"1 IfL J tsaaeasssaswaMljf "uTwry Da,' k' falls to affanl ' will 4o more av.t protnata Um , I than any m'.Tnva virtues af rffcouui race caaa eitwrex- uATTUL IHtS, add CuU, l. bstrmdjr in !. ; tnfUtaai ; V I .1 r. , 08T TOO MUCH. .'- vTriaa W klrh Befell On ' - , . sf Ilia iiion. Tv f" Varly days of the direct ten H . f China, iiuuirters were anx aaC" ' if" Tsra tlie earliest cargoes of a wr ii J jtcliper ships were enrred krl it Great haute in loadinz SCJ fallowed by a hot rare to reach T1f. first. , CstaMrgo brought the best price MM aW2 fofit. The successful Cap tain W always rewarded, ho every kaAWS atl to navigation wan adopted. Tb MUi(r captain of one of Mr. AMsara atnpers bought, on one of his trips, a SaMr chronometer, and with its Ml rat. ArtW it a Ma of ei tat '! f si Mb Dies U i DJIlt.ll I )Kaa4Tanftt 1:y.Ler?,wry .c,;Jmss, Ba4 Ten 7'JIUTBU Tten r:t yiwyiMi ,.14,, enwii rnwi r-v f M most ear :,,f ,ain and aafa " ! aln REMEDY '7ii tha work. ,Ur.;;ihat instantly Mopa tha moat L'MT ixcru elating If aalas.lt istruly 1 ft-'tMgraatCON- ?UCROR of r"AiN. and hat Mti"o'iiairtora t' fMnody. ).; , Backacha, h:. Jaa, Hsadacha, tiiCstanial Pain, xzMd on by tKa U rsine tha pain nK flam mat Ion a. U:a Cod in tha i i . . K,- ta smaii m i4 MlUHNni ui. icura. i.ii til. rtavsi at ' .fulcwy curat l:,e' Cramet. ti!maaaa, Ciaap- av. ' - . ni . a Mil nwh ntlBf, foaita. ""CtwaattoHi. tatfc'. i in 'iii i Ell La. tit' l! ii r a- f f 1 n f Hit ' u"' ' ' (KMWMa. N. V. ' anick PHHsaire. and arrived Lapnt the price of it into the aSBouiit of the trip, but 11 r. out, insixtiu!: thst such expense lor Dew fan "led atsapald not be allowed. t Tbs u4aiii thereupon resigned and took aarnea with a rival line. Taaajast Tear he reached riovt. Ion? in adraaaaof any competitor, to the jrreat Slipaaand profit of his employers, and abagria of Mr. Astor. Kot Ions afti r thev chanced to meet. apd Mr. Astor inquired: Hn wav. t antaiii. how nine i Unl (fat ettronoTiK'ter '"" yon?" tKtX wninlred lo lars. then, with a qairtfaal glance, he asked: "AlMtJtow nmcu lias it cost von. Mr. Aatnrr- "Httty Uioiisand dollars." Vasiara often unfortunate in the re- aotiaai of what they call new fangled noWona. Than are sick men who refuse, even whan tbair phvsieinnR toll them thev Mnnotlialp them, to take Warner's Knfo Onra, baaause it is a "new fancied" pro prietarr medicine. The result is they k life and helth. ! Tbottaannsof other men have been re atnrad to liealth by it, rr the testimon ials fnrnWied to the public show. These taatlinonials cannot be doubted The prontietors have a standins offer of (5,000 to any rme who will show that anr taatimoninl published by them is not, ao far as thev know, entirely true. Dr. Andrew Wilson, Fellow of the Bora Society, of Edinburgh, the editor of "Health," London, Knjr., says, in Ilia nuuraKi lie, in nnswer to an innnirv "Warner's Hafe Cure is of a perfectly aafa Character, and perfectly reliable. Ut refusal of a manufacturing firm to pay for the patent of a new invention Ivr ona of their workmen, cost them their entire business. A new firm took oat the patent and were soon enabled to make goods enough cheaper to drive the Old nrm out of business; and many a pfcraieian is daily finding his patients, tonc-time chronic invalids, unaccounta bly restored to health by the use of the new kidney specihc. rsew fancied notions are sometimes verv valuable, and U eoata too much to foolishly reject Mien, ThV nan who (lama from th noise. th door never lirUr Kal. the Sheriff Sale Seiar. A t raiflit 10 esals Havana Cijar for 5 cents. ' It Is SO east to drift along, and ao hard to pUI Sfainit the stream. far two two-cnt stamp we will send raw aaa of the handsomnt almanacs in tkeaoantry. "Homestead," Omaha, Neb 9100,000 Nweet Potato Plant. Yetlow NansemoDd, Yellow Jersey, Red Berarada, 35 eta. per 100. $2.50 per l.00 Toaiato plant, from seed tier, 40 cts. per 100. $2.75 per 1,000; transplanted, tl nr 100, $7 per 1,000. Karly cabbage Knia, 75 cts. per loo, r per l.uuu. t cabbage plants. 