The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 25, 1889, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal.
I the fw!
3 S S
fully lin1'
JHAHISOlsr, NEB., uTTJXj"Y" 25, 1889
4 W-r.iv
--J .ii.
No is tl. 1 I: iL.
Proprwr, , -1 n. t f.
dl county
illlle 1.1 slllrj rd. f,.. T
"'I lilt
i m . .
4 l'ttT4in, - rmprior. , - i n-n lad 1., take advantage of our
Kmii.iiuiiii.u otter.
Tim Table. I - atv Mill en iksk
. , j)l v. Ry., Paw-ngr. i X"" the be,i trm.
. . a v- w ' i.f a It. ... m. ....... r
t 1.. .VP Harrison l )": i A. .M. ; " ' ' laiiu.
OM P M '
and to
ii tins matter
... it,. h) 1(V :r. A. M. ft J"i.n on v.ntr farm.
I ..t l.-.iv Harriwn ut 2l 1. M
-W(.,r-,. I..;... ., . . ..
. ...i...ini, aiicm tin.
... ...... .J.. II... ''""''llK'lit "I th.-.l,,-,,(,,,,,,.
or.ntv - !ortl.f,n,rn.I,(,l i......
.... ....... : cvti an. i.ilH-r.ri Iiw. t,ii,,!ii, ,i,.
, t ....... I. .wi on .L nr,iii.-
'bis. F Oowey was at Harrison yes
l.'til;iy. j A. Hart's little girl was taken iQ on
on whi. h tlie 1 1 . i-ny. ,:,
in .a.
i ought t.. !.
co n--.oiefi.
tlx K.l-t In. W
a iv w'kin- n. -w
i ( banall. (i.-ti'l 1
Fretii. nt, &.Mi-M,iii-i Vall-y I.
, It. Co. , Omaha. N.-li., hf! may send
; th in r kit i veto tie- ' i lne-
I are tlarv-iM lir-i'Mi-, whi.h u ur
Aue;u4 tlth ami ';". 1 1. S-uU-iiih-r loth
JiHwiImn eimH.
iy will hf a P""' , r,,P "l tK,,il-
vv.ux comity tlim yar.
t K-1'"' erecting' a n" "n
I . l- .I.U ..vent lm.1'1il this
. t win IT 111" fl. I
' Till'. J.k-KNai.
: want a ni e j" "f l-rintintf done.
-Tl..iy (Top j.ronii s to l t-xi '-l-
ii rv ent runs ( auswl tin- RTa.-wi to
B t'lrelV.
.tl.ux-(.n tin- StiiHtm-y probity
Lh"f t" a,l(l ,nu,il' lo tUe ,,l'li,r"
LtsfUmi-rotxTty. !ttn.l2l'.l.,aiuUM..I
-Hi.' fam.fM Hiv ' 4)llr ,..,,!
L- ij luv. liio iiini. ai'oi mi i.
v:. i'l w ill l" PKI-
-A'!n-t Molir !ia l:-n a a.l
.wf.L' prcfn.tion. nt to
Jr.. MihLV to lile n it,
-ijviieral M.iii.r,'' Hurt ;uwl (--ii-r:il
c,.rn in a .( nil ar lait wwk.
-Alway ivinellllifr Ucit 'ejliley, i l',.;,I art- ftlwuyn n any l
Si.?v(,u a I...U1 on the nii-l mi-'iuil.!'
-:,n't foiv-t fait The J'Cks.u. i-
to .to all kiit U of job 1'iini mp ,
. , .,.,t aii.l tanty iiiaimir, on tiort
-.V I'irty of w.l.licm nl Inilian
o-i- in;l near llarrinon liit Sun-
lat. Tl'V '-rl in s-Hr n oi iwiw
Tlie.resentoinlitioii of -rops'in this
vifinity is very flattering inilewl, amlthe
future prosjie. ts could not t liett?r.
