The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 11, 1889, Image 6

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    The Sioux County Journal.
PuHihed every Thursday.
SuU-riition Price, $2.00
1- J. Simiimus - Editor.
F.ntorwl at the Hairi-scn post office & eo
o: i rla., ikatter.
For some time just tlie quarters oc-t'-::iieJ
by TiiE JocRSAL liave been un
ccinfortably crowded and tlie projirietors
determined to get into some place la.rj,'e
t-r.ough to accommodate tlie increasing
business. In order to do this they re
cently purchased the lot and building ad
joining the Bank of Harrison on tlie
corth and have removed their office and
material to that place. The Juvenal
now occupies the room formerly used by
M. Brack as a shoe shop and also tlie
"oom north of it, which makes them
very pleasant and comfortable quarters,
had will give The Journal boys a better
chance to get out tlie best (taper in
northwestern Nebraska. We are pleased
with the maimer in which The Journal
is received and the substantial encour
iement the people are giving the paper
and hope to merit a continuance of the
same. The people of Sioux county may
r?st assured The Journal will continue
to improve as rapidly as tlie develop
inent of the county will warrant, and
t-'iall strive to hold a plai-e in the front
lank of journalism.
Remember our combination offer as ad
vertised in another column, and call and
drop two dollars into our till and get two
papers for the price of one.
We invite all to call and see us in our
E2W quarters and get acquainted with
us and then you will know better vhat
kind of people we are.
If you have any items of news that
v ould interest the readers of The Jour
nal, do not hesitate to send it to us.
We want all the news we can get.
Last Vfir tlie value of tlie com, oat and
wiieat crop of Nebraska was ts-timated
by tlie agricultural bureau at about Itfty
million dollars. The juwpects are that
this vear the crop will be even greater.
Tlie state militia is taking steps for
holding tlie regular annual encampment
as directed by law. The great cut in
tlie appropriations ratlier dazed tlie mi
litiamen but they apiar to be rallying
from tlie shock and petting ready for
doin:; wluit the law savs tliey sidl
Congressman llorsey is reported as
saying tliat Gov. Thayer will be a can
didate for re-election, and the Governor
says tliat Dorsey seems to know more
about it tliau he does himself. The in
dications are tliat there will be a long
list of candidates for tliat position when
the time comes.
Lincoln set to work to liave a big 4tJi
of July celebration and tlie result was
highly satisfactory. When the people
and business men of Lincoln take it iuto
their heads to do something for the town
every one takes hold in earnest and the
result is that success crowns their ef
forts. In unity there is strengtlu
Ileorge O. Joa making aJiotlier ff
fort to re-orgaui tlie old greenWk
party. We sui--J the rag baby finan
cial delusion laJ t-u.-l to exist, but it
appears vhat seme folk t'U uiouro
for it
North Iakota i seriously considering
the advisability of having tlie Wgi.-Jature
of that state f ouist of a single house
elected by a vote of the people. Now is
a good time for tliat young sUte to try
tliat kind of an exjierimeiit
A party of fifty comjiosed of members
of the state press association and their
wives left Omaha last Saturday for the
long talked of trip to Puget Sound. They
will have a pleasant trip and return to
their homes better preiared tlian ever to
furnish the best newsjiujier service any
state in the union enjoys.
Elsewhere in tliis issue appears a call
for a meeting of the people interested in
advancing the welfare and prosperity
of Harrison and Sioux County. It will
be noticed that the call is signed by a
number of the leading citizens of this
jdace and no one to whom the paper was
ahown declined to put his name down.
