SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL. 1 81 WjOSiS & PinilMNI, rwMUkfrs. J HARRISON, s : KEB. ABOUT NEBRASKA. Ful Hurser tl a Nsbratka Fsrmsr. Cambridge (Neb.) special to the Omaha Bee: One of the foulest mur ders that has ever disgraced southwest rn Nebraska occurred last night, be tween 12 and 1 o'clock. Joseph H. Plnmtner, the victim, a highly respected farmer and stock raiser, who lives with his widowed mother about eight miles southeast of this place, while returning from an alliance meeting in the neigh borhood, was waylaid while going through a canyon "by some person who was secreted by the wayside, and shot with a shotgun at short range, the full charge taking effect in his head and body. L N. Hewitt and Herman Albright, who came with him part of tee way, heard tbe snot, but thought it was Plummer shooting at coyotes. Nothing was known of the murder until this morning, when his mother saw hia none, and, thinking it strange at not teeing her son around, gave the alarm, when a search was instituted and his body found by the roadside. The coroner held an inquest this after noon, but no clue to the murderer was found. It has created great excitement, and hundreds of people have visited the place to-day. The murdered man has a sister in Neaiaha county, who is the wife of the county treasurer. Later. A man named Jones and the victim's brother have been arrested. A Nebraska Bank Cashier Suicides. Sidney (Neb.) special: S. C. Morgan, cashier of the State bank of this city, committed suicide this morning by shooting himself. He used a 45-calibre Colt's revolver, and the top of his head was literally blown off. He awoke early in the morning, and calling a boy in his employ to his room sent him down to the bank to fetch the revolver, saying be wished to shoot rats. Morgan then instructed the boy to meet Mrs. Mor gan, whom he expected to return from Omaha, at the depot when the train came. Hia wife did not arrive, and the boy on his return went to Morgan's room to inform him and found him lying in bed, having been dead several hours. The cause for the suicide is unknown. Morgan was a very popular young man of an exceedingly jovial temperament. He has been a valuable citizen, always ready to aid in matters of public inter eat. He is not known to have been in volved financially. It is believed that the affairs of the State bank are in good condition. Morgan is well known in Omaha. His partner in the State bank was Frank Johnson of the Omaha Bank of Commerce, and his wife is the daughter of H. W. Yates, president of the Nebraska National bank. Mr. John son is expected to arrive in the morning to arrange for the settling of the bank's affairs. The disposition of the remains will also be decided upon to-morrow. The verdict just reached by the coro ner's jury sets forth that S. C. Morgan came to hia death by a pistol shot in and fired upon the head, the said shot having been fired by hia own hand while temporarily insane. ITATS JOTTINGS III BRIEF. The village of Fail-view, a ft w mile north of Fair bury, is in a state oV indig nation. A chnrch which was built by subscriptions of members of several de nominations was burned recently. Much trouble has been incurred by different denominations wanting the use of the church at certain times. It is thought that the culprit is a church member. William McDaniels, one of the day switchmen in the Burlington k Mis souri yards at Bed Cloud, attempted suicide by taking arsenic. Physicians were called in time to save his life. Family troubles were supposed to be the cause. Work on tbe Pacific Short Line is rapidly progressing at Plainview. The surveyors of the oompany have been there for some time platting the town site, and have about finished the work. Bumor says that the Short Line com pany intend to run a line from there to Denver, making; Plainview a junction point. t The Nebraska City Canning oom pany has commenced the season's work. The capacity of the factory has been Seatly increased and the product in the tare will not only comprise canned roods in the fruit and vegetable line, bat will include all kinds of pickles and everything else generally put np in the largest establishments in the country. During a severe storm at Anselmo, lightning struck the kitchen chimney of J. C. Hnnter's residence, passing intc the room below, where it struck Mrs. Hunter, throwing her to the floor, and rendering her unconscious. Vilma. Mrs. Hunter's fonrteen-months-ola child, was seated near her