35 cts. per 100, $2.50 par 1,000. A general assortment of green aoaasaad bedding plants, rotes, coleus, nraBlams. paosies, alternanthera, canna, ati sc. at low down prices. A liberal dis Maaito the trade. Pure bred poultry 4 sags for hatching; Black Cochin. Ply latkRock, S. C. Brown Leghorn, $1 for lSatt. A few good fowl tor sale cheap. W. J. HlCSNER, . , t Plattemouth, Neb. we. A awnaiier man with about $1,000 ;ital can learn of a good opening by ad 4as!ng Western Newspaper Union, Uen var, Colorado. flood women are the salt of th earth. wkaa tbay are not too fresh. War HatT m eli-k. we (rave her Caetorl, Wlinielie s a Child, ehe cried fer Caeterla, When ae Iwnini Un, she clung to faetorl. Vlem k hnri Children, ehe psee lhm Out.orl OH Coo- l-jha- r'A r& at Hw saer a fft (if. JmIm la " " 0i". nor: t.fi iir ar Mn'tsar that girl i freckled; be poet- loalaad ay that she ia un-kiad. If Mtefed wlih Sore Eye. ae Dr. Inc ThompJ NT Kf aster. Drufgl.K aell It. Kc A anrs sign of company: When therein A Sake in the house. For two years I hti rheunutUm to bad that It dltabled mc for work nd confloed me to toy bed for a whole year, during which time I could not even raiMmy bands to my head, and for 8 months coula not move mynf If In bed.ws reluced la flaih from limtoSl lb,. Was treat ed by beat physicians, oalr to (row wone. t took Rwlfl'i Bpoclflc, and oon began to After a wane wa at nor wort, ana ioi in MSaODtaa have been aa well ail vr wn u I is sal iti - of Swift a Specinc. . Jons Rat, . .MM. Tt. Warn., lid. akaksaa bVms and Skia Duwaee Ballad free. wutt Bracoto C., Adaala, Oa r 1ADFIELDS 1 h REGULATOR "' tim all DlmttTl Naaliar la Warnes I -i " arwue. Tt wiiaiaif ' as411.au maa. (tViai.B aaixATB t), atl&jiita, a. bt iu ataueeiare. Gratltade Most Eitrsarslaary. "A man named Hii kB, who lives out in the hills ol Arkansas, has on lils farm a beautiful stream. He at tempted to stock it with trout, but soon dirieovered the water a as too warm. Not discouraged, he proceeded to cool the water. He started an ice factory, and every morning now dur ing the summer lie deposits ice in the several pools. Well, sir, it would tickle you to see the fish. When a wagon draws up to the pool the driver yells 'ice!' and the fish come flying out iroin under the rocks. They get up on the ice and carry on in a perfect flutter of glee. Beats anything I ever saw." "You know Hicks, do you Dave?" "Know him? Whv, he doesn't live more than two miles from my place." Does he allow anybody to catch the trout?" "He will give you all you can catch with a hook." "Believe I will go out some time." "Won't do you any good." "Why?" "The fish won't bite for anything but Hicks." "They won't?" "No, sir; you couldn't get a nibble." "How do you account for it?" "Oatitude." "What?" "Gratitude" I tell you. They know Hick. Thev know how much he has done for them. Why, sir, hecan pull them out as fast as he can throw in. You ought to see them look up in his face and smile. One day I was with hi in. Two of the biggest trout I ever saw began to fight for the hook. One of them got it, and the other one. determined not to lie outdone, enme out 011 the bank and lay down. 1 never saw such gratitude." Amateur Sportsman. An Alabama Ghost. A ghost has caused a divorce suit and broken up a once happy family in Blount county, Alabama. About, five years ago James Martin married a Miss Noel, one of the belles of the county. The young couple went to live at the old Martin home and all went well until about a year ago. Mrs. Martin, naturally very timid, heard a ghost rambling through the old house one night and was badly frightened. She told her husband about it, but lie could hear nothing, he said. From that time ho became a nightly visitor a t the Martin home. Mrs. Martin wanted to leave