fHE Sioux County Journal r leap tors aJ E. CI RAS, k be M INE? )S THIS? Uf.-rtuktrk-eoki THE SIOUX OjUXty 4, 1889. INTO. 42 - " for sale at the IulIll. the Restaurant every TIIK COUNTY JOURNAL Van int. fcws oc-yt'iir lor Dollars. Tim TalIf-. K.UM.V.Rv.,1W1OT Gum ust Lave H.lITlm at 3.,, , M ' Harrison JUrket. Butler, fir. Ktfgs, 10.-. Poultry, p..r do. fr!.40to$:!. O.tts, rr KM) 0.. U0 Corn, ier 100 J, .. Bran, per 100 p. li.io. Fend, t hopped, ..f Bj Potato, T liU. J",.. Kirghum, -r gal. .yt,-. Onions, per bu. $1.50. Ife-aiin. ier bii. tl.(x). v .. vara. J.h h.n.u. " for the -Icecream a, Wednesday -'".tfuiltoUKeadvHieofour "Ilil.Mialhm offer. i , ,J , W new hou "-'. ior . UU( v I try the right horse '7 at l f..r ij,v who iyn i.TlIE J'K IOAI. Ml :v.'u in uiiiiition. ! year adwime po-tuge fcwil tlie . l-h-dlM l.inil in r.irm rami tlie leading f.irin month i ;d will prove of (hit for wile at the luiiil.r y.inl. ! cream at the IC-sUnnm ev Wednesday. -FivJ. straw!,. cries and lemons Ito-Vi Sl Thompson. -TW"I,g, l-rH,f ,., , Ut in Hie market -found at tlie It,.. taurant. If Tiik JiH'li.NAl. isnotiiuiie a-t "ixk! thin week us it ought to lie, j,t clia,-.. it to lll 4th of July. Tin- t nun from the east did "is, IjhKeries i f. . - urs a Uioinpson's nuppiy House. -B" careful to 1,-t on the at the r.n es this fi.,... 1 1 ! .. . .-.,ar, ago to-day t,iH ,e(.Llr4ti(m "Wn.iaii.! wus signed. HOS t i THOMPSON- ''"h .Vu go to Harris, lie illcflll :,.! .1 , i - .... noi ouin your " iln nre tr.,(ekers toiy -TwopiqK.-rsfortheiirice of one what golfer, lie sure and m-t then, -Sheriff Pfost lias l,een improvin- his .uen, Pm,rty 1.aint and decor- ations. from a horse !;ust Sunday, hut not ar- -Misn C,ira Redd f,.; wliicli she was riding es-;i without injury. ..""' ' I"--"l'l k.p coming to moiix . ounty ,t will n(lt 1)e 1()fl 1ltj Kovernment land will l at a nrerniuiii All iKrounts due me must he set- r l i t i ... ueuovjuiy i.itiior the mime will he to. Jnense Value . uf Sioux (iiiiiity. Nov YOU. -1 iU;'e of thU offer of two rive on liiesday until 2 p. in., owinir delays e;t.st of 1 'hadnni. I ion t forp-t that we you even tiling m our linn ut the line h Supply II hi. Mrs. U. K. I'ost han moved her mil inery M'M-k into tlie room formerly - copied hy the roiinty judge's olfi. e. ltitn portedth.it a hrn k hminess iiiilihiiK' i roj. ( t.sl for thin pla- e, hut the matter luix not lnen deluntely net-tlo.1. Tim 'Ople an- compelled drive over the dit h wlm h winds thromdi Main fctrwl. A litlle work, judiciously applied, wiiuld li ;raly apprei iaM. A niiiiil-r of line idiaile trees liave liw-n put out alonjf th husiness stmets during the past week, wlm h adds much to tlio comfort and jtpearunce of the pliie. if. T. ( -'oulev lum let the contract for a new n-Mideme on his land which joins the town on the north. Thii piece of land in one of the most valuahlo pieces in the vicinity. J j K (J. Hough Itw the house on his Jyfc claim well toward compklion and ex- W'VMHO tH lH Ins family heft- in a few days. He luii a nice piece of land and will make a 0n fanu out of it. W. ft. Smith li:i rilif in n f!na dfin. Nr INttf ( hunlim,,... I,, . . .....,,. , ouj-iu tniir lon e t-uriiD amt can attach a k U k-ti will iw on Klie fnym I MJMe fa lt amj t,r,)W water all over his 10 inclusive, ti I yinirlottrn fill i Dimr anil tlioi ndiiinin If rUru, at Olie and onetJuefl I rnLI hmv t( mueli v:iine in f ue of u fire. Manilml Trinihur announces tlial all dogn found running loose within the ill corporated limits of Harri.vin on and af ter'nxt Sattinlay, upon winch the