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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1889)
Sthe S County Journal 'v RiDPCD rify. nerd 'est THE Moux i nrvrv J"ottjrkt AL Tim TI.Ii., ! F. K. &. JJ. V. y..iwnvr Gom-wt I. avt. !L.rn, at l', :r, M Gom,-,..t .,v II.nv.n u i u"w' ' . Ji. HarrUnii Marlel. Hitter, Sc. K----. 10.. 1 wintry, rdo. ft. 4fM Outs, , r loO P. $1.4 Corn. r too H, c , Hi-in, r 10") t, f I. Vi. F.-etl. i Iio.jimI, j,.r ,, g Pod torn. i lm. , Sorghum. . r -il. Hk Ouiolls, IT l.ll. I. V). IVr.n:;, r bu. 1 (mi M..u,,tyC,rUamnWenUo """T'l"i'-r,1nv1,1,,1;iv. M- W .ard. orgaui.r of tiieV. Mrs. Woodward j, a t,,,,.,.,,,, 'r7"f "ati''l reputation and in ' " -"""fii'-ean interesting -TV ,ys of Whitney 111 :1 I I.. 11 I . I .....ojiu art preiaretl to fun wi, t,le IiOV al !r';""""-,"Wns ltw""U ' a good I-l iii fur tl,.- ILurin lb to arrant a ''t.ntti,1tU.,ntl1eliamo.L . - W re,uest all to ..UJ U!l r.-H,rti of evervthiie, j (I... I:.., . r . .. I I 111 I r,llv ui hioux county as- fllo W 'iVlVATMW- rQlQ r !'! all lotiltsand tlrt" I .M to niv are will re- I .v - - NKR ishoe maker. ( -At- uu: vm vs. .1 t Xt , I- ..t II ..-.-i-.... I ....-JIM "' r . vio.if l-ii lirmrf rioti" In ; : r-n a u,il hel '!' of 1 1 ft.iijf-!! to rtandiiti t.'ieit s, t rmr eti.-t reiort lh- IJrlT M"Urtl)ll V1IOV. .tl i (rtt n tint i.:t Init Pft . tiT.l til -ll.irt Of 111. ril-WIBr .r-t UI l- in i.l. U- lilt I l .ML arsteM 1 1 i r - ij ft J 1 i HARBISON, 3STEB., JUTnTE 20, 1889. liuu.rr talk. p orinm- .jil'itV". srr: for thi' wV ,1 r HUM U'ttVrt r. Wrt! MfiUilrf, h r-l It; -i h -t II t nt ti. h j-rwif , i-r lj ikmtt hr-ii it ti r liji- Interior l iifl -f: sis ifi'i-nijiiity !t tl of mifmiitt"! by Th t. fill! I'l 1 IHN. Uii'l t iHi at t li.lrtn. Nr. , t M iy 31, l. Tt-trt j;;vf Ihitt tlt' foUiiHltt(( 'i !tUiwt Hump i liilfii t- i.riHii In -ui.i,it i.f hi. : :t 4t'f trii( w ill p ruutl' U' i Jumni,rirrk "( tlin tll-lrlit ornfa, Ni-u iifi July iv, l, lie ibrtTtr.tiiiM, of liiKlurr, ))., niniti. so. lor tin- !v t ".(! f.illim Ihk K Ittll wa' Ul ttu r WKi.- rr--.'jrui (IhiO KII1 IllllUa niSuniiU: Jaii W. Aru-lnT ftiicM-r. Alto-rt Kmi.l. Iliir uiij. lli.n.r. ol IHtarr, hi b. Ux II u j u J, ". If. t'l l if sirs. - - i N-ia-li.i. tr,) !liM.' to 1 1 r lair'l. 1U: J:.iin. Ari!-l).TK. r. li-jm, William Utlti-rtv, Noali Itir '-' h! .n , Vli, h(, ii vrr to iriit-t ui; iliihl !.. Ill ,t,,(, r ho OW Ualii(l n .i-mi. unilcr tilt- Iho uml 'Mrn-ut liii laiiTMir iN'iHirtini'iit, lwi( ntwHlM unt ! 8liimi-i, HI .l.irianity ui (lie nln.- iim h i piu-r lit vriM'Pxitiiitiip tin ' "aii! -Utiii;uit, ttnil itt 0fJ,.r ,,vj nwnuiirf ltt,ul,n,utcl l I'liiim . Vwtwnui, lt(U.t r U. to) i k run I I iurVfios". Uaa Uffk-,' hi I tiKilrou. Ni ti. , i . . May. l, i iwn-tiy iflvfii tt,t li... t..n i,.., liiMt.a Unit iwitin- ..f l.i. u.i.... U.M .till l.riMlI Itlll h. . ''' Xt I'l-tri-t limn, ..I -.'U. .Oil Jllit' " li T. Mittm ,( Harrtnoi. N. I. "lV'i tat KU f"r if tuiv at the ( im-, I. ),..,,, ji - I' t ifam at ti,,. ti- Vm1u-iLiv, 1'ur tin' l-t ll.nir IiiN & Tll'MIilt. Mix I'l-i S.uiim-,1 Satulav Willi fn.niili in ll.iin Mm. I'aim k I hum. ,,f tl,.