mother, and the same flash struck her on the back of the bead and killed her instantly. The Inter-State Chautauqua assem bly opens at Beatrice on the 28th. At Omaha William Ellersick, brother-in-law to Lena Meyer, the girl charged with mnrdering her child, in nnder arrest, charged with hannc jointly, with Lena Meyer, aided, abetted, procured ami assisted in com sitting the crime of murder. The Odd Fellows of Fairfield sent sum of money to their unfortunate brethren at Johnstown. Work will soon be commenced on the institute for the blind at Nebraska City and the building finished. Fir sospes will be rat in, new boilers added nod the old building re furnished. The work, it is estimated, will cost about 912,000. -The students of the Pern Normal school have contributed $100 for the Johnstown snfferers. The prisoners in the county jaO at Falls City escaped. They succeeded in fecwaUac the lock, and all four got free. Only two, however, took ad van tars of fitu liberty to escape. They were uvorre Bsewan, in iot lorgery, sonneted sent tern of eovt aad Bell MV Osws, in from Hnmboldt eonntyfot ftirfwry frasn tfcfc jsd In tha 131 The Seventh Day Adventists will hold their annual camp meeting at Chadron, July 30 . This meeting is to accommodate those living in north west Nebraska and southwestern Dakota. Central City has been "dry" for the past eight years, and the citizens do not propose to have the record broken by allowing a saloon at this time, As a farmer was crossing the Union Pacifio track at Savage's crossing near South Omaha, driving a team, he was caught between two freight trains going in opposite directions, and one of his horses was killed. He barely escaped with his life, receiving a few slight bruises. There were five graduates this year from the Crete high school The result of last year's work is very gratifying to the teachers, as well as to the publio at large. A sneak thief raided the office of the city treasurer of Omaha last week and got away with a $250 package lying on the table. A Mason City dispatch says: Mrs. Jessie Butts, the wife of a respectable farmer of tbe county, committed sui cide yesterday by taking poison. Her husband had left her as usual in the morning and went out on his farm to work. He returned at noon to find his wife lying on the floor, frothing; at the mouth, in the last throes of death. A legal battle involving 1600,000 is being fought in the United States cir cuit court at Omaha, in which John Fitzgerald, president of the Irish na tional league, is plaintiff and the Fitzgerald-Maloney construction company and Missouri Pacific road are the de fendants. The Chadron Democrat says last Thursday's lightning played havoc among the teacher and scholars at the Union Valley school house. The teach er, Miss Pearl Holty, and six of the scholars were severely blistered and stunned from the effects of the bolt A gentleman who was driving in the vi cinity of the school house at the time was thrown from his wagon and re mained insensible for about ten min utes. It was raining very hard, vet the prairie grass caught fire and burned over considerable space before it was extinguished. On the same day and about the same hour George L. Fernald, a young farmer residing about seven miles northwest of Chadron, on Dry creek, was struck by lightning and in stantly killed while driving along the highway. Aurora has also voted to erect an other $5,000 school building. The fiftieth anniversary of the wed ding of John Cox and wife, of Sterling, was celebrated last week by their many friends at their home. The old people are now seventy and seventy-six years of age, and well preserved. Many val uable presents were made to gladden the hearts of the old people, and a fine dinner served. In the United States court at Omaha in the ease of John Fitzgerald vs. The Fitzgerald-Mallory Construction com pany, the jury returned a verdict for $47,937.97 debt and $3,474.65 interest, making a total of $51,412.62. the judg ment to bear interest at 7 per cent from rendering of the verdict until paid. As Mr. Fitzgerald sued for $52,000, this is regarded as a very complete victory, but as the Missouri Pacifio is more or legs interested in the defense, the case will in all probability be appealed to the court of last resort. Charles M. Ogg, a man thirty-seven years of age, committed suicide by hang ing at Ponca, His body was found in a grove in the south part of town. The man was a resident of Sioux City, la., had married a woman of Ponca last