the old house at once, but her husband ob jected, declaring the strange noises heard were made by rats. Several times Mrs. Martin, so she says, sawa white robed figure wandering through the old house, and soon her nerves and health began to give way under the strain. She was finally prostrat ed by the fear of her ghost, and went to the home of her parents to recov er her health and strength. Fear of the ghost overcame love of husband, and Mrs. Martin refused to live with him again. Martin tried in vain to induce his wife to return to the haunt ed house to live, but she refused, and he filed a suit for divorce on the ground of abandonment. Chicago Times. apiaity o( Palaailoai. Tn new-born child the pnlse beats 159 in a minute; at one year old, 110; at two, Stj; from seven to fourteen, 85; in the adult man, 72; and in woman, 80. The frequency of the pulse beat is in creased by driukiujr hot water or tea, diminished by driukinjr these cold. Adding a warm covering to the clothing of the body increases the pulse by about ten beats a minute. Mental act ivity diminishes if more or less. Oh! ye who teach the ingenious youth of our grat and growing nation, let them learn the noble art of BeK-detense, aa Sal vation Oil i the specific for hurts. Two charming little girl were dancing :'the racket ' in the street. "Whatmakes roil eo happy?" a gentleman aaked. "Oh! our mas have thrown away all our horrid medicine, and we have only to take Dr. Bull's 'juih Syrup, and that ain't bad at all." 'o,iiimlln Aanoiia 'gatlorm- lr. Squire, physician to the North London hospital for consumption, giv ing evidence before the sweating com mission, said that one-quarter of the to tal number of deaths from consumption iu London were those of tailors. He attributed this to want of fresh air, of exercise, and of proper food. The Cli mate was generally supposed to be the cause of a great deal of consumption, but that wus nothing compared with the things he had mentioned. Kobert A. Ocsx, M. I)., Denn and Trofessor of Hurtrery of the United States Medical college, editor of "Med ical Inbune, author of "(junn s ew Improved Handbook of Hygiene and omestic Medicine," says over his own hignature in addressing the proprietors of Warner's Safe (Jure: "I cannot be true to my convictions unless I extend a helping hand and endorse all I know to be good and trustworthy. Your graphic descriptions of diseases of the kidneys and liver have awakened the medical profession to the fact of their great increase. Physicians have been experimentally treating this disease, and whilo casting about for an author ized reined)-, their patients have (lied on their hands. MrorlMg Tli rough 1,11c. Servant "Two gentlemen at the door want to see you, sir. They didn't come together; jin,t happened along at the same time." Householder "How do they act?" "One on 'em is awful polite, sir, and begs the honor of a few minutes' con versation." "1 don't want to see him; he's doubt less got something to sell." "The other, sir, is stiff as a ramrod, sir, and don't waste no words." "He must have a bill. Tell 'em both I'm not at home." New York Weekly. Da. Wm. H. THomso!f of the Uni versity of the City of New York says: "The symptoms of diseased kidneys will first appear in the extremely differ ent organs of the body." Treat the kidnevs aud not the effects of kidney disease, by using Warner's Bate Cure. The people like criticism, but they do not like critics. Graduate of the Lincoln Buaines Col lege readily obtain profitable employment. Jiuaine men select them for their fitness. Catalogue and specimen free. Addree Lii.mbrioue II I'.oobK, Lincoln, Neb. What a difference it makes whether yon put "Dr." before or after a nam. STJACODSOH TRADE prj I MAK4 At Picooim aud Diai ritt. 1M CHARLES A. VOGCLCI CO., Btlttawi, Ml 9 laa, QCA 00 A MONTH f ma he tnt'le wdo ran iiirnian no nan auiu i r mm - mum m Um biutfiriM. Hpmn moinDU MIT Iw rt(lllily I KIHO. A irw arsjn-irp in ivm -icb. t jtv&l ifi m M Mttln Ht., Richmond, Ivrlw- trial aT' and bnaintM rxprrlrfu-. Nrv- i jt t v Mtuling aUmp for .