The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 27, 1889, Image 6

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The Sioux County Journal.
PuWislwd even- Thursday.
.Subscription Price, f-2.00
L. J. SiuiBKu, ... Editor.
Entered at tlie jxistoffioe at Harrison
as .second class mutter.
With this issue The Jotexal is ea-lur-ed
to a tux-page paper, and as such it
Mill ajijiear in future until tlie business
will warrant us in again increasing- the
size of the pa-r. It is tlie intention of
tlie publishers to make The Joukxal a
newspaper, in tlie fullest sense of the
word, and to keep it fully up to the
standard. We sliall endeavor to merit
the supjKirt of every citizen of Sioux
county and shall work for the advance
ment of Harrison and Sioux county in
every way that projierly conies in our
line. In our efforts we ask the assist
ance of all who take an interest in the
welfare and future prosjierity of our
town and county. If the paer merits
it, we shall take it as a favor if you will
speak a good word for The Journal to
your neighbors and ask them to sub
srilie. If you have friends in the east
who you wish to keep posted In regiird
to the jrrowth and prosperity of the
country, call and liave The Journal sent
to them. It will give them more infor
mation than for you to write them two
letters each week, and will cost less
money and relieve you of a good deal of
We have ordered a large assortment of
new tyjie and material, and will lie pre
pared to fill all orders for job printing in
a neat and tasty manner, on short notice,
and respectfully solicit the patronage of
all in need of jury thing in that line.
Trusting that our efforts to advance
the interests of the town and county will
be appreciated by the people and recog
nized in a substantial manner, we re
main, Very Respectfully,
The Publishers.
On bist I Way Mrs. Lucy II ,ye, wife
of ex-l'resiJVnt Hayes, was stricken with
istrairsis at her home in Fremont, IMiio.
At last accounts site was still uncon
scious. A real estate mail at Gering. Neb., by
the name of Franklin, thuniieJ a young
fellow by the name of Houston for
stroyiug his domestic happiness. He let
the woumirel off too eav.
Tell your friends to come to Sioux
Watch for our combination offer in
the next Lasne. If you want to pet a
bargain ia reading matter we will tell
vou how you can do it.
In the eight-oared race between the
Yale and the Pennsylvania crews on the
Tlia.'iies on last Friday evening.the form
er were victorious. It is ivporteJ tliat
it was a walk awav for the Yale crew.
Black-with, farriaw aud Mason Miop.
Horse Slweing a St-ialty.
Satisfaction jruawnb-fi in every particn
I:ir. Shop on Main street.
The farmers of Sioux county ought to
take hold of the matter of an agricul
tural society so that an exhibition can lie
wade of the products, stock and indus
tries of the county. There is nothing
that does more to advertise the interests
of a county than a well conducted
county fair. It brings the farmers in
competition for the various premiums,
thereby creating a friendly rivalry and
all strive to produce the test It gives
the people from all parts of the county
an opportunity of meeting together and
Incoming acquainted with each other
and exchanging views as to means and
methods of obtaining the test results
from iheir labors. It will give all a
c hance to come to Sioux county aud see
v.liat can te produced from the soil and
at the same time see what kind of peo
IIe have settled here. An agricultural
society is strictly for the benefit of the
'farmers and it is their duty to take the
matter in hand and see tliat it is car
ried out successfully. There is no time
like the present to begin this movement,
is each year the land will become more
valuable and the expense of securing
suitable grounds for fair purposes will
increase. Let some of our leading farm
ers take hold of this matter and give it
a start
J. S. ( lark-son says one reason why
democratic postmasters should be turned
out is because tlie jieople decided last
November that they should not te re
tained. Tliat reason ought to te good
enough to satisfy even the democrats
who are turned out.
Wyoming women don't propose to te
left when the territory is admitted. It
will te very difficult to get a constilu
tion adopted which has not a woman
suffrage clause in it. but it is likely that
very little opjiosition to such a provision
will show up in the convention. Lusk
A wealthy and miserly merchant of
Franklin, Ky., by the name of William
J. Hilton, while on his death lied called
for a nail kpg that was in his room and
ordered a Negro attendant to burn it.
It was afterward discovered that the keg
contained bills and tends to the amount
of about 30,000.
On June lth. the Bothnia, one of the
Cunard line of steamers, left New York
carrying .100 Sunday School teachers
who were going to London to participate
in the celebration of the foundation of
the first Sunday School by Robert
Raikes, ll!) years ago. The ceremonies
occur on Jul v 1st.
