The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 02, 1889, Image 3

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    : 15
v ( aloaaas
4 Awed perfect
i-Jmn waiobia
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"H 'SBv iilM
) Im'i KatitUa
jo look upon the moon
J Sight and year after yea r
XI, ,1. ta the Moon" Midways
Stern and immovable,
tt"s?5pn tin? earth as he hits
tz-t$ pajit, and as he will do
Crt "via eome.
Tt'ItT for tliwunehanjrelilea-
paet UCjki we sw but one side of the
tOB; CXJ the reason why we see
bat aC side of the moon is that
wfcSacb Makes one revolution round
tha earth ahe turns once on her axis.
Th Saoqfll's (lay or teriod of rota
tine it thaw fore the same as her peri
od fls IWoJntion, alout twenty -Sev
an da ytv '
Thkiartbe present condition of
mSdin hi fwgnnl to the earth and
DBOOO. Tbeearth turns on her axis
OD0B m twenty-four houitt. Tlie
moon tana on her axis once in twrn-ty-aereo
days. If there tire inhabi
tant! OB the Hide of the moon turned
toward va, they an see, at different
tknea, every part of the earth's sur
fao.' ' ;
' SbaaUaea intheirskyasuglorous orb,
thirtata tiroes as lar;e as tlie inoon in
oar sky, and exhibits similar phases;
wads oer surface, is marked with
spots shaped like the cont inents and
islands SO funiiliar to our eyes on
terrestrial maps.
Ths conditions prevailing in the
earth-moon system have greatly
oaaassd in the lapse of ages, anil will
greatly changa in ages to come.
LoDC ago, when thelnoon was young,
and nsr fires still burned, she may
ha.Te rotated on her axis in three or
foOf hours. The earth then raised
enormous tides upon her plastic sur
faes, Tides act as brakes retarding
axial rotation and by this meansthe
moon's time of rotation hasgradully
increased until it has renchtdtts pres
ent length of twenty-seven days.
The earth, too, in her primeval con
dition turned on her axis much
moreraniuiv Hum at present, jiie
moon raises tides upon the enrth, and
these in their turn havo reduced the
velocity or her rotation until our
daj is now twenty -four hours long.
'.'As time rolls on, the earth will re
voire on its axis more and more
slowly, until after the lapse of mill
ions Of years, tie-earth's day and the
moon S day will be equal. hen
that time comes, the eart h will pre
sent always the sn me side to the moon
and dwellers on the other side will
never see the moon, unless they make
a tourney tor the purpose.
The bands on the dial plateof time
move slowly but none the less surely.
Te-dav is longer than yesterday, al-
tboQfh the difference is so iufinitesi
rCiaitfatthe mostoccurateniathemati-
SiaaS have been unable to measure it.
fet tact, the period of the earth's ro
tation has not varied one hundredth
of M second in two thousund venrs.
jBvtwhen two thousand times two
thousand years shall have passed t he
Change will be not only ierceptib!o
but considerable. Youth's Compan
Mr to dUMns
nmg mm '
Vto mt ftS.
-x Wum Sk, S. Y
. m mmt mm, I.
The Moon's Orbit
icouldtakoa bird's-eye viewol
the portion of thesolar system eonaiu
ingonly the sun, the earth, and the
moon, we should see the sun moving
with rapid pace through the vast
regions of space, taking with him the
earth and the moon. We should see
tbeearth revolving around the sun,
taking with her t he moon. We could
also see the moon revolving round
tie earth, her motion round both sun
Mi earth causing her to move in an
trrCXUlar curve, always concave to
W could then realize as no words
eonld describe how exceedingly com-
tplicated is the motion of the moon in
her. orbit, and admiro with reverent
awe the heavenly harmony that pre
vaCs even in this small portion of
the material universe. For it must
be1 ; IWnembercd, says the Youth's
Companion, that our majestic sun is
bat a shining point seen from the
nearest fixed star, and our earth and
moon are invisible to the suns ot
Tb ; moon revolves around the
earth from r,ny fixed star again in
tlrenty-seven and three-tenths days,
eoospleting a periodic or sidereal rev
olution. ?TJii earth meantime has advanced
iO her orbit, and the moon requires
tnafV time to completo u revolution
hjsrsrd to the sun, bringing sun,
moao, and earth into line, and mak
ing the time from new moon to new
moon again twenty-nine and a half
doors. This is called a lunar month,
lttawlion, or synodic period.