"Tii;e. Raiuv " ( A. E. Riiiney's bull
line i,,i,iwt 11.H annv at Ft. Robin-
Mix L'Tublla7Wii quite sick. ! He now Monj?s to K troop, Oth
but is eonvaWin-. ' ji-avalry. As a fighter and eater lie can-
t.....: . i. ... . ! Ufit lw excell.1.
Minei Mem vvasa visit, u-ui 1lieoun- ... , .
The. Rev. 5 ei-1 it i i.reai hed to us at
t .q.iiai i ilCMtilv. , , i i
i . ' th.? niiiier 1 leaibnan.s whool house last
... . 1 ' Ni . hatli aneruooii.
..! t!,e, friends. Uarvev Howard ha.s len up on the di-
.Mi?.s Maud Murkce, of (.onion, is. the Vale doin? some breaking for Mrs. liana
ui";t "f Miss Emma W-ir. ker
n- l U..l.l.n4l. .-t.OOl
.. . . . in. o 'n re. oi it is itvi e. is v sii i... e.iiue now o s..
Htlie law s:ivs that ' v , . ... , . , , ..... ...i ,!
I"''1'1 t!"' "M,1"ri , i a,... . ",, L'...:., I'stii-ani" Mrs. Hanaker is suwrinten
,J , ,'"' ;fromVItevolas, Satunlav. ; I of tlie u,,,.,-one ami Mrs Miller of
. . , , i i the lower one.
1 . A. Wertz made a trip to ( rawford KUirtwl for Ft
n .Monday and returned luesday. 1 . ... . , , ,. i.0j, will re-
side with her sister
1 Ale. IIi"dotfs family were all si-k with
lis nut lieen i,:,i,t
.... r.. i.. , '
),.. f.,..,,r;,: .,, i, , ,i w in. he.'ore. of Hiishville, is visding
o. rio i.iM.rii.r i. i v ... s-.. j 1 1 ... . .. n
H III riw t it sl.i.i
hi y.ur frieifls in
-i to nit mi, or wit.)
l'H'ali..n,. t J. I. Itu-j
HL'.-r A-'.-l.t r.f the
. !,.,!.) I.-
r tie- I.. ..!lh .,f tin
. Ii'-re a t iiiniv ii
thi.l . ;.ti l.e ij.l.M.i. It
l!..4e...l.ll. ll h.
in.; il ..Mii..te! y
'l.titJ.'.U .i.SIM -
.f ti.. :i fainiiy In
; . rs ,11 h'.t in
well f.,r th
onhliall. In
i pie ft ho liiti
: the lii.'inl i
I lla:s -i tii-.!. f.'ber
i l'Xi. till if I. tile "
t i ' if i tit y on. tin
j has pint Ui--! tli"
itUtllt ('llty I.ilie"
and tool; p.-.- v im
ill ii"t, h"'M vr.
1 for some t.ll.e, at I'
: t t.
a l.v
i. t.l hy a
It lliij.Lt he i
( I - till ;
.il' j'.e ,
s ill 11. ill.'
put i. at
liick Sinil.T. tlie genial tinner,
s some rah on subscription Tuesd
Mis. Fl. Maine was on the sii k list v, tliroat. last week but at this time
last week, hut at last ivu.rts was lx iter, i are iinnroviii"'.
J. II. Cook, of the Agate Si.ri.igsl YA. Sandy is putting up a barn for Mr
J...H ......a .. ,... ,,-f 1 AT,.,,. ! l)eveiniort. in district 0. !
,', lVi ' I This country is blessed with plenty of
I .-.i.. t'.'nni 1 wo to three srood ruins
i Another child of S.I,. K. Mann- is
... 1 .., week shou d satisfy every one.
: .iii.le si. k. S e i. .in: to hear ul her re-! " , ,. -r i.
1 We hear t nmioivd that Miss Janie
Hunt will again teach the Whit.; Hiver
s. hool. We lH.e such may be the case.
