The Sioux County Journal. Published very Thursday. Subscription Price, $2.00 LJ. SImkhm, - - - Editor. Knterec at ibt H&rriaon po.t oJflc u s nd class matter. THIKSDAY, JILT 18,, 19. THE JoCRJiAL has received, during the past week, a large addition to its stock of material and we are now prepared to do as fine a line of commercial printing as any office in this part of the state. With new type, Dew press, new ink and good workmanship at our command we . feel warranted in saying that we can five all our patrons entire satisfaction in the quality of commercial work done by us. When in need of anything in the Jine of note heads, letter heads, envel ppes, statements, checks, blanks, etc., call at The Jocrxal office and give us trial. We shall continue to make The JOCRSAL the best paper in this part of the state and slm.ll work for the inter ests of Harrison and Sioux county. Au exioiivirt 1 iv the nam uf Thoru hill, shot William- Barrett, near Oniora Saturday evening. There was a woman at the bottom of it. Tlie tidal wave of crime seems to be still sweeping over the land. "Kid" Hawkins, the gambler who killed a man at Hastings and escaped punisliment, has been warned out of a number of towns in the southern part of the state. The people do not like him. The June crop reports at the dejiiul nient of agriculture shows tliat the condi tion of the growing corn crop of Nebras ka is better than that of any other state in the union. Truly corn is king in 'our glorious state. Mrs. Tyler, widow of ex-President John Tyler, died suddenly at Richmond, Va., on last Thursday. Mrs. Tyler was about seventy years of age and married Presi dent Tyler in the White House at Wash ington. Johnstown, N. Y., was visited by a flood a few days ago and a number of people drowned. The number of lost is estimated at about twenty-five. John- town appears to be an attractive name for disasters. The supervisors of Seward county have offered a reward of f 1,000 for the apprehension of the murderer of the Leavitt girls, which occurred a few weeks ago. The case is still as much a mystery as ever. The Lincoln Journal states tliat Gov- Thayer authorizes the statement tliat he will not be a candidate for a tliird term. From the reported interview with Con gressman Dorsey some draw the infer ence that he aspires to the gorevnor's chair himself. The foundation for that belief may come to light later. The indications are that by the 4th of July loyO live stars instead of four can be added to the national flag. The terri tory of Wyoming is taking active steps to get ready to put on the mantle of statehood, and will, no doubt, be ready so that the proper documents may be passed by the next session of congress. It is heped that the city of Lincoln has at last secured Si supply of good water sufficient to meet the demands of the people. With the coming vote on the prohibitory amendmeut approaching the people of the capital city became desper ate, for it would be impossible to live and drink nothing but the abomnable prater Lincoln has had in the past. The republicans of Dawes county are already getting into line for the coming fll campaign. A meeting of the repub ijican county central committee and party workers was held a few days ago and steps taken for a short, active campaign,' and the convention will not be nntil late in the season. The republicans of Dawes county have level heads. The levy made by the village board aggregating 28 mills on the dollar valu ation is said to be illegal and some who have taxes to pay in the village inti mate that they will make a grand kick when the time comes. We would ad vise the board to look the matter up or they may find themselves in a hard row of stumps should people decline to pay the tax after they had arranged to spend it Last week the Omaha Herald was sold to O. M. Hitchcock of the Omaha World. The purchase price was 40,000. It is evident tliat John A. McSlmne's experi ence in the newspaper business has not been as satisfactory as he expected it would. He has neither, made himself rich put of the enterprise nor did he find it of enough influence to induce the people to elect him to the governorship of Nebraska. Deputy Collector Calhoun is still in trouble and the probabilities are that be will be called on to answer to the charge ft embesdememV His father has offered o make good the shortage and has en deavored to get the department to drop the matter, but the department does not Wfcm that that ie the right