-ply. B. V. J. A Co, lll AIAII JOHN W.mORRI U 5 Ui U. s. rtaalon Snreou.Att' at ijw, wuaiii anion X. r ratine, wldnwa. enlMren'a and damn aUUVf'. unenenoa : a veara in laac war, 1 a rvoaloa Banna, ana auonaay lii rtf taiiila'i ti - HipwIMH ateHrr. 4 U. aw aaOYlcbtuC. 44rc. Claclaaall.ft N. V., Omaha, 404-1 . A Tramp Killed to rive Sardou a Lesson. Boston Journal. Long before the world knew of his existence Yictorien Surdou was pars ing one winter's night along a street in the Latin quarter. "I was asking inyself,"he says, "if life was really worth bo much useless labor, and if fare would always be implacable." Sardou was a prey to one of those moods of bitter discouragement, which make any folly possible, more leirticularly suicide. To escape the rain, which was falling in torrents, he stopped for shelter under a porte cochere, which he left suddenly, in stinctively, without knowing w-hy, nnd a rngged tramp took his place. Just then there was a terrible noise. Sardou, who was going on, turned and Haw that an enormous block of stone had fallen from a passing dray upon the tramp, killing him instantly. "I do not know what instinct, saj'S hardou, made me quit the place which destiny had marked for some one 8 death, liut it seemed to show me that I was not meant to die poor and unknownthat I must work, struggle and always hope. My star was shining behind a som bre sky!" Paper from Wood. The discovery of the value of wood in paper making is credited to Dr. EI. H. IliU, ol this city. About forty years ago the doctor visited the pap er mill at Vassalboro, and after look ing over the machinery suggested the feasibility of using wood, and asking why the manufactures did not get a few bales of excelsior from Augusta, where it was made, and try the ex periment of makingpaper from wood. "It can't be done," said the manu facturers. "Have not you as much gumption as the hornets, whose nests ire made of wood paper?" asked the doctor. The result of the conversa tion was a letter, some time later, from the Brm s wholesale agents in Iloston, asking what they were put ting in their paper to make it so much better than it had been. It was the wood, then firet used in this way. Kennebec (Me.) Journal. PI I 1 fjntiMi ft WELL DRILLS M FOR ALL PURPOSES. Have made i ft. a minute with tha AUSTIN 4 TRIUMPH. Send 20c. for maUlnc utiaiofue. Oratobs aud that PIko's cur for Consumption Dot ouly PKKVKNTri, but rIbo Cl iiLri Hoarbb- D6h. F. C. Austin Mfg. Co. COM. CARPENTER BT. AND CARROLL AVC CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. !.- J KIDDER'S PlSTIIIFS.i'i t. K.n.iL I HTOWKLL A ChaU-lertuK n , Mam S5- as odor. PamplM north as. 1SFKEE. if not under boraea' leet. Writ Hr.w. ster Safety Rein Holder Co.,Hollv. Mien. :10,000 FOR MEMPHIS. Contentment Would Hare Realized 15.OO0. Mtmpltia (Tenti.) Appral, March27. Hearing that there wa an unlucky man in the citj, and aeveral other person who were smiling in contentment and good for tune, an attache of th Appeal (trolled down Front atreet laat evening and stopped at No. 334, where b had th pleasure of meeting Ed Becker, who wore a victorious smile of satiafaction sad joy on his round smooth face. Ia rcapona to the suggestion that he emed quite happy. Mr. Decker laughed and said: "I think I should be, tor my mother, brother and mraelf have lust (truck th Louisiana Stat Lottery for $15,000." When aaked tor an explanation be mad th following etatement: "My brother, Le Becker, pur chased one-twentieth of ticket No. 2,887 in th March, 1880, drawing of the Louisi ana Btate Lottery Company, and thinking the number too small to win became di- Batiafied and decided to send to New Or- lenns for a ticket, and requested m to purchase the one he h had. I