The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 18, 1889, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal
:n"0. 4
sjorx muvn
lfi)tcr-w. I'roprMois.
jia Tll.
Jj). V. Rv.f 1'axwnger.
11 . m.iK i
Harrison ul s:.t r. Jl.
jj, at tin Ranch Hn)ijily
i 1.. . . .. I I . i ,n.t n r- I
f an,! triminimr at cost
irif.intniilat -nlarging
L.lrm lno'i soon.
il Insist -pin. Owner (an
annR f'ir this notk.
LnirlTlK "" niy u win
ban at once tlicre wjn im no
Mictuki. HninNEiui.
iw ready for busine.-
gid h hue. 1 1 carl al-
m tin" first room north of
iSurptv an aco-ptanie Donii
and ia releawd. The
Vi Ins wife, Mary hliay, on
i Hark, who lives neor Mont
ico stria k I iy lightning l:wt
.it. Tlie liw falls hmvily on
ttc could illy afford the mis-
Atty. Holmes Ami f
t'liadron Tuesday, '
nf. C. F. H..I,
ville hurt M.ind.v aml h;,
li-.'0O. Tl. . ,.
rBoneal"'e junction
; ana hpn,..; creeks, the same as
I H fool smn .1. . .
ih 1 , i,r,. ' m --. . 1,8 i ..n.t.. ,..: . uu lhe
'"nr a u u ... . 1 wit- IKMir.t iln,lr ..a mi
., 1 ,r1' ie next is a
Julius Palmer l.-......' . . I. ... ., " ' v a,TOSS the Sowbelly, known
. . IIT III llf. II W t lPhn,.tl J1 .
iirikwo i . kikiiui ... .1 ... . . "-11. 'i"rni''e. 1 iih s a an
ItMsl,! In 41...
lrtnii,l ..( T,,.. 1 will! d
1 ' 1 1 nr. J
Jlon. Herman Wontov
m. oilin, of Onl
tlrttt of the Hk.
. . .iik-i, 1 11K. , IO ll
01 wttk
trt Hl)d Hn C.
in Uiurin the
V fill-
IP Wi a i-("mi,l,.
4 Verity will I
ny 'Outy!
iti tniHsauppr.rt,, and sto,ie but-
IMIK tost tl. ,.oun,y .-(.-)0
Tlx-n we visits tin. bridge across A
creek, which is the S(,e as those
HPS I it-w'.l ....1 .
,,. . ' " ,oot sl" and
i lien there
rose, the
" fwt. and
san and st
is the bridge at Montr
p.'in and apjiroaches aggregate
and it cost 11m r,im,
... ....n, 7iiv.
WearRnotwell verw.1 i U,e building
'f 1-ndges. but it would seem that if a
IindL-e Mi t,ft ln.r ,;,i.
; . a trussed RjKin
-Nwwthetirnelow.hvrilforTHKi ,1C,'l'l''r'''Hll(J1,eb,li,lf',r a little less
r m
no not fail tytakend
combination filler.
viuit.ige of our
- C. S. WmUwortb i moving nut
HIS 1 I. HII) MtUlllWlHtt Of
tow n.
'High f'riKr rigantaretliH
niarki-t found at tl I!.;s-
fif II K. 1
'ot is nc:ir.
in and i ouite an iinnrnvu.
lie sft
will 1
lx-st in the
Tlie new bun
ing foinpht
itn-nt to that irt of town.
All iKi-diintu due me must
thil by July Kith or the name
put in tlie haiuls of a collector.
A. Hart.
We are still on il k and ready to
make you the heit terms in tlie matter
of a loan nn vour f irm
kafnr ort on tlw new county Ky lmy &
lit mr. a owed inn flOO on i,
iiay ieiii.!iiir mat tonley,
Ri-idy 4. l'cdlanl are alwayi nady to
make you a hsui on the mo-.t reavinable
Tlie new cottage of Nelson Pollanl
on hi claim just north of town will soon
lie ready for occupancy. This is one of
1... ....f.... . : - l I .. i- .1.
mi on last Friday evening at ". 1 ,w n lMe
larwe of U 1L (iriswold wa a 1
L affair. Tlie tlnvnU-ning K-irH from all over the stale show
tluit Iwavy sloniis were prevalent last
Friilay ami Saturday. Tlie result is thai
Home damage was done and some lives
lost. There was alvj a vast amount of
good done by the rains.