- lirm i.f !hi!in lil-iii... Kit ill tovwi mi Jim,, Now in tlin til,,,. 1., , ,,. ,.,, tl'T. L. t all Hint-' ill tin.' .(!', lk (tut im-M Uk,. ;,( rlitin It tlt;t iTlnii-s.i.t ini-mn.-. K. I , S,ttt.Tl,f ami (.tinilv I. ft Wiilfu siLiy f,,r I.,t j r J,. JllMi. ; C... ..f Wltiti- riv-r, rli,l' ILtrriHiiti a lmfti-.-i ,,tl lat S,ilnn!a . -A lin- tnittiir.' Milky n,t, i-..r,.,v,., liv ( 'oliimiiiii. r Mi (iml. y la-t M.iin JMrM i THOHI'MO- S.1- tlit-ir ituri' Hi,, it ymi pi tn Harmon, j Tli" "IJi'li IVimiC iipiis an; Die I I-t ill tli" inarlii l - fiitiml at lh- l!-s-, t.iiir.ini. (Y' of nil kitiii am lonkiii lini' all over Sioiix niiintv aitil ewrv are IVitile in llie f-tt are anxious to know what tin, 1 'ality will prtMluce anil ( ron iv,.rt u in 1 1- one of tl,.. l-wt , i . . u-..-i,ii'iiis oi t ne Tl Kouiily Hut 1 maile. 'ls"n '"j -Am-trott sl...ulll nuule l,v the I ...,.1.. i ... ,- ,.. ite. ure a mill at this jiliu-e liv tltmi.. th.: wln-at rrmi is reailv f'r e liimht r Restaui-ant every millin.'. h w,ii e.'rMve to the i.iniiti to ship their wheat to market itii'l tln-11 Imy Hour that has lieen ship in frnii, other mints. A line i-,, in visited this liK alily last TliuiJ.i v ami a lijrlii shower Sunday ev "iiin,', while ri-,rtscou,e in of line lo ' il rains in various parts of the county. Cii'psiif all kind- are limkiii- line and ilntv I- the lime to invite ieo,e to come to Sit mix county. - We would surest that it, Would be a pkI i,iii to have a short piece of hose or pi' attached te the uiiiiji in the cen ter of town so that water could he pumil dms t into a waoii or harrel. If a wooden puini of sood ca- i acity wa- put in fur the use of the fren ; era! puhlic it would he hi'hlv appreci-!, fly U f.-lint.'K'l. i -Tli-pn..rify of Harrison tl. nituuls If you latvt a fre-nd in the ea-t i that every citizen and business man do ntti to liim and inducv him to i mne Sioux (toiiity to live. Sioux county is not in 1li- ilry Udt wi viii an t ll your fi ends th y tieed Mot fear drought or iiot win Mr. Jjninieill. M.)Stitt.m has socur tsl n fine .iis e of hind thref miles siuth- of town and is now building'. ilwrtf iiii5ui to lw an imneces-sarv iiuiiilivr f iIhl;s in lLirrisiui. Would it not In.- ell to L'i t nil of -01)10 of them? It would wem that this locality and soil is well adapted for broom corn mid we JiouUI like to -e. the eNjierimeiil A railroad driili ptii' wtre swiu h- l tf Inn' Tu.-7.Liy niitl liv I wen re- airui,' the lindK'es itloiitf llw Iiim) in tliii. vicinitv. ! all in their Kiwer to induce jn.'ople to come here to do business, (ioods should lie sold at as small a margin as cotisist ant ami every elfort niatlu lo show that we wish the citizens of the Kiirrouniiiii country to do business with us. Let it liei ume known that Harrison is a K"01' place to come to. The niifcs, furniture and fixtures V-loiv,-iiu,' to the county have lieen movisl into t(w court house and now the county officers of Sioux county have as neat ami commodious )uarters as the officers of imy county in the state. The records are also safe from fire, the new buildini; licin!? brick and furnished with fire proof vaults. Tlie court house is a .structure of which Sioux county may justly leel proud, Oats .ml ciru for Me at t!l I'e cream at tl Wetlne-ilav. lry Ooods, Gi-oceries, B.xds and Shoes at Rosa & Tlioinpson's Fourth of July Excursion. Kxcursion tickets w ill lie sold from Harrison to any ioii:t not exceeding 200 miles, oa July 3rd and 4th good for re turn until July 5th, at one fare for the round triji. J. (.'