spring, and since then spent part of his time there. It is claimed that the woman in the case had been married be fore and that her first liusbahd was still living and undivorced. Trouble in re gard to this previous marriage is the reason for taking his own life. A Keya Paha special says that al though there is less excitement here over the vigilantes' movements than there was a short time ago, yet there are things occurring that seem to indi cate the vigilantes are "getting in some work." In the immediate vicinity of the place of Newell's killing numbers have been warned to leave the country, and have been compelled to go. The Sylvester brothers, who ran a horse ranch, Mr. Ireland, Nelson Luton, Wil liam Young and a man by the name of Martin W. C. Ross, hsve also left. The city council of Beatrice has passed an ordinance calling an election August 8, next, upon a proposition to vote bonds in the amount of $50,000 to the Kansas City t Beatrice railway. The cempany agrees to complete the line into that city ba January 1, 1890; to erect a suitable depot, a six-stall round house, and make other improve ments. 1 .,, The Pease Drug company, of Fair bury, Jefferson county, filed articles of incorporation in the offioe of the secre tary of state last week. This company contemplates dealing in drngs, medi cines, and druggists' sundries, and has authorized a capital stock of $10,000, 50 per cent of which has been paid in hand. The board of arbitration agreed upon between the Union Pacific engi neers and firemen and the road held a meeting in Omaha and rendered a de cision in favor of the engineers. They hold that the taking of the Kansas Cen tral out of the management of the Union Pacific did not abrogate the agreement under which the engineers and firemen were being paid at the time. The de cision is final and the wages will be re stored and date back to May 15, the time of the reduction. Dan Conghlin, of Crand Island, roadmaster on the second division of the Union Pacific, is believed to be in sane. He had quarrel with bis land lady, and one of the boarders taking her part, Conghlin tried to brain him with hatchet He was promptly knocked down and is now in jaiL State Treasurer Hilt has received draft for $$5.85 from the M. E. church of Wayne for the benefit of the Johns town aWjaTerers. V ' The Nebraska City Canning com paay has eommenoed operations for the aa4 expects a nigs paw was The annual exercises of the insti tute for the feeble minded youth were held near Beatrice on the 27th. They were of an interesting character, and were attended by a number of ieople from the city. The attorneys for William Carson, who was recently convicted of murder in the first degree, at Beatrice, filed a motion in the district court for a new trial. The little daughter of G. O. Case, residing with her grandparents about fourteen miles southwest of Wshoo, was kidnapid by some person supposed to be in the employ of her mother. The parents have separated and the father is determined to regain the child if pos sible. A number of the business men of Fairmont met and organized a branch of the Retail Merchants' association of Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. A gang at Roseland have been nab bed for burglarizing. A large amount of lost goods were found in their pos session. An extensive programme has been prepared for the summer meeting of the Nebraska Horticultural society at Fre mont, July 17 and 18. Many prominent horticulturalists will be present from other states, and the meeting promises to be the most successful one in the history of the society. A TRIPLE COLLISION OF TRAINS. A Rallread Wrtrk in Whith Frighlfut lm of l ife U Urpvi lril. Pittsburg dispatch: A triple collision of freight trains occurred near Latrobe, Pa., forty miles east of this city, on the Pennsylvania road, about 2:30 this morning. Thirty cars wese wrecked and seven persons killed, four of them unknown tramps. Engineer Caldwell and his firemen are supposed to have been killed instantly. Their bodies are still in the creek where the locomotive fell. Brakeman Miller was fatally crushed. The cause of the accident is not known. Tbe loss to the railroad company will be heavy. A dispatch jnst received from Greens burg, ten miles from Latrobe, states that a party of about thirty-five work men from Johnstown were stealing a ride on a freight train when the accident occurred. The wreck caught fire from a lime bed and the men were cremated. The story is not credited here