Frank McKarhuid, who has been in bed
for 1H months from an internal injury,
is now able to get about the bouse.
I ('. C. (.'aiirt-'iiter is building a new
bouse and lias it about completed.
Will lend direct to the Ranch Supply bouse, Harrison, Nebraska,
Without Change, of Cars,
-Where you will find the-
III . t.) lie- ll
inler J, i
..d.., I... atitl
west of this pla.
last T'H-d.iv. 11
h.u.e bis r. -i.l. ii
u-, and we hu' 1
i uv. ry.
I-r. Waller, of Chaih-nn. was in
n-v.n on Momlav in iisiiltiitiuii
l r. Shall, r.
,l,i. ..h Henry, of M.inlnws was in liur-r:-u
on M. unlay and enriched the printer
to .jiiite an ct.-iit.
Iiiliiis l'a'.iiii r left last Monday for I lie
southwest. Hi objective point is Dcn
j v. r, where his uncle resides.
Ab-s. H. T. Coidev and Mis:s Fnnmi
Largest Stock of General Merchandise
Mary and her Unit her Ken.
Ainericiin Kiirni News.
The st orv e-oes that Mary bad a little
one Uay
In 1be counly,
1 s, 11. 1. . i.iun .." e... i
'' "- I W-ir made a trip to tin. canvnns knt bird that sang to her all da ,
. i .. . I 1 i.i , .......4 il, ,..... and
will .irnuie it mi that lie will continue
to U- a resident of Sioux county. The
: (.stahl.-hiiieii! oi-l bun atmiit and
i we lr
tin investment will yield him a j
fbhll-H, a-1 IrolU i on 4"'"n'"- ; n, .Wanl
.i imiviuiK miiioH-t Hum---'. ( The r-. cut
(tlrof lUrriixm for a few minnH; , . , , , n j.IH.,. wbi. li winds
iikIhiLv l.v LriviiiL" :iti loll oil lU'
the cat upset the cage and birdie got
away. Then Mary sat her clown and
tears streamed from her pretty eyes; she
never found her birdie because she would
,.t advert ise. And Mary had a brother
Ben whose herds and flocks near by were
I h. a'V rains have washed
a collet'
I H, W
r iiw Lin , ,.
' .UlVvyj
i la
down the . . liter of Mam street. n do
I not . I.hiii to ! much of a cii!,ineer but
i ...i.. .... (1... U.i i.t c.nii'se would lie
; ,ln the .llth .lc Of Second street
I w,-st of Main. v.-.o.l relieve the lal
ll,iei,tion-Hi,l.v,eofag.HKl deal of Mir
j are wat rand Moji the ciiUing of ditch
L,, , tie- middle of th- street. As it is
1 ...... l, ,n!lv s.ifefo drive a wagon
a,r,..,tl,estr.-"t. It is to In.' ho.d that
the villa'!- "I Wl'l take this matter
1t,,.,,sidc,-;itiiui and have it lixed up j
in d.s . lit , !
-When vou write to vour fnetids do
not fail' to 'impress on them that lb"
,lM,.,t....i of fo.'l uei-l not. b- considered.
We kive l-n in o, m Nehras.ii
Bhl.r,.,,,ly lu-l I!"' '' "
atlonJ ascorn stalks and h..y. In
...uutvalcuayeast of tins ue were
oniighton a .mine. ... a ve.y seveie
storm. We linallj' '"'
a,,., wem , lad to shelter t -re. A
Ul.a luul to keep Hk-ii. from
fivcng -is l,,y, audit om mem-
U-r of the family l,u,y all tl t"" t-
the (ire eoing. Ifcro Suit,
cou'ityitisiiid-nt. w-i
fr the trouhl- of gathering and hau !
!!;lL..uai,..,..p,no, hewithui
the of all.