Every one in the place, without a doubt,
y.'ould have signed it but it was not
thought necessary to burden the call
vith more than enough to show that it
vas backed by the general public. The
meeting is to see if better roads from
the valley cannot be secured; to take
(.he initial steps for forming a county
agricultural society and to discuss any all matters, tliat may properly come
before the meeting, for tJie advance
ment of the commonwealth. As tills is
tiie first meeting it is hard to predict
v.liat action will be taken, but it . is fair
to presume that a general public meet
ing will be called at an early date, at
an hour which will enable the farmers
to be present and participate in the de
liberations. The matters which will
come before these meetings are of vast
importance and it is hoped that all will
take a proper interest in them. To
those who live too far distant to attend
we would syggest that they send in
written communications containing
their views on questions of special inter
est to them. Any such communications
addressed to The Journal, until a secre
tary is elected, at least, will find its way
to the attention of the meetings. Now
is tlie time to act and let us act all to
gether. Let nothing stand in tlie way
of an earnest, united effort for the gener
al good. If we expect to prosper as we
should this is the way to get the matter
started. Don't wait for some one else to
make the start, but put your shoulder
to the wheel and push the chariot of
prosperity and wealth all over ' the lim
its of our county. The reports of the
growth of other places is all the evi
dence needed of what can be accom
plished by united effort and let us prolit
by the example of others.
Ex-Granger Van Wyck lias recently
purchased another piece of real estate in
Washington, paying therefor -". s0 ier
square foot, the highest pric e ever paid
for residence projierty in the national
capital. He is reported as intending to
build a much liner residence thereon
than the one he now owns in that city.
We are in receipt of a copy of tlie olli
cial program of the 7th annual Nebr aska
State firemen's tournament which will
tie held at Red Cloud July 16th to 19th
inclusive. Much work and exjiense has
been expended to make this tournament
the most interesting that lias ever been
held in the state, and it is exjiected tliat
a good time will be enjoyed by all.
The naval department has decided that
the flag containing forty-two stars will
not lie the legal flag until July 4, 1890.
The law says: "On the admission of a
new state into tlie union one star sliall
be added to the union flag, and such ad
dition shall take effect on the fourth day
of J uly next succeeding such admission."
Tlie result will lie that all flags used
on the government "buildings and vessels
will have but thirty-eight stars for about
a year longer.
In Fall River county, Dakota, the com
missioners have been doing a good deal
of ring work and the jieople are getting
tired of it and the prospect are that news
will come from that place in tlie near fu
ture that the county board is in rouble.
The Oelrichs Advocate is showing up the
actions of the board in a manner that
will cause the members thereof to put on
their thinking caps before they get the
county into debt much deeper. When
oflieers go about so far the people are
pretty apt to fall a halt, and that, too,
in a way in which the officers ivill understand.
W. C. Halsey's refignatiou as general
superintendent of the F. E. & M. V.
took effect on July 1st and C. C. Hughes
was appointed to fill the Mr.
Hughes has been sujierintendnet of the
Black Hills division for some time and
his promotion to the general superin
tendency is a recognition of his ability.
Mr. Hughes' place as division superin
tendent has been filled by the appoint
ment of H. C. Mabanna, of Belle
Plaine, Iowa, who has been for several
years assistant superintendent of the C.
& N., and is said to thoroughly under
stand the important duties wliich de
volve upon him.
A few days ago a man in Fremont, by
tiiename of Benj. Josephson, fell to
beating his wife, and after being all
pounded up the woman drew a revolver
and shot the brute. Officers soon ar
rived and arrested the woman and phys
icians were called and cared for tlie man.
When in jail the woman expressed re
gret for her act, and the man became
TWy penitent when he found his wife
was in jail. The result was that tlie
woman was released from custody and
vent home to take care of her husband.
This is the Josephson family tliat figured
in the Haddock murder trial at Sioux
City some time since.
The editor of this paper received a
personal letter from a friend, a few days
since, in which tlie writer stated that he
id recently visited Congressman Laird
at Atlantic City and found him almost
a well man. The reports concerning Mr.
Laird have been very conflicting and it
will be welcome news to his many
friends in tbia part of the state to know
that he is practically well. Since the
Wifcentioowl Mr. Laird has returned
toUhowU Harttap, Neb., to f
The Shah of Persia has made his much
talked of visit to London. Tlie authori
ties did all in their power to make the
occasion one to be remembered, but tlie
people did not look at it as a very grand
thing and treated the affair as a huge
joke. No attempt was made to decor
ate except the public buildings and tlie
crowds that lined the streets could find
nothing to cause them to cheer, but
greeted tlie distinguished visitor with
broad grins and remarks about' Ilia ap
pearance. The Sliah may have been
pleased with his reception, but if he wan,
lie must be easily pleased and in conse
quence must be a lenient ruler.
