The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 18, 1889, Image 4

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MB nmiMil, FablUkara.
The duke of Devonshire has entered
his 82d year in capital health.
Algernon Charles Swixbcrve Las
been asked to write a poem on the
Prince Henry of Battenberg's latest
Henri Matthieu, 101 years old. one
of Napoleon's veterans, died in a
squalid New York tenement a fe
days ago.
Ma rcxvER, of Vineland, N. J., has
eaten an egg every day lor the last half
century. Up to date he has pulverized
I.ozl dozen.
Osf the ground of familiarity with
t rencn, the British Minister and the
Parisian Minister at Washington are
getting quite chummy.
bara. Bernhardt, who, has always
smoitea cigarettes, has now taken to
mild cigars. She remains, as usual,
iona or newspaper puffs.
The queen of England seldom drinks
more than one small glass of wine at
dinner, and afterwards takes a few
drops of good Scotch whisky.
JTEB of the famous English
Jurist, Sir Charles Russell, is an abbess
In California. She is said to be in
every way the intellectual equal of her
aistinguished brother.
Queen Victoria sat for an hour or
two in Hyde Park one day last week.
and a correspondent who saw her says
sne looks red, small, profusely
wriniciea, and not at all amiable.
The attempt of Paris milliners to
render the corn flower popular is re-
nn.t.J V J r
i uave lanea, lor ine reason
that the corn flower used to be the
favorite flower of old Emperor William
Of liermany. .
In remembrance of her good work
for Hindoo women a number of large
photographs of Lady Dufferin, done on
porcelain and handsomely framed, are
being distributed by subscription to
most of the hospitals in India, where
they will be hung up in the wards.
The Value of Short Words.
Does the man say he can not write a
book or article with little words?
Then he is very wrong. If he knows
how many little words there are in the
speech of this land he would not say
that he can not find those small words.
And it may be said that these small
words have more force than the big
words, because the soul of the tongue,
or it would be more fit to say tbe
speech, is to be found in the short
words more than in the long. In this
all the men who write on words think
as one. ihey feel that the very life of
the thing is shown in the short word.
There is no long word that will take
the place of buzz, bang, rough, smooth
keen, blunt, thin. Each of sour, roar,
splash, acid, scrape, cough, whiz,
these words is like the thing which it
sets forth, and so it is more strong and
helps the brain iu its work. If one
were to try to put a long word ir the
place of the short one iu this sense ho
would have to write more than one
word to reach the same idea. Short
words do not drain the strength of the
mind. They leave it free to work in
other ways. The mind is not able to
cope with the thought and the mode of
6peech at the same time. Hence, when
we try to use our mind on two themes
we find that it loses much of its force.
But the chief beauty of the short word
placed side by side with the long word
is that the short word is known by ev
erybody that can read. The long'word
is not Known, only those who study
can know the long words.
If the man who writes does his full
duty to the people who read, he will
write for the great mans of the people.
The man who writes a book, or who
writes for any kind of work or anv
kind of print, should feel that he teach
es as well as writes. Ho should feel
that he writes to put ideas into the
minds of all. How can the mass of the
people get these ideas in shape so that
iney can leel their full sense if they
can not know them? The idea is not
worth the thought Thev can not do
do it. Again, lonr words are. weak.
Short words are stroiifr. There are
some places where a long word shows
the idea more than tho short one. I
will cite to prove this any place where
one seeks to show a largo thought. In
that case a long word is much more fit
than a short word. To show by the
use of a long and a short word: "Stu
pendous" brings to the mind a more
full idea of the thing shown ihan tho
short word "vast," "ma?,iificent" than
"grand," "dLseustinsr" than "nast.v."
but in most cases it is wiser to use the
short word than the loner. The great
writers of the language a,u those whose
works have the charm of simplicity.
1 i : . t i . '
Detroit Free Press.