. Xortiikop, Afjt. A ( aid. EmroR Jui unaL: To the vile slander and of last week's Herald I do not wish to reply and will simply say that I will fac the writer of said articlus mid his hciu Inneii U fore an honest tribunal. Re-iect fully (IVMIMV. W.U KKIt. -Al a meet in-' of the village trustees last Saturday evenin- tlte levy was iiii'de for tiieex?nditure.s, for all iurjioses for the ensuing nmuiciial year, as follows: Officers' salaries, 10 mills: election ex "iis;s, 1 mill; jirintiiifr, 2 mills; streets, 2 mills; incidentals, H mills: Kinking" fund, 2 mills: ixmd interest, 3 mills, tiiak-ini,' a total of 2H mills. A Lamentable. Fact. The latest report of the secretary of state for Louisiana shows that illiteracy is increasing more rapidly aiuoiur the while than anion"; the colored voters. The extraordinary poverty of ''tlte poor w hites'' of the once slave holding states is Romi'thin, incomprehensible to the northern man who has not seen it. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Cam) Mi'Otinjf. ", n "' rfll.,rrim K,.l, "lit ,a!',.?,.r: '" u- r. ,i,. ." . ""' "" s t" (T'-Vf , ,.. ' '" V- tioinir A lli.i, ln,,'Mlti,ll,.a,.l. "V u.-i. 'i'..f,., '"'- to (iron. t un 't, ,1 M" l" i lnmii, .Nmili '5U. ml ol " ' Joim l-"i . m ---nr.' i.iu- r" ti iir-ot.'wl ui..ii,Hl f' """lUnli.. - I'""", t.r ln kmiw 110!Wrf tiw- l i Uh(., ., ' M" ' ttlll. Will r H'Wuail . i nil - i tt.i -;..-iieral ,Suierii!tcnd"iit Hal-.'y and TIi Ixianl of county commissioners luision Su"riiilendent IIukI. of the : have Uvn iltin(r as a Iward of etjiializa Klliliorn, KiH-tl throiiKli this place I tion for the past ten days. But little Thursday, J objection has lieen made thus lar. He (i. li Kiiiikill, of Washington Co., learn that there is a vest difference in was lierv last week visitinif !is djiughter, i the returns made by the assessors, so Mrs. John I'luhkett. He returned home! that in some ol' the precincts the assessed Hatunhy. (valuation is less than last year. The -Our'-st-emcd friend F. V. Or.iy, of j assessment of Howen precinct, in which Soldier cre-k, s.-iit a few hours ill Har-1 Harri-on is located, shows an increase of nson Tm-tlav. Hot alb-don the J-KJ!- j abmt fO.OOO? j - On next Monday occurs tlie annual friends tliat I school meeting in the various districts ,.! f il,,.,. ,ii,fv. It is tie (til V oi an io I in Sinos oiintv mid also that. i leap. NA(. as usual. - Itun't forL'i-t to tell your theit; is no hot wiiidi or danci r dnoif." ft.t I i- f. E. fiowvy and Mr. Jacolw, of Low er Hiiniuiii,' Wat.-r. were in the cojinty tlie lirst of the week, uml made il ,l-iis"iiit ' all at this ollii e. ommissioner iicwiwey UtMlVl 11.1 IO IT.M.-J. ..... ' it- ""' lll,i,,u,l I. vl tilniillU-il l,v i lutai 'stooKtHl, ilKiti "' "m-' "t Hm-lron, Sclj., "'"I tiiM r" "" 'in i,.::, """"""!"" ui ins in Ml ,,,i , 1 " '" ""l(rt o( Ilia t.J.,.," ' "ifl ! 