The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 13, 1889, Image 4

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The Sioux County Journal.
Published even- TLursJay.
. o-
Subscrii.tion Price. fi.OO
W. E. Vttfrxm . Eilitor ul Prop.
Entered at tlie postoffice at Harrison
second class matter.
Tke Dwjmt tlie More Rottf u.
Ed. Jx"R'al:
That defender of tlie county riog. tlie
Herald, in its last issue says Walker aud
Oonley are looking for an office. Poor
thing! don't worry, but to say that tlie
Commissioners wonjd do notlnug wrong
knowingly is too thin altogether as tlie
Julipwing tnUha"j At the meetjtjg of
the County Board on March lltb.tliis
;ipears of record;
"On motion it was ordered tliat tlie
clerk advertise for two weeks, to do
about one mile of grading on line of new
road, to build and furnish material for
5 culverts, to build three bridges. Plans
and scifications on file. Bids to be re
ceived at Clerk's office up to noon March
25, and opened the same day.
March 25, "89, this is the record:
. ''Board proceeded to examine the bids
for building bridges and culverts and do
ing grading on line of new road. Tlie
b'.d of M. J. Carroll to do about one mile
of grading as staked out by the county
surveyor, to commence at south-west
corner of William Schleyer's place and
ftin in a southerly direction to top of
Jivkle, being the lowest, contract was
;,-iven to him for $400, from road fund of
! S9, to lie completed by June 1, 1889,
,,-iading to be 20 feet on top, the outside
io be 1J feet higher, work subject to the
approval of the board."
Now just a few words on the aliove.
".ill the Board please inform us which
the outside of a road or does it mean
'.hiit tlie center of the oad sliall be 18
'uches lower than the outside?
-Bid of Murphy & Whitney to do
i i-ading as staked by county surveyor
to commence at south-west corner of
Schleyer's place and north on line of road
1 north-west corner of J. B. Bradley's
place for $200, including the necessary
tilings, being the lowest bid, contract
was let to them for $200 from the road
fund of '88, grading aod filling to be 20
I eet wide, to be completed by June 1,
'!). For the sum of $530 each, from the
bridge fund of 1889 contract let to Mur
pliy & Wliitney to build a bridge at
Montrose and across Sowbelly at Knott's
place. One across Antelope for $200 and
two on Sowbelly for $200 each and five
culverts for the sum of $150, stone hut
ments two feet below bed of creek, to be
completed by June 1st. The lumber and
Umber now at Montrose, now the prop
erty of the county, to be used in the con
struction of tlie bridges by the contract
ors and credited to county, the amount
. to be deducted from contract cost of
bridges. Contractors to give bond of
$100 to perform labor as agreed, work to
be completed by June 1, '89, subject to
approval of County commissioners, to be
paid from bridge fund of 1889."
The total amount of these contracts
k $2,450. The statutes require that the
same shall be advertised in some newspa
per of general circulation for four con
secutive weeks, and if the amount shall
be over $500 it sliall also be published in
seme newspaper of general circulation
iu the state for four consecutive weeks,
but our commissioners in defiance of the
law go plainly given that a blind man
might not err, order tlie clerk to adver
tise tor two weeks in the county paper
rnly. Tlie compiled statutes of 1887,
chapter 78, reads:
Sec. 83. f Contracts for buildine
bridges, roads, et. All contracts for
the erection and reparation of bridges
no approaches thereto, for trie building
f culverts, and improvements on roads,
- Ifie cost or expense of which sliall exceed
wne hundred dollars shall be let by the
county commissioners to the lowest
competent bidder, but no contract shall
be entered into for a greater sum than
the amount of money on hand in the
Bounty road fund derived from the levy
tt previous years, and two-thirds of the
levy for the current year: toirether with
Hie amount of money in the district road
fund of the district where such work is
k be performed; and every bidder,- before
entering on any work pursuant to con
tract, snail give bond to the county with
t least two good And sntlicient sureties,
m any sum double the amount of tlie
contract, which hond shiill he unmoved
ivy the county commissioners, condition
ed for the faithful execution of the con
Sec. 84. Same Bids. Before any
AMroraets, as aforesaid, shall be let, the
riotfnty commissioners shall advertise for
bids therefor, and shall require bidders
to accommpany their bids with plans
am speciucations ol the work, and they
rosy accept the most suitable plan,- and
award the contract accordingly, or may
reject any or all bids.
Sec. Sfi.- ' rfUno 4rartamn 1
Such advertisement shall state the gener
al cnaracwT oi ine worn, and shall lie
published fonr consecutive weeks in
Ifome newspaper printed and of general
Circulation in the county; and if there be
ho newspaper printed in tlie county, then
huch advertisraetit shall be published in
Home newspaper of general circulation
therein. Where tlie cost of the , work
exceeds five hundred dollars, such adver
tisement shall also be , published four
Coneecutive weeks in some newspaper
Misted in; and of general circulation
wirougltout the slate.