Capt. Nathaniel H. Falkner of
Maine, although he has followed the
sea steadily sixty years, for forty of
which he has been captain, "never lost
a man, never had a man die at sea,
flAtTAH Inct , t ,
ui a pr ur sail, ana never
called upon the underwriters
go on
Or miraculous escapes from
made by man this deserves to
record: When the Cv
nesia collided in the St Lawrence the
other day James Low, the quarter
master of the Cynthia, was in his berth,
and when the vessels closed for the
second time after the momentary re
bound he crept through the gap iu his
own vessel into that made in the Poly
nesia and thus saved his life.
Dr. Emerson, in his recently pub
lished diary, relates this: "Henry
Thoreau told me as we walked this af
ternoon a good story about a boy who
went to school with him (Wentworth),
who resisted the schoolmaster's com
mand that the children should bow to
Dr. Heywood and other gentlemen as
wiey went, oy. And when Dr. Hey.
wooo stood waiting, and cleared his
Uiroat with a 'hem!' Wentworth said
lou need not hem, doctor, I shan
bowH " .
James Parvon, the historian, being
sued nis opinion of Jackson, in view
of Bishop Potter's use of t.h nh
Jacksonian vulgarity," when charac
terizing the manners of that time, said
"Andrew Jackson was one of the most
majestic of men. He possessed a nat
ural dignity and courtliness which
never failed to impress any one who
ver saw or met him, Louis Philippe
oeciarea Jackson was the most digni
fied man, the most thorough gent)
man he had ever met"
Th Countess de la Torre, who used
lo make herself somewhat obnoxioui
with her tribe of cats in Kensington,
ww Brimming as a small inn at
ueraw s Cross with a flock of goats.
The noble lady, clad positively after
nion oi aneroswoman. in a full
cotton skirt and blouse bodice, roams
we country with her four-footed
friends, sometimes, it is said, even
sleeping among them at night In truly
r i one nas not deserted
berpenohant for cats, of which she
hu Ps large number.
sk John Brlght's since rest
mourners in this country was Edward
J1' mulepinner. at Providence,
. L White a corporal in a British
"fnsm Jnnch fell under the dis-
P""ur of a superior officer, a vindlc-
M7mf sprig of nobility, who
"MH J4 him tried by court-martial
iUi?!?1 10 ta inch's
wut warned to London and told her
MT Bright, who used bis Influence
department so success-
JKarCr. Bright furnished him the
Obtaining hi discharge and
I'-ty mmiI came t tfc
Journalistic Decency Pavs.
If it were true that the viler a
journal is, the greater are its chances
of securing a large and -profitable cir
culation, there would ba good reason
to despair of the world. Human so
ciety would be utterly rotten, and in
an employments scoundrels would
have the advantage. But there is not
in the world an examDle of a newsnn.-
per which has made a largo and per
manent success by catering to vicious
tastes purely. Tho newspaper of
greatest circulation in the world is the
Petit Journal of Paris, and it is pub
lished in the country which has tho
reputation of being most toleranf of
literary indecency. Yet there is no
paper anywhere which is more careful
to preserve a high and pure moral
lone. The circumstance that such a
journal is demanded by the great body
of the French peoole furnishes con
vincing proof that French society is
sound at the core, despite the talk to
the contrary of so manv snrvrfi,.;.,!
observers. When Mr. Bonner's Led
ger was circulating in this country by
the half million weekly it maintained
its popularity by preserving a moral
tone, which made it resnecterl v
teachers of religion generally. The
number of vile journals has rlnpm,i
rather than increased within recent
years, and their aggregate circulatioi
is much less than it used to be. Now
i one un.
' The Man Who IHsagre?.
There are many men in the world
who emulate the gentlemau who rose
at a meeting and exclaimed. "I don't
cire what the motion if, I'm agin it!"
They are "agin" anything and every
thing. You venture an opinion on
every subject, and with "There is
where I differ with you he crosses
his legs and goes off in a mental ram- j
ble as eratic as the a"Ul oi a
without a t-iil.
