SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL W. E- HTTUMHi B4llr. HARRISON. SEB. ABOUT NEBBASKA. A SeetaHesal Swil hi iRdea. Minden special: One ol the most sen sational civil suits ever tried in this county is now in progress. It is entitled Edward B. Eckhard vs. Lillian C. Erk hard. Mr. Eckhard sues for a divorce and the children, two little girls. A. H. Burnett and M. A. Hartigan are the law yers for Mr. Eckhard, while Tanner & McKinney and St. Clair Mcrheeley are lawyers for the defense. The suit is lie more sensational because of the prominence of the parties interested. Mr. Eckhard lias been manager of A. J. Neimeyer A Co.'s lumber yards here for about five Years. He is known as a pleasant, gcfflial and obliging business man, and has worked his way up from an under man to the head of the busi ness at this place. Mrs. Eckhard has been prominent in social circles all this while. She is the daughter of J. B. Williams, editor of the Holyoke, Col., paper, but was at one time editor of the Democrat here. The chief ground for divorce h for adultery. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are present at the trial aud the mother seems very much effected, Mrs. Eckhard is dressed in black, is calm and seemingly not much affected by the testimony. The trial so far is being conducted iu as de cent a manner as sn:h a trial can be, and much credit is due Judge liaslin for the manner in which he presides on the occasion. While there has )ecn a very deep interest in this ciise throughout Minden, very little lias been said about it. Later. E. IS. Eckhard was granted a divorce and tbe children were given to Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Williums of Holyoke, Col., parents of Mrs. Eckhard. Mr. Eckhard is very much disappointed, aud will probably carry the cuso up. STATE J0TTIN6S IN BRIEF. The store of John Voboril at Lin wood, was broken into last week by forcing the rear door, and a large quan tity of the best goods taken, consisting of underwear, dress goods, etc. A hand car was stolen from the Fremont, Elk horn A Missouri Valley railroad depot. and it is supposed the thieves leaded it with their booty and escaped. Nothing is known as to who done the deed. Article! of incorporation of the Lin coln knitting mills, of Lincoln, have been filed with the secretary of state. Mrs, Herbert Powers, a Bchnylei lady, gave birth to three children last week, twe toys and m gzl The board of public landsand build ings yesterday accepted the plans ol William Gray for the new boiler house on the capitol grounds. The design submitted by 8. J. Wiegel. of Hastings, for the house for the asylum ont there was. also found acceptable. Both houses are guaranteed to coma wiuun the ap propriation. A curiosity in the shape of a blind eentaur, says the Sterling Han, was the property of Mr. Hugh CKngles last week, until he tired of ita terrible de formity, cut its jugular vein and let it bleed to death. It was a colt, born without any front legs and no eyes. It clambered around on its hind legs ev erywhere, and there is no telling what it would have grown into if allowed to live, bat it was a fearful spectacle. The governor last week issued a re quisition for Nat Sherrington and James McKee, who stole a couple of valuable mares from Carl Fnehring, a farmer living near Seward. Sheriff Smiley, of Seward county, has the men in custody at Leon, Kas. C. E. Worthington, an employe at the Antelope well in Lincoln, the source of the city water supply, was severely injured while at the bottom of the well. He donned a rubber coat and descended purpose of inspecting the machinery, when he was suddenly caught by a re volving cog-wheel, and before he could be rescued, every particle of clothing was torn from his body, even to his socks. When taken from the well he was black and blue and literally covered with wounds, although not a bone was Woken. He is in a serious condition, but will recover. It has been decided that this year's excursion of the Nebraska Press asso ciation will ba to Portland, Ore., and the Yellowstone Park. Although the route will probably be over the North ern Pacific, it has not been definitely determined yet. Lou Wessel, chair man of the excursion committee, has the matter in charge, and