111,,. li- lr lm,, ' "'iy w, iw, vu l ii . ' "'-".' )ltirrti)ii, .. rf. "" W3 fur the up l" Mini ,,,, --"-iiii inn niitiva r.m'"' Omri. ' , . A""'rt "'t. Henry rlia,l,rf.,. . """i'ii-iirihii. .. ""r"tl, I.-l).. !.. mi, , r''IE,''0,,"-l.m,.N..,., r - ""i .Vo. mA for tlie n w m e lllclmril llm.... .. " ""K WI(.lirweM II. ItrrtVI, hrf . " rent. .... " "ain i. . - r .i.Miii ltl.1'1 ... - l-"l s, 'I lllle. VI: lttl.1 eiiillVH w llllitlil Hrliiuirliitiliii '"""!.el.ull i'.r" ? i... .. -"'"nwjii. ..ii. i u. '1.. f,iV!.""SJeiVto- "f ""rrt-tint Nel.., 'il "ry . xrt.,., ( iirl. "Oil, ell. "'"linn , ' ' f ', " " " ror t in wv wt "''"''"w'r'',1','" lti" "i. to irov. , lmn V1 , ' "I""' UIIIVH , . oi'iirv t vi iM-iHi iirii, r.niil "vrl.,,,. Vi """ """It'il'l fluiiei , "ii : """t.irtMi t nnile-f i, ,o,i .' "ii,. . " l"inf, r who knows t n. I L, f'yiiiiiit... ''twit. niHler the luw "! el. l"" rior De,.'.M , Ku,pli 1111 """Hill HOI IX' llliH e.l, i.""'1 liinii a,,, " -"oitiny hi tlie aiw.v,. , -"".ite. ,.. K., , , ' tllllillie " li. r... 1 iiiluimit. ami In niter fi'it. "Ja . "I tliat .uliiiiltltil l,y l - - ,oTi,oki!k, (i,ii,.r. ;Ut")"",',d"iiiniiistI jmid by - -..itj nin ti8 iini-eii lor Etfirert Itohwer. . 1 Il,..( utienil meeiings aim i-eu im olli. ers are stdected and the prop.T levies made so that the children will not lie neglected. From an educational stand point. NcbrasU ranks high and Sioux county should see to it that the record of older counties is kept good by making plenty and of good ipiahty. ;.nn. nf tlm ueoiile is tilt Mrs. C, C. Jam ui, r..r Hot Siintii.". l-i'k- i t ,u. ... ,.r l,.....s Xl Verity lias been , niuiiweallli. l ie one .'i ' odlll V ( t't .. I,-.. .e,r.. .i.,l ikiiiL-hU-r and i the w hoob oniiia..,.-. .c, in- - - , ..,,,.,. Af ,i, oeoiile l..ri f im lirsl. oi tlie in lite iiio-inn' "" ' ' ' ",v . .. : f II.-. .....t. ' foundation ol tne irosiei n v v . renovated nod brightened by l'" "I'l"1" cation of a coat of kalsoimiie and unt, and ores-'UbH an inviting apiearanc" i t -i....,c.H,.i- ( "liris Si baler n ..1. H-.e " ' - F. IJ..iljtlli, all of Indian reek, were n II,.er.i. Tn.-s.liiv and lutd their iipplna- . . ..fneideout by Jones ; done in nous lor iinni jm"". - H. T. Coriley received a letter from Judge Kinkaid a few days ago giving i s decision in the cas of Tnmliur vs. . 1 f,.r,. ml J. j Maine. Tlie case was an mm, ... the lower court and was in reinru to ine liability of "lock ownars for damages H. n if it time. J ne court, noma the owners was name tor men 1 1 tut j of sun- in, & Verity. ,, i . ,,.. u.i,,M!ated in tho plead TI.0nu.l.roftntvel,ng men V iH not so imporUnl viHit this place an., the .nso. u - 0 as " i,lt,S Uml ..... tienl law .lone bv our have nei'ii um --- than n earned by lliem good deal of business is tiiercliaiitH. ir .i la mm thuiif more ii ui'-iv .. another tliat Ilafri-n and Sioux com. can Utst of it is .iw ater an. .l-nly : .. I . O. il.,i e:ist. f it,. Write to your V e".tu- ofthis.fact. ,,, -N.S. Ibinling. Oeneml Age.ii m Sprintfield Fi. & Mariinf lns..r;.u.- -. wan visiting l" Harrison - with tlie l.