I my1. The Siouxounty Journal. Published every Thursday. S Vwriptimi Price, f-'.OO t.. 4. Nfjiiuuus, - Editor. Et,'red at tlie yoKtoffk at Hurriwn Tis s.coml class matter. To thp People. AVith this issue of tli JuTRSAL I ill ingly yet reluctantly confer to another its editorial management. Willingly, because I am satisfied tliat it passes into hands more competent and better quali fied to fill the position. Reluctantly, for the reason that I have experienced much pleasure in conducting the Jour nal even though my pathway lias not been free at all times from the thorns of adversity and the rough and stony pla ces usually found strewn with bounte ous plentifulnet within the young and trusting editors career; though consoled by the fact that I shall be connected with the paper still ami thereby contin ue the acquaintance of my many friends and to render, in the future as in the jiast, any service that I may be able in my weak but willing way to give. That I liave made some enemies cannot be de nied, yet I am conscience free when I say tliat I liave only said and done what seemed to me to be right and just under the circumstances and am ready and willing to abide by the consequences. The new editior and partner, L. J. Simmons, is a man of whose ability in the newspaper line you will shortly le able to judge, and that the cliange will be more tlian satisfactory to our patrons I do not in the least doubt. By the firm of Simmons & Patterson will all ac counts due the Journal lie collected and all indebetedness of the same lie paid. For the generous patronage shown this paper in the past I desire to return my sincere thanks, and asking for a con tinuance of the same I am Obediently Yours, W. Eimer Patterson. Train, from the east were seriously de layed lbs lii-st of the week by washouts along the lines in Iowa, cuu-t-d by the heavv rain. The banks of New York hold f 10.003, (XX) in exie of the legal lepuirements. a decrease of $433,000. The burplus i gradually wojking westward. Uniontowu, Kansas, was flooded on last Sunday by the bursting of a dam. Five jiersons lo.st their lives and a large number of buildings were destroyed. The election of Cal Btke to the chair manship of the democratic national committee show tliat the democrat ic Ha rtv lias not lost its faculty for blundering. J. T. Albion, editor of the JfcCool Record, was struck by lightning a few days ago. For some hours he lay un conscious but at last accounts he was in a fair way to recover. It is an established rule that when a new man takes hold of a paer for him to say something of himself. We have located in Harrison with our wife and little ones, and embarked in the newspa per business from a business standpoint. Our politics are republican and The Journal will continue to be republican, but we have no quarrel with those who honestly differ with us on party princi ples. We shall use our liest efforts in the interest of Harrison and Sioux county and ask the co-operation of all in the movement. We are here for busi ness and hope to conduct ourselves so as to merit our full share in our line. The Journal will lie enlarged and improved in the near future, and it is the intention to keep it fully up to the demands of the times in all respects. The job depart ment will be remodeled and increased so that the wants of all may be fully met. Cordially inviting all to come and be come acquainted with us we remain. Very Respectfully, L. J. Simmons. We hope the city authorities will do all in their power to extend the water system. Would it not be a good plan to levy a tax to create a special fund for the erection of a -stand pipe and other improvements as fast as possible. The jieople of the town will not object to paying a pretty high rate of taxes if the money is judiciously expended for the im provement of the place. Public works show the enterprise of a, place more than anything else and will attract at tention and settlers. A united effort of the people to boom this sec tion of the country will, in all probability, be sec onded and assisted by the railroad com jiany and a growth of unparalelled pro portions will be made in the wealth of the county. Judging from the reports of tha papers ! number of inmates of the state in- BstgUk home at Kearney is rapidly in )fy It is a good place to send rKqhen they become untnan- institution is one of the ifd in the United States. It a .. ... icMVjrume man oi a home rath &W&fft There are no walls ino snutters or oars : children are well ihave. Tlie dis- our personal nt there turned and ' l -,JJ' Jf-0 J 2.t,..K'f?Jr.J. JEIiem 'JTflfcultiearrfnfira is ",en' f w mtmWw m m d j war m. aj m -j r m xu m m j 11 Corjior.il Tanner, Commissioner of pen sions, will be in Oimdia on July 2nd, and w ill sjeak at the Crete Cliautauqua on July 4th. Corjxjrul Tanner has a host of admirers both in the ranks of the old soldiers and those who know him only in private life. The Supreme Lodge of the A. O. IT. W. met at Omaha last Tuesday. One hundred delegates were present, repre senting twenty -three grand jurisdictions of the United States and Canada. The memliership now reaches nearly 223,000. and is rapidly increasing. The following states liave adopted the Australian or secret ballot system: Mas sachusetts, Indiana, Montana, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Minnesota and Missouri, and Illinois promises to lie the ninth. The exiiennient will lie watched with deep interest. It is reported that silver has lieen dis covered about thirty miles north-west of Chadron. It may lie all a hoax but let us hope that it will prove a valuable find. Paying mines as close to Harrison as that would be of great benefit to ev ery