On last Tuesday the great fight for
the championship of the world occurred
between John L. Sullivan and Jake Kil
rain. The battle occured at Richburg,
about one hundred miles from Nev (Jr-
hleans. Seventy-five rounds were fought
When Sullivan was declared the victor.
It is reported that a vast amount of
money clanged hands. This fight ought
to settle Urn fact that Sullivan is the
greatest slugger on tkrth and stop the
brutal contests. It seems that such
matters grow in spite of all the laws
gainst it If the law an not enforced
it would tea goon plan to repeal them
foratpmnt tiny appear to be but
HuCag stock.
Tlie bloody, it is said, liave
put f'200.liH.0fl0 in Amerinui in vest
ments since tlie first of tlie year, and
will double the amount before ls wj
ushered in. They want to put it here
it will lie safe. In other words where it
will be protected. j
Wisner Chronicle: A gentlemanj
prominent in tlie jiolitics of the state in- j
forms us tliat Hon. L. I). Rielianls. of j
Fremont, will enter tlie lists for the con
gressional nomination next year in this
district. Mr. Ricliards is a shrewd li
tician,' a sterling republican, an untiring
worker aud possesses every desired qual
ification for an able representative in
the National legislature. If he tek.s
the position he will be a popular candi
date and will make things lively in the
third district
Some of the iaers are trying to kick
up a great row because Gen. ('. F. Man
derson has been allowed a claim for lack
.nsion amounting to about fl.'HlO,
We do not notice tliat any of them
claim tliat he did not do good service fr
his country, nor do they set up the alle
gation tliat the amount was secured by
fraud. If Gen. Munderscn was entitled
to tliat amount of tension, we do not
know of any law by which he could lie
ilefrauded out of his rights, and it is only
a narrow minded writer that will at-
"tcmpt to make politi-ul capital out of
straight business transations.
C. H. Andrews 4 Co.,
Dealer in
Fine Toilet Goods,
in the an-.
The Fremont Tribune has taken a con
tract, evidently, to boom Secretary of
State Laws as a candidate for congress
from the second district, to succeed Con
gressman Laird. We do not see the reas
on for this. If the republicans of the sec
ond district are wise they will continue
to send Major Laird to represent them,
at least, until the slate is redistricted.
Then, again, if there is to lie a cliange
there are a number of gentlemen, who
might be induced to take the place, w ho
have the ability to represent the eople
fully as well as the gentleman the Trib
une favors.
Not 1( K KM! I'l lil.K .TloN.
ijind dlllie at Itadron. N li.,
Mu) M, li. I
Sotiee iw hinliv L'ivi ii tlml tlx- I'jllimliof
named wilier lia 11 notice ill ttltcn
tiim to make Ilital fund in Mii.port nf lit
claim, mid Unit ailld I'fixil K ill l- mailt- '
Ion-Jiilm w. limit-r, I oiimy .iii'iife, m nar
rwtn, i iriu-kii, on July 15, lf., iz:
J icon 11kmim'ii, of Moiitrtu, N l.
who niHilf fi. M. Ming No. HTm! lor the w '
-. , tp. M. r. M wi-l.
He Hiimi" tin- titlltiw Ilia wltnis.,' to itovc
hi ctinl itiiKitii. n-l'li'iici- ujn mill cultiH
tlnii nl will! lunil, viz: Jiilm w'flilr, Henry
w ii--ulH-ririT, Mat sinoili-r, rerumiuiu Hit
ni'r.fill ol Munlro', NW,
Any THT-tin win, (lisirtn Vi rmil-l Hjflnt
tli' allow Hiwt-of HUi'ii nntol. or w in, know
ol itnv Huti-tunUal rciwiii, imili-r tin- !nw
ami tin- ri-i(iiliitii!ii.ol tin- Interior licpart
ini-iit, w hy u:)i jirool fhuiilil not ) ullowcil,
w ill h- ifivi-ii an opportunity nt tlte hikvi-
ni-ntloniil tuiM' hikI pine to cro--'Xa!iil!i-ht-
witui--- i1 kuhI liiiinittnt. Mini to iitfi-r
'viili-iici in r'-buttai of that itlliin!lU-l ty
laimaiit. M. MoMi,oik.K(, Kt'KlttU r.