-al agents of the -ompany, JolKn & Verity. : t .looil that I . 11 IS UIUI I..IS nlht "t"t Moilit, .t t. I.f wl,o,ur.bas."l'l loit J'"'1' ' 1 . t .... iti '1 tt'lV court ho.iso, will oei.e.-- - Al . ....... I 11.11 (if .1 arrival lias not I-""'" "'" " ... -The pro-ritt UM ' ,. . .. i . viiiir crotis lot rove one ol in" t s. rv-n . . I I'll thin locality. H IH n."' " otHislinsuWuiriK' tl." -'"-' H would not go . rei.- I. oi into effect in a few (lays, toe ,., is the most imjtortant feature just at present. -The work on tl ('" murvler case at Chicago is progressing as fast as cir cmstances will permit. Woodrud, the torsethief. has made a full confess-,,,., implicating Alexander Sullivan. 11k-confes-ion sets forth that tho cons,e."a.y was under tho ntanageinent of SuHivan ,, 1hilt he furnished tho funds. Hk. ,wmen who were bold inNewVo.Kor whomari.-piisiti'"' 'tw made on -ov. Hill, but. vfu.sed by liint, l-ave bo'"" re- .,1 ' he IK, lict! U i tocy ' " lease' ed Marti" - I ..,!. i-udr ill tl IUl iu"" ' exa. i uaie u. . tlfl VVll. liurkO. suii-"i' li,,,, brothers, at Winnipeg. There j (o l. ti-ood prosiiects for the speedy. ronnnmg um oo. . . - .-...., ;, s,blo front what is mnv owi. II is nun to tell wtjat tu tuar The Seventh Hay Adventists will hold their Xorthwestern can.) meeting at Cbadron, Nebraska, July 2 to 8th. We invibe all our friends and those who per haps have never heard our views pre sented, to come and hear for theniselves. In-tiuction will be given in the Sabbath School. Christian Temperance and Mis sionary work. Services especially for the children and youth will lm held. We trust that the occasion will be a fa vorable oppori'unity for reviving: the Spirit of Christ in our hearts, that, we may lie the better prepared to lead the unconverted to Christ. There will Le small tents for rent on the grounds. CO.NTK.RENCK CoMMlTTF.K. Fill JiPiicr Coil.'sc Herr L. J. Simmons, der seit mehr denn sechs jahron den technisclien Tlie il des von seinem Hruder F. O. Simmons mil so grossem Erfolg herausgegelienen Seward Reporter" geleitet hat, kaufte ibis in Harrison, Sioux County ersehein- ende '-Sioux County Journal" und wird in. Laufe dieser Woche nach dort ueber sieileln und die editorielle Leitung dieses Wattes uelieriiehnien. Wenn wir audi liediiuern, Herrn L. J. Simmons aus uns erer na'chsteii N.-ehe scheidon zu freueii wir tins (loch auoh, ilin ileiu jour nalistisidien Felde in unserem eigeiien Siaate erhalten zu sehen und wuenscheu iiim von Ilerzen Oluek in seinem neiien Wirkungskreise. IlerrF. G. Siiiimnos wird nneh wie vor die editorielle Leitung des "Sewnrd Reporter" ill Hand halten und hat zu seinem technisclien Gehuell'eo Herrn Ben. Durham, einen fa'liigen und erfahrenen Hrucker, angestellt. Das Oe- had't. wird also atich bier durchaus keine Li.terbrecliung leiilen. iiincoin. Kreie 1'resse. The Iiisliliile. The first annual teachers' institute for Hto.iv county opened on last Monday un der the management of County Superin teiident S. W. Cox, with Prof. C. M. Stevens and C. A. Mativille, county su (.erinteiident of Holt county, as in structors. The sessions are held in the court room, and everything in made as pleas ant for those in attendance as possible. Tte attendance is not large, as yet. but ft lively interest is shown by all the members, and it is evident that those tea.