way. It ew-tiVjvn. Calhoun did the 3tg rrHii.ll mlly aad should he ee f WMi thie time, he would de- We are under obligations to Senator Mauderson for a lot of public records, which are very useful for reference. If any of our readers desire any informa tion these" books contain, they are at liberty to call at Tue Jxrsal office and peruse them. Capt. E. C. Parkinson, of Seward, lias been appointed sjiecial examiner of pen sions. Capt. Parkins lias been a promi nent person in (. A. R. circles and dur ing the last session of the legislature was sergeant-at-arms of the senate. He will make an energetic official. Walt Mason, who lias presided over the "Topics" column of the Lincoln Journal for a long time has severed his connection with that paper and will now use his ability to make the Cull more in teresting. Mason is one of the brightest purugraphers in the wot and should he devote his ability to his work and not allow the drinking habit to control him. he would make his mark high up in the rucord of journalism. Tiie Holt county ers have joined in republican publish new schedule of rates for the publication of land no tices. Owing to the increasing size of the final proof notice now required by the department, they have decided to raise the rate on them to $7.."0 for sin gle, and on consolidated $7.50 for first and S-'i.OO for each additional. The price on contest notices remains the same. Chrtilrrm Juvmtil. Mawpin, the man and desperado recent ly arrested in Brown county, was riddle wan uuiieis last, rsauiruay nigiil, while in his cell at Bassett. A band of vi lantes did the work. They overpowered the sheriff, battered down the jail door and when they reached the cell occupied by Maupin one of the mob fired a shot at him and this proved the signal of genera shooting. It is probable that death would liave been the prisoner's doom had the law been allowed to take its course. Little Cottonwood. Wasn't that a glorious rain last Friday night? Corn is booming since the rain. There was a good attenlance at Sun day school at Pine Top last Sunday. Roth of the saw mills on Cottonwood are running at full blast this week. A. L. Dove is doing good work with his new Buckeye binder. Henry liixson brought down a fine buck with tliat new Winchester of his, last week. John Spears can boast of the finest piece of small grain in the valley. f 1 1 .1 t . vur oiu uine inenu uvven Shay was calling in the valley last week. Chas Grove has engaged the school in district jo. 6, lor the lall and winter term. A political meeting has been called at the school house in district No. 3 for July 23rd. We have not learned the object of the "meeting as yet, but exjiec t to be able to give an account of it next (From lust week. Harvest is at hand. airs. Brown, ol Ames, Iowa, is visit ing with her sons Horace and George. Sunday School in district No. 3 is pro gressing finely. Messrs. Rigles and -Kirk, of Collins, were pleasant callers at these quarters last Saturday. r -t jiiirvj fluuie varey s new uweiling is nearing completion. Mr. Willis Otey is superintending the work of construc tion. Mr. John Elsbury, of Marshal county, Iowa, has taken a claim near the head of Little Cottonwood and will snnn with his family, take up his abode there. BertHiggins has taken a large tie contract and the B. & M. through this section will soon be supplied with such timbers. Miss Hattie Carey is attending insti tute at Cliadron this week. At the recent school meeting in dis- umtouiibb oi mieen mills wn. voted and A. C. Dove was elected treasurer. G. M. Burson contemplates coiner on the railroad to work soon. He expects to run quite a large force and as he is an old hand at the business he will nn doubtedly succeed well. George Arrasmith expects to return to his old home in Storey, Iowa, as soon as he is able to travel. We are sorrv to lose George as a citizen of this commu nity for he is a good boy. Won Items. Henry Kreman is digging a well. Decker, Devenport and Gates were passengers for Harrison Satuiilay. . W. Kemp is laying his corn by. John Mcintosh went to Chadroa the first of the week. They report the Sunday school in n. flourishing condition in district No. X. C. H. Rigdons children have the dip thena. ' They don't furnish water for train at the school houses on White River. Wonder what the trouble is between pretty low down Ih-ii I advomte lync hing on a Iwar-y ? j rom l.i-t --k.j A sunday school lias been organized in distric t No. 1. .I..vvM's saw mill is on the head ot Deep c reek but will move to S. W Kenin's pla'-e in a short time. rimer M. FarliiiL' lias (foue to the Platte river with a load of lumlier. nenry Kreman lias tlirowu his break ing plow aside and is tending his corn with a cultivator this year. Pete Shuir is staying on his claim this summer. The war clouds are beginning to a Iear in district No. 18. A nice slower on the 6th made every thing look green again. Wheat and corn is doing well in spite of the late dry sjell. Leroy Hall is having the zke drained at the old lake ranch. 