The Commissioners advertised the let
ting of three bridges but on the day of
Opening bids they let the contract for
Bve bridges, -fa that all right Charley?
Th description of the work to be done is
very definite and would well Compare
With tUa: "Tlrig road is to start from
fcdfa uanun pile and run in' c north
rty direction to tin soutb-CMt corner
The stutuie as above quoted requires
that a loud for double tlie amount of
tlie t.imnut sliall be given, with two
good and sufficient sureties, but tlie
Board of Commissioners of Sioux county
says that $100 is large enough; and, by
tlie way, that small bond lias never been
given, so I m idtiniid V the county
clerk. Any fair minded, honest person
can see by reading tlie above tliat tliis is
a rottin, corrupt way of doing business,
and it can never Nipaid euj of county
monej-. If tlie Bard wants to build
bridges and iiy foi theni, ajl well and
good, but the rjix payens of Sioux
county will never llow it to be done in
tlie manner the Bo;id is doing It no .
Yours m sympatjiv,
Oeorc.e Walker.
Maine historians say tliat over a hun
dred years ago wolves came down from
tlie north and devoured almost all the
deer in the colony. Some of the deer
swam to the islands along the coast and
a remanaut was saved. Tlie wolves
having no deer to eat, turned to the do
mestic animals of the country and gave
the settlers great trouble. The Indians,
too, robbed of their meat supply by the
wolves, were for a long time in a starv
ing condition, and often those in tlie in
terior went miles to the seashore for
food. The wolves at length went north
ward, and little by little the deer in
creased until 140, when there was
another wolf raid, and for two years
played havoc with deer and cattle. Tlien
they diupeared, and have not since
been seen much in the State. Deer are
again increasing, both because of the ab
sence of wolves auu liecause 01
stringent game laws of Maine.
All persons having final proof notices In
thi iaM'r will receive a nmrkiil ropy of tlie
pnpt r nml are reijui"itl to examine their
notice anil If any errors ei-t, rcxrt the
same to thin oflice ut once.
Land Office at ( hailron. Neb., I
May3l,iss. i
Notice in hereby (riven that the following
named xettler has Hied notice of 111 inten
tion to make flint) proof in Mipport of Ida
claim, anil that niiiil proof will be Hindu be
fore John W. Hnuter, County Jiniice, at liar
rison, Nebraska, on July 15, Ihsh, viz:
Jacob Heanbich, of Montrose, Neb.
who maile 1. S. tiling So. 9772 for the h )i
sec. 29, tp. ;4, r. ftf west.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: John Weblier, Henry
Wassenliergcr, Mat stranler, l-'erdiuand Hit
ner, all of Montrose, Neb,
Any person who desires to protest against,
the allowance of sueh proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and the regulations of the Interior l)epat
inent, why such proof should not lie allowed,
will be given an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and place to' cross-examine
the witnesseH of said claimant,jihd to offer
evidence in rebuttal of tliat submitted by
claimant. M. Moktgompkv, Register.
Land Office at Chadron, Neb. , I
May .11, lt. j
Notice Is hereby given that Die following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Chan. C. Jameson, clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, Neb., on July 19, 1881), viz :
Frank Loctzekuiseb, of Bodarc, Neb.,
who made T). 8. tiling No. , for the nX
sw and nX sec 1 tp 32 r 58.
He names the follow lug witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: James W. Arnsbcr
ger, Jeremiah li. Bowser, Albert Hand, Har
rison Beans, all of Bodarc, Neb. Also
Aloszo Hovet, of Bodarc, Neb.
who made for the n!4 nwX sec. 18. and vX
sw? sec. 7 tp :12 r M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said laud, viz: James Arnsberger,
Harrison Beans, William Lafferty, Noah Ho
vey, all of Bodarc, Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof , or who -knows
of any substantial reason, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
w-itnessesof said claimant, and to offer evi
dence in rebuttal of that submitted bv claim
ant. M. Moktgomekv, liegister.
Land Office at Chadron, Neb. , I
May, 31, 1SM9. j
Notice is hereby given that the. following
named settler has tiled notice of his inteu
tion to make final proof in support of hia
claim, and that said proof will be made lie
fore C. C. Jameson, Clerk District Court, at
Harrison, Neb. , on July, IKnd, 1SB9, viz: ,
Henky T. Mabtin of Harrison, Neb.
who made D. S. Filing No. 1400 for tlie swX of
sec 28 tp HI r 56 w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz. Fred Betsehen, hman
nel Betscbcn, Charles Camminziud, Uieliard
Simler, all of Harrison, Neb. Also
Fatson B. Bioelow of Harrison, Neb.,
who made D.S. Filing No. 1S14 for the s
X sec 17 and nKnwX sec 20 tp 32 r SO w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of. said land. vi: Homer A. Priddv. lt,.n-
Jamin F. Thomas, Joseph M. Kobmson, Junius
i ieree, mi oi Harrison, jeo. Also
Albektis A. McNlTT of Bodurc.Neb.
