i n '1 -1 ft V- Vv' SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL HMI P1TTIBMN, FwallakMrsw HARBISON, NEB ABOUT NEBRASKA. 'The cost of tuition per scholar in th high school at Ogallala durine th past year has been abomt sbzht dollan rmontn, we average attendance hav ; paaa arxmt twelve. The salary ol ww par bmmb. Ldgutning atrack a wire fenoe in Madiaon county, near which waa a buucb of stock, killing two steer, for Thomai Mortimer, tiro steers for Joe Adelman a colt for one Besey, and a hone for our wamea Buasey, wuo waa at the place when the bolt struck, and was in the act of cetohinr one of the horses whan it was killed. The official programme of the state fireman's tournament to be held at Bed Cloud, July 16 and 19, has been issued, and makes Quite an extensive volume. All tba preparations for the event are complete, and the prospects for a suo- eeaelui meeting are most prominent A gang of burglars, composed ol three men and two women, has been dis covered at Rosebud, Adams county, and mm uiomuen piaoea nnaer arrest. There is trouble ahead for the city treasurer of Omaha. He has been da positing city funds in banks of his own selection from whom he has been receiv ing a small per cent as interest The cashier of another bank, not in the ring, says that unless his bank is also fsTored he w:ll enjoin the city treasurer from pocketing the interest The free carrier service of South Omaha went into effect on the 1st of July. Another case of cattle disease, says the Juniata Herald, developed in the cow belonging to R, Daily this week, and fears were again entertained that it was causeu oy the bite of a mad dog. The cow acted ugly and vicious, refused food aud water, eta An examination of the cow after her death conclusively proved that the disease was what is known as "dry murrain." Her stom ach was caked with lumps of hay and dry feed. Hans Vease, a sixty -year-old Pierc county farmer, hanged himself to ' step-ladder one day last week. Wellfleet, Lincoln county, had its first sermon Sunday week, in a new Store building before 200 neonln. Tr I Frederick Tomkins, barrister-at-law of London, was the preacher. An Episco pal church will be built William Ryan, of Pawnee City, re ceived the glad news from Washington last week that his pension had been in creased from $18 to $30 per month. Mr. Ryan served four years and eight mouths in defense of his country, most of the time in Cominy K, First regi ment United States slmrpshooters, un der command of Col. Berdau. The following contracts were let last , week by the board of publio lands and buildings: Wings to buildin? and stables for the industrial home at Mil ford, to O. J. King, Omaha, price $16, 600; boiler house for the feeble minded institute at Beatrice, 8mith, Riley & Co.. Beatrice, $9,854: hospital building to the home of the friendless, Lincoln, to J. W. Emberson, $1,370. The Grand Island Independent says that the Hall county agricultural society is no doubt financially the best fixed ag ricultural society in the state of Ne braska, and it maybe said to have clear ed $2,000 per year for the past fourteen years, and now has the property to show for it at cash value. The new creamery buildinir ml , Bloomington, costing over $2,000, re ceived a severe shock from the wind re cently, and as a result a part of the north and west sides were blown in, damaging the building to a considera ble extent -uraig s new postoffiee bnildin? completed (which, by the way, is quite a nanasome affair;, and Mrs. Lusk, the new postmistress, took possession last wee, jnus vina r.ewis, for several years past a clerk in tike postoffiee, will uu wuiiuw to act in mat capacity. Congressman Dorsey has issued the following circular in which he "Candidates for appointment as cadet at we west Point military academy of the United States, from the Third con gressional