The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 13, 1889, Image 1
fte Sioux. Goumty Journal, was Mri BED-WIDE tfarstel busino.. at 5 cts DDK Pro r Nebr cun'fy- tnmef I I u lniav. 4?r? THE KK,Py7Z i ' - I. lj t pUo to com, heretofore in dal LjjjjrtiKrt. The cofiimtfr- 'gtobrwC' puDiiso trie g-rft.f!icati for offi CtiiwJ nomination, thus rfwt off cngrwman C, ,y,o!hi)ity and mak-,1,,-t hrlirvc he is for him iHjTiin him. It will be J th oongreMien, hut it pad ruling. mpel horfw ylJ Oood. Grocery ftx)U ana . t ""a exiri. secured lw w rip Mr. Go, W. Tool, M01( ew i salesman, la hwn C.ll. 1 The Rev. R E. Field. . , r.rv rreHuyu-nan (liuix h of 11 arrived in Ilarrmnn the fcyenne oo uM f, train Tueky and wM Blet bv hl ... ook and wif. H- spend a summer' vacation at ... Vm. r. smith. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We are now ready to show you the Ucf Inrf flncf Pnmrilota CtnL rw r.-j- miiu wwi vwiipJGtG OlUbH Ul UUUUS 4 Vi county. We offer among S,, Bargain-, Wirf Clfkla Saw, Ladl , at 2. per Mir. Fiae Une f Udl' Sprlag Dri (.Oath Ju4 RereirH. 's Heavy Overalls at 75 cts. DON'T FOIU.ET THE THE SIOCT v ,J -l i J Proprietor. . ThaeTaWe. F.E4M.V.By,Pnser. Ooihr east leave Barriaoi, at p, week to saaie. HarrUon Market Butter, 8c. ErH, 10c. Poultry, per doz. 2.40 to 3. Oats, per 100 lb $1.40 Corn, per 100 1 i-V: Bran, per 100 , tl.10. Feed, chopped, per 100 & $l.a5. Potatoes, per tu. 25c. Snrphiua, jier gal. 50c. Onionx, per bu. $1.50. &bx, per bu. $1.00. Res- go to Snow-white Flour, $1.65 per at Every It Warranted. H kno k out all conipetitw. llf booest dealing and low price to merit your tr.ub. Com and . uh k meke old taml, wet mile Main utrwt, H.irnsou, Nth. BJnf JIl 'q)Jl.jKjPiDao.i ij uiuseireui kananaa at Uie taurant 6 for 25c. For tlie lest flour ia Harrimn 11. I m ' rnra a llioniwon s. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. -V CIUIIIEU from ivier last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith sient last Monday with friends in the valley. Those -Hiffh pr0or cigar, am the iK.-st in the market-found at the Restaurant. Oklahoma will have v. --uouauons that lave been pending for sometime past have recently been uwi whereby Mr. L. J. Simmons, for- "y oi ue NebrasU Eeporter, of Sew -- nas purchased an interest " e ' vik: Mr. St mmon!. i a . more uian ordinary ability and "rnnce. i-be Nebraska Reporter 'm mini with The Reporter for more than siyewrs, willleavein afew days for Harrison, Sioux county, 'where h .w purctased The Sioux County Jouma.1. Altbough his name has rarely ap tvred in Hie columns of the paper, he naf, for several years past, had entire eottro) of both Uie local and business de HrienU, and has done highly satisfac tojr work in both. He has a thorough u'yrsianuing of the work of a country newspaper office, and ought to make a sufeess in his new venture. The writer mint be accused of being a little partial nis brother, but he feels confi that the people of Seward will en the statement that Lou. is enercet- issessed of good principles and not ing in ability. After a residence of y fifteen years in Seward county he go we bcheve, with the good wishes of all idio know hfm. The people of Sioux coAtv will find him a.s rendv in u--b forjlieir interests as for his own YOU WILL OBSERVE tliirteen new towns if all Uie town sites asked for are Knintwl The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sim ler died on last Thursday night and w as buried on Saturday. That PIIISOTIIOIOES f ' Of the W SpPy HOuSe twmcontmiaIy loadjnp gU,pli during the busy hours of the dy. which fact i a good indittion as to Headquarters for Groceries, Booh, Hhom, Clothing, Hats, Cm, Klotir. Fee.1, Ac. The Urge ,totk to select from. Ifest quality of kkU Wees as low as the lowest. Saij their store wlien you go to Harrison. &r tlie generous assistance and gvm- paty shown to us during the sickness, deafli and burial of our darting boy, by thefrieonlfi of TTn lr. Jackson, of Chadron. wag in Har- desire to ePnH or inro ,i Lt. I T .,f ;w UUW UVH IT non iasi naiuruay attending tlie three felttlianks year old child of Mr. Sutton. Sin. and Mrs! D, M. Sutton. iioueisei came up trom Uiadron Jfrs. Rlwood Alexandflr and Mi Ann last SatunUy and left for Montrose in pri, daughters of E. B. Price of Boggy the afternoon of the same day. crek, and Miss Josie Price, a grand- Tlie Teachers Institute will convene daughter, all of Forest City, Iowa, ar- on next Tuesday and every teacher in rivd in Harrison on Monday