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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1889)
llaSioux County Journal HABBISON", USTEB., MAY 16, 1889. 3STO. 35 L.:iiii- i " N . i i. R. S&IITH, To MO WW to fM the d Cia Stock Of Goods (1 3 . CTt offer among Special Bargains fttfaCSNbIrt,t( pair. I fU UMbCf3EMM (Jyod- Just Receired. "Icavy Qvgflls at 75 cts. iT7whto $1.65 per nor. Sack Winuid It kaoaka out all competitors. Md low priooa to MOrtt your trade. Come and see us 1 afreet, Harrison, Neb. A Si! A yon r ,' E A A V I' ! K i K F I! s Feed G Sale Stable. A to & Thornton Prop. M, FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE AND AT REAS ONABLE RATBS. 'HI WHY ID IT TO m. To VMM at the era. act -A?.- 8 W He- l tlA TON, If S BASK A? t p yn Bom ia Business Here Long Enough to IMP -!?bfi Trndfl TWrmtiHa C3A.CJ3.W0 carry the 4. c: j Dest Stock tC Oottrty. -0 ' ade n tSCAUSZ .IT' as Cheap as the Cheapest. ons H53 Md HXW LOCI at Dry Goods CONSTANTLY ARRIV- IVan & CO,, Harrison, Nebraska. t CoMftl office F. C, SILKEN6EN, Secretary, IS-. BUIfALO CUr, DAKOTA. ,1BEH CO., H -Dooioro in- r, B:l Grain, Lath And Ciffles, ' r n a t 8 Piaster, Lime, ado, STOCK cA Y C 0 N HAN D , '4- 't 6, nmMI& Manager, THE SIOUX COUNTY W. E. Patterson, Proprietor. Time Table. F. E. & M. V. Ry., Passenger. Going west leave Harrison at 10:35 A. M. Going east leave Harrison at 2:51 P. M. Harrison Market. Butter, 15c. Eggs, 6c. Poultry, per doz. $2.40 to 3. Oats, per 100 ft, $1.00 Corn, per 100 tt 90c. Bran, per 100 ft, $1.10. Feed, chopped, per 100 Bj $1.35, Potatoes, per bu. 25c. Sorghum, per gal. 60i Onions, per bu. $1.50. Beans, per bu. $1.00. Cash for corn at the lumber yard. The spring round up commenced yes terday. Secure farm loans of Conley, Reidy & Pollard. C. E. Verity visited Chadron, the first of this week. Satisfaction GUARANTEED at Ranch Supply Honse. C. F. Slingerland and Ed. Weir spent Sunday in the valley. f See the elegant line of carpets at Ranch Supply House. Crawford is doing the wind work for a system of water works. Mr. Otto Munson has gone to his claim on Antelope creek to put in a crop. S. 11. Jones writes that he will start on his return to Harrison this week, Mr. L. A. Dorrington of Chadron, was a visitor in our city the first part of this week. Muses Ashenfelder, of Indian creek, gave this otlice a pleasant call last Thursday. LWe can sell you any kind of a carpet you want at a VERY low price. Ranch Supply House. Mrs. Weir and daughter Emma paid a visit to Cook's ranch last week returning the Urst of this week. John Pfost went up the road Monday intending to try for a job of cattle punching, at Wendover. The people of Crawford are going to have a system of water supply; the wind work has been in full operation for some time. Mr. W. F. Shepherd arrived at this place from Ottumwa, Iowa, and started the same day, Saturday, for his ranch on Jim Creek. ' A town by the name of Evergreen City is being platted about 11 miles south east of Crawford, at the southern end of the tunnel. . " Michael Ruffing and Miss Wonder were married at Montrose Monday. Mike has secured a Wonder sure. We wonder if he will ever wander from his Wonder. The Hamilton Loan and Trust Com pany are anxious to loan f )U,uuu in Sioux county, in the next sixty days; in sums ranging from $300 to $800. Con ley; Reidy & Pollard; AgeDts. The farm inspector for the Hamilton Loan and Trust Company was looking over the county last week and approved loans to the amount of $11,875, for their agents, Conley; Reidy & Pollard. A fight to a finish occured yesterday between a work animal belonging to Will Moore, and a range critter; In which the bull belonging to Moore came out second best. His hide is on sale. Mr. A. R. Kennedy returned to Harri son last week after a several months ab sence. He is residing on his claim north west of town and improving it by plant ing fruit trees and plants of different kinds, Mr. Lunnie Suiton, formerly of Adair Co; Iowa, arrived in Harrison last Friday bringing with him a carload of cows and calves. Mr. Sutton's two brothers are enroute for this place, overland, and will probably not reach here for two or three weeks yet. His wife and children are ex pected this week by rail. Wj