.1.- ti. -ketch some of the sccm i v
Jiiines Farnani, of .Fun creek, l ulled on
us yestenLiy. Jim is laiiicnting the loss of lifteeii acres of com caused
I hv a liail slorni.
(ieo. lleckmaii, M. Ashenlelter aiut , . jn ,h(, laml) ln,t nobody came
. . t T...C... ........I.- .ei.' . - .
John .Messing, iiom iii.u.... -"!
attheioiiuty seal on Wednesday M
final proof niatteis.
to buy.
cent at
ftiwt, ( )f course lie t'jok tip
.14 I
-Ut week TlIK J.K hSAI. was not out
1 Is :ii tune Ui ati Ii wuiu 'f the;
na.k tti lfii to avoid mm Ii ml -
urm. in fntiiiv. but tb.bivs are un-
Lvoiiifta t i-asiiinally, j
-ILrrivii may not ! enjyin? iiiik Ii
if Win, hut it U luinl work to find a '
rjMer who lia time to do a lit'le'
i'i So one i ili in this irt of the
1' jtht tit pn-n-nt. I
S tl card of L K, Ib-lden & Sill
uMlier column, and when you want
i.vtliir.i' in ti-ir hue call at tb'ir
jl'iWimeiit and you will p?t a K,JIK1 j"'1
w-il rcawinalilo.nitcn.0 ,
-Jtre Hunter hantr!tWd off hi mub-i
ti marshal lum kilUl ' tlw liouml, i
W," am! some of t!ie oplj around
,,rn are wondering wlmt tlify w ill do
r K,mrt,Uig to play trii k'on. :
-U vmajt to know wherw to buy
:"ltouU-stmlvurjlui;e or do any
i ml of busiiiesi with biiMiu'w men, just
"i,,J,lfe ab'rtisiii column of Thk
R.Vvl It mil j,rjve a wm index,
-d.iyti,ti!k 1 O. Hull kill"l
lo large rattle N,uke nw t farm
P'Oiiof t.nvn. oBe Uul seven ratth-s
ptteotber eleven raltle. The later
('"""Hfaluf light, but a iHb
l,t'kai0f Mr, nii mMl w.-ttled
"111 Ol,r ii, ;u ,t...V .,,.fM-'
.n Linn I I
!pffN..iKi,-unl of (.. K. HoliJi-js,
' UV at bw. At- lf..i...... Im u ll,.,r- lv,.,.i
tJidtnat lawyer and all luisili.' ( , t, is, is
!itni.i..i . - . .". . ... . i , . ...I
I "U'l will be well lookitl ai-months urn m.i . j ..,
I." lW III oflico with JolM & Hesh cheer ami cou,.-..-. ..I,.,;,,,,.,
Little Arthur was a "... .
JIewas.nidll""' njl """" "
iff fonuerlv u'l for Hu.-ii-s and scunci n. 1 1 , , u.
ooulU of Klriff l'fostV .irg of (i.l al.'l 1"'.! ,
n establishment. Hu int-mls mllv,l and l-y-l ''.v .. ...,, ,1,1,..
Iavt uiwWs,. ..,.,. ffresli:(lriner nil his siilleriiig '
He man nl,l t.,l ,.i , bilsi-' The fuiu ni! s-riuoli was - y
in: is, '"" '
, ,, ill l
a truv.
M,N ArUiur.,,;;-;",.
Neb., July i. , .,, v
,1 ;i, horn HI vane ' -
For six yea's
h.celv hiiiitch ui the
Willie Hunter has lieen quite sick for
the past week, but is recovering, one of
his sisters is now sick hut is not consid
ered in much danger.
Attorney C. E. Holmes letu'med oi.i
Tuesday from bis trip down tnn road.
He took an active part in the base hall
games at Cliadroii la-it week.
J. n. Bradley, of Jiodare, was in liar-
c 4 1,, .i ii iwl til: i.te .1 lilctisallt
all at this oliice and gave us a
..mount of silver before leaving.