The Minneapolis & St- Paul railroad
company recently executed a mortgage
for irri,0hn,000. This sum will clear up
all indebtedness of the company and
place the road in possession of funds suf
ficient to make necessary repairs. As
the making of the loan secures the com
pany a reduced rate of interest, th re is
a saving of a vast sum each year.
In talking with those living in the
nJley north of the pine ridge, all say
ttfiat there-must te some tetter roads
provided before the farmers can market
their grain at this place. It is time
wise active and decisive arrangement
ibe made for giving the settlers an out
Jet from the valley to Harrison. It is to
the farmers that the business men of
this place must look for their busi
ness, or at least for the greater part of
their trade, and it must be '.own in a
Jtubstantial manner that we want them
to come here with their produce and buy
their supplies. If we are rightly in
formed there are no funds in the county
treasury that can be used for that pur
pose so that other means must be de
vised. Would it not be well for some of
the business men to circulate a petition
to have a public meeting held for the
purpose of devising ways and means for
this or any other purpose that will be of
benefit to Harrison and Sioux county?
Who will take the lead in this matter?
The man Martin Burke, who was ar
rested at Winnejieg, for complicity in
the Cronin murder, has teen identified
as the one who had the furniture hauled
to the cottage where the crime was
committed. The expressman who did
the work picked Burke out from among
fifty-two prisoners. The mystery will
no doubt be cleared up in the near fu
ture. The school census of Nebraska shows
that there are three hundred aud seven
ty-five thousand children in the state, or
a total population of nearly eleven hun
dred thousand. In 1)79 the population
of the state was 122,993: in 180, 4.12,402,
and in Vim, 740,000. These figures tell
the story of Nebraska's marvelous
growth from infancy to robust man
hood. Bee.
Commissioner Tanner believes that ft
per month should te the smallest pen
sion paid by the government and lie has
accordingly instructed pension agents to
forward him the names and addresses of
all parties drawing a smaller pension, in
order to direct said ensioners to go te
fore the proper medical board for re-examination
and reyoting with a view of
getting their jiensions raised to $4 per
month. i
The officers of the various school dis
tricts of the county should remember
tliat they are working under the new
law, and that it provides tliat tliey shall
make a return of all taxes voted at the
regular school meeting, to the county
superintendant and also la the county
clerk, on or before the first Monday in
July. As the first Monday in July fall
on the first day of the month, it will .be
necessary to get the reports filed not
later than next Monday. In case of fail
ure to do this it will leave the districts
without any Revenue, as there is no
other provision for levying a tax for
school purposes. It is very hard to get
this matter straightened out Tor the laws
a wt yet published, and there in but
little .information to te hod on the
We would respectfully call the atten
tion of the street commissioner to the
adage that ''a stitch in time saves nine,"
and tliat a little work on some of the
streets will not only save a good deal of
work in the future, hut will be a great
improvement in the appearance of the
town. If some work was done on the
street leading to the depot, throwing tip
a grade in the center of the street and
cutting a ditch or gutter on each side, it
would te much tetter than to have the
water cutting a winding ditch through
the center of the street.
Lord Coleridge, chief justice of Eng
land, has decided that the Duke of Cam
bridge, commander in chief of the Brit
ish army and first cousin of Her Majes
ty, Queen Victoria, must answer to the
charge of assault on Reporter Simms on
the occasion of the recent fireman's pa
rade, before an ordinary police magis
trate, just the same as other mortals.
It seems that the imfierial family in
England must learn tliat the masses
have some rights which they are bound
to respect and the decision of Lord Col
eridge is received with great satisfaction.
Our Great
We would respectfully urge the jieo
ple of Harrison to make it a point to
look after the strangers who come here.
There is scarcely a day passes but new
comers arrive, either by rail or wagon
and our people should see that they are
made to feel tliat wo want them to set
tle among us. Do not go at them in a
manner that will lead them to believe
that there is a desire to bleed them, but
treat them so that they will feel tliat
the citizens of Harrison are good-hearted
and hospitable, and a good class of jieo
ple to live among. This is the tluty of
no om mta, hut of tvury one who has
the prosperity of the towjj mid county
at heart
It May Interest
Don't Forget to
Watch for it!