M. Alexander of Rushville, Special Examiner for the Nebraska Loan and Trus Co. was viewing Sioux county real estate this week, and is well pleased with it, He traversed this country as a soldier, along in the sixties, and he re marks the great change in the country since that time. A New Deal; Arrangements lately mode enable Jones & Verity, the Pioneef Loan Men, to loan" hiouey on farms at rates hereto fore unheard of, and to discount all com petitors. They do thwir own examin ing and can tell at once wliat you can get. They never disappoint applicants,' and make no' prohiises they cannot ful fill. They can close a, loan fu twenty- four hours,' and the" bprrowei1 does not have to wait several' week's' for an' e'x'ai'n- incr ttfotriVtf Mr. E. E. Iivermore and another gen tleman arrived in Sioux county last week. D. P. Davis has received the appoint ment of postmaster at Harrison and has moved the office into the room former ly occupied by Griswold's hardware store. Messrs Eli Armstrong and brother, and Mr. Amos arrived here from Custer county last week and have taken claims south-east of town and are building thereon. haggy Items. The war on Boggy last week was not so bad as represented. No one was choked black, but a certain young man's coat tail fanned the breeze behind him, while he made tracks for the valley and left his poay, tied to a tree, which was liberated some hours afterwards by some of the mill bands. All is agreeable at present. 1 Stone Wall Jack. r MONEY s what we all want, But is hard to get Unless you go to JONES & VERITY, At Harrison. They make ' THE "BIGGEST AND BEST" FARM LOANS. And on . BETTER TERMS Than any competitors. MONEY ALWAYS ON HAND. Come to "Headquarters." Jt is reported upon good authority that two men were killed at Collins, the new town on the B & M. at the Chey enne crossing, on last Sunday. The par ticulars have not been learned but our informant ttates tliat two "toughs" filled themselves with "booze" and then took to shooting, using each other for targets. This becoming more monoto nous than effectual they commenced firing into the crowd of bystanders that Imd by this time gathered, whereupon one of the aforesaid spectators shot both of them and death was the final result. The men had wounded each other sever al times during the shooting just pri or to their death. 1 Boggy Items. Death has again visited this part of th) country and taken Georgie, a 11 e&r old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bow ser; and a son of Mr. and Mrs P. K. Mur phy, aged seven years. The former was buried at Montrose on the 12th, and the latter on the 14th. When the Master calls we all must go. Mr. Hill has traded for John Gibson's pre-emption on Boggy. Still they come! Come on there is room for more in SioUx County. Three more young ladies to grace the valley. There will be less bachelors if they play the right card. William's oxen are all right one does the work and the other goes along for company, T. Holley has got out to farming once more. Ginger has an acre each of potatoes and sorghum planted. The Beans family is on the sick list. Wild west. Five Point Items. John Gibson traded his claim to Mr. Hill for stock. Every one in the valley is busy break ing prairie and planting it to corn. Une of our old time bachelors, Mich ael Ruffing, was married Monday; at Montrose. We wish him luck. The one that said Mrs-. Conley was in the valley didn't know it all. She will stay at the Post this summer. Mr. Meinhart was just going to show the people how ,to break and he broke the beam out ofc' his plow. That's the way he breaks. Another man scared almost to death on the Boggy. When Mr. Greger is plowing with Han ley's mules he says he can cast quite a shadow. When fence law and herd law men come together, they make things hot. I noticed awhile ago that some one in speakmg of the Boggy school house said tliat there were neiuier Beats nor black boards in it. There is no use for them ; all the scholars want to know is, how the cows tot into the cabbage. Wm. Corcoran unyoked his cattle Monday night lor the Urst time since he got them. Blncome. Estrdy Hiotlce. Taken up by me at nry residence on sec. ax, ip. do, it. oo, on May 1st, law'J; two Uui-K bay geiamgs. uiit branded