The moon is often considered as of
Cttle consequence in the economy of
Creation. But what would the earth
dO without her? She is our minister
anioompanion. If she were blotted
Iron tho skies thero would be no
UJes of uny amount, no silver cres
onta hanging in the golden west, ro
rAons full-moons flood ing the slccp
earth with soft lights and shad
0, and do total eclipses of the sun,
tie, most sublime phenomena on
flJh mortal eyes rest.
. 'If have need, then, to bo devoutly
"'"ijijftll for our satellite for lier
f itOn in the heavens, for the short
'4ofher revolution, and for nil
it Passings that follow in her train.
jpiovemnnts round the e:.. th is
ie shortchapter iu the complex
1 ,Jy ol our nearest nnd most inti
JL "yeslostiul neighbor.
Crnl sianM.
In an inresti?atinn of oun Lumlrea
and an case of raiuful) mniiij,' from
ciue Ul twdvit iucUn iu fiuiit bourn.
Prof. 11 IxM-nii luts found tlie area of
one inch raiufull to have extended at
least UM) miles in length iu ten cases,
mni to iiuve exceeded 71X1 iu three case;
while the entire ruin area a freqneutly
iu oval figure exeeedin" 1,0(10 in length
and 500 miles iu breadth. Conceruiu?
tliet-e heavy rain the folIoin; facts
iseeui well established: 1. Xo treat
barometric depression with ateep (?ra
dieuta ever occurs without oonsiderable
rain. This is true not only for the Uni
ted States, but also for the cyclones of
the West Indies, the China sea, India
and the Day of Bengal. 2. In great
rainstorms the barometric preasnre
generally diminishes while the rainfall
increases. 3. The greatest depression
of the barometer generally occurs about
twelve hours after the errentest rainfall.
4. A great fall of rain ii favorable to a
rapid progress of the center of least
pressure, while a small rainfall is gen
erally attended by a less rapid progress.
It is, however, plain that the rate of
progress of a low center depends partly
upon other causes than Amount of raiu
fal). A Slage Incident.
"An amiihing incident occurred one
evening when, in 'Henry V.,' Kignold
and I rode nut on the sta?e on a couple
of trained circus horses which hnd been
borrowed from Barnaul. We were all
trussed up in coats of mail and elankinr
Hrmor, emblazoned with heraldry and
set off with jilumes. We were pro
ceeded in the triumphal procession by
twelve nngels with trumpets. Directly
the orchestra bef;au playing, our horses
pricked up their ears, reared up on their
hind lees and began waltzing. Being
so haniiered by the nrmor we cvuldu't
control the brutes. There was a panic.
We fell ankardly from the steeds; the
twelve angels, terror-stricken, flew, and
I muit say I never saw au nngel fly be
fore or since. Connelly, the orchestra
leader, and the rest of the tiddlers and
trumpeters grabbed their instruments
and rushed up tho aisles toward the
street. The audience was wild with
excitement, but filially order was re
stored and the play wont on, "--Chicago
A iovrl Drvlre.
Aii "electric valve," by means of
w hich the current can be sent iu one di
rection but net in the other, has been
described by n French electrician, Al.
Xeyreiieuf. With a voltameter con
structed of two aluminium electrodes,
dilute acid as electrolyte, and an alter
nating current, pure hydrogen was
evolved at both electrodes; but with
one electrode of aluminium and oue of
mercury, using distilled water as elec
trolyte, the current was found to pass
in one direction only.
The B.m ItNliilVrtmila.
After giving a long list of substances
used, I'rof. l-Mijarditi-lieaumctz declares
that the one disinfectant above all is
moist heat when it reaches 2110 degrees
to 240 degrees Fahrenheit, but ns this
temperature cannot always be applied,
liquid and gaseous disinfectants are also
necessary. At the head of the first if
placed corrosive snb-liniate, which is
without an equal; then, sulphate of cop
per. Among the gaseous disinfectants
are preferred sulphurous acid and
A TallySHck of lllslorr-
The covered reservoirs of Carthago
now being restored by an engineering
company of Tunis are a remarkable
record of the ebb and flow of civiliza
tion in ono historically ancient spot.