district of Nebraska, are hereby notified that a committee will be appointed to conduct an examination of such candidates as may attend. This committee will meet at Fremont July ' 1??r 1 . reconmend for appoint ment the candidate who stands first and as alternate he who stands second in the class. The successful candidate and alternate must report at West H?aI0IVmUw day of A Plainview dispatch says the sur veyors for the Hioux City Short Line Town Site eoniany have, after a mouth's hard work, completed platting the new town site, which comprises 200 acres, thirty acres of which are laid oat into business lots. The grading between that place and Sioux City is almost com pleted and contractors are pushing tba bridging rapidly forward. Newport expects to have the best butter and cheese factory in the state iJ $3,900 in stock is subscribed. The contract has been let foe build ing the Lutheran college at Wayne, the atrootara to be finished in ninety days. The assessed valuation of Bntlei county is $2,615,815. Nebraska City dry goods dealers are troubled with kleptomaniacs, mostly women and children, aud some of them members of well known families. It is reported that the wholesale grocers of Omaha have made over $80, in sugar by the advance in price, they oaving uaa large stocks on hand. The safe in Milligan & Leigh's store at Hardy, was cracked last week by pro fessionals. The charge seems not to have been heavy enough to accomplish the design, as the inside of the door only was oio wn oil. hence nottiin? was se cured. There was about JV0 in the safe. Sheriff Green, of Hebron, arrived in Orleans last week with Wm. Boyles, whom he arrested twenty miles south of that place on a charge of horse steal ing, committed two years ago. At the time the deed was committed the par ties offered to settle, but faili n?- he wufi arrested aud taken back to Hebron. The appointment of Chaucellor Monatt to the counsiilship at Athens. Greece, meets the hearty approval of the party leaders at Lincoln, and it is said, for that matter, of the entire state. His ability and fitness fur tho place is clearlv recosuized. Ihe banking commissioners, under the new law, met and organized last week. The board is composed of State Treasurer Hill, Attorney General Leese I assault, ou i:i T-..1,. TT-ll 41. .1........ uu nmio aiuubuc ueiuun. X1II1 was elected chairman. The examiners, Messrs. A. P. Brink, T. E. Saunders and J. C. McXaiighton, with the clerk, F. C. Howe, were formally installed into office. The impression is that the bank ing interests of Nebraska will undergo a severe and critical overhauling, and that many of the institutions that have been playing at banking will have to go to the wall. The Senlcy brothers, living a few miles northeast of Surprise, Butler county, are said to have realized over 80,000 by a recent sale of cattle. A Grand Army post was organized in Dakota City last week. The salary of the Geneva postoffiee CELEMATI0N OF THE F4TRI0TIC DAT. rraUol Harrimm mm Warm WW ml Ik Ummdm mf CajuMctfra, Ft-ft. Woodstock (Conn.) disiiateh: This morning oiened with a brightening sky and promise of clear weather, so that farmers at a distance were well under way for Roseland Park before the clouds thickened aud changed the prospects for the day. Before 10 o'clock it was driz iling, nevertheless the crowd came. Congressman Russell rped the com pany to order, and after pleasant words .i .1 -.1 Ot welcome to me presiueui. auu oiuer i . r r I . ah I ... I i rifl "n"M..Ur;ti. o was held wh ilTTs. 8 Cox the orater of the day. i.-,l.rhiiu the Mo.ii c-iuui.-.."" .........I i..t,. service, and wit T 3 Indians from th Ilie mrui-i - - , ,ri. Lower Urule agency, the day g"''" lw. l,erved. Sioux F.Ik however, -x... Iml iwiiltt ill South lakota T.r"fr it , there the first n :;, i n for South Dakota was oiled to order at noon. The day i . i 4.. .,.upr'.iiukinr as the uevowu w ii" , " , , means of evidencing the happiness of the iople. while the orators of the day .. ...i..