will issue a circular containing full particulars in the course of a couple of weeks. A citizen of O'Neill offers to put up 1-5,000 toward a 130,000 hotel in the town. The Lincoln social order of Elks banqueted Hon. Patrick Egan previous to his departure for Chili. The school census of Fremont hows a population of ten thousand people in the town. 8tockhaa's creamery is now in fall operation, aaaring ten teams on the road getting area in. It is almost awn red fact that the next meeting of the State Horse Breed era' association will I held in Hastings. Nearly all the money required to secure the meeting Ins been subscribed and the balauce will be forthcoming in a few days. Hastings has some very fine thoroughbred horses and several men who pay special attention to breeding. J. D. Hopper, a man who was ahot in the right leg in the so-called B. A M. riot last Aognst, has sued the company for damages amounting to 110,000. Mrs. Cox, of Lincoln, became in sane from religions excitement and has been removed to the asylum. Mrs. Charles Fisher, the wire of a Lincoln harnestmaker, was criminally assaulted by an unknown man the other day. Mrs. Fisher is an imbeoile and is oared for by her son in the absence of her husband. A man came to the house and Sent the bnv down kiwn fin an or. land and while he was, gone the deed waw committed, ine villain has not n apprehended. i Tlii sMe auditor has aloiit con eloded the compilation of the appropruv tinnc anil inDiH of the last legisla tore, and the matter will be given to the printers in a few dsvs. The appropria tions are considerably larger than those of twe years ago. There is a general disposition among the organized farmers of this state to resist the twine trust Fifteen cents per iund is the highest price they will pay tor binding twine. The committee on revision of the courses of study in the state university have recommended that such changes lw mule as will brim more flexibility into the work, particularly in the scien tific course. It is also recommended that changes be made relieving the the aoohomore and junior years, caused by the great amount of laboratory work required, ine gromu of this laboratory work in tlie hist few years has been remarkable. Fire broke out in the Omaha Car riage and Sleigh coininy's works, at Albright, some miles south of South Omaha. Owing to the inadequate fire nrotection at that place the flames soon gained a great headway, and before they could Ie extinguished tne uniming ami stock had been damaged to the extent of 315,000. Fully covered by insurance. Theodore Brail, wife and child, of Omaha, registered at the Cincinnati house in Nebraska City, and in the evening a man who refused to give his name, cam there and said the woman was his wife. The latter, when she saw the man, left the hotel with the little girl, and has not been seen since. Brail paid his bill and also disappeared. Hon. L W. Gilchrist, member of the board of secretaries of the state board of transportation, returned to Lin coln last week from a trip through the western and northern portions of the state. "I have lived in Nebraska twenty- I five years," he says, "and never saw such prospects for small grain a we have this year. " The Red Cloud Argus says it is a good indication to see the county filling up with improved stock. Within the past few years fine breeding horses and cattle have taken attention, and m a lew years "scrubs" will be a thing of the past. Joseph Bolshaw, a resident of Lin coln, bioke his kneo-cap in jumping ofi a moving train at Cambridge. I he in juries are of a serious nature. There is quite an excitement at Crete over the prospect of there being erected soon an immense manufactory for cutlery and hardware. Some east ern capitalists met with the mayor, city council and prominent citizens and promise to erect such a factory if st;k enough is taken there for the purchase of a Bite and the erection of suitable buildings. Rev. James Patterson died in Oma ha week. He had long )eea act ively engaged in church work. J. D. Hotter, ona of the victims of the riot at the Burlington depot in Lin coln on the 11th of last August, filed his petition in the district court last week, alleging $10,000 damages against the road for the injuries be sustained