At Harrison, in the state of Ni-lirakii, at
the close of business, July 1st, si.
lans anil discounts - - Jf,,fHH.20
Ovt-niralts, wcured and unsecured I74.i
Hue from National Hanks - - WI.M
Due trom State Banks unci !i2.3U
Heal nutate, furniture and llxtunm l,4.M.i
(in-rent cxjm-iim's and tuxes paid - lHlUM
Cheeks and othcrcasli items - - :n.ii
Hills of other Hunks .... i:n.uo
fractional palter cuurreney, nieklen
and cents . M
specie HH.i.r
Ixg-altendcr notes 3I0.0U
Totat - - IKI.ifW.W
Capital stock paid In VfUM
Cndiviilcd profits .... l,i;tu.:il
Individual deposits sutiject to elieek 'i
liernand eertirlcates ol dejiosit - . 74!i5
liiiln payaljle 2,(1110.1x1
Total - - 0,9IM.
State op Nebraska, County of sihi x, ss:
I, S. Harker cashier, of the altove named
liank, do wtlemnly swear that the ntiove
statement in true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief.
K. Hakker, Caohler.
fubserilsd and sworn to ls-fore
seal me this 5th flay of July, ltsst.
TnOB. liUliY,
Notary Hiblic.
NOTH K Klli i'l IH.R'ATIO.N.
Land Oftlee at Clmdron, Neti. , I
May 31. lrw. (
Kotite is hereby iriven that the (ollow'liiir
natui-d settler has rlhsl notice of hi InU-n-
1011 to uinke nirnl irMjf in supjKtrt of til
laiin. ami lliat said proof will ir ltiailr !,
ore ( has. c. Jiinieson, elerk of the cllvtriet
court, at Harrison, Neb., on July Iss'j, viz:
1-KASK LXICT.KSHICKH, of litKllirc, Neb,
who nuide II. S. fllliiK No. , for tlio n,V
aw .(4 and n sec 1 tp ;?i r A5.
He iiaini-M the follow luff witnc-f 9 to prove
his onliniious rei-idenc ukjii and inllivw
Hon of said land, vtis: Ja111e.11 W. Armdier
U' T, Jen-uiiah II. Bowser, Alls'rt Hand, iLir
ri.-on Henna, all ol Hodaie, Seb. Also
Ai.oszo Hovtr, ol lloilarc. Neb.
who made 11. K. No. IKK. for lots S and 4, hoc
I anu ioi i auu nei4 nw ee IS, 1 p 41, r M.
He names tlie following wltue. Ui prove
his continuous residence, ujion aud cultiva
tion ol, said laud, vnt: James W. AnislrKer,
Harrison Heans, William Li.Lafferty, Noah H.
Huvt-y, all ol Inslarc, Neb.
Any jM rson w ho desire, to proU--.t Biralnst
the allowance ol sueh pruot, or who khow a
of any aiibsUuilial n-ason. under the law nl
ine regulations 01 me interior Department,
w hy sueh pi ool uhoulil nut be allowed, w ill
Is- given an opportunity at tlie above, men.
tlomsl liuie unit place ui cross vsauiiiie the
wiluets4'S of said claimant, rttol lo off..-
deuce In rebuttal ol that submitted b claim
aht- M. Mo.sTooMKiir. lUieti-r
Wm. Christensen,
Whohfsale and Reuiil
A large and well selected stock
at prices to suit the times. Agents, for
Chadron, - 2T6b
All ierwili liHVillg dual proof notleen in
i iiaiH-r w ill rei-eiie a marki-d cnp of tlie
pnis r and are ri 'uetii Ui enuinne tln-lr
notice and It any errors cxit-t n-porl the
lime to this oltlce at oms'.