(u.l from Hie eloonent and tal- which are in that city, cm i -. . ... . Montana, however, was DK'i w u t i- was let visitors and to the people assembled, he ' (0'ue Uv her more easterly sisters in the nominated Governor Bulkeley for chair- ,,.K(j Helena, the capital city, in i,' ,u, man of the day. The governor brief speech accepted the honor, and expressed his pleasure at officially wel coming and presenting to the audience the president Hearty applause and ringing cheers greeted the president as he rose. He spoke in part as follows: "Mr. President and Fellow Citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen. I did not know nntil this morning the programme would contain anv mention of uiy name wt all, but it would be altogether uncivil if it did not This oportuuity having been offered me to express my thanks to those of you who are gathered here to-day, and to whom upon whose hospitable in vitation yon have gathered for the friendly and cordial greeting which you have given me, not on. here to-day, but in my progresf hither yesterday. I am sure I look into the faces, this morning, of s bodv of citizens filled with honest pride in the story of their country and full of serious purpose to maintain those in stitutions from all taint, or corruption, or decay. We stand to-day as a nation, exempt from all cares of foreign hnrt. It is not ih the power of any people upon earth much to harm ns, except onr own people. We do not say this in any spirit of boastfulness, but rather in one i the central iitit of rejoicing. Here the delegates to the constitutional con vention held forth eloquently on Mialf of its statehood. Other ik.iuU in Jlon tftiin iwtrinticallv followed in the waks of tlieir chief city. 'Hie most northwesterly of states, fer tile and leautifiil, Washington, felt that l,er was much for it to rejoice over, and her eople were unanimous in their celebration of the da v. HOW THE FaRNERS ARE DEFRAUDED. amd What U Cu-nmurm t tA rufc thttL. Chicago Tribune: The department of agriculture of the Canadian province of Ontario has done something which might be imitated with profit in the western states. It culled on a large nnmbcr of its regular correiondenU for information as to the frauds which had been practiced on farmers, to their knowledge, and then embodied that in formation in a bulletin to be distributed throughout the agricultural sections. It is expected that henceforth when any man makes s proposition to an Ontario - n...i.r.,i !,., ,!;;.. ; lanucr. lie win run over iuu n ui dence which has civen ns such a loca- swindles iu the bulletin and will kick tion and assi;iiment among ths uatious ' the stranger off the farm if he finds him of tho earth, that no people or great ' 0n the black list power touches ns on any side. All the' jt tlmt tbe Artkht vhieh lit our thoughts to turn to , the dangers which are internal, and , from which alone we can have serious ( harm. All the more should every; thoughtful citizen consider how he may j promote ma pnoiic weal; now we may hold up our institutions in honor among ourselves, securing and promoting both in state and national legislation those measures which have best promoted not most easily lend themselves to pnriosos of fraud are churns, washing machines, pumps, sickle grinders, stovepipe shelves, land rollers, plows, barbed THIRTY Wtt t AID Tn J A VirtAmU TV.,. Lvnchhnnr fV. . j . .' . "ri'B number of " ""iroad this B, ove iiiaxton's switch auove uiu city. Rail ttt. Wrwkerw' Troubles. Dnluth diitcb: The laboring wen s strike, ahich has te-en in progress sev eral davs, culminated this afternoon in . bl.dy war lteeu the strikers and policemen. Thirty determined police men were Pitted against 3.0W de,rate striker, arme.1 with pistols, stones and c'ul. Four thousand men were em ploved on street and -er improve m.nU at 1.50 per day until last Tues- dsv when fifteen hundred struck for an -.lt...,e of 2."