A knowledge of the subject under
discussion is not necessary; the less he
knows about it the more he talks, and
as he talks, a thick dark weariness net
tles down over his hearers and their
fingers twiehed nervously as though
longing to grasp the hand-piece of a
club and lull the chronic dissenter to
rest The man who disagrees with I different
you honestly and has solid sense w ith
which to back his arguments against
you, is an educator and you draw wis
dom from him. but the man who
always disagrees for the sake of disa
greeing, and who can always disagree
fluently on either side of a question,
bah! He is worse than tho man who
always agrees with everybody.
The man whose disagreement is
chronic, is generally ignorant, and he
thinks by disagreeing, to impress those
around him with a sense of his wis
dom, and therein he fails, for by that
course is his ignorance the more glar
ingly displayed. His menial status is
bound to be found out. as was that of a
bov whose employer Ind occasion to
leave alone in his office a short time.
"Now," said he, "bit down here and
keep quiet; don't say a word; if you go
to talking, folks will find that you're a
fool." The boss had been gone but a
short time when two gentlemen en
tered, looking around they saw the
boy. "Where is Jlr. Blank?" No re
ply from the bov. Again, "Where is
Mr. Blank?" The boy looked at them
but kept silent. Finally one visitor
turned to the other and exclaimed
"That boy is a fool'." A few seconds
later tho man returned and the boy
exclaimed, rattier puzzled, '-Boss, they
found me out and I did n't say a word."
In this case silence did not work extra
well, but in most cases it would cover
H vist amount of ignorance, if the man
who always disagrees would give it a
fair chance. Texas Siftings.
Trio FormertheOnty Ones Used lr
a State of Nature.
Dr. .arah E. Post discusses th
question of cold drinks in tbe current
number of the Sanitary Era. Cold
w;.ter, she says, apparently stimulates
gastrte secretion. It products a tem
porary contraction of the blood vessels,
kite but this is almost immediately loiiow
I ed bv dictation, which persists for a
considerable time. On the otuer nana,
the application of hot water, while it
produces momentary dictation, is
followed by contraction. These are
familiar facts as applied to the skin,
and Dr. 1'ost thinks there is no reason
to believe that the effect upon the mu
cous membrane of the s:omacb is at all
Hence hot waters may ie
beneficial in cases or catarrh l ino
stomach where the vessels are urinat
urally diiated. and contraction is the
first step toward cure. Hot water,
however, is not harmless, and its use
should be regulated by tho advice of a
physician. Dr. Post thinks that the
indiscreet use of hot drinks may have
some relation to the prevalence of
American nervousness. '
As to cold drinks, they are the only
on used iu the state of nature. Ani
mals in winter drink from a hole in
the ice, and children do not care for
hot drinks i:ntil a t iste for tnem is ac
quired. Ices may b found very s. rv
iceable in ra-es of worry and coiifusiiei
resulting from excess of blood in tho
braiu. In such a ease ice-cream, wa- ;
tor-ice, up ice-water may be taken to '
advantage. Where there is a detlcien. ;
cy of blood iu the brain hot drinks an)
Summing up Dr. Post reaches tl
... r i .f
ItClves Birth to Two Limbt and a
Calf-The Family Thriving.
The farmer's of the township of
Tecumseb, in south Simcoe, are great
ly interested at present in a sti-auge
freak of nature which has taken place
in their midst being nothing less than
a cow giving birth to two lambs and a
C"i'he interesting event occurred on
tbe farm of John Henry Carter, lot 4.
eighth concession line, Sunday. April
14 and when the news spread abroad
so many peopl" wanted to iee tho
curiosities that Mr. Carter finally de
cided to get rid of them, and diiowd
of the cow and her progeny to Isaac M.
Cross, an enterprising young farmer of
The animals were removed to Totten
ham and a few days ago the Toronto
Globe was invited to send i:p a man to
see the stock and investigate indeend
cntly the eorrecttic, of tho story.