Tlie recent rains all over tlie country
tell kiF cheap tlwy will nell I liava b;n ris eivw! with joy by the poo-
ney have a well nelertod I pin. The j,T)i- in now growing finely
dry piod, staple ami fancy ro- ard the pin- t is l-tter tlum it was a
caa furnisli yon with just I few days ago. S.une lields of grain are
lunnt Call and ne them. lunch ilamagul bv the dry wi-atlHT, but
Wof our people obji.-t to tin the proxped for corn never was ln-tter in
pa.. Tliw question lias had to this f ountv. Tin- oats SHlfereil more
V3 UM in almost every- town I tlian any older kind of crop, hut in some.
te. Too much cars cannot be Iix alilies thev will make a fair crop yet.
In another column appears a notice
that if you liavo friends in the east whom
you wish to induce to come to Sioux
county, all you Iwive to do is to drop a
postal turd to J. II. Urn lianan, Omaha,
nwrtw of the vilhiire br.l of V,.K . irivini.' him their name and address,
l W. R. Smitli wan nntsiint- L,n,l M will .-n,l them readine matter
the vwjift v, and elects clmir. I ..,(,:. A il... hfinpsl eciirsionsovr
Smith omrtit
.-.r,T, n 6,n" I lll l.lKlioril nn '"
r UaU1,tlie laws of tlie mund trio as much as the ordinary
f. re tly Hiforefd. He lias one wav. .Vow is the lime to work
" "'lt'wn"iUfu,t ami
meeting of the county Ixxird
tM. J. Carroll presented a
V :ani nnoweu iiiiu uu i
mi .'iu for extra work.
Ofl'.nut has len let for tin;
UihetVvetine 4 Northern to a
mtii tlie Wyoming Centrul at
I'iass. Tins is about as close
read will come to this place for
af the weather Hiused many tol
bonie, but tliose who 1kjI the
of wetting were retid for tlie
oiler column ttpijcars the hew
it of fiosa & Tlioiiiiison. in
lmit the tern hie elfs Is of
tutts. Better kill all the dogs
pot human life lost by hy-
V PvmIi has resigned as dmir-
a bridire with
no iip,roa. l.s and only a 36 foot-trussed
-n could 1 built for i,;ss lhan $15
lineal foot, and also, if the above could
I adjusted, the bridges with no work in
lhe line of trusses or aooroaches ouebl
! 10 '"''It for less than S.33 or 10 ier
"ai lout, lhe commissioners have
the right to hold out. until the work is
done to their satisfaction. If this is
done and the commissioners insist on
(,'ettingagood job, a large amount of
work would need to be done on the two
larger bridges, fr the joints are in had
liaie. There is a chance for the timbers
of the truss to slip and then the strength
oi lhe bridge is gone. The rods whi
hold the truss together have only
large washer, instead of an iron plate,
sucn as we are used to seeing on bridge;
which reaches over the different parts of
me joint and leaves no chance to slip,
The plan of the bridges as on file in cons
ly clerk's olllce are very meagre, so that
the contractors had but little to guide
them, and we could find no record o:
an agreement which stilted that the
work should lie done in a good and work
man-hke manner. We found a bond
given by the contractors but it did not
contain that point, so it is only "subject
to the approval of the board." Now
that the finances of Sioux county are so
low it is no more than right and justice
to all that the county board insist that
the county receive full value for every
dollar jiaid out. At the meeting of the
hoard last Monday the Knott bridge
was accepted and also the one at Grew
ell's, togetlier with the Ave culverts.