! ceuU perduy. lit tractors refused to accede to the de m.,1 The strikers had many recruits each day. and the mob finally increased to nearly three thousand. There Lad been ugly rumors of the determined at titude of the strikers all day, and prep arations had been made by the police for any emergency. All dv lonir men have Wen at work n r;fil. .trooi vMitrct. but abont 8 o'clock the strikers compiled them to I ginea ma.le a frightful CU desist. At 3:30 o'cl.Tk a crowd of sink- nmg thirty miles an ' en had reachdl Itnr.l sireei inairam sn: in l.-J eontinaallv f,.r -..... . lintr th- ' "'UM .:i 7l "uula' lreIM r " "uiai suae. M kuk ana it M thonjjbt d ra.ns, and that no dan J'rehended. At the pU , dent however, ll.n ..... mined tbe road Ud nJ uu' eiguty feet loo , rid.e-,-T,,evw?t'rt"iv .. . . jnion,uu all nn r has been increased from $ 1,200 to $1,400 affairs, to unite with you in a fresh con- iudividvul, not special, but the general good of nil the people. I think such meetings as the old-fashioned Fourth of July celebrations have in them a very instructive and elevating power. I am glad, on tliis anniversary of that decla ration which afterward, established by ai ms, made us n nation, seriously as in the presence of Him whose guidance lia been conspicuously present in per year and the Fairmont office de creased from $1,300 to 81,200. Charles Dougherty and Ed Callahan were instantly killed and James McEl roy fatally injured by being run over l. 41 , j me cars near umana on the morning of the 4th. It is supposed they were all drunk and stumbled upon the track when it was too late to ston the I tive. The two first named were muti lated almost beyond recognition and the latter is so badly hurt that he cannot live. No blame attaches to the railroad eompany. - Lincoln had a great celebration on the4th. King lartarrax takiu sion of the city. A daughter of Samuel Samuels, of Xorden, ran away from home a few days ago in a fit of petulance and was found twenty-three miles away by a posse of men organized to look her up. a neorasKa exchange tells of an old secration to duty and to the true weal and happiness of all our people. I de sire to thank these comrades of the great wire, lightning rods, hay forks, scales, i roofing paint, pianos, sewing machines, i fruit trees, and all kinds of patent ; right. The pump swindle is thus man 1 aged: A traveling agent asks the farm er to become an agent for the sale of iron pumps, promising him one free if lie will. The farmer agrees to take eleven pumps which he is to sell at f.13 apiece, reserving $5 on each as his com mission. Then he signs what he be lieves to be n order for the pumps on these terms, but w hich turns out later on to be a promisory note for $lfl. the retail value of the pumps. Sometimes there is a "verbal understanding" that if the goods are not sold they will be taken back, but that understanding never materializes, while tno note noes. avenue west where the shade of tree nd the known determination ol the lice at Garfield avenue lecided them to wait, adoui o-w . , .1 1 - . i. I ... r. f I 1 & - moo, neaueu or - headed men, rallied and parted back for the sewer trencu. iney ere infuriated by the presence 01 me police and their control ol me suuauoa. llalf an hour later they ma.le a rush foi the cordon of police. The police drew their clnbs aud revolvers. Seeing there wa iki use to bother with the clubs. icv lired into the angry mob. A vol ley, and one striker lay dead, while seven more were wounded, some most seriously. 