At a lirst glance the reorter wa
rather disappointed in the latnbd, hav
ing entertained some vague Idfti on
the subject, and hoping to ice a fully
develoiKMl calf with the face of a lamb
or vice ersa. Itut they appeared to
hi uncd urn ted eye to be ordinary
Iamb- and nothing' more. Thif was at
a !ir-t glance. A si!r.e'iiient careful j
examination and comparison w ith other
lambs of the same ago showed a
marked difference. Those of the uti parentage are larger and
coarser, the wool is darker, and in
toward the fK-lt it i like the hair on a
malteso cat; there is a tuft of hair on
tiie breast between the forelegs similar
to that of a calf. The legs are hairy
and the woo! is slightly streaked with
hair. The mouth is dark inside and
IwHm Burial
" urn 1R In .h J:
a "u5
loud waiU. The crying m 1
intervals unlit A-n.
. LagQg
relative rln .
----- -- -u, ui vtutr
Uo up to the time of barm, t?)
says a writer in the Journal a J
can Folk-Lore, has
'I he Moon and Insomnia.
"The most singular case of insomnia
of which I ever heard," said a physi
cian, "is that of a friend of mine in a
neighboring town, a lady of middle
age. With the exception of her pecu
liar insomnia, she is in robust health,
hhe is an uncommonly sound sleeper
in the 'dark of the moon,' but as the
new moon approaches its first quarter
she is attacked with wakefulness. She
can sleep only at long intervals during
the night, and only a few minutes at a
nine, inis Sleeplessness increases
-hu w luning oi the moon, and by
... uuie mai s.tage in tho moon's
uuurse is reacnea she Is unable to ob
win even me slightest slumber. She
.ciuaius in a siato of utter wakeful
ness until the moon begins to wane,
when she eraduallv
again, and is able to sleep longer and
uuuci b me moon disappears. When
the period of dark moon has arrived
she resumes her nnimir. i
rhis condition has prevailed for more
man ien years." New York Sun.
How to Stop an Express.
Suburban Resident "See here i..t
You told me that countrv nla T
bought of you was only thirtv-flve
minutes from the city."
City Agent "Yes. sir.,,-
minutes by express. You remember
when we went out to look at it, the
time was thirty-flve minutes exactly
''But, confound it, sir, the express
trains don t stop there not one of
them, asd the accommnHutinn .i
about an hour and a half."
lou and I went bv exnre.iw nwi u
stopped for us, you know."
since " 1 knW' bUt U ha8n,t BtPPed
"It Will stop if you hire n m.n
your station to buy a through ticket
for somewhere. That's the way I did
tte day we went out."-N,w York
BurniBj of an Historical Ballding.
The old bulldlns- at Charlm v
C, in which Ixird Cornwall!. .!.,.'.,
d business while In this countrv. w
tuned; by an Incendiary last week.
A Cane of Rlieunmf icks.
I stopped at a cabin stuck away in
the pinu forest, about live or six miles
from anywhere to ask for a drink of
water, and finding the man in bed with
his face all plastered up, I naturally
asked if he had met with an accident
"Oh, no," replied the wife as she
handed me the gourd. "He 'un has
done got rheumaticks."
"Not rheumatism in the head?''
"Reckon it's mostly thar, sab."
"I never heard of such a ease," I
continued, as 1 approached the bed.
"Howdy, strancer?" said the man as
ho sat up. "KheumaUcks like this are
pretty common around yere.
"Why, man you have been pounded!
Both of your eyes are blackened! You
don't call that rheumatism, do you?"
That's what I dun call it. I had
pains and aches and I bought two
quarts of moonshine whisky. Sim
Payson, back in the woods, he had
pains and aches, and him cum over to
help drink it
."And you got drunk?"
"Reckon we mought,"
"And had a fight?"
"Reckon wo did."