Wm. Christensen,
"Wholesale and Retail
A large and well selected stock
at prices to suit the times. Apent? for
Chadron, - Neb.
kViaiiclitte-' milh.ic-v which
4 sells at tlat .My . ...n-i .ti.'K
triMiD MM)!, MXJl WI.K
Andfa.rpn. es. Second st;t.
f. L MOi:RI',
A weil select"! sit k always on
hand t !"--' ri -
A specialty.
j-JTSiiti-fui ti.'.i guarautwl
HARKH.N, - NnA-K'.
Fourth of July Exmr-ion.
Excursion ti.kcts will te sold from
Ihirnviii to any piiit not exciting .''l
miles, on July 3rd and tth pi I". re
turn until July Mb, at oue fare f..r the
round trip.
J. C. NuKTHHor, Agt.
IUj Itob.
The English Shire iielmont Stallion
will stand for mares during the season
oflKMatmv farm one milt? east of
town, ex.-cpt Sat unlays, when li will te
found at the liverv barn in Harrison.
All p"Tim hnvtnit Ann) proof niilinn In
tin. kt ill r.s'i-iw ii nmrkHd ropy of tlx-;i-r
mt't uif rrijiH'stMl to xmium- tl.' ir
liulKYBlKl II n- rnw exist r.-jmrt IIH
iiiiic to tlii- ofli.i- at oiiw.
NOTK V. Knit I'l I'.I.U AI NtN.
Ijind iifll. c at ('lia'lrou, Ni-li., (
May Is... (
Sntic.' is li.T'-by irivcn thai tin followinif
imiii.'l x lll. r hat. III.-.I nolle ot lntMi
tion to inak Una! prool in fipiort of hi
cliiini. iin.l tllHt sal'l pr.)t w ill 1- lie
lore John w . Ilunt. r, ( oiiniv Jiiilu"', t liar
rl-on, .Ni-liraska, on July i' issa, iz :
Jacob IltiSKU H, ol Montro".', N. !.
lui hihiIc l. s. tilmif No. !TTJ lor the
. -..., lp. M. r. .' ..-I.
Hi- mimes tlie fullim iii( llnei- to pruw
hi cimtitiiioii" n-i'li-n.'.' ujiotl ami ciiltHs
1 1. hi hi Miid luii.l, vl.: John W i-IiUt, lli nn
hmtiImtkit, Mnl Mraulrr, r rilinun'l Hit
ner, nil of, V-li.
Any (wr-oti h ho ili'sirew to proti'.t itifiiin-l
tlii- ullou miii-c ill surii prool, oi ho know
ol liny substantial n-a-on, uimIit tin Ihw
itnd tlii ri-i;uiatioiii ol tin' Int.-iior la part
ini'iit, why m'h pr.sif honj.t not In alio el,
will li.' ki veil kii opjiort unity at lh. iiIiom
nii'iitiimisl tiini'Hiiil tiliii-c lo i'iiim i'caniliti-tin-w
itni-.-ci. ol sai'l i jjiimant, anil to oll.-r
i-viii iii--in n-bullal ot that Py
claimant. M., IIi-ki-i. r.
NO'I'K K Hill I'l lll.K AI ION.
Lund (illice at Chadron, Ni-li. , i
May :u, Issii, t
Nlltlr.' IS hiTi'llV L'iviMI IIihTl tin. fiillow inv
iiaini-d settler has llh-d notfw of Ids Inu-n
linn Ui make tlnal prool in Wipport of his.
' ' tim. -h.i'1 j.hbii "ill l.i. lilll'ie I
lore ( has. Jitmevin, clerk of the li-trlet
eon J L, hi iiai rnsju, sen., oil July ly, IHifJj viy. :
KK1.SK IJICTZLMIISKK, Of llodiire, Neb.,
wlio made 11. s. lllinu No. , jur nM. nj,
aw "'id ui we mv 1 tpji r M.
ile names the lollow Pik wuin,'i', to pro.e
his t'oiitiniiniiM resideni-e iiMin i,nd eujtjva
- ..... u.ii-1.--, .iiijaiH
Ker, Jereiniah II. Uowner, Alis-rt Kami, liar
u-.iaiiui Ijifmu , .v-ll, Also
Alo.szo Hovkv.oI lloilarc. Neb.
who made-fur the nx iix . . K,i wv
it we. 7 lp St r 'si.
lie naiiies the lollowlng wltiiM-, to prove
his continuous residence 11J1011 ami cuiUvh.