-tiers who are participating will be materially benelited thereby. The instructors, Profs. Stevens and Ma-tviHe, are competent and thorough and Supt. Cox is to lie complimented on the discretion displayed in his selection, of vorkers. Both of these gentlemen hav- hud large experience in educational mat ters and realize that success in dis trict school work is dopendunt on the primary instruction of the pupils and with this knowledge to guide them, they are laying the foundation in a careful, and systematic manner. Those who ex pect to teach in Sioux county during the ensuing year should make every ell'ort to attend the institute a inucii as pos sible, for the ml vantages cannot he over estimated. We would urge that school ollleers and catrons lend every encour agement possible to the teachers, that they may ne lietier prepared io i-i-.iu.i tlie duties devolving upon them in the school room. It. is boied that the people Ol tne town and county will visit me instituto as often as is convenient and show by their a.niotislhut they are interested in tne i-jogivss of education. ctlireS Will oe (leu vei cu on iuuni.i. of Juno aiith and 2. Hi, on educiition- i : , ..." ...... .!...,.... topics, ami examination in icmni II take place on Friday and Saturday, Jlnu SMth and 21MD. Cull istol those attCIKting tlie m- sftute willa)filir tfi Trm WVt Iwtie of TTTCJQWIS'A'I',. ' lie cream at tlie Restaurant every Wednesday. Rev. Scaniahorh held regular church services here last S:iblintli morning and evening. Au almond-eyed Celei-tiai was in Harrison the lirst ot the week, looking up the prospects for opening a laundry. The windows of the Commercial bank have lieen decorated with some finely executed lettering, which calls at tention to the business transacted within. The citizeds of Harrison should lose no time in getting trees started on their lots and lawns so as to make it more pleasing to the eye as well as add com fort to the itople. There is nothing that makes a olaee more attractive than nice trees. Mr. Eli Armstrong returned with his family from Custer county last Satuiilav. Messrs Kirk Amos, John Amos, John Slates, Ciias. Scott and Miss Amelia M. Love also accompanied him to this part of the country and have each taken claims south of town. A iail ol the men have returned for their families ond will lie kick to Sioux county as soon as the necessary arrange ments can lie made. So fiir as our ac (uuiiitanee goes, and there are several here from there, the Custer county folks are just the kind of jieople we want, and we want more of them. Miss Love is a school teacher of considerable exier ience, and is attending the institute at this place. i 4TII OK JULY I-ROtilt.UI. Salute of lot) guns at sunrise. 9 a. in. Grand procession of Ancient Order of Calithliliipialis. 10 a. ni. Anniversary exercises. National Anthem Harrison Glee Club. Invocation Mr. Davis. Reatling Declaration of Indejtendence by A. J. Babcock. National Anthem Harrison Glee (Tub. Oration by W. H. Westover, of Rush ville. Anthem Harrison Glee Club. DINNER. 