and went Sioux couuty should be present. out to Mr. Price's Uie same day. They All accounts due me must be paid by will visit for sometime in Sioux county. July 1st, or the same wilt be placed for Mr. Thompson, of the firm of Rosa A collection. EL'irert Rohwer. Thornpson,' arrived in Harrison Tuesday The Governor has offered a reward of wit a stotk of ood8 an(1 on Wednesday tit for the arrest of 'the- murderer of a of feed and flour was received. Mr. John T. Newell in Keya Paha county. JWells, who wiy assist Mr,. Thomp- n very pieumuii, uiruHiuv Hunirise pur-i. , ., . , . , . " 1 I tlriTT ami the turn itra hnuir acmnmnfr n ml m.v- m-.w j l"'6'o shelving the large stock of goods. The firm is an old and tried one and comes well recommended from Cliadron where "FOB OOD, ASB HOME, AND 'A TH E LA5D." Contributions by tlie Woman's Christian Temperanc Union. IRISK AS l UAXGEB. Write H on the liquor-store, Write it on the prison door. Write it on the gin-ahop line. Write, oh, writ; this truthful line: Where there's drink, there's danger. Write It on the work bouse gate, Write It on the school boy's slate, Write it on the copy-book, That tlie young may in it look; Where there's drink, there's danger. Write it on the church yard mound, Where the drink-slain dead are lotind ; Write it on the gallows high, W ri te it f or al 1 passers-by : Where there's drink, there's danger. Write it underneath your feet, Write it on the busy street, Write it for the great and small, In the mansion, out, or hall : Where there's drink, there's danger Write it on our ships which sail, liorne along by steam and gale; Write It in large letters, plain, O'er oor land and 'cross the main : Where there's drink, there's danger. Write it always In the home, Write It where our drunkards roam Year by year from good and right, Proving with resistless might, W)iere there's drink there's danger. Write it for the riving youth, Write it for the cause of truth, Write it for your fatherland Write 'tis duty's stern command Where tbereVdrink, there's danger. -Selected. While some claim tliat "Prohibition does not prohibit," and is of but little ef fect in the states where it is tlie law, we are cheered by many an assurance such as follows; William Sunday, tlie base ball play er, said in a recent speech at Pittsburgh: My occupation for the past few yeaj has carried me over a large portion 'of the United States. I have been a close observer, and l have noticed that inexnn- tice," and he passed on. For ten hours the poor judge sat in the stocks. When at last he was taken out and carried to his host's his miser able plight luul settled in his miitd that the punishment of tlie stocks is attended by great physical suffering. A year or-two after Lord Camden pre sided at a trial in which a workman brought an action against a magistrate who had wrongfully placed him in the stocks. The counsel for the magistrate attempted to laugh the case out of court, and made merry at the work man's statement that he had suffered in tense pain during his confinement. "Brother were you ever in the stocks?", whispered Lord Camden, lean ing forward. "Never, my lord," answered the as tonished lawyer. "Well, I liave been, and let me as sure you that the agony is awful." Youth's Companion. FOURTH OF JULY RACES. First trotting race, best three in five, ' heats of one mile each. Five to enter . and three to go. First money $50, 2nd $15, 3rd $10. Entrance fee $5. Second race half mile dash, five to enter and three to go. First money $40, 2nd, $20, 3rd $10. Entrance fee $4. Third race one-fourth mile dash. First money $25, 2nd $10, 3rd $2.50. Takes five to enter and three to go. En trance fee $2.50. Mrs. Wadsworth was very ill the fore part of the week but is much better at present. Dr. J. S. Hall, of Lusk, was called to attend her and is still in the city. laqiiini t v iv joj luoa pu mttn Strayed. From my place near Harrison, Sunday night, June 9, a larse. trrade Short Horn mumties where the sale of liquor is nro- spotceu reel and white, milch cow. Had L. O. Hull. ty was given in honor of Mr. Wright's birthday, at his residence oo last Monday evening. That it occasionally rains in this Bee- tney have majiy friends having been Hon ot tne country nas Deen preuy ior- businesg there for a number of years. cibly demonstrated almost every day for the last two or three weeks. Mr. II. B. Story, of Bofrgy, was a call- Mr. Hill is still breaking on his claim. . . ..I i .a c i i tf I TTfirulaD'a uiw mill shut, rinwn fnr