These great works date back fully 2,000
years, and have been in use several times
at widt-ly seperated periods. They were
in full working order in the time of
Hannibal, were again repaired under the
emperor Hadrian, and until the present
time havo been entirely neglected since
the occupation by the Arabs in i!17 A. 1).
Tho reservoirs cover a space 420 by 81)J
feet, and are divided into eighteen oom
partmenti. Poor, pretty. Utile, liluo-pyeu baby!
How liecouehs ! Why ilon't liis mother give
bim a dose ol Dr. Hull's Cough Hjrup?
Upon a lair trial 1 find Salvation Oil the
best cure lor rheumatism I have ever
known. It gives reltel more riirkly anil
iiIwrvh iIoch its work. JOSHUA ZIM
MERMAN, Wetheredville, Md.
Kour Russian officers will start in May
to lide on horseback from St. I'etemburi;
to l'nris in forty five days on a wafer.
Work (or Workers) Are yon ready to
work, and do you want, to make money?
Then write to I). F. Johnson A Co., of
Richmond, Va., ami seei! they cannot help
A live flea is more to be feared than a
dead lion.
Tlie IMfllrulljr Exr rlnced
In takinn Coil Liver Oil is entirely over
come in Scott's Emulsion ol Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphite. It is as palatable as
milk, and the mosr. valuable remedy that
has ever been produced lor the cure ol Con
sumption, Scrofula, and Wasting Diseases.
Do not tail to try it.
Fools boast an' brag wiiar' wise men liev
numn to say
roiiMimplloii Miirely Cured.
To the Fditorr l'lenxe inform your read
ers that I have a positive remedy lor con
sumption. liy its timely use thousands of
hopelesi cases have been permanently
cured. I shall bo ghnl to send two bottles
ol my remedy kheii to any of your read
firs who have consumption if they will send
me their exoress and I'. O. address. Re
spectfully, 'J'. A. St.Ol.'UM. M. C, 181 Pearl
street, NewYork.
Not in years, it is said, has the price ot
live beef cattle been so low as at present.
London is to have an exhibition ol "an
tique and historical shoes."
One-thirtieth ol the whole population ot
Iceland emlgrrftd last year.
Boston is the greatest market in the
United States tor the sal ol lottery
It costs $7 to protest a noto Id Los
Angeles against $1.33 in the east.
Cuban brigands have murdered a man
whom they held lor $2,000 ransom.
The rirhest man in lterlin rejoices In an
annual income ot 2,700,000 marks
Civility Is de axle grease which makes ds
wheels of tbery day lite turn easily.
If lie can And it, almost any boy will
take the cak.
Coney Island is lust being washed awsr
1 j the ssa.
Mary, Queen of Scots, was beheaded at
Fotheringay Custle in February, 1587.
Six of the eight cabinet officers are full
whiskered statesmen.
Tlie Marquis ol Lome is about to tackle
a salary of $400,000 a year.
A Laslnc Kansa.
Jiuks "Ha, J, ! I feel iolly to
day. My daughter has ftopjied pester
ing we f-r a nec-kluce. I hapeued to
get an idi-a from a friend, and 1 acb-d
on it told her I had noticed that the
prettiest girls were not wearing jewelry
Winks '-By ginger! I'll try that
dodge myself."
Jinks (the next day) "Hello, Winks,
did you try that anti-jewelry game on
your daughter?"
Wicks -"y-e-s; and now my wife is
raging around because she thinks I've
been staring at pretty girls. I wish I'd
iHingut the necklace." Kew York
Wilij.m Roberts, M. D. F. B, C. P.,
of the University of London, Eng.,
says: "Passive congestfon of the kid
neys may be present, in which the urine
contains not a trace of albumen, while
the symptoms of intense -venous con
gestion, dropsy, ortliopnoia and pulsat
ing jugulars arc present The urine
become scanty, high-colored and
dense." Warner's Safe Cnre has cured
thousands of these symptoms, often
called diseases, by putting the kidneys
in a healthy condition.
A limber's dear Kjre.
Miss De Tink "Oh mother, that re
minds me. The other day I was riding
in the cars, when that wrinkled old lady
came in, and it's a fact that Mr. De
Smart, w ho din't know me at that time,
and didu't even see me, jumped right
up and offered the old lady a seat.