"And that's what you call rheuma
tism?" 'Stranger, look here," answered the
man, as be got one leg out of bed with
a, groan, "kin you go fur to deciar' that
I d a drank that moonshine firstly if it
wasn't to cure rheumaticks? Tho old
woman and me hev fiirirered on it.. nH
we can't get it to rum out right no
other way, and now if you've got a
pipe ana tcrlmckor I'll stand fur you
agin the hull community till the mule
lays down." Detroit Free Press.
conclusion mat any dictum wnien - Hrl,(,r am, firn(.(. )Mkiag than that of
u,uauweurv ; mai noi uriuas ,-., a j !, ui is frequently thrown
good and hot drmks are bad, or the re- f u.r th(, bu,.k ariur ,he m;fner f a
verse, is absurd, as both are g'Hju iu j v.t
meir pi ace: out mat coir, umm i, a ,M)h ),,,. Thew.
physiological requirement while hot i,,,,,,,,,,,., to HnPXH,rU-nd breeder,
dnnk has its place in the -.reatinent of (f lli(.,iw.hv, ..j,.,,, to pt.ov
pathological eondlt.ons lo which . uUl,lli(.j,v , ,,. ,. regarding
. . I,... i '' ""' i their strange birth. I here is a strong
eoid drinks during the summer wil
found conducive, to both healtl
eouifoi L
I 1.
'I lie Graduation Dress.
And now druweth near the time for
the sweet girl graduate to think about
gelling her dress reitdy for the most
important time in her life, except her
wedding dav.
f f course, a girl is not judged wholly
and at once by her appearance on
graduation day; that would bo absurd.
His not alone in the richness of the
gown, but also in its grace of form,
richness of tint and adaptation lo lie;
occasion, that the observer discovers
beauty and the presence of that subtle
charm variously denominated ele
gance, style and becomitignew. ( f
course, tho graduate wears white, but
there are many shades of white; one
belongs to the rosy maiden, and
another to her paler sister, and one is
exactly suited to tbe plump girl and
still another to the thin one. Tho
maiden of educated taste will resdtly
recognize Urn shade best adapted to
her style. Of materials auitable for
graduating gowns there are many. He.
ginning with the most expensive,' there
are China erope, surah, silk mull,
China silk, bengaline, velontmc
uiniuuere, onncrs veiling with 1
snenea borders.
ilnxnl of their growing to a large
and on tsjlh oi their heads there
are dark spots, indicating a potability
of horns They are at present as large
as ordinary year-old lambs.
The cow is an ordinary, common
grade rod cow. withoulany pretention
to l"siigree. It is kept in tbe next
stall Id the lambs, and inuncfies away
epiite contentedly.
Tin; call, w hich wa born shortly after
the lamb-. aNo in the group, but it
lias not the slightest claim lo distinc
tion, fort ner than the fact that it is
brother i the lambs. All four are
liea 1 1 by and vigorous-looking. Chica
go Times.
of a
Where Most Hen Fail.
How few men there are who can
successfully lay and light a fire. There
are many who are able to lay it and
light it, but the results are usually
painful to the patient housewife.
She may send her husband to the
kitchen in tho morning to start tho
fire, feeling confident that she can steal
a, half hour more of that comfortable
doze which conies only with tv,
but it is an even bet that tho smell of
burning wood will reach her nostrils
sooner or later, and that she will be
obliged wearily to uon her garments
and grope her way down-stairs to the
rescue of her well-meaning but unsue
cessfuu other half, who, with his lungs
full of the odor of burnt wood and tho
smoky tears running down his cheeks
is usually found engaged in vainly en
deavoring to put life into three sparks
with his breath. The only men who
are successful in starting fires are tho
professional fire builders employed iu
the hole, u nnl 41 j:' j
, .. ,lcu hub uruinary wan
becomes a hotel guest and reposes in a
warm couch on a cold morning and
sees how easily the hotel fireman does
the work ho realizes what a veritable
chump he is himselfChicago Her-
ntlllS VfMilur u-ht.
either satin, striped or piain selvedges
Henrietta mohair, challU, cotUm
mull of Hamburg work, plain Im,ll
and a cotton ere on. irimtm. ..n.i
lurkish erepalico. which, while in
expensive, will, if prettily made up
bo as elegant aj any of the richer
materials. Jt is a wrinkle;! etii
As to the shades of whit.. i,.i
with a clear, white cnmnlnvim'. ,'.. .i
with red, may wear becomingly tho
tint known as nearl or .v,i,i w ...
sho with little or no color should
choose ivory or sea-shell white A
smooth, glossy fabric should out bo
worn by a stout girl, for its glare M.