'iie -ncenian nmi hrough the jaws. 1 hree men are dead and twelve or tifU-en wounded. The sinkers started from iwentiettl ... . , i i .. . i avenue, while another mxiy came tionn from Third stree by Fifteenth avenue nd made a rush with cltlls and rocks. The police stood their ground. ho lid the first firing i nt known. As the strikers nisde the ruli a single shot is tired, then riaek. crack, crack, went the rifles of the police, followed by a fusihule from the striKcis' revolver. After tin- first lire came an an fill hush, as the combatants were appalled at the awful result of their work. On the walk in front lav a man shot through tho posses- have shown their love for the fla? will not fail to be good citizens now that they have returned to the abodes of peace and civil pursuits. To all of you who have gathered from these Connecti cut homes, I desire to express my thanks for your kind and pleasant reception." As the president resumed hi sent three cheers were given with a will. Senator Hawley and Justice Miller made brief addresses. Congressman Keed, of Maine, was the next speaker. His sub ject was "The Victory." Among his utterances were these: "The republi cans won a great victory last Xovemlier, but something more than no step back ward is demanded by the people of the United States. It behooves the people, therefore, to consider bust hiw numi. larmer of the northern section of the 1 rower tliey "ve granted and just how state who at a revival meeting when the 1 5? , -the ,tu? riiht to re1"ira- preacher called upon all who wanted i I L"ng, bne the tnff oneshon, the - - - - ww nMi Hf.L in iiuiiBiina ansi t a army of the union for their escort and ,ron l"'n'P" in many an untano attendance here to-dav. Sure v those : ' ' ",'l"r " - wim who in th neril on ) rA ,1(, i... I " p' scheme has l-eu worked. August 1889." Hew hay baa been offered on the Lincoln market, bringing $5 and $5.50 ton. go io heaven to rise to their feet, firm u,n uein. vi ncn tne invitation was given to all who wanted to go to hell to oo iic nun remained sitting. ' My per ishing friend," said the revivalist com ing down the aisle, "you don't want to go w neaven or hell, may I ask where juu wii w go.' -ao where," was the i.iy. want to stay right here in northern Nebraska." And then they sang, "Sweet Land of Liberty." The Fourth was celebrated at Fair bury by trotting, pacing and running races, a parade Dy company D. N. N G J a ririll Km. . . t ' . . . --'""j turim oi rairuurys girls, and a display of fireworks at night Fifteen thousand people were on the Crete Chautauqua grounds on the 4th of July. The legislature failed to give Stromsburg a normal school last winter, but she is bound to have one just the same. Articles of agreement between r C'Jy 8tr?l"rg and Josiah J. Bryant, of Burlington Junction, Mo., were tiled with the aut agreeing to establish and rn.iiit.fn a normal school and commercial col lege, to commince with the fall term, and after the second mf tn -' . . , iv iwi, in " oi iw Btudents. matter nt naiionai education, Mr. tteed contin ued: "The question of the siirpression of votes in the sonth must be met not rashly nor angrily, but with a deter mination that in national elections and wherever else they have the right and power, those who, by the constitution and law are entitled to help govern this country shall govern it. Applause. It will be the province, in due time, of the republican members of congress, to say after a full, free and imnariii.l in ference with all republicans, and rerire- santmrv thorn -11 '. .. ! . ....... . , VUH measures slial be taken. After warmly denouncing the meth ods of the filhbuster's tactics to defeat the pnblic will. Reed added: "Unlest some i remedy be found yon can expect nothing from the next congress or anv other. But there is a rprnA.1v .1 ' sight, and that is public sentiment Lei A unique and wonderful U inn It was reported in a Dakota Cit v umaba Bee, ibat the Un.nn P.mAA ennine. about thro ;n i , ajwoed to consolidate the car shops si made lnwt entirely of wood. The OflaM Island and North Pi.tt Job WM execnted bv a bov fir.m.n tbe same to Kearney. When 1 Jf,0' jMil P"l rail- 2em,ed General Manage? KirnWl, TrW.