Wasn't that nice?"
Mrs. De Pink (serenly) "He did not
know you at that time, but I happen to
be aware that he has long known the old
lady. She is grandmother of one of the
prettiest and richest girla in the city.
New York Weekly.
Th Children In Slimmer.
The Sisters of Charity in charge ol St.
Vincent's Home in Philadelphia, have a
good deal to do with the disorders ol the
children in their care. In the hot weather
many ol these poor little onesareattacked
by summer complaints, cramps and colic.
The Sisters know, Irom long eiperience,
the best course to pursue. They find g'eat
advantage in the use ol Pkriiv Davis' Pain
Kim. ick. They say, "we do not know
what we should have done without it in
the many caaes ol chill and fever and bow
el snd stomach troubles which we have
treated with it. To say that it is an ex
cellent remedy is but faintly to praise it."
Sold by all druggists.
No one admits his stubbornness; be calls
it pride.
Lorenzo Slebrrt Itraws 95,000 Iu Tbe
l.oiitatniia Kiate Lottery.
Tuledo (Ohio) H...!f. April 0.
Lorenzo Siebert, who keeps a clothes
repairing and cleaning shop at 813 Sum
mit street, is one of the two persons who
drew one-twentieth of the ticket No,
10,420 in the March drawing of The
Louisiana Stato Lottery. A reporter
for the Blade called on him and asked
him to tell about it.
"Well," he said, "I had drawn several
times before and never got more than
$10 or $20, and I waa not expecting any
thing this time. I sold a quarter of my
ticket to my partner, William Parde, and
another quarter to Mr. Haas, a friend of
mine. We are all poor men, and I tell
you there were three happy old men
when we learned that we had $5,000 to
divide up. Wo got the money in a few
Jays, through the TJ. S. Express com
pany, nud I have put mine out at inter
est, to have something in my old age."
Mr. Siebert is about 60 years old, his
partner, a middle-aged man, and Mr.
Haas is 84.
W hen n,y was nick, wn snrf Iter Cnstorla.
1 i n li wiw n Child. hp rriM for CaHtoria,
whn flip i.M Hmi MIm, nil chins 10 Cnntoria,
Wlii-l: ht Hi.! niiMrn. p-nrit th-ni Castori
A new fruit has been discovered in south
ern California
Tho first steam engine on this conti
nent was brought from England in 1753,
and tho first locomotive used in this
country could not pull ono end of the
fnmous Golden Gate Special on the
Union Pacitio Hailway to-day. Pull
man vestiluiled cars, through in sixty
hours from Council Hluffs and Omaha
to Sun Francisco.
Fusel Sound Points.
The Union Pacific, "Tho Overland
Botito," is now ready to take excellent
oare of all who go via its line to Taco
ma, Olympia, Seattle, Tort Townseinl,
Victoria and all Puget Sound and Wash
ington Territory points. It's the most
direct and best line from Iowa, Illinois,
Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska nud all
eastern states to this now and rich coun
try, and passengers will save time in
traveling to points in Washington Ter
ritory via tho Union Pacific railway.
Apply to your nearest ticket agent for
rates, information and pamphlets, on
Washington Territory, to unv General
or Traveling Passenger Agent of this
( Company or K. L. Lomax,
General passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
An AiiIiIMmm t.lrl.
There is a maiden lady in a city not
far from F.lberton, Ga., who is so con
stituted that sho etui live out of water
but a short while at a time. After re
maining away from a bath tub for n
onliple of hours she commences to fain I
and almost suffocates, and to procure re
lief must ut once cover her entire body
in cold water. Shu has in her room ft
pool of fresh water, and in this shn
spends a greater part of her time, botU
winter and summer.
flOO Iteuard $100.
Til resdiu ot this paper will be plcasi
to lsni tbiit titers is at least one druadeij
dwis that science has been able to curi
III all itsstnges, and that in Catarrh. Hull's
tu i ill Cure is the only positive curs now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrl)
liaing a constitutional disease, requires 4
sonstitutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh
( 'lire is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood ami mucus surfaces of tlis
system, thereby destroying the loundul ioq
ol the disease, nnd giving the patient
strength, by building up the constitution
sad nsss:sting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much laith in Its
sUrstivs poners, that they oiler One hun
dred Dollars lor any fRo that it Isils t'i
iilie, Sendsorllst of testimonials. Address,
K. J. Oil K S U Y CO., Toled o, 0.
ilsT"3old by DriiKitisl. 7uc.