tax li.w not lieen pmd, will meet a midden and fatal accident Ixn; owner take notice. Aniontf our advertiser this week appear John Thornton, Wiling the furm- ent Utt ho hai Uio UKI Jl!liai)lo cu k- yo harvestiii),' niiu:hiiiry. Thew; jfnod njd no recommend W Uiose who luive iiMtl tliem, and ifyoo want a machine call on Mr. Thomtm, We would "litest to the autlmri- iUea Uiat it would be a good plan to liavo tlie buys to keep out of tl) trough at tJm town niimn. Horw do nut line I 't in the hands of a ector. A. Hint. -The little daughter of S, L. ' funiisli t . .la.ne w ho h:w I-..,.,. :.. ..t i . .. . ... i - " " n" R is MOW iv 1 "'; inipmviinc and tlie prosit tH are that will not I lung- until she will lie ci pletely retxven.-d. - r..ery one should use all possihl care to prevent a fire as the result of the celebration. With all the buildin wood it would Ik: a lid thin),' for the place should a fire get started. I Tlie lse hall boys did some pood IV si.iii 'WitsaikW for admijsMon to MxK Tn-Uu (,-ood forr- 1-C.Xoitlusip, AgU Vp of Ancumt iWIUllpg)!,;. -u-IUm)0GU;,ciub. BIN.fEit work on their grounds in the past few days anl hav got them in pretly good shajie. It will take a good deal more work to put them in first class condition The children of the editor of The Jochsai. liave been lattling witli a siege of tire mumps, which makes them look as if they had a "phut take," but they have ttiiflered hut little, and will soon nave one less uisease to lear mo wu.-iik of their lives, School district No, 24 has contracted for the erection of a fine, new school house. The indications are that Sioux county intends to keep up with the rec ord of the older settled counties in line of schools and school buildings. Nebras ka st.-inds in the front rank in education al matters, Several of the boys paid a visit by way of the hand car route to the V ranch last .Sunday. After taking much needed bath in the waters of the dam and accepting the hospitality of the ranch in tlie shape of a square meal thev "niimoed" their way back in the dusk of the evening. A good deal of work has been put in on the race track during the past week and it is in shape so that tlie horses ought to make some interesting sport tins nltiernonn. A large number of horses hnve been entered and we expect there will lie some fun. It is to be hoix.-d that no accidents will occur, -On last Saturday Marshal Tritnbur received word from Converse county, Ve..inim'. to look out for a couple of men w ho had carried some saddles away Unit did not belong to them. He sighted his game and took them in, Sheriil Williams and Deputy Hurt", of Converse county, came down and recovered the to drink out of a dirty trough and the Laddies and the men were allowed to go bov frequently get into the water With i "Iu:h, Five "t three in five, Uwir fet, which ought to I stopped. to enter money $00, 2ml first K? W,, five to ',rt mom-y $io, "uninc fee $4 ,rul mile dasl,. HI VmA ft. 1 r.n .--"XJUirectoBo. Kn blind lUs THKItR Win. iurti!1.. T- i" nv 1, .... 1 )n,l,i .. . ' "V" iimwr " nU. hV "eforh..e 1....... . tun., vrlw' - ti..hi, mu-imii $J. "i'&, .. . 1 ' and" til f,., mi a n... 1 1 r ''lfd. ...l . . "u a daiw in II f- a grand If a general cleaning up wan made around the street of Hurrison it the aubanince f the idauu vetT much. Htickn, stones,- piece: the street do not w bin, w-. , j ."o - 1,... 