Hie bridge across Antelope is to be so
clanged as to comply with the survey,
and the Montrose bridge is to receive
more supports. There apiears to have
been a little negligence on the part of all
and it is to'lie hoped that for the general
good more care will be exercised in fu
ture. Too much care cannot lie used
in iruardimr the interests of the
count v.
me follow ing from the Danes County
'7 m regard to one of the citizens
of Sioux county.wil! be of interest to
readers. The Jocrnal wishes the newly
manual couple long life and luippiness:
c A,rie BaItist parsonage, bv the Rev.
W. Read, Juiy VMh lim -Mr H L
Bryant ami Miss Edith Batclielder. Mr.
onant is a resident nf fVi.L- Vol.
while the bride is just from London.'
miuuier example ol IaiUilulness
we t..r ,.w ..(! ers I here is tilciuv u room
iwl work oa hi part jn sioux county for all your friends and j Kendall lost ll.O
naiiiMt nf wi. i.. -.j. I :t .n .,,iu in the effort much good 'or
W wish to iriut ... i il, .i,nl i nn li nccomnlished,
, - -";vii til hiiij t'"-"""v - i
JflZ&rw I.,;.,.. . f i - t..m I.mI u,ml
... vuiu jn, , if.. I n...ri.w.i riiiH in.ti,..i "i'i- " ---- ... .
WW L: Z Z. CLm ,he information lie asks and let; H. Beans lost four p,gs, Ins harness and
Eit!m a li " , , f (1.,..f,nuiol- stable. J. Arnsburger lost his spring
.l,.rivl from the che;ip harvest excur-
wn jIiiwoi.m vti.
P.Vb.,tltl may send
. --...iive io tM one-
Bosrirj FlfMsl.
July 12lh heavy clouds in northwest
came up slow and at 12 o'clock the rain
came down with some hail. Between
twelve and one the Boggy creek was t
river sweeping everthing liefore it, trees
Efs ii ml drift of every description, in
cluding lumlier, fence posts and wire,
.000 shingles, some lum
ber and the carriage track that they run
. . . i i r 1.:.,
lit mil Mm nil"'"- - - -
Mr Uu-'friends lost a line mare by drowning.
On Jul v 13th a complaint was filed in
the office of county clerk by Oeo. Walk-
. r aW, ef ftn rIw;Ujr an( t,,,, agamst
nwrfcy eveni, tt0le tit- E. I). Satterlee, as county attorney.
fltfi? a pim..,u . . ... -.i i aiitui rtf rnon-
charging mm wiuiura...K - , " 'n
ey amounting to i-tween fW)and0Ofl
from the county to which he was not
entitled, and also dunging' him with
bringinjf suits in the name of the state
and afterward failing' to prosecute the
. l. r-.l nt
- . w reiKirt ul Uitf cuum v vmuuuw" i
i un ru.. t . -------
klllif..1 iiuiinr
tr T " wit of the survey-
r oav completed tlir work.
r- -- xmerlee.C.F. Sling-
I rammonu i,.
I y laws fur.
liavandthe himlsT for his barn and
some milk vessels. Mrs. Conley lost
. . ii t in.
ilk vessels and fence, it cieareu me
1 r nil fencinir where ever it was
00 fcxt Saturday evening. acts. The commissioners usl
HHr an otl vertisement 'x'"'1 for t)e v"n
iked tliat a
before the case
'esjDKil,! u .
- ptatum aiklor-
"iial int
Urn In, . , i
growing in l.mnlaril ,
j..i, una piuce as
or the,
luim in
fin,. x ,
1 M. liinleV am;
. . n -: : - , (Jt.0,
. "inuiu iah in 4J"lv' A. .L niPi (,r
u,n tlou,i , ,. nn a trip to the north part of
'bk Lr-r'": : ti, f u tr
a .uTT" 'T- " uouuueu v ,1 which runs to
" " tweflU to be de- was over tnu c...t " .