Thb Brompton Hospital for Consump
tives, IxMldoli, pilbli&hed a slata
luent that fifty-two 52) per cent of the
patients of thjit institution have nusus
leted kidney disorder. Prof. Wijj. H.
Thompson uf the University of the City
of New York, says: "More adults are
carried off in this couutry by chronic
kidney disease thau by any other one
malady except consumption." The late
Dr. D10 Lewis, in speaking of Warner's
Safe Care, says over his own signature:
"If I found niyRelf the viotim of a seri
ous kidney trouble, I would use War
ner's Safe Cure."
An old barrel is ot no additional value
because it once held sugar.
MicHCs ftal.
Smoke the Sheriff Sal Segar. A straight
10 cents Havana Cigar for G cents.
The total cost ol the Paris exposition is
expected to be $10,000,000.
A man should bs all right inside as well
as outside.
For two two-cent stiwjips we w ill send
you one of the handsomest, almanac- in
the country. "Homestead." Omaha. Neb.
I do Dot znran merely toitop tiwrrt i.r uine and
then have tbtjw return. I mean a radical curt, I have
life-Ion tudT. I warraut my remeily to cure the
worat caaaa. JiecauM othera havo laileYia do iraoa
lor not now receiviuir a cura. Scud at oiu-p lor treatise
and frl-es Bottle oT my infaijibier'tjiy. Give Kiprt-a
BdP.O. aa.itOOT.M.C.lK3Virlf t. N
1 1 1 1 1 as AaUaia f mm nvmr railmtnnv mm.m
I i jiai'i rJw in liia won rmjwwv iitan rmm strmiforl. I
Itvblaai; effacurar wtervaJ ol 4 1
S1.4JlJ,oIn-irlataorbTiTiaU. Hunnll
Tor amp ijr k huh im MAN.Ht rai
Batt Cough Hyrun. TamMm food. Dm
in nine. mm or orturiuta,
J f MM B STUDY. llook-kerptiiK. Penman'lilp,
SI J fWt S Arithmetic, Hhorthand, etc., tlmr
mirhlT Isuirht hv ninil. J.ow mteti. Circulars free.
1) 11 V ANT'S LULl.EOK.4ul Haiti St., Buffulu. N. Y.
SZpJ cures 1
It Dacsewrs ard Dialeu.
Have made i ft a minute with tba
Bend 30c. for mailing;
F. C. Austin Mfg. Co.
I saayn
Ht a. haul diflVrnt from ait
otlisr. t ub saiirf. wiUl aWf-
(lJtMtiiia;Ba.ll In ientar, adapts
to all rxiait)unsorthbodT.allv
e ball I" tiie-up arMMI back.
Die intMttnM Just aft pr-
ondo with the finger. yt'"4rr"3
tfcaRfniia is iiei 1 s--uiely day and nurlit, sm-i a radical
earafcrtain. It dm ).! Dd heap Kiit by aftaU,
tnuira IIM. EUULiaTOB TECH ML tO., Ot f.
MnuiactiirrMS and dealers in
Cnginea, Boilers and Pumping Machinery
Of all Deicripttoiis.
Iron and Wood V' ark Ing Maehinry, Raw Mill Ma
clmtsjrv and Supvillt, flailioad untf ('unttsv toiV Stip
rill-s, fLle Aretiia Podi;'a Wood Split Pullrrff anJL
OdT't l"ient Syatem of Puwcr Trausmsiott by M
mill Kopr, AgvnU Tranton Iron Cu.'a Vi'um l!.0ft.
Pe-f t I'aietil lonblr Oal V aires. Ac.
13.3 Lrafrnworth tt. OMAHA. NEB.
0 $8 per dav K&mpl worth $1 M FRK1 Una
not under tna 'aorfe't feat Wn( Brewster
Safety Rem Holder Co.. Holly. Mien.
CA lir.l'IHKU. Atrinltiot-
i le win f re t u hv wiib imirira.