$.i " kno'rn " '.'T ZT: . ,".ow. ""'ng of any move- ti..' 7"' exiensiye in Jtion and I doiibt as to the SHS IM l.Ue r,?mri-" Notwith 1 K'ml''l 'lnial. the re faUl6lnovVvi" U m in the 11? co.n"" fro"' " wliWe source ZZlL'rr. ru' ndJiai who claims to know that the change has been decided jrvue Arm . - - Y -vonsioarabU eompUint is being Mda by the mereiuuits of Plattomonth mnm wose who are so fortanate as to lf jmmm buf inr their provisions nd fl-VS!! -r of ,1. wwm iowy nave not iv r hoe aid have it -Johwy Baxter, eight yam old, was te?ltaJ1,a-? rim at 0ha zrzzstrmn' ." toe ventive genuu not met with every day. -While Fred Specher, of Norfolk, was setting a boiler, it overturned and fell on him, braising him badly. Eara Sclmltz, a German blacksmith, of Kenesaw. was killed at that place on the 4th while flrine an an. nl. The particulars of ll. ..i.i- 'the orninT . .i"olul nnknown he was iloue at tl "ZritrX $L?i. ,n "S. tLe German "Wement with its ine IrowhZ'l. ' as from the other. But there is a remedy in pli, sight, and that is public sentiment Lei the people at large but once nnd- stand the facts ahont tl.i. . defeating the public business anil hi will be a bold man who attempts it in he s'"- W,,en Mr- fi ished, Se(.retarie() Xo,)Ie nd made a few remarks in a patriotic strain Jn the afternoon l'r..i.i. ,.., ': R-., , - "-,ukui xiatii ol '"sor's co 1 cge, and Senator Hiscoek spoke and Will Carlcton recited . viuiiit. nr .ieiv iorK THE BABr STATES CELEBIIATE. "l "te Parage and sigmng of was still on the ground, was . j,,Dlll for SonteT" Fnrt,,0f ' celeb" t on in the new states, but the peoole chose the great centennial indeed ti. . B een br congress as he Umefor them to meet and perfect their state constitution. The Uo 52 J.ed cause for rejoicing o viivj uifiti.iaunai ... iui lhe hav-fork swindle is somewhat , similar. The agent offers to put ni one , for nothing if the farmer will take an n-ency. no arcepia, and inter on an other man calls to get him to sign a statement of the condition of his affairs just to show tliut he is a resjionsibl person. In some mysterious way thi converted into an order lor a larg number of hay forks. Tho man wh iiuiins uu is merely signing a recom Herniation of the working of a fanning nun Hincn is on exhibition finds that 1 1 1 . ..... ... mm "ruereu one. nnoddy peddlers pre tending to represent great English or Scotch houses sell goods which are so nimsy mat they will not stand sewing together. Imitation cold watches are sold sometimes as high as $00, which nun out u De worm nothing. There, w in mis country, the nnrsery agent uu.is ins easy victims, and the seed grain or Bohemian oats swindler has uoiiiBu money, in lightning rods there is now but little cheating done; the farmers have learned that device of the tut; in y, A most ingenioTii trick was perne iraieci ov a c enea - nok ..!.. (.. "UU a timid looking young man and move up to a larm-honse and Vu n n me couple had taken whimsical notion that they should like - umrrieu amoug snch handsom iirronndings, and were willing to pay well for the privilege. The farmer con sented, served them a fine dinner, and wo. paid $40 for hi, trouble. TlJe ro ceipt -which he gave the groom returned pi i,uo mm in the form of a $400 ,IUM9 , Uln uands of an in locent holder. Tlie invent,.,. J .11 right game have alniut worked out the province and will be likelr t ill The western farmers most be- states, ware. The advice given by the department . uu wonn imitating every where. It i, that the farmer stick to trZl .too mrch of . ...I 7 "c" lu" never sign war. J? "'I :"'.nS''r' n1 that ui"ff. TS read what he signs; that be