Land Office at t hadron. Sell. ,
Notice i hen'by given that tlu- lollow ing
named sell u-r lias liled notice ol hu lnt-u-tiou
to make liual nnsif in HUnnort. ,,l t.,
elailn, and that said irsil will lw made be-
lore i.i, jauiemtu, I lerk lntrict tourt, at
Harrison, Neb. , on July, -Auu, isn'j, Vn:
llESKT T.MAKTixof Harrison, Neb.
who made D. 8. Filing No. 14U for the sw W of
seeifs tpai r.Vi w .
lie names the lollowing Willie,. -1 to pfoie
his continuous rc-ideiice upon and cultiva
tion ol, said land, viz. tred l-tM-tirn, man.
uel hetschen, Charles (.aiiiimiixintl, liicliuril
simter, allot liaiTijii,J,eb. Also
I'avsos- It. Hn.KLOWof HarrUm. Neb..
whomaileD.S. riling No. t'4 for the a
bw X sec 17 ami n,, nw y at ip ;;i r !, w
He names tlie lollow ir,g witni-M,., to potve
hi continuous rc-Mcnc,. u,MI ,! ,.u,tlv
tion of, said land, vie: Homer A. l-riddy Hi
Jamil, Thomas, Jo pl, M. itoblu,u, J;,u,cs
i'leree, all ol Harrison, Neb. AInj '
Albektih a. McNitt of Bodarc.Neb
w 110 inaue 11. s, No. tfor tlm t-y,
H 1 "i'l MWH WHiatpserMw
. , '" 'Olios ing Wlliie, t t,n,r
hlsc-onilmmusresnlenee ,, all(1 ..J
on of, Ha!d land, v i.; Michael llannan .V ,1,
1. ilovey, ChrWlopher S. (oluu.bla, jo
Loiiizenhiacr, allot Hodare, Neb
Any pcrMillw hodoiie,, to proK'.t ng.,,t
heallowaueeol su. l., or 1,0 k, ,
ol any wiImUuiuiI reason, m'ul,.T ,, .
the r,gu llU 0, ,,. tuu W"JZZ
hv sueh proof should not Is- nl w i
Is-ir.ven anopiHtllunitvat the '
tioned time u,i p,.c 10 f-ro..examH,e
Tu. ''?" claimant, and to , n,.r e"i
i4i luiJiituii in I nut k.iiini.1 1 ...1 .. .
nt. u vi ,'l'i,i:n
.. negiu;r.
Comiouiiatkii NrrricK fob I'cblk atioi..
uuiu oillce at ( hadron, NeU., I
hl In
i,e!rJr "!: thTfoiiJw
ten.lon u, make Dual prZ muZriZ hi
claim a,,,) wiu ,',,, 'I i t f Ul.
re l has. ( . Jameson, I lerk of tne fl "
ln, at Harri-on, Neb., on jjiya, rJ.
LMANiiiit. llKTf.ciiEs, of llurrison. Neb
who nnide i, a ui w.. ..
33 tp :n r la, 8 ,m ",r lbo ! w
I lL r. flu.. , . .
his , , " "?,r,""' u I""ve
tion of .1.1,1 I,.?.,? . ' "" '' ClllUva-
Kb-hard simler, 'it .rv "T iT '"""'"1".
Cummeuzind, a'l, o,' "ZrLts. l"' AilT
CHAK..M Ca,Mk.s.,mi, of Harrion v. h
mn,m mim viz: Kpi-il IO.i iT
thrausutt'' rt;1 "if1""1
nfiiiiy aulmtuntlal L TX ' "IS- ow.
miitloui i.m. !.T2r?,ly l Uwi al.ivJ
the witui,
Joseph Pfost,
Dealer in
Farm Machinery, lea
Mowers, Rakes, Cultivators I
Come and examine my stock w
Tliat tlie 11 rm of
Are itcre to Stay and do
We wouKl rcs1,;cU'lllv ,-ttj u uttcntion of tl. diiil.f t l!" u
tltat we mu jir'irtsl to make farm loan
t' BIOUX.lMWliiiA.Hl mx BUTTK COt'NTlF
The Most Liberal Tern
Filial ,roof money advanced
Without Extra Charge.
lti Olli. busing will receive 8PJ!AL ATTENTla"'"
Contests Initiated,
1mi mn& n' ul l a ?..! rl law Utn,-m tian w
" ""Vllt.ti.iC" Of RfcVl-rul J'(.kr Mlcci--fol '
tlie Htute, IjumI Otflcc, Will !.!' '!'
A Locating Business-
juli.d. lk your ImsjoiTss
Where Business is i
' ofuce on main ktkket
Vvf I
L(ern I
memtmr .
,r , f