did eo, and then aold one-half to my mother and other brother, and then put the ticket in my safe and never gave it a thought until two days after the drawing, when I took it out and found we had drawn one-twentieth of the capital priie of 1300,000. I placed the ticket with the German bank of this citv, and they collected every dollar of the money, and I only wish I had some more like it, tor the Louisiana State Lottery is all right." Silk or satin petticoats will be derigueur with gossamer gowns this season. "An easy winner" over all competi- torH. with no second runner in sight oven, still unsurpassed and increasing daily in popularity is the famous Gold en (iate bpccinl over the Union 1'acinc. Nixtv hours from Council Bluffs and Omaha to Han Francisco. The owner of a vicious dog always be lieves it is perfectly harmless. Pngel Mound Points. The Union Pacific. "The Overland Route," is now ready to take excellent earo of all who jro via its line to Taco ma, Olynipia, Seattle, Port Townaend, Victoria and all l'uj;etouna ana wasii intrton Territory points. It's the most direct and bst line from Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska nnd all onstern states to this new and rich coun try, and passengers will save time in traveling to points in Washington Ter ritory via the Union Paoilio railway. Apply to your nearest ticket agunt for rates, information and pamphlets on Washington Territory, to any General or Traveling Passenger Agent of this Compiiiiy or E. L. Lomax, General passenger Agent, Oiuahn, Xo braska. . The "Be" that buiz in thespring are with us Hgain bock beer and base ball. Cnneumnilflii !nrel, Cured- To the Kilitor: Please inform your rend ers that I have a positive remedy for con munption. Ht it timely use thousands of hopeless rases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy kiikb to any of your read er who have consumption if tbey will send mo their expres and P. O. address, lie anecttnlly, T. A. 8 LOCUM, M. C, lHlTearl utreet NewYork. After th honeymoon, the only happiness left in life is the firet tooth. Th most positlv evidence ol a fool is dishonesty. HOWS TMIr We offer On Hnndred Dollars Rewar t for anv c ot Catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cur. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Prop., Toledo. O. We, th undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lt 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busioeai. transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations mad by their firm. Vet & Truax, Whole) Druggist, Tole do, Ohio. Waldlng. Kinnin A Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. K. H. Van Hoeen, Caahter, Toledo Na tional Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price, 75 cent pur bottle. Bold by all Druggists. II0III0III"IIIpI'f'a Tu ui.u tvtiu lia. inv.t.te.1 Irom three to flrr dollar, in a Kubbrr Cuat, and at nil unit half hours experience la a Htnrm flnitii to hti forruw that it la hardlr a better prvmrticm limn a moa quito netting;, nt onlr fee!' chagrined at being ao bitdly taken In, but alto feels if he dues uot look exactly like Ask tor Ihe "HSU IlKAMl" Hu xsn doe nnt have the Ft BRiwn, send for deaerlathre catalogue, A WET HEN il'swlVi W W ""Vaa r "i We uflttr Oie iumii liu wtiit M-rvicc (not style) a (ttrutfiil that will ke-p hira dry in tlif hardest nii.rui. It ih rallfd TOWKK'S KISH liRAM Sl.H'KKR,' nttme familiar to tvery ("cw-b-.y till over the lantl. With Ihtm the only perfect Wind and Waterproof Oat it "lower'nKish It rand rtlicker." tid take no other. If your iirekepar 1KIIART CARRIAGES HARNESS MANUFACTURING CO. naaaaf. . I. rarm Harneal. -4V24.60 - 1 MV I rw"k. sT fUtfena Wngos, Slio'aa-ni"' n,, I Wmaa) f f. Z. fall Una Evary flour aold by mbU bu mwmm loUan aaadatx Lks snaoutsvoturar'ipnca Wa ai aMaaafavctararni. ana uava nm AaTAantB. PoT IA TH. ilKV dswlt with mm aantmrner. Wa thio