n af. T im nil ffl uiST. ouLuruav. iur. "v",u" '' 1 .... - Story is a genuine rustler and a staunch while and the hands are all away in the republican. Call again Mr. Story. We failed last week to make mention of the fact that W. R. Smith had im prwved the front of his store building by nuvinKuui;j,i.u-- v.. , . recently. She invited . Mrs. J. T. Weir recently purclutsed the an ke creum gupper- claim lying a mile east of town known Take clare rjlipper, who you as the Milford claim, and is now having m of Cousm Xom an(i cousin a house built thereon into which she will Bud are not to be laughed at by folks move soon. have no teeth or a fifteen dollar bill Mrs. (J. W. Hester returned last Fri- or a shirt pocket. Take warning before day from her trip to Iowa. She express- js everlastingly too late, ed lier willingness to return to Sioux WILD West. DIED Of pneumonia, atoneo'loek A. M. on Tuesday, June 11th, 1SS9, Earl, only son of Boggy Items. Hills on a hunting expedidion. Mrs. Watson gave birth to a bran new daughter on the 11th. It was an eight pounder. Jliss Winnie Southworth gave a birth- the WEIR I Co. Rawh 8mr Hoo-k, Hawumw, Neb. .FhwJe, General office F. BUFFALO OAP, DAKOTA. C. Sokewe. Secretary. county after the first few days of her visiting there. Nearly 100 teams a part of the Kil- patrick A Collins grading outfit-passed through Harrison last Thursday camping just west of town for the night. They were enroute for Montana to work on -. r t :i ..1 the L. X . ramuau. mvinw here from Adair Countv ( , ... o . O . n.. l -1J Al :..U lowa. ine Cllliu Wlta whku aicn vii uie second day after arriving in Harrison and medical aid immediatly summoned. At Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Sutton. Euneral scrvl ces were held at the Church at 10 o'clock A. M. on Wednesday, after which the mains were laid to rest in the Harrison cemetery. It is onlv within the last month that Mr. Sutton's became residents of Sioux hibited, either bv state laws or local on- , verJ 'llF tf.anu a snort rope on her 4i x . .... norns. r ive dollars reward tor lnforma- uuu' U1C,C 18 S'-eawsi prosperny. tne tioo of her whereabouts. greatest happiness and the nearest equal ity among the people. There are some people who are slow to see the virtue of this movement for temperance. Why, this is so is a mystery to me. There ay men coming in here to talk for prohibi tion who come from states where it has been triad, - Tlwy liav.Uved under it, pJt.C jaqmni 9i jo ejus joj lijtto pu ujo) Bayltob. Tlie Englwh Shire Belmont StalUou and like it. Is that not proof of its vir- will stand for mares during the season tue? I have lived in Iowa under license of 1889 at my farm one mile east of and under prohibition, and I say of my town, except Saturdays, when he will be own knowledge that Iowa was never found at the livery barn in Harrison. more prosperous tlian she is to-day. I John Bartell, Owner. What lias done this? Prohibition." Estray Notice. Let the good work go on. "Mayor Taken up by me at my residence on Harding, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, last sec- 32 Tp. 33, R. 55, on May 1st, 1889; week issued a proclamation that all sa- tw dt.lrk e,,dinP nt , branded i i 1 1 ul i i i ..i Wlt" diamond on left hip, and the other loons should be closed at eleven o'clock with LO,OL and H. on Mt hin ,.n,l Saturday night and remain closed Sun- S with a horizontal P over it on left day. Accordingly all saloons and brew- shoulder. Each supposed to be about 10 enes were closed on Sunday, the first time in years. Tlie Liquor Dealer's As sociation appointed a committee to pa trol the streets and note every business man pursuing his vocation on that day as a result, complaints were filed against fifty livery stables, milkmen, cigar deal ers and street car and ice companies, for doing business on that day. Union Sig nal. 