lrk well wortb the UkoU line. The road olloj
A IronH in ., .... I:,... fnuii (Im3 foot hills, Willi m0
Ifoi.Kj "wwHOu Ol mis "' . . ,re it
I'oumJ ,., i- , , , , tw0 oluces where
OUt y.i.1 . . . . . .. .l. rnmrh nla. a'10
- innil to trees at swings .u - - . .ju
y ami ik . - i ....I ,m soon as a nn
nmilt la Ut Uiey nwme a gisr.. - ,.iVei-ts put
(Inn fc.... - . ' i: i. .1... and a few culeiis iu
" " ii vwm, n ..,,. W l i h were
lit. mere u
. . a. IVhillU'V ttt '
put in uy Murpiy '
. . i .I...,
i .. I. .w.i.H vl e are lllioiinw
su.:li ls,nd will lie llM hef the bianl
n,t ELmin o tliat the matter can be
heard. We do not Isdieve in try.. a
case in the ncws,.pers so we will express
. . ...:n il.u fW'tn in tlie
m.inifin IillL Will K"
cse as they are develop! in the proceed
-On last Sumlay The JolWAL man
aocomm,l a parly c-onsisliw of Un-
. M. fiinleV and MolTIS, E. V.
--. w. Hn roam uusiiietw
to 1 ...
mattr and aw Uit a
found until it emptied into Hat creek.
Mr. Price's and Thos. Holly's pasture
fence was torn asunder and now Greger
imi. drift wood, wire, trees, logs, shing
les, enough and to spare. The paature
lields are laid open to t"ree range. W.
Houthworth's fem e 'is torn up and
stretched out around trees and, stumps
or hu.gled into a drift pile. Holly lost
two acres of wheat and a part of his
corn lavs Hat on the ground. He also
lost noma lumber-2,000 feet, and his
corral, shed and yard fence was torn
away and an out house carried one hun
dred yards. The bridges are all gone on
the creek. ve Poinla Jim creek got
up and tore out tlJWaah and some fem e
but did not bring down the drift wood
like .( "uson S"1 " ,7
He wont have to toie any u.. ...
ernow Mr. Daniels scooH in all
kinds of vessels, barrels, tubs buckets,
wood, lun.ler,undsoitwa.sallthe way
,wn the creek. No one was drowned
in the flood.
Crops have revived since the
Friday. Corn is growing' very
. :.. ..iLinirinLT Color.
wlieai is w".B"-n .
chang'inB f'T 'e bctWr b,,t Were U ?
STtobaWnadn..-. Mdlet do
ig well, flax the awne. PoUtoaa-tha
minOxil them for a good crop. No
' . j lAnlia a cron of
more rain is neeueu w
the wsl corn.
Tliere are two men ai
. . , 1 f..r
are loosing u.
ng a separation of several years.
Fatal Cloud Burst
un last Friday night a cloud burst oe
curred on Soldier ( reek, in the east part
of Sioux county, and it extended' to por
tions ol lioggy creek, but was most se
vere along the first mentioned stream
A man by the name of Marsh Dunkin,
nwlj.l ,. .. .. ,
""mnijip, wmr ins wiie ana live
children were camjied on the bank of the
creek. Wlien the storm came the father
put his family into the wagon and took
tlie wagon to what he thought was a
place of safety. Hut the storm was great
er than he exacted and the Hood swept
wagon, family and all down the hill
Mrs. Ininkin and two of the children were
saved, but Mr. Duncan and three of the
children were drowned. Word was sent
Coroner Andrews and he left Saturday
afternoon for the scene. He had lieen
called by the people there w ho desired
that he see the bodies and report. He
held no inquest as there was no occasion
for it and simply made his report. It was
a sad case and it is hoped that our county
will not be visited by any more such
storms. The unfortunate family had
but recently came from Iowa.
rain of
fast and
Oats are
" WtAiiitf. Sow it
- .... .... II. A num in
to the county of fl.w- ' , sit0 to suit.
brHiK, acros, Sowlxdly. a loo u.-y " . , .. VVuLD Wt3T,
with stone b..tmei.H;!!!!r ',('f wh,chi- . '
Roads from the Valley.
r.ver since the writer lias been ac
quainted with Sioux county the question
of a good road from the north part of the
county to Harrison has been discussed,
A short time liefore we moved to Harri
son, during a business visit to Omaha
we culled at the headquarters of the F.