by means of a pistol shot he received in the left leg below the knee. Hoffer was going to Pacific Junction, Iowa, and was a passenger on the train when the riot took place. He resides at Cawker City, Kan., aud is said to be a cripple for life because of his wound. The large frame building in Avoca, occupied by Peters A Bells as a saloon nd billiard hall, was burned to the ground last week. The building was owned by Caleb Davis aud was insured for $725, all it was worth. It is believed to be the work of an iucendiiiry, as there had been no fire iu the building fur oyer a month, and it was not five minutes from the time the fire was first discov ered until the whole building was on fire and a strong odor of kerosene filled the air. The Union Pacific Golden Gatt special is to be abandoned. Concerning fruit prospects abont Crete the Glole says: The older pear trees are now a mass of bloom. The plum orchard will be in bloom in a few days and promises a very fine crop. The apple orchard will come into bloom in abont a week, and promises thous ands of bushels of apples, llaspberriee and grapes are in fine condition l.nt blackberries are somewhat dried from the long, dry winter and the dry winds of March; all, however, promise a fine crop. Should the orchards and gar dens all over the country yield as much fruit as they now promise, the year "80 will see an immense number of trees and plants planted. --Articles incorporating the Philadel phis church, of the denominator known as the Free Methodists, a bodi of which is located in Harlan county were filed in the office of the secretan of state last week. To Whom It Mat Cowcww-Compe-titive tenders of land and money to secure the location of the Nebraska MabonioHomi are invited by the un dersigned committee having that pro ceed institution in charge. Such ten ders will be received up to and includ ing Saturday, May 25, 1888, should be in sealed envelopes and marked 'Tnro bbs fob Nebbarxa Masonic Hour." and addressed to "Obobob W. Lininobb, Chaibmab, Omaha, Nbbbama." The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Infomation can be obtained from any Nebraska Lodge of Freemasons, or by application to the chairman. George '".'SP'' Chairman, Omaha; Fran eis E. White, PlatUmouth; George B. France, York; Bradner D. Hlanghter Fullerton: Alfred G. Hastings, Lincoln: Charles K. Content, Omaha; Robert W rum as, Brown ville. The lUH reas Rates Tat Lew. Pensaoola (Fla.) dispatch: The su preme court of Florida decided that the rates fixed bv the state railrnarl i,,l.. don for the Pensaoola A Atlantic railroad company are too low to permit the road tn Asm ntWMiillV ...1 - .. - . . ,R iimin, KUU CUHW qnently a deprivation of property with- ... u..v i 'rv.rn i inw ami wuiiout JuSt- compensation, and therefore amount to Confiscation, and an rnmin.nt l. 11.. state and federal constitutions. The state had obtained judgment in the lower mnrl for TAnaUi... ... . ......... ... MllllMIIItlllK i several thousand dollars for the refusal of the eomtny to adopt the rates. The rnimianv anrMiolasl .,! - - " . r" ",D supreme court reverses the judgment. ERICA'S CENTENNIAL NAVAL . B. It W.. 1..U J- W r-rk-T... MM. The centennial celebration in York on the 30th was most fittingly car ried out As the sun rose the soul in spiring strains of "Old Hundred" were borne with the breeze to many likening ears from the chimes of old Innity. The following programme was gone through with : "Old Hundred." "Hail Columbia," "Yankee Doodle," "Centen- il March,' "Columbia, the Uem 01 ia the Ocean, "America, ins Flag Our Flag is There," "Auld Lang vne." "My Country's Flag of Mara. The sound of bells calling the people to . i vfii-iolia tnanKsglvmg service churches a s-akened people anew to the true solemnity of the occssion. Services were held in all churches of the city of very denomination, votive masses fining nff.'iw'l nn in the Catholic k..,,r,-. at vlilfri fitwiii. Draren were u. T.i i tn.tfAr- nf iniirA thfi irinci- jjciU. sm m uioiH'. v pal services were at bt. 1'aul s cuurcn, in Broadway, where Washington at-,..-3 Mna.n,'n.r sif liis itiAn?nra- leUUUU UU UlO iuui iu0 v. .- n tion. The exercises were conducted by m TW Honnr (T Potter. V. U.. U. U. D., bishop of New York, at the services on the day of Washington's inangura- , . 