapolis flouring mills, is in
Milwaukee aud is endeavoring to secure
an option on the Sanderson and Daisy
flour mills in that city.
The Colorado river is thirty-one feet
high and rising. The lowlands are all
inundated, and crops are entirely de
The damage to the cotton
crop alone in this county is estimated at
half a million dollars.
Warrants were sworn out in Chicago
for the arrest of Attorney Stephen A.
Douglas jr., C. D. Hooker and R. D.
Davidson, a detective. They are charged
with being involved in questionable real
estate transactions by which 5,000 was
obtained from William Kance.
The Missouri state board of railroad
commissioners has decided that all rail
roads in tho state must reduce rates on
n-ain. 10 per cent on live stock and a
per cent on coal. The new rate is or
dered to go into enect as boou ua m
nilroads can puolisu tne now mint
Secretary Proctor has recommended
the reservation of Fort McLiermow,
Nev., to be restored to the publio
domain, it being no longer required for
military purposes. President Harrison
lias issued a prociamanou carry wk mi
effect Secretary .Proctor's recommenda
tion. Anita and Meriani Boggs, maiden sis
ters, living in Jackeon county, Virginia,
committed 1 suicide by taking arsenic
They left a letter, signed jointly, say
ing there was nothing in life for old
maids and they were tired of it. They
were in fair circumstances, but had no
relatives living.
The emperor of Brazil attended a the
atrical performance in Rio Janeiro. Aa
his majesty was leaving the theater a
the conclusion of the performance, a
Portuguese fired a shot from a revolver
at him. The bullet, however, missed
the emperor. Tho would-be assassin
was taken into custody.
The Rhode Island legislature met in
adiourned special session, to enact a
license law. The bill provides for
wholesale license fees from $500 to
$1,000, to be determined by a license
commissioner, and retail foes of 8400 m
Providence, running down to $250 in
towns according to population.
The London community has been
greatly startled by another horrible
murder, thought to have been commit
ted by the butcher of the fallen women,
known as "Jack the nipper. xne
bodv of a woman mutilated in the usual
' . v .. , ... s .1 i.. r.ti
ini'httul manner, was iuiwu m v
alley in tho Whitechapel district.
An incoming pilot reports that on
June 16, in latitude 30 30', longitude
71 0 40', he sighted a balloon dragging
its car along a smooth piece ot water.
Ho gave chase, but at sundown, when
three-quarters of a mile from it, it col
lapsed and disappeared from sight. It
is supposed to ue vuuipueii a uiim8
air ship.
Near Bad River station, Wisconsin
Joseph Fnsch murdered his eighteen-
year-old bride. The couple were want
ing up the track arm in arm, when
Fnsch was seen to attack his wife, stab
bin" her several times. Then, seeing
hiinself pursued, he threw her down a
steep embankment, wuere tne oouy waa
found lifeless. The murderer escaped
to the woods.
The Aerial Exhibition association has
been organized in Boston, with O. M.
Ransom, of the Modern Light and Heat
company as treasurer, B. N. Bowlby,
chairman, and Charles B. Basford,
chairman of the board of trustees. lhe
object of the association is to assist Dr.
A. Debanssett to construct a steel-air
ship upon the vacuum principle.
The first seven clauses of the Graoe
British bondholders' contract with
Peru have been approved by the cham
ber of deputies. The most important
of these articles is tho seventh, whioh
requires the Peruvian government to
nav to tne nntiau ouauoiur ouaiutu
. i uuUni hnartnnd and wife.
WHO Utetl icinu'".,. . 'J v.. ..... -
secret, and for thia reason the marriage I tee 80,000 annually for thirty-turn
was never consummated. .'years.
er Al Cridae waa
m of tne irrw"