deal only with well-established firms. ,?d that he read the paper, and pay for them, as l, ...ni ii. ' . . ", ry. ior Chant, is lijn.l nitmtw Washington dispatch: By general JU Amencan Mora. cod. will hereafter nsed by th. army for all nr J!l J. ignaling, wheU ler vian.l and th. I- 4i" .. " -"mo. ---w ' . V iiih w. fi cr 1 1 I IV will be discontinued Henrv HmhUt . " ?"me !!0n, "Jl'". . well as fro, ;hfl ILh. Ih.Ti T .. """"K oeen Killed : rrwiitious cities of tlm f,.. eonnty farmer, drofVed a revolver from had U nTn J, i T iU 7n or,tors, and ,-W. 0. Simmons, Uving near Broken ,or Nort1' I"kX and wJV Bow. becam. iLJ XT' .ro'n conitntil !Si-w?I00med -? ('ntin.nui ii '.'""." "e or This ae on ,:L'L5.,ontil mendation of tl.7 l i' "V reoo,n- PuriKMies p. ' ,OT """tery 1'Htit. iuZcTnthM- giMfldttMlbcIII11,11 head. Several more were bleeding from ghastly noiiiid,. At flVt-'i (Miiuiatiy K, (f the stab mili tia, arrived, and with bayonets drove the crowds fix. in Michigan street, ihe mayor then made a speech, ordering the crowd to dii-ro. Thealice and mili tia then drove the nonds from all the streets. At fl o'clork the sinkers had (lisM-;sed. Following is a list of the dead and wounded: One striker shot through the hrt; Tom Filsimmons, shot through the back, died to-day; Alfred Anderson, a striker, shot in the rhest, will probably die; George IVllitier, a street car driver, shot in the bend; Ivl Cnnimiiiga, a striker, stablx-d iu the groin with a bayonet; York (Wigan, a striker, dangerously shot in the shoulder; lloken Benson, a striker, shot in tho npier leg, may die. Of the fKiliee force the following were wounded: ('apt urn Thomas McLaughlin, stib in hip; Sergeant Clemcuts, shot iu the tin- hau ls; Officer OT'uunell, abdomen; Smallet, fiMjt; Harrigan, tiiigh; Harden. ! arm; )onavaii, face and hip; Walkoriah, face and thigh; kilgore. shon'der. I.atkk. Ijist night the strikers made a tesn-rate att-iiil to kill J.c Wolf, of the firm of Wolf A Knot, who have been particularly obnoxious te them. While Wolf was driving in the west end he waa surrounded by strikers and stones were throw n at him. Wolf junied and e cas?d just as the (xilice came up. The wagon was overturned and demolished by the strikers. Ifiic-r Force was found to have received injuries ou the legs by sbmes thrown by the strikers. The friends of Carlson claim that he had nothing to do with the strike, al though he was arrested by the iiolice as the leader. Captain McLaughlin aimed at him twice at close range but the shot did not take effect. Affairs quieted down last night, Imt there were fears of an outbreak this morning. The air is still thick with ugly rumors, but with hundreds of well armed social H,!icemen it is believed that the authorities, with the assistance "f the militia, will be able to with stand any attack. The militia is pre pared to move at a moment's notice, and th police will be emploved in the w.ir'l,lu,rl.n.l i terday s disturlmnce. The mavor I... given orders to disrse all assemblies , ,m Ul8 contractor, wil r .... ora lo-morrow morning nndcr piuieeiiotl at the Io wages. " is difficult to get at the t. f... concerning the dead and wounded among the strikers. Many were taken irl? i ."H?-11.'" 1"'t,le ",J c""ld not be -..- "i-iriiomesor boarding p aces. l'::?.::?Kcuh .i -ttiiew iii ooaromiT iir.n. - f.: .1 mot. r.l 11.- :"? esu- .... . . MJn wo,in.ied will be twenty- b.vlr?oi,lpT""L'!' thouguVte postal ii former rate of Bishopvillo CM r. ,i:....... miles from be ' . . ' 7 ure asfun.lt.1 1 ... K'ouinaiiy ot six Iieirr,.... 1.. 