1 " I I tion were conuuetea cy me umuuy New York, the lit Rev. Hsmuel Pro- yoost. Bishop Potter's address was an alnnnan Ana A ff AV fls-Alling- All the exalted character of Washington, espec- - .1 . t , . -i: u:.U lauy on me ueep religious leeuug which governed him, as shown on the day of : ...... 1. . An a tn J11H luaiiguiaiiuu uru lie I iuo ship in this very church, the speaker touched on the constitution of the United States and the vast work hich Lad brought its members into one body. After the ceremonies in the church were concluded, the presidential partv, es corted by the committee, were driven down to the sub treasurv building, at tlie corner of Wall and Nassau streets. here the literary exercises of the day bfgun. Here lion. Chauncey Dopew, orator or tne day maun an aoiiress, 01 men tlie lollowing is an extract: "The solemn ceremonial of the first inauguiation," said the speaker, "the reverent oatli of Washington, the ac claim of the multitude greeting their president, marked the most unique event of modern times in the develop ment f,f Iran in at i tilt ifin T) nv. sion was not an accident but a result it was the culmination of the working mii hv micrlitv fnrpa tlirnm.1i mtnr - "j - n " J centuries of self-government It was not the triumph of a system, the appli cation of a theory, or the reduction to practice of the abstractions of ohiloso- phy. The time, the country, the hered ity and environment of the people, the fll r.t it. tli. w . vm vucuiicn, MU uis uvuib cull' rage of its friends, gave to liberty after f J -1 k -I . ui ueieat, ui uiai, 01 xpenmeni, of partial saccets and substantial gains, this immortal victory." IV nin . lAMn4k L. characteristics of the pioneers of the country who fled from tbe tyranny of UV VIM Willi R uu 'lumi UH kWl Ui civil and religious liberty in the new. Thev had haen nnrifit.H in tha fnmuu of experience and in high debate and on bloody battlefields had learned to aerifies all material intraata anI in peril their lives for human rights. Tlie iraamons and experience ol the colo nists had made them alert to discover and Quick to resist anv nri1 tn tliair liberties. The farmers' shot at Lex ington echoed round the world; the snirit which it awakanml .inl.l A ....... .vw.u llll dare and die. The thunders of Patrick Henry in Virginia, tlie fervid eloquence f .Tame Otia in M,.mA,,..ii. tl.. pledges of Hamilton, Jay and Clinton 11. A. V V--.1. . 1 i ... "'' lum wouia contribute men and means to Dia nommnn nL. fused r.onfiiniA in tl.a n.m.' their vision only saw a leagnn of in'de- penueni colonies. 1 he veil as not yet drawn from hefnra tli ,.i tion and power, of empire and liberty, wmcn would oien with national union. .ine continental congress partially Tasned. but lnmnliiliil i..a.UA.l 11.. central ideaof American republic. More fully than any other which ever assem bled did it rer,rant tl. - i - v..w ... vj ill a nuu from arbitrary power for human right u uio new worm ix was the conservator of liberties secured through centuries of struggle in the old. The men who fought the battles and staked their lives snd their means on the issue of tlie rev olution Wer tlia linira ami .. i; t . . p.u. KUMiuiailB UI the priceless treasures of mankind. A year oi aoubt and debate, the baptism of blood uon the battlefields, where soldiers from every colony fought under a common standard, and consolidated the continental army, gradually lifted the soul and understanding of thii im mortal congress to the sublime declara tioa: Vie, therefore, the representa tives of the Lnited States of America, in general congress assembled, appeal ing to the Hnpreme Judge of the World lor the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these nniteS colonies are, and of right, ought to be. free and independent sbites." . lhe i immortal charter of freedom was signed by meu upon whose heads tyr ants had sot a price. For them it was a death warrant or a diploma of immor ality, aw with firm hand high purpose ltJnlRUnted Mion, they iub senbed tlieir names. ' the period didil-homas Jefferson grasp end divine the possibilities of popular government He caught and wysf. "d th.,plr,t of fre jnatituu,,,, was singularly free from the power of Upon the famous axiom, of