and the Pennsylvania railroad officials know nothing of it. James Flannagan and a companion, who was futully injured, were brought from the wreck to this city this afternoon. Flannagan, who is a returning Johnstown laborer, says twelve persons were on the car with him at the time of the collision, but he could say nothing whatever as to their escape. Greensburg(Pa.)dispatcli: Itis prob able that thirty-five or forty lives were lost in the railroad wreck at Latrobe this mcrning. Only four or five bodies have been taken from the pile of cars yet. Thirty-one cars went over the bridge and are piled one upon the other in the water. The conductor of the freight states that in all probability thirty or forty men are still under the wreck. He put off at Derry station about forty-five men who were coming from Johnstown. He Btates that when he moved out a great many of them got on again, and it is more than likely the killed will reach the number stated. A car load of lime ia the center of the train was the last to go down and it was scattered over the pile of shattered cars. Then the debris took fire, and notwith standing the efforts of the people to put out the flames, it is still burning. Arms and legs of victims can be seen protrud ing from the wreck. Latrobe disatch: Tbe debris of the wreck which occurred on the Pennsyl vania railroad here this morning is being rapidly cleared away. At 8 o'clock to night ten dead bodies had been recov ered. Those of Engineer Caldwell and George Frelich, fireman, have not yet been found, but it is expected they will be reached before long. About a dozen men were more or less injured, several of whom, itis expected, will not recover. It is almost certain that from twenty-five ,to thirty people were killed in the wreck. The water in the creek at the point where the accident occurred is twelve feet deep and it is expected that ten or twelve bodies are in the bottom of the creek, held there by the wreckage. John H. Miller, flagman on the freight, states that the proper signals were given when the position of the shifter was dis covered, and Engineer Caldwell an swered, but the speed was too high. AVhen the ill-fated tram left Boliver about forty workmen boarded her, but the conductor put them off at Derry. Four injured men taken from one car stated that eleven others were in another box car. It is stated by one of the res cued that there were fifteen or twenty men. One or two of the bodies taken from the wreck were horribly burned by the lime which covered the wreck. At 9 o'clock to-night the work of clear ing the debris was stopped until to morrow morning. ANOTHEB FATAL WRECK. Gallatin (Tenn.) dispatch: A terrible aocident occurred this morning at Bled soe, on the Chesapeake & Nashville road. The train due in Gallatin at 11 o'clock jumped the track and the pas senger and baggage coaches went down a sixty-foot embankment. About eight persons were serioiwly injured and sev eral children were more or less hurt It is probable that some of the injured will die. An engine has jnst left for the scene of the accident with Superintend ent Meek snd physicians on board. The telephone communication is bad and everything is confusion. The wrecked cars are badly smashed and it ia feared there are a few bodies under the cars. Fourteen persons went down with the wreck. A Sksrlff ant Nit Deist, SksL Keokuk (Is.) dispatch: A special to ths Constitution says that to-day Sheriff Ramsey, of Lucas county, Deputy Rol lins and a man named Blouse went to arrest one McGinnis, living near Cam bria, who was thought to be erary. Mc Ginnis, on seeing them approach, drew a revolver, shooting the sheriff through the head, killing him instantly. Deputy Rollins drew a revolver ana shot Mc Ginnis through the lower jaw. Ths latter fired at Rollins bitting him in the arm, the bullet passing into his right side. The maniac tbm turned on Blouse, but before hs eonld fire Blows THE ALTON -ILL CO IT UWt 771mmttm mm Trm filter. Alton ha en- 'fVcn:.Uttob.b..nnJ notooTlnges in rate, only to the Sr-statecommercscomu.on. rhe iSnninsofth-plsnof " of the Denrerpssssnser rste fw toS26 General Finger Agent Char L sent of th. reduction. toesto effect July 2, to Washington. II no -fee was g.ven iU condors, Jibe Western State. IWnger ao- "TURocklsUnd claim, this action is . lack of good faith on tbe pari o the Alton, snd that there was a distinct Jromiscontb. part of the Alton th.t. would notify its fellow niemUr. of the Western Stiles I'.ase.iger