1 1 . . William. ti.. "7 nd driven.;;; rr".":1 w i...d of the ,,;;.rv .a ?,m,,rM Mondav u,".'" ndayand the whit,, ",L..i".w.r. and "rd0f th8.fV:.r'."B "'"y first id a fever of eJi." 1 ,t P.'e town "n, Ix-lh w hite 7.1 IT 1 no, of II about town dhSSli? ,V? "re we and a l.rc. 1 "i"?u""1 the quwtion. - nvHiIU 11 Mat ukAs, .,1 a wi priKirier. to r.rer 1 ,acm OTer o' lynching. r eTent W P-iWIity km j; v 'r M ! BOW Ttrnrs akna IT teaflsi VMsat la Laa. Casaa. tie. yesterdar T ir''rt'",nl ' torney 3 , In moti tU at- n of aniaaln- 8 ? ".orous trsnaac nte te rrti . !1 1 m the plt Pwter 0"i;,.U 1joiniBf nra-i?." JtrnooB,b. Itof w regard to the 07 iTj', ' 10 wa. ntrovetryT Uoiaw ImJ it ti: taL, :. a . iii ciifiil cn gine struck the bottom tU water tnte the loom-.tiv. ' ,leT-. Th"nsnentediu Aue aebr,. was thrown insvJ j mo lorce r.l tie e, , of the coaches. The Ham , destroyed a large amonm . express matter and caused,, J the already terror-stricken '1 " supposed some of tLe were unnlilo .- ... - - - --. .. n.iie luerr. J he wreck and were tvw i. imprvil,le """""'I Ol (MTSOnS Illlfd 1 reliable estimate, pi ,', ' tweiity-nve and thirty. The wounded will be fr ia tl. unmlwr killed. Thirty wounded bv u l.oanoko. thirteen to lii'," IHtvtoLilxrtv. The adopted il.wi u. ,i Tl . . --- Ui . ii.nimsKin OI Angu.u (lj killed, and Mrx. Thonii,,a known to be badly hnrt. Donovan, the engineer, j' man, was acald.-d aa l l,;':rii by escaping steata. Trm Liiswy was also burned to.l.n others who lost their t;tv I lose, jwstt rl.-rk, of Al.ii. Jo!m Kirkpatrick, of I.rwl.i,' Stea.1, and two children of i on the train whose iiuns f learneL Stead was a Enjlm the agent of an l.lnlio hiist'ii ing exrcdition. H naioa" Ftiglaud for supplies. Major Cassell, siirii.!. i. Lynchbnrg division of the N. Icrn. was on the train tad d injured, as were also Itag.,- j "tn nun v apinin JoDiijija, J cnarge oi tn tram. I.. 11. Hummers, tMwIly bnrned. There is no telegraphic !ku cr the wrwk tlmn LiWrtr, i hard to get infonnatioa fniia the orf(dk A Western r.-fuwl nut reriorters to go ou the tn.i went there. A relief tra:a at Lynchburg late in tiie aft go to the scene of the ureck. Iter of phj-siclnns went iloaa ot what they could te ai.-f th injarl A Uisjiatcll recvivedtt 11 tici the scene of the wreck, by mr crty, says: Su d-ad lwliej'i cKivercd. lho railr-'t eiu.tt brought a large corps of plivw. Itoanoke and Liberty iii l oth-: His thought a large sutnter have burued in the cwA.'rulii Can. Ktttos't Succdir. Washington dinpstcu: ft Mar Arthtir, jr., Thirteentn been apimintetl aUUnt l, eral, with the rank of nit.'or. to s to the vacancy eatised lit tLe rncnt of Gen. Keiton adjuasi eral. Ha is a son of Judge M of this r.itr and was Isiru 10 4 aetU June 2. If . Ht-nUwl u n leer service as first !iw' 'Twenty-fourth Wucowa K 1802. waa rapidly proaofd mnsterel out as lientenMt 1806. He was bwreteil c" for gallant and meritenmu r entered the regular rvj ia 1608. Chicso is painfully eopi-"K faet lh.1 . ennfsanoi MMBOI eonfaaa. Booh an aftir is alW su diaaooolntmenL - Ml Thmw mw tha etuneei trt ail n fMAttaal aaa "-MHT UIUIUK) . .J Hnteh - J.w finnhl Uld ! auie to aakka a mmioa w II rm BJVCK AND rtODVCK l4 mm in" OMAHA. Wmkst-No. 8 C o ax No. biixI Otta No. 2 Kva !t 24 ti' 16 1 Hi 150 1 7! 4 50 J00 l ti' 1761 Id 14 I J97 4 00 ' 865 ' bcrraa f 'rmnry Mvttbb O.oics roil.,..- Koos Prwh ( mcaaaa Mv. perdoi . Tuaaars IVr lb I.cmoms (lioira. prloi Ousrom l'rr bos Omioks Per bu.-..- Hkaxb Navie, W'ooi-Kln V Ik .. Ho.v - lloo, Mlil psciiin! . Ifwis litavf wetjfhta... mm. I.IHIII1-" m A.I Suaap Choico Wtrn.. NEW VOttK. atV Waast-Ko. r- ... . . ... - . I . l, 1 I t.n " 1 "nr-aiiw wmww I'oaa Laaa CHICAGO. aWt Ww a.l.l . OV a"l . ts t t .l "III fT WUmiW - , t7 . 1 1 v- - Hoaa-Paklnf Aaliipp'"- L CtirtM 8tockr - ' J M eiiaar Kat4va.....- gT. LOUi Wbbt Ko. fl rtd eah - JJ Coa fwbn.hl Osva Par bolil Hons allied paeaia j KANSAS CTTlf. Wawat Par bBaL I! Coaw Partsasfcsl.----- jj Oava Par M . . II A. MaaMl j "vnisfci avlav-4Mars Akmi Msec gsa to ehoie " SB AA f ftmt M kis Bister ft www bak, wr w Pria. and h.'. Ro-tun.Z I?1 ' by all in s4i ;: - - i. x i f - : . . ,