Us. '1 AIT l!BO. Kw-lMMn-, N. V
PoaitiTtlr Cured wltii Vecctabie RemmliM.
Uaveeurad maor thousand caaoa, Cura patterns.
8ronouD''ed bnelen by tbe bet phrslciana. Kroro
rat dune symptom rapidly dlnapear, end in lea
days at least two-tblrda uf all yruptotns are rmoT
ed. Head lor frp hook of leatimouiaJH of mtraculoua
cures. Ten dayp ircaiuieot lurninbed free by mall.
Jf you order trial, aund 10 renu la Btaiopa to par
Poataa. UtL IL U. UliKXS a SON 8. AtUat. tin.
Tlie Best
TainRHBAHDSL:CKraiawrTittfl watsrpiwif, ad will t9 y" dry In
KlJCaUnia a pantci naiac roar, mi
.1 lona. Koaa ftnnln withoot tha "Flaa
free, A. . iwr, aetuin, aaaaa.
W sw yav ITfcaFTRHBaAFiDSLirKCHUwarrantfd watsi
J ft wm 1 tha har4t ainrw. Tlia 'w POMMEL RUCK
4 1MJ WW K YV rioTera tha iMra iaId. swara of pnHal lona.
m IX D 11 t " iBraDd" trarlt-inark. Utnalrtted CaUlafua fr
mrr vmm vw tmm bist i iLLWorii nr TWW wqilp. ja
ws a asfaskssstsssr -r .
t V 1 I. ftT Is Is ATS a
ti j-, a a v -v
In wixltir ta iatradav
lacalur. af oar braaial IteaUbl
lTeicmw.aadtaa ben uutia.aar
ar ah la to make, tat woadarfal offvr for mt rtuoa that mar rood ara,
mi uth rosrit that, whan a pervoa paw was them, la any !w-nlit, tbi
famr aprrasia, and many people purcaaaa t a tarffa aad prafliabla lrad
Iwayi reaulta. Wa can mpaly frfB anly anaaaraon ta far-h lacsluy .i
Tbaaa who wnta si once, will kasha sara af ihatr reward, whila iiio
whaaVlay will laaa lha rhaooa. Bit(ua. Orad Tclesropa. Naspac!
- ta fiiBlaiB furihar hfrr. TL) who writaatMoa will aactirsi Drasnni
Uvery. tauiteyaiuaxiwawflkfladtaraat. Addraaa, II, II A CO., Bmm. itIHt, Partlaied Maviae
ssii,wa will aatu fur-w
ATw peiHaiiwIi
A L DifiBinM
n 1 ft. fCf. r M voufi GI,occs ros
tj Jf Xmmame'f6i COW BRAND
"Don't (tivo up. my poor, sick friend,
While there's life there's hope, 'tis said;
Bicker persons often mend ;
TitDO to gre up when you're dead."
"Purer, richer blood you need;
Strength and tone your system rive;
This advice tw wise and heed
Take tbe G. M. D. and live."
"These letters stand for 'Goldon Mc?ilioal Discovery ' (Dr. Pierce's), the
greatest nutritive, tonic and blood-purifler of the ajre."
' You have br-en told that ronsiiiiivitioii is incurable; that when the limps are
attacked by this malady, which is scrofula affecting tho lungs and rotting them
out, tho suflerer is past all linlp, and the end is a mere question of time. You
have noted with alarm the unmistakable symptoms of tho disease; you have tried
all manner of so-called cures in vain, and you are now despondent 'and preparing
for the worst. But 'don't give up the tliip' while Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery remains untried. It 13 not a cure-all, nor will it perform miracles,
but it is guaranteed to benefit or cure Consumption, if taken In time and
giveu a fair trial, or money paid for it will be promply refunded.
Copyrifrht, WW, liy World's Dispknsaiiy Mkbical Association, Proprietors,
So confident urn
the nmniifnetiir
ers of 1 lr. Haito'i
Cnlnrrh ltdmoilv of their nhility to euro Catarrh In the Head, no mutter
how hnd or of how lonu sihihIIuit. tunt they offer, in irood fulth, the shove reward for a ease
which they c&nnoto'tra. lU'inudy uOucnta, hy dmi(liii.