1, ..n ,.r. a. i-onstaiit duniwr to 11 .,...... ... ilu driven about town. Lut the KtrueU m ( leaned up. , On lat Suturdny a little excitement wu cOTatel by the attempt of a fanner's team to run away, i 'y K"i u rod, however, before they were stopii. LttUw in U day Thornton n warn k- 1mpll U run awuy wim a ioa.i KhiiiKleu, itft;r dumping the driver oir as UM-y ithhmsI the railroad track. By little hharp running on the art of Mr. Thornton awl hut as-siHtuit im'y " Ht..pie1, liavinx don no damage txcejit U drop a few hunched of hlnngleH. Tim) irtm pump tlat which u, ke ople at work ho lorn,' nas 1., ( Um. (lowev. who tooK H w In farm Uat 8at unlay. H. oin pump is now doing nervice lor the p"1'- In: until a new one arrives. f..r,il tliat one U I l"t t,ult W" (M of !rv. in (a.se of lire, uml will al- , ,L. ..iil.tsi ho h ((n;ii.'convenicii. e W i who h!iv lo wine to llrrim for tleir water supply until they can jffut- wHh put dowa on their tUims. limn J Sheriff Pfost was down to the Lower yji ranch the lirst of tho week to replevin a limit! for which the people there had traded, and which was claimed by a man by tho name of Lyons. It looks as if the animal had been stolen anu me 01 licers are looking for the man who traded the mule ut the ranch. If he stole the mule we would like to see him brought to justice. Kd. Maine has his new house almost completed and it is one of the nicest farm residences in the vicinity. It is 14 by 22 with a wing U by Vi. The ceil ings are 10 feet big'!' ft m'al window adds much to mu apiiea..". One thing in connection wuu u i- ally worthy of mention and that is that it is all native lumber, except Hie sating. 1 here are tew' .oumit's in Milii-asKa 111.11 can prluce ihi! material to put up a I Iill' lieriir l'lost iilfornm us that ho h.us received wor.1 iron. Jml M 10 t,Bi . .... 1,.. u,,.iiii i-iiiiit) lu-re as tiiieci in.", "o us possible two "IBl",st! r yel held m this county. .ui ..ws for the Utx imyoin ...... .i v its iL will save a good money. Thetostol keepinira prmonor unlilUio regular term ol tho district . .1 .........ir Pfost. wi court is suveu, uu " reheved ol U.e responsibility of huv,K u papri.iir.UsdcnaOK)p as the soon the horse Tins is Of 8101 ix sum 01 PERSONAL. E. n. Trice left on Monday for Man Ville, Wvo. T , wiiiis ,erlu li was in ILirri.son first of tlie week. rniuk-Autto, of Antelope valley, was ... garrison on Monday. W 111. Bnxik.s handed us some casn sulisi-ription last Saturday. -Mrs. ( . ('. Jameson returned from Hot Springs, Uak., last Monday. r- Natterlee went to Cliadron on -Monday and returned Tuesday. 0o. II. Turner, postmaster of Gram luai y, was in Harrison on Monday. County Commissioner Morris adds his name to our list of readers this week. -Miss Ida Andrews, of Cliadron, ejient Sunday in this vicinity and returned on Monday. Joshua Baker, of Bodarc, tailed yes terday and left two dollars in our care, for which he will receive The Journal and the American Farm News for one year, Mr. and Mrs. Elf Smith made a pleas ant call at this ollice last Thursday and liefore leaving handed us some cash on subscription. "We appreciate such visits as that. I. M. Stone, of On, Neb., arrived in Harrison last Thursday to look after his real estate interests. He left for his home on Friday, highly pleased with the town and surrounding country. ('has. Smith returned to Harrison yes terday after an absence of several months pent in Wyoming. He is undecided as to whether he will return to the west af ter celebrating the 4th or remain in Harrison. Prof. C. E. Holmes, of Rushville, is here completing his arrangements for opening a law olhce, and expects to be here in a few days. Mr. Holmes is a gentleman of fine ability and will be a valuable acquisition to the legal frater nity