E. & M. V. railroad and in our conversa
tion with the officials- we mentioned the
road matter and asked if such a thing
could be done as to get the management
to assist iu getting n good wagon road
across the pine hills. We were informed
that such work was out of the general
line, but they desired that we look the
matter up and report to them after we
had an opportunity to see what was
ueedwf. -A few weeks ago we forwarded
to headquarters a map showing the lav
of the land, the course of the line of rail
road and the elevation of tlie country
On last Friday P. Whitney, president
of the townsite department came to Har
rison and spent some time in looking up
the condition of affairs. On his return
to Chadron he met Capt. Ainsworth
chief of engineers, and talked the matter
over with him, and next morning he tel
egniphed us that Capt. Ainsworth and P.
E. Hull were coming up on the train and
for us to meet them at depot. The re
sult was that the chief surveyor was in
structed to stop here on his return from
Douglass and do the work we desired
It was thought that it could be accom
plished in a couple of days.
The surveyors arrived on Monday and
that evening took a drive down Sow-
telly canyon and up over the road laid
out bv trie county commissioners. On
Tuesday a good deal of work was done
with a view to getting a road up Sow
belly a part of the way and then out a
side canyon, as recommended by Sheriff
Pfost. Here a road could be made with
grade of five feet to the hundred feet,
but it would run through a good deal of
rock so that it would be considerable ex
pense. the otner places were noi looseu
up on account of lack of time. The sur
eyors had to go to Chadron on Wednes
day to do some work and Mr. Chapman
was not satisfied with what lie had ac
complished and is in hopes of gettin,
orders to return soon and look the matter
up in detail.
The question of a good road is of vast
importance to the jsjople of this place as
well as those in the north part ot the
county, and a grand effort should be
made to get one. If the company show
a disposition to assist in the matter the
people ought by all means to unite and
do all in their power to second the advan
ces of the company. It matters not
where the road comes so that we get a
good one. We will give no opinions in
regard to the various routes but will
wait until we get a report of the work
of the surveyors and then tell our read
ers just how they look at it. If the com
pany is going to put any money into it
they will want to put where it will do
the most good, and the people of Sioux
county can well afford to let them have
their own way so long as they pay for it.
The fact that no public money can be
had for this purpose until after July 1,
1MIM), puts the tact liefore us that the
money must be raised by private sub
scription. We hope the jieople north of
the hills will take tlie matter in hand
and get organized so as to tell what they
will do, and that the business men of
Harrison will begin to take hold of the
matter with a view to putting money
into tlie work whenever and wherever
the railroad people decide. . Now is the
lime to riutle and all lUstle together, 4
And a Big Stock and Lowest Prices,
Griswold & Marsteller's
This it the time to buy barbed wire CHEAP. We have just received a CAB
LOAD and it will pay you to buy it now. Tours for business,
Ranch SUpPllf H0uSe.
Harrison, Nebraska.
Call and see us.
ee Here!
New Store,
New Goods,
New Prices,
Will sell you goods for cash and save you money as the
Following Prices Will show.
Pacific fobe prints, 5 to 6 worth 7 and 8
Charter Oak ". 5 to 6, worth 7 and 8
Old Time 8, worth 10
Simpson satin finish prints 8, " 10
Simpson linen finish prints 7, " 10
Extra wide German prints 12$ " 15
Turkey red Damask - 60 " 75
Turkey red Damask - 40 " 50
Summer dress goods - 12J " 20
Imported sateens - - 16 " 20
Fine Victoria lawn - 10 " 15
Fine lace curtains - 1.25 " 2.00
Fine Turkish bath towles,
per pair, - - 45 " 75
Summer veiling 15 to 20 worth 25 and 85
. 9i sheeting - - - 27 worth 85
We have a large and complete stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes,
In fact,
Every thing usually kept in a gen
eral store. '
Rosa & Thompson.
. "if.
V witl t'..V'. -
i, i . .