The Noise of '1 humler.
One of the lcst descriptions
common natural phenomenon is
recently given by M. Uirn, in which
he fays that, the sound which is known
a-s thunder is duo simply to the fact that
the air traversed by an electric hp ark
that is, a flash of lightning is sud
denly raised to a very high tempera
ture, and has its volume, moreover,
considerably increased. The column
of ga thus suddenly heated and ex
panded is sometimes sercral miles
long, and as the duration Is not even a
millionth of a second it follows that the
noise bursts at onec from the whole
column, tho lgh for an obcrver In any I
one place it commences when the light- I
ning is at the least distance. In pre-'
cise terms, according to M. Him. the
beginning of the thunder clap glvci u j
the minimum distance of the lightning t
oou ui-j lengui or me thunder clt
nl of V
whiUt Tver in rni.,.l . J
chant, but it lo Z.T
that character: it i. . ..FPli
sion of anguish and grief t1
or cry is lntersper-d with uT,
express the relationship bn
deceased and the in-ntoa
Tbe writer has many fcC
cry of Indian men and m0JV
ecu the tears nr. ., 1
.... . . . """a uieir ciJ
I here is something truly , . .1
lift up their voic-s in the
It Is far from being like ."'j
chant "
When the breath ui.
of the one dying, tho nearest reiJ
such as parent or rhnn v...., 1
sisters, husband or wife, be,!,, J
mad zeal to strip themschet 0, ,
lm.,r Iialr
shorn locks about tho firepiap,
older married women who liar 1.
i n . ' r ""0l1
w bile the vonr.ii- u . .
j p, "".ueu pari
inch or two Voung ,,. u noJ
.... .. uul lQl, 0,d
sbenr I helm hir-t "ii
pull off thetr l.-wlng and mo(,,
and gash the f!eh off their le V
tho knee, lengthwise ud ..
II 1... 1. 1,.. ..I u. . . . -
htti tur- unu UOHS Ire,
while tliey wuil and rail upon the
j tie young men remove t!i(,jr u
mid inni'n. I u .....I ..i ... .. .
with a sharp knife until the blood
fast from thn wounds. oi(j
do not scarify themselves.
With every new arrival. nh
the i-rson b.i of near kin o- not
wauiiiK siaris utresh. Iiy thii ,1
'""'"" u crying, uie excit.ffl(nt
grief, and tho pain of Komi
relatives become exhausted before
lime lor mirial nmves. ami unable
( niMMo a NKm .
, i .... i , it.rt i . . ,
lapiaeeu m a ,jt,
jHisiuoti lacing the ea.t, ,( dre,
in gain (wiiimc, ornainentf are
upon the hair and person, and u,
- i.4 ii w-i in me
manner a-s tne Jlutiga it, the certmol
i me sact-e.i jupes. this in, if th
ceased lHongi?d to one of tiio (.or
owning a sacred pipe, ' (, ..jall
keiuiue," a thi m.sle of paiuting
called. W done by pu'ming the en!
tacereu wuu vermilion; then a bhi
line aimui tiie hrealth of th? lj:
finger i itmrked acros, the fo,
horizontelly and down lutth rheekii
meet a lino drawn across th et.
thus forming a fwjuare. A ochut 1.
naru from tho one aero tho to
iienn nn tuns along Urn nowi to ii
nouit. I his l-lai k pltn ! muit
.a i i . .....
that ' n pn-pareo tat. 31 en. wnai
ana cniitiren h"iongms to the Vni
hatan (sacii-d pipe owners) gpnlej
ir tnoe. wiui a few cxccpUoM. a:
ited in this manner.
Why Cuttle Arc Silted.