eoualitT before the law, he constructed K tern It inspired him to write the Det aration ef Independence, breaking the link, binding the colonist, to imLrM oi caste. Wtth peace came the strifes of factions, of jealousies between d oi oommnnitiea, the intense rrsst. the nlS htn',d tU Mi-tenc, 0f the nation. Congress then framed the ionnded on the doer no of atafa.' V'f rhee, ' government This Sst5nS?M An"r;,,y "Be4 S darkness shot s flame u rSmartin .1.. which foreoitl 111 "". . : " . l :-..ll.tiiu rnorai , ,t nn a- ,(.r to levy anu ninn. -- , . l e union. The corner stone oi Sttm one tt tuMimest paradoxes of h.s torV thst this weak confleration oi lory ' , , ii j . .. rhain. sutes abonni preservation asaint domesuc .......... tion. for limilU-ss nit,sion in op"la tionsnd material development and lot steadv growth in intellectual freedom and We. Its continning influence, upon the welfare and destiny of the hu man race ran only be measured by the raiiaoitv of man to eujoy the boundless r,,rtunitis of liberty and law. lhe eloquent chsr:wt.-rization of Mr. dlsd Mime pondenw-s its merits. "I he Amer ican constitution is the most wonderful nrk ever struck fff st a given time by the t rain ami purpose of man." Thesieaker then reviewed at length the striii'gles following the inauguration of Washingtiin, tlie various amendments to the constitution, the creation and r f. etioii of the various departments of the government, the inception of the supreme court which defined and con firmed the enlarged ower of congress and the rights of states, the wiwi and conftervstiTo counsels of the first presi dent snd the great debt posterity owes to his administration. After briefly sketching the wonderful proath nd de velopment o' th- country, Mr. I'cpew Concluded n 'oil 's: The sun ol our destiny is sini r mg, and its rays illuminate va-.t ternton. as yet nnoccilpied and nndevel.iped. and which are to be the happy liomi s of mil lions of people. The qmtioiis which affect tlie powers of government and the expansion or limitation of the authority of the federal coiistitiit'ou are so com pletely settled, and so unanimously ap proved, that our o!iticnl diviiion pro duce only the healthy anhigouimn of parties which is neces-ary f ir the preservation of liberty. ')ur institu tions furnish the full equipment of shield and Sear for the battles of freedom, and absolute protection against every danger whieh threaten j the welfare of the people will always be found in the intelligence which appre ciates their value, snd the courage and morality with which their powers are ex ercised. The spirit ot Washington fills the executive office. Presidents may not rise to the full measure of his great ness, but they ninst not fall below his standard of public duty and obligation. His life snj character, conscientiously studied and thoroughly understood by coming generations, will be, for them, a lilwiral education for private life and public station, for citizenship snd itri otism, for love and devotion to the union and liberty. With their inspiring past aud splendid present, the people of these United Htatts, heirs of 100 yearn marve!onily rich in all which adds Ui the glory and greatness of a nation, with an abiding trust in the stability and elastic ity of their constitution, and an aliound ing faith in themselves, hail the coining century with ho and joy." President Harrison was then intro duced, and, being greeted with a grand outburst of cheering, sioke as follows: "These proceedings are of a vety ex acting character and make it finite im possible that I should deliver an address on tins occasion. At an early date I notified your committee that the pro gramme muit not contain any address by me. The selection of Mr. Uepcw as the orator on this occasion mailn mi further sjieech not only difficult but siierfluQU. He has met the demand oi the occasion on its own high level. He has brought liefore ns the incidents of the ceremonies of the trreat iiinnvnr. atiou of Washington. We seem to le a ai oi tlie admiring and almost ador ing throng that filled these streets 100 yesrs ago, to greet the always inspiring presence of Washington. He was the incarnation ol duty, and teaches us, to aay me great lesson that those who would associate their name with events that shall outlive a century can only j . 