who made l; 8, No. 60 for the eX nev ncK
seM sec 7 and nX swX sec 8 tp 32 r 54 w
He names the following witnesses to prove
hia eon tinnous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz : Michael Bannan, Noali
B. Hovey, Christopher s. Columbia, John
Lontzcnhiser, all of Bodarc. Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
oi unjr suosiaiiiiai reason, under the law and
tlie regulations of the Interior Department,
why sueh proof should not I allowed, will
be given an omxirtunitv at the Ikv ,..,,.
tioued time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses oi saiu claimant, ana to offer evi
dence in rebuttal of that submitted by claini-""t-
M- MoNTooMEKr, Register.
Consoliiiaiei) Notice fob Publicatiok;
JLand Office at fTiadron, Neb., I
, May 31, Is. (
Notice is hereby given tliat the follow
ing named settler has Hied notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore chas. C. Jameson, Clerk of the 1 district,
Court, at Harrison, Neb., on July spj, 18W, viz:
Emanuel Betsciibn, of Harrison, Neb.
who made D. 8. filing No. 1083 for the ne sec
oil tp al r 5f.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Albert Hart, Henry
1. Martin, Charles Camiiienznid, Kichard
simler, all of Harrison, Neb., also
Fueo BtTSCHKN, of Harrison, Neb.,
who made D. S. flling No. m for the uw see
a tp r ml w.
lie names the foPlowIng wltncssi's to prove
L'l'.'I f J""1 ',and' vU- WillUiu HeHtheliini J
Cuimmmzlud, nil of Harrison, Neb. ' Also
CHAHLKS I AHHKKZ1N1I. Of llarrlar.n ti..U
h,'i,.r'8"llnN' i(lfor ec
m ip r on v.
n names the following witnesses to prove
his COntltltmilu ruulil........ ... .
tionot .aid land, viz: Fred Betsehen, r.mll
Itetsehon, lenry T. Martin, Kichaid Sluiler,
all of Harrison, Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against
"'J"""!1";" "'""eh proof, or who knows
of any substantial rBon, nnder the law
and the regulations of Hie Interior Depart
ul,f' Wi,y w,ch prK'f ""I be allowed,
n..i?"lve.,!'u, "Pixrtnnl'y "t the aliove
nintloiiod time and place to crow,,,!,,
. . ... , mlu vimiiiiBii t, ario co offer
iBn "IV vfC13
Jones Hi Verity,
dud t f r 1 j.
'The Wrong Pew'
Harrison, Uebra
Our enemies may ten j
tell vou tlut tliis in "Hie "rong ," tot
Conley, HeidySfard
Are Here to Stay and do
. )Ve would resweifjtllynj attention .of the public to tlie fad
. tliat'Ave areffpt1' to'ike"1arm loan- iu
'it f
The Most Liberal; Terms.
Final proof money tulvaoced
Without Extra Charge.
Land Office business will receive SPECIAL ATTENTION'
Contests Initiated,
if .
Land filings made and a generfil law business transacted. We ' offer
you the advantage of se-.el J-ears sucoessful practice Viefore
tlie United States Land Oflice. Will also do
A Locating Business.
Collections made on all accessible points. Attracts carefullv com-
piled. Do your business
Where Business is Done!
Harrison, - - - Nebraska,
C, H. Andrews & Co,,
-Dealers in
Fine Toilet Goods,
1 resident. Vice. Pres.
C1IAS. C. JAMESOX, ra.,ier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
7 n
Livery, Feed & Sale S
Tubbs & Thornton Prop
- And a Big -
Stock and Lowest Pr
iO TO -
Griswold & Marstelle
Thin it tlie time to buy Uirbed wire CHEAP. We liave jut rut
LOAD ami it will jay you to buy it now. Your for busim-wi,
J. 0. ARMSTRONG, President.
' Nebraz
Traomu U a gewral banking kuKin-
Loans Money on Chanel Security
The Harrison House.
Special Attention to Conimercl
Best Accommodations in the Northwest.
Fremont, Elkhorn and
Missouri Valley I
"The Northwestern Line" Between Harrison,
Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago, St. W
-Ami All IVitrU
East, North, South and West.
full Infonnution on Auction ki J. C; XORTIJRoV, ,'-. , "
"O.IMrr, Oonwuiifanrr j, ur
-hlif I'-
. n J 11
iill u
iik 1
m! His
' Jam
i, Vt
Ar tl,
i mm
. Wtl'i
11 ti
H i
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if N
t, a