Willi UiauiouU on loll mp, and the other wan L. J, L, uuu n, on ielt lup, and 8 Willi a iioniionuil f over it ou lelt sliouuiur. iuicli supposeu to be about 10 years old. tto Xm kicKAita Kstray Koliue. Taken up by me on Muxvix 2lst, 188U: at my place oil section oi, lownauip U.i, range ou, in Uioux county", xNeoiasKii, one roan tieiir wan slit m unsket, sup- poseu to be 4 yean old. ttscaVrjArtoff. For God, and Home, and Native &ud. Contribution by tbe Woman's Chris tian Temper am Union. There will be a meeting of the Wom an's Christian Temperance Union at the school house, on Wednesday, May, 22ud, at 4 o'clock, P. M. WHAT CHILDREN MAY DO. "Do you really believe that it is of any use whatever having children join your temperance society?" was asked some time ago. "Indeed, I do," replied a wor thy minister of the Gospel; "I liave had more parents reclaimed from intemper ance and added to my church through the zeal of these little ones than from any other agency." We liave known of parents becoming earnest devoted Chris tians, all through the efforts of their lit tle ones. Surely, "a little child shall lead them." Temperance Banner. FOR FLORRY'S SAKE. "Don't go out to-night, dear husband, please," beggod Mrs. Morely, as her hus band rose and opened the door. Mr. Morely had lately been introduced to some frienda;vlio, his wife felt sure, were doing h.l'no good. Evening after evening he siieiJt with them, and seemed to care 1 ess and less for the society of his wife and child. Mrs. Morely also feared he was getting to like the drink. Sometimes he came home excited and unlike himself, and she longed to save him before it was too late. Mr. Morely stood with his hand on the handle of the door, as he said half impa tiently, "Why should I not go? I can not stay in to-night." "Oh, but do," she urged laying her hand lightly on his shoulder; "do stay in to-night for Florry's sake." Florry was Mr. and Mrs. Morely's only child and her father was devotedly fond of her; so, after a moment's hesitation he turned round and sat down again. His wife's face brightened, and she poked up the fire to a blaze and chatted away cheerfully to him. Then he asked, "You said, 'for Florry's sake;' what did you mean?" "Have you forgotten that to-morrow is Florry's birthday? I am preparing an album for her, and I want you to help me finish it; she will value it much more if there is some of your work' in it. . Mr. Morely liad great taste, and the album rapidly improved under his hands. His wife continually talked of their child, and her devotion to her father, and of their own responsibility as parents, till new thoughts came into the father's heart "I will give Florry a treat to-morrow," he said at last, "I will come home early to tea, and spend the whole even ing with her." And so he did; and from that time he broke away from his evil acquaintances, and greatly through the influence of his wife and Florry, he became a Christian man, and lived a happy and useful life. COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. Harrison, Neb., May 9, 1889. Board met pursuant to call of Clerk. Full Board present and Clerk. It was ordered that the Clerk adver tise Tor bids, for the construction and furnishing of material to construct a bridge oil the White River road, to be built five rods west of the quarter cor ner of section 32) on the south line of township 31, range 53, to be built with an 24 ft. bent and two 16 ft. bents. The 24 fl. bent to have supporters and the 16 ft. bents to have railings. Specifica tions oh file with the Clerk. Bids to be in by June 10th, 1889, at 12 o'clock M, A "petition for the opening of town ship line to commence at the south-east corner of section 33, township 33) range 54 and run west five miles and end at the sontheast corner of seci 34 Tp, 33, R. 55; (supposed to be consent petition) was upon motion laid over with there quest tliat a new petition be presented, with the names of the land owners at tached, and certiiied as such by one of th"- petitioners. The following claims were allowed on the general fund: Don. M. Weir, County Commiss ioner and mileage', - - $41 00 Peter Henry, road commissioner, 24 00 J. F. Pfost, Sheriff, - - - 31 75 3. V. Pfost, coal, - - - 12 08 James H. Green, road