Arthur Barta, ftum IhiIow IM"""
Water, was ill Harrison yesterday and
,ivcs us the information that crops are
looking line in his locality owing to the
mcntliountiful win.
Airs. Kllen (iriswold, accompanied by
!., grand-daughter, Miss Jennie
lips, arrived from Avoca, Iowa,
l.. -,d will make an extended
to her son, I). H. (iriswold.
1., another column appears the card
of 11 F.. Masscy, the well known painter
mil sien writer ot Harrison. , ,-
Mi- Massc-yhasnotUenahletodoniuch
i, he line of carriage paintin;
count of lack of shop room. Ii
. .i.. I..., I ... area! nun..'"
, em v ii.e.
in fact nobody knew of him ex-
the village store, where lie
bought bis goods on credit and never
wiped out the score. And so tlie snei in
sold his stock, but still be lingered near,
ami Mary came to drop with him a sym
,,.,it.ii,. tear. "How is it sister." said
lie, "that those other breeders here sell
,.ii u,..i,. sl,,ck. and nay their bills, and
, i ; from vear to year?" Ren leml ler-
i-now her own bad luck the miae
m'aid replies: "These other breeders get
there, Ben, because they advertise."
Kids will he received hy W. It. Smith chair
(HO (-((I'l SO ' V WUlf t ilU" n"--"'.r
mid VA feet loni,'.
At Prices as Low as the Lowest..
No shoddy goods-Every thing first class.
' No old stock-New goods continually arrivinff,
Call on us when in town and we will give you a SQUARE DEAL
l liimiiiciM cntrnxloil to bin care will re
ceive prompt mid careful attention.
Oliice with JONES & VERITY.
New Store,
New Goods
. New Prices,
" u U1U rutlHl III, Ut 1 n; "
' m nai ru " j ijiiiv -- v
L " S I-- nt . i" .t . vinl I'll 1 1 " 1
H in x county than in imv tioti The uui;iits !.' u"; s- ' '
eIit, community m
on ae
lias re
011 the
..1 i'l,!,. of Second street lilted up i"i
hi.nsealidisliowprepa.edtotake re
()filll work in his hue. His work .s o
well known that all that is ne e.
know that Mr. Masy did it, to be as
Mired ot a good job. Mt-
Some lioie last J "
Nab. the liors..-thief, soc eeded ... on. c
N ,; his liberty. He had
!Ilallagltogethold of some too s, a
w ,,,an,lgotthehelhs
e do,' of theih Hewas slrie -
j- 1 . ouiiiiiP lilt .l
led at too tin"' 01 ii"
. . , .. 1 .1 t st. 'US a MIO"t
tracked iiy ins ' "'
. . .1 ',l...,a, . iroin
long o'c .
,,ort steps stopF-l a,,.. ...
Men were sen.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
lfepuiring done on short notice.
(o.l work ami reasoiiuhle charges.
sl,op south 1' livery barn.
llAIiltlSON, - " " KKa
Vice Pres
Si lKMil i:ep"r
The following is
0 rejH.rt of the term
ol distri
t No.
HI; Term con.
,1 July 11.
f in Sioux county tluin in any tioti ;
"l. through which he traveled. !
n-n- i. 1 . . .
oriLrni. rotiiisi in itWiiv .or.