2 p. m. Races. First trotting race. best, three in five, heats of one mile each. Five to enter a hd three to go. First money f."i0, 2nd sf25, 3rd $10. ' Ent rance fee if-l Second race half mile da-sli, five to enter and three to go. First money $-10, 2nd, $20, 3rd "f 10. Entrance fee $4. Third race one-fourth mile dash. First money $25, 2nd $10, 3rd. SS2.50. Takes live to enter and three to go. Kti trance fee $2.50. AFTER THE RACES THERE WD.I, UK Mounted tournament contest for rings, with poles. Prize, a crown. Chasing greased pig by boys under twelve years old, the pig to be the prize. Wheelbarrow race, bv persons blind folded, prizes $3, $2 and $1. rilty yards race lor hoys under twelve years. First prize $1.00, sacond $1. Sack race Prizes $3, ffcj and $1. Fifty yards' race for boys under fif teen years, frizes .J and J.2. F'ree for all foot race one hundred yards. Prizes fo and $2.50. In the evening there will lxj a grand display of lirewords and a dance in tlie Hall. Arrangements are being made for a match game of base ball between the Harrison and Gramercy clubs on the af ternoon of the 4th and it will surely come to pass. The Barber Shop. First door south of the court house. E, L. GALPFN, Proprietor. Here you can get a clean shave, a first class liair cut or a WARM or COLD BATH J. II- COOK. Agate Swunus Ranch. Brand O on left jaw. Makes aspecialty of breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle Horses; alj red and black Polled cattle. Range on Running Water. Post 01 lice ' HAiUiiso:;. Nebraska. B. E. Bkewster, President. C. F. Cui'TEE. Vice. Pre- (HAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. incorporated. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. - Strayed. From my place near Harrison, Sunday night, June !), a large, grade Short Horn spotted red and white, milch cow. Hid a very Utrge bag, and a short rope on her horns. Five dollars reward for informa tion of her whereabouts. L. O. Hull. Hay IJol). The English Shire Belmont Stallion will stand for mares during the season of 18yj at my farm one mile east of town, except Saturdays, when he will lie found at the livery barn in Harrison. JOHN Bartell, Owner. Kstray Notion. Taken up by me at mv residence on sec. 32, Tp. 33, K. W, on May 1st, 1889; two dark bay geldings. Out. branded with diamond on left hip, and the other with LO,VU and H, on left flip, and S with a horizontal P over it on left shoulder. Each supposed to lie about 10 years old. 35 L. RlCKAliD. Harrison, Nebraska. C. H. Andrews & C -Dealers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, -ANi)- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CiTY. .T. B, FlNNKY, President, General office F. (.'. Sii.kenen, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., -Dealers in Lumber, Coal, Oram, And Shingles. Sash, Blinds, Hair Doors, P 1 a s lev , L i me , - A.2STD COMPLETE STOIK ALWAYS Harrison. Neb O N H A N D . G. GUTHHJE Manage. .1 i 3 -1 i rri if n .) i it i in Slt'f U fra .t tke lanber nfcxtv..rtl..-ewill.rot)aMyl'a iar tlm cVim'!, v-rcatffl of flax In till connty.