of Sioux county and we gladly wel come him to our growing little, city. On last Monday we recived a letter from our friend, Hon. L. D. Richards, of Fremont, chairman of the republican state central committee, in which he ex tended his best wishes for our success with Tint Journal, and also enclosing the cash for a year's subscription. We ippreciate the good wishes and also the ash. Oats for sale at the lumber yard. ice cream at the Kestaurant on Wednesday. Fanners' Alliance. The members of the farmers' alliance are requested to meet at the Montrose school house on Saturday, July 13th, at 1 o'clock p. m. All are invited to come and participate. By Onler of Committee. Boggy Items. A good shower would be agreeable though there is nothing suffering yet for ruin, James Arnsburger is building a large barn on his claim, Mr. Castle isturnirig the sod with two teams. Win. Corcoran got a loan of f 400 on his claim and has gone east on a visit to his old home. T. Holly's wheat is heading fast and will lie a fine crop. Little Cottonwood. Farmers are wishing for rain. George Rudsmith is slowly recovering from a severe attack of the diptheria. Jake Grove is working for Harry Brown. Mr; Dove contemplates purchasing a netv twine binder. A Sunday School has been organized district No. 3. This is A step in the ight direction, and we sincerely hope it will lie a success. Miss Addie Carey came home from Douglas last week and will remain for a few Weeks; Dakota Crop.s The following from Ayr bak.i ap peared in the Omaha Bee of July 1st, and indicates thut the crop in some local- ties will not be so large as was pre dicted early in the season: The rain last night was too slight to saVH the crops in Worth Uakota. mere is ii-it been enough rain Here to llior i dilv lav the dust since the 4th of liiv. -iiid whole lields of wheat are so seriously injured that they will never be ut, in some places tne gram is bii brown as a deciduous lorest in oep- temkr. discouraging reports are com ing 111 from every county along the Red river to the Manitoba border. In no lo- ihly will there lie more man one-iniru r il ,-ron. Mnior ilowden, of the Park K..1I River Lund company, say his com pany has in (1,000 acres of wheat, over tmll ol which will never lie touched by the reaper, and that the rest would not iiverageover seven bushels to the acre. (Jen. Jodd, of the Klgin farm of 3,500 acres, says his damage is already at least 7 Hii' cent. W. 1 Jones, who has 1 000 acres in wheat, Bays he will not luirvest more than enough for next year's seed, and if the flrth tjrta ten Ca longer tM wllite fttlWn, lfARVEST IS COMING, and you need a good machine to cut your grain. I have a complete line of the Cele brated BUCKEYE self-binders, mowers, table-rake combined reapers and mowers and the UNEXCELLED BUCKEYE RAKES. Repairs for all the Buckeye machines on hand. (Jive me a call and - sjet- my prices before purchasing a macliine. JOHN THORNTON. -LOW PRICES.- -LARGE STO( 'K.- -BEST GOODS- thu Mc" supPiy Pu Harrison, Nebraska, -DRY GOODS,- -GROCERIES,- -BOOTS, SHOES,- -HATS, CLOTIHNG,- FLOUR, FEED ETC. Call and see us. WEIB 5c CO. J. B. Fwnbt, President. General oftiee F. C. StLKHSSES, Seeit Uuy. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., -iJealers in- Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lath And Shingly sash Blinds, Hair Doors, P 1 a. t e r , Lime, 'COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS torim 'Neb ON HAND. G. GUTHRIE, Manager, 4f i -1 t I'M W to w - 3 i Ii i 'I I ill turtlj Umi lniprovwjita ",w ,u tl city. ouoir ol ww P""-