'fll,tountv ami one l,l,l use!
tr5 lforlto imliice their friynds to
-lAiriric; uw rKW Ww,i(H f our rosi-of m boo
lre a vory noticeable cbmigo has! nieiicd
, nl'iiith apanu o of the mir-: Nu.nlr 01 p )r,r ,iviMf ,11
outitry. New ho.w have , average atteudan. ' ((f 8 nIl II
n,n Up a if l, :.... u nr-i ibstnct lietwee" l"C . ,,
I,. ' J " " I . ,.f I hi .MS i'"
r,,,BKiUitailf .... .!... .....k in i-ranUi niini"" ,,.: M hool
An MMin a a l u..H.. r..i ' m hool 12 ee'' " ""' ... i,
There i'-'"- . ,,,
lent and none
. . I UST..!. l..e'
Z1?'"' lt weok tlio front of . director. J-
" JOfDV.I 1... , .. , ....... I tn o .. ,...,,.,,,1
Ki .. ,v mi ir,M,r" " " i i .,. ( iift"""'
I ' thorouirh i.i..i.,r ..,,.1 l biriro ,,m ai t, on N
tn in e
1 I, .1',. 1 1... short Steps
t I . .. ...lit. I
tracks"...." , Klu,.il
:::: :
i.,,i. 11"' iu'' ,..
n c, , re on monda ul
that he would be he .c
eiiteiice nim,
to save a trip to t -
dn. It is thongu.
(HAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
40 " 50
131 " 20
IW. 1 . - ., , 1 1) week' "r "" . -. I il...
Li, wKin an thw McttlerH gel uioir , m nu". ti iis one visit )
r'"' "TOken .....I .. r ... . . II I ,.r nilltC. ,
. uiw mnsu Kr."ri .notendeul and "oo
'"v u"n thw w-mw.rv woiKloi-funy. COUIIIJ -
f T
''IKM" . .. .,i,i from
V, , "UK. Kllllllllg IUIU l.'K . , ,;,,U, I IWl"""-t
rinuid 1 the entire1 E'-""" " ,t , inclusive, to W
Nt TI,!. iJ . ..f' .l,llv IHtl) to -hl"' I nne-lhllll
-- uvea iiw uk-uiuii - ,,inrn lit 'K
ttl.n. . 1 ... . . . , . l., Itll.l 1. -- '
ana will
li.. . . ....
ti4 uniwiimiu.e ui i "v - smt mm - -
. .Jpmo and ri'tum. . , ,
b niHi win enaoiB us, ue uai.islioi"
JNALomc w.thout troiiblo. I fare w. h 2"" Ti(ke.H f"1' w
Tuesday hi se
e hist in time
,r .1 l.mco
I"""'"?: .. ......... had assistcee
,,y Slll ma o - , ( j,,.
' ";. ' ild up the tools
with which he gained his k
. i lie I. HUH "'
out to hn meals. ! j(,s
,, t ei itontofthelaw. ('rmnna s
, , i Sn to udersfand that ...
sl,"111 ev will lie ia.nid.tJ ami
sillUX county Uie H f
m)l allowed to go f ee- )wir.
ilgesa..oth . to lH)l.
'":li"fl,ul I:,.. ...hod that i
''''"''"" i ; 11 Ik, prepared where an
futmv ti 11 ',. until
General Banking Business
Will sell you goods for cash and save you money as the
Following Prices Will show.
Pacific rolie prints, .r) to (1, worth 7 and 8
Charter Oak " 5 to 0, worth 7 and 3
Old Time " - " ' 8, worth 1Q
Simpson satin finish prints 8,
Simpson linen finish prints 7,
Extra wide German prints 121
Turkey red Damask
Turkey red Damask
Summer dress goods
Imported sateens
Fine Victoria law n
Fine lace curtains
Fine Turkish bath towles,
per pair, - - 4-? "
Summer veiling 15 to 20 worth 25 and 35
Oi sheeting - - - 27 worth 35
We have a large and complete slock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, and,
In fact,
Every thing usually kept in a gen?
eral store,
Rosa & Thompson.
' .s.i, 0m0
10 quality of Ui
i me quality of tbo Work all thai m assc B-
UHS-ll."..' 17
rp'ry to nay i tlwt R. E. Mnty did
i v
, .... j.s -iv,;.. -'v -
I- if.
. :' .' . . i V
' . . ' sii- S
- 'h- y ' i
' V.
V"s. . - '
les; .