Why do farmers salt their roll
Not every farmer, re mane the Amen
can I'a;ryninn, knows why he does i
unless it is because) the slock like
and then goes on U nv; A momcci
thought will how where tho advu;
age lies. As soon ms the fixxl enU"f
the stetnach. the natural tendency
at once for fermentation to bejin, tsi
them arises a rontest Iwlwepo this
tendency nnd the digestive potreri
And, if these powers are vigoroui, U4
tlio process of fermentation it ciiecitfdl
givoi us the lenvnh of the eniiimn tr 1 or intercepted, then no bad resist
also remarks that when a flash of iitmt- ' ,vi!1 fo"ow' 11)0 f,Kd wi'l digwted.
He 'look tho Hint
"Yes, Jennie," siid theyoung lady's
beau as he clasped her small hand in
his and gazed lovingly into her melt
ing eyes, "although I'm in comfortable
circumstances now, I've seen tbe day
when I ve been hard pressed "
"Indeed!" sho said.
"Yos. indeed, pretty hard pressed."
"I don't remember." oho ...i.u .
shy look "of over having been hard
She was a moment ufi,. u .
Not 80 Lucky the Second Time.
A man at Belfast. Me., irot . h!r f,.n
the other day whllo shingling his barn,
but escaped without injury. His son
was away at the time, and on his re
turn the old gentleman told him about
the accident, and in trvin i
lu,t. hof 1 happened fell from tbe
.vu. tins ume DreaklniraW
: i
Men are never well "dosIm!" t.j v..-
they are lamp ported early in the moralng.
Merchant Traia
Very Peculiar rop-Corn.
A few weeks ago a party of you,,
people-threo or four couples, perhws
-among whom were a party of medi.
P.fll dftlflnnta ..O .1 . 1
V , ' a;"u(;u 1 "pop-corn
ciaoio ata icauin? chureb
they came n ,
nmde and carried oJt, thtZ" b
should tako away some of the p J
in their pockets, since the yom "
women were not provide, with s h
receptacles. As tho parly stroll . 1
down the street in couples ,ho t '
nine membors of it helped themselves
rom the pockets of their c,!,T
first of tho young ladles finally bit Z
on a fragment which was Ik trem
bard and unyielding, ad w hich " l o
threw away. Shortly sho found a co
I iK i ( "uw, hI1 rcmarlcod:
nlntr ktrilr..B j ,
; v.ira Kiuun 1, h is not nec
essarily from the place struck that the
first muse is heard. Again, he points
out that a bullet whistles in traversing
the air, m that we can. to a certain ex
tent, follow its flight, the same thing
also happening with a falling meteorite
just before striking the earth. The
noise actually hoard has been compar
ed to the sound produced when mi9
n front of the projectile,, whether bul
ct or meteorite, quickly rushes buck
U fill the vacuum left in the rear
health Clmiigeg Hands.
J orty years ago you could count the
millionaires of New york on tho
in.'rsofnehad, and the posses
fli:ilf a milium and a o,ln.. ...
III! Ion u-.... r "
..... . "' 'u5tl w the
i.v me gn-atest
weretiiet, J,,.
As tor
of thtt frt
bv U. " .
the Hl,i..t...,, -- "'.) csanu ami
- -r, aim tile
fmnllU. ' ' "".''nlvy. The
and salt will not !o mwdwl. though i
nny time this will assist In the prtw
of digestion. .Sail keeps food frooi
caylng until It can be digwlJ Mt
iissimilated. and prolongs tlw Hat to
Uiow the digedtive organs tocomptet
their work; and if fmxl is takes in f
cess, as often hapjwtm when hoc I
In pasture, salt given freely will be 4
Hutch njlvnnhun, ,.rl further, g&lt !l
a Iirevenutivo of worms. W'bea H
mentation wtn in, the condiu'ons wt
favorublo to the existence of worm!!
tho intestinal canals, and mF
be. engendered by the prow too
soquently it should be s rule wia
stoclcrnen to keep salt Mlore wcr
catllo. or within reach wtwnioej
it, and tho cattle will obey the
matids of nature and supply tlie tm1
a needed
or actually pfw,.