anywhara. Wa paf freight Wp cny$ it BOi aataafaaaion. Wtrrul crvthlBa fori S y aara. JUijanm iau oan wnim emm or-i iW a Banr or Barnaaa from nn aa wall aa' lv tsu H0 lo aoma minoj maa to oraar a cm no credJt. and ban ONE PRICE, ONLY. Ylaifars. CaasblnarUn, and X.Marlnii Waaiana. BOO t aama aa otaert mu at Tnnnnsciea. su;i 5aaaioai.Jdatllu OaraataiU5 1 amaaeaaaaUfoTSiau. l-nn elans, I zi nasna as aold at Sl. Moad Carta, a 1 7 . boa nnd deliver on cars ia Elkhart, nr. . caajren. "HARNESS Oar Hansen are all Nn. 1 Oak Lawcaer. wale,iwaju. I.laht Unnnla. ai6 lo S4U. 4V4 aaal m- asiair... ri . a. II awiraw v ii vi-h.i VI . - s a tas v-sri:. d iB7 -a i.t. PRJin.sic'f. ELKHART. INDIANA. H I .1 I mi.. rfr ar i r CAUTION maW L. DOlI.AS' the bottom of all Shoes a.Uertl tsetorv: tills tirotertf tile weiiren V7. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Bst In th world. Examine hi S.OO GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE, ad .00 HAND-sKWED WELT SHOE. tWt.AO FOI.ll li AND FARMERS' SHOE, a. SO EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. 2.26 WORKWOMAN'S SHOE. K.00 (lOOD-WEAK SHOE. 2.00 and at. IS BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made in Cong-rees, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $2 SHOES Bast Material. Best Style. Best Flttln-. W. I.. DoiiKlna' a.t.Ott Shoe, sliown In rut below, Is marie of line Calf, on lants modelltd for the foot; smooth iaUle ai- ImtKl-Miwed shot's, and no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet. Every pair war ran tea. name ami I tic prlee are stamped on u nv iittti nerore leavinr ma ist Men prices and , DOUGLAS' name l,nrr If .-..nr ,i,..r nffcril l Oil H Wll lnf Vt anil nrl. e mni'itie.1 on them, anil savs they are hl i-lf . or lust aB (rood, do not lie rteeslveit thercliv. Dealer make more profit on unkiumn mioe mat are not war ranted iiv aiivhii'ilv; Ihi ri'fore do not lie Induced to liu) shoes Hist hare no reputa tion. Huy only ihoe llial hare. W. L. DOUtil.AV name unil tne price slamped on I he lioltom. and ion are sure to (ret lull value for your money. Thousands of dollars are saved annually In this country tiy the wearers of W. L. DOl.-fil.AS' SHOKS. If Tour ilealer will not get von the kind er style you waat. send your order dlroe.l to his factory, with the price enclosed, and they will lie sent you by return mall, postarn free: e(vneiiuentlT.no matter where you live, you can always irct W. L. DOUGLAS' SHOES. He sun- and slate size and width you wear; If not sure, send for an oroer uiaoa givliiK full instructions how lo g-el a perfect 61, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. ill HEALTHFUL EXERCISE. Only a few months ago these romplnp, roy-chccked lssees were puny, deli cate, Dale, olckly jfirh. By the nid of Dr. Pierre's world-fumed Favorite Pre scription, they nave blossomed out into beautiful, plump, hale, hearty, strong young women. "Favorite Prescription" Is an Invigorating, restorative tonic and n a regulator and promoter of functional action at thut critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood. It Is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It is carefully compounded, by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It Is purely vegetablo In Its composition and perfectly harmless In any condition of the system. It imparts strength to the whole system. For overworked, 'worn out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription Is the greatest earthly boon, being unequsled aa au appetizing cordial and restorative tonic It Is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a pontine guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it wilt glvo satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright, 1888, by World's Dibpinsakt Medical Association, Proprietors. The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, are unequaled. 50 cents. r i V 4- ,r