80 l'.V the highest consecration to duty. He was like a captain who goes to sea, and throws overlward his cargo of rags that he may gain .'! ,y. Mnd deliTcrance for his imier llled fellow men. Washington seemed tO COine to the diacl.aria ...... of his high office impressed with great sense of his iinfumiliarity with the iio sition newly thrust tion him, and mod estly donhtful of his own ability, but iriii.tiiiii . . 1 : ' a . . . ' . . ......;; ..uj.ncij ,n luamod who rules the world and presides in the conscience of nations, and hu ircwer to control hu man event. We have mado marvelous progress in miib-nal evenU since then but tie s a ely );I,d enduring shaft w have built at he national capital at Washing ton symU.bze the fact that he is .till ll'hrt American citizen." I he remarks of the president were Archbishop Corrigan. attired In l.ia eHr mu, i, mat tUt Lake (CUh) social: , , 1 8""J" '.ternrx,., ,t 0asi, Mil Urd county, by JnM A Wri3f 2S driving ar-JLT No. iniTt onrtody, CffSSJ ia dered man waa .i.V "' ln" m'- AaerloSa, 7 mor B,lown l? force lofiuiKi, n corilederat.-s lo u , .... a-ainst which, alter of fretful effort for release, its own s,.mt "ntica lv dashed and died. 'Iheex , enoe of W0 vears has demonst raws, for us the .Perfection of the work, f I .lranaa airainsi lon-iL-n ,1m. . - THE HEW TOM CENTENNIAL BANQUET. I l;,Jrni Harrlf Hvpn4 ( U.a T4u, j At tbe centennial banquet in Kw York on the J"th, attended by a great niauv distinguished men. I'resi.i,,,! Harrison responded to the toast, "T., I "a, United htats, as lollows: , "Mr. President an.l Fellow Citizens. I should be unjust to myself, and wLt it ii more serious, 1 should be nnjust to you if I did not, at this first and hut op portunity express to you the deep ten, of the obligstion and thankfulness I feel for these many personal and oS . . . i : l 1 , ciai courtesies wuiru uave been ex tended to me since 1 came to take part iu this celebration. (Applause). TU official representatives of the state of p New York and of this great city hate attended me with the most courteous kind nrs. omitting no attention tint could make my stay among you pleasaut snd gratifying, from you. and at th hands of those who have thronged the street of the city to-day, I have re ceived the most cordial expressions of goodwill. I would not, however. Late you understand that these loud acclaims have been in any sense appropriated u a perionsl tribute to myself. I hare realized that there waa that in this occs sion. aud in all these interesting inci dents wlneh ha made it so profoundly impressive to my mind, which wasaUive and greater than any living man. i k plause.t I have realized that that trib ute of cordial interest which yon hit manifested, was rendered to that grt oflice which, by the favor of a greater jieople, I now exercise, than tome. (Ae plsuse.) The occasion and all of its in cidents will le memorable not only iu tlie history of your own city, but in tb history of onr country. New York did not incceeed in re taining the seat of national govern ment here, but though she ma-lc lilril provision for the assembling of the firt congress in the hope that eongrns might find its ermanent home here, but though yon lost that w hich you cot eted, I think the represenUtives hereof ail the states will agree that it was for tunate that the first inauguration ol Washington took place in the state and city of New York. For where in oer country conld the centennial of tlie event havs Wen so worthily celebrated as here? What seaboard offered . magnificent a bay on which to dii!v our merchant and naval marine? Wlut city offered thoroughfares so magnifi cent or a people so groat or so penerom a New York has ponred out to-day to celebrate that event? I have received at the hands of the committee have been charged with the details, onerons, exacting and too often unthankful cf this demonstration, evidence of their confidence in my physical endurance, (laughter) I mnst also acknowledge still one other obligation. The cm nr.t tee having in charge this event Live also given me another evidence of their confidence, which has been accomp nied with some embarrassment. As I have noticed the progress of this ban quet