work, - 2 00 T. Trimbur, road work, - 6 00 Herald Publishing Co, printing, 35 08 Ed. White, road work, - - 12 00 J. W. Hunter1, Co. Judge's lees, 5 15 F. L, Morrison, spec, constable, 4 50 Olhclal bonds 01 Samuel Tebbet, rood overseer ot hive Points Toad district, and Uia's. K. "Sclntt, road overseer War Bonnet VoiUt district, ibjijiroVod. Esti mate nioue by boftrd, of work and mater ial on court House of 2,789.95, and or derlssued to Aimphy & Whitney for same. Adjourned 16 'meet "May 20th, Chas. C. JFxmeson Job work ol oil kinds miftty and numy VXeVuteil ut the Htnmxl MM. For Sale-Pure Millet seed at W. K. Smith's. Estray Notieo. Taken up by me at my residence on section 9, township 34, range 5fi, Sioux county, Nebraska, on March 29, 1988, one sorrel gelding, with white strip ) forehead, white left front foot and right hind foot, brand on left shoulder circle around J and dim brand on right hip supposed to be M or 3. Age unknowa. J. 1L Warm. Legal Notice. John Culp, defendant, will take notioe that on the 17th day of April, 1889, the Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, plaintiff herein, filed their petition in the 'iistrict Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain mechanics lien upon lot No. 2, block No. 8, in the village of Harrison, Sioux county, Nebraska, for the sum of $187.67 for which sum, with interest from the 3rd day of September 1888, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendant be re quired to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 27th day of May, 1889. Buffalo Gap Lumber Co., Plaintiff. Geo. Walker, Attorney. Legal Notice. The Board of Church Extension, a cor poration organized by the legislature of Pennsylvania; and O. W. Fiedler, non resident defendants; will take notice that on the 17th dav of April, A. D. 1889, The Buffalo Gup Lumber Com pany, Plaintiff herein, tiled its peti tion in the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mechanics lien up on Lot number twenty-eight in Block nunilier three, in the village of Harrison, Sioux county, Nebraska, for the sum of two hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-seven cents, ($215.77), for which sum, with interest from the 14th day of April, A. D. 1889, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 27th day of May, 1889. Buffalo Gap Lumber Co. , Plaintiff. Geo. Walker, Attorney for Plaintiff. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office, Chadron, Neb. ) April 6, 1889. f Complaint No. 1471 having been entered at this office by Charles L. Tubbs against Henry G. F. Junker for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture entry No. 5334 dated March 8th, 1886, upon the northwest quarter of section 27, town ship 81, range 56, in 8ioux eotmty, Neb raska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that the said claimant has failed to cultivate any part of said tract during the third year after entry, and that he has failed to plant either trees, seeds or cuttings upon said tract during the third year after entry, and has failed to cure the defects up to the date of initiating this contest, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 10th day of June, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m. to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Testimony of witnesses will be taken before C. C. Jameson, Clerk of the Dist. Court, at his office in Harrison, Nebras ka, on the 3rd day of June, 1889, at 18 o'clock a. m. Albert W. Crites, Receiver. L. O. HULL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARRISON, - NEB. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Will practice before all courts and the United States land office. Business entrusted to my care will re ceive prompt attention. HARRISON, NEB. M. BRUCK, boot & shoe maker. First class goods PRICES. First door north of Bank of Harrison. The Barber Shop. First door south of the court houee. E. L GALPlN; Proprietor. Here yoil can get a clean shave, first class hair cut or a WARM or COLD BATH J. H. COOK. Aoate Springs Ranch. Brand c on left jaw. Makes asiecmUy of breeding Roadstei-s, LTaft and Saddle Horses; ulso red and black Polled cattle. Range on Running Water. Post fkfc i Vi. , If It 'l- 1 If V !'2 ?i IF I ft.