'He maketh the wrath of man to praise him, and the remainder of wrath will he restrain." In the Streets. BUFFtLO GAP LUMBER CO., Dealer in r, Coal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. kind's, Hair Doors Plaster, , Lime, COMPLETE STOCK WAYS ON HAND. G. GUTHRIE, Manager. That Harrisonites, assisted by some the surrounding inliabitants, can play ball lias not been dewed since the game of last Satunlay. Why not organize a ..inhnnddoim Uie whole surrounding atmosphere and everything in it, hey? ill be held at the Jim creek school house Sunday, June 23, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., also at the Montr i.,.i . t 2U f. W. OI me rose hciiuui uu. - i,., tiu. Rev. K. Herbener of same uaj "J the German Lutheran Church. Servi ces will 1 lieU in the German language. All are invited to attend. Lttt Saturday while Mr. Gould, farm i.w.tnr for U Hamilton Loan A Trust , Co., and Thos. Kemy were unviu .ko Mnrinir Creek road one oi uie uuc- yoke sirups broke and let the tongue fall to tlie ground which allowed the buggy torunupagiinsttheheelsof the bron- hos they were driving, causing nm down one of tlie iieepesu on the road. Tom scramDiea ouv u, terra firmaand called to hU companion to do likewise which he tried to do but . . i- tl.n ton of a tree. Ine nsieau iws r . ... ,orses were stopH y running asume of a tree when wiuim K,t precipice. Ha" " . . .. ,...,.1.1 naia and tlie tree that nr. uouiu - the one that ww , . ouldliavegoneovertoalmost cerUun .. duMna hill i death. It ww ft very u iniurv wos done excejn, id um j different times he seemed much better and was not considered dangerous by Dr. Jackson, of Cliadron, who liad been called to attend him on last Saturday. He suffered considerably being uncon scious a great part of the time. Little Earl was an only son and his loss is se verely felt by the bereaved parents. Rev. Wallace conducted the funeral services. Was He Drank Thin Time? Last Thursday Mr. Joseph Stastny was arrested at his place on Running Water for the alleged shooting of cattle, and brought to Harrison and before Judge Hunter, when, by Ills attorney a. x. Conley, he waived examination, plead not guilty, and asked to be bound over to the district court, iins uie judge re fused to do and the trial was set for Haturdav. Mr. Stastny was obliged to return a distance of about forty miles to tlie neighborhood of Ids residence to ob tain witnesses. He did this by driving ft large portion of the two nights and day that intervened, and came into court on Saturday morning reauy ior inai, wlien lo, and behold! tlie Judge informed him tliat the case would be continued to tlie district court just what was asked for on Thursday. This is only another ue of justice as administered by the county court lomou county. "Put yourself in his place," is the rule if a man would like to know how his tried neighbor feels. Like many anoth er good rule, however, it is not to be too rigorously insisted upon. There are some forms of ' suffering concerning which the most sympathetic man may be willing to form an opinion by obser vation and reasoning rather Uian by ex perience. Lord camaen, lord cruel jus tice of England, was walking with his host, Lord Dacre, an absent minded man. As they were passing the parish stocks Lord Camden said: "I wonder whether a man in the stocks suffers physical pain? I'm inclined to think that, apart from the sense of shame, he suffers noth ing, unless the boys pelt him with brick bats." "Settle the doubt by putting your feet into the holes," said Lord Dacre. "I will?" exclaimed Camden, and he sat down and put his feet into the holes. "Now Dacre," said he, "fasten the bolts and leave for ten minutes." Lord Dacre did so, but quickly forgot his distinguished guest, who sat await ing his return with his feet fifteen inches higher than his seat, and his feet encir cled by hard wood. Acute pains shot along the confined limbs; his feet ached, and cramps seized, the muscles of the thighs. Famtness, giddiness, and thirst increased his discomfort. . A peasant passing by was implored by the prisoner to liberate him, and answer ed with a aneer of derision, A clergy man, on being told by the prisoner that he was Lord Cnniden, exclaimed: "Ah! mad with liquor, 'Tis droll, (hough, he slwulll imagine hmlf a chief jus- years old. 35 L. RlCKAHD. L. O. HULL, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARRISON, - NEB. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. -Will practice before all courts and ilw United States land office. Business entrusted to my care will re ceive prompt attention. HARRISON, NEB. M. BRUCK, boot & shoe maker. FIRST CLASS GOODS ' At REASONABLE PRICES. First door north of Bank of Harrison. The Barber Shop. First door south of the court house. . E. L. GALPIN, Proprietor. Here you can get a clean shave, first class hair cut or a . WARM or COLD BATH J. H. COOK. Agate Springs Ranch. Brand C on left jaw. Makes asiiecialty- of b-eeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle Horses; also red and black Polled cattle. Range on Running Watwr, floe . Habwhw, Post Of. which wUullj-dilaj ' 1 1 aV'.N''