it seemed to me that each of these speakers had ban made acquainted with his theme before he took his seat at the banquet, and that I alone was left to make acquaintance with my theme when I sat down at the table. I pre ferred to substitute for the official title which is npon the programme that fa miliar and fireside expression "Onr Country." I congratulate yon to-day, as one of the instructive and interesting features of this occasion, that these great thoroughfares, dedicated to trade, have closed their doors and covered up the insigniaa of commerce: thnt your greet exchanges have closed and your citizens given themselves up to the ob servance of the celebration in which we are rticiwting. I lelieve that patri otism has lieen intensified in many hearts by what we have witnessed to day. I believe that patriotism has lieen placed into a higher and holier fume in many hearts. Tbe bunting with which yon have covered your walls, these pat riotic inscriptions must go do n and the wage and trade be resumed again. Here, may 1 not ask you to carry these in scriptions that now hang on the H into your homes, into the schools of your city, into all your great iniditn tions? Institutions where children are gathered and teach them that the eve of the young snd the old should b upon that flag as one of the familisr glories of every American. Have we not learned that no stocks and lxnd, nor laud is onr country? It is spiritual thought that is in onr minds -it is the flag and what it stands for; it i the fir.-side and the home; it is the thoughts that are in our heart, lrn ot the inspiration which comes with the story of the flag, of martyrs to liberty It is the graveyard into which a com mon coH'itry has gathered the uncon scious deeds of tlios- who died that tbe thing might live which we love and call our country, rather than anything I''1 can n touched or seen. I.-t me add thought duo to our country's future. PerhaiHi never have we been so we! euipiM-d for war upon land as now, and we Have never seen thn tune when oai peojile were more smitten with the love of M-sce. To elovate the morals of onr people, to hold up the law as that sacred thing which, like the ark of God of old. may not le touched by irreverent hands, but frowns iiKin any attempt to dethrone its supremacy' to nnite our people in all that makes home comfort able as well aa tn vi.a nt.r aneriries iD the direction of material advancement; this service may we render. And oat of this great demonstration let ns dra leaaona to intniM aamratn our selves anew to this lore and service of ear country. Mlllleaal.-a ttalr'a 1 !. Chicago dispatch: A doen hein t; lew of the rccentlr dawurd aged m' lionaire. Charlee J. Hnll, filed a bill ) the circuit court to-day, which is vino elly a contest of the rich man's "ill Mr. Hull bequeathed all of bis e'uU' "rlr $4,f,C00, to his housck;Pf. consin and fnan.l M.aa Ifolen Culver. Thi. . 1 i .i:....i.-.faction . .i"M caurcu Kreaa uiia - . among Mia ba'.t at lav r-ni r one oi whom .. 4 'K. comp'.ion,u Ute that Miss CnK- hss offered,'0 pey them a coimd-rable snm, hut i Slats thai tl,.w I. i1 l...ol.. to f oeive it . nent in full snd l minor beira aa ..II ask W oourt to ad jiidicate the whole matter. Mr. William L. Bright ia hliiU" ul retiring from Parliament to devote him lf to buaineaa in l.liil be is en"' "ly iiooessfiil, lie ia the only on J' John Wright's sons who inherits h issuer a rare sense of humor. C n ahysJ tot vfm ati sii I "e ' lwiyH sk'faUatoa will 49 I av.t pvotnate jafcAUtu j fcuaaea ra ceae eithe: lwes, aad( best rents ' ttgbte at . 'ir 1 1 nr tat 'If""" Vtf siMieUsve hn r- Diji SaSMTaMSI . A saraart , maMMaa.B. :ot.SMSS, Ba4 1 ,vf.j Itimth. Oi . Malalbei 11 the Cesl .SwallPf most i!'T" ' p.,ain and ".i:.aln REM ,lr.i;(hat inati Mop the i t'ixeriicii i AegreatC tv- fHnMy. Becki ii: Jea, Headi iiCalemal I .r-.M on b) Iu.-jsing the die! nK.aftafrtmat ii hWlM QflM Tk-aa .!. ' eiUlCkie tiy,iiw a, C tv1;Ohn MCertSal isaifc in-"1. i, ), tMii,T wawsew. (rMSwaaje, I ah Bit Me'"- :,ieBta, '5 , Bat I" Cdtratll U& CO n1" I, Usekse ie ' ' t.iuiiisjaiaai Ci 0i". tats. nor: 1 in' i ".if- j . ''psl ty J W-fjC' .ilU It ' ' . tU er lM" sh mm ftfima pv- for Cenr Coo-1 IKE e.wsfla" Btiff'.eeV " lleaCi-- f"wa4l WQ as H Bust