resident of Sioux county. The Secretary of the Navy has issued an order that all metal covered vessels of the Navy lie painted white. Former ly they were painted black, but it lias been found that white paint makes vessels several degrees cooler. same color is used bv other nations. the The Surprising as the statement may ap pear, it is asserted on good authority that the coast line of Alaska exceeds that of the United States. And its terri tory includes 1,100 islands, some of them of considerable size. It's an empire in extent, with a vast interior region un touched by the foot of civilized man. The prospects appear to lie that war cannot long lie postponed in Europe. The powers have lieen making faces at each other for a long time and the strain of preserving an armed peace among the great eastern powers is a terrible drain on the finances of tlie world. With the improved implements of war now in the national arsenals it is to be hoped that a passage at arms will be averted, for a terrible loss of life would lie inevitable. A horrible double murder was commit ted in Seward county last Sunday night. Two girls, Elizabeth and Caroline Leav itt, aged sixteen and eight years, resjiec tively, had their throats cut from ear to ear, during the temporary absence of their parents. The coroner's jury re tunred a verdict tliat the girls came to their death at the hands of some persons uuknown. This is the first murder that lias been committed in that county for about eight years. The time lias arrived when the people of Sioux county should begin to prepare for an exhibition at the state fair. Whatever you can get hold of tliat is of good quality put it away carefully and have it ready to go to Lincoln when the time comes. Get specimens of wood, stone, brick and everything that will show the resources of Sioux county. It will be the best advertisment that can be made. Do not neglect thin matter but let all act promptly and unitedly. It is a well known fact that nothing can be secured without an effort, and if the people of Harrison and Sioux county wish to receive its share of the westward immigration it will lie necessary to make a strong and united effort in that direc tion. It is not the work of any one man or set of men to look after this matter but it is the duty of every citizen of the county to aid the work in every way 'sswie. Write to your friends, semi papers and descriptions relative to county. Call attention to the line ate and do not forget to tell them uel is cheap here. In the settle- i the eastern portions of the state oiluelwasa great drawback. stop at the eastern purt of the Vc" .years ago me writer .vis- e county seat of Dun extreme south-west and close to the coal and we found that rton. At Harrison same quality can I ion, anu wood is In addition to i county makes i get a house to These in ad- Mlvantages xit- Lauraet the rut iKirts of ulikis to hi """II Jones & Verity, YOU WILL OBSERVE ON LIBERAL Harrison, iJebra Tliat On IH20TH SIDES Of the Ranch SpPIV Hu There are teams continually loadmg supplier during tie btv Min of tlie day, which f a t is a good indication as to Headquarters for Groceries, Dry iood, Boots, Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Flour. Feci, &c. The largest stock to select from. Best qualify of goods. Prices as low as the lowest. WEIR & Co. Ranch Sni.v I1he, Haiuusos, Nkb. HIE HARRISON Livery, Feed Si Sale S Tubbs & Thornton Prop GOOD TEAMS AND RK',8 FURX1SIIEI) ON SHORT NOTICE .V onaplk rates. -FOR- HARDWARE, FDRNIT STOVES, TINWARE. BARBED-WIRE - And a Big - . Stock and Lowest Pr' -(io To Griswold & Marstelli Tliis it the time to boy Url-d w ire CHEAP. We lum- ju4 n LOAD awl it will jay you lo buy it now. Yours fur lms,i;w. J. (i. ARMSTRONG, Presid-ml. H. BARKU THE "WHO'S IN 'The Wrong Pev 99 Our enemies may tell you that this is "the wrong pew' but tlie firm of Conley, Reidy & Pollard Are Here to Stay and do A STRAIGHT FORWARD HONORABLE BUSINESS. We would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that we are prepared to make farm loans in tlT SIOUX, DAWES and BOX BUTTE COUNTIES j& The Most Liberal Terms. Final proof money advanced Without Extra Charge. Land Office business will receive SPECIAL ATTENTION Contests Initiated, PROSECUTED or DEFENDED. Land filings made and a general law busings tnmsa. ted We oir.-r you the advantage of several years successful practic Uft.w the United Slates Land Otlice. Will also do A Locating Business. Collection made on all wcessible points. Abstract uuv.fully ,,,,. pilnl. Do your business i VJhere Business is Done! OFF Harrison, E ON MAES' STREET Nebraska. TCP OF HARRISON. Harrison, Nebrf ' Tranii l a gr-m-ml Umking busiii'-v, AND Loans Honey on Chanel Security The Harrison House. EOOEBT liOHWEIt, rropnetor, . liAliKl' -O- Special Attention to Comme Trade. ITU STABLE IN' CONNECTION. Best Accommodations in the Northwes: Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley H "The Northwestern Line" Between Harrison .Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. And All Point East, North, South and West nmouon tickets to all hunt Full Informal j,,,, on AiplirUon to J. c. NOUTUW l', A;-" l!,r'" ii ti t. in kt, Oenr, Maluift,r, olf;i AVl"i ' (.-.,. J, I iV' K ,4 , V.I. "f 'yd lU ,!uiiin- , af le. .U-iflU-'--' Jv S;..re. .jttr.'v "'' V 0..J " r' M"'l i!u' i '.'tcl TV,.' l-k . t .51 ' '' it w '' ' i-ir.iy iNiu hv until .7 .. s 1 JV Hiu a-J's-'o i'-nt.v H 6 II klK'l ;lull!ll! " ll US l! yt ol dn i a limi ts tS alt'-n' w Murn ! 5-i n-nt ;:l.iu!V. U H OF , it., o! Ve III. (.r.; '.fi'altlf .tu! Ant: l.a!Ai.!i !.;. bv in U) K w:o. I -m rust 1 WJ tlmt fin to ( T(3i Til i. i,ri-. r,r.) f'rv ' Utr l'o. 'i..'-V . '