'h.VE IN WliJTE RIVER JUSTICE COURT. Time two o'clock in the morning. Enter constable with prisoner arrested in Dawes county for committing an as sault, in August. 1KS, while working on government reserve. Enter justice just awakened and very sleepy. After reading the complaint and a little pre liminary talk and advice and without swearing either iarty the justice asks; "Are you guilty or not guilty?" "Not Guilty." "Are you a married man?" "Yes." "Have you a family'r" ."Yes." ' Have you any childreu'r'' "Yes." ' "How inanv'r"' "Three." "How old are they?" "One is five years old, one two and one aliout a month old." "Have you any wrsonal pro(ierty?" "Yes, I have a little." "Have you any bursts'?" "No." ' "Have you any cattle?" "1 have two cows." "Have you any other peisonal projx-r-ty?" ' "Yes, a little." "Are you living on a homestead, pre emption or deeded land'?" "Deeded land." "If you have no horses how do you farm'?" "I rent my farm." "Oo vuii live off the rent?1' "Partly." "How do you make a living?" "Selling wood, washing or anything I can make a dollar at." " "Are you guilty or not guilty?" "I will plead guilty to hitting him with a roc k." "I shall have to fine you twenty-five dollars and costs and also require vou to give bonds to keep the peace." The complainant lieing a single man with no family his examination was very short. Kicker. J. if- COOK. Aovre sraxi RascU Brand C on left jaw. Makes especially of breeding Roadsters, Draft and Horses; also red and bla. k Polled .little. Be MACHINES The best. HARVEST IS COMING, and you need a good machine to cut your grain. I have a complete line of the Cele brated BUCKEYE self-bindei, mowers, table-rake combined reajiers and mowers and the UNEXCELLED BUCKEYE RAKES. Repairs for all the Buckeye machines on liand. Give me a tall and get my prices before purcliasing a machine. JOHN THORNTON. The best MACHINES. Buckeve. Range on Running Water, fice HaIUU-Vj.N', - Pot Of- C. H. Andrews & Co., -Italur in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, -AND- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST C I GARS IN THE CITY. Wm. Christensen, Wholesale and Retail Hardware. A large and well scl.-cted stock ALWAYS ON HAND. ACORN STOVES. BARBED WIRE at prices to suit the times. Agents for CHAMPION BINDERS AND Mowers. Chadron, - Neb. MBi full, lll,rtr.llf TC?l.!',Ci,l&,nihlS pk, jsassar 2: Joseph Pfost, luler in Farm Machinery, Rear Mowers, Rakes, Cultivators J BINDING TWINE. THE DEEMNG MACHII liEsTlNTIIEMAI.KIX .MACHINE EXTRAS Come and examine my stock bef purchasing. DO NOT FORGET That the firm of CONLEY REIDY & POLUl f Are Here U 8tay und do A STRAIGHT FORWARD , HONORABLE BUSINE5 We would respectfully u attention of the public to the that we are preuirwl to make fann loans in SIOUX, DAWE8 and BOX BUTTE COUNTIES JO on The Most Liberal Term Final proof money udvauccd Without Extra Charge. Ll Offlw busing will receive KPBf lAL ATTENTION Contests Initiated, PROSECUTED or DEFEND HingH niade and jou the adv KMifrrul Urn buicw traii-aded. We lliIt'f lUltilge of HCVw-ul u.,,-...f.,l nu l bwf" U,e ,;nil,1 Mts Land Ollice. Will nl do A Locating Business. Collection, made on ail . Ajhnu.u turtlM? ,cni- P'led. lJo your butdiieso Where Business is Done Wh i r e. a' Cr!4 lea -I K. !' t. W ill tl .,4 ivmari Ki-T'-i'1 l ii; aiit -T.f the re -A Uw f t" itrftl! j -Ti' fan V- aj. hay. Lp w' I -A'yti-t f Jr. .!' I -lii-iifnii Y ;-r,r,t"'iii! kiii..m in i I :Uay I -;,(i f I -A I1" lat. Tin'' I u h iwvl I -A tra Cjf !wt, (r r.j.4 I 1 I I J-Ml II I V lrw it vid.iA I -ILrr, I'jf a Win I fh. So I'KUitry I - St I iilMiillt jliil4l!l I JuV Mack," -r KOTO -l llll ml ft at. It f0 !ai f -irthi, altl llCXtt ii ti tun -In 'lorin.. -'itnct 'entr. I: Nisi ;! In luvc I" ill: -A! it Wl- I'll in pwtor f'n-rt i i-'fllX ( Krne I -l)u tnirijj -Ihi H lTii our old aad new school Iwards? COPY H j a jff """wr' OFFICE ON MAIN STREET HarriQi n 4