y were
"t pride themselves
e oil
Hieir tlifscetitaert ,.1 . t
..,. ... 'M'. ' "'"lively
... .... .,,, h,lfJ remarked; -Tbi,.nIevo,.eJ
ureo I boy were parsing m,d,.P ,.n
ing, "W by, what is it .n. -e .
young man teok it without ,.i
mat the medical student who t.L i. 'A
ave declined
1'wk down
Iron t
was speechless with ' iair' The
latter recovered in time to xpla ,?
gravely, when called upon that i 1
one of the small hones t ih Th .. M
fool. He did t add howivoThat
pocket a few mom t te "
young ladies did not eat. , Z '
i-corn ll,..T Or
"'Oliojr Argus,
-'. the M
the pop-corn.
One or '1 bou sands.
The rlaer-"! can't understand il t
really cant. Hm,s V01) eft a -
able home In Kurope and camo to t J
country because you wante.1 k
own landlord, vet Z "..,'d J-'"ir
His U..1. y0 Wi
Hit nr.,.lt . . w"
with th., v
A Mirror of Your Mind.
Starting from tho word Washington.
write 1W words just as they occur
you. a-X the WH-ond word be theo
which Wasblnirton naturally WW
J ' t 1 WTTR. tit ' ' " 1 " ,
It itinv m rireBldent. Take tbe f
Whiei, t1l ,.,..... Il., vmir IClnd
tho sarai manner let the third wordh
suggested by the second, thefourta "?
tho third nnd so on. Ho careM J
tbo third word is not suggested
both the first and second. Urop
first entirely, and let your Bi.r
from tha sMviml alone to tne w
tho inere.a W,..i . Ilavlnir wrill.n this list of word
. ...111 t " . ... ..!( v
, 1. , . will nnvja rttn ii.,..i viiiiiik.1'
cneap out very useful mirrer v. -mind.
If vou are unable W um
mirror, you may discover ?
erious defects in your meBfZ
cesses. You mav discover tnlf.
think along certain lines too fwjw
!y. You may discover that you "
uing superficial principle "7
much, to the neglect of more loPr
nt laws of mind. You will lhu "
I . J . , . . , .! .,.l,fl tLAU 1
" niiiu illl 1 11 i"
ennmnin. Ilna nt thought
more philosophical nature-M 'lbuf
Whit In tho Cbautauquan.
peenmary im,w,tnee durtag
tast eentuty, while others, Z
hewuitary claim, ' T n
"i me matter of wealth For n,J
part tho wealth , Tt "V F ll).e 1
vnains. with ,i" t.Vw h(:r It !
(' imiHirut vol., ..i. .. .
UP a now rin of rirh mhMcom
1'om the older J, k m,in- "'ae
(;oe U-tu 1J Astorg.
Taylor estate and
'"any others ar B, .1 . eUlfl '
" into the h,i v'5 f.ft,th
me who
hair and
for a dinivShm,'.-! u.V. m0le
aon t you go west, wh
land for nothing f.M
your pastoral h..m. 'k to
New Arrlval-.-The west iV .
to walk, and Eurooe i. , U.m ht
swlm."NewTorkTeeily,0 Ur
whttthe grows np.lW! tart"
mo .'ftrner iu , "" over ther In
it. -en - "That feow v
w,"ih'. "isde ita gooT m ' on'
1 H" A on a inn,. mftn Wm.
of ti0 izz?: ni
Un""i by the - w t two llon
" flocking to th" All u,a
Thi. Ww Public Printer'
Mr. ralmer came to Cbi(S" f.
187.1. and was tne managing
the Inter Ocean up to th tamm
1876. Previous to this he bsd w
At. .l- i c.i. UnwlsUir '
bad been member of Congre ,
the ftos Moines district. M'Vhiesi
was appointed postmaster of
In 1X77 i1 ... ierl nlffht vesr ' ' '
to the satisfaction of the public '
office of public printer call ,or T, -
Order of conscientiousness a
well '
high order of cnpDieo - (hj
onn particulars Mr. rsim-- "
reqnlreraonU. Chicago Inter