lion ol, said land, ijt: Jauie Ariisl-iKi-r
Harrison Heans, tt lliia.ui Lalterty. Soidi Hu'
vey, uilol lloitarc, Neb. "
Any B-rin wnodesue, to proti-st aifalnst
the allow anceol sueli prool, or who knows
ol any substantial reason, under the a
the rc-rulatioiisol the interior la-partnient
why sueli luool should not be allowed ui
s- given an oisutui,uy ,a tul. llU,V(. 'm,.
tinned time and plnce 10 erosB-en,,,,,,,,.
w itnes-i., ol said eiaimant, mid to oiler i-vl
dene., in rebutuu ol that .nbuatt.-d In el,ii,
M. Miimm;i.i:i, Ui-Kisi.-r.
Laud office at ( liadron, Nidi. ,
v- ,- . , .May, 31, i ' 1
Mjtice Is iien-by (Oven that tt: loilow l. i,
lamed tiierhu, m.-d notice ol I i luu
tion to make llnal pnl h, ,u,,Kirl , '
loret . t .Jami -ou.lleik lli-tr t (0r,
Harrison, Neb. , on Juiy, ii, 'i . ' "
lli.Mir Y. Mahtin ol liarrlsoii, N. b
He naii,,.., ti. loliowinn w iluess,-, to rV(.
' I -" IJ.
l'AVSOS li. blOKLOW of Ii,.,-, i .
w-lio made U. .s HliiiK N. iM for the'.k
""C "" "h sec Slip ii, w
He lialncs the ii.iiiiu-.n .
his coiiimuo, 1 1 1 tu I"".
tiuuof,M, v. . :,,,;, , ,V , Id v
. ..i,.., ,,,,,,, AJMi
ALBKHTib A. II ,:M of Hodarc.Ncb
who miMl-s . s, So. m for 11. . .- . ,
sec nd ' I, avl , XI
He name, the ioio;K ii , 'L ,. nr
lis eoiiininou, .cidenei? ,",, U' f"v
llUII ol, said land, viz- Miei,,. l- '"llivil
H. Hovey, Chrisu, L J ' '"" " N"aU
I. ,.llZen.M,s,:r, ul, ol' .'Llan, ",. J""'
ol any subsUuitlalnJ, ' C u fc,"
the rexuiationi irt Um 1 "u l, . , i,,w '"ll
hy such .1,, u 1 1 1;;pj,ni,,,''ht.
a-mven an opiHjrtiinltv Lt 1,,,.
. iUtii
f 1't lCATIOK
I.a.iUorilcfatlliadron.Nel, ,
Notice 1. 1 ,. ""J '!, Isen. ,
in named tt,.7h,l in", .V'"1 l""
lOMlio.. ... . IUJ 11
claim, and 11. .. 'm'' "'.l'iirtol
-r-i liaa.,;:,,,- , made u.
tAMlEt JtKTMCJI f ,liu.t;;
who made 1,. sj. m . '"" cl'.
a tp 31 r H,. ' " !,Ki r"r li r.eS ,..,.
Iiciiaiiii .the f0i)lm ,, ,
Ills (.utmi.oils residence uiJ.Vi T '" 'r"v"
1011 Ol said la,,,,, v. A"'"r V"1. t"'lu
1- Martin, lloi le, 1 m.. "'"h "onv
'.'n.ilios(.iiK.s,of Harris,,, 1
''".....d sin,,,.,, " ',,,,
.tp:ii7w?n""-'r th, .!
... sn, ,,, vl . - inn,,,,,
Joseph Pfost,
IWalef hi
Farm Machinery, Reap
Mowers, Rakes, Cultivators ar
Come and examine my stock be
Tliat tlie firm of
Are Here to Stay anJ do
W oul.l rifMHy f tin. attention .f H .uW.o ':
tlmt we urc tuviKinil to ni:ik fi.rm Unit in
t3 SIOUX, I'AWMHaiKl Jiox nfTTK ( INT11
The Most Liberal m
",n:i' I'-uof nmnvy aJvan.-e.!
'Without Extra Charge.
Lwl OIIW liiisi,,, wi y,lTlAL ATTKNTIOS
Contests Initiated,
1 f'-ti'-rnl Invt Lipiln.-" tniust.
li fliitin,
Vou tU,l .
01 mm vra kl,.,liil I
Ui!., Htat,-, Lund 0if,.. Will nm,
A Lo
-.1. . v-
, Lie I'l'
eating -Business
r" " Kviil.le ani,t. AU'ra. U
lIl. Ii vour lnis:in-sK
UOOT nwlo nil nil . ..,..fl
Where Business is
on, . . . NeW