association. shonldTt decide to msk. any m rates. The A tou ground for the re " ction in rates, is that the 1 allowed its descriptive round-trip tu ets to Denver to be .0 manipulated that Passenger, could make the '"pe.tlier lay fk This, they claim, was done m the' following way: , A Chicago scalper would buy a round trip ticket for $50. the one-war rata Wing S30.65. Tin. ticket he would .ell to a Denver passenger for $j0. with an order on a Denver scalar for J2-.. or as much less as he could get the customer to accept. The Denver scalper then sold the return passage t&'T.u. much more a. he could get. 1 he ticket is of the descriptive character; in fact everything but a photograph of the pur chaser. The Alton claims that lady rode on one of these ticket descrioins a man with blonde side whiskers, it is alleged that this took place on a hock Island train, the only comment of the conductor being a query as to liat she had done with her burnt-ides. The Alton further claims that there are now 600 of these unused (tortious of tickets in the Denver market, 4'j0 of tliera being of the hock Island. To this charge the Rock Island makes answer in a circular, declaring there are but fifty-four outstanding round trip Denver tickets of this issue, and H i reasonable to .tippo.e that at least nine or ten of these arc in the hands of legitimate purchasers. The Alton people declare tied the circular i pure buncombe. The Alton i by no means satisfied ith the reduction in passenger rates, which will extend to all intermediate points. It i now at tacking the Rock Island in a tender spot, if private information from points east of the Missouri are to be believed. The word conies that the Rock Island, refusing to break cargoes at the Mi soiiri river, the Alton is offering stock meii to take cattle to Chicago from any point on the Rock Island system west of the river to Chicago at regular rates. This it ran do by paying local rate, to the Rock Island to Kansas City and thence to Chicago over its own line. This will not cut the through rate, but the transfer will net the Alton mnch less than it would the Rock Island. With itfeve.ral otUec ibtavaUftao-o of social amenities, the situation stand, as above. It may materially change, how ever, within twenty-foiir hours. The Union Pacific lias already become tired of the second class rate to Helena, via Denver, and will aoon request its withdrawal. To meet the Northern Pa cific and Manitoba competition, it will continue the rate, on its maiL L,0 WT IN 0000 CCETESy. THE Ma.(,.Tl0aJ All al Santt agency Will Sign. Santee Agency (Neb.) special: Gov ernor Foster and a part of the clerical force arrived at thiB agency yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and while eating lunch were serenaded by a brass band composed of full blooded Indians. Gov ernor Foster called the first council to order at 4 o'clock. H explained the particulars of the bill that relate, to the Santee Sioux Indians. These Indians are all very well advanced toward, civ ilization, being self-supporting aad only depending on the government for fur nishing implements and lumber for building purposes. Three of the Indian councilmen spoke. Home of them thought it would be very well for all the Indian, to meet and talk this matte over. They claimed that they still had some money coming from the govern ment on the Black Hills sale They i .TCry k'!1l,lly toward' th lKern ment since they were included in the agreement, they wanted was to Saw, ,t Mme. M "'OOPPW Indians T& ttLl " w",n "are signed. The total nnmber of voters at this w1ir.7gn'reT?;pDd tt 1Le Pon Indians have been ordered to report here, and ignand tfey.,.eTctd to-day. There are central Dakota who are entitled to vote these signatures. Governor Foster ex pecte to leave this evening on U return is Wowe1 Brn U TC, JrJ" little opposition ia expected. 7 Clreiila ha. at.,, v "Mnington dispatch; The secretarv of the reasurylu ined. cirXdZ flnmg allowance, for tr.velli ? on ofnciai ordinary "Z r.'.onrailror,StenAct conveyances bv tha M4oM,e' r"te; the hire of i IS '' ' where there are no reUrT1'00; street car 2, """' con-fei-coch to anffroTS "! W fcls, snd where le;rr1,0U M,d h yeyancec moderated i ana reasonable fee. tTTty ; sleep . ' Z tITtn Md double berth for each rTrlon ,ot M ry iteU-room'cwtom. bin tnnu.;TM,brs JtkmwMU? "'a or boilufllawk! Uon ia nnnscasmnh! TL? deUa f tk. ... '".y lor tha , M . - " M tlit. limn" Fremont O ) dispatch: The m-rning tram, broudd quite a nnm T i i-r aonatopsv the last tribute of respect to Lucv Webb Haves and there were on the street- or on their way to the Have, hom-stcl IVre have Wen many visitor, during the forenoon but tber were personal friends arrtviug from abroad and delegation, of old soldiers, ho msrehed bsrk to town after their respects to General Hayes. I he wide hall of the charming house at Spiegel Grove, the parlors and library wers heavy with the perfume of flow ers the tribute, of love and esteem from the public l-ole and friend, from comrade, in arm. of General Hayes and mihtarv and civic association.. Among th. "great number arriving dav i s magnificent pillow of white lilie. and maiden hair fern from Presi dent and Mm Harrison The national organisation of the W. C. T U.. Wom en . lU'lief Coria, department of Ohio and many other organization, with which Mrs. Haves was prominently con nected, also sent flowera. '1 he survivors of the Twenty-third regiment, of which General Have, was colonel, sent an elaborate piece, while a number of those from private friend, were .imply legion, among them Iwmg s specially nHicca bleoi.e from Mr. and Mrs. Win. Henry Smith. The liodv of Mrs. Hayes was em balmed after death. This niorninc it was arranged snd placed in the casket, which is of red cedar; it wa covered with heavy black broadcloth, with ina aivesilver handles. They were attached on each aide by four silver arms, orna mented in harmony with the fluted plas ters. The plate Is-ars the simple in scription: "Lucv Webb Hayes, June 25, lMVi!' ,' The Udy was arrayed in a dress of ivory cream satin. The ap-nr-snce of the face was most life like. In her clasped hands is a Unique! of rows, while others are inside of the casket. After everything had been arranged, memlx-ra of the family took the last bik at the face of the d.-ad. At 1 o'ehx-k the postiflice closed, a did the banks, offices, stores and all business houses and manufacturing establishments. At 8 o'clock the grounds at Spiegel grove ere thronged with thousands. It seemed as if the entire iopu!ation of the town and surrounding country were gathered on the skiL The funeral .er vices were simple and unostentatious, preserving the cliaracb-r of a private rather than a public occasion. They were opened with reading the twenty- third pnalrn by Mrs Haves, pR'bir, )U-t. J. M. Mills, of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1 his wo followed by the sing ing of a hymn by a quartette, led ty Prof. Arthur, of Cleveland, who wm the leader of the lnd of the Twenty-third Ohio regiment during the war. Prayer was offered by Pv. Dr. Rashford, new president of the Ohio Wesley university, at Del aware, which was followed bv another hymn. Itev. L. I). MKale, who per formed the marriage ceremony for Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, then delivered a brief funeral address. The quartette anng again and Rev. M. Long, of the Kvan- fHii-al Lutheran chnrch, repealed the xird'a prayer, closing the simple and impresaive service, which had been so arranged as to bring into requisition the services of all the evangelical mmiMer of the city. An opportunity was given to the throngs of people from abroad in view the Itody, the Fremont Light Guard band, stationed at some distance from the house, playing a number of suitable selections "meanwhile. Th funeral cortege then took np its line of march to Oak wood cemeU;rv, where the interment took place. About a score of survivor, of Gen Hayes' old regiment, tbe Twenty-third Ohio volunteers, ,o had come to the funeral from different parts of the east, acW as guard of honor to the hearse, the ceremonies at the cemetery were very brief. The casket was immediately lowered on arrival at tho grave, and Dr. hashford read the single Methodist bur- t r"n-al,','.nJ ,lm "rtal remains of Lucy Webb Hayes were left to await the morning of the resurrection. The pall hearers were son. and kinsmen of the deceased. . IfM' rlsls, Ml Rrnngfleld(lll.),peci.l: A .hocking sensation occurred here to day in th office of J. 15. Kenny, jnatice of the peace. Henry Hamp .hot his wife three times through the heart, and then fired s bullet throng), his own brain. Henry Hamp was a well-to-do butcher in Lan- Seta'-ih.1'1 Jen mar ried a good-looking woman who had and m;li i ,1W- ttl,w "rried. Alwut two years msa and L't ? iUtt' l i'rs Hamp J dthcytdoKd, Mrs. Hamp taking all eeK ,l,e '''lthe?.r " tiamn I C'", , a ",ue U tl" city. South a IT trTled Kl1 -' o nth and northwest in search of his lite. WIjUo the ltlea WM orVrmrm nJrr?V K- Moore one of tl m J'mM ' '! clh! a" 1Uiy U"n "'Mooi,. m.nmet ''""H . banker 6! 'a introA "l-liosed UulJl ft A1Kria, The M to his in i '? '"troduced Mr f."r'l- Finally tl e LvJ 1Mne ol "a banker $3 000 tT'f oftvT M certa, 1l,COUJ1 W to take tlbet 1 b"nker VM tha Unk M .r"- He cashier, und'd iu0'- bn 'scheme, refused 11 tl,e '"re of nowk00: cl'. of and ahak.-.- . hn to tiM leUJ ?.l.l- . lion wu ... .1 ' ' AH .uuy reiTej 1 service commiation fiom p , secretary of the local bo . Vice eiaminen .1 b . .. ' . . ix-BM bttllo,,. a competitive examinti0D M of July for clerk, and torn hoases in i,Uu .! : for th. nth i:th held. The commi;,,,', 1 J reply allowing the euautJ held for the clerk., but a 1 Pctors, on the gronad tL.i ,! Ury of the Lo,ril mrn . o me number of M, ' phcnlilA list f. .... ""iiitfl ors. breaking of this act,&" sioner lioosevelt, on btba'l m mission. Said: this but ,t u in C,nae. I article wuich appeared in jjj Huron. 80 far a. we knov I view, has not vet h, , it Geer is renorio.l ...... , .1 irei.n,j demning the civil service h. adopt in the management of U in.. imriKu in the old adart. .ii-wjn inning me Spoils. (;t iud iriKjiniiv riff.... .. house, whose duty it 1. toalffilI. law Inch l,a .. . 1 " , wiuuenin., till aion. rentier II especially n,. i"ju 100 commission t0 w chance whatever u given fur .0 of the Jaw. l'he comminim, course, no control over then. make it its particular duty to any administration of the law m anco wiwi 1110 theories en,1Qf (Jeer. It will tolerate no viola no evasions ol the stat it lions are ojien to all, demo-rs'i publican., alike." ( velt aaid: " I !,, t(m. , .. . aidered as the autlioritative iutf. the commission. ti.e k tnlmted to deer would hare ti, of keenin? deimcrstic ... applying fur competitive Hie ciaaaine.1 service. W,- )), them that the commission will uk tsro w wo touv teer . SuMi ; words only and do not cmulu tl cexis. iittj Issis On. EmplorH I. Kill Ho fit Louis dispatch: Wallace I formerly a guard at the Jcffcr txmitcntlary, was arrested on m of being connected with the iti Annie n eias, tut he wu vUi evening, having salnfted the intl of his innocence, Frederick Ik an uncle of the d-ad girl, claim. lieve that a ceitain siKirlm" r. ... feraon City was the girl's Mr ia learned that the cir! tf..,ftl the house of her aister, Luraed ii letters and told her suteT in ctu did not return to divide her t among ths family. The police ur proceeding on tho belief tut the dercr was a man employed to dt job, or that be wa. ecga.-ed to for a criminal nrertitn on htr. A t ... 1 h fi-cim .lfTMm..h CitVfterfl (lift I whom the uncle thiou a tbe i letrayer, protests hu icuwcrict pronases to make thiDgnorm accusers. Tha Trial Trso4. lvomsvilte dispatch: ibe lollcvii; sount of a triple tragedy cone.': Bell county: G. W. SurwucJ, of li ingham, Ala., a contracton on UkCi berland Valley extension, tati killed Saturday at bis camp near Cs berland Gap, by an Italisn hon hooting was that Norwocsl had rets. to keep back the men . .' fo Tonev C'aravaASo and his timiier ,1 ti.. i.i,.. 1,0,1 utlil totkios ingmen without guarantee, hootinir the Caravasso. eil '"I wools, Imt were captured MaW night in Tenneaace. They liM to Kentucky yesterday and were conducted to Pinevills jail shenJiJ Lynch took charge of themMdn' trial rftvanltincr in th hanZUlfl l" and the sending of ths hroth ,M The officers etartel for Pi"'1 young Caravaaao, and u "jfl 7 eling along the road nfic cracaM ine mountain sme anu f-- in ttie road a corpse. Ltrm MTOCK AMD rUODCCM nMi Qm4lmn fr K Trk, C'(H OMAHA. V,'Nri.NA. a C'oi No. a mlsed.. Oats No. 2 lira llCTTaa Cramery U orraa hoic roiL...-.- Kamm Cmickbns Live, perdoi... Tcrievs I'er lb Lkuons Oioira, perboi. (itai)aics i'er hoi. ......... Onions Per bu Hksnb NaviM Wooir Kins. ir 9 Hoxer Z 4 01 Hoo-Mistl paekln, . Jdfj a..Ha. 1...t ILtarn 8 W V I ouSftCrvuuiiTfi ntw NEW YORK tYnEA-HA. S.mH ( OBN No. t... ! Oaia Mlscd wawUrn Ions, La a a, I f 3 to m 3 1 A 3 - "7 54 f .. 6" 9' - 1 in 450 ill - xis 8 - a 11 u 84a !1 1 00 1 7 CH1CA00. Whc T Per btiahal.... Psr bunhel. o 9 3 1 . . tt 1 1. t rn po. -iviii llooa I'.ckinf Alili'in ijj 5 Jij Cam.a-Bloekara J50 'n tiHaar Natives BT. LOb'13 Wa.ftT N mi caab... ?? Coaa Perbuahsl. u Oavs Par buhl...... . TV Hou a Allied packlm CTjl.a Kaadtrs ... KANSAS CITY. Vift.Pi tiuahat.M..M W Oars Per bttsb......""" , Cafvi-aTtossrs Alssde J Uoaa-Oaad W eboies " n V rtTf. Wok'